Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1914, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 14

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3 long; Trips Are Planned by Promi
H nent Omaha People.
"cores of ntnnhn People Are I.enr
tS Ins for Lnkci, Monntnlna and
Heaahore -Te.nnta unit (lolf
for 'Week Popnlnr.
Social Cnlr.nilnr.
MONDAY Carter Lke club, children'!
dsnolnir olaaa nnd moving picture. Wo
men's Tnnle tournament at Country
Tt'ndDAY Holon Nolan, hoatrsa for P.
P. K. club danctnt? party at Happy Hol
low club. Carter JaJce club olnner
dnnre. WEDNESDAY Seymour Laks club, mat
inee dancing for children, evening for
adult. Conusors' night, Carter lko
club. Dinner-dance at Field and Coun
try clubs.
Tl I ITItSDAY Carter Laics club dinner-
1-niDAY Women golfer at Field club,
Carter Lake club, matinee dance and
moving picture.
KATURPAY Carter Lake club, members'
dance night. Dinner-dance at Happy
Hollow, Field and Country club.
Tho motor car seems to be a necessary
accessory for the lumracr traveler. "Wo
are coins' to Okobojl this year bo that J
the other member of the family and
our friend can motor up there for tho
week end," I heard on every aide
Omaha people who will epend .tho sum
mer in tho tut will havo their cara sent
to the seashores so that they may motor
to tho mountain or to tho clllea when
they wlah.
The Wlanno colony on the Mossachu
actta coaat are planning t& enjoy motor
trip. Mr. and Jlrs. O. W. Wattle win
liave a car while thero a will also Mr,
Ward Burgess.
Jtr. and Mr. W. V. Ourley will spend
two month motoring through the cast
this summer.
Mr. and Mr. N. A. 8pliberger and
daughter, Mle Mammle and Hortenso
Spleberger. have arranged an lntorcat
Ingr summer. They left (Friday evening
for Now YOrlc City, Atlantic City and
Newport. They will then go to long
Reach for tho ret of the summer and
will take motor trip from there. Mr
and Mrs. Sptesberger expect to sail for
Kuropo early In October for two month.
Attend Automobile Races.
Enthusiastic motorists In large numbers
attended the automobile races at Sioux
City, and many were entertained at the
Boat and Country clubs there Saturday
evening. Among thoe who motored to
Bloux City were Mr. and Mrs. IJonber
ger, who had as their gtiesU Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Parmer and Miss Alice Hot
t ridge.
Mr. Elmer Redlclc and Mr. Elmer Cope
left Wednesday by motor for Okobojt
Mr. Elmer Itedlck and Mr, Copo motored
frpm the lake to Sioux City for the race
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess, Mr. and
Mr. Charles Kountie and Mr. Joseph
Barker were another party of motorists
who left Friday, and Mr. E. II. Bpraguo
took his cor up with a party of mon.
Mr. James McCord left Saturday morn
Ins In his car, accompanied by Mls Ida
Sharp and Miss Margaret JtUstfn.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Itedlck with Mr.
and Mm George Prlns motored up Fri
day, and Mr. and Mrs Mpshler Colpeticr,
MUa Plnnlpg-JiM'JM'' Kml1 "Wotbach of
Grand Taland went up In tho Colpetxer
car tho same day.
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. M. U Mlllor and Mr, Milton Living
tono motored to Sioux City for tho races.
Mr. and Mrs. A.- B. Busch had In their
car Mr. Thomas Heyward of Pittsburgh
and Albert and Edwin Uuscti. From
Sioux City they will go to tho lakes of
Mlnneopta'for tho month of July.
With Mr. and Mrs. duy 1 Smith were
Mr. und Mrs. J. D. Weaver and Mr. and,
Mrs. Ralph Hayward.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuol Burns returned
Wednesday from Okobojl and Friday mo
tored up to Sioux City for tho automobile
far with Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Kennedy
and Mr. J- T. Stewart, 2d. They will
go on to Okobojl from thero nnd spend
Sunday, returning homo wonaay. jars.
