Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1914, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 10

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Brandeis Stores July Clearing Sales
""nMMMHMannaoHanMHBMaMrann a HHUBanmHnaBiiMMnHimaauMaaiaiMiMMHHBManMBMM MKAnaaBBBBnanMsmMagnBnaiManHaa
Begin Tomorrow in all Sections of the Store and Continue all This Week
fie Most Impressive Event of the Kind Ever Attempted in Omaha. Don't Miss It!
It is juBt such a sale as the women of Omaha and all the country; around love to attend whero immense selections of reliable quality, up-to-date merchandise are offered at prices lower than at any
previous time. We have prepared bettor thnn ever before and besides our own tremendous stocks, there are many specially bought job lots, mill surpluses, etc., which increase the attractiveness of the occa
sion. These are but part of the thousands of bargains that await you here tomorrow. See the other rmners for women's annarel bargains.
- A.
!: Thousands of Yards of Summer Silks in the July Clearing at Extremely Low Prices
$1,26 40-Inch Printed Silk Voiles....
$1.50 36-inch Fancy Dross Silks
$1.39 40-inch Canton Cropcs
$1.69 40-inch Printed Radium Silks...
$1.25 36-Inch Chiffon Taffotaa
$1.75 40-inch Printed Foulards
$1.50 36-lnch Moire Velours
$1.59 40-Inch Brocade Crepe Canton..
$1.69 40-inch Lyons Printed Radium
Moiro silks for suits, coats and trimmings, in ivory,
pink, helio, Copenhagen, navy, brown, reseda, 1 A
tan, gray and black; 75c quality, Monday, lJf
X yard
Beautiful crepe
evening shades. Pull
per yard
Hat Shapes
New midsummer
sailor shapes In whlto
Milan hemp and hemp.
Values up to $2.50.
Main A CI
3. Floor
.... s7i;
Hemp Sailors.
1,200 smart colored
hemp sailors In black,
etc., Values to $1.50.
Main Floor OO
T and basoment 4UJl
Fancy Linens
Fancy linens In end
less variety, including
scarfs, squares and
centerpieces Lace trim
med with hand made
motifs, scalloped or
hemstitched edges.
$1.50 to $2 values.
July Qe
Clearance ... tJU
Taney Linens
Scarfs and contor
Vieces, prettily lace
trimmed with scal
loped or hemstitched
edges. All perfect
goods, but slightly
Busned. Formor prices
78o to si. July OA
Clearance ... sJSC
Tabid Coyer
Lace trimmed table
covers, 72, 64 and 46
Inch sizes. Round or
s q uaro. Positively
worth $10 and $12.
July o QQ
Clearance. i$0VO
Damask Cloths
All the finest qual
ity Gorman linen dam
ask table cloths, 64x64
and 68x80 Inch slzos;
bleached or silver
bleached, scalloped or
hemstitched, round or
square. -o op
Clearance. oi0
Sinner Sots
Damask dinner sets
Including 64x78 Inch
cloths with ono dozen
17 inch hemstitched
napkins to match. Pos
itively worth $4 a set.
T Clearance . $2.50
Turk Towels
Turkish towels of
heavy weight; double
thread. July f 1
Clearance.. ltsC
Dinner Napkins
Dinner napkins of
finest quality German
linen double damask,
26x26 inch size. Qual
ity that sells for $5
and $6 per dozen.
Choice, at cNO
dozen. pO Q
Dinner Sets.
Fine Austrian dam
ask dinner sets. 10-4
hemstitched cloth
with one dozen 18x18
Inch napkins to match.
Worth $7.60 While
60 sets no
last, at. . . pOi70
Tea Napkins
All linen damask
tea napkins, scallop
ed or hemstitched.
Also scalloped and
eyelet embroidered.
Napkins worth t o
$3.60, at Q E
T dozen
Bed Spreads
Finest quality cro
chet bed spreads in
real Marseilles pat
terns, scalloped or
fringed with cut cor
ners or plain hem;
also dimity and cot
tage quilts. For large
size beds. July Clear
ance sale i Qj
price ... t 1 7D
worth to
$1.75, at
do chine in all the newest street and
pieces. Worth $1.50, at, t1 1 C
Lunch Cloths
Fine all linen dam
ask lunch cloths, scal
loped or hemstitched,
round or square, reg
ularly soils for $1.98
Linen towels in fine
huck or Jacquard, dam
ask. Always priced at
40c and 60c. July
Sale price, QO,,
each uuC
Huck Towels.
