Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1914, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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Council Bluffs
Story Told by a Marriage License
Important to Kansas Prisoner.
Date of ltnpumrjil Mnr Prove
IVhrrenlmuU of lMe Jinn unit
Shorten Term of Iniprli
onment. A marriage llcenao Issued here on Mny
8, 1905, and a marriage ceremony per
formed on the samo date by Justice E.
11. Gardiner, may save Charles V. Olsen
from serving a number of additional years
.In the Kansas pentltentiary at Lansing.
Olsen's chance of setting a parole depends
upon his proving that on that dato ho
was not an Inmate of tho Btato peniten
tiary at Lincoln, Neb.
Several days ago Itoy Ilardeaty, deputy
clerk of the district court here, received
a letter from Olsen, telling of his pres
ence In the Kansas prison and tho re
fusal of thft nnmln hruirrt tn mUnu Vilm
for the reason that the prison records
showed that he was In tho Nebraska
prison at tho time ho claimed to have
been In Council Bluffs getting married.
D. E. Nlckolson of the Kansas prison
bureau of Identification wroto a letter,
giving the prison records of Olsen and
saying that it it could be shown he was
married in Council Bluffs, May S, 1903,
he could not have been the man answer
ing to the same description and bearing
the same name, who was then In the
penitentiary nt Lincoln.
Reference to marriago record her
showed that Charles V. Olscn was mar
ried on tho dato given to Miss Josslo Alls
man of Omaha, and that Justice Gardiner
performed the ceremony. In his letter
Olscn related Incidents of tho marriago
in the justice office that tho Justlco
was holding court at the time the bridal
party entered and that Miss Allsman De
fused to bo married In the presence of
the large number of men In the room
and that Justice Gardiner, accompanied
by Dr. Long, took them Into a side rpom,
whore the marriage occurred, Long act
ing as witness. The only apparent dis
crepancy In Oleen's statement relates
to tho witness. The record shows that
George W. Lercy signed the certificate
as the witness, but Long and Lwroy are
names that might easily bo confused or
misunderstood, it Is said.
Olsen is In the Kansas prison, mnder the
namo of George Smith and the letter
from the identification bureau gives his
other aliases as Charles Nfolson, J. B.
Kelly and Denver Kid. Smother slight
'difference appears In the piAson and mar
rlage llcenso record. In tho marriago
certificate Denmark is given as his native
land and In tho Bertllllon record England
Ik named. The Bertllllon record shows
the Kansas man to have the tattoo marks
of a nudo woman, a flas, clasped hands
and sunbursts.
Whether the man Is attempting to Im
personate tho real Charles V. Olsen, who
was married here to Miss Allsman, or his
claims are genuine, have not been de
termined. He aays that his wlfo is still
living In Omaha. A photograph of tho
prisoner accompanied the letters and If
thfi'feal; Charles V. Olsen has any friends
liere they will perhaps identify tho plc-
ture at the clerk's office.
MrsV-Theinhardt :
Seeking a Divorce
Mrs. Caroline T. R. Thelnhardt In dis
trict court yesterday filed suit for divorce
from her husband, Robert, baaing .the
action upon desertion, which, she alleges,
occurred two years ago. Sho asks for
the custody of their only child, a daugh
ter, Carollno Rohrer Thclnhardt, agod 9
years. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Thelnhardt were married
hero Juno 27, 1902. It was a brilliant wed
ding. They went to Benchlond, Mont.,
where Thelnhardt had large commercial
Interests and looked after a largo ranch.
They remained there until 1910, although
Mrs. Thelnhardt frequently visited her
parents here, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rohrer.
Western ranch life became palling to the
young society woman and Thelnhardt
closed out his business Interests there
and went to Centervllle, la., where he
became connected with the cool mining,
Industry. Nearly two years ago Mrs.
Thelnhardt found It advisable to return
to the homo of her parents.
Twenty per cent discount on hammocks
and lawn mowers, order now while the
stock Is complete. P. C. Do Vol Hard
ware company, 601 West Broadway.
nt the Union Pacific Tea company.
Ileal Estnte Transfers.
