1 8--A THE OMAHA KtWDAY BEE- J I J A o, VJli. AX D A. M., MONDAY, JULY 6tti Omaha Different Summer Sale Starts s ft I a x & to at la in ft! n OB 1 J El nt Jit till H at 3j n:2 tor Ice Epi S3 iSrfc jwa; H and at J tryi HllU y Ur. iw. IT boat SB . Mi Han t 4 Silly sale stories fill the pages 'of the daily press just when the season opens you frequently read of Marvelous y2 Frice Salens Munchausen tales are told of Wrecked Railroads, Sinking Ships, Customs Purchases, Disaster, Trouble, Failure, Troubles on Land and Sea, and "our alert buyers" "and our cash" bought all the salvage. No one else had either money or brains, and so the people have been and even now are being faked and fooled. It's a common thing to have customers askare you having a sale on so and so today? And unless one fabricates or has time to argue, off they go to the real originators of everyday gales, where they are ready to make them to order. A plague upon such frauds; Omaha has suffered from them immeasurably, but the end is near. We take some credit to ourselves for helping the good work along, for Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.'s sales are different. There always has been a reason. This time it's a genuine RIDDANCE SALE OF SUMMER STOCKS, a genuine mark-down of prices. Never a mark-up to mark down. UNDERMUSLINS Wis have hud an Under wear Sale nil the month of June. Now we desire to clean out the odd lots, the broken sizes and tho mussed garments. GOWNS at 69c Made of crepe, white and col ored trimmings; 98c was a low sale price. GOWNS at 98c A late shipment, a quality which is usually $1.50. GOWNS at $1.69 Pine long cloth and nain, sook, embroidery trimming; some with lace and em broidery; worth up to $3.00. CORSET COVERS Corset covers arc much needed with the present Btyle of waists a special at 39c is trimmed with lace and embroidery cheap at f)0c. At $1.00 and $1.50 very attractive styles with kimono sleeves. Knickers at 39c Usual sale price, 50c. Sheer diaphanous fabrics are so transparent as to demand petticoats with double panels. Petticoats having these qualities, embroidery trimming, cut on straight lines. Some of them extra size, at 98c instead of $1.50. $1.69 double and single panel Skirts, embroid ery trimming, values up to $2.75. At 59c An odd lot of lace .and embroidery trimmed skirts, sold up to $1.25. Now Pique Skirts, rcmarkablo values at 1.00 and $1.50. " Twice a Year- A GREAT CORSET SALE Each season the women of Omaha and through out the state wait for this important event. NEVER MORE THAN HALF PRICE FRE QUENTLY LESS. Now the reason. Wo do a very large corset bus iness. We cater to the most particular trade. We must provide for these particular people tho VERY LATEST MODELS and to semi-annually wo close out all previous season's styles. Then follows a list of those to bo discontinued in this sale Mad ame Irene, Rcdfcm, Knbo, Warner's Rust Proof. R. & G., G-D, Nomo, besides lace front models of La Camile and Modart. The goods are perfect not perhaps every size in each lot but all the sizes in all tho lots. Small quantities of some. Wo will not fit wo cannot exchange There must bo no approvals. Take your time select your size but bo prompt 9 o'clock, remember. YOU SHOULD READ EVERY WORD OF J THIS AD. At the Embroidery Sec, )i Price & Less Fine Matched Sets 27 and 54-inch flouncings, Some of cream batiste, some white crepes, others fancy colored embroidery on organdie and crepe fine