Cotton huck towols,
the regular 10c grade
Limit 1 dozen; Clear
ance price, nl
each Ugt
72-lnch all linen
Gorman silver bleach
ed table damask; largo
variety of patterns to
select from. Regular
98o values, j-q
at ywd w9C
Tray Cloths
Double satin dam
ask tray cloths. Scal
loped or hemstitched.
50c to 60c values. lCx
27 Inch size
at, each . . OOC
Lunch Cloths .
30 and 45 Inch lin
en damask lunch
cloths, scalloped or
hemstitched, round or
square. Always a 98c
Covered dishes, large
platters, vegetable
dishes, cups and sauc
ers, plates, tea pots,
sugar and creams, etc.
Worth up to i g
$1; choice, ea. 1UC
Food Choppers
Pagoma food chop
pers; none better
made. Opens llko a
book. Easily cleaned.
$1.26 size JO
for oyc
Women's and
misses' cloth suits,
splendidly tailored
of good serges, nov
elty cloths, etc. All
up to date styles.
$7.50, $8.98, 10 and
$12.60 values. Youi
choice in the base-
ST!'..... $3,98
Spring and sum
mer coats of silks and
cloth materials. Long
or short styles. Reg
ularly worth $6, $6
and $7.50. 8poc!al In
basement, 2
Women's and misses'
dress skirts of flno
terges, panamas, whip
cords, novelty mater
ials, etc $2 to $3;50
values; base- aq
ment, at .... UVC
Dozen's of pretty
styles in women's
bouse dresses. Mado
of good quality per
cales, chambrays,
lawns, etc., In light
and dark patterns.
Regular 75c to $1.25
values, base- a o
ment, at 40C
Good quality ging
ham aprons, also fine
white aprons. 25c val
ues, in base- f r
ment, at .... llC
Children's dressos
In whlto or colored
wash materials, ages
2 to '6 and G to 14
years. Values up to $1.
In base- OC
ment, at .... 6t)C
Serviceable little
dresses for children,
ages 2 to 6 years.
Light or dark pat
terns. 25c and 29c
values, in i g
basomont, at. IOC
Women's lawn and
percale dressing
sacques. 39c and 60c
values, in OA
basomont, at. . aJ
Women's muslin
night gowns and
combination suits; 45c
valuos, In on.
basomont . C
Corset Covers
Good quality corset
covers and drawors,
25c and 39c valuos, In
tho baso
ment, at
.... 17c
Turkish Towels
With fringe, tho
regular 11c kind. July
sale price 17
each f 2 C
Table Padding
Tablo padding, 52
Inches wldo, double
fleece; our 29c qual
ity, at tho -J e
yurd , JL J 1
Hundreds of whito
and colorod wash
waists; good values
and regularly worth
50c, 75c and $1.. In
basement, AP
choice, mOC
Medici Ruches
Regular 26o Q
quality, at .... 7C
Fancy Collars
Many styles, worth
to 19c, 1 f
choice JLUl
Crib Spreads
Ono lot of square
crochot crib spreads,
Marseilles patterns;
worth 98c each. July
Clearance Sfi
Salo price .. OUC
Luncheon Sets
13 pieces all linen
luncheon sets; lace
trimmed; white or
natural; vory special,
Women's misses'
and children's hand
kerchiefs, some
slightly mussed.
Worth 5,c, at
32 Inch woven
striped madras In
neat shirting styles;
colors absolutely
fast. Worth
. 84c
15c, at yard
Pine Towels
All linen towels tu
fine huck or damaBk.
Size 19x40 Inches;
scalloped or hemstitch
ed. Also ?i towols
which are now being
used so much; size 15
x26 Inches. Exception
al values OC?
$2.60 40-lnch Crepe D'Autell
$2.25 40-lnch Lyons Cropo Faconne. . .
$2.60 40-inch Cropo Mandarin
$2.36 40-inch Satin Brilliant
$2.60 40-lnch Novelty Silks
$2.60 40-inch Pussy Willow Taffeta
$2.50 40-inch Printed Lyons Silks. . . .
$2.60 40-lnch Plain and Fancy Crepe
do Paris
The Best Values We've
July Clearing Sale of
A Pine Lot of
45-1 nch embroidered
and voile skirtings....
27-inch flouncings
inch allovers
45-inch swiss embroidered
Bargain Lot of Laces
Cotton cluny laces
Imitation rati no lacos
All linen imitation cluny
AH linen torchons.-.
Shadow laces
Silk floss bands
Fancy embroldored batiste bands
narrow and wldo
Laces up to 18 Inches wldo
July Clearing in
50 smart midsummer models in beautiful
milan hemp sailors with laco edges and
several all whito huts. The values are up
to $18. Choice, in the July dn jr'
Clearance, at. . pO D
July Clearing of Hosiery arid
Munsing Suits, 98c.
