Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1914, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 9-A, Image 9

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Deceased's Name Printed in Large
Letters on the Coffin.
paet of vnrroN celebration
Residents -Atonic Tlmt Thorouabs
fare Pat In the Dr In Glsmn-
tla -I Olebt-atfon lofthe
Glorious Fourth.
; From daylight to dark . yesterday the
1 Vinton Street Boosters' club undertook
to entertain tho residents of the district
I aifjolnlng from Sixteenth to Twenty-
Fourth, and succeeded well.
From the triple salute at 6 o'clock in
S the morning to tho danco and display
Jof fireworks In the evening It, was plan
J iied to make It lmposslble'fo'r those 'pres
. ent to suffer from "ennui.',' Not oven
' was there any sadness shed at the
j funeral. Every soul there, dry-oyed and
j Impassive, watched' the progress of the
coffin, which ""was Hauled "on ' a" huge
motor truck, and there was a time when
J unholy laughter damaged the' solemnity
of the occasion. .
i The dead man, however, had become
extremely unpopular since the organl
(cation of -the boosters' club, and there
? jwaa none to rebuke the levltv. The do-
" ceased' s niyTio 'printed In large letters
pn the coffin wis "Our I-ate Knockers'."
Tho f tmeral was a part of1 the ' parade
Sn the morning, which also Included In
Its ranks the boosters' club and tho wlvesj
, of the members, representatives of va
' rlous lodges and members o fthe Mon-
mouth Park and Vinton Street Mer-
chants' ball teams, whose game was one
(.' of the features of the day.
J In the afternoon there was a speech
by I D. Plckard, Mayor Dahlman hav-
Ing been unable to bo present; a band
concert, a tug-o'-war and other athletic
' events and a baby show, A pie eating
contest was included In tho list of con
' test;
For evening "a ' band concert, -a dance
nnd refreshments at Turner hall and a
big display of fireworks were on the
The boosters' club, composed of the
(Vinton street business men, Is responsible
for the festivities and these officers had
them in charge: President A". R. Promer,'
,'iVIce President R. A. Kroll, Secrotary
A. Rocheford and Treasurer O. Karsch,
All tho business men assisted In the fi
nancial arrangements.
"Kountze Parkers
Celebrate Fourth
With a Big Picnic
'' The(celebratlon at Kountze park was a'
tort df a neighborhood and family affair
,'nnd was without, any formalities. People
v began gathering at the park shortly after
0 o'clock, '-most of them bringing lunch
'.-baskets well filled. By noon there were a
t couple of hundred grown-ups and twice
- ha many children. Many of. the children
Were accompanied by their parents and the
J other wero looked after by Matron
I During the morning hour tho grown jjips
visited and the children swam In tne
fl?Jake, werit.dojv?! the ahoot-the-shoota alnd
if! patronized, the swings. At noon tho lunch
yjiasketsNvere opened and again 'later1 In
ftasket plcnlo was the order of the day.j
?4jpurlng the afternoon twonty young girls,
-""representing -'that number of Columbian,
u and twenty boys, garbed as that number
" of Uncle Sams, appeared and sang a
number of patrlotlo songs, tho crowd
v joining fn the chorus. William Bell sang
j a solo and a band rendered a number of
' '.'selections. Tho urogram for tho evening
i ' Includes a splendid display of fireworks.
wo Hurt by a Giant
I Cracker and Cannon -
Youth Makes Himself
" Myrtle Kahili, aged U years, Thirteenth
end Dominion streets, and Roy Smith.
!,nged It years, df 'Fourteenth and William
streets, wero mo iirai vjcums oi tne
Fourth of July celebration In Omaha last
nlghtr. The Kahili' Child was Injured by a
' giant firecracker blowing up In .her.
hands. The Smith boy made a cannon
from .a gasplpe. A piece of the cannon
was taken from his side. Neither vie
' lira was seriously 'hurt
A skyrocket lying on the street zig
zagged up Farnam street early last night
r and from its path leaped white-hoaed
J4 young women and tan-socked escorts. A
1 policeman happened to be looking on
when a man giving his name as Harry
' Reed, Twenty-fourth' and Chicago; streets,
touched off the rocket. Reed was forth
with sent to Jail.