Burns will remain at OkoboJL
Among others who motored to Sioux
City wcro Mr, and Mrs. C. II. Rogers,
Miss Ruth Slabaugh and Miss Josephine
Crulksh'ank of Hannibal,- Mo.
Motoring up were U. WUHon, Joseph
Batdrlge, John Madden. Leter Hcyn, E.
"V- Arthur, George Flack, W. IL BuchoU
and ticorcV of 'oth'or o'mfcha people. '
Summer Plans.
! Mrs. 'Nelsons Tl. Updike v and children,
Miss Hasel Updike and Master. Kelion B.
Updike, Jr., plan to leave Monday or Tues
day to spend the summer at Clear Water
I-aUc. Minn.
Miss B. Ruth Curry left Friday, to visit
her parent, Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Curry
of Boulder, Colo., formerly of Omaha.
Later Miss Curry will go to Ktcs Park.
Mrs. Charles E. Lothrop and. daughters,
I.uclle and Winifred, have gone to Tolls, id,
Colo., -lor the. summer.
Mrs. J- N. Crawford and daughters,
Kula and Ruth, have gone to Colorado to
Vend 'the tmmraor In the .mountains,
Mrs. Norman Bennett leaves Monday
for ..long trip through Canada and sev
eral western late. '
Mrs. H. a, Itarte and daughters have
gone, to their summer cottage at Mon, Colo. They wcrp accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Goldsmith of Chllll
cothe, Mo., who were their guests last
weeks, and will spend the summer with
them. Mr. Harte will Join them about
August 1. ....
Mr. E. E. Klmberly and children will
leave for Chicago the flrt ot the week."
Mr. Klmberly will' Join them later when
(hey will golo-tho Klmberly summer
home at Honey Lake, Wis.
Mr- and Mrs. Will Hoagland and family
left this week for their summer home at
Oaakls. Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Caldwell wtl sail
July IS from Nw York for Panama.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates and Mr.
Reba Morgan left Thursday for the east,
tho latter to visit Mr. Caldwell at Tioga,
Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Yates to attend
the whist congress at Lake Placid. Af
terwards they will go to Watch HUI,
IL J. . .
Account of Wedding in Tokio Paper,
The Japan Advertiser of Tdklo of June
Z has the following 'account ot the wed
ding of Miss Mae Hamilton and Mr.
Barter of Manila:
Due to the prominent of the con
trading parties in Omaha and In Manila.
a -very Interesting wedding took place In
Yokohama on Monday, June 1. Miss Mae
Hamilton, with her sister. Miss Stolla,
and nephew ot both, Mr. C. XV. Hamilton,
an irom umaea, nave been spending con
slderable time In traveling around the
world and finally stopping In Manila for
some little time. The Hamilton are well
known and prominent In business and
social circles In Omaha, the first members
of the Xumlly having gone there when the
city was settled many year ago; and they
Will Go East to
m -mmw Mir an
v m. nti'i swn .sssHV, bbbW
have many friends In the Philippine
During their sojourn In Manila Mr, J.
Rosseau Mctcalt Barber, who Is the head
of the forestry "bureau under .the American
administration In the Philippine Islands,
was quick to appreciate the charms of
Mlas Mae Hamilton. Tho romance re
sulted there In an engagement, tho wed
ding to take place later In tho United
States. Upon tho Hamilton leaving for
home, howovor, Mr. Barber found that it
was Impossible to bo parted for such a
long tlmo and thorefore hurried to Yoko
hama. Intending to complete the much
desired union here.
After the usual civil ceromony had been
arranged and completed by tho American
consul general, Hon. Oeorgo H. Scld
m6re, the church wedding tool( place tit
II o'clock in the Roman Catholic Church
ot the.,Bacrcd Heart, Rev. Father Pettier
officiating, Tho friends of the contract
ing parties, who woro traveling with
them, and also a number of their friends.
In Yokohama were present at the serv
ice and subsequently attended tho wed
ding breakfast, which took placo at the
Orand hotel at 12 o'clock.