linen embroidered white and colors fine Swiss and nainsook flouncings. Nothing, remember, in those lots at more than one-half price. As a sell and repeat offer a lot of 27 ond 45 inch swell flouncings, 39c instead of $1.00 a yard. One, Two, Three, Out Go the Parasols Wo did not have one single parasol from last year to start the season with; and wo are going to try mighty hard for n similar condition for next year. ONE Parasols which sold up to $8.00, $3.98. Two Fancy parasols, sold to $3.95, $2.48. THREE Fnncv nnd black parasols, sold up to $2.50, at $1.68. Our Miss Doyle is on her way to Ireland in con nection with n great purchase of Handkerchiefs. To make a perfect good riddance salo and clear the ro- serve from all surplus stocks wo offer for Monday Ladies' Linen and Shamrock Embroidered Hand kerchiefs at Half Price 7Vc in stead of 15o eoch. Ladies' all linen hand embroidered initial and fancy embroidered hand kerchiefs at 15 c instead of 25c. Cleaning Up All Odd Lots of Wool Dress Goods at Foolish Prices AH tho Wool Ilatlstes, French Sorgos, Shepherd Checks and Mohairs Bold up to GHc, at, yard 39 A big lot all told, but small lots of each; 40-lnch silk striped cropos, 42-Inch wool taffotns, 1 2-inch all wool crepe (all now shades), 48-inch all wool Borges, 44-inch Sicilians, 4 4 -inch French voiles, nnd the last of tho Silk Poplins, sold at $1.00 to $1.50, all to go at, tho yard 69C 42-Inch Gabardines, 54-inch Dcdfords, 44-inch now bordered Suitings, 44-lnch Drocades, Plain wool Chnr mouso, 48-lnch English Cropo Suitings, 44-lnch Drocadeu Silk nnd Wool Cropo, 40-lnch Urocadcd Poplin, 4 2-inch French Silk nnd Wool Poplins odd lots, remember. It makes no difference whether tho prlco was $1.60, $2.00 or $2.25. All will go at QSd in The July Sale. Tho Imported Chnllls; best goods, at 39c por yard. Nol you cannot match those elsewhere. They are dlfferont from tho kinds you have been fooled with; C5c and 76c grades, in most of the best shops. Not everybody Is familiar with our Daylight Drapery Section. Monday wo will add to our Clientele Laco Cur tains, Cluny Novelties; sold up to $3.7G, at, pair $1.69 Others sold up to $5.00, at, per pair, 2.98. Ono lot of Swiss Curtains,, per pair, 69C. Hemmed Edgo Scrim by tho yard, 4oc and TiOc grades at 35c. Quaker Craftsman Not, 25cS 39C. 50c and 60C $1.26 Shlko Silk, 30 inches wluo, at 79c por yard. Uno lot of Cretonnes, sold up to 35c, at, yard XOd. A special lot of Nottingham Ded Sots, $4.50 values, spread and shams, 1.69. Portieres, wero $10, for Jg5. In (he Art Section, children's stamped drosses, sold up to $1.50, at 49c. Children's stamped dresses, sold up to 85c, at 29C. Children's stamped drosses, sold up to 25c. at lQc. STAMPED TUItKIsll TOWELS -39c instead of 50c. Puro Lustre Slipper Cqtton, black and white, IOC. waa 26c. Royal Society Colored Cotton, rope and floss, lc skein. Odd colors Germantown yarn 'at 5c skein. Pillow tops, with back, at 25c. iuatend of 50c. SPECIALS IN INFANTS' WEAK. Carriage Robes, Knit Sncques, Pillow Cases, imported hand embroidered artlclos, at off. Flannel Potticoats, 39C nntl UP- Long and short skirts and dresses, sold up to $'7.00, at 98C. $1.98 and $2.98 each. MONDAY THREE BIG BARGAINS This Is almost as long as tho moral law but we must not fall to mention SILKS 79C for yard wide Roman stripes. Best tub silks mes- sallnos, etc. Woro $1.00 and $1.25. . $1,29 for 40-lnch plain cropos and crinkles. Were $2.00 now