Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Tassels Beginning to Appear Much
Earlier Than Ever Before.
With Ilnmprr Crtin of Small Ornln
1'rnctlcnUy All Hnrrestnl I3x
prrtM Arc lli-RlnnlnR o Pre
dict IlcM Corn Crop.
With a bumper small grain crop prac
tically nil harvested the railroad men are
beginning to predict one of the btggeM
corn crops ever ralecd In the state. The
Burlington after receiving reports from
nil of the ngents of Nebraska summarlies
the corn situation as follows:
"There nro no unfavorable reports as
to the condition of corn In Nebraska, In
eplto of tho unusual amount of molsturo
the corn Is generally clean and Is far
advanced for this tlmo In July. In a few
fields tho tassels arc beginning to appear
and tho critical period' while corn Is fer
tilizing will bo passed with continued fa
vorable conditions much earlier than In
most previous years.
Army Above Avrrnft'.
"The estimated conditions of corn made
by station agents mnges from 100 to Hi
per cent. "With tho amount of molsturo
In tho ground the prospects for ft large
corn crop arc exceedingly good.
An to tho wheat yield, tho Burlington
places tho amount per aero at the highest
avcrago In tho history ol tho state.
On the McOook division tho yield Is
placed nt twcnty-flvo bushels per aero
on tho main lino from Kcnesaw to Hold
rego: thirty-five bushels per acre from
Jfoldrega to Oxford; fifteen bushels per
aero from Oxford to McCook: thirty
bushels per aero from MoCook to Akron!
thirty to thlrty-flve bushels In tho Re
publican valley and fifteen to thirty
bushols over tho Pt. Francis branch.
In Jefferson. Ballno Thayer, Fillmore,
Nucholls. Clay, Webster, Adams, Frank
lin and Kearney counties In tho south
central section, tho yield Is estimated at
twenty-five bushels.
Fine on Northwestern.
The Northwestcrn's station crop report
of this data sums up tho crop situation
cut follows:
Wahoo Wheat harvest under full sway,
second cutting alfalfa being mad.
Ccresco Wheat about all cut, thresh
ing commences today. Com laid by.
Oresham Wheat nbout all cut. thresh
ing commenced, second crop alfalfa about
ready for cutting.
Houston Wheat cutting about finished.
Own about laid by.nll forago crops do
ing splcndldtly.
Henderson Wheat about all cut, thresh
ing today. OaU about ready to cut.
Potatoes on high ground doing well.
Jlartard Threshing ttarts today.
Bruno Wheat about all cut, corn best
In years. Much alfalfa already cut twice.
CJoohnor-Cuttlng wheat nbout finished.
Threshing- commences today. Corn never
Exeter Wheat about all cut Thought
will thresh about twenty-threo bushels.
Corn beginning to tassel.
Geneva Wheat best ever. Hall did
slight damago to oaU and soma wheat
not cut
Shlckloy Wheat about nil cut Plenty
rain. Oats better than last year. Good
crop of alfalfa.
Albion-Wheat nbout all out Corn
about all laid by. Second alfalfa crop
Innfclncf flnn.
Hastings Wheat about all cut will
thresh above twenty-five bushels. Quality
flno. Socond crop of alfalfa cut mis
week. Com ten days ahead of last year.
David City-Wheat will run twenty to
thirty bushels. Second crop of alfalfa
about ready to cut
Bogus Solicitor
Gets Business for
the Artists' Column
An affable strangor has been working a
cheap graft on some of the artists and
professional people of the city by pre-
tondlng to be a solicitor for The Bee.. He
tall, good looking, of blonde type.
heavily tanned, welt dressed and about
40 years old. In some manner he has
secured some Bee want nd blanks which
he used as credentials. He signs his
namo as J, J, Collins and collects 75
cents for a ten-line wrltoup which he
agrees to put In Tho Bee Sunday In the
artists column." Tho Boe has no such
solicitor at work and has reported the
matter lo tho police.
