Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1914, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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Christian Endeavorers Will Hold
Eally at North Presbyterian.
Third Prenlirtrrliin Church to Con
tinue All of It neiratnr
Krcnlnpr Cvrrmnnlpi Dnr
lnt thr. Summer.
ChrlrtUn Endeavor societies of the city
wilt hold a rally at the North Presby
terian church, Twenty-fourth and Wirt
streets, at S o'clock Sunday rvenlnff. Miss
Josephine Petrlo of New 7ork City wilt
speak. A lsrse choir of young; people
will sins.
The Third Presbyterian ohurch. Twen
tieth and Leavenworth streets, will con
tlnuo Its evening services through the
summer months. While the church Is
being; decorated all services will bo held
In the Sunday school rooms. Tho speaker
for next Sunday Is A. W. Dorrs, a young
man who Is preparing for foreign mission
service at tho Yale divinity school.
Klrst. Twenty-ninth nnd Harney Rev.
John A Karl, president of Dcfl .Moines
college, will prcuch at tho morning servlco
nt lo 30. There will lo no Sunday even
ing service during the months of July
and August. Sunday echool at 12. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening at 8.
Grace, Corner South Tenth and Arbor,
Itev B. IJ, Taft, Pastor Sunday school
nt 10. Morning worship nt 11, subject,
' Mounts Bbal and Uorlzlm, the Moun
tains of Ulesslng and 'Cursing." Baptist
Young Pooplo's union at 7. Evening
preaching at S, subject, "Tho nieaslngs
of Failure." Mission Sunday school at 3,
010 South Fourth street.
Calvary, Hamilton and Twenty-fifth,
Tlev. J. A. Maxwell, Pastor Morning
topic, "Tho Special Commendations of
Christ." Evening topic, "Christ Forsaken
of tho People." lllblo school at noon.
Young pooplo's meeting at 7, led by i..lss
I.oulso Bailey; subject, "Tho Friendship
Verse " Prayer and conference meeting
"Wednesday evening, subject, "The Ba
loon." Immanuet, Twenty-fourth and, Plnkney,
Tlov. Arthur J. Morris, Pastor Morning
worship at 10:30, topic, "Tho Bliophordioss
Sheen and the Shepherding 1-orii." The
lord's supper will be observed In connec
tion with the morning service. Kvenlng
worship at 8, topic, "Patriotism, True or
False; Which Is Yours?" Ulblo school
at noon. Young people's meeting at 7.
Midweek prayer and pralso servlco on
Wednesday evening at 8.
Christian Hclence.
First Church of Christ. Scientist, fit.
Mary's Avenue and Twenty-fourth Blrcot
Services at 11, subject, "Clod." Sunday
school (two sessions) nt 9:45 and 11.
(Wednesday evening meeting at ft, Sunday
evening sorvlces omitted during July ana
St. Mary's Avenue St. Mary's Avenue
and Twenty-soventh Btroot, llev. O. A.
Hulbert, Pastor Morning worship at j0:30,
short sermon, reception of members and
communion. Sunday school at noon. After,
this service the church will bo closed un
til tho lost Sunday In August.
Hillside, thirtieth and Ohio, Rev. W.
. Hampton, Pastor Morning worship and
communion at 10:30. Sunday school at
noon. Senior Endeavor meeting at 7.
Kvenlng sorvico at 8, Endeavor rally. In
stallation of Senior Endeavor officers and
sermon by Rev. F. W. tavltt, prcsldont
City Endeavor union.
Plymouth, Rev. Frederick W. Leavitt,
Minister Service at University audi
torium, Twenty-fourth'ond Evans. Hun
day school at 9:15. Morning worship at
10:45. Communion and reception of moni
tors. Sermon topic, "Tho Multiplying of
the Loaves." Young people's meeting at
S:30 at 1921 Wirt street.
All Saints' Church, Corner Twenty-sixth
Sticet and Dewey Avenue, t. u, MacKay,
Rector Sermon topic Sunday at 11. "The
Desert of Waiting." Holy communion at
Church of tho Good Shepherd, Twentieth
and Ohio, Rev. Thomas J. Collar. Rector
-Holy communion nt 7:30. Holy com
munion, with sermon at 10:30. Sunday
school and evening service discontinued
through July and August.
Lh the ran,
drace English, Twenty-sixth Btroot.
