13 A GERMANS REGIME WARNING Studebaker Corporation Tells Tcu American Heiress to Millions, Wed to Prinoe tons to Brace for Shock. including electric 1JOj sta&hng&ughting TO SHOW GERMAN OWN SCIENCE MctnllnrBlrnl exhibit to Dc Sent by Amrrlrnin to Country Which Hit II re ti Kn run tin for Itn Sci ence for Arch. Staid, sedate old Germany, famous for ages ns the nation most skilled In metal lurgy and Its exemplifications, will soon receive n shock. The motive force Is already on the way. It takes the form of a series of mounted exhibits, gathered for the benefit of Its German dealers by the Studebaker Cor poration of South Bend and Detroit. And the exhibits aro designed to show at a PHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 5. 1914. afcfclfcOLT ' wTlarssisfclsiSBsllslls glance tho wonderful American develop ment of Germany's ancient art. as em bodied In tho modern, popular-priced auto mobile. That an American manufacturer should organize such a demonstration to Influ ence German purchasers will, It Is con fidently foretold, constltuto In Itself an Instance of bravado from the Teutonic point of view. Tho exhibits will, how- cvldcnco to tho supremo value of machine methods, scientific heat treatments and tho application of laboratory conclusions to manufacturing practice: There aro enlargements of microscopic photographs, ahowltm thu wide variance, of the different types or steel used for tho various Studebaker ports. Each photograph shows the evidence of some cspociul Studebaker forgo operation, heat or quench. There Is an axlo shaft of Studebaker Etcel, bent doublo by tho tremendous lorco of over 0,000 pounds, but still show ing no flaw. Thcro Is shown In detail the steel disk from which, in seventeen pressing oper ations, grows the broad, efficient Stude baker push rod, that tukes even the click out of a 'Studebaker motor. Thero aie cttuuuouhii tears wlch a file lannot scratch. Thero Is a Studebaker front axle which, in a mighty machine has been twisted lour cotnpleto revolutions without break ing. Thcso and other parts of similar In terest, havo been mounted In sets, and plainly labeled. They will soon bo on view at Studobaker salesrooms through out tho Emplro aiding In the rapid edu cation of buyers to tho merits of Ameii-can-made motor cars, evon in & land long lamous for tho Individual skill of Its native workmen. Tho idea incorporated In tho display goes to tho credit of George E. Willis, Ucschacftsfuehrer, dor Deutsche, Stude baitcr Automobll, G. M. 1J. li UerUn, llummelsbufg, Hauptstrassc-5. In advancing the suggestion, Mr. WUIIs predicts that his resulting chuckle may be heard even so far as Indianapolis, Ind., his boyhood home. Huffman Makes some chandler car deliveries During tho first five days of last week tho W. Li. Huffman Automobile company modo deliveries on the Chandler light six to tho following parties: W. 31. Orme, Clarlnda. In,; C. A. Kesterson, Lincoln; J. C. Platncr, Council Bluffs; p. A. Farn liam, North Bend; E. J. Anderson, Stan ton; P. R. Beebe, Stanton, la.; R. Lucas, Foster, Neb.; J. Hcrmlng, Parkston, S. ID.; Coole Bros., Platte, S. D.; Dr. T. R. Butchard, Red Oak, la. "P' RAYS MAY FIND MINERAL Apparatus Invented br i Florentine for War Slay Find Wider Vnem. Tho experiments made In France In Au gust last and In Italy during" the last few months by the Florentine Inventor, UUvi, In regard to exploding deposits of powder without contact by means of the so called "F" rays, have been duly chron icled In tho newspapers, says tho United i i . r-t . . i .1 m .7 n.nit.i. A none a magazine or a mine ai consider able distances Is conceded to have a high vnluo as a weapon of war; and that Is probably the primary value of the dis covery. However, the Inventor has stated that the greatest value of his Invention will ultimately be found In a purely com mercial field, namely, the locating of mineral deposits in the earth. The secret of tho apparatus lies, of course, with the Inventor, but he has given some general Information In regard to the operation of the "F" rays. The aparatus n used by Ullvl is equipped with resonators. Tho "F" rays directed or aimed by the apparatus cause the jefconators to sound tones which vary In accordance with the body through which the rays pass. In his experiments In set ting off explosives by means of the "F" lays, Ullvl has specialized on the note or tono given out by the apparatus when tho rays encounter the explosive and Its (untalner. The sounding