4 A HIE OMAN A SfXDAV HKK- .71 LY 3. 1014. July Clearance of Men's and Young Men 's Suits mm im Washable Suits for Boys Odds and ends In little fellows' wash suits. Those formerly up to $1.410, now Qgc Those formerly up to $2.00, now aS1.45 Those formerly up to $'2.00, now 31,05 Those formerly up to $5.00, now Q2 05 Those formerly up to $3.00, now g2 85 Those formerly up to fft.oo, ' now S3. 50 JULY CLKAKANCB OK nOVS SUITS t&.OO values, reduced to. . .32.45 J7.G0 and $8.50 values, reduced S4.5U $10.00 values, reduced to; .80,75 $12,1)0 values, roduced to. .37,50 HOYS' HIliWM IX JULY CLKAItANCK. $1.00 Shirts reduced to 75J 1.25 Shirts reduced to f)5 At this store aro the finest suits In town, Pock's and Stoin-Dlooh, l'rlces always In competition with Inferior makes. Prices now less, not withstanding nlloged holf prlne salos. $15.0:' Suits reduced to $9.00 $18.00 Suits reduced ' to ?12.50 $20.00 Suits reduced to $14.50 322.50 Suits reduced to $16.50 $25.00 Suits reduced to $18.50 $30.00 Suits reduced to $22.50 Mohair Suits for Men. $15.00 Suits, now.. . .$9.00 $18.00 Suits, now.. $12.50 Tine One Big Semi-Annual Bargain Event Twice each year we make a stock clearance in January and in July. These sales have become famous throughout this section of the country, by reason i of the fact that visitors find only the regular Benson and Thorne high type wearables, honestly described, and reductions and prices accurately stated. The time of the big summer stock clearing has arrived and we invite patrons and strangers to our CLEARANCE SALE JULY Which Begins Monday, July 6th, 8 A. M. July Clearance OMAHA'S FASTEST GROWING STORE Mm HtKHBBfi A -4 TT f -4 ii A fftt-r A h m t r-f v-t rv MB 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. IOXTKA Bl'KCIAJj. HEAD Wo liavo about 25 Suits, suitable for boys just going Into long trousers, ages 14 to 17, formerly $12.00 and J15.00, now. .$7.50 From the Mien's v Furnishing Section MKN'S NAINSOOK UNION SUITS. Thoso formerly $1.00, now.. 75 Those formerly $1.50, now 31,15 3IK.VH SH.K HIIIUTS ItKDUOEI). $3.50 Shirts, now S2.45 $4.00 Shirts, now 82.75 $5.00 Shirts, now 85-3.-15 MEN'S SOX SALE This storo. Is famous for Its good quality sox. A big lot of 25c box, In this sale at, pair, 17c; 3 pair for s...T 50d Girls Coats must be moved out hence these liberal reductions Those formerly sold up to $6.50, now. . .$2.45 Thoso formerly sold up to $9.75, now... $3.95 Those formerly sold up to $16.50, now, .$7.50 Sizes 6 to 14 Years Children's muslin gowns, ages 4 to 14 yw. Values up to 75c. .39c Values up to $1.25 69c . tissoB' muslin skirts, 152 and 34-inch length. Sweeping Reduc- Women's and tions on Girls' Misses' Suits in th July Clearance Dresses Sizes up to age 14 Omaha's choicest stock of G.i r 1 s ' .Dresses n o w goes at Clear ance prices. $1.50 to $1.93 Dresres, now at 95(i $3.95 to $5.75 Dresses, now at .,..$2.85 $6.50. to $9.75 Dresses, now 12.50 TO $17.50 SUITS. NOW S3.95 $25.00 TO $45.00 SUITS, NOW S15.00 $57.00 SILK SUITS, now S29.50 LINEN AND RATINE SUITS. Values up to 117.50, no S3.95 $19.50 to $26.00, now. $9.75 Infants' Outfits Reduced Complete outfits, consisting of 25 pieces, and 10 yards of dla por cloth. $10.00 value for 57.85 Infants' Complete Outfit, con slsUng of 33 pieces, and 10 yards of diaper cloth. $15.00 value 'or $11.85 of Summer Dresses for Women and Misses Beautiful Crepes In white and flowered patterns. Also voiles, ratines, and linens, Including late, long tunic models. Values up to $12.00, at SG.75 Values up to $15.00 at S0.75 Values up to $17.50, at S12.00 Values up to $22.50, at 814.75 MISSES' AND WOMEN'S SILK DRESSES $19.50 to $22.50 values, now. 10.00 $25.00 and $29.50 values now S12.50 $32.50 to $45.00 values, now.'$31,50 Women's Stylish Light Weight Coats at Splendid Reductions in Our Little Tots Department-Read Children's whlto and colored coats, ages 2 to 6 years. Values up to $0.50 for S2.45 Values up to $10,50 for '. $3.95 Virtues up to $1 .75 79c at .... $3.95 ,V Infants' Wear Much Reduced Children's whlto dresses, ages 2 to C years, Values tofl.75, for 81.15 Values to $2.95, for. . . .. .81.85 yaluos,to.l3,60, for . . . ,82.65 Values to $5.00, for 83.85 Valuea'to0.r0rfor'j .84.05 Values to $7.50, for -85.85 Values to $8,60, for .... .80.50 Value's tq $12.50 for 88.50 Children '8 colored drosses, ages 2 to 6 yours. Values to 85c, for':; 59c Values to $J;25, for 89c Values to $1.75, for. ... .