Uotwocn Poppleton and Woolworth
Avenues, Clarenco N. Swlhart, Minister
"God's Revealed Qlory," 11. Sunday
school at :W.
8t. Mark's English, Twentieth and Rur
dotta, L. On. Pastor Morning servlco at
11, subject, "Every True Christian Is Pa
triotic." Sunday school at 9:40. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor at
7 o'ejock. No evening Borvlco.
St. Paul's, Twenty-nfth and Evans, I to v.
E. T. Otto, Pastor Services at la Bun
day school of the English department at
during tho summer. Now scholars
always welcome. Evening services In
English every Sunday at 8 o'clock. Sub
ject for next Sunday, "Nature's Earnest
Expectation or the Glorious Liberty of ths
Children of Clod."
St. Mathew's English, Nineteenth and
Caatellar, Rev. CJ. W, Bnydcr, Pastor
Morning service at U. Subject. "A Com
,!rtGn of Times." Evening service at
Subject, "The Kingdom Extended."
Uuskday school at 10. Tho annual picnic
of the church and Sunday school 'will be
heM on Wednesday afternoon at Miller a
park. School wHl leave on the car at
Ktxteenth and Caatellar s tree la at 130. The
Ladies AM nsd the Woman's Missionary
society wW meet Thursday afternoon at
the residence of Mrs. Laura It. Snyder,
1T8S Deer Park Boulevard. Choir re
hearsal on Saturday at 10.
Zloo, Thirty-sixth Street and Lafayette
Avenue, A. T. Lorlmer, Pastor .Services
at 11 evening services at S. The paro
chial school will commence on Monday,
July 6 in the church parlors, in tho
morning from 9 until 11 o'clock, Miss
Ellen Llndberg will be in charge. The
board of trustees will meet Monday oven
ins; in the church parlors. The regular
meeting of tho Luther league will be held
In the church parlors on Tuesday even
ing. The Ladles' Aid society will mcot
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Han
son. HOD North Forty-sevonth street, on
Thursday afternoon. Midweek services
on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock and
choir practice. ,
Peart Memorial. Twenty-fourth and
Larimore, J. Franklin Haas, Minister
Morning at 10:80, subloct, "World Peace,"
Lvenlsg at 8 to 8:3$, brief sermon and
song service.
Walnut Hill. Forty-flrst and Charles.
Oliver M. Kevc. MlnlstorUr. U. a.
V.roPJf nw superintendent of Omaha
ilUtrlct. will occupy the pulpit at 10:30,
Sunday school at 11; Kpworth league at
7 and sermon by the pastor at 8.
Trinity, Twenty-first and Blnney,
Tboman Blthell. Pastor Morning service
at 10:90. Vesper service at Sun
day school at 11 Rev. William Esplln
U.'alr will preach In the morning. Miss
Ryan, deaconess. In the evening.
Tho Swedish. Comer North Nineteenth
and Burt. Gas lav Erlckson, pas
tor Bunday school at 16. Prcachlnz serv
ice at 1L subject. "True Independence,'
Epwcrth league service at 7. Closing with
the class In religious instruction at 8.
Usnacom Park. Corner Woolworth Av
nco and Ttroaty-nlnUi Street Preaching;
nsntcea at 11 and 7:13. conducted by Pas
tor C W. McCa&kill. Sunday school at
, KpvorUa leasuej at 7. Monthly of
ficial board Monday e renins. Midweek
lirayer service Wednesday evening at X.
Hirst. Memorial. Thirty-fourth Street
and larimore Avenue, I. K. Hess, Iaa
ior MonrJnx preaching at 11. subject. "A
iSsn and a Promise. Eredns; preaching
at L subject. -aieanlngB from the Countryside.-
Sunday school it M, K. W.
Binaett. superintendent. Epworth league
at 7, Mrs. Lois Weeks, leader.
Diets Memorial. Tenth and Pierce. C. N.
Dawson. Minister fiunday school at t:4C
Dr. J. Lj Fran, superintendent. Preach.
In at 11, "Joy and Power." Epworth
league jit 7. Miss Mabel Workman leader,
leaching at S, "Two Ways." Ofxldat
board meets Tuesday evening. Sunday
school board after prayer meeting
Wednesday at 8.
