Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tim liEE: OMAliA, SATCUDAY, JULY 4, 1914.
Ilonam nd Oottsres.
yiuaa rental list.
CwnpVeU "far rent" list of booses,
Kertirrents arvd flat on file at oar officii
too charge whatever. Union Outfitting
Co, Uth and Jackson SU.
e-ROOM cottages all In rood condition:
city water, electrte lights; will ent
cheap to good family. Apply 4108 N.
th Ave.
TURKEY ROOM brick, extra fine, m
range. lnk. toilet, like new. 111. Red 4908.
t-R. oottase. ao8 N. 7th Ave. Web. 1C80.
210 N. Uth. 6 room and bath.
Southwest corner 24th and California. S-
room apartment, over drug store.
113 S. 30th, 7-rm. brick, very modern.
101S Omaha National. Douglas) 2715. o
613 N. 20th St.. 9-r all mod., $45.
2701 Davenport St., 9-r., all mod., 837.60.
323 Cass St.. 6-r,. all mod.. 135.
115 S. Central Dlvd., 7-r., all mod.. 135.
The Albion. 6-r., all mod.. J32.60.
?S10 Jones St. 8-r., all mod.. W0.
44.1 S. 17th St., 6-r.. all mod.,, tlS.
1596 Yates St, 6-r. and b.. all mod., 335.
10S S. 22d. 5-r. all mod.. 125.
2228 S. Kith St. 6-r.. rood. ex. heat. 117.
IS05 N. 26th St.. 6-r., mod. ex. ht, $18.
1204 N. 24th St. 6-r.. all mod., IIS.
S15 8. 26th St.. 3-r.. part mpd., 19.
423 Bee Bids. 633-
Store nnd Offices.
Proposed Changes
"Will Provide
3 Small
Do You Want One?
$9.00, $10.00 or $11.00
The Bee Building
(The Building that Is Always Now.)
Office, Room 103.
8137 FARNAM Bt, storeroom 22x50, 130.
423 Bao Bid. Doug. 633.
GOOD barn, room for 8 or 10 horses.
1917 Webster St Call Douglas a.
LARGE store room, 1543 North 20th St,
112. Conrad Young, 322 Brandets The
ater. Doug. 1571. o
Pianos for other musical lnstru'ts. D. 2017.
1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D.
Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam.
WANTED City loans and warrants.
W. Farnam Smith fc Co.. io jrarnam,
60S. CITY LOANS. Bemla-Carlberg Co.,
i- 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
SEE us first If you want a farm loan.
United States Trust Co., Omaha, Neb.
MONEY on hand for city and farm loans.
H. W. Binder, City Nat Bk. Bldg.
CITY property. Large loans a specialty.
W. II. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg.
CITY and farm loans, 5. 5. 6 per cent
w ww T- . . a. C- r. JiA T7. f m nlm
WANTED City loans. Peter Trust Co
6 farm loans. Optional payments & an
nual int Wm. McCormick. 1201 Farnam.
CMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
1016 Omana Nat Douglas 1715,
KBItn Titln Guarantee and Abstract Co.,
a modern abstract office. 305 So. 17th
St Phone Douglas 5487.
REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of
fice in Nebraska, aw Brandels Theater.
Good Time
To Buy
Near Omaha
Why not plan now to buy your acres
and arrange to set out soma fruit this
fall or earur next soring. Don't wait until
spring opens up. Now Is the time that
you can see the Quality of aoil and what
the land will produce.
We have the best list of acreage prop
erty for sale anywhere near Omaha. You
will find acres out Benson way are con
venient to car and In a direction where
it is building up fast We can sell you
tracts from one to five acres each on
Aery easy verms, une acre tracts
$10 DOWN,
$20 DOWN
Whv not start now and buy acreage
property as long aa you can buy them on
, such easy terms?
Our salesmen nre always ready to take
you out at any time.
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney St.
Tho Famous Forest Fruit Fnrm;
Just a little off the West Dodge
St road; situated high and sightly,
overlooking Omaha; all kinds of
fruit in bearing and at its best A
chance to make a living on five
acres, and can sell you anything
from 6 to 30 acres. This Is one of
the few chances left in this kind
of acreage and it will pny you to
Investigate. Can handle part on
Calkins & Co.