Sager Loses Watch
While Viewing Moon
Clarence Sager of Benson was enjoying
the groat round moon at Rlvervlow park
Sunday night as he sat on a bench with
his arm-well, his young lady friend was
with him.
Approached a man with thick soles and
an underslung Jaw,
"It's time you people were out of tho
park. Got out now, or I'll pinch you both.
ou re spooning anyway."
Sager and the young woman turned
to go.
"What time is ItT" demanded the man
who represented himself as an officer.
Sager produced his timepiece, but before
he could look at the dial the other had
snatched It away and disappeared Into
the underbrush.
A complaint was made at police head
quarters. There Is no ordinance against
remaining In the parks Into.
Heavy Rains Fall
in Southern and
Western Nebraska
While fanners they are not
noedlng rain, at least until the small
Brain harvest Is out of tho way, accord
ing to the railroads, they are getting It,
and In somo portions of the state mora
than they know what to do with.
Tho Burlington's weather report Indi
cates that the entlro southwestern por
tion of the stato was given a drenching
Sunday and Sunday night, thsre being
three inches at and around Orleans and
Jled Cloud, with one to two Inches nt
and around Republican, Oxford, McCook,
Bcnkleman and Arapahoe.
Rains of one-halt to ono Inch are re
ported over practically all of that por
tion of the Burlington, Union Pacific,
Rock Island and Northwestern, west of
tho central portion of the state.
In many places the heavy rain has
softened the railroad grades and trains
have to proceed with great caution. Along
the BurlinKton, between WelUleet and
Morefleld, a number of smalt washouts
are reported, with several on the Orleans
While the heavy rains. It la asserted,
will be of great benefit to the growing
corn, they are going to delay work In
the small grain fields, and It they con'
tlnue It Is feared that they will cause
the wheat to sprout In the shocks.
David Cole Enjoys
Fine Ocean Voyage
A note written by David Cole on board
the Cedrio Just before landing tells ot
having had a delightful voyage with Ideal
weather. He tends back a copy ot the
tkhlp's dally paper made up of wireless
dispatches, and remarks how strange that
with a sailing list three-fourths American
the passengers should be Served news
without a single item from the United
CouBbs and Colds,
Is rendered anticeptlo by Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve. A sure remedy for sores,
bruises, piles, eczema- 26c. All druggists.
Hummel Denies Use
of Parks to Suf f s
Park Commissioner J. B. Hummel has
enounced that suffragists will not be
permitted to speak In the parks and that
delegations from the suffrage organlia
tlons may expect nothing further from
Mm. Delegations have been seeking per
mission ot the park commissioner to hold
public meetings In the parka
Coins; to h "Mnnn" lonlshtt
If you want to know in advance whit
pictures are going to be shown at your
javortta theater tonigl.t, read 'Todays
Complete Movie Programs" on the first
want ad page. Complete prorrams of
practically every moving picture theater
in Omaha oncer r EXCLUSIVELY in
Two Cars Aro Bought by the Maney
Milling Company.
Third Car Arrives Too I.nte to Get
the Benefit of Monday Mar
ket find Will lie Hold
Here Tuesday.
The first Nebraska grown wheat of this
year's crop has arrived onto the Omaha
market. There were two carloads of It
both coming over the Missouri Paclflo
from Brock, Nemaha county. It gradtd
No. 2 hard and tested sixty and one-half
pounds per bushel. Tho grade Is the
highest ever put on new wheat that has
not gone through the sweat and the
test Is close to one pound above the aver
age for new grain.
Tho two cars of new wheat came from
fields that averaged a little better than
forty bushels per acre. It was sent In
by the Brock Grain company, consigned
to the George A Roberta company and
sold to the Maney , Mills company for
milling purposes.
The price paid by the Maney Mills com
pany was about 1 cent above the going
cash price. There was considerable bid
ding for the shipment and there were
half a dozen buyers anxious to take it at
7SV4 to 72 cents, but the mills people bid
it up to 73 cents and secured the entire
shipment ot 2,000 bushels.
Too I.nte for Market.