. Because he sold giant firecrackers
which measured larger around than those
provided for by the city ordinance, M.
Fregger, Seventeenth and Douglas streets,
went to Jail last night with Officer Joe
Hell and Mogy Bernstein. A youngster
-was sold cracker 'as' big 'around as the
' purchaser's leg, the officers said.
TJnpursued, He Tlee$,
Fall Fractures Skull
George Garrison started a flgm with
,'" Tobe Anderson, negro 'porter In Gold
i; smith's saloon, North Ninth street, and
when defeated In the first round, he fled,
Anderson did not pursue, but Garrison
ran away. lie ran down the platform of
i the Docrlng Plow company 'at Eighth
f treet and Capitol avenue and felt oft the
walk, thlrtyrflve feet to the railroad
, tracks below. When picked up, he was
' suffering from a fractured skull. He
i was taken '-to St. Joseph's hospital.
; He lives In Sao City, la.
-, Ixmle Ahko fell victim again to selling
' 'firewater In violation of the statutes, last
1 night Police officers seeking violators of
I the fireworks ordinance last night ran
j across several couples staggering out of
the place under the Influence of fire-
Sixteen- casts of beer followed Ahko to
. Mie station. '
Louie-was released on .bond.
i i
A cottage, at Fifty-fourth and Hamilton
streets' burned at 3 o'clock this morning.
t had been occupied by Mr. Vogel, '
plumber, who moved out a few days ago
and still had a few of his household goods
atoWd-thMr. -Being-beyond-the -fire lim
its; it was a total loss.
From Our Near Neighbors
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Reynolds and son
Frank visited at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Wult Tuesday
-II. D. Hagenbuok, Charles HagcnbucK
and children wero Fremont visitors Sat
'G. A. Marshall returned homo Saturday
from Cleveland, O.
Mr. and Mrs. Mort ..Blackburn of IJn
eoln camo up Saturday tor a short visit
wfth Mr. Blackburn's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ijillman, Wil
liam Osterman and Henry Closo were
Fremont passengers last Saturday. -
Vernon Marshall, Murra'y Whltford,
Henry Hall and Miss Kdna Duhig were
Fremont visitors Saturday. "
Mrs. F. E. 'Webb returned home Satur
duy. evening from Madison, Neb., whore
she. has been visiting relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank ludwlg, who moved
to Washington stato ten years Ago, ar
rived hero last Friday to visit relatives.
Mrs. Georgo Hashoff, an old resident
hcroH celebrated her seventieth birthday
last Saturday.
Mrs. AVt C. Brown and children of Fort
Morgan, Colo., arrived here Wednesday
morning to spend tho summer with .rs.
Browns parents, , Mr. and Mrs. 1-. A.
B. F. Masters, living southeast of town,
is building a large barn. .
JiiitKo k. (J. Jackson of Blair was in
this locality recently appraising an es
tate which will bo taxed under tho In
heritance tax law.
Will Parker, who has been nt Norfolk.
Neb., lor some time, Is visiting lus
mother. Mrs. Jacob ltosenbaum, here.
Unurge Miller of Oakland, Minn , was
tho guest of his sister. Mrs. Joy Black
burn, last week.
Mr v. uuMnnr and daughter of How-
ells, Nob., aro tho guests of Mrs. Ques
ner's mother, Mrs. J. A. Iloaenbaum.
xt..j... t?rA Pfplffer unci C. P. Mas-
A.AVOUM4.1wa .
ters wero Fremont shoppers Monday.