' 1311 City National Bank Bldg. Doug. 1703.
1 ACRES In Florence, along the paved
road; 150 dpwn. 115 a month; high,
sightly ground, good location; fine view.
HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St
Why Pay Rent?
Write, call, phone or send for our list
of easy payment houses; priced from 3800
to 11.200; payments of tlOO cash and 110
per month. Now Is the time to get away
from the rent habit Be sure to get a
Creigh, Sons & Co.
Phone Douglas 00.
606 Bee Bldg.
3553 California Bt Living room, sun
room, dining room, kitchen first floor:
four bedrooms and bath second floor, full
basement and attic, floored all over; first
floor In oak, second floor birch and
maple. Large lot. Must be seen to be
A Brandels Bldg. Douglas 33SZ.
Brick Veneered
Home Sacrificed
3SG5 Charles St Is a splendid houso of
8 rooms, strictly modern. Including an
exceptionally good hot water heating
plant and pressed brick veneering on en
tire exterior. It would cost between 18,000
and 19,000 to reproduce this property, yet
we are ordered to dispose of same on easy
terms at only h,mw. iron lot, nice lawn,
shade, fruit and barn. Thero is nothing
to equal this bargain in all Omaha at
such a sacrifice price. Don't fall to In
vestigate. Payne & Slater Co.
Solo Agents,
610 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. o
Big Buy Benson
New Modern Home
3 Lots
Two blocks from ear. oust front lot
150x123. On center of ground is 9-room,
full 2-story house, best finish, front porch
screened, double parlor, dining room, don
and kitchen; 4 rooms upstairs. Driveway
to nuto house, cement floor, barn and
stalls, chicken houso and yard, trees nnd
Prlco, 36,000: only 1900 cash, balance
monthly. Might sell with only one or two
1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715.
Sunday or evenings, Har. 3354 or 6134. o
Low Priced Homes
Easy Payments
2210 N. 27th St., 5 rooms. Price. 1750.
Pay $100 down, balanco like rent.
4021 N. 26th Ave.. 5 rooms. Price, IL50O.
Pay 1300 down; balance 115 por month.
2905 Charles St.. 4 rooms. Prlco 11,200.
Pav 1150 down, balanco llko rent.
2903 Charles St, 6 rooms. Price, 11,600.
Pay 200 down, balance like rent
Every one of theso homos is worth
more money than the price asked. Any
one will make a good llttlo homo. Stop
paying rent You can never get It back.
Call us up and let us tell you all about
these homes ami tho lots they stand on.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1356. 208-10-12-14 State Bank Bldgj
Located at the northwest comer of 22d
and California: SO ft. south front on
California; both streets paved. Has 9
room house, which can be used for a
number of years and later on erect three
brick flats or build an apartment house.
Owner wants to sell within the next ten
days and has made a very low prlco for
this dcslrablo corner, Has a south and east
exposure; only 2 blocks from Crelghton
college and within walking distance of
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney St o
The No Commission
Realty Co.
located at 116-330 Paxton block, offers a
suggestion to thoao wishing to sell or ex
change any property or business. Would
you not go where that kind of business
Is done? There is no kind of a proposi
tion that is not handled there merchan
dise, farms and ranches, city and town
properties, rooming housos, hotels, res
taurants; In fact anything and every
thing. If you "want to buy, tell tho No
Commission Realty Co. what you want
If you want to sell oc exchange, list your
property with the No Commission Realty
Co. Come In and sco the greatest assort
ment of excellent money-makers that can
be found anywhere. We also have cash
buyers for properties and business In dif
ferent localities; yours may be the prop
erty or business they want It is a proven
fact that a market place for every kind
of property, displayed whero the thou
sands of people can Inspect them, with
experienced attendants at your service,
is what brings results.
Come In or write for the only mothod
of buying, selling or exchanging any prop
erty or business and pay no commission.
This is the department store for Realty
and Business transactions. It's the peo
ple's way. They all go to the NO COM
2116 CASS ST.
Eleven-room, strictly modern house;
well-arranged rooms; six rooms on first
floor, leading up to five large bedrooms
and bath; near car; close In, Terms to
suit. A reasonable offer not refused. o
Florence Ileal Estate for Sale.