WJomen'a Munslng union suits In plain or
mercerized lisle; umbrella knee style; AO'
cluny laco trimmed. Worth to $2, at. . . . 30C
50c Union Suits, 39c
Women's fine cotton and lisle union suits In cuff
and umbrella knoo styles, fully taped; qq
regular 50c garments, at 0?C
50c Union Suits, 25c.
Women's flno cotton union suits, cuff or um
brella knoe, torchon lace trimmed; fully ng
taped neck and arm eye. 50c valuos at.. OC
Boys' 50c Suits, 25c
Boys' knit mosh union suits. High neck, short
sleeves, knee length. Ages 8 to 16. nfi
Regular 50c suits, at auC
25c Hosiery, 12c
Children's, misses' and boys' mercerized lisle
hosiery In black or tan; flno ribbed, double heels
and toes; all sizes. 26c quality ni
at, patr JLiSlzC
27 and 3G Inch nov
elty cropo suiting in
the season's best col
ors, long, sorviccablo
lengths; values
to 15c, yard, . . . OC
Cotton absorbent
toweling, 18 Inches
wide. 8c value (limit
10 yds. to cus- A
tomer), yard. . . . HrC
Bath Rugs
Turkish bath rugs,
in whites, bluos, pinks
and grays. Worth to
11,50. Some slightly
Imperfect. On HTQ
sale at. .... . I C
Light shirting per
cales; good color
ings In neat stripes,
checks and figures;
regular prlco 12 He;
to closo out jl
at yard DJC
Fine quality book
fold dress percales;
light and dark
grounds with neat
dots, stripes and fig
ures. Regular 1 0 o
grades, at CI
yard U2 C
$2.50, at
5,000 yards of printed foulards; all attractive styles, com
prising neat fibres, scrolls, floral and geometrical designs,
dots, etc. Tho biggest foulard bargain ever offered by any
house in America. Yard :
50c at
up to
19c yd.
July Clearance of Shoes
Five hundred pairs of women's pumps and colo
nials In patent leather, with black or gray brocade
backs, or In black satin. Welt soles, now concave
heels; all sizes and widths; stylish, high- (J- 7Q
grade $3.50 and $4 footwear, at pair. . . . 1 I
500 pairs of women's
pumps, worth cQ QC
to $5. a pair ipiS.OO
Infants' pumps in sizes
1.75; also children's in
Men's oxfords, odds
and ends, but ttf
worth to 15, P&.OU
Clearance of
Boys' baseball suits In ages 10 to 16 years. Blue
and gray or gray and red. $1 and $1.50
values. Complete suits on salo In boys' lltf
department second floor, at Jv
Boys' wash pants in plain color or striped percales
and chambrays; ages 4 to years. 4 g
35c values, In the basement, at IOC
July Clearing of Rugs
9x12 Brussels rugs, worth up to (tn qq
$12, Clearing sale price $07O
Carpet remnant rugs, 1 M yards long; 17 q
worth to $2 each; Cloaring sale prlco iZC
Ingrain art squaros, up to 9x12 size; aq
valuos to 9; Clearing price pr0
Velvet rugs, 9x11 size; values to 13, at. . . .$7.08
I, ,. ,t ,. i r1. .1
$1.50 36-lnch Moire Renaissance.....
$1.59 36-inch Black Chiffon Taffeta..,
$1.75 40-Inch Lyons Printed Silks...,
$2.00 Printed Crepe de Chine ,
$2.00 Printed Radium Silks ,
$1.96 40-inch Brocade Satins ,
$2.00 40-lnch Printed Silk Voiles
$1.95 32-inch Reversible Suiting Silks
$1.95 40-lnch Crepe de Chine
$1.95 40-lnch Printed Canton Srepe...
Ever Offered
Embroidery and Lace
Embroidery Much Underpriced.
Baby flouncing
45-inch allovers
45-inch flouncings
45-inch voile embroidered
Other Lace Economies
18-lnch allovor lacos and nets in" plan or fancy
figured and dot effects, worth JL.