$1.15 VnluoB to $2.50, for $1.85 Virtues to $3.95, for $2.65 Infant's Sacques, 50c val ues 39c Infants' long and short dresses and skirts Values up to $1.50 for 89c Values up to $2.95 for $1.85 Values up to $3.95 for 2.65 Infants' Long Coats. $1.95 quality, now. . .$1.45 $2.50 quality, now. . .$1.95 $3.95 quality, now. . .$2.95 $5.00 and $5.95 quality, now $3.85 $6.50 and $7.50 .quality, now $4.85 $8.50 and $10.00 quality, now $7.50 Women's high type Waist are going to walk right out at these prices Plain and stripe, white crepe and voiles, former ly sold up to $1.75, nw 81.00 TaUored, white linen waists, values to $2.95 now 81.65 Handkerchief linens, $4.50 to $5, now 83.95 White voiles and colored crepe de chines, $5.75 to $6.75, now 84.85 High type colored crepe do chine, $8.50 to $9.75 now 86.75 Middy blouses, values to $1.50, now 50 "WOMEN'S MNBN ATJTO COATS. $6.50 values, now . . . .82.45 $7.50 values, now 83.95 i Price $12.50 Coats, now $6.25 $15.00 Coats, now $7.50 $20.00 Coats, now $10.00 ,$25.00 Coats, now $12.50 $30.00 Coats, now $15.00 $35.00 Coats, now $17.50 WOMEN'8 HOUSE DRESSES, IN PER CALES, CHAMBRAY AND GINGHAMb $1.95 and $2.50 values, now... 81.45 $2.95 and $3.50 values, now... 82.45 WOMEN'S SEPARATE WASH SKIRTS. In blue French Repp, natural linen, tan and blue ratine, formerly cold up to $3.95, now 81.95 HALCYON SILK AND COTTON CREPE PETTICOATS. $1.75 values, now 81.25 $2.25 values, now 81.65 $3.50 values, now .......... .S2;85 LADIES' EXTRA PINE SWISS, RIBBED SILK LISLE UNION SUITS, $1.50 VALUES 95c LADIES' SILK LISLE VESTS. 50c VALUES 39c 35c VALUES 25c LADIES' LINEN HAND KERCHIEFS, WITH COL ORED BORDERS. 25o val ues 10c; or 3 for 25c BOYS' OR GIRLS' KNIT UNION SUITS; 50c values at 39c BOYS' OR GIRLS' KNIT UNDERWEAR SHIRTS, DRAWERS, VESTS OR PANTS; 25c valueB...15c LADIES' GAUZE UNION SUITS; 50c values. .. .35c Big Clearance of High Type Shoes Ladles Low Shoes Satin, Suede, Buckskin, dull leather, and patent leather. $5.00 val ues, now 83.85 Ladles' Low Shoes In all leathers and styles. $3.50 and $4.00 values, now -82,85 Ladles' Low Shoes In pumps and oxfords, In all leathers. $3.00 values, now. . .31.85 Girls' Low Shoes This year's styles and all of our usual good quality. $2.50 Values, now 81.85 82.15 kind and $3.00 Values, now Children's Low Shoes In every siyie, except nareioot sanaais. $1.25 shoes, now 95 $1.50 shoes, now 81.15 $1.75 shoes, now 8115 Boys' Low Shoes New patterns and" all leathers. . $2.50 to $3.50 values, now.Sl 85 Boys' Athletic Slippers Canvas and Elk 'sole combinations, were $1.00, now 60J SUFFS PARADE THE PARRS Want to Draw Attention of the Many Pleasure Seekers. AUTOS AXE GAILY DRAPED Parade Is Delayed While Little) Tot la Refreshed nllh a Sodn from m Nearby Corner Drug Store. "Let Nov. 4. MM, be Women's Indcpen iencc Day In Nebraska." "Taxation without Itepresentatlon wus Tyranny In mi It li Tyranny In 1M." "U-B spell 'Us.' not 'You. " "We await, with confidence the, verdict of Nebrnsko." With these and similar striking cap tions, American flag and "Votes for Women" banners decorating tho adc of their cars, a procession of five automo bile started from suffrage headquarters on the afternoon of the Fourth to drive through lhe parka, or the city. It was hoped In this manner to draw tho atten tion of the many pleasure seekers who ore In the parks on holidays. The only excitement Incident to tho de parture from headquarters occurred when a Rally decorated automobile pawed by where the suffragists were hard at work dressing up their curs In the nbove men tioned placards and gated with seom upon the heated suffs. Tho rumor spread that the occupants of tr)e pasj'ng our were "antla" who had come to size up the situation. "Just so thoy haven't any brickbats. I don't mind,-' said Mrs. II. C. Sumnoy. ' Children nllh Party, The center of attraction were the two youngest suffragists In the patty, little 31i Erval Mctlvalne, 5-year-old daugh ter Of Mrs. L, L. Mcllvsine. and little Elizabeth fimltlt.