C. L Ncthuway, suburban prop. Flor. 276.
Coine and see the crops we can raise
and that farming hero Is a good proposi
tion. Deal direct with farmer. Land in
excellent shape, in well nettled part that
has known no failure.
BURNINQHAM, Strongfleld. Bask., Can.
FOR Sale 260 acres, 45 miles from Min
neapolis, 1 mile from town: 160 acres
under cultivation, balance used for pas
tures; can practically all be cultivated;
heavy soil; good set buildings, consisting
of 8-room house, largo barn, granary,
corncribs, etc; the land will produce 60
bushels of corn per acre; telephone in
houso: country thickly settled; complete
set of machinery; 27 head of stock, con
sisting of eleven cows, balance 1 and 2-year-olds;
six good horses; 26 hogs; chick
ens; one-half of this year's crop and
everything on the farm goes at 850 per
acre, hall cash. Schwab Bros., 1028 Ply.
mouth Uldg.. Minneapolis. Minn.
FOR SALE-R000 buys a first class 80
acre farm; good 8-room frame house,
large barn ana other necessary outbuild,
logs; also a smuil orchard; 70 acres of
low, heavy, black soil, suliaole for all
kinds of vegetables, cabbage, onions, hay.
pats, corn, etc.; 20 acre of fine trull
land; one of the best combination farms
In tee state or Michigan for grain, fruit
etc. For further partlou ars apply to u!
DB KKYZER. Holland. Mich? Write for
my farm catalogue.
100 ACRES of deeded, also 160 acres
school land, with a 10-year lease; two
sets or improvements, wells, hog houses,
good silo, etc., 2 acres orchard; 3
miles from good town of 750 Inhabitants.
Price. 145 per acre. Adjoining lands sell
(?r,??u w .K76KPoru.ire' T8"n- Phone
M 111, Wolbach. Call or address, L. E.
Loomer, Wolbach. Neb.
FOUND 320-acro homestead In settled
neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand
hills: cost you izoo. filing fees and all. J.
A. Tracy. Kimball, N.b.
Warft ArfS
Influences Surrounding Market is
Mainly of Bullish Character.
Cereal Climbs Higher When Sup
ported by Rnylntr from the
Large Concerns Handling
the, Product.
OMAHA, July 3. 1914.
Thero was a strong deslro on the part
of many In tho wheat trade to see an
advance in values following the long drawn
out price recession. They were helped
materially by shorts covering Because of
tho approaching holidays, The Influences
surrounding the market were mainly
bullsh, but some of the reports received
from the llkllhood of deterioration In the
spring wheat country wcro far fetched
indeed. There wero half a dozen reports
telling of deterioration because of rod
rust and black rust was reported from
Wllmot S. D.
Charles E. Lewis, tho Minneapolis grain
man. In a message says thero la no black
rust In that country: that the weather
has been unfavorable for the develop
ment of black rust; that It was nearly
down to tho frost lino every nlxht In
June, and that In Manitoba there, was
frost every week during tho last thirty
The price of wheat nt Chicago showed
ndvances of lUlc. and the continued
buying of the July future made the close
observers take to the bull side, not only
In that month but in noma of the others.
Conditions suggest the wheat market at
the present time aro abnormal. Only a
big scalp Is lntonded but larger concern
now to bo seen on tho bull or long side,
and there is a llkllhood that the short
will be forced to cover at losses. The
strength shown at Minneapolis yester
day was a help to the markets of the
entire world. Liverpool was up ld
and this was on a lack of deliveries thero
and the covering by London shorts. The
continent was a buyer of wheat at Liver
pool with rears of the present political
complications between Austria and Servla
being tightened.
Corn was irregular and unsettled, with
the nearby futures He higher and the
more deferred months unchanged to lc
lower. Tho room trading olcment In
corn sold It freely and there wero reces
sions two or three times during the day
on this selling. The Inspection question,
which gave so much trouble to re
ceivers and shippers on Wednesday
seemed to be less confusing and the grad
ing was more in the old basis than that
earlier In the week. TJhe shipping demand
was only fair, total sales being 200,000
bushels. Local sentiment was still bear
ish and there is little doubt but what the
market will again become oversold.
