THE OMAHA srXDAY BKlv Jt'LY 5, 1!U4. 5-B Sunday is h . PH. by Frank O I'ariwntei 1 LJ show you how our holy Sab bath is spent In thin, tn v.- ly n4. . . ... , m irraco. Capital or Hollvla Is one of the most Interesting of all the South oitics. and Sunday la Its of the week The town 11m American great da? far back from the ocean, across the high- rst of the Andes, and on one of the hlgh--cst plateaus of the earth. In the Oulbert hotel, where I am writing. 1 am almost two miles and a half aboe the sen. ami I can see from my window the perpetual p:.ows or Mount lllimanl, one of the high est peaks of this hemisphere. All about are other high mountains, and wulllns me In are the (treat ramparts, three times s high ns the Washington monument, that guard the basin In which Ls. Paz Hoe. I have climbed the walls of Jeru salem, and have tramped for mllos upon the great wall of rhlna that separates that country from Mongolia. Xelther of these walls is over fifty feet high. The. walls of Ijn Paz nro thirty times higher. They oxtond upward for 1,300 feet and In a pltitonit that Is more than 13 000 feet nfcove the level of the ocean. The plateni of Bolivia is as big as either Virginia, Ohio or Kentucky, and on one side ot It aio mountains, some of which arc more than four miles In height. The city lies In a depression In that plateau. It la Ir a little hollow, way up here on the topmost roof ot the world. Mr. John n. C'llear, our American minister, says the Mtc of tho town is shaped like a wash bowl whose top Is three miles In diameter and. whose sides are 1,500 feot deep. This bowl Is almost circular excopt for one end, where Is a great crack, out of which the I.a Paz river runs. And. Indeed, that t-tvps iv fair Idea of the city. Its Mtc was a depression' In Mho bed ot the great Inland sea that once covered this mighty plateau. Then the earth rose and the water btoke through at tlio crack and ran out, leaving the dry hollow that now holds tho capital of - tho Holtvian lopubllc. .Voir llnvc llnllrotitl. When I last visited l.a Paz I rode from Lake Tltlcaca across the plateau on tho top of u stage drawn by eight mules, which wero changed every three hours. This time I came on tho railroad. 1 took tho train at Guaqitl, on Luke Titlcaca, and within three or four hours had crossed tho high plains. I could sec no sign of a city until the cars stopped at the Alto. This Ik at the edgo ot the basin, whero the motive power for the train Is changed from steam to electric lty. Here our engine pulled up on the brink of the precipice, and there below us was this mighty hole peppered with houses, roofed with red tiles and galvan ized iron. Wo could see 'he walls of green, made by natuie. and the patches of cultivation clambering their sides; and right in tho center, awny down far below us, wero the two and three-story houses and the churches and the public buildings that make up tho city. We rode down tho sides of the walls on an electric; trolley in winding curves, our train zigzagging this way and that. Here the cars flew around 11 loop, and there they cut a groat figure S, while further on we could see a' half dozeti tracks abovo and below us. As we descended tho town grow larger, and tho buildings that wero merely toy houses when .viewed from the Alto, becamu of respectable size. We could now rdck, out the1 streets as' they, climbed down t)ib hills, . and could recognize the buildings about the great, central plaza, whero stands the national capltol. In which congress meets. AVe could see the -palace whero the president lives, and at Itn left tile unfinished cathedral, upon which the people have been working for two generations, and whore I am told they will still be working for a generation to come. At the same time wo began to notice the crowds of the streets, and our eyes caught the maze of bright colors, which, of a Sunday, paint waving ribbons on the thoroughfares of La Paz, II I IV lttiNlrtcKH mi Sunday. On week days La Paz has a mixed pop ulation of perhaps 80,000. On Sundays this number Is increased by tens of