- life years old. grand daughter pt Mrs. Draper gmlth. while C, F Hotohkts was tho only man In tho Party. AH the other cars had been rigged VP and hod started on their way when it was dlecovortd that the driver of Mr. Smith's car and her little granddaughter were nowhere In slshL One of the women thought she had seen them dlsappeailag lns:de the door of the oomer tXrvx its re. Mr. Iletcrt kiss was d anatchol In search of them, lie returned with the message that Betty wonted an Ice cream soda and she didn't Intend to leave uoU she had hid It. All WU for Hetty. "The Ideal As tf (re cream was more Important than "Voua for Women.'' calffod Mrs. Smith, but titc party pa tlently waited, until Hetty had finished her lea cream. One more car. tho Harrison-Morton car, was expected to Join the procession. It whs to havo arrived from Blair In time to Join the parade, but It hod not ar rived, ro Mrs. Smith's car drove away, leaving Miss Jcannette McDonald wait ing with an armful of banners and pen nants to decorate It on Its appearance. Tho following made up the party; With Mrs. E. M. Fairfield was Mrs. II. C. Sumney; In Mrs. W. C. Sunderland's car, Mrs. li C. Twamley and Mrs. K. .11. Oenau; In Mrs. U K Mcllvaine's car, Mrs, C. H. llartwlck, Mrs. W. II. Hat. teroth and Itttlo Miss Krval Mcllvalne; In Mn. II. C. Humney's car, Mrs. I. Con ner, Mrs, John Iiloodhart, Mrs. Fred Carey and Mr J. D. O. Craighead; In Mrs. Draper Smith's car, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. llotchklss. Mrs. 2. T. Lindsay, Mrs. rhll llp Potter, Mrs. Draper Smith and her grand-daughter, Elisabeth. New Pastor Olivet Baptist Church and Parishioners Picnic An Informal reception and good time was held In Fontenelle park by members of the Olivet Baptist church In honor of ibetr new pastor, W. A, ilulford, who but Friday arrived from Norwood, a suburb of Cincinnati. The members of the congregation brought basket lunches. They spread them shortly be fore 6 o'clock in the evening after a (strenuous Cay of celebration of Inde pendence day at the park. D. 13. Khlers Introduce th new tuistor, and a few remarks wcro made by various mom lent and the new pastor. A bis family dinner' plente was indulged in and ac quaintance wan Immediately extended. This morning. In Olivet church, will be the spectavle of the new pastor and his two predecessors all In the some pulpit at once. It hn been urranged that Rev. arorgu McDougalt and Rev. Frank II. VunJ will be in the pulpit beside the new pastor. Mr. Mutiord. PUBLIC MARKET SECURES LEASE ON DOUGLAS STREET The Public Market has teased the store east of tho l'ry Hhoe company on 6lx teenth and Pougtas streets from John It. j Kennedy, the owner, and will Install a store similar to that now operated on j Karnr street by that company. The j Public Market has secured a four-year j lwise on the property. , Mrs. Downs and Daughter's Funeral to Be Held Today In accordance with the last words of Mrs. Cornelia Downs, expressed In a note published exclusively by The Omaha Bee Friday, her body and that of her daugh ter Anna. Will be burled In the Downs family lot In Prospect Hill bcsldo the body of Captain C. II. Downs, dead these last three years. The double funeral will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the BUrket chapel at 1904 Leavenworth street., Several relatives of the dead woman will arrive today to attend the funeral. When the bodies of Mrs. Cornelia Downs and her daughter nna, aged SO, were found Friday It was stated that fimvncl&l reverses caused the despondency that ro. suited In the dual suicide, This statement since has been proven untrue. The Downs finances were In excellent shape, accord ing to close friends of the family. Tho note written by Mrs. Downs Is In dicative of a suicide past, or elso a tit of temporary Insanity on the part of the mother, friends say. Miss Downs had been 111 tor a number of week and her Illness together with their loneliness prayed upon the mind of Mrs. Downs. CHILDREN'S CLOTHES EASILY FIRE-PROOFED How to make children's clothing almost fireproof la told by Dr. Jennie Laird for the help of mothers. Hhq says an ounce of either alum or sat ammonia dissolved In the 6rdlnary amount of rinse water or starch water on wash day renders cot ton clothing washed therein praoticalty fireproof, or at least not liable to catch fire, from