thlB season. $1.39 fr 10 and 44-lnch foulards, brocades and fancy crcpeB. Wero sold up to $2.60. Now, frlonds, the Inflated mnsterful manipulators are having their balloons punctured ono by one these are troublous days for those who are trying to do all tho business. Some of them would llko to build a fence 'round tho earth and corral It all. Hero's a prediction: "We aro going to get back again to the Specialist." Men who know tliolr business will build up from tho bottom. You cannot Jump Into an lmmotvso business ovor night. We have been building gradually but substantially somewhat old fash ioned as far as truth and honesty goes. Progressives In all that Is best. Come in and see us Monday. All the week things will hum but It will pay to como in tho first day of OMAHA'S GENUINE JULY CLEAHANCE SALE From Liberty & Co., of London, wo Imported a lot of India and Jap Cotton Summer Bod Covers as tho gay Parisian would say, thoy aro En Regie but thoy aro too high priced to sell In quantities in this land of tho free. $5.00 was tho price, should go with a rush at $1.59 each. Doublo Bed Spreads, $1.49. wa $2.00. BatK Towels, 25C Instead of 35c. Jap Toweling, Naps., Scarfs, Lunch ClothB sold up to $1.50. at 39c. $2.75 Uod SproadB at $1.98. $3.60 Bed Spreads at $2.98. Slnglo Bed Summer Quilts at $1.29 Instead of $1.76. i Spread, $1.39 instead of $1.85. Dresser Scarfs, j9c Inotond of 76c. Bath Mats, 98C instead of $1.50. FIVE LOTS OF SHIUT WAISTS Every one a Jlni dinger no description of ours would toll tho full story. No. 1 at 50C. N- at 98C No. 3 at $1.49- No. 4, plain nnd embroidered Jap Silks, at 81.98- No. 6, $2,49. About 25 dozen pairs ot lG-button Silk Gloves, made by tho world's best maker piomUcd not to print name we, $1.26, on sale Monday at 98e ft Pttlr- I Junior and Children's Section 1 Mellen's remark applies here: "Where sits McGregor, I there 1b the head of the table." Taken by and large this romark applies. DRESSES At 69c. Choice of Ginghams, Percales etc., worth to $1.25. DRESSES At 98C Sensible dresses, worth up to $2.00. DRESSES At $1.75. Choice, all ages 2 to juniors of 17 years, sold up to $6.00. iJUEhSES AT $2.50. Seems absurd to put at this prlco fine dresses for nil ages up to small women; sold previously up to $10.00 and even $12.00. One rack will hold a lot ot high class dresses, which sold up to $20.00. Monday will go at, each, $5.00. All the Junior Suits, about 30 altogether, sold from $20 to $35, on Monday, each, $10.00. Children's nnd Junior Coats for easy selling nnd qulch. clcnrance. Two prices, coat's which sold up to $12.50 at $2.50. Coats which sold up to $22.50 at $5,00. Children's Hats in 4 lots; 25 C fr the $1.00 kind, 50c for tho $2.00 kind, $l,OU or the $2.50 kind and $2.50 for tho $10.00 klna. Drawers for Children, 10S up to 8 years. Gowns worth $1.00, for 50C. Princess Slips at 9Sc nnd $1.98. Petticoats at 29c. DROPPED NUMBERS IN NAPKINS AND CLOTHS Sacrificed Mondny 5-8 Napkins, $2.49 dozen instead of $3.50. 8-4 Cloths at $1.98 Instead of $3.25. 8-12 ClothB at $2.07 Instead of $4.75. 8-10 Cloths at $3.96 instead of $6.25. 3-4 Napkins, $3.2a a dozen instead of $4.00. 8-10 Cloths at $2.47 Instead of $4.00. 8-14 Cloths at $3.47 Instead ot $5.60. EMBROIDERED SILK GLOVES TO SELL About 180 Pairs of Long 16-Button Black with white, white with black and all black, 49c Monday Instead ot $1.25 a pair. If you fail to read this item you are liable to miss a very decided bargain. We have gathered together a sort of a Rummage lot of odds and ends in Gloves. 