thousands ot Indians. The Aytnaras ' come In for many mllos c . er tho country around, choosing this Lord's day of all others as their one and only trading day of the week. 1 have seen most of the great market sights of tho world. I have haggled over the prices In Calcutta, Bombay and Ben nies, I have dickered with the orientals in Cairo and Tunis and have fought with the Slavs at tho fair ot Nljnl Nov gorod on the Volga, whero Europe and Asia annually meet to buy and to sell. I have seen the open-air markets of Africa and tho mighty bazaars of Slam and Burma, but nowhere have I found so much activity as right hero In La Paz. The Indians are dressed' In 'the gayest of reds, yellows, purples and greens. They bring their families with them and there Is a jna'ss of moving men, women and children Vwhlph, throngs the streets from one end, to tho other, Every one has merchandise with him and many have traveled forty, fifty or more miles, carrying their wares on their hacks. In addition to the crowd on' the cobblestone load ways are two long lines of women sellers who take up the sidewalks, Kvery one bits down where she is and spreads her wares out before her, so that thcro are literally miles of vegetables and goods on ono kind of other lining tho streets. In addition to .the Indians are1 the many Cholos or half breqdB, and mixed with the whole Is tile white pop ulation of the Bolivian capital, women and men who have come out to buy or see tho strange sights. All Wcnr Ilrlulit Colorx. The chief colors come from the dress of tho Indians. The children' and grownups wear alnnit the same costume, and even the babies ate clad like their parents. Tho men and boys . have on ponchos which cover the upper parts , of their bodies. The poncho Is a blanket of the brightest of colors, with a short silt in the middle through Which the head goes, so that the cloth rests on the neck and shoulders and falls Ja the waist. Under the poncho is an embroidered vest, and the suit is completed by pantaloons that icach half way down the calf and are lit up to the knees at the back. Many of the Indian men are barefooted, and many wear sole-leather sandals tied on with strings. The most of them have on llttlo jfclt hats with round crowns, and under them knit flaps that cover the ears and fall to the shoulders! The women also weiir hats of much tho same shape, and some of them are bare headed. All are barefooted. They wear guy blankots pinned around fholr shoul der, iovering a white waist or vest. They have very full skirts o'f red, yellow, pink, green ' or blue. Everything la of the gaudiest nature, and the cheap dyes ut Germany have aided In making the 'iue and tints swear at one another. Half ShhI1i mid Indian. Mixed with the Indians arc the Choios Busiest Day in the a s and Cholas and the Cholltos. The Cho los are the women, and Cholltos Is a semi-affectionate term for the girls, Tho cholos are the mixed breed made by the crossing of the Spaniard and the Indian. The Cholo men dress much as we do, but tho women and girls have the same vos- tumo they have had for a generation or ' more. They delight ln delicate colors, nnd seem to have robbed the gorgeous Andean sunsets for the tints of their shawls und dresses. They have skirts of rose-red and sky-blue. Hundreds of them wear skirts of sky-green, and not a few have short dresses as red aB the sun as its set ting. They have shawls of tho finest of silk of the most delicate hues, nnd thefe aro bo draped that they stand out over the skirts, which aro propped out with hoops. Tlie skirts themselves reach only to the ripe curve of the calf, whoso plumpness Is brought out by the high shoes of white, cream or blue kid that form tho fashionable footgear. Tho Cholu shoes have very high heels. They nro buttoned high up, but arc always 'tied nt the lop by a cord with a tassel that hangs half way to tho ankle. The girls have white straw hats with tiny black bands around the crown nnd bows on one side. The bands seem to be pasted, on tho hat. and sometimes they are merely streaks of black