Mrs. Ethel Unland and daughter havo
gone to Mercer, Wis., whero tney win
spend tho summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. William Long Ictt Tues
day for a visit at Herman and Yt ttKeiieiu,
.' rr-ii. T.i,.ttviir loft. Monday for To-
cutqseh, whero she attended tho wedding
of a friend.
ii n t Woitiwp ntid daUchter of
Chicago aro tho guests this week at tho
homo of thelrt cousin, ueorgo Shofersman.
Mrs. J. A. Peterson reiumea oaiuriuiy
from JJayton. Ia., after aovorai weens
absence, having been called by tho sovero
illness of her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Tpnbrlnk and
daughter Stella of Fontanelle wero tho
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lawson
J. W. Leach of Central City Is a guost
at the homo of Mrs. Mary KraJIcck this
Mrs. Fanny" McCoy Is spending tho week
with her ' daughter, Mrs. Henry .MencKe,
in Blolr. ,
- . -cn.iinn Tamnln of Toledo. O.. ar
rived ' last . Tuesday morning to spend a
vacation with nee Drouier, i.
i Maggie Kitchen ylslted at her sister's
home.m Omaha Monday.
Alfred Rasmuasen camo from Osmond
oftnr his threshing oltflt
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Paulsen of Council
Bluffs, la., and Mrs. Moacham of umana,
and Mrs. Snyder of Madison City were
visitors at the A. C. Deln homo .vednes
day evening.
Mrs. Spring and Mrs. Blclck attended a
birthday party for Vela Spring In Benson
Mr. wid Mrs. Woran of Omaha were
visitors, nt the Williams homo a few daya
last' week. '
Mrs. J. J. Mullln and Mrs. J. Mullln
of Omaha Visited at tho Deln homo Thurs
.Mr. Hackman was an Omaha visitor
'Mrr and Mrs. Leo. who havo been vislt-
Hlflg at the homo of their daughter, JWra.
Will Hackman, Returned' to tueir i.ome
at Shelton, Neb., Sunday. '
X.IU16 Edwin Johnson, who has been
visiting his grandparents In Sioux City,
returned homo Wednesday bringing with
him his cousin, Edwin Hanson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mohr and family of
Council Bluffs, In,, 'and Lue Rurgatrom of
Newman Grove, Neb., wero visitors at the
James 'Johnson homo last Sunday.
Mr. Coolbum of Fremont Is working at
tho.depot In Mr. Chatman's ulace.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomson of Omaha
visited at the S. N. Thomson humo Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Rasmuss'in visited
their daughter at Bennington on last
The Ladies' Aid will glvo an lco cream
social and literary program at the Con
gregational church on Friday evening,
July 10.
Tho Ladles' Aid met at Mrs. Arthur
Gaines' for. supper Wednesday with a
largo turnout.
Tho Lower church dlrnnlnxArl thit- anrv.
Jces and attended tho Christian church to
hear Mr. Sandburn preach his farowll
sermon. 'Rev. -Mr. Sandburn and fumiiy
ib-ii .ui jjiuuuiii .wiurauay.
Weeiilnir Water.
Miss Mona Kleckner returned to her
homo at Osceola, Io., after several days'
visit here.
O. M. Card and family have moved to
Gordon, Neb,, whero Mr. Card has token
u position In a drug store.
Tho Weeping Water chautauque begins
Augusi iu una lasts iivo uays.
Ernest Bates, a young 'man living on a
farm, east of town, received a severe cut
on the foot while, bathing in tho creek
with some neighbor boys. Tho wound re
quired Blx stitches to closo It.
Members of tho Sunday school classes
of Miss Louise Miller and Mrs. William
Coatman of tho Methodist Episcopal
church enjoyed a picnic ut a grove seven
miles south of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Morrel of
Cleveland. O., ore visiting relatives in
tUtfl .vicinity.
Hr, and Mrs. Thomas Crozler aro mov
ing this week from Union to this place,
Leslie Kunkle, who works on the E.
H. NorrlB farm near Avoca, sustained a
broken noso Wednesday when one of the
horses he was watering threw its head
back and struck him Jn tho face.