Tho following real estate transfers filed
Friday were reported to The Beo by the
Pottawattamlo County Abstract company:
Sarah B. B. and M. F. Rohrer to
Mrs. Adeline Williams, part of lot
6, block 2, Grimes' addition, w. d..J 5,000
Albert C. Elser and wife to Forrest
Smith, lot 15, Bayllss strip. Coun
cil Bluffs, w. d 1
James Davis to St. Francis Xavler
church, lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, block
3, Larimer's subdivision; part of
block 3; lots 8. 9 and 10, block 2,
Larimer's subdivision, and frac
tional tracts, q. c. d... ....... 1
F. J. Schnorr and wife to William
Hill, lot 9, block 21, Bryant &
Clark's addition; lots 8, 9, 10 and 1',
block b7; lots 4 and 11, block 87;
lots 15 and 25, block 97, all In Rail
road addition; lot 7, block 61, and
lot 13, block 60, Riddle's subdivision,
lot 42, block B, Wright's addition;
lot 1, block 8, Burns' addition; lot
8, block 5. Babbitt Place; lot 20,
block 26, Fleming & Davis' addi
tion; lots 2 and 21, block 6. and lot
28, block 12, Howard's addition, and
lot 7, block 21, Omaha addition,
w. d 1
Christian F. Jensen and wife to
Chris Christensen, lots 12, 13 and
14, block 15, Howard's auaiuon,
w. d
JO. II. Lougeo and wife to W. M.
Gibson, lot 16, block 18, Evans
second Bridge addition, w. d
William Converse to Michael F.
Kltrick, part of nwii nw!4, 17-7o-
H'g! McGee 'and wifo to T. it.
Walker, lots 9 and 10, block 3, Mc
Gee's addition, w. d ..
Lena M. Fuller and husband to
Stella Baldwin, lot 11, block 1, Har
rlson Street addition, w. d
Nine transfers, total UO.SSi
Marring? License.
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday
to the following named persons:
Name and Address. Age.
R. L. Smith. Worthlngton. Minn 27
Alice Thompson, Worthlngton w
A. J. Albright. Omaha........
Marv Loretta Braum, Omaha n
Harry H. Hannum. Council Bluffs 21
aiim flwnrman. Council Bluffs
Edgar J. J. Jenkins. Omaha 35
Augusta Krlst, Omaha
A Winter Cough.
To neglect may mean consumption, Dr.
King's New Discovery gives sure relief.
(Buy a bottle today 50c and 31.00. All
Small Boy, Now
NEW YORK, JULY 4.-Mrs. Alrnn
Vitsera Hayne, declares sho Is the
daughter of the late Crown Prince
Rudolph of Austria, and Mario Vcttera
his morganatic wife, and believes the
way Is now open for her son as the heir
to tho throne. Mrs. Hayne, who married
a Canadian stock broker, George Osborne
J lay no and subsequently divorced him,
has persisted that she. Is the offspring
of the morganatic union of Prince
Rudolph and Maria Vetsera, and she
named her son after the man she claims
for her sire. Tho bodies of Prince
Rudolph and his wife, wero found dead
together In a huntmg lodge at Mayerllng
a number of yeara ago,
Mrs. Hayne says, that sho does not care
to go back to Austria herself, and she
says she Is building a homo hero in New
York, where sho Intends to make her
home. And that here In America sho
may educate her. son tho way she wishes,
Minor Mention
Council Bluffs Offics ot
Tii Be la at 14 North
Slain St. Telephone 43.
Davis, drugs.
Vlctrola, $15. A. Hospe Co.
Corrlgans, undertakers Phono 118.
Blank book work. - Morehouse & Co.
Woodrlng Undertaking Co. Tel. 339.
GARDNERS PRESS, printing. Phone 53,
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. Phone 97.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Leffert's,
Spring ohlckcn dinner at the Eagle Cafe,
16 Nortn Main street, juiy 4, u cenis.
Mutual BldgT and Loan Ass'n, 123 Pearl.
Expert and accurate watch repairing
by reliable waicnmaners oniy. ucrv.
Plate lunch at Tony's cafe, 25c.
Mr. and Mrs.' Ralph Bennett, 514 North
Seventh street, are the parents of a son.
born yesterday morning.
Special for tonight at the Majestic theater
"Wolfe, or, Tho Conquest of Quebec."