The bridesmaid was Miss Stolla M.
Hamilton, idstcr ot tho bride, and tho
best man Mr. C. W. Hamilton,- Jr.,
nephew oC tho bride. -
Tho church was prettily decorated with
flowers and the wholo service very Im
pressive, Thoso attending the church
service and the wedding breakfast were
as follows:
. Miss Stolla "M. Hamilton, plater ot the
bride, and bridesmaid; Mr. C. W. Hamil
ton, Jr., beat man; Hon. Oeorgo H. Scld
more, American consul general; Colonel
George K. Hunter, U, S. A., In command
of the United' States forces at Fort Mo-
Klnlpy, P, I., and Mrs. Hunter; Paymas
ter Mitchell McDonald. U. B, N., Yoko
hama; Ur. O. R. Moore-Graham, Yoko
hama; Mr. J. Conft-y Long, Manchester,
England;. .Mr J. R. Qeary, Yokohama.
After many good wishes offered to the
bride and congratulations to Mr. Harbor,
the happy coliplo left on an afternoon
train to spend' their honeymoon In Ntkko.
After a sojourn ot a week or ten days
there, they expoct to return to Yoko
hama, thenco proceeding to Munlla, where
their home will be established.
European Travelers.
Dr. Frank M. Conlln left yesterday for
a four months' trip to Europe. He will
sail .from Boston on the Hth on the
Arabic. After a tour ot England and the
continent ho will study in Vienna for a
month. Before going to Boston, Dr. Con
lln will 'visit his parent In Madison, Wl.
Mr. and Mr. J. C. Stevens and their
children, who havo been abroad In Spain
and are on their way to their, home in
Portland, Ore., are spending tho week
with Senator and Mrs. Morris Brown.
Atr. and Mrs. David Baum and Ml
Margaret Greer Baum returned Thurs
day from three months abroad.
Mr. John Redlck, who has been abroad
since May, sailed for home Tuesday. Mr.
Redlck and small son will remain abroad
for the summer.
Mrs. George 'Palmer and children landed
Wednesday In Wales and will spend
some time there and In Scotland and Eng
land. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Hmltr,
and family were on the same steamer.
Mr. Albert Slbbernsen leave this week
to Join his brothers, Drcxel and Clarence,
who are In Copenhagen, Denmark.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Smith and
three daughter leave Monday evening
for Canada, where they will sail for Eu
rope to spend the summer.
Dr. W. L. Shearer will sail July IS on
tho Imperator to attend the congress ot
surgeons and the International Dental
congress, both of which are being held
In London, England.
Leaving for 'the Lakes.
Mrs. Charles Offutt, Mis Virginia
Offutt and Jarvla Offutt leave Tueaday
for Chrlatmo Lake, Minn., for the sum
mer. Mr. and Mrs. Yost expect to Join
them later and Mrs. Milton Barlow and
Mia Hlbbard went up Wednesday ot
this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyman
expect to go up the first of August.
Mrs. Ben Gallagher with her sons, Ben
and Paul, and her sister, Mrs, McCaskell.
wtll leave Monday In their car for Oko
bojl, where Mr. Gallagher will open
her cottage for the summer.
Mr. N. II. Loomla and his sons, Alex
ander and Robert, leave today to spend
Spend Summer
a month at Dome Lake, Wyo. They go
up In Mr. Loomls' private car and with
them will bo Mrs. R. W. .Breckenrldge
and her son, Warren. Mr. John Loomls
went up Wednesday to the lake.
To Travel in the East.
Mrs. O, A. Scott and daughter, Miss
Uarda Scott, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Will
loms and Miss Irma Book leave Sunday
evening for Pittsburgh, Norfolk, Va.,
Boston and other eastern points. They
will mako tho return trip by way ot
Montreal nnd the Great Lakes. The
party will bo gone for a month,
Miss Sidney Stobblns left Wcdnsday
for tho east to visit Mr. and Mrs. George
Cliristlancy at Mount Vernon, N, Y., and
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mcintosh at Yonker,
after which sho will bo with Dean and
Mr. Tnncock and Mla Tancock at Nook
Beach on Capo Cod.