First. Seventeenth and Dodge. Edwin
Hart Jenks. D. D., Pastor Sunday school
at 10, Preaching service at 1L
Lowe Avetue, Fortieth and Nicholas
. a vanoo win meacb at 10-sn
school will meet at 9:39. Senior
Battleship Nevada to Be Launched Next Saturday
Endeavor at 7. No evening service,
Wednesday evening, prayer meeting at 8.
North. Corner Twenty-fourth and Wirt.
M. V. HlKboe. D. D.. Pastor Communion
nt 10:3'). Reception of members at 8. Miss
Josephine I'etrle will speak. Miss Potrle
Is secretary of Young People's work for
tno Homo Mission board of the rresuy
torlan church.
Third Church. Twpnlleth and Ieaven'
worth, Robert Karr, I'astor Bunday
school nt 9:30. Public worship nnd ser
rron by A, W. Boxes at 10:45. Junior En
deavor meeting at 3. Christian Endeavor
Prnycr meeting at 8. Evening worship
ana sermon by A. W. Boggs at 8,
Falrvlew, Pratt Street and Fortieth Ave
nue. Charles H. Fleming, Pastor After
noon worship at 3. Theme, "Where Josus
Hoos Omnipotence." Sunday school at X.
Mid-week service Tuesday evening at. 8,
led bv Mrs. Mae.Mlchal. The subloct Is.
"Why Israel Had Forty Years In the
Benson Sunday school at 10. The
morning preaching servlco at 11. The
sermon themo will bo "Two Great
Truth." Tlie ehnlr will sine "Tho Val-
lev of Penco" bv Meredith. The Christian
KlKIcavor meeting Ht 7. Tn union even
ing sorvlcn will bn held at the Methodist
cnurcli. llev. A. .1. sicuiung win prcucn.
Tho sermon theme. "The Blessed wrc."
Church of tho Covenant. Pratt and
Twenty-seventh, Charles H. Fleming,
Pastor Worship at 10:30. .Themjv
"Whero Jesus Sees Omnipotence." Blblo
school at noon. Endeavor at 7:15 and ovo
nlng worship nt 8. Subject. "Conspiracy
Against Jesus and His Arrest," This
will bo Illustrated by some of the world s
most beautiful paintings. In colors, by
the stereoptlcon. Midweek service at
8 on Wednesday evening.
Westminster, Corner of Mason Street
and Georgia Avenue, James Franklin
Young, I'astor Morning worship at 10:3a
Theme, "What It Cost' Blblo school nt
12. Senior arid Intermediate department,
TCvnnlnir. vonnir nenmVn meetlntr at 7.
out-of-doors. Servlco corner Thirty-first
nnd Pacific streets. Tho pastor will
speak. No overling service Midweek
prayer service, Wednesday 7:45.
United Prrsnyterlan.
Central, Twenty-fourth and Dodge, Rev.
Hugh B. Speor, Pustor Morning worship
at 10:30, topic, "The Christian Cltlxcn. '
Sabbath school nt noon.
South Omaha United. Corner Twonty-
third nnd II, Rev. Carl S. Qladfclter, Pas
tor Babbath school at 9:45. Morning wor-
ship at 11, subject, "Tho Friendship oi
Jesus." Young Peoplo's Christian union
at 6. There will bo no evening services,
as the congregation will attond the union
vesper services on tho high school lawn.
United Evnnselleul.
First United Evangelical, 2420 Franklin.
Rev. J. M. Runcle, Pastor-Teachers'
meAtlnir at 9:30. Sunday school at 10.
Preaching at 11. Afternoon and ovonlng
services at Holiness camp grounus,
Thlrtv-thlrd and Blondo. Monday night.
K. L C. E buslnoss meeting. Tuesday
night, Sunday school business meeting.
Wednesday night, midweek prayer sorv
Ice. Thursday night, Y. P. M, S. socloty,
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints. Twenty-fourth and
Ohio Sacrament services at 11. Preach
Ing at 8. Sunday school officers and
teachers' meeting at 9.
First Progressive Spiritualist, Mackle's
nail, isin iiurney Btreet. A. 'i nomas.
D. S. 8., Pastor Bunday at 8, leoture and
messages, subject, "The Power That
Heals." Tuesday at 8. message service.
Thursday at 2:3), Women's aid mossago
Tho Omaha Holiness Association, W. E.