A much better tone was apparent In tho
oats market, with offerings well absorbed
by a strong local elevator interest. The
grain to come out was scattered Inter
ests. Rust reports from Iowa and Ne
braska mere numerous and more Jn
slstant Tho western packers were on the buy
ing side or provisions early and this
helped to advance values. Scalpers
bought freely nnd thero was somo buy
ing on short account.
Cash wheat was unchanged to Ho
Cash corn was unchanged to ahlghtr.
Cash oats were unchanged to He higher
Clearances: Wheat and flour, 6O6)0O bu.;
corn, nono; oats, 3,000 bu,
Liverpool close: Wheat, ln higher:
corn. Ho higher.
Primary wheat receipts wcro -567,000 bu.
and shipments 1,016,000 bu.
Primary com receipts wore 610,000 bu.
and shipments 422,000 bu.
Primary oats receipts were 005,000 bu.
and shipments 6S5.000 bu.
, Wheat, Corn. Oats.
Chicago 129 177 1C0
Minneapolis 19 ... ...
Duluth 87
Omaha r. Do 10
Kansas city 66 2S 16
St. Louis 123 31 37
Winnipeg zrs
A year ago today was a holiday, there-
tore no primary movement for that data.
All markets of tho United States will
be closed Saturday, July 4.
Theso sales were renorted t r1 v Wi a f
No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, 74Hc No. 8
"ra winter, a car, 74c; 1H cars, 73Ho.
No. 3 durum. 1 car, 70c. Oats: Standard,
1 car. 33Hc No. 3 white. 2 cars, 33Hc;
6h cars. 33c. No. 4 white, 4 cars, Slfic;
4 cars, 32Ho. Corn: No. 2 white, 3 cars.
69c. No. 3 white, S cars. 6&Hc. No. 4
white, 1 car. 67Hc No. 1 yellow, 8 3-5
cars, 63Hc. No. 2 yellow, S cars, 63Hc; 8
cars, 63Hc. No. 3 yellow, 4 cars, 63H; 5
No. 209. "
The First National Dank of Omaha.
at Omaha, in tho state of Nebcaska, at
tho close of business Juno 30, 1914:
Loans and discounts 117,943 019 50
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured , . , , 3g S75.73
U. 8. Bonds to securo clrcula- '
tlon 50,000.00
U. S. bonds to secure U. B.
deposits 70,630.00
Other bonds to se
cure U. S. depoelU..l 40.000.00
To secure postal
savings ..... 98,000.00- 138,000.00
Bonds, securities,, etc., (other
than stocks) a06.O46.54
All other stocks 85 347 65
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures ,'200,000.00
Duo from na- t
tlonal banks (not
reserve agents) ....8071,622.72 '
Due from state and .
private banks and "
bankers, trust com
panies and savings
banks 660,450.19
Due from approved
reserve agents 953,915.51
Checks and other
cash Items 100,429.45
Exchanges for clear
Ins house 218,253.63
Notes of other na
tional banks ........ 25,000.00
Fractional paper cur-
rency, nickels and , .
cent 760.35 v
Lawful Money Re
serve In Bank, viz:
Bpeclo 826,194.00
Legal tender notes... 25,000.00 3,281,(15.85
Redemption fund with U. S.
treasurer (5 per cent of circu
lation) 2.497.50
Duo from U. S. treasurer 2J50
Total -111,913,935.17
Capital stock paid In I 500,000.00
Surplus fund 1,000,000.00
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid 119,903.31
National bank notes outstand
ing .49,837.50
Duo to other na
tional banks ....42,799,829.36
Duo to state and
private banks and
bankers 1,713,990.99
Due to trust com
panles and sav
ings banks 135,743.02
Dividends unpaid .. 4,345.00
Individual deposits
subject to check., 3,581,607.87
Demand certificates
of deposit
Time certificates of
deposit payable
within 80 days.... 1,450,563.72
Time certificates of
deposit payable
after 30 days or
after notice of 30
days or longer.... 209,810.38
Certified checks ... 16,765.84
Cashier's checks
outstanding 109,682,96
U. S. deposits 98,605.09
Postal savings de
posits 63,879.96-10,244,034.36
Total 111.913,935.17
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas ss:
I, T. L. Davis, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly tnvear that the
above statement is true to tha best of jny
knowledge and belief.