Fifteen vessels and over 1,000 people were
used In this great five-part Kalem pic
C. W. Parks left yesterday for atrlp
to Washington, D. C, for a visit with
relatives. Later he will visit at New
York. Niagara Falls and other eastern
Fears that a firecracker thrown upon
the roof of a house at 744 Mynster street
last night hud set fire to the shingles
caused a fire alarm to bo turned In. The
firemen failed to find any evidences of
Cecil James, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. James, returned homo yesterday
after a year's absence. He has been try
ing ranching life In Nebraska and llkea
It so well that he has told his parents
that ho will have to curtail his visit. Since
living so much In the open air and. bright
sunshine his health has become rugged
and he hao acquired that universal In
signia, of a good boy, freckles on his
An attempt was made last'nlcht to on-
forco tho police order directing compliance
with the ordinance prohibiting the firing
of flro-crnckera beforp thi Knurth nnti
limiting tho noisy exuberance to that
day only, but tho efforts of tho Dollcn
officers were signal failures. Three boys
wero taicen to the ponce station early In
tho evening and required to give bonds
for their appearance In nollce court Mon
day morning, but while this Incident wan
being recorded about 3,000 other men and
boys wero Industriously engaged in th
pastime, and the popping was Tntormltent
all over town. The police officers real
ized their Impotency and gave up the job
Dciore io o ciock.
J. W. Van Duvn. In chance- of the Iowa
department of weights and measures
connected with the administration of the
pure rood laws of Iowa, spent several
days In Council Bluffs this week without
making his presence known. Ho de
voted his time to making a careful per
sonal inspection of the retail provision
dealers of the city with reference to their
compliance with the law. The results
were very satisfactory both to him and to
the good repute of the merchants. He
said he found the Bluffs merchants to be
more nearly complying with the law than
in almost any other city tn the state.
Edward Miller of Creston Is In the Jen
nie Edmundson hospital suffering from
Injuries that are believed by the pollco
to havo been Inflicted by a holdup thug.
Miller was found shortlv hfnr mid
night Thursday at the Northwestern
passenger station wandering about In a
helpless and dazed manner with ?nis
clothing awry and his watch and money
missing. Ho had apparently receive! a
heavy blow on the head from a sandbag
and was unable to recall any of the Inci
dents of tho night or tell anything atout
himself beyond the fact that his home Is
at Creston and that ha Is a tailor. He
had no business that took him In the vic
inity of tho Northwestern station onrl has
no recollection of when he went there.
His friends at Creston havo bein com
municated with. The only external marks
of Injury are bad bruises and rcratuslona
on the side of his face and head.
DR. F. A. c7sERETUR,'fS
Rev. F. A. Case, former lstor of tho
irst Baptist church, returned to thai
city yesterday after being ajjsent for tho
greater part of a month enjoying the
vacation covering the monOi of Juno ac
corded him by his congreryatlon. He was
uccompanled by Mrs. Cne. They made
an extensive trip througout the Atlantic
coast states, spending considerable tlmo
at Boston, where they attended the Na
tional Baptist convention. Although Mr.
Caso has been urged by many member
to recall his resignation from tho church
here ho has declined, to do so and will
take the work ho has planned In tho
mission field at Des Moines,
No call has yet len extended to any
of the numerous clergymen who havo
come here ns candidates for tho vacant
pulpit, but it l expected that tho
vacancy will be -ailed before the autumn
ll far advanced.
llrlnsr I'm Your Lumber Hill.
Our stock of building material Is the
most complete, and of the highest grado
for the least innney C, Hafer Lumber Co,
in America, to Claim
Black Kats and Joe
Smiths to Meet Here
Saturday and Sunday
The Black Kats of Omaha will cross
the river and take on tho Jco Smiths at
the Athletic park. Thirty-fifth and
Broadway, Saturday nnd Sunday. These
battles are expected to bo fast and thrill
ing, as tho niack's Kats In their recent
games proved themselves one of tho live
liest teams In Omaha, and there Is no
doubt that the Joe Smiths aro tho pride
of Council Bluffs.
"Iluster" l'robst will bo on the hill for
the Black's Kats, and this will bo Ills
first appearance In Council Bluffs this
year. Another foaturo of tho Kats will
be tho three brothers of "Buster" back
ing him up In the infield, this probably
being the first time that the peoplo uround
the two towns have had the opportunity
ot seeing four brothers playing class A
ball on the same club.