to 39c, at yard 1&2
12 to 18 Inch shadow lace flouncings and cami
sole laces. About 50
to 25c, at yard
18, 24 and 45 Inch fine chantllly and shadow
laco effects, also allovor lacos, net tops and
black silk not allovers. Worth to $1 07
at yard Of C
Millinery Section
200 trimmed hats in sailor and turban
effects. Many are from our own work
rooms, also a number of panama hats trim
med In whlto wings and banded within A i
Roman stripe ribbons. Worth to $i0, AM
In tho July Clearance at yr-r
Boys' and Girls' Suits
"M" knit union suits for boys and girls; also
some sires In Munslng Included. ftg
Worth to 50c, at suit
50c Hosiery, 25c
Women's 50c pure thread silk boot hosiery; full
fashioned, wldo lisle mercerized garter tops, lisle
double soles, high spliced hoelB ng
and toes, at the pair ' uOC
50c Socks, 19c
Men's purojthread silk hosiery with lisle double
heels and toes, lisle elastic tops. Black i n
tan, navy and gray. 50c values, at pair.. JLtC
25c Hosiery, 1214c
Women's seamless hosiery. Wide hem tops,
double soles, high Bpllced heels and toes. Black,
tan or white; 25c quality, at, o 1
pair IdSlgfC
50c Knit Vests, 25c
Women's fine lisle vests In the famous Kayser
brand. Dainty hand crocheted tops and mer nr
corlzod tapes. 50c values, special, at.... mOC
Misses' and children's
pumps, worth no
up to S2.50, for SOC
2 to 5. Worth to no
sizes 6 to 8, at. . . . iOC
I Tennis shoes for men,
odd8 and ends, no
I worth to 2, at.. 70C
Boys' Clothes
l-t"fr''l-i"l"l"li- i-tti-cv
worth to
in Foulards
up to
69c at
styles, worth
Genuine 'serpentine
cropes, the old reliable
kimono fabric In all
the standard popular
designs and colorings.
Absolutely fast colors.
18c values,
at yard . . . .
Yard wldo bleached
muslin; fine, soft fin
ish; long, serviceable
lengths of qualities
regularly worth to 10c
a yard. Spe- a 1
clal, at yard.. ftC
Women's embroid
ered corner lissue and
lineweave handker
chiefs, worth
12 He, each
Women's hand em
broidered linen
handkerchiefs, worth
to 25c, at in
each iUC
Pillow Tops
Stamped pillow
tops with back. Cross
stitch flag designs of
American, French and
German flags. 25c
values, 1 n
each IUC
-l-l-i 1 1 1 111 in m-H
$1.95, at
24 to 27-inch
checks, shopherd checks, fancy stripes, Roman A
stripes, jacquard and fancy printed dress silks. fcf,! tf
Worth $1 a yard, at JK
Yard wide tub silks. All pure silk in a smart array of
patterns. In high favor at present. $1 qualitv, Hfm
at, yard OUC
French Ohallis
27 and 32 Inch
French challls In light,
modium and dark col
ored ground with mul
tl color effects, stripes
and dots, orlentar-and
floral designs. The
best value ever of
fered In high grade
chaUts. Former price
50c to 59c. Main floor,
yard . . 25c
Odds and ends, also
samples, worth to
25c, at
Porch Pillows
Tan color porch
pillows finished with
cretonne and gulmp;
regular 25c ia
values, each. . IUC
Stamped Linens
Pure white Irish
linen centers and ta
ble covers stamped In
floral and convention
al designs. 63 and 72
lnch sizes; $3.60 and
94 values.
Special, at
Crochet Cotton
Including "Cordonet
Special" and "Peri
LuBta" white and ecru
colors; regular 15o
crochet cottons, hp
per spool
Embroidery Silk'
Bralnard & Arm
strong's a n -d Rich
ardson's best wash
embroidery silks;
regular price 3
skeins for 10c; Clear
ing salo o .
price O Or DC
All our regular 19o
and 25c etamlne and
scrim in ecru, cream,
also some colored
border designs. On 3d
floor, at
yard ....
Embroideries up to
2 Inches wide, and
worth 6c, at 11
yard I2C
42x36 Inch bleached
pillow cases with 3
lnch hem. Regular
12 c grade, special,
each ,.7ic
Choice of $2, $2.50
and 12.95, 60 to 6V
lnch suitings, suitable
for early fall wear at
a big reduction. Main
dross goods section,
yard . . 95c
$1 to $1.25 40 inch
French wool crepes,
pencil stripe gabar
dines, French and cos
tume serges, black ana
white checks, cream
serges, eta, Monday,
at, per CO
yard OI7C
40 inch silk and
wool pollns In smart
street shades and
black only. Only
five yards for dress.
Worth $1.76, 7Q
per yard .... tiJC
Colored Madras
All the yard wide
colored madras, for
mer price 30c a yard;
July price In Drapery
department, third
floor, at f f
yard 19C
h-m-h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u
$2.95 40-inch Five Color Tone Printed
Crope de Chine
$2.75 8tunnlng Brocade Silks
$3.50 40-lnch Polret Lyons Silks
$2.60 40-inch Pussy Willow Silks....