Mrs. C. O. Tabor, a pioneer citizen of
thla vicinity,- now a resident of lnavale,
Neb., Is visiting here.
Mrs.. J. V. Hatt and two sons of Platts
mouth are visiting Mrs. Hatt's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Neuman.
Mrs. Eva Hadley of Glenwood, la., has
been visiting friends here.
The Misses Ellen and Lillian Bates en
joyed a visit this week from their niece,
Mrs. E. E. Cone, of Oxford, Neb.
The Misses Hazel and Iiiiell r rw anil
their brother, Van, have gone to Dayton,
O., for a month's visit with relatives.
Tho Misses Kathrvn and I'll
ston havo gon6 to Qalesburg, 111., for a
six ween visit witn relatives In that
Mrs Thomas Murtey Is enjoying" a
visit from her sister, Mrs. Styles, -of
Washington. D. C, who has recently
been In Berlin, Germany, studying music.
IT. n. Flehartv And T. T
Omaha will bo the speakers at the pro
gram In the park this afternoon.
MUsea Genevieve and Mae Langdon of
Pueblo, Colo., were guests of their aunt,
Mrs. J. R. Wilson, Monday.
The Christian Endeavor society held. &
business meeting and social hour at the
home of Mrs. E. S. Nlckerson Wednesday
evening. . .
Sister M. Gabriel of Omaha-.! anendlnir
tho week with her plater, Mrs. J. It Wil
son. . , ,
Mrs. Emma Bloedel, who has recently
rented her store to Misses Lottie and
Josle Welsh, has gone to Newman Grove,
meu., wnero ino win oicn a store.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil MoEvoy and children
of South Omaha -were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Leslooir Sunday.
The Woman s club has onened a rent
roam In the Bloedel building for the usb
of women and'chlldren.
Mr. and Mrs. George Empey and baby
of OmahA visited Sunday at the A. F.
Kmpey home.
Mrs. Phelps has rented the Wtlfwx ho
tel from Mr. and Mrs. James ltoblniHin.
Mr. and Mrs. ltoblnson havo moved Into
their residence south of the hotel.
Vail ey.
Mrs. Annie ltoblnson spent Sunday In
South Omaha.
Mrs. C. Collon was shopping In Freirtont
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Eddy wero In
Omaha Monday.
Mrs. "A. Gardiner aiid Mrs. A. McDonald
wore shopping In Fremont Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. P. Ferreo went to
Omaha Monday.
Tho band boys and a party of business
men made an automobile booster trip In
the Interest of tho Fourth of July celo
bratlon nt Valley Wednesday attornoon.
T I. 1 ........ I ... - .. .11. X.. .1
nu niiiiiini jiiuuliiik UL uipiril l
'was held Monday evening In tho Valley
school building. John Monahan and Mrs.
Anna Ingram wero re-elected members of
tho Board of' Education for thrro years.
A levy of $7,000 was voted for tho coming
year and a nine mouths' term of school.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Nichols, Mrs. Holds
worth and Mrs. Foster motored to 're
mont Monday afternoon to hear tho tem
perance address of Governor Hanloy. Rev.
B. A. Fyc, Mr. Cook, C. E. Byars and
llev. Tuma also wero In attendance.
Tho regular monthly meeting of tho
Ladles' Aid society-was held on tho lawn
adjoining tho Methodist Episcopal church
Wednesday afternoon. Tho "Queen
Esther" girls served tho lunch and It was
well attended.
Mrs. Dr. Parson, who has been vory 111
for some time with Congo fever, was
taken to Omaha to tho Methodist Epis
copal hospital for an operation for ap
pendicitis and treatmont from a specialist
for the fever, Tuesday.
Mrs. H. E. Byars and Dorothy arrived
Thursday from Edlna. Mo., where they
havo been visiting relatives for some tlmo,
They will spend some tlmo with Vnllcy
friends and relatives boforo returning to
their homo In Thermopolls, Wyo.