paint. As the Chollto Btruta along tho street on her high heels she rests her hat raVlshly on one side of her head and walks with a swing. Sometimes sha fUrts her skirts a llttlo to show h,er green or blue colored stockings; and often you notlco tha alio has no stockings at all and that what ydu thought was knitted hose of rose-col-ored silk Is tho bare, rosy pink of tho leg. Cholo Women Are I'rouil. The Cholo women are very proud of their ndmlxturo of white blood. They think themselves above their Indian sis ters, and look down upon the woman who , wears a blankot und sandals. They are I brighter than the IndianB. Many of them are truders who buy and Bell In the mar kets, and they do much of tho retail buslnoss of the Bolivian capital, having email stores and salmons. Not a few uro the solo support of thelr families, Includ ing, perhaps, those of their husbands, who strut tho streets of tho nollvlan capital,' having allowances ot pin money from the trado curried on by their wives. Hut let us go on with our walk through tho markets, Wo paw scoros of Indian women wearing striped blankets of red, yellow, blue and green. There are nlso natives in black mantos, with black crepe shawls wound tightly around their ollvo sklnned faces. They ljave stopped on tholr way home from church. Thoy liavo prayer books In their hands, and nlso prayer matB. Many are accompanied by tho men of the family, who wear high black silk hats, black clothes and black glove. There aro also foreigners, for La Paz is a cosmopolitan city, and It hu all tho nuoer classes of theso Holivian highlands. The most Interesting of all are the Indians. We can so thorn everywhere buying and sailing. I-t ua take 11 look at the wares. Here is a woman with a little pile of potatoes and two or three I 1. . . 1. k.. 1- nHi,niti. Ml 111 lll'ltio ueium lie,. ivn- " ..-.,.. peddling onions, and a. little farther over a girl has for sale green .roasting ears, peas, celery and lettuce. On the opposite side of the street Is a peddler who has flour In bags that hold half a pint, and farther on nro peddlers ot fruit. Every thing is sold by the pile, and you measuro the pile by your eyes. There are no weights and measures to tell you now much you aro getting. You pay by the pile, nnd tho plies nro cxceoaingiy sman. A half dozen llttlo potatoes, a handful ot flour or a tablespoonful of salt makes up a purchase, and tho usual trade Is equal to 5 cents of our money. A whole mar keting could bo crowded Into a halt pecK. 1 douht whether the average cooking stove ot La Paz could prepare much more at one time. Vnrlel' in Grent. The variety of the vegetables, fruits nnd meats Is great, and the quality Is especially fine. Tills high plateau is the homo of some of the chief crops of the world. It is known that the potato came from the Andes, and It Is a question as to whether this Is not tho birthplace ot our Indian corn. Hollvla has maize, the grains of which are twice as large as any grown by our farmers. Some are of a bright yellow color, every grain ns big aa my thumb nail. Others are white, of twice the size of a lima bean, and bo floury that they could be mashed to a powder between two stones. Somo of the corn la ot a mulberry color, other kinds are red or even Jet black. As to the potatoes, they arc red, white and yellow, and somo aro aa pink as the toes of tho bablcB plnylng among thein. Some of the potatoes are as big as your fist, and otlier varieties not more than tho size ot a thimble. They are all sold by the pile and a half dozen or ten make up the average purchase. Nearly every potato seller has chuno among her wares. They are potatoes so treated that they look like bleached bones, and are nlmost ns hard. When you break thein apart you find them fibrous and tough. They aro ordinary potatoes so frozen and dried that they can bo kept for years without spoiling. The usuil method of making chuno Is to soak the raw potatoes In water, night after night, and then lay them out on the ground to DstOutjFBAiue Sanatorium This institution Is the only one in the