The games aro scheduled to start at
3:99 o'clock sharp each afternoon.
Best jewelry repairing In the city; nil
work guaranteed. Leffert's.
MALVKBN, la., July 4.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The Malvern race meet and base
ball tournament opened a two-days' ses
sion hero yesterday with a splendid
string of horses and some first-class
events. Although the first day's crowd
was rather light the races wero high
class and the base ball game a good one.
There are about thlrty-flvo or forty har
ness horses here. The track Is In great
condition. The summary:
Trotting, 2:17: Lamark, Jr., Charles K.
Bobbins. Malvern, first; Johnny Nolan,
A. R. (loolsby, St. Josei-h, Mo., second;
Grace lledlander. J. I' Chase, KliPiinn
doah. third, Riley 8., V. O. Langdon,
Omaha, fourth. Time, 2:lC',i.
Pacing, 2:22: Shady Lady. O. II. White.
Malvern, first: Albert Ii, Peter Kggresa,
Denison, second; Nebraska Boy, W, C.
Langdon, Omaha, third; Dan W.. W. .
Forrest Shenandoah, fourth. Time, 2:21,
Trotting, 3-ycur-olds, half mile heats:
Mao R. ., Charles K. Robbing Malvern,
first: Drlfton, John B. Wallace, Weltlon,
second; Forrest Bingen. W. D. Forrest,
Shenandoah, fourth. Time, 1:15.
The base ball game was between Finer
sun und Shenandoah and was closely con
tested all the way through und was won
by Shenandoah, 0 to J. Tomorrow theie
will be two good ball games and threo
great races.
Eoosevelt Resigns
From Outlook Staff
NEW York, July 4. Theodore Roose
velt has resigned from the editorial staff
of the Outlook, it was learned tonight
lie had been a contributing editor of th
publication slnco March, 1909, when he lett
the White House.
Laurence Abbott, one ot the proprietors
ot the publication, said there had been
no break In the pleasantness of the rela
tions between the colonel and tho maga
zine management.
Omaha real estate Is tne best Investment
you could make. Read Tti" Bee's .'a1
estato columns.
Throne of Austria
City Ccunoil Takes Steps to Avoid
Future Acoidents,
First Summer Convict Road Cnmp
'Will Hp lsstnlillshril Soon nt
the Campus nt Ames Stat
Aifrlcnltnrnl t'oller.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DBS MOINKS, July 81. --(Special Tele
gram.)-Ilceaure of tho large number of
river fatalities the law department of
the city government has been directed
by tho council to prepare an ordinance
regulating things along the river and It
has been decided that a river patrol shall
bo established to keep watch on the entire
river front In the city. Chldren will be
warned to keep away and assistance will
be given where nocded.
First Convict Itoml Cum p.
It has been decided that the first con
vict camp for road work shall begin -op-'
eratlon at the campus at Ames college-
next week when the Board of Control
will send twenty convicts them from
Anomosa to engage in road work. Tho
task will take the larger part of the
Jonen to lie Tried In rp(Miilirr.
Karlo Jones, the Corning music teacher,
wont to his home today after a brief ex
perience at the reformatory at Anamoaa.
lie came to tho state house In custody
ot Deputy Warden Taylor and appeared
before Chief Justice Ladd. A bond stgnsd
at Shenandoah on June 29 arrived at the
same time and the chief Justlco nrderod
Jones' relcuso until September 23, when
he Is to appear and answer In court on
the habeas corpus case Involving the reg
ularity of his commitment for abduction.
Mr. Jones' stated that ho regards his
victory as practically won and ho goes
ts his homo confident that he will not
have to serve out any more of the tlmo
for which he was committed. The re
lease was merely formal as following tho
granting of the writ a week ago,
llulldliiK (it tlm Colleges. '
Two more building contracts were let
for tho stale by the educational board.
Tho now brick fireproof hume for nurses
at the state university In connection with
the state hospital maintained there will
bo built for J33,JS0 by W. F. Kueharo &
Co. ot Des Moines. A greenhouse to be
erected as a part of the new plant propa
gation and investigation work at the state
college ut Ames will be built by tho Foley
Manufacturing company ot Chicago for
U2.395. Theso are new buildings to be
erected by the state out of the proceeds
ot mlllago taxep, which have been so
roundly denounced In recent months in
the political game.