of the note gives him tho accurate direction, after which tho rays nro Intensified or focused, so to speak, until the explosion occurs. Par enthetically it might be added that the ' F" rays, under the Ullvl system, are valueless against explosives which cannot le fired by Ignition. in me courso oi tnese experiments uiivi has discovered that each metal encoun tered by tho rays has a distinctive tone on the resonators, which tone varies In ncoidanee with tho character, volume and density of tho body of metal encoun tered. The Inventor believes that an ap paratus of tho type now used by him, perfected with a view to accurately classifying different metals and their volumes, could bo employed with certainty In tho exploration of mineral land and In locating oro Bearing ledges. At present ftlvl is entirely occupied with tho mili tary and naval value of his Invention, and it Is Impossible for him to give any attention to the commercial .possibilities of his discovery, but it hus been suggested lo him that for an apparatus capable of discovering mineral In land and of ap proximating the mineral bearing value thereof a market might readily be found In the United States. ZAUHA STAUUX PARIS, July 1 Miss Laura McDonald St alio of Cincinnati, O.. and Now York, was wedded to Prince Don Francesco Rosplglosl, son of Prince and Princess Don Comlllo Rosplglosl at fit. Joseph's Roman Cathollo church. Before tho marriage took place she renounced the Protestant religion and embraced the Roman Catholic faith. Miss Stallo's grandfather, Alexander McDonald, was one of the orglnal Stand ard Oil millionaires and Miss Stallo is the possessor of an enormous fortune. AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA School Board Meets Monday Night to Organize. BRIQQS REGARDED AS HERO Mrs. John Parka, Wife of Bulldfnir Inspector, Died at Her Residence Saturday ' jiornlnar Fu neral. Monday. Uneer People 1 Have Met." I've seen Kentucklans who hated whiskey, Virginians who weren't de fended from Pocahontas, Indlanlank who hadn't written a novel, Mexicans who didn't wear velvet trousers with sell ver dollars sewed along the seams, funny Englishmen, spendthrift Yankees, cold blooded Southerners and narrow-minded Vestcrnem, and New Yorkers who weren't too busy to stop for an hour on tin street to Witih a one-armed grocers crk do up cranberries In paper bags. O. Ut r) 3 '.v cosmopolitan in a Cat. ' Monday the Board of Education will meet to organize for the coming year. It Is probable that F. S. Richardson will become president of tho board to succeed E. R. Leigh, who has held the place for two terms. A year ago Richardson might havo become president, but he pre ferred to servo one year before assuming the headship. Just how the lineup for the secretary-: ship will turn out Is not known and none of tho school directors will say anything; about the matter. IDs conceded that the matter will be settled Monday and that the place will go to Fred Mower or Charles Eads. Both' men have many friends and much support. Dean Ringer, It Is thought, will be attorney for tho board to succeed A. C. Pancoast, who will not be a candidate to succeed him self. After the organization of the board there will be the letting of contracts, Including much painting and Interior decorating work. Tho contracts will run well In the thousands and many of the contractors of tho city aro expecting to get a chance at tho bidding. School contracts have al ways caused moro or less difference. President E. R. Leigh has expressed the thought that the board may finally de cide to buy material and do the work with its own painter, as Is done in some of tho other cities. But whatever way the board decides, Its decision Is being awaited with much Interest by the small contractors and labor men. Scnrr Still a Sick Man. Charles E. Scott, who has Leen unable to bo around the streets, has been con fined to the Methodist hospital for some time, suffering from nervousness and heart lesions. Mr. Scan's condition Is sold to be somewhat improved, but physi cians say ho will not be well for a long time to come. UrltfKs as a Hero. Chief Brings, who shot and captured a negro desperado In Sarpy county yester day, has come to look upon tho little county to tho south with something of superstition and dread. So much so Is this true that the chief will not carry his gun across the line. He generally has an old weapon stowed away In his auto for emergencies. Yesterday his bravery and