central west with separate buildings situated in their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct, and rendering it possible to classify cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment ot non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tage being designed for and Ue .oted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and spe-r-lnl n ursine. Markets of La Pazl:s freeze. When the skins at- rubbed off bv treading them with the bare feel. After that they arc dried In tho open air. Po tatoes no treated become as hard as stones. They form one of the chler foods of tho Indians, who store them away for tho winter. They have to be soaked be fore being eaten. They are served in tho form of r stew. I have tasted them, but thoy arc Insipid and not at nil appetizing. Mnny (iriilun 11 ml I'mlts. Going on with our walk through t lie market wo seo many frulta and grains that are atrange to our eyes. Hero Is n woman who sells quluau, or the aneds of a. plant nl.ln to our pig weed. Tho seeds are as largo as grains ot mus tard, and as white as snow. They are nwect to the taste, and make an excel lent gnicl. There arc also wheat, bar ley and oats, sold In Inflnlti'Mma! quan tities. There nro awoet and sour IcmonB nnd white graiios us big ns ripe damson 'plums. There tun pallua or nlllgutor pears ot twice the slzo or those that come to our markets, and the pleao, a fruit that looks like a niutnuth beau pod. It has a green skin, and Inside It a pulp I like the finest of white spun s'lk, which I when cold ta&tea like a finely flavored Ice jrrcam. There are also oranges, apricots nnd bananas ns well an tunas, the fruit of the cactus. All of come from tho Yungas valley, which Is reached through the break In the grout basin in which l.a Paz lies. Going down throughithat bieak you rapidly descend until lou reach a tropical climate, whero tho 'vegetation !s dense and where there arc bananas and pineapples, royal palms and wild cotton trees. There nro also coffee plantations and gardens In which tho coca leaves arc talsed torsive the Indiana their faoitte hew. llollviH has every product under the sun, and Its troplral valleys supply the highlands with fruit. Some of these Indians have come from those legions. Hern Is one woman tetlllK coffee Iwatis, f refit fium the unite; next her in one with a pile ir artichokes, whl'e further 011 a third Is peddling sections of sugar nm half ns long as my arm. fhe. sells thoiii f..r ." lent a stick. It Is Intel enllng to watch th- Unfile which uiovrs In and out throuah tho J crowds. N'early every woman tins a load! till 1l -1 I ... 1.1 u,..l I. .... ..... I .. I . . . ... I .... ..t. wni n, mm iiit'iK nia 1 1111 in it inmi jinirylng bushels. . Imcs 'aiul hitndlos wtlnhlng nn much us themjelves. The j most of the marketing Is bioiight In ! upon donkeys, and not a little on llamas. Here conies a drove ot llamas up a side Mroet. Their bonds are In the air, and their eats stand up like those of 11 fox terrier. They turn their heads, this way and that, and ate evidently surprise,! al J ' , ' ni,"r'"1"-; " the sltaiiBC things, about them, ltaoh! c,m of, "" Mr- Asquith. llama Is loaded with a hag of freight, i10'10'' of lhr ,loUM ot Commons, is well tied on to Its back with ropes that pass l,r,m mttilntor. The others, however, over the back and under the belly. Thoso "Rl ' quletrr atmonphcro of th lluimiH aie bilnging In fuel. TTy arc cari.vlng, not wood, nor oil. but dried llama manure. Kuch beast tins seventy- five or elohtv iinnnil. nf IliU .liiff 1111 lt I buck, and before nightfall the tratnload I will liuv.' been distributed ttiroiljhout the city from kitchen to kitchen. All of the vegetables atnl meals In this market will be cooked with llama, manure There Is no olhei fuel inej In La Paz. and that notwithstanding It Is a ctv of XO.000 Inhabitant. Tho learon for this 1 the great cost ot coal. The freight rates from the coast from where all the coal conies, are J-7.W n ton, and this brings tho price ot that fuel here to about 10 per ton, or gold. This makes