Foshlor. President Meetings Bunday at
10, 2 and 7:30 at Hollnass camp grounds,
Thirty-third and Blondo streets, L. Mil
ton Williams, evangelist from Mt, Olivet,
III., and C. 10. Rlnebargor and wife sing
ing evangelists.
Peoplo's Church, 615 North Eighteenth
Street, Rev. Charles W. Savldgc, Pas
torPreaching by tho pastor, .morning
subject, "Courage, tho Noblest Christian
Ornco," Evonlng subject, "Tho Present
Celebration of the Fourth of July a Peril,
a Shaino and a Disgrace. What I Would
Have Take its Place."
Tho Church of Life. 815 North Eight
eenth, Rev, Mrs. V. A. Hell, Pastor
Service at 11, subject, "The Instruments
of Sin." Evening church will attend
at camp mooting. Thirty-third nnd Grace.
Sunday school at 10. Baptismal service
Immediately after tho morning sermon at
816 North Eighteenth. Ladles' Relief will
meet at 2515 Pierce, Mrs. W. P. Vernan,
Nevada High Court
Upholds Divorbe Law
CARSON CITY, Novodo, July 4.-The
Nevada dlvorco law requiring a year's
roaldonce, in all cases whoro both parties
do not reside in tho state was uphold by
the supreme court horo today.
Tho decision Insures that Bono will not
go back to tho category of a divorce,
center in which the city was classed uutll
the passage of the law in 1913. Tho law,
cffoctlvo January 1, 1914, requires all com
ing to tho state for divorce to show a
year's bona fldo residence boforo filing
complaint, as contrasted with the previous
law permitting tho filing of complaint on
a showing of more physical presence for
six months.
Municipal Undo la Secured
False Teeth and Dos;
The Mont do Piete, or pawnbroker's
shop, Is In Franco an official Institution,
Instead of being operated for private- gain.
Every month the Paris municipal court
publishes a detailed report dealing with
the workings of the establishments un
der its control, and as these documents
are compiled with meticulous exactness,
they often moke amusing reading.
The latest report Indicates the extraor
dinary variety of articles pledged with
the municipal "undo." During the
month three people deposited complete
sets of false teeth, and nine parted tem
porarily with what are officially regis
tered as "partial dentures." The Mont
dA Piete received twenty-soven Jesultes,
from which it must not be imagined that
ecclesiastics can be left in pawn, since
the term Is slang for a dog's collar. Sim
ilarly tho marl, which figures on the of
ficial list, was not a husband, but a tool
used by engravers.
Another article pledged was the official
scarf worn by a deputy. But the most
extraordinary item is undoubtedly "two
operating tables," It would be of some
interest to know the reasons for their
presence, London Globe.
Constipation Relieved
By Dr. King's New Life Pills; liver and
bowels kept healthy and active, don't
gripe, sure relief, 25c. All druggists.
Omaha real estate Is the beet investment
you could make. Read The Bee's vi
Restate, columns.
QUINCY, Mass., July 4. Tho battloship
INovada, exceeding in tonnage and dis
placement any American warship except
Its sister ship tho Oklahoma, will bo
launched from the Foro River Ship Build
ing company hero July 11.
Miss Eloonor Ann Blebert, agod 10, niece
of Governor T. L. Oddle of Nevada, will
christen tho giant mon-o'-war as It slides
down into tho waters of the Foro river.
The Nevada's length over all Is 5S3 feet
and Its breadth 05 feet 2V4 lnchos and has
a tonnage of 28,400 tons It Is driven by
a Curtis turbine engine, with twolve Yar
row boilers, giving a total heating surface
of 43,000 squaro feet and a total maximum
horsepower of 28,500.
Tho Nevada will carry flfty-flvo offi
cers and 808 men. The price of the hull
and machinery is 15,835,000.
Speoial Causes Somewhat Accent
uate Prevailing Quietness,
General Altitude- Characterised liy
Walllnir Altitude an Pnrt of
Leadlnor Interests.
NEW YORK. July 4,-Dun'a Tlovl.w of
irwin says:
" ,,".,orJ'nar'U1 dull period of the
prevailing quietness of trade
is somowhat accentuated by spoclal
causes, such as the recent dry goods sus
pensions, and, the general situation is
ih,aincteFU(2! waiting attitude on tho
part of loading Interests.