ordinary causes. Although rather late for Fourth of July use this suggestion may be followed all summer as a precaution against accidents from children playing with matches. Galas to the "it tonight t If you want to know In advance what pictures ore going to be shown at your favorite theater tonlg'-t. read "Today's Complete Movie Program" on the first want kd page. Complete programs of practically every moving picture treater in Omaha appear KXCL.US IV E LT In The Bee. " RETAILERS JND DOCTORS Veterinarians and Grocers to Be Guests at Den Monday. GUS RENZE READY FOR THEM Home Doctors Ilemln Three Days' Convention In Omaha Monday anil -Will Stop at the Devil's Hotel. The retailers of Omaha and the veteri narians of the Missouri valley ore to be Jointly entertained and Initiated at the Den Monday night. Pecallar combina tion perhaps, but that Is the combination exactly. Well, It happens this way. Long ago It was arranged to make Monday night retailers' night That Is, the retailers of Omaha were to have a night set apart as the night In which particular atten tion would be given to playing a program adapted to them at the Den. This Js the night the retailers are to be out In full force. It is the night those retailers who Joined Ak-Sar-Ben months ago must go to the Den to see the Initiation of those of the retailers who were dragged Into tho membership within the last few days. Now then, the Missouri Volley Veteri nary society Is to hold a big convention In Omaha beginning Monday morning. A special train la coming from Des Moines bringing a crowd of veterlnarles from Iowa. A big bunch Is expected down from South Dakota, and no end of veterlnarles of Nebraska will bo In. Samson has long mado It a policy not to let anyone from out In the state or from any other state get away without seeing the show at the Den and being Initiated Into the great order of Ak-Sar-Br If they chanced to be in the city on Monday evening. So he has set his cap for at least ) vet erlnarles who will be In the city on that night. He has invited them to come out to the Den. and in fact a committee will see to it that this worthy bunch finds its way to tho king's headquarters. Oot anything you'd Ilk to swapT Us the 8wappra' Column. WYOMING CATTLE ARE IN THE BEST OF CONDITION A. D. Marriott leaves the middle of the week for his Wyoming ranch in the Sweetwater country, where he will re main during the balance of the summer. He has a large number of cattle on the range and reports from there Indicate that they are doing unusually well. All through northern Wyoming the rainfall Ha been greatly above the normal and the native gross Is said to be the heavi est in years. Heavy Exodus from City for the Fourth Notwithstanding the fact that thousands of people went out of the city In auto mobiles, passenger agents at the depot assert that the exodus to the country has been 25 per cent greater than on any pre vious Fourth of July, while the number coming in has been less. The travel out Is taken to mean that the city people have a desire to get Into the country for a couple of doyii, and Sunday following the holiday this year It gives them two days away from busi ness. The small number of people com ing to the city Is sold to be accounted tor by the fact that most of the town In this territory are holding celebrations, and their patrons prefer remaining at home Instead of traveling. About 400 took the early special train to Sioux City to witness the auto races. Iowa and Dakota Editors Invited Here Editors of Iowa and South Dakota have been .Invited to Join with the editors of Nebraska newspaper In a big editors' day in Omaha July 20. The bureau of publicity ho sent out Invitations to more than SCO editors in these thre states. A program of entertainment is being ar ranged that will keep the editor busy from, morning until night while they are here, and in the evening Samson will en tertain them at the Den. Samson ha prepared a letter wherein King Ak-Sar-Ben extends the editors an Imitation to meet him at his Den on the night of July 30. Oldest Cars Pressed Into Service Here This afternoon the street railway com pany Is running cars of the vintage of the date Just following the old horse cars. Cars that were used on the old cable and the Mercer