Golf Champions Here.
Mrs. J, Lawton Heirs of Savannah,
Go., formerly Miss Elizabeth Maxwell of
this city, Is visiting hor parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Maxwell, and has spent
part of each day on the golf links at
the different golf clubs since arriving In
Mrs. Heirs holds tho lowest score for
women on tho Savannah golf course, hav
ing made tho eighteen hols In 107. Mrs.
Ilclrs finds quite a difference In playing
on the northern courses, as In Savannah,
tho putting greens, as we call them,
arc mado ot hard sand perfectly level.
Instead of tho green turf, which Is not
always level on the Omaha course.
Entertain at Rbsemere Lodge.
Mr. . and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm enter
tain their friends who were members of
tho Friday evening dancing class lost
winter at, a delightful suppcr-dance at
Ropemere Lodge, where they aro spend
ing tho summer. Supper was served on
the porches and Rftorwards there was
Music and dancing In the log cabin,
south of the house. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs, T. J, Mahoney, Mr. and
Mrs. W. 11. Buchols, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Towle, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase, Mr.
and Mrs. John A, McShane, Mr, and Mrs.
W, A. C. Johnson, Mr and Mrs, Fred
Hill, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lovo, Mr. and
Mrs., F. W. Judson. Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
George, Mr and Mrs. David Baum, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Burkley, Mr, and Mrs.
Henry Wyman, Mrs. F. P, Klrkendall,
Mrs. Mabel Ogden, Mr. Charles Offut,
Mrs. Ruisel Harrison, Mrs. Walter Page,
Mr, Lucius Wakeley. Mr. Frank Burk
ley, Mr. Joseph Batdrlge, Mr. Charles
Saunders and Mr. Milton Barlow.
With the Visitors.
Mrs. "W. A. Fraser has her mother,
Mrs. Qulllman of Dallas. Tex., with her
for the summer.
Mrs. S. A. Fcs ot Kearney arrived lat
week to spend the summer with Senator
und Mrs, Norris Brown.
Mi., Mnhd MulUner of Lincoln Is
spending the week-end In Omaha as the
gut of Mrs. Percy Is. Gwynno.
Miss Marjorto Parks of La Salle, III.,
Ims arrived to spent! the summer with
her cousin, Ml Herberta Barker.
Miss Leah and Mlts Hazel McConnell
of Albion have arrived to spend two
weeks with Miss Marthena Chapman.
At Carter Lake Club
Scores ot members spent the Fourth at
Carter Lake club playing tennis and In
dulging In aquatlo sports and watching
the flreworwks In the evening. Many
large dinner parties were given and a
number of smaller parties dined together.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hsulra. had hs their
Misses Misses
Leolu Harris, Myrtlo May.
Julia Harris.
Messrs. Messrs.
Louls Hadra of E. Sellgsohn,
New York City- Herbert Harris.
Mr. and Mr. William Harris,
Mr. and Mrs. Max Bentxen.
Dining together were Mr. ad Mrs. J.
B. Good, Mr. and Mrs, J, A. Rogers, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Roger, Mr. and Mr. El
ward Hageneck, Dr. and Mrs. A, W.
Fltxslmon, Mr. and Mrs. E. E, Duncan
ot Lincoln, Mis Jean Wallace, Messrs.
George Porter and Lloyd Meyers.
Other reservations were W. T. Burke,
two; Dr. Oeorgo P. Carroll, six; W. H
I Dorronca two', tt. E. VUliir, t&i Ul4
Clara Hlnger, ten; Walter Whalton,
eleven; W. F. Knapp, five; N. L. Hamann,
four; George fluchart, Jr., four; C, D.
Scott, three: George Victor, six; A. A.
Huth, four; A. N. Newell, eleven; T. P.