..2i10.Kovornnle.nt cotton report this week
was unexpectedly favorable. showing
somo impiovement in tho condition over
ft. n,"nt'l ago. although the acreage Is
smaller than last yearns.
With the opening of the second half
of tho year n grudual expansion In the
demand for Iron nnd steel Is anticipated,
but nn eurly Imurovcmcnt in values Is
considered doubtful.
Failures this week nro 379 against 230
last year: In Canada thirty-seven against
Bank clearings this week were $3,S13,
983,900, a gain of 2.3 per cent over last
Crop Advices
nest for
Many Years.
NEW YORIC, July l.-Brodstreofs today
Good to excollent crop reports widely
distributed trade and dull or depressed
Industry nnd manufacture ore the salient
features In the week's advices.
Tho general crop advices are the best
for many years past, though hay, tobacco
and possibly spring wheat, may not meet
earlier sanguine anticipations. June was
a good month In actual sales, both by
wholesalers and retailers, especially In
dry goods, wearing apparel, groceries and
For tho week failures 213 against 194
last year. Wheat exports. 6,700.907 bush
els against 3,601,323 bushels; bank clear
ings, 83,724,241,000, an increaso of 1.4 per
Illrth of "(Inlntet ' to nn Italian
Mother Recalls the Famous
"Grnvatn Cnse."
The Palermo woman, Rosa Salcml, who
presented her husband recently with five
boys, all well formed, and, according to
the doctor's report, "eating well and cry
ing well," has not wrested the record
from the peasant girl, Qravata, of Tus
cany. She was the twin daughter of a woman
who was herself one of triplets, and mar
ried a man of her own class. She set the
seal on the family reputation, though she
led off modestly with a baby girl. On
the next occasion she made her husband
a present of six little sons, and followed
that the next year with five more. Then
came a couple of triplets, which were fol
lowed by a quartet. Then ensued a long
procession of ones and twos, and, as a
wind-up came four boys, bringing the
number of her living children up to sixty
two, and assuring to her endless fame
in obstetrical annals as the "Qravata
Case." London Chronicle,
is by
and you
Convict Serving Life Term for
Murder Another Committed.
Oklnhomn Pen Inmate Confesses
KUllliir for Which Samuel
Coltrnnn Sentenced to
WASHINGTON, July 4.-A case of one
man serving a life sentence for a murder
-which another has confessed was re
vealed today whom President Wilson
signed a commutation which will open the
doors of Leavenworth penitentiary to
Samuel Coltrane, doing a life sentence
there, for a murder which a prisoner in
the Oklahoma state penitentiary recently
Coltrane has been confined for more
than ten years for the crime a Jury de
elded last September Tom Watson, now
In the Oklahoma penitentiary, committed
He has been in Leavenworth since Feb
ruary, 1607, when he was convicted, but
was In Jail also for nearly four years
previously awaiting trial.
The crime was tho killing of Cicero
Coltrane, a cousin of Samuel Coltrane,
wno nod leased a farm near Hochstown,
Okl., nnd had Samuel Coltrane and Tom
Watson and tho letter's wife with him as
helpers. Cicero Coltrane was killed by
a shot from a double barreled gun. May
zz, 1903, and buried in a nearby field.
Harry Saunders, a witness who could
not be found until tho Coltrane testified
in the Watson trial, that ho and his
father, passing the Coltrane house, heard
two quick shots. A fow minutes before
they had met Samuel Coltrano more than
half a mile from tho house going in the
opposite direction from them and with a
single barreled gun.
Evidence also was introduced to show
that Watson resonted attentions paid his
wife by Cicero Coltrane.
Some Details nf the Collision HIkU
In Air of Aeroplane and nn
Army Dlrlirlble
Nine terribly burned and mutilated
bodies, the splintered fragments of an
aeroplane and tho charred remnants of
a big dirigible balloon are the mute
records of ono of the most tragic1, cer
tainly the most sensational, disasters
which have occurred since man learned to
fly, says a cablegram from Vienna,
The dirigible military balloon KViAt-t.
ling .left Fischamend. a market town.
seven miles from Vienna. It was manned
by Captain John Hauswlrth. In command;
Lieutenant Ernst Hofstetter, Lieu
tenant Bruer, Lieutenant Haldlnger,
Corporal Hadlma, Corporal Weber and
Engineer Kammerer.