Stevlllcatiiiu I.tnv Works Wrll.
The State Bourd of Parole finds that
tho heads of the various state Institutions
where tho Iowa sterlllratlon law has been
applied and made use of are agreed that
excellent results have followed the ap
plication ot tho law In the case of many
insane persons and others afflicted. The
parole board has Just visited several of
these Institutions and secured reports on
what has been done. At the hospitals
the law has been -pplled as a help In
tho medical work and not tn any sente
as a punishment. Members of the parole
board aro somewhat doubtful as to
whether tho decision of the federal Judges
will prevent the application ot the law
to the Inmates of the hospitals, as the
only question considered by the court was
that of Its relation to prisoners, on which
it was agreed the law did not apply.
Corporation Report Conilnir In.
The secretary of state has recently sent
out to tho 6,600 live corporations chartered
under Iowa law the blanks on which to
make reports and already many of the
reports are coming back. Last year there
were about 300 ot the corporations that
failed to make their reports and pay
tho small fee that Is required prior to
August 1, and on these delinquent fees
wero collected aggregating about 1,S00
The attorney general has now In his
possession stutcmcnts as to a numbor
of those that have not yet settled and
further delinquent fees will be collected.
Conference with Truffle Men.
The railroad commission held a confer
ence today with a number ot the traffic
men connected with commercial organiza
tions In the cities on two subjects. Tho
first was whether or not the commission
should continue to secure further data In
regard to the movement ot freight traf
fic In Iowa, as divided between the varl-
t ous classes of freight. The commission
I has secured data from the railroads cov
I erlng a ten-day period. The other ques
JUon Is whether or not an effort Is to be
Dresses Worth $18.00
This lot includes sorgo,
wool cropo and silk
drosses In tho nowost
stylos, tn nil sizes nnd
In tho nenson's best
colors Kvcry one is
worth moro than dou
ble tho k1o price.
(ireatost dress snle of year. Kvery
THIS SUITS lncludo about
50 garments worth throo
and four times the snla
price. They are all desirable
colors and stylos and repro
Bont exceptional values.
Wash Dresses
Hummer Wnlsts
$1 OC Now summer
PX00 waists In tub
atlks, vollos and hand
korohlof linen In whlto
nnd colored effects,
Worth to 2.7G.
I CtK Dn,nt' lawns,
tyM voiles and
cropos in white, colors
and stripes with the
now stylo tunics and
worth to 97.95.
Worth 11.50,
mado to secure further reductions In
Iowa on tho Iowa proportionals of Inter
state rates west ot the Mississippi river,
in view of the reductions to tho Missis
sippi river.
Mnr Abandon Pnrt of Oil
It Is probable tho stato will buck up on
tho collection of Its fees for oil Inspec
tion and reduce the fees to actual cost
of the work done. The dealers In gasoline
have complained that the fees are ex
cessive nnd that thoy produce a revenue
for tho state, which Is contrary to law,
Insofar as It relates to any Interstate
traffic. There Is n movement on foot to
have tho fees reduced so that the oil
companies will not longer complain of the
heavy tax on them. Users of gasoline may
also be enlisted In the cause.
I.nvr Kxnnilner Hcnpnolntrd.
The chief Justlco ot the supreme court
has reappointed as law examiners for tho
stato Messrs F. W. Sargent, Ralph Prln
glo and Charles l.cggett. Tho terms aro
throe years and these mombcrs ot toe
board eommenco new terms with this
The supreme court probably will not
meet again, at least not formally, during
the summer. Tho .members scattered fol
lowing the session ot tho State Bar as
sociation. Justlco Weaver, who was In
Jured(at Hurllpeton, has, recovered from
the bruises he received on a boat.
MannH-rment of Union .Station,
Judge McPherson has before him 'n fed
eral court a case which Is of growing im
portance, lnnsmuch as the amount In
volved Is Increasing rapidly. This Is a
suit between the Wabash and Mllwuukee
railroads on the one side and the major
ity stockholders of the Des Moines Union
railroad over the proper management of
the Des Moines Uunlon railway station
nnd terminals. The two roads named are
minority stockholders and Insist the prop
erty should be mnnaged so as not to show
any profit, but merely at cost. Thn ma
jority stock Is owned by F. M. Ilubbell
Sons company and they take the position
that only so far as tho two roads i.amed
are concerned should the service bo at
cost, but as to others It should be on a
profitable basis. About 1700,000 Is now
tied up awaiting the decision ot thu court
as to Its distribution.