Fodrea, four; B. O. Nelson, four; Mr
Stroup, two; H O. Nlon. four; George
Drake, two; B. T. Maon, four; Mr. Cobb,
two; C. J. Nagl, six; K. F. Dralley, five,
R. M. Scott, four; Dr. Grant William,
two: A. F. Dlchey, lx; Henry Keating,
four; R. M. Frankum, four; W It. Herd
man, fourteen; A. A. Burns, four, t M
Peck, two; J. K. Vltse-I, seven; EdwnrJ
Vltacl, four; George Cleveland, two, li
A. Johnson, four; W. C. Ballard, five, V
L. Dundy, six.
Mr. Arthur M. Newell had as hi guests
Mr nnd Mr. Leo H. Wilson.
Mr and Mrs. Ralph Newell.
Mr. and .Mr. C. I.. Newell.
Mis MArgaret Wllcoa. '
Miss Edith Mathcwu.
Mrs. E. A. Mathews.
Mr. Frod E. Hall.
Mr, Kenneth Hatch.
A. C. Axford, six; A. Taylor. ;x.
A A. Arnold, two; B. E. Hoffmclter,
elx; Joe Creedon, four; George Suchart,
four; W.'S. Woodworth. two; Dr. W II
Taylor, six; W. J. Yancy,. two; A. J.
Carpenter, two; F. I.. Weaver, four; U
G. Simpson, four; E. D. Clay, eight: U
J. Te Poel, two.
At the Country Club.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Smith enter
tained for their son, Mr. Larrntt Smith,
and hi brldp. The other membra of the
party were.
Misses Mioses
Mildred Rogers, .Marjorle Smith.
Daphne Peter.
Measrs. Mera.
Raymond Low. Ttobert Wood.
Herbert Wlll'am.
Judge and Mrs. W. D. Mcllugh and Mr.
and Mrs, Charles El. Keller were the
guests of' Mr. and Mm. John H. Butler.
With Mrs. George Voss were Mr. and
Mr. Ralph Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Austin, Mis Hilda Hammer and Mr
George Voss,
Mr, and Mr. W. A. Fraser had as
their guests Mr. nnd Mrs. A. I., l'.coil.
Mrs. Qulllman ot Dallas and Mr. Frank
B. Johnson.
With Mr. Charles H. Keller were Miss
Frances Thrall, Ml Kathurlne Daven
port, Miss Emily Kollcr, Mr. Taylor
Belcher nnd Mr. IUss Hyde.
Another party was made up of.
Misses Mlssca
Elizabeth Reed, Ann Glfford.
Janet Stevenso.l.
Herbert Connell,
Caspar Offutt,
Isaac Carpenter, Jr.
With Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Russell were
their daughters, Miss Agnes,' Miss Anna
and Miss Florence Russell, Mr, John
McDonald and Mr. Butler of Salt Lake.
Miss Mildred Buter, Miss Stella Thum
mel, Mr. Cuthbert Potter and Mr. Fred
Clarke, Jr., were In another party with
Mrs. F. W. Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. George entertained
at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. George Peek
of Mollne.
Other dinner parties were given by F.
A. Brogan, who had six guests; J. L.
Webster, six; F. H. Davis, our; C. E.
"Yot, six; H. O. Edwards, twelve; D. M.
Vlnsonhalcr, three; W. T. Burns, four;
M. A. Hall, eight; J. M. Daugherty,
seven; Harry McCormlck, six; Randall
Brown, six; Harold Pritchett, eight; M.
C. Peters, ten; Thomas Fry, six; E. L.
MacLean, four; F. W. Judson, four; Mr.
22va Wallace, six; Ml Eugenie Patter
son, twelve.
Mr. and Mr. E. G. McGIIton enter
tolned Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hoyt of Mil
waukee, Mr. Robert Smith ot Milwaukee
and Miss Eleanor McGIIton.
Tennis and golf tournaments brought
many to the Country club to celebrate
the Fourth.
Entertaining at dinner were Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Mahoney, who had us their
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McShane,
Mr, and Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson,
Mrs. Hogon of Memphis, Tenn.;
Kir. Lucius Wakeley,
Mr. Francis Gaines.
At Happy Hollow.