coolness waa the subject on every tongue In South Omaha. Whatever his political opponents say, Chief Brlggs is accredited with being absolutely white and without a "yellow streak in his makeup," Brlggs will not talk much of the shoot ing. He will tell about everything except his own prowess, at least. Mrs. I'arku Din. Mrs. John Parks, wife of Building In spector John Parks, died yesterday morning at her residence, 1401 North Twenty-fourth street, following a long Illness. Heart trouble caused Mrs. Parks' death. She had suffered an attack of pneumonia a year ago, from which she had never fully recovered. It Is said. Bho Is survived by her husband and two sons, John, Jr., and George Parks. Mrs. Parka was one of the best known and highly regarded women of this city. She was noted for her cheerful disposi tion and her gentle kindliness to the lens fortunate. The funeral will.be held Mon day morning at 8:30 o'clock from the late residence to St Bridget's church. Burial will be In St. Mary's cemetery. Horned by FlrecrnrUers. While playing with firecrackers yester day morning the 5-year-old son of Henry Smith, Thirty-first and Frederick streets, Ignited a box of matches and then sat down on them. The child was seriously burned about the hips and thlghsi Dr. F. O. Beck attended the little one. Single City Gossip. C. R. Gates, principal of the Blair High scnooi, was in the city yesterday visiting relatives. Several of the high school boys left I'riaay on motorcycles lor Sioux Ulty, where they attended the races. A boy of this city received a slight wouna naay nignt when a Jioman can dle which waa fired at him by a passerby struck him on tho arm. Misses Anna Uarta. and Anna Beds are on a visit for a few weeks in Minnesota. Mrs. Doenahue, the wife of Pollco Com missioner Doenahue, Is visiting relatives In Albany, Mo. The members and friends of the Pres byterian King's Daughters held their an nual picnic last week. Mrs. Roy Woodrlng Is .visiting friends and relatives in Sioux City, Mrs. William Rachmen has returned to her home at Rock Island, 111., after vis iting relatives of this city. Miss Marie Mullen Is on a visit for a few weeks in Salt Lake City. The Loyal Order of Moose gave an entertainment last week at tho Moose club, Twenty-fifth and M streets. Crowds attended the. St. Agnes plcnlo at the old Country club yesterdav. T. L. O'Lcary of Omaha was speaker of tho day ana ne told the crowd about the "Home Rule Question" In all Its phases. After the speaking athletic contests were run. In the evening the platform was given over to dancing, Earner Wins Four Firsts in Dundee Motorcycle Races In five Independence day motorcycle races run on the Lincoln HlhWHV be. tween Fifty-second street and Falracrcs Otto Ramer, 119 North Fortieth street, easily took first place In each of the four events he entered. As the result of his skillful riding Ramer carried off the Birchall sliver troDhv cun. two BDeedometera and u tlr and tube aa prizes. Ho has been a lead ing amateur rider for several years, dur ing which time he has probably won mom prizes and first places In motorcycle races man any otner two omahana. Several hundred DeoDle. Including mitnv auto parties and motorcyclists, witnessed the races, which were promoted and man aged by Tom Birchall, 2703 Leavenworth street, mechanic and salesman in th Harley-Davldson shop of Victor II. Roos. rso speed records were made In any of tho events because of the natura of th course. However, fast time waa recorded In all the races, considering the fact that they were run up and down hill. The highway is of brick and waa In perfect condition. Rare Winners. One mile, standlnir start rnr twin rioin. der, stripped stock machine: First, Otto Ramer on Harley-Davidson; second, Harry Burr on Excelsior; third, C. N. Noah on Indian; fourth, Mark Btliwerln on Maney-uaviaBon. Time, 1:01. Two miles, standing start, single cylin der, for private owners: First Al., Shaf fer on Indian; second, Ed Klmmy on Harley-Davldson; third, F. fcutton cu Harley-Davldson. Time, 2:38. One mile, flying start, for twin cylinder stock machines: First Otto Uajrisr; sec ond, Mark Bchwerln on Harley-Davldson; third, Carl Adolfson on Indian; fourth, Morris Wilson on Excelsior. Tims, 0;68H. One mile, flying start, Haj-ley-Davldsin club championship: First, Otto Ramer; second, Mark Bchwerln; third, O, Howes! fourth, C. Pedersen. Time 1 minute flat One mile, flying start, for twin cylinder machines, privately owned: First Otto