motor lines have been pressed Into the service to carry passengers. Indications are that with the street railway company this Is to be one of the bumper days, exceeded oply by the day of the Ak-Sar-Ben festivals. The travel is unusually heavy on account of so many celebrations being held In the city. BRIGGS CAPTURES GUNMAN South Omaha Chief of Police Has His Picnic Interrupted. NEGRO HAD SHOT TWO MEN Brlsrar "Wings Ilia Man After a Banning- Flffht in . the Wood Be low Port Crook and Tarn Ulna Over to Sheriff. Fourth of July waa given a lively tart In Plattemouth yesterday when Tony Hilton Of St. Joientv an Itinera nt nrw hot a man through the hip and wrist lri nrangie. naiumouth report that the wounded man was token to Jail too in toxicated to give hi name. Hilton then made a race across the Pl&ttn Sheriff Quentin In pursuit, and when Dean Wall, an lS-year-old lad, got In his way WaU wo hnt thmi.i. the breast and hands. Toung Wall was brought to 8t Joseph' hospital here and attended by Dr. Dermody, who say the young fellow ha but a llght chance to live. One cf the bullet passed through hi lungs and another lodged In tho liver. Dr. Dermody will operate In an attempt to remove the leaden pellet. Hilton continued hta flight n .v.. north where he ran upon a plcnlo party oi wnicn unier Brigg of South Omaha wo a member and after running eit, Brigg captured him and turned him over to anerur. wutnun. tlaa Into Briars. Hilton came upon Chief Brigg In the woods near LaPlatt. where the latter WO Plcnlcklnr With Jnhn Vnltllr an Lester ShombUn and their wive. Hilton come tearing through the underbrush with a forty-four-caliber hand. Briggs wu unarmed, but lmmedl- ijy wem 10 ine automobile for his gun, A he did so Sheriff Quentin of Can county came up behind Hilton. mon managed to get away and oon wa In a buggy which he took away from Lee Huntley. Brlrirc Quentin of the two shooting affair and iook up me cnae after Hilton. Briggs and the ntaro keor. un of shots. When about a mile below Fort rooic the negro saw that Briggs wo gaining on him and he abandoned the buggy and took to the bniih with nHrr. after htm. Brigg soon gained upon him enough to wing him with hi revolver, when the negro gave himself up. The most desirable furnished rooms are advertised In The Bee. Get a nice coot room for the summer. Two Didn't Know Buns Were Loaded They toted big, heavy revolver and were going to celebrate the Fourth. They didn't know the old lead bullet put In the cylinder month ago were still in there, and when the trigger of the re spective revolver were pulled-dlng-a-llng-a-llng ambulance doctor hospital -doctor bill. "Walter fllmmlna did this very thing, but the bullet hit Harry Payne in the knee, thereby causing Payne to go to tho hos pital instead of a hog-fry party this aft ernoon. John Amos was wolklmr down th rail road track near Sixth and Pacific. He awnt know his pistol was loaded. 'Gee, that' a nice, round hni vnn'. ot In your hand. Howdja get It?" In quired Police Surceon Fnltr Amn. brought In. CHICAGO PAPER TO PRINT PAGE ARTICLE ON OMAHA The Saturday Blade and Uhed In Chicago, 1 soon to carry a full page arucie on Omaha. The article will be illustrated by variou cut from dif ferent part of the city. The material and picture were furnished by the bu reau of publicity. Hiy Fwer and Asthma Th Season Is Here to Spoil the Pleasure and Comfort of Thousands. Among the disorders which have baf fled medical science since time Imme morial none has been so puzzling or de void of ympathy a hay fever, or it forerunner, rose cold, and Us complica tion, bronchial asthma. Prompt relief from the spasmodic bronchial affection can promptly be h&ii hv humin. in haling the fumes of Warner's 8afe Asth ma Kemedy. Its effect in stubborn cases where other mean hiv faiixi Mni... ively proven by the following: "Vou a sample or Warner's Safe Asth ma Remedy which helped me. I bought a box of it and it curd mm mimt. . astonishment, as I had tried many things ",M"1 y success, jt is now several week and have had no return of the trouble and do not expect any.- a m. Davls.Ui: 8. Flower St., Los Angeles, Oil. At dvuggist. or postpaid. 75c. A free arnle to prove how promptly it re UIe...3v!fn?'" 8af Remedies oL "tin. m, jiocnesier. pi. y.