An old-fashioned Fourth of July cele
bration, with oration and athletic events
and reading of the Declaration of Inde
pendence, brought out a laVge crowd at
Happy Hollow yesterday.
At tho dinner-dance In the evening Mr.
and Mrs. 11. J. Stirling gave one ot the
larger partlos. Covers were placed fori
Mr. and Mrs. G. IC Blssonnett.
Mr. and Mrs. A, L, Farquhar.
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Fries.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Southard.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Charske.
Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Brando.
Miss Margaret Sterling.
Mr. Andrew Benton of New York.
Mr. Thomas H. McCague entertained
eight guests at dinner; C. E. Becker, six;
George L. Bradley, five; E. B. Williams,
six; Senator Norris Brown, seven.
Miss Helen Nolan will entertain the
members ot the P. F. K. club Tuesday
afternoon at a dancing party at Happy
Hollow club.
With Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Penney were:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox.
Mr. and Mr. Walter Chamberlain.
Master Walter Chamberlain, Jr.
At the Field Club.
A cabaret entertainment was the draw
ing card at the Field club Saturday even
ing when many of the members of tho
club entertained ot dinner parties. There
Woman Golf Champion of Savannah
Of Savunnuh. Go., formerly Miss Elizabeth Maxwell of Omaha.
were five cabnrct artists who sang and
danced during tho dinner hour and also
during tho Intermission.
Entertaining at dinner were: W. C. Mc
Knlght, six; E. M. Slater, eight; J. B.
Fradenburg, nine; R. E. Cunningham,
four; F. E. Lewlst two; J. B. Porter,
six; B. 8. Baker, ten; L. II. Drlshaus,
six; II. A. Cameron, four; Dr. E. C. Ab
bott, four; C. A. Thomas, two; S. T.
Loomls, five; A. E. Rogers, five; J. H.
Osborne, four; O. E. Berg, two; D. J.
O'Brien, eighteen', A. W. Scribner, five;
B. W. Capon, six; Frank Colpetzer, four;
C. B. Liver, six; James T. Allen, two;
F. E. White, three; W. D. Goodrich,
three; W. R. Cahill, four; J.--A. Monroe,
threo; D. 11. Pratt, three; A. B. Rate
ford, eight; T. F. Murphy, three; H. If.
Fish, four; O. H. Meadows, teni W. H.
Murray, four; J. F. Deltz, four; E. E.
Huntley, two; D. V. Sholes. two; A. T.
Smith, four; E. J. Malone, threo; J. A.
Russell, two; W. E. Palmatler, five;
Harry Jordan, three; IL B. Morrow,
three; It, C. Martin, two; H., E, Chub
buck, eight; D. C. Bradford, four.
. . . ti
At Seymour Lake Country Club.
Mr, and Mrs. G. C. Dodds and Mrs. C.
I. Vollmcr entertained at a large danc
ing party and watermelon feast at Sey
mour Lako Country club Friday evening.
Among their guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rnmsdell.
Mr. and Mrs. Datus Shrank.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Powell.
Mr. and Mrs. Burd Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Gresly.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilcox.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Nlckolls.
Mr. and Mrs. D. G, Dtfmper.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hart.
Mrs. Clyde Hlckard ot Salt Lake City.
.Miss Isabel Ethlln of Kansas City.
Mr. Harvey W. Morrow.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Ruber alBO enter
tained Friday evening in honor of Mrs.
J. D. O'Rourke.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Powell enter
tained eight guests at breakfast Saturday
morning In honor of their house guest,
Miss Isabel Ethlen ot Kansas City, Mo.
A large number ot diners were entor
talnod for the Fourth of July. Miss K.
F. Worley entertained one of tho larger
parties, her guests Including:
Mesdames Mesdames
W. L. Watt, O. N. Strlcklor.
Misses Misses
Emma Louise Watt, Mildred Schomer,
Marjorle Current, Ethel Wilson.
Elizabeth Watson,
Messrs. Messrs.
Doland Edmondson, Gall Current,
Rudolph Carlson, W. P. Current.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bates.