16-button Suede Lisle; about 11 doz. prs Sold up to (toe a Short Llules; about 12 dozen pairs. . . . (Pair, Monday Kayser unnmoisettes; anout a doz. pairs, f And about 10 dozen fino Suede Llsles. .J 29c Every now and again a real Joker creeps into our ads. Tho printer's devil made a blunder a short time ago and made our ad read 11 Pairs of Men's Seamless Half Hoso for 5c and only one man saw it, and he didn't seo it aright for ho canie in and naked for the socks which were ad vertised it Pairs for 10c. Now we would have socked It to about 1,000 mon If thoy had asked for the goods. Wo haa about 75 dozen palrH. So It shows that you miss it when you don't read our .ads. 3 pairs of fine gaugo Cotton Socks for 50c. 39C for Silk Socks and Llslo Socks that wero 50c ea. 50c Wash Ties at 3 for $1 or 34J each. 25c Wash Ties at 3 for 50 or 17 each. Men's Shirts; tho dollar kind, Monday, 79. Men's Shirts; tho $1.50 kind, Monday, $1,15, Men's Shirts; the $2.00 kind, Monday, $1,59! Men's Madras, and Silk Shirts; the $2.50 kind, 'Mon day at $1.98. Puro Silk Shirts, $2.95 Instead ot $4.00. Pure Silk Shirts, $3,9$ instead of $5 and $0.00. A few days ago a gentleman reported an interesting xconversatlon heard on a street car. It related to an ex perience which one ot tho men had at a shirt sale a short, time ago. Ho said it was a fake, but you could always feel safo at a Kilpatrick sale. Thanks, my brothor. You were dead right there. If we make a misstatement it is done Unknowingly, Como again. In tho basement, a sale of standard ginghams, Tolle du Nords, otc, 7)6 Instead of 12 V&c. 32-lnch Scotch Ginghams in plains and checks, also fine American Madras, In stripes, 15 instead of 25c. 15c Printed Crepe, good assortment, at 8i a yard. A big tabic of wash goods containing grades which sold to t)0c. Ratines, crepes,now cloth, printed voiles, loop cloth, batiste and dainty, at 12 W C I)cr J'ard. Jap Crepes, Dutch importation, 1394J per yard. Baskets in tho Basement. Great clean-up sale. Fine French nnd Tray shapes, of bamboo. Sold up to $3.00, at $1,29 each. $2.00 Wasto Baskets, at $1.49 each. WOMEN'S HOSIERY To close out the odd lots In lisle, also seamless silk. Sold up to 60c, Monday, 25c Pr Pure Silk Hosiery, $1.00 and $1.25 grades, some are all silk; others silk with lisle tops; Monday, 79c Palr ln fants' socks, big variety, cute as can be, 15c Pa'r. Now, the Main FloorTwest Aisle, Loft Hand Side We aro this explicit for we wish to direct you to some real snaps. At ISC Yard Big assortment of Egyptian tissues, woven Crepes, Jacquards and Printed Organdy. At 29 Yard 40-Inch Printed Voiles, Crepes and Rico Cloin, Plain Crepes, Silk Mixtures, etc., sold up to t6t. At 59c Yard A grand lot, Imported tho fashlon ablo Weaves, plain colors; others woven, 40 to 46 Inches wide; thoy sold at $1, $1.50 and even $2.50. Will clean up tho season's HALTE NOUVEANTES the beauties, Heavy woaves and embroidered patterns. Sold up to $5.00. All at $1 a yard. Will pay to be Johnnie on tho Spot at 9 a. m. Women's Underwear, Vests and Union Suits; big lot, at 19c. Union Suits, trimmed and plain, trmmed pants, crochet vests, 37c. Lace trimmed and band top Union Suits at 63C instead ot $1.00. Standard makes, Mcrode, Richelieu, Carter, etc., in one lot, 79C. Fl suits, many handsomely trimmed, at 98c nstead of $1.60. Children's Underwear, vests at 10C