At the elapse of half an hour a mili
tary aeroplane of the biplane type, with
Lieutenant Flats and Lieutenant Hoosta
aboard, started in pursuit. It was the
Intention of Captain Houswirthto take
photographs of the movements of the
troops below and thon to Join In the
maneuvers. At the same time ho was to
keep out of rati go of any of tho mosquito
craft which might seek to attack him.
The news had gone abroad that some
thing In tho nature of a sham aerial
fight would take place, and at Koenlnga
berg, the scene of the engagement, a
big crowd hod gathered. Very quickly
the smaller but much speedier craft
overtook the big airship, and then the
spectators witnessed a thrilling sight.
As might a wasp bent on attacking
some clumsy enemy, the aeroplane cir
cled soveral times around the balloon,
now darting close to It, and then away,
always apparently steering off Just In
time to avoid an actual collision.
Meanwhile, the balloon continued to
raise until It was about 1,800 feet from
tho ground. Tho aeroplane, at a still
greater height, maneuvered until It an.
peared to be nearly over the airship.
men it began Its descent. It was the
evident Intention of the pilot of the aero
piano to take up a position directly above
the dirigible, within striking distance,
but, owing either to a fatal miscalcula
tion of the distance separating the two
craft or of sueed. the nosn of thn hlnln
struck tho envelope of the airship and '
ripped it wide open.
A tremendous explosion followed, the
balloon burst Into flames, which en-'
veiopcii the biplane, and In a moment
tho wreckage began to drop, crashing at
length like lead to the slope of a hill.
Almost at the same moment the wife of
Lieutenant Hofstetter, who had been
married only a month, arrived in a motor
car. The envelope of the balloon was still
burning when It struck the ground.
Lleutenan Flats, when extricated from
the wreckage of the aeroplane, showed
faint signs of life; his body quivered, and
he seemed to be making an effort to raise
himself, but almost immediately he ex
pired. All the other avlatore wore killed
Archduke Charles Francis and several
officials of the ministry arrived shortly
on the scene, and an ald-de-camp of the
emperor also preceded these to seek In
formation for his majesty and express
the emperor's sympathy.
Got anything you'd Ilka to swapT Use
the "Swappers' Column."
way of tho Stonmoh, Liver
Bowels. Koop these or
gans strong and active by uso of a
Stomach Bitters I
possess the secret of continued
good health. It Is for Poor Appetite, In
te, In-
Cramps, Constipation and
Try it.
5, 1914.
Emperor Francis Joseph and New
Heir to Throne Present.
Children nf Murdered Archduke
t nnd Duches Prny Dealde Coffins
of Parents, -Their Grief
VIENNA, July 4. In the presence of
Emperor Francis Joseph, the new heir to
the throne the archduke Charles Francis
Joseph many archdukes and archduch
esses, cabinet mlnlstors, diplomats and
high military and civil officials, funeral
services for the Archduke Francis Ferdi
nand and his wife, the duchess of Hohen
berg, who were assassinated last week,
were held In tho chapel of tho Hofburg
this afternoon.
Emperor Francis Joseph and the mem
bers of the Imperial family assembled in
the Gobetln salon of. the Hofburg and
proceeded thence to the chapel. The
aged emperor and tho new heir-apparent
to tho throne occupied scats on the
oratorium above the high altar, while the
ambassadors had places on the left
Twenty members of tho corps of gentlemen-at-arms
In gorgeous uniforms stood
at attention at tho sides of the catafalque.
The ecclestlcal .procession, when the
emperor and the imperial party had taken
their seats, came slowly down the aisle,
headed by tho court master of ceremonies
and twenty acolytes carrying lighted
candles and took places at the sides of
tho coffins. The cardinal prince Plffl,,
archbishop of Vienna, assisted by two
bishops, officiated at the service, which
was very brief. The only music was on
anthem, which was beautifully sung by
the court choir, composed entirely of
Shndorrlnsr n Shadow.
A very stout old lady, going through
the park on a very hot day, became
aware that she was being followed by a
"What do you mean by following me
In this manner?" she Indignantly de
manded. The tramp slunk back a lit
tle, but when the stout lady resumed her
walk he again took up his position di
rectly behind her.
see here!" she exclaimed, angrily. "If
you don't go away, I shall call a police
"For heavens sake kind lodv"
the tramp, looking at her appeallngly,
"have mercy and don't call a policeman.