Another car of new wheat came In
from Harvard, Neb., over the North
western, but too late to get onto tho
msrket It was sent by the Farmers'
Grain and Live Stock company of Har
vard, consigned to the Crowell Elevator
company and will bo on sale Tuesday
morning. Tho car of Harvard wheat
weighed out close to sixty-two pounds
to the bushel and tested No. 2 hard. It
Is said to have como from fields that
averaged better than thirty-eight bushelf
to the acre.
By a coincident the new wheat arriving
on the Omaha market comes on tho
same date as the first -shipment of last
year July 6. From now on It Is ex
pected that new wheat will come along
In large quantities, aa the report Is that
all through the South Platto country
threshing Is well under way.
Plan to Change the
City Lights is Put
Over for a Week
A plan for the redistribution of electric
lights, submitted to the council by the
city electrician, M. J. Curran. has been
referred for one week, when Its adoption
will be considered.
The proposed plan will eliminate sev
eral street lights, and many others will
be moved to new locations. The plan
was proposed when the electric light com
pany submitted a request for an exteh
slon of Its street lighting contract.
There is little money In the street light-'
lng fund now and the approval of the
electrlo light contract will mean a reduc
tion In the number of street lights un-
Omaha real estate Is the best Investment
you could make. Read The Beo'a real
estate columns.
Don't Miss the
Clothes Bargain
Event of Years
July 9th
Watch the Papers for
Further Announcement.
lees an appropriation can be secured from
the next legislature.
Tho contract, however, proposed to re
place the targe arc lights with smaller
and cheaper lights, and this will, the
commissioners believe, help to solve the
problem by Increasing the number ot
available lights.
Mrs. Agnes Jones has brought suit In
district court for divorce from Samuel
Jones, whom she alleges deserted her
more than ten years ago, shortly before
the birth ot a son, Loo. for whose cus
tody she also prays.
Mrs. Fay Ammon has filed a petition
for divorce from Edward, whom she al
leges has been so cruel to her that her
health has been Impaired. She also al
leged non-support and asks for alimony.
Carbon Coke
What Is It?
Petrolium Carbon Coke is not a product' made from
coal, as is tyu? case with all othei cokes. Neither is it a
by-product from Gas House, known as gas house coke.
Petroleum Carbon Coke is a by-product obtained from
the refining of crude oil. Therefore, it is made from oil,
and is called Petroleum Carbon Coke. There is not an
other fuel of any description that does not contain from
10 to 30 per cent oof ash. Petroleum Carbon Coke con
tains no nah. It All Consumes. It can be used in a furn
ace an entire season without removing a pound of ashes
or shaking the grate. It is absolutely '
Smokeless, Odorless and Soofless.
Think of it! No Ash, No Smoke,
No Spot, No Odor,
and more heat than any other fuel. For furnace, range
and grate use, your imagonation cannot conceive of a
more ideal fuel. Prices. $9.50 per ton for July delivery
only. Tho reason wo are making this low price is because
wo want to begin delivering it direct fro mthe cars. Next
month tho price will advance, so take advantage of the
low price now.
Atchison - Cook - Corneer
Union Fuel Co.
Phone Douglas 268.
1714 Farnam St.
Great July Clearance Sale
of Pianos and Player Pianos
Below are a few very special prices on new and used
Pianos for this sale:
Weber . $175
Steinway $300
Steger . . $150
Swick Kelso $125
Peek & Co. $75
Kline . . $175
Weiler . . $175
Ebersole . $150
Player Pianos Range in Price
From $250 Up
Hart, Schaff-I
ner & Marx
Suits, $28 to
$35 values,
at $20
li V i!l I II JtA ' l
Hart. Schaff-
I ner & Marx
Suits, $20 to
$25 values,
at $15
Store Closes at 5 P. M. Except Saturdays as Usual
at 9 P. M. During July and August
Thousands of Beautiful Summer Dresses, Hundreds of
Handsome Tailored Suits, Immense Assortment of Summer
Coats in Our July Clearance at
Just Half Price
Assortments for selection and values surpassingly com
plete and satisfying.