dd lots of boyB' and girls gar ments, vests, pants, drawers, shirts and suits. Sold up to 50c, to be closed out at 19c- See Our Other Advertisement on the Next Page, in Which We Make Special Offerings in EVliHinery and Shoes IN THE READY-TO-WEAR SECTION As Shakespeare would say The Unkindest Cut of All What boots it whether the maker is the loser or we sacrifice the profit. It sufficeth that you should know that the scalpel has been applied ruthlessly. AND DOWN GO THE PRICES. White Skirts, made with long tunic of Pique and Eatine, $1.98 each. HOUSE DRESSES Wonderful how dainty these are gotten up. Women use their time more ad vantageously nowadays than in Hood's time. No longer do we find women "Stitch, stitch, stitch, till the stars shine o'er the roof." Monday pick the dresses which sold at $1.25 and $1.50 for 79c. Sizes 34 to 46. Percales, Cham brays, Ginghams high neck, long sleeves, square neck and V neck. Many sleeve also. OUT MUST GO THE SUITS Suits which sold up as high as $57.50 for a quick turn out, $12.50. Wool Coats Black, navy and all the popular shades, and the newest wrinkles in cut and style just the thing for a vacation -or ideal for early fall. Coats, if vou please, which sold up to $35.00, will go nt $9.98. Five Lots of Summer Dresses to be sold in a hurry. Quite a pick, so come early. LOT 1 Consists of Tissues, Ginghams, Striped Voiles, Dimities and Ratines regardless of former prices will go at $3.50. LOT 2 Linens, Dotted Swisses, Chambrays. Lawns; pick at $5.00. LOT 3 Tiger striped Voile, Fancy Crepes, etc; one price, $7.50. LOT 4 Plain and striped Crepes, Linens, etc. choice at $10.00. LOT 5 The Fine Organdies will go quickly at $15.00. We have 30 SILK COATS. If we had time and opportunity we would hold a DUTCH AUCTION. Coats that sold up to $30.00 There are Bengalines, Failles, Crepes, Taffetas and Moires, $12.50 Mon day. Methinks there should be a merry scramble for these. Our crowds are always decorous, however. NOW YOUR ATTENTION IS NEEDED AT THE LINEN AND WHITE GOODS SECTION Predictions were made early that this would bo a great White Goods Season. Prophets were right, for in this store at all events, there has been a merry cut and come again atmosphere all the days of May and June. Now comes the Rid-up-pricos, and you'll remem ber that white goods are a safe buy even, to carry if they are the Kilpatrick kind. Striped and checked Dimities at 12V&C instead of 19c. Underwear Crepe and Crinkles at 17Vc in stead of 25c. Long Cloth by the bolt, $1.19 instead of $1.45. Flaxons, all perfect, 22V2C instead of 30c. Here's a rare bargain bunched in ono lot White Crepes, White Striped Ratines and Embroid ered Batiste; sold up to 60c; your pick at 25c yd. A very choice lot Poplins, Ratines, Crepes, Cords, etc., goods which sold up to $1.00; will go at 49c per vard. THE 3D EXTRA SPECIAL The most wonderful of ail. Novelty White Goods, including brocaded linens, plain ratines, brocaded ratines, nub crepes, eponge, etc. Goods iu this lot sold up to $3.50, will go at $1.29 a yard. Persian Lawns V price formerly 25c, 12lc; formerly 15c, at 71c. The Linen prices pruned also silver bleached and damask, at 89c instead of $1.25. Damask Cloths, $1.25, were $2.75. Damask Cloths $3.98, were $7.50. AT THE NOTION OpUNTER As a hint of price cutting wo quote double coh ered, rubber lyied Dress Shields, sizes 3 and 4, 18c in stead of 27c and 30c. Air cushion hair brushes at 38c in stead of 65c.