Tho Sunday school of tho Second Bap
tist church rendered n very pleasing and
well-prepared Children's day program
Sunday evening. Tho Byarsvlllo Baptist
church dismissed Its services and attended
theso services. Tho malo chorus assisted
In tho program.
The lost meeting of the Valley
Woman's club for tho year was held at
tho homo of Mrs. B. Erway Friday
afternoon. Mrs. Mclsh had charge of tho
music. Tho following officers wero
elected for the coming year: Mrs. Nels
Johnson, presldont; Mrs. Martha Steele,
vice president; Mrs. F. C. Kennedy, sec
retary; Mrs. Wallstroem, treasurer; Mrs.
Mons Johnson, librarian.
C. B. Tefft and family wero hero from
Weeping Water tho first of tho week.
J. H. Schmidt and John and Henry
Sagard of Yutan wero Sunday Visitors
Mrs. W. IT. Betts, sr., left this week for
an extended visit with her son. C. E.
Betts, who resides at Anderson, Ind.
Harry Marquardt han purchased tho
livery barn of G. W. Brenzealo and has
taken charge.
L. J. Marquardt and family motored to
Lorton Sunday and spent tho day with
Mrs. Jl. G. ICcody and Miss Vorna
Ward wero Omaha visitors Wednesday.
P. H. Hanger of Lincoln was visiting
at tho Samuel Johnson homo hero this
Jack Bette, who Is working for tho
Omaha Film exchange, Is hero visiting
his. parents.
Earl Harmon of Omaha Is visiting his
parents west of town.
Nicholas Trook returned tho first of tho
week from' a visit at Auburn.
Tiie Avoca ball team will play at Man
ley next Sunday.
N. W. Wohrhan of Tabor, la., was hero
this week,
Bert Reed, republican candidate for
sheriff, was here from Elmwood Thurs
day. Walter Tower and sister, Mrs. Leo Cot
ner, of Plattsmouth wero visiting rela
tives here this week.
Fall wheat Is nearly all In tho shock
and a good yield Is reported. Threshing
will commence tho first of the week.
John W. Colbert of Weeping Water
was a vlsitoi- hero Thursday;
inM- Mh,ledt 0f, plonco was here visit
oMhe week! Dt0r" the foro part
f" iml "hansU-y left last Tuesday
w,I.lnneso.ta wncro ll "111 mako some
Improvements on a farm that ho latrdv
Wepth of this
m.l-rl.,1 . m" . "H? .Was
swrtn tti l"cnu"Jr 'n umana to Miss
inbi1 .?.,eH.amp' .of maha. They will
make their homo in Springfield. V
W. C. Bates and Floyd Davidson wero
elected members of the school board at
tho annual school meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bates and their
Brancldaujrhter. Dorothy, went to Chicago
Tuesday for a two weeks' stay.
Oyer seven Inches of rain Is the record
herlhnBJuno.nment BRU6 of 11,0 lUnftt,,
wk ,Bolart,. relurnd from Missouri,
where he has been tho last three years!
Fritz Nlcalson accompanied August
Lashansky to Minnesota this week.
tiZi fnrBt'h 11,0 Pre"nt Incumbent, has
I led for tho office of county commls
sioner from this district. nmis.
XTn nr.. mini
s.miv'.rI,""l.nuHP"dlo spent
braska at ' ""urlCB' 01
A. l,7( fund was voted nt the annual
"icuiiuK ior a new school house. This
u . . ' aD mnmng luna. The
school house will not bo built this year.
Mrs. Christina Theissen of Germany
SoSUflill Su"day . will makTher
gold. daughter, Mrs. John Man-
A'eJiawka. '
hrfS:. L"P(Jbo''K nnd daughter wore No-
-.. vii eiiujiiicra wconcsuay.
Miss Mary O'Donnell of Lincoln la
guest at the Dore home this week.
Mrs. Will Dearth and children left Mon
day for a visit to Tina, Mo.