$3.00 Merlme and Cubist Silks
$3.95 Zurich Fleur de Tennessee
$3.25 Brocade Canton Crepes
$2.95 Cheney Crepe Sublime
$2.50 36-inch Imported Black PeaU
$3.50 36-lnch Roman Stripe Silks
fancy dress silks, two
Silk Gloves
39c quality, double
tipped pure silk
gloves, seconds, black
Silk Gloves
12 and 16 button
double tipped pure silk
gloves; mostly black
or white. Values up
to 85c a pair, while
50 dozen last,
Sheer white flaxons
In small, medium and
largo stripes and
checks, 32 Inches wide,
19c values,
at yard . .
White dimity checks
woven from fine
combed Egyptian yarn,
lengths to 15 yards
and values -fl g 1
to 25c, yard lU"2fC
Genuine nurse strlpo
ginghams in regula
tion stripes, also plain
Everett chambray, reg
ular 8o grade, g
at yard OC
27 inch genuine
Bates zephyrs in the
season's choice colors;
worth 12 c. To closo
out' at
yard OljfC
27 Inch plain and
silk striped poplins;
highly mercerized
finish; fast colorings,
25c values,
special, yard
82 inch pllsse crepe
and pebble weave In'
plain shades and pret
ty printings; 19c Q
value, at yard . . 2 C
40 inch mercerized
white batiste, sheer
and dainty for summer
wear; lengths up to
20 yards, 19c
value, at yard
Yard wldo bleached
muslin; extra heavy
weight, free from
dressing; finished for
manufacturing pur
poses; is worth 10 o
a yard. Special to
close, at jl
yard OgC
Fine dress zephyrs,
Red Seal and other
popular makes in all
the neatest checks,
plaids, stripes, etc.,
worth 12 Mc. Special
for Monday, r 1
at yard OC
Linen crepo In pink,
light blue, cream,
hello, tan, rose, reseda,
every thread pure lin
en, yard wide and
worth 50c a yard;
Monday, at IP
yard IDC
72x90 Inch bleached
sheets, fine, soft fin
ish, yet of heavy
weight; 3 inch ham,
60c values, OUT
at, each .... oDC
Men's. Worth 5c,
each . . . .
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,1 it mm
worth to
$395y sit
- tone stripes.
Dress Goods
Crepes, gabardines,
serges, whipcords,
shepherd checks and
fancy stripes, French
voiles, eollnos, granite
suitings, full pieces,
also suit and Bklrt
lengths .Formerly sell
ing at 69c to $1. At
one price on main
at yard ...... 29c
Drug Dept
Shaving Brushes,
regular 25c val- q
use at 7C
4-row brlstlo Tooth
Brushes, regular 25c
T. 12c
Bath Sprays, large
size tubing; OQ
worth $1, at. uuC
Pure Castile - f
Soap, 1-lb. tar IUC
Violet Soap
Tablet, 10c
size at
Triple French plate
Hand Mirrors, nry
worth $1.60.. C
2-qt. red rubber
Fountain Syringe;
rapid flow tubing, 3
hard rubber pipes;
worm $1.75,
special . ... :
3-qt. Hot Water Bot
tle, cloth lined; worth
$1.25, spe- C
clal OOC
Ladies' white
ing Combs,
worth 25c, at.,
Hughes' Ideal Hair
Brushes, double bris
tle; worth
$1.25, at..
49c !
Manic ure Scissors,
made of best English
steel; worth tiAg
75c, at. ...... trTK
Ladles' Sanitary
Douche Syri nge;
Figs, 50o
Syrup of
Java R i e e
Powder, all
F ac o
50o size, 18c
Wool Powder Puffs,
26c; at . .
White Ivory Mani
cure Buffers, on
worth $1, at.. &C
Pluto Water, 36c size,
P 0 r o x lde Greaseless
Cream, 25c - ty
box, at IaC
Jergens' Violet Gly
cerine Soap,
10c cake. . .
... 6c
Soap, 5c
... 2c
Juvenile Soap,
lar 10c cakes,
M e n n e n ' s
Powder, per
Gillette Safety
ors, 75.00
values. . . .
10 cakes
50c b o t-
.. 10c
ties for
Soap, 25c
cake, at. . .
$3 to $5 Corsets in
broken sizes, on d
sale at P 1
$5 to $10 Corsets, In
broken sizes, Jo39
on sale at. . . Jui ?
I ll tnil il I I I I I I I il tnl iLJ il jtiilf?
ITTT1TT I I I I I I I i 11 1 1 11