It pto hlbltlvo for ordinary use, nnd the result Is there Is not a furnace or hot-water heating plant In tho whole city. Tho llama fuel Is used much like char coal. It Is burned In small stoves. It gives forth Itu llttlo smoko and no sparks. It is a sufo fuel. Ln Paz seldom has fires which do any great damage, and, Indeed. I am told that only a few buildings liavo been burnt down within tho last fifty years. The houses never catch fire from tho chimneys, for tho simple reason that they have no chimneys. Moreover, thoy iner of stone rather than wood, and It Is dlffl- cult to stui t a fire In them. 1'UAK O. CAUPKNTBU. Skipper's Wife Will Help Sail Lipton's Yacht During Race "LONDON, July 4. ln all the enthus iasm of preparation for the Rtvat yacht raro for tho America cup next fall, It has escapod general notlco that a woman will figure largely In tho contest. On board Sir Thomas Lipton's challenger, Shamrock IV, will be Mrs. W. P. Uur ton, the skipper's wife. Shs will not be there simply In an ornamental capacl'.y, but for flervlec at the wheel, holding tho stop-watch for her hnsbund while the yacht Is Jockeying for position Just le foro the start of the race. This Is some thing which Captain Burton says he would entrust to no ono but his wife. With her aid ho Is sure the Uhntnroclt ALWAYS DOWN ! 1 1 " 1 1 1 In line with our established policy of always giving the greatest service for the least cost, we have again re duced electric light rates. A Reduction of Nearly 10 is now in effect. This means that many of the electrical conveniences you have, never used before can be used at no extra cost for current. Better look into Ms now How about an Iron or a Fan? Omaha Electric Light and Power Co. ll)F Ktarting line when fired. has sailed in hundred f , oniesis. prooai"!- Holding a wolds rtco'd for a woman along IhitLf line. Asquith Finishes Sixth Year in Office LONDON. July 4. Premier Asquith has now hehl off li r for Just six years, thus equaling In length the admlnltiatlon of Dlstarll. who oci'itplcd the office front 1 Mi to itm. Sli ce the das of Lord l.her-' pool, who was nrliiiu. minister fur f.ften years, thrio have been only three Mate men who have hold the office for n longer period, without a break, than Mr As- quith. Tvto of thqfCt'Lord Melbourne and Lord Palmerston. both were prime minis tcr for about two months longer than Mr Asquith has been so far. The third case Is that uf Uird Aillsbuty, who wan prime minister for exactly seven years, from 133 House of I. mils. The present prime mill- j ; Inter, too. has taken an extta burden of 1 Itlio office of enetary ot war, and his .InUlrnltf,, i,n. .t mil of hard work na anv In modern' times. Through It all Mr, Aaqulth. although !lh. ..r.n mUHt he uroct. seems to thrive. 1 ilte lias certainly aged somewhat, but sol have all tltoio who hnvc gono through ' , the lart few strenuous years with him, Mrs. M. . 1 am certain a dally mas "ago with an nlmnr.olu cream-Jelly wilt soon dispel your wrinkles and clear -lie akin of local Impurities, icivlng It smooth and velvety and give 10 It tho pink and white bloom of youth. To pre. paro tho cream-Jelly at home. Just dl aolvo I ounce nimoilmi (get from drug gist), in pint cold water and add J teaspoonfuis glycerine. To remove wrln k'es. massage a little of the cream-Jelly lengthwise of the creaaes. The starvod tlMsues respond to tills treatment and ii'isume their correct proportions, then the akin will bo smooth and wrlnklolrns. The almozoln cream-jeliy Is especially Koori to ofo&tiRfl the ftklii of nlmnlns ami "'aekhcads. 