..rfi ""I81...?1 .Weeping Water was
y"i'""& ujj iuiuicai lenccs here Wednos-
Mr. and Mm HnM. n ti..
thiaUweek!lted' at thB K'PaWck home
Miss Elvira Baker of Wceklng Water
is visiting friends in Nehawka this week
MrH. Klrknatriek In In TUn.i.
tending tho Women Christian Temperance
umiuii luum tjii vcniiun tnis weeK.
.11 rs. i turry uravea nt Tlmrmnn tu
Is being entertained at the Thomas 'home
Ralph Hturn loft this week for Illinois,
where ho will enter the Culver Naval
academy for the summer term.
Prof. Elliott of the Unlversty of Michi
gan left for home his week afer a week's
visn wun hoy. van uuren ana family.
Mr, Beck met with a severe accident
'this week whllo bridling a horso. The
animal being hard-mouthed ho was
forcing the bit between Its teeth, when
How to Make a Real
Wrinkle Remover
,.Cn :nse ..aa?s.-or cleverly advertised
"beautlflers" of 67 varieties and more. U
4!oterd- f0.r a. wman to believe she can
make a simple homo remedy for thosa
SwmiTA" and P?
i .L ".v "'u' kuou ana cost, her
much less than the average made prepara
tion. There's nothing in the world so ef
fective for removing or preventing wrin
kles, crow'sfeet and creases as a solution
made by dissolving an ounce of pure pow
dered saxollte In a half pint of witch
ha.?eL .vey d81"1 ha 'h0 Ingredients.
Use this harmless mixture dally as a re
freshing lotion, bathing tho face In It two
or three minutes at a time. The quick and
satisfactory results will surprise you.
Kven the first application produces won
derfuUmprpyenjent. The wrinkles aro less
evident and the face has a firm, 'solid."
comfortable feeling. Advertisement.
I It suddenly opened Its mouth, taking Mr
Hecks hand In and splitting the bones
! 'n the hand ami fort-tit the knuckle Into
i the split.
Mrs. Sturm will jaln him nxt
Henry Koop of Rortrnnd, Neh., was In
town thla week to attend the funeral
of his father. Mr. Kmip wa years
old and whs one of the early pioneers.
Mr. and Mrs. JulltM Rleken railed on
friends liertt Friday. ,
Mrs. Thlewn, mother of Henry, Carl
ami Dave Thleeaen, arrived from Ger
many Saturday, for several months' visit.
George 1'unxeh and family visited Bun
day with the c. C. Holllng family.
Miss Alma Hansen visited In Omaha
Mrs. Henry JohtiHui entertained the
women's kensington Wednesday
Kdwnnl Sards and daughter, Mrs. Frod
Martens, and Mrs. William Jeuetts, vis
lted the former's brother, Charles Sachs,
near Omaha, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. p. Qulnn were Omaha
visitors Thursday.
Fred Martens lost a valuable horse
Tho Misses Grimm were Omaha visitors
Henry Dcnkcr, sr., had an accident
Wednesday, when his auto turned over,
pinning him uttiprnoath It for corny time.
Ho was not seriously hurt. The car was
damaged qtilto badly.
Mrs. William Schuldt. sr., and daugh
ter, Mnrguret, returned from Keystone,
la., whero they visited tho former's
Mrs. J. D. Mlckoy of Lincoln camo Fri
day for a visit with friends.
William SchuUIt of Bennington camo
down Thursday In his cor.
Mrs. C. W. Baldwin had her household
goods moved to Omaha Friday, whore
she has purchased a home.
Mrs. D. J. Shcohan and two daughtors,
Misses Helen nnd Lillian, of Ogden Utah,
wero hero over Sunday visiting .Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson J. Boll. They left Tuesday
for Omaha on their way home.
The llttlo baby of Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert
Thurston had ono finger cut off and an
other severely Injured In a lawn mowor
Monday afternoon.
A. 8. Slbort Is muoh Improved this
week, having nearly recovered from his
Illness occasioned by tho heat.