T. L. DAVIS. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn tc before me this
3rd day of July. 1914.
Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
r ,v , L. L. KOUNTZB,
f T F. H. DAVIS,
' Directors.
cars. 6tc. No. 6 yellow, I ears, 61a. No.
1 mixed, 1 car, S'c; ear, (He. No, 2
mixed. 10 cars, etr, 2 cars, 6Hc No, 3
mixed, I car (near white), Wc; 5 cars,
ilHc No. 6 mixed, 1 car, attic Sample,
1M oars, SlHc: J cars. 61c; 1 car, 66HC
Omaha Cash Priees Wheat: No. J hard.
71HCf77c; No. 3 hard, 70H76e; No. 4 hard,
694J73Ho: No. 2 spring. 7HOHc; No. 8
spring. 73H079Hc; No. 4 spring, 75H77Hc;
No. 2 durum, TWlo; No, 3 durum. flWffOc,
Corn: No. 1 white, 6SttT&c; No. 3 white,
6SHW8Ho: No. 4 white. 66Hfl7Hc; No. 2
yellow, 63HO3Hc: No. 3 yellow, b3fl3Hc;
No. 4 yellow, 6Hc; No. 2, 6l6c; No.
8, 61VtUlHo; No. 4. 00lc, Oats. No. 2
white. SJVtTe; standard. UOSSH; .10.
3 winter SiflSSHe; No. 4 white, SSHfrtSHc.
Barley: Malting, WVtrSRc; No. 1 feed, 4Mr
rOo. Ryo; No. 2, 6H!6Hc; No. 3, KH-flfc6c
Prntarra of the Trading and Closing
Prlrra n Ilnnnl of Trade.
CHICAGO. July 3. Disquiet news re
garding chances of black damage in
tho next forty-eight hours gnvo control
of tho wheat market most of today to
the bulls. The close was steady, nt a
range varying from ?io off to He up. com.
pared with Inst night. Corn suffered a
net decline or Ho o lc and oats, a loss
of HWHc Pork finished lOo to ao down,
but otherwise provisions showed a gain
of 2Ho to 7H4J10C.
Thero were cmphatla dental of yester
day's reports that the dreaded black va
riety of rust hod appeared at Wllmot,
S. D. There wero signs that the move
ment of the new winter crop would as
sume larger proportions next week.
Bullishness, which pervaded the wheat
pit most noticeably In the first halt of
the day, received a good deul of Impetus
from a forecast of unsettled and warmer
weather in Minnesota nnd tho Dakotas,
conditions likely to Increase tho danger
of black rust. Unfavorable crop pros
pects in Russia counted likewise on the
bull aide.
A suspicious report on tha progress of
growth, eupeclally In Illinois, pulled sup
port out from under the corn market
Rural offerings wero more liberal, and
Argentina shipments' In excess of what
had been looked for. Oats sagged with
corn, but hedRlng pressure was lessened
nnd the shipping demand wns brisk.
Unloading by longs brought about a
setback In pork. Ribs led the rest of
provisions in a fair advance.
Futures ranged aa follows:
Artlcl.l Open. I Hlgh.l Low. 1 Close.! Yes y.
79H W; 79H 7H
79H 79H 7SH TSS 79H
6SH CSH 7U 7i' 6SJ4
6&H 65H 64H 64H 65H
M 36H 36H 35H 35
85H 36H H 35H 35H
XI 95 21 40 21 65 ' 21 SG
2035 2025 3025 2025
10 12) 10 10 ' 10 12H 10 or.
10 27H 10 22H 10 27H W 20
1 SO 11 77H H 80 11 70
11 80 11 75 11 75 II 70
20 30
10 22V
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat! No. 2
red, 81HCc: No. 2 hard, 81'482Hc: No
2 northoni, SSflfllc: No. 2 spring, RSQWHo.
Corn: No. 2 yellow, 0SfC9Hc: No. I
yellow, 68V4c. Oats: No. 3 white, 16H
37Uc; standard. 37?41l3SHc. Hye: No. 2,
59c. Barley: 488c. Timothy, 14.25OS.G0.