You're the only shady spot in tho whole
park." Harper's Magazine
Mid-Summer Half Yearly Event
All Our Regular Stock
$ .50
Silk Shirts now
Silk Shirts now
Negligee Shirts now
Negligee Shirts now
Negligee Shirts now
Neckwear now
Neckwear now
Neckwear now
Neckwear now
Underwear Special
Nainsook Athletic Union Suits, closed crotch, $1.00
quality, now 65c
Boys' Shirts and Blouses
$1.00 grade, now 80c
$1.50 grade, now $1.15
Browning, King & Co.
George T. Wilson, Manager.
B BBS B 89
3 BBB B Bf B
magnificent location, appointments and service.
Finest bathincr. tennis, irolf. vnrfifiner anA i-n
jiik uuuci ana social
rooms -all tutstdt.
, nencm or curopean plan. 1 en minutes from theatres
and shoDDine and buninrs rlinrnVr Au ,.
noise and dirt
Antexlcnn Invention to Control Air
craft Dcmunstrntrd to
French Army.
Striking demonstrations of a stabilizing
device for aeroplanes wcro made at
Bezons, near Paris, by nn American
named Spcrry and his son.
The device, which weighs only forty
pounds and measures about eighteen
Inches across by twelve Inches high. Is
based on a quadruple gyroscope and Is
driven by electric power generated by the
engine of the aeroplane. One pair of
gyroscopes work tho elevating planes
and are so balanced that the moment
the planes are at a dangerous angle
the gyroscopes throw them back Into
a correect position. ,The other pair keep
up an automatic lateral balance.
Mr. Sperry and his son roso from the
Seine with a mechanic In a Curtlss water
plane. At a height of about too feet both
the pilot and the passenger rose from
their seats and tho- mechanic climbed
out on the lower plane of the machine
to a point about six feet from Its center
of gravity, Mr. Sperry, meantime, stand
ing with his arms above his head. The
gyroscope kept the machine balanced.
The mechanic then clambered to the tall
of the machine. For tho fraction of a
second the waterplane quivered, and the
tail sank downward. Immediately, how
ever, the balance apparatus set to work
and brought the machine back Into per
fect cqulllbrlm.
Fivo times the experiments were re
peated, then the Sperrys brought the
machine down to tho water in a splendid i
volplane, which also was regulated auto- I
matlcally, I
Commandant Barres and Captain '
Chaslcs of the French army air corps,
M. Maurin, Lieutenant Colonel Renard
and several other air experts were pres
ent and were greatly Interested. Com
mandant Barres went for a trip with
Sperry's son, who demonstrated the auto
matic rise from tho water, balancing in
the air, and the automatic volplane down
to the water.
Mr. Sperry, who Is a scientific instru
ment maker, claims that his device cor
rects automatically any error made by a
pilot. If tho pilot tries to bank at too
steep an anglo or to descend too rapidly
the gyroscope at onco pulls the controls
back to their proper position. If the
speed of the machlno drops dangerously
low the gyroscope device starts auto
matically and the aeroplane volplanes
95 C
-3 for..S9.75
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-3 for. .$4.00
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Summer Resort
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The Chicago Beach Hotel is fnmmiR tY nn,,..
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V . V , , i iuauuuuh, quid
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Xilfe Monthly Income Gould, Uto Bldgi
riosltty Storage ft Van Co. Dqng. 1S10,
Eight-inch Electrlo rans for home use)
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Wanted Good city r.oans Prompt
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fer it Omaha Gas Co.. J5CO Howard St
Nebraska Savings and X,oan Ass'a
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cured. Magnificent bathing
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Thts popular resort has been
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Write for Rntes and Descrip
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Surametand Winte: hotel. Within fire tnisulea
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made at s coft exceeding $300,000.
Cnlitne and servlco unaxccllsd
Stoile Room (oi n; penon
$1 .50, 2.00 and 2.50 per d.j.
Double Room for two pcrtoot
.50, 3.00 and 4.00 per d.T.
SiafU Room with bath for one penoa
$2.50. 3.00. 3.50 and 4.00 per day.
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$4.00. 5.00 and 6.00 per dr.
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W.S. Shuftr, Manager
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Whether your stay in Chi
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Hyde Park Boulevard
(51st Street)
on the Lake Shore, Chicago