Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1914, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page
kArt oflllaking
i itw r as
Out of Oto.
TheGewnef Athens. Created in Dull White Charmeuse and Aleneon
, Lice, ThlsTta G-wh Is Reminiscent Early Greek-Costumes.
.... , j . ,
IS' Uaere anthins new under the sensation ahead of boauty. Jf a
a?It seemeth noti When I gown bo beautiful I caro not how
'selected these photographs to sensational it may bo.
secs with ' this letter, I 'was lm- And I believe 1 am right in say
'p rawed anew with tho thought that lng that tho fashions of recent
ver7thlng wo wear barks back days have been no more sensual,
toaffJearller'ago.'If It -were cot no more ungodly than those of
'for (tho past thoroT would bo no maa? oar-y periods. It always
present Instead of creating new amuses roe when people who woro
modes.,' -tho whole tendoncy Is to the voluminous bustles of 1880 do
seek help from other days. cry the clinging vino gowns of tho
It? was 'all very -well -whon wo present Tlioso awful bustles and
went" back -to tho 'carllost Greeks, terrlblo "basques" only called at
Romans and Egyptians, or even to tentlon loudly, blatantly, to the fo
the days of Gainsborough, tho male anatomy. Every part of the
Medici or Wattcau. Tho adapts- figure was accentuated. And theso
lions from tnoso "ancient" daya 'fashions woro hopelessly ugly. '
have' been not;only beautiful, In Tho mod oJ recont d6yit tavo
aaost instancos,, but - legitimate, displayed the figure, but In a graco
Tfcea we took', from the Empire fUjt 0voly raannor. Of courso, be-perte-J,
ally .beautiful and equal ing so ugly, those fashions of 1880
ly ItffttkMte. did not please tho senses. There
But saw, we are helping our fore I suppose they wore not dan
elm lo'Use, fashions of the near serous! any "past," let It be at our own
t, tie of 18W-18W, And could 1 do not know what inspired mo anj not at 0tner poople'e posts!
asytklag id loss inspiring, less to write on this subject of the now perhaps 1 may he accused of
beautiful! .The one great charm of and the old! In a letter received casting stones at other's fashions
the Bsoies; o-f the past five or six recently from New York, my cor and figures, hut 1 started forth
years has bees their fidelity to the respondent" comments on a most with the determination only to
lines or the igurc. curious exhibition which had Just show Just how we pick suggestions
While many of those costumes closed. It was called an "JExhlbl from all ages. J have gono far
were . criticised by self-appointed tjon 0f Taste." From all I astray, but unintentionally,
censors, 1 Invariably took issue was told, the bad teste soemed to And now let mo describe the cos
with them lf'I fejt that the gowns i,0 jaainly on the part of those ar tumcs of which I am sending pho-
Neither Old Nor New. Dancing Gown of
Embroidered Mallne Over Flesh -Colored
Charmeuse, with the
New Berths-Cape.
moils' j&a 4
Quaint Little
Party Gown
- t
Willow 1 1 fBJKlsBHikBBiB.SBBBBBBBBBm JjM 1 1 Dinner Gown of Black Chiffon. Showlntr the Effect of the
Taffetas and I. Ten-Year-Old Sheath Gown.
LaeeT ' ' traBt than that betwecn youthful The latest fashionable fad lnthV
qualntness of the Dresden garden way of Jewelry Is the pendant'
lace Jacket is particularly fetch- lace capes, which is charming as party costume and tho serpentine formed of a Wedgewood cameo. Set'
lng. 1 think. a whole, and while the effect is sophistication of the black satin i a light frame of gold and finished
In the simple girlish costume of glnisn. this is a moaei wnicn mignt and chiffon dinner gown. Each is 0ff with three or four whole nearl
were artistic: Of course, there ranging the affair. We all have tographs this week. There is more malino or tulle and flesh-colored he "worn "by a woman of maturo perfect In Its .way, but tho ways drops, which away and shimmer'
were many frankly sensual cos pasts whloh we would like to live than a Groclan suggestion in the charmeuse there is a tendency to age.
tomes made by tboso who placed down! If we wont to poke fun at lace and charmeuso tea gown. Tho fulness in tho underskirt and the There could be no greater con-
are so different!
From gowns to Jewelry
How the Real Bear Broke Up the Gay Masked French Ball.