Clovor: I10.0013.oa Pork: J21.C5. Lard:
110.12H. Ribs: lll.62ttS12.00.
CHEESE Lower; daisies, 14H14Vic:
twins, 14S14Hc; Americas. IDtJliHc; long
horns. 1415c
BUTTER Higher; creameries, 20H0
26 c
POULTRY Alive, lower; springs 18
EGGS Steady; rocelpts, 11,686 cases; at
mark cases inciuaea ivuwb; ordinary
firsts, 17H417fco: firsts, 18Hei8Ha
POTATOES Higher; rocelpts 40 cars;
old, 11.30611.33: new, Arkansas and Okla
homa triumphs, tC01.00; Virginia bar
rels, l4.60Q4.6t
New York General Market.
NEW YORK, July 3,-SUGAR Raw,
Bteady. molasses sugar, 2.67c, centrifugal,
3.32c. Refined, steady; cut loaf, 6.25c;
crushed, 3.15c; mould A, 4.80c; cubes, 4.55c;
XXXX powdered, 4.45c; powdered, 4.40c;
fine granulated, 4.30c; diamond A. 4.30a;
confoctloners" A, 4.20c; No. 1, 4.10c.
BUTTER Creamery extras, 27Q27c;
firsts, 2426c; process extras, 22322o;
ladles, current make, firsts, iO&Xfc.
CHEESE State whole milk fresh; white
or colored specials, 1414Hc; fnncy to av
erage, 14iT14i4c; skims, nllc.
EGOS Fresh gathered extras, 2325c;
extra firsts. S2Q22Hc; firsts, 203a
POULTRY Dressed: western chickens,
frozen, HHtfSOc; fowls, 13JflSc; turkeys.
4ve. firm: western chickens, broilers.
20Q23c; fowls, 19c; turkeys, 15311c.
St. Lonla Grain 3Inrket.
BT. LOUIB, July 3. WHEAT No. 2
red, 77S78Ho; No. 2 hard, 79H0SOo; July,
76Ho: September, 7676Hc.
CORN-No. 2, 69c; No. 3 white, 74675c;
July, C6c; September, C5Hc.
OATS No. 2. 87c; No. 2 white. 39c.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. July 3. MONEY On call,
steady, at ltf2 per cent; ruling rate, 2
por cent; closing, lHfi? per cent Time
loans, easier; sixty days, 2'4SJ2 por cont;
ninety days, 2K&3 per cent: six months,
2i per cent
days, 14.8580; demand, 11.8770; commercial
bills. 14.S5H.
SILVER Bar, 56Hc; Mexican dollars, 44c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
NEW YORK. July 3. Following are
the cloning prices on stocks on Wall
street today:
Omaha Hay Market.
Choice upland, J14.0O314.CO; , No. 1 to
choice upland. $13.00014.00; No. 2 to choice
upland. J10.00tfni.00; No. 3 to choice up
land. to.004CT.00: No. 1 to choice midland.
ll3.00iS13.5O; No. 2 to choice midland, Jlu.00
Bll.OO; No. 3 to cnoico miaiana, ta.wcti.w;
No. 1 to choice lowland, 110.004711. 00; No. 2
to choice lowland. 6.008.00; No, S to
choice lowland, I4.006.00.
NEW HAY Choice. 113.0011.00; No. 1
to choice. lll.OO3i2.OO; No. 2 to choice,
STRAW Choice wheat, 13.60JJ6.00.
ALFALFA No. 1 to choice, new, 113.00
14.00; No. 2 to choice, now, llOXOQill.00; No.
1 to choice, old. lll.OOQ'lt.eO.'
Coffee Bfnrket.
NEW YORK, July S. The coffeo mar
ket ruled steadier today on steady ca
bles and scattered covering for over tho
two days' adjournment Tho opening was
at un advance of 6 to 9 points and the
market held within a point or two of
tlie initial figures during the entiro day.
on private cables rcportlngan Improved
fnanclal situation In Brazil and claiming
that the final success of the Brazilian
loan wan assured. Closing prices showed
a net putn of C to 7 points. Hales, 14,000
bags: July S.40e; September, 8.60c; Octo
ber, 8.70c; Dtcember. 8.90c; January, 8.93c;
March, 8.99c; May. 9.06c. flpot quiet: Rio
No. 7, SHc; Santos No. 4, 12c. Mild cot
fee, dull; Cordova, 12(fpl6c nominal.
aietal Market.