J. C. Robinson and sons, Tomplo and
Lawrence, E. N. Pike, George Johnson
and Earl Hall wont to Sioux City Fri
day In tho Robinson car to soo tho auto
races on tho Fourth.
The Misses Grace Coy and Rule Camp
bell wero Omaha passengers Monday
Mrs. John Clnrk nnd baby, Helen, loft
Saturday for Stnplcton, Neb., to visit her
Irvo McKenuan nnd two sons and
daughter visited tho C. B. Augustus fam
ily over Sunday.
Charles Gardiner wns out from Omaha
Sundav vIMtlnir for tho dav with lila
aunt, Mrs. Rlggs, and family.
Miss Annlo Rinnan returned this week
from Los Angeles, Cal., and Is visiting
Mrs. S. A. Teal and family at present.
Mrs G. W. iuyors of Clearwater, a sis
tor of Mrs. M. E. Dlllehay. visited her
slstor and family this week, bho re
turned homo Thursday morning.
Mrs. George Ohrt celebrated her birth
day on Monday.
Mr. Georgo Dlorks celebrated his birth
day on Wednesday.
Miss Goldlo Fuller Is at home for tho
summer with her Rrandmothor. Mrs.
James Miller.
Edward Hcldeman camo out from
Omaha Sunday for a fow days' visit with
his undo, Henry Wilt
Mrs. ChnrleB Pfelffer of Fremont wns
visiting friends hero on Thursday, and
attended tho reception.
Arthur Desler entertained a numbor of
his llttlo friends last Sunday in honor of
his birthday.
Ezra Johnson wns married to Carollno
Tlntmo, of Omahu.
Tho annual picnic of tho Modern Wood
men log rolling association, will probably
bo held hero this summer.
By mistake It was stated last week
that tho Papllllon team had defeated
Comes the cryclean out every col
ored hat and the blacks also. Any
price that will sell them out- Well,
here goes; take your pick Monday for
Just in, large assortment of Trimmed Panamas, $5.98 Each
The Edict Went Forth
Let there be a mark down all over the store for this won
derful July Saleand so from stem to stern, from center to
circumference, radical cutting has been the order. The Shoe
Department felt the weapons keen edge, so on Monday
Women's Tongue Colonial Pumps
with gray quarters, also fawn
color or black; $5.00 djo a
grades, pair, for :
Women's Colonial Pumps, dull
kid, also patent leather; $4.00
grades, Monday, d flC
pair, at p&.UJ
lUnntngton. The
feated I'arlllloli June
.Hotels, June 2S. I
Clnrks Julv 4. nt hnm. ami n Wnlwu.
July S.
J. P. Hoyer and family, who liave lived
here for over twenty-three years, will
movo to Omaha next week. They wem
tendered a farewell reception at the
Woodman hall, on Thursday evening.
Mrs. Hoyer was presented with a hand
some ring by the Royal Nelglxirs, and
Mr. Ituyer received a leather travelling
bag from his friends nnd member of the
Modern Woodmen.
It. J. llatlke, S6 years of ago, and one
of Omaha's early settlers, tiled Friday at
Portland, Ore. Mr. Gadko came to
Omaha thirty-six years ago and was
woll known here. He Is survived by dls
widow and Ilvo children, 11. (?. (Sadke
und Mrs. Marie; Mugrnno of Omaha, (I,
H. Gadko of Portland, Ore., W. C. Uaillte"
of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. R. W. Wain
of Lincoln. Tho body Is expected to ar
rive In Omaha Wednesday.
PHTPOIT, Mich.. July -l.-Munlclpal
Christmas celebrations were denounced
as sectarian and contrary to the spirit of
America by the delegates attending tho
meeting of th.i Central Conferenco of
American Rabbis hero today. A resolu
tion protesting against tho celebrations
was adopted.
SPECIALS for Monday Only
1 fir!
luirirn nlzn hnavv
tin with copper
undies, Regular
bottom, stationary handles,
Monday only . .$1.30
Galvunlrod Wash Tubs
fine kIzo, Monday only......