Xiiiiic of llnllroHit t'hniiRpd.
The Southern Iowa Traction compuny
has been changed to the Coiitervllle, Al
ula and Southern Railroad company, op
erating twenty-five miles of loud be
tween the two cities named. Stute offi
cials have been notified of tho change of
name. The company was able to make
a profit one year but generally the busi
ness has been a losing one. Tho protl
able year was 1912 when, according to
tho reports made to tho state, tho pro
fits were tMU.96. But last year the net
loss was $2,4008, and three years ago
the loss was R0S6.17. The roud was origi
nally built by the Drake Interests.
Another Treaty lnvolveil.
The state treasurer has received notice
that the courts In Linn county have sus
tained his position with regard to the col
lection of collutcrlat Inheritance taxes on
an estate which goes to collateral heirs
in' Sweden. It involves the same quos?
tlon as that of the Danish treaty which
the supreme court passed upon last week
and decided in favor of the state. Tile
courts hold that tho treaties made with
foreign nations da not touch tho matter
of inheritances as applied to thu Iowa
law and similar statutes. Tho Linn
county cose will be appealed.
Reopen lovm Unto. Ciim,
It Is probable that the Iowa rate cases
will bo reopened before tho Interstate
commerce commission soon for tho ad-
Justmont of some discriminations alleged
to have followed the previous orders ol
the commission. The interior Iowa cit
ies and those along the Mississippi river
Insisted on reduction of rates from tlit
east, and both got reductions; but It Is
claimed now that the reductions on the
Mississippi river rates waa so muoh more
than on the Interior rates that there Is
a discrimination wmcn puis an interior
Iowa cities at a disadvantage. It will
bo to straighten this matter out that the
commission will be asked to make some
supplemental orders.
Would Stipulate na to Facts.
The court has asked that as to the
Earle Jones habeas corpus case the at
torneys get together and try to stipulate
as to tho facts surrounding the sentenc
ing ot Jones ut Corning, so that tho dts
cusBlon next fall will be entirely on the
legal phases of the case. Attorneys for
Jones have made accusations against the
court as to the regularity of the proceed.
Ings, These will not b considered on
tho habeas corpus proceedings. The
chief argument will be on the consti
tutionality of a constitutional amendment
and laws following the same. In grant
ing the writ the court made It plain that
In no degree was any part of the case
decided on Its morlts, but merely that a
sufficient ground was laid for a discus
sion ot the case. Among attorneys it
Dresses Worth $15.00
All our high grndo
drosson in this lot, In
eluding o v o nlng
dresses worth to $4 5
nnd nfternoon nnd
street drosses In nil the
most wanted materials
and colors.
DrcssM Worth $C4.5t
Including dresses In
serge, UffcU, cropo do
chine, silk poplin nnd
mcssnllne. A comploiw
assortment of tho sen
son's best models
many good for fall
dross In house In .'I
groups. Halo starts
THE COATS are very desir
able modols for now or enr
ly fall. All tho throo-quar-tor
length and ropresont tho
latost stylos. Many af them
iro silk lined.
House Dresses
dt A A A dozen dlf
pi.VU forent styles
In ginghams, porcnlos
and lawns In figured
affects and Btrlpcs.
Wort to $1.75.
W9m inn(y
Is regarded as very strange that the
law In regard to manner of presenting
suspected persons for trial has novel
been attacked before.
No More Manual Institutes.
The end has been reached of county
normal Institutes In Iowa on the golnR
into effect ot tho new law which sub
stltutea for the county normal Institute
what Is called "Inspirational meetings,"
or short conventions of teachers to bn
addressed by educators. Theso meet
ings am to be held during the school
year and the pay of teachers must go
on Just the same. The expenses arc to bo
paid partly by the stato and partly by
the county. In the pnst the summer
sessions of the normal Institutes have
been a great bugbear for the teachers,
ni they nearly always broke Into the
summer vntcatlonn and had come to he
regarded as almost useless tor practical
own Ncni Notes,
WOODBINE Attorney George J. Du
Kan ot Woodbine will deliver the oration
at tho celebration to bo held at Persia.