Ramer on Harney-Davidson; second, Al bert LuU on Indian; third, C. N. Noah on Indian. Time 68 seconds flat Officials of the races were Tom Jlreh all, clerk of the course; Fred Dickenson, starter; Bert Potter, referee; H, H. Allen, O, Jefferles and E. McAIeavey, ludgex; Tom Mlckel. Sam Boord and Vlct.ir Caley, timers. ANNOUNCING The NEW REGAL An overhung car a one-chassis car a big production car; backed by a $3,000,000 company with a ten-acro factory A real B-passengcr car, with everybody comfort able. Rear scat 48 inches wido, with 23-inch ton neau doors. Plenty of room for tho driver, too, without hunching up his knees. And a beauty tho lineB are those of a S0,000 foreign car. Perfect stream line even tho radiator cap is under tho hood. A motor 39 h. p. on actual brake test that just grins at hiph hills ahd bad roads. Tho entire top cornea off in a minute, if you want to get at pistons or valves. Weight less than 2,400 pounds with all equip ment. 800 to 500 pounds less than tho average, yov it's a stronger car, aa well ns lighter. Easier on tires, too, and requirqs less fuel. Big deep Turkish upholstery, special spring sus- Eension that means comfort, no matter how umpy tho road. Simplest, most efficient electric, starter, acting directly op tho flywheel. Every bit of equipment that will tend to make; your pleasure moro complete Tho moro you know about motor-cars, the more you'll bo surprised at tho value in tho now Regal at the prico. Come in bring the whole family for a demonstration ride. Or get the Regal descriptive folder. A few minutes reading will give you what it has taken us two years of effort to put into the New Regal Car. Dealers I We are trentlhtnlaf our organisation at every point We are after rood dealeVa In ererr locality. The new Recti la already being turned out In quantity, and reeervaWme are pouring In on ns. All of our dlmlbutors sad dealers who have tried out the new Regal are doubling and trebling their tpeeificatlona. Pon't delay, but write or telegraph at one retarding your territory or com In ts th factory. Regal Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan 014 Jones Street, Omnlin, The T. G. Northwall Co., DourIo 1707 MSpss In every essential feature, the Paige offers all that a man can buy in any automobile regardless of price. That is a sweeping statement. But con sider the facts. If vou pay $5,000, you can't secure more faithful day in and day out service than the Paige motor will render. True, you can buy more speed. But it will have to be greater than fifty miles per hour. If you pay $5,000, you can't buy smarter appearance or more "up to the min ute" design. You can buy more wheel base but with it you must accept the greater cost of upkeep. If you pay $5,000 you can't buy a more efficient electric starting and lighting system than the large unit Gray Davis. This is the identical system which is designed for $5,000 cars. In fact, the Paige is the only car below $3,000 that uses this large unit equipment. "15" Oleowood Model Gray & Divli Large Unit Electric Syitero and complete equip, ment. Model "M" tm. If you pay $5,000. you can't buy a better radiator than the world famous Mayo you can't buy a better ignition system than the Bosch you can't buy a bet ter clutch than the cork insert mul tiple disc type you can't buy a better cam, magneto and pump shaft drive than the silent chain you can't buy a better carburetor than the Stewart And so point by point you will find that no matter what price you pay you can't buy anything better than the PAIGE COMPANY 2417 Farnam St. Douglas 3058 best. Eery feature which we have, named above you will find on cars sell ing around $5,000 and you will also find them oa the Paige selling for $1,275. So, look the matter fairly in the face. Make it a point to investigate along these lines and you can come to only one conclusion. Unlets jron are looking for excenlve racing peed and icatlnc capacity (or more than Ave full frown adulu, you xvilt buy a Ptxgi and tavt IJ,725 plus the upkeep taring. Hundred! of people have eonildered the Paige from thlt angle of com par lion. They bare compared the Paige witli all other cart in all "price" dlrliioni. And they have finally concluded to spend co mote than $ 1 27S. As we have already aald, you can't buy more than the but. And no matter what the car may eott you can't buy more than comfltlt tatitfaction. Let ui arrange to give you s demomtratlon. Palge-Detrolt Motor Gar Co., Detroit OF NEBRASKA