"fie size, Mondny only
SCc site, Monday only
Regular $1 25 Iron, 3 In set, with
handle and stand. Monday special, 73 o
Regular 5 Simplex Hlectrla mm,
Monday ...93,75
the Millinery Section
Youngsters of Bohemian Parentage
March in Procession.
Mr. John ti. Holck Orlnlimteo
, lilen Anion ir Children In Vicin
ity of Ulcventh nnd
Hickory Streets.
Kitty children of Bohemian parents liv
ing In tho vlelnlty of Kleventh and Hick
ory streets displayed their patriotism
vlth a big parado down Kleventh street
from Castrllar to William.
Mrs. John G. Rosloky originated the
Idea of a Fourth of July parade last week
and Issued a call for volunteers. When
tho event wns mado known about the
neighborhood the youngsters stormed tho
Hotlcky homo at Eleventh and Hickory,
so eager were they to participate In tho
The llttlo girls wore whlto dresses with
white caps, each decorated with a small
flag, whlto their parasols also carried
tho red, whlto and blue. i
No prouder drum major over fctoppod
forth with his baton thnn was Stanley
Kuncl, aged 3, who, garbed as Uncle Sam,
marched at the head of the parade. Thon
camo tho decorated bicycles, tricycles
and wagons, carrying the younger chll
drcn, while the bigger boys furnished the
motlvo power.
Tho most sanitary Gas Range in
the world. It has an all enameled
body, non-rusting oven linings, glass
door, enameled dirt tray nnil droller
pans. As easy to wash as a ehlna plato.
Feerluss Refrigerators,
Zee Orium Trestars,
Tireless Cookers,
Water Coolers,
Xinwn Mowers,
Zawn Bprlnklers,
Garden Tools,
Vacuum Bwesptrs.
Women's Patent Leather Pumps,
also patent leather colonials; the
$5.00 grades, Monday, djO AC
pair, at. . yOm'tO
Boys' Low Shoes in button and
lace, tan and dull leather, $3.50
grades, Monday, dJO OC
pair, at y&.Od
9 A
Blovcnth street was lined" With nppre
dative fathers and mothers along tho
lino of march. '
Little Frank Scdlacek, aged i years,
however, Just ustd up every bit Of his
onthuslasm before tho parade startedand
comfortably seated In the little decorated
enrt he fell fast aslcop, unmindful of tho
triumphal march and tho flora of horns
and the beating of drums.
Among thoso who .participated In the
parado wore: John nnd Mary Roslcky,
Margaret Foloy, Stanley, Holon and
Oracle Kunol! Joe, Kddlo and Louis Rou.
Vek; Zdenkn, Eddie and Frank Scdlacek:
Rudolph, Agnes nnd I .eon a Soukup; Joe
and Rosle Vranck, Mamie, Rosle and
John Knlar; Ralph, Christina and Will
Foral; Edward Forman, Jennie, Mary nnd
Ttlltn Doyle; Peter and Mamie Sip, Otto
Rondla and his brother, Willie and Anna
Vanous, tho three iCaspa children and
three K rou pa children.
Assisting Mrs. J. G. Roslcky In the
management of tho parado were "Miss
Anna Svaclna, Mrr. Frank Kuncl and
Mrs. Joe Roucek.
Everybody reads 'lco want ads.
Official Inquiry Into the circumstances
surrounding the death of 10-year-old
Harry Baker, who was killed under tho
wheels of John F. Cummlngs automobile,
will be made Monday afternoon by Cor
oner Willis C. Crosby.
Douglas 124
Fine quality wood bottom clothes
00 size. Monday only vi
SR size, Monday only 89o
Your choice of
any 45c Wash
Board, either
brass, glass or
zinc, on Monday
only 34o.
Regular 11,76 folding Ironing Board,
well braced, Monday 91.89
Brown Daisy Dustless Floor Mop
with long handle; regular 78o, Mon
lay 49o