11. X, 1. I have found a "plendtd spring tonic and regulator which can bo Made at little cost hy putting 1 ounce kurdenn (from druggist). Into U pint nlcohol and H cupful sugar, then pour ing hot water In to mako u. quart. Take of thl? 1 tabtespnonful 3 times each day. Ktomaei. upsets, deranged liver, clogged kldneyn nun blood-disorders yield nutnk- ly to tno itnrncna trentmetu, ami ror restoring health and energy it in not nurpassed. Elsie: Tou can make that cleansing, Invigorating shampoo mixture men tioned In last Issue by dlssolvolng a tea snnonful canthrox In a cup hot water. This rubs up Into a white, thick lather that soothes and cleanses tho scalp and rinsing remove nil dust, dandruff nnd excess oil. After ft canthrox shampoo tho hair dries otilcaly and evenly and Is over so soft, fluffy and easy to do up. Your shampoos with canthrox will pro mote halr-hralth and halr-bcauty and encourage n thick, beautiful growtji. Lois; Thla Is my recipe for a valu able skin lotion: In U pint hot watur or witch dissolve 4 ounces npurmax which you can get at any drug store, then add - teaspoonfuis glycerine. Ap ply to lace, neck and anna and rub lightly until dry. This clears the skin of pimples, blackheads and dlscolora- !').( 10 Me Is Mill the master of (lie llouie ot Commons, having no equal, except per hap Mr. IIhKoui, In debate, while a 1M1tH(.. mrtlrian mine onm wltliln tnllea i,i, if,..., .i,,,i,t i, .f .. j prove to be beyond Ills powers of grttln I over difficult situations, lie wilt be able 1 to look back upon a long series of sir cesses. Wonderful Treatment for Corns, Callouses and v...j..j...4..f4..i..j.....t.....j.xAi . Tlii tgshiit IrrltlMon from fool torture HUM ihmft i n( net vol" bretVdonnt. tleildtt thep 11 the pi 11 tlif tiMKint tire unit pctTlih dltpre hiIim II .n't tUe s hour, here li treil mem that will cure four feet qulrklr No milter haw mn piteni tncdlclnei you have trlcM In Tiln. thli treatment veil Vnbwti to beet foot doctor!, ll gle prompt reeulti. "Dluolt mo tihleepoonfuli of (lleclds i' mpountl In battn of wirm nlri Folk the feet In thll tor lull queen mlnuln, gen'ir nibbing the lore parte," The 1 rct ire mireetoui, All pln cit Intinttr mil the feet reel ilmptv detlihttul Coma and rallouien cm be peeled rlfht oil, hunlont, irhlni .feet, iweatr ainell) fert. Ket Immedlite re II-.' I Ihl- m w Ir unit -nit- frw.1 iMtihUa Mill ' 'hm or the -ut. riloelde work throuut !,' ft"7n" k otmiu u'tm" five .mh 'afkiao 11 id to be enouih to eui V" or1 '"A iocld compound prepared only ( by Mx.irjl Formula tV. DiMon, Ohio. Greatest Known Foot Remedy Cal-o-cide Immediate. Belief for Corns. Callouses minions, Aching- Feet, Sweaty reet. The Home Beauty Parlor Mens and restores the rosy tint ot healthy maidenhood. This lotion Is In visible when on and gives an oddedl touch of loveliness to tho daintiest complexion. It Is particularly fine for banishing tho oily, sallow, muddy" ap peal alloc. Mrs, O. IC. 8.; To make your too-ff, figure round and Just right dissolve t ounces of parnotls (from drug store) In I'i pints hot water. When cool, strata nnd take a tablespoonful at meat time This Is a rational, harmless treatment and gently dissolves the fat without leaving the skin wrinkled or the flesh flabby. The parnotls treatment ae's differently from others, Inasmuch as it restores the graceful lines to the flgurn and when the weight Is sufficiently re duced tho treatment can be discon tinued. ,T. o.: Trv tho crystos eye-tonic t have frequently mentioned In these col umns and I um certain you will ohtaln prompt rcllof from, your sore, watery eyes, to make, the tonlo at home, aim piy dissolve 1 ounce, crystos in a pint or clear wator. Two or three drops should bo put In ench eye a few times each day until permanent relief Is had. The crys tos tonlo Is especially flno for tired, aching muscles and for granulated lid. Its use will give to dull eyes a delight Jul sparkle and expression. Mo: Kor a good halr-tonlc, I put t ounce qulnzoln (your druggist keeps li). Into H Pint alcohol, then add Vi pint water atidi you will have n pint of the very bent tonlo for hair and scalp at llttlo coat. The qulnxoln tonlo almost Instantly relieves tho burning, ltchlne sensation and soon corrects unnatural conditions so that you will not be bothered with profuse dandrufff or ex cess oil. Discolored, streaky, brittle hair Is soon restored to Its natural, even color nnd softness with the aid of this tonic, and Its use is a positive ben efit to the growth of the. hair. Uotty Dean's Beauty Book $5, Advertisement.