Others making reservations were F. J.
Sheeny, who had ten guests; R, D. Phil
lips, five; George Rushhart, thirty-one;
H. C. Townsend, four; F. E. Ames, four;
J. W. Woodrough, eight; W. E. Phllby.
seven; Charles - Mongum, eleven; D. O.
Tobln, five; T. J. McGulro. two; J. E.
Bednar, four; O. E. Uren, two J. F.
White, five.
Week-End Surprise Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brockmau of
Gretna wore surprised Saturday evening
by a party of Omahans, who motored out
to spend Saturday und Sunday on the'r
farm. In the party were:
Mrs. Lena Brockman,
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Herlng.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lite,
Mr, and Mrs. P. H. Casey,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gernandt,
Miss Katherlne Lite,
Mlas Mildred Lite,
Mies Laura Hertng,
Master Harry Lite,
Master Louts Herlng.
Master Fred Gernandt. Jr.;
Master Robert Gernnndt.
Tho time was spent in dancing i&nirdoy
evenlng. Music was furnished by Mat tin
D)etx and Ed Sievers.
Conant-Boltz Engagement. .
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bolts, formerly of
Omaha, now of Los Angeles, announce!
mo ciitiHriiiciii ui uicir uaugnier, r.mwj'
May, to Mr. Ernest B. Conant also of Los
Fisher-Mullen Engagement.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles H. Mullln an
nounce the engagement ot their daughter,
Katherlne Douglas, and Mr. Robert Earlo
Flaher, son of Mr. and Mr. John W.
Fisher. The wedding will b celebrated
In the late summer.
Larimer-Bookhaoker Engagement
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bookhacker, Uli
North Twenty-eighth avenue, announce
the engagement of their daughter, Estella,
to Mr, Harold Q. Larimer -if the Union
Pacific, whose wedding will take place
the latter part ot this month.
Afternoon Bridge.
Mrs. J- M. Metc&lf entertained at bridge
In honor ot Miss Summers of Washing
ton, D. C, Friday afternoon. Those
present wero Mesdames J. E. Boyd, Ellis
Blerbower. James McKenna, W, F. Allen,
F. P. Klrkendall, M. Es Barber, James
Chadwlck, George E. Barker, C. W. Mar
tin, Georgo E. Havcrstlck, George Squires,
George Paterson, Phillip Potter, J. L.
Paxton, John H. Butler and Misses Wake
ley and Carrie Summers.
Go to Camp Harding.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kuhn, Mrs. Fred
Metz, Miss Marion Kuhn, Miss Harriet
Metz and Dr. and Mrs. J. J. McMulIen
leave next Friday for Camp Harding,
Colorado Springs, to remain until Sep
tember. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ham
mer and -Miss Hammer also plan to go
to Camp Harding about the 10th.
Return from World Tour.
Miss Stella Hamilton and her nephew,
Mr. Charles Hamilton, landed at Victoria,
B.. C.v Wcdne?day from Japan and are
expected "home this week.
! ' f
Join Camp i for Girls.
Miss Helen' Eastman and Miss Mary
Megeath aro "going to' Join a summer camp
of girls at Camp Mlchlgamme In north
ern Michigan.
In and Out of the Bee Hive..
Miss Verna Templeton will leave soon
to spend two weeks In Chicago.
Mr, and Mrs. C. F. McGrew left Thurs
day for Fort Steel, Wyo., to visit their
Miss Marie Callahan left Friday to visit
friends and attend the races at Sioux
Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Mclllnger left this
morntng for Burlington, la., to bo gone
two weeks.
Mrs. Frank R. Lewis left Thursday for
Santa Monica, where she expects to make
her future home.
Miss Catherlno Lacy left for Chicago
(Continued on Page Threo.)
notarlans Find Dreshor Brothers'
Coat Hangers .In Wardrobes of
Swell Houston Hotel.
Dresner Brothers, the Dry Cleaners and
Dyers with tho $37,000 plant at 22U-2213
Fat nam street, are well known they
are aware of that they would think It
an Indeed poor return for the thousands
of dollars they've spent for advertising,
If they were not known, throughout a few
states at least.