VOODBINl Notwithstanding tho Inter
est of tho Woodbine normal and the
church people at Woodbine, Sunday base
ball players assert that they will ploy
Sunday basn hall or "tight to tho last
last ditch,"
BAC CtTY-Thlrty residents of Dela
ware township havo tiled a petition with
the cleik of the district court asking for
the Incorporation ot the town of Nemaha.
The proposed plat docs not Include the
school houso grounds nor the plat of
Leotn in the northern part of tho village.
DKNISON-Ktate Superintendent of
Public Instruction Do.voe was at this
city to address tho graduates of the
rural schools of this county. The cIukh
contained eighty-two and came from over
tnirty ecnoois or ine county. Theso hav
ing certificates nt graduation for iho
eighth groilo can now attend any high
school of tho county nt the expanse of
the local school district up to M.SO per
month. The exercises were held In tho
now opera house which was filled with
parents and ft lends of the Rraduutcs com
ing from the twenty townships of the
county. Superintendent l'eyoe made a
htrong plea for tho consolidated school.
The diplomas wero given by tho county
Hupeiluturidurit, Prof Olry.
Lorimer Bank Made
Him Pay Note Twice,
Says John Cudahy
CHICAGO. July t.-Charges that offi
cials of the closed La Salle Street Trust
and Savln&o bank fraudulently appro
priated two chcckH, totalling $26,000, wero
mado today by John Cudahy, the packor,
In an Interesting petition filed In the cir
cuit court.
Cudahy borrowed m.OOO from the bank
on February ii, according to the pUltton.
On Juno 9, fifteen days before tho note
waB due, ho received a letter from ( B
Munday, vice president of tho bank, which
"We are endeavoring to build up our
reserve and would like to ask you it it
wculd not Inconvenience you too much to
pay your 25,00u note."
Tho petition states that on June 11, tho
day before the bank was closed, Mr.
Cudahy Hent two checks with which to
take up the note. The checks worn ac
cepted by the bank, ,)ut he note waa not
dollveted, the petition says. Mr. Cudahy
learned, ha usierts, that on June lft, lila
mites ueie sold to the Auburn State bank,
and therefore acceptance of the check
was fraudulent. lie said he was com
pelled to pay the note a second time,
when It became duo on Juno 21.
Washington Affairs
Beth houses ot congress adjourned yes
terday until Monday to celebrate the
Fourth or July and fake a brief holluuy
In preparation for a long legislative grind
ahead beforo tho session ends.
So-rotarv Bryan announced that t e
finishing touches had been given to tho
new peace commission treaty between thn
Unlttd elates and France and that ii
would ce signed ana transmitted ti tin
(Benuine (SHd (Herman Rouble tyttt
at 8
a. m.
sennit- at 11 eamo time with the pro
losed Brltlih-Amcrlcan pence treaty,
CHICAGO, July t. Lawrence HutlT
and John Sullivan, each 13 years old. died
today of burns caused by exploding fire
works. They are Chicago's first Fourth
of July victim.
Their deaths wero due Indirectly to the
succcsm bf tho sane Fourth movement
Tho boys, with two companion, dug
the explosives from rubbish nt tho aban
doned plant of a fireworks company
which went out of business when laws
were passed forbidding the use of their
product. The boys loaded their booty on
a wagon and climbed on themselves An
explosion, tho causo ot Which Is unknown,
The surviving boys ore In a serious con
dition. SPRINGFIELD, 111,, July t.-Frank
Denton, IS, may lose the sight (if both
eyes bh a result of the explosion tonight
of a toy cannon, with which ho was pre.
paring to celebrate the Fourth of July.
Fragments of the cannon struck him In
the faco. Oliver Todrow, a companion,
was painfully Injured.
Br. Todd X How Manofactnrls?
Tcath for Banitary Dentistry.
For forty yeara Europe has
laughed at America's hackwarl
liens In using half-teeth and tin
Hnnltury methods in dentistry,
Egyptian records of 4.000 yearn
ago Hiiow that they had knowl
edge of a Natural Dentistry, It
Is time that the people of this
country Insist on nature' way
which is whole teeth dentistry.
403 Brandols Bldf.