"The Jaded noblewoman
said, 'How delightful to
meet a natural man!'
as she almost fainted
away in the terrific
embraces of the danc
ing bear."
from fine gold -chains;
One such pendant, la" a rather
long, square shape, "has Its gold set
ting arranged in a way bo sugges
tive of a frame that its likeness to1
n IIHIa nlMum tt 4n-rnii1 urfcllJ
AMONG tho guests at a recent fancy done its fine work in promoting a general ursine reveller. Tho abandoned dancer, ' r.J
dress ball at Neuilly was one who feeling of merriment and gay abandon. forgetting her momentary enthusiasm for 01 . , rou7a " , (
an. in tu ATtiAni . Anything novel, however unconventional, the natural man, exclaimed: a"e of long and narrow oval shap-
appeared to Te exceuenuy maoe up would haV6 been weicomei wltn opea arm8 jIa5 ono eTOr BCCn BUCh manners?" ing. Brooches and earrings to?
as a lg brown bear. NeuHly is an attrac at this auspicious hour. The bear was Paying no attention to her, the giddy bear match are alBo available, and 'are'
live and fashionable suburb of Paris, noted therefore greeted with shrill cries of laugh- threw his paws around the tantalizing back indeed a necessary comnletion for
for, Its gayety and sports. ter and Welcome. He ibehaved In every way ttiat spread hofore him. maeea a necessary completion ior(
The ball was given by the charming young as a real bear would be expected to do. 'VErabrassex-mol plus forfT" cried the an ornament bo distinctive In stylo
Countess do Jarnac He rushed at a sideboard covered with owner of the back, meaning simply, 'IHug that It could not well be worn" with
The hour was late when the Dear made cakes and began to dovour them In 1eerlsh me closer." ny others of tho ordinary beie"v
his appearance. Champagne had already manner. A .playful duchess offered him her One of tho dancers happened to be an rtt-r vlvuia-vv--
i Ha nf rf)inmnnsTio. nnd hn limit ami hi- w mBrlcnonrt liimtnp. Hn fU nruitu e"e0 vanclj.
lapping It up. A dozen other women tried that the visitor was a real bear and no man Quite new, too, and likely to have
the same trick, and the bear obliged them made up aa one. To test his Idea he -gave a certain vogue on account of the
all. By this time he was the most popular the strange dancer a hard rap with his cano eccentricity l a fine -nlatiniim ...i,
guest at the ball. over the tip of his nose. That is the moat eontr,"ty' w nn latnineck
Then he shambled with Indescribably sensitive spot in a hear, and it Is said that cnaIn- from 'whoso central and
funny lurches and wabbles into tho midst you can subdue one In his wildest moments Jewel-studded loop hang two 'cher-
of the costumed dancers and snatched ono by hitting him there. rje8 -moai realistically modelled in
of the princesses away from the painted The shocked nd surprised bear, as soon . vna.,tir.i .tn. ,vit,
Apollo she was dancing with. They hap- as he felt tho blow, collapsed and put his eautuui stone, which pays, the
pened to be dancing the maxlxe at the time, paws to his injured nose, whining loudly as further flattery of Imitation to Na-
The bear didn't seem to know the steps very he did so. ture s coloring. Altogether they;
wen, out mat was oniy to e expected. e -roars a re near, laaiesi" cried the a """J1 J.ngiy tempting
dragged his partner round the room and hunter, "He n ne dangerous in another
hugged her enthusiastically, which pleased minute."
her "very much. The announcement sobered up the dano-
She was a Jaded noblewoman, who had kte In an Instant, and they all ran shriek
grown tired of the artificial and anaemic ing from the room, rumbling over one an-
men of her set other, and calling for help as they did aa
"At last I havo met a natural man! How The enthusiasm of tho fair dancers for tho
delightful!" murmured the Countess as she natural man faded away,
almost fainted away in the embraces of her Just about the time the room was emptied
partner, a man with a large whip and a gun came
Then the bear deserted her without say- looking for his bear. The animal was a
mg a woro, ana ammed rapidly toward a very clever dancing bear, who had been
and attractive looking things, and,1
as hanging from their slender gold
en stalks on a white neck they will'
assuredly arrest and hold the at
tention of all onlookers in a way
which will be distinctly pleasing to
their wearer.
"But. of courseand this la a very
big and Important But only a'
beautifully soft and white throat'
can provide a suitable and attrac'
tlve background for these twin
young thing seated at a table In the far doing his turn at the famous Neuilly Fair, cherries. So let T , Mmit 5
comer oi ue room wim ner oacx toward reeling SKittisn, ne naa run away, wan their wearers ha Vm t Vr..'
him. The up-tc-date decolleUge of her back dered into the rarden of the mansion and .KlaJfay.'.t?r?ft,
. . . . . . . . - s ww cut, . a mi Tnstv mri -n-stvas) ' s'
attracted the favorable attention
Cuuyrusni. m. ay u uif ruouiaur, Srw iuxhu ltryd.
of the then entered the ballroom.
great success.