But even Dreshcr Brothers never fnr ,
moment droamed that their fame ex
tended to Houston. Tax. nut If. o
Dreahcrs are known In Houston and well
known at that.
And here's the way the knowledge of
this came about;
Among tho Omahans In attendance at
the recent Rotarlan club congress at
Houston, Tex., were K. S. Parker ot the
Baker Brothers Engraving company and
Dr. Fickes, dentist. These gentlemen
shared a suite of. rooms nt the Rice hotel
In Houston, one. of the finest hostelries
In the south. Imagine their surpnrise to
find tho clothes closets of their apart
ments well stocked with suit hangers
bearing the advertisement ot "Drcsher
Brothers. Cleaners, Omaha."
Upon Inquiry at the hotel nffir it
veloped that Dresher Brothers were ex-
ceeuingiy well known In Houston and
that traveling man visltltur Qnilii hn
much cleaning work done by "Dreshers"
inoi iney were overloaded with the suit
hangers which Dreshers nreaent with
cleaned garments. It appears that these
traveling men appreciate good work and
did not care to throw the hinn ,
but saved them until they arrived at n
boou noiei ana many chose the Hotel
Rice of Houston as a suitable place In
which to leave the hangers.
But aside from all this Dresher Brothers
should also do yoUr cleaning, dyeing,
pressing, repairing and remodeling. They
are the fittest workers west of Chicago
and even the traveling public and Hous
ton, Tex., people know It. Jllkt rtlfl ....
o. phone and ask for Tyler Slfr-Just say
come ana a Dresher man will be on the
way. After that it's easv anri n,..),..
will have added another customer.
Dreshers pay express charges one way
on all out-of-town ahlDment. om,
to tZ or over Advertisement.
Your Summer Holidays
Mado Real If You
Picturq taking with a lodak
is simple and not expensive.
Bring Us
Your Films
and Plates for Development
Your Prints When
Promised or
No Charge
WE ARE so sure of
having your printa
when promised, we guar
antee them or will not
charge if they're delayed.
Expert Work
But more Important still, tho
Dempster developing, printing; and
enlarging Is the best In America.
Special Sale
Kodaks and Cameras
A number ot slightly "shop
worn" Kodaks and Cameras
various sizes and styles, each per
fect as an Instrument.
We'll Sell Thea All at
Sharply Redaced Prices
' Everything photographic is In
'the Dempster stock at the lowest
( THJ3
Robert Dempster Co.
(Eastman Kodak Co.)
Two stores
1818 Faraam St. SOS S. 16th St.
The Fourth is gone and
left many a soiled dress
and suit in its wake.
But ' ' you should worry ' '
when for a dollar or two,
we'll make them look like
Two-Piece Suits $1.25
Palm Beach Suits. . .$1.00
Golf and Tennis Pants 50c
Summer Dresses $1.25 up
Our Gleaning is Different
they look better and stay clean
longer because wo do It
The Pantorium
'Good Cleaners and Dyers'1
151.1-13 Jones Street.
Phono Doug. 003.
N. B. We pay special atten
tion to out-of-town business.
Send by Parcel Post or Express.
We pay return charges if they
do not exceed 10 of the bill.
Face Powder
(In Gren Only)
Keeps The
Complexion Beautiful
sort and velvety. Money back If not en
tirely pleased. Nadine Is pure and harm
leas. Adneras until washed oft Prevents
sunburn and return of discoloration.
A million delight d users prove Itavalu.
T'nt Flesh. nk, Brunatta, Whit.
By ToUtt Counltrt or Mall, SOt.
WaUonal ToIM Company, Pari. Tana.
SoU br Bhtrmaa di McCsnneit Drue Stores. Bu
ton Drua Co.. Uritid! Drua Dot. sad otssn.
You Know the Value
of Keeping Things Clean
And Makers of Window Shades
Vhona Karssy 481.
4010 SEamlltOB Straat.
I Now for a Clean-up