Dresses that sold at $3.00 to
$35.00; on sale
at...;... 95c to $17.50
Tailored Suits that sold at
$10.00 to $98.00
at $5.00 to $49.00
Coats that sold regularly at from $7.50 up to $40.00; to close
at $3.75 to $15.Q0
In Our Popular Domestic Room
Tuesday we will place on saie some of the greatest
bargains ever heard" of in Omaha.
Large lines of Wash Goods, including Ratines, Poplins,
Toiles, Ginghams, Tissues, etc.; regular 25c grade (at,
yard 12V2C
18c grade Pllsso Crepe, plain
and figurod 12 C
18c La-Bonta Batiste, all tho
now figures and stripes 12 & C
15c plain and figured Batiste at,
yard lOci
10c Aurora Batiste, all new pat
terns 5j
19o Shantung Silk 12i
18c Printed Crepe, fast colors,
a yard 10c
18c Curtain Madras . . . .123
Large Lot of Sheets, Pillow Cases, Dcd Spreads and Towels
We Arc Selling at About Cost.
59o Bed Spreads... 88c
76c Bed Spreads 40c
68c Bed Spreads 75c
$1.50 Bed Spreads $1.10
25c Brown Turkish Towels. 16c
18c Brown Turkish Towels
at 12Ho
15c Brown Turkish Towels.. Oc
39c grade 60x90 Sheets. .. .20c
48c grade. 72x90 Sheets.. 37 Jc
69 grade 72x90 Sheets. .. .45c
C5c grade 81x90 Sheets., . .51c
42x3G 10c Pillow Slips 7f4c
42x30 15c Pillow Slips lOo
45x36 18c Pillow Slips. .. 128c
Special Flour Sale Tuesday
the market In' a few day. It'a impossible to make good bread or pastry with
it, as all vheat haa to go through a sweat before It Is good for baking. Our
Diamond H Flour is made from the best selected old wheat Nothing finer
mud: every' sack KU-iri trd Buy now for a month's supply.
20 lbs. best Granulated Sugar. .. .$1.00
10 bars Beat 'Em All. Diamond C. Len
nox or Laundry Queen White Laun
dry Soap t 35o
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Cornmeal
for 19o
8 lbs. best Rolled White Breakfast Oat-r.-.eal
for sso
8 lbs. choice Japan Rice S5o
4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice 3So
4 cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn....S5o
3 cans Early June Peas flSo
3-lb. cans Baked Beans SVSc
Tall cans Alaska Salmon loo
6 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines. .. .35a
6 cakes Selesco Scouring Soap I60
Lu-Lu Scouring Soap ,6c
Advo Jell for Dessert, nothing like It.
per pkg. 7Hc
6-Ib. boxes fancy Soda Cracker. . .330
See Loose-Wiles famous Cookies and
Crackers; now being demonstrated in
Grocery department.
The best Tea Sittings, lb lOc
Golden Santos Cofee, lb 200
Batter, Cheese and Egg Specials for
The best Creamery Butter, carton tr
bulk, per b ado
The best Country Creamery Butter, oer
lb 37o
Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb 34c
The best Strictly Fresh Eggs, doz..33o
Imported Swiss or Roquefort Cheese.
per bi 3Bo
The best Full Cream. White. Colored
or Young America Cheese, lb SOo
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3o
The Vegetable and XVnlt Market for
tlie People of Omaha.
New Potatoes, 16 lbs. to peck 48o
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb Bo
Fancy Peas, per quart i.So
4 bunches fresh Beets, Carrots or Tur
nips for 5c
6 bunches fresh Green Onions So
New" Cabbage, per lb 3Wo
4 bunches rresn Koni itaoi do
Don't Forget
Our prices are tho lowest in moving and for storage space
equipment and service right up-to-the-minute,
Gordon Fireproof Warehouse
& Van Company
Call Us Douglas 391
219 N. 11th Street.
(Benume (Herman Rouble ?teer
Swap an auto for a house
through the "Swappers'
Column" in the Classified
ETbe Bee.