Dull at l3.H5fr3.93; London, 19. Spelter:
Dull at 14.9096.00; London. 21 10s. Copper:
Higher:, spot and August. 113.403118.70;
electrolytic. 11X75: lake, nominal: castings.
S13.50ai3.62H. Tin: Strong; spot 13L37HU
31.62; September. 131.6GQ31.76.. Autlmony:
uuii; uooKson-a, (.izu".a. iron: wuiet
and unchanged.
London Prices: Copper: Bteady; spot,
61 12s 6d; futures, 62. Tin: Strong;
spot. 143; futures, 144 12a 6d. Iron:
Cleveland warrants, 61s IHd.
ST. LOUIS, July 3. METALS Lead:
Dull at 13.77. Spelter: Quiet at 14.85.
Oil and Roslu.
NEW YORK. July 3L ROSIN Quiet.
TURPENTINE Steady; machine bar
rels, 49c.
TINE Firm; 46346c; sales, 902 bbls.;
receipts, 739 bbls.; shipments, 363 bbls,;
stocks, 17,214 bbls.
ROSIN Firm; sales, 1.416 bbls.; receipts,
2,185 bbls.; shipments, 529 bbls.; stocks.
108.508 bbls. Quote: AD, 18.70; C D,
13.80; B. 13.85; F. 13.60: G, H. I, 13.96; KM,
11.85; M, 4.; N, 15.35; WO, 15.76; WW,
Cullon Market,
Fututea closed steady; July, lZ.45o;
Auguat, 12.44o; October, 12.19c; December,
12.27c, January, 12.18c. March. 12.22c:
May, 12.33c- Spot quiet; middling. 13.23c;
gulf, 18.50c. Sales, 500 bales.
Cotton closed steady at a net loss of
10 to It points.
Fed Cattle for Week Steady and
Grastcrs Lower.
Sheep Ten to Twenty Cents Lower
for ihr Week nnd Pat I.nmlia
Twenty to Thlrtj-I'"l
SOUTH OMAHA. July 3. 1914.
Receipts wrre: Cuttlo Hons. Sheep.
Official Monday 3.W11 ,'J08 10,313
Official Tuesday. 4.3S 8.7W 7
Official Wednesday ...2.720 12.416 C.706
Official Thursday 1.278 1 0,044 5.912
Kstlmatc Friday 30 6,900 3,06m
Five days this week. .11.311 4&.W0 J8.379
Sumo days last week.. 11.339 46.4S1 26,590
Same days 2 wks. ago.4t,Wi 4,S 15.933
Bnmo days 3 wks. ugo 11,397 M.7M 14.&24
Samo days 4 wks. HKO.12,154 H6.192 12,423
Knme days last year. . ,977 41.283 19,300
Tho following tnblo shows the rocelpts
of cattle, lioga and sheep at the South
Omaha live stock market for the year to
dato as compared with last year:
1914. 19l!. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 40.1078 497.066 20.9S
Hogs 1,SS5,950 1,506,253 119,303
Sheep 1,096,857 940.694 156.163
The following table show tne range of
prices for hogs at the South Omaha live
stock markut lor the lost few days, with
comparisons: .
I 1914. I1911.I1912.I1911.I1910.I1900.I1M.
June 15.1 S 03
I 7 251 6 7t
9 401 7 671 6 10
9 33 7 S6 6 54
June is.
16. 8 01 8 KH
17.1 8 06H1 8 40 7 16
IS. I 8 nW 8 331 7 231
19. S 20 t 41 1 29
I U I b So
161 C ll(
9 311 7 63 6 W
9 30
7 61 6 37
6 921
6 13i
9 42
1 U I
I 6 OS
7 6
7 45 5 86
7 451 5 89
7 40 5 92
7 48 5 87
7 58 5 83
I 6 M
June 20,
8 2114. 8 40
7 35
7 40
June 21.
June 32.
8 43
9 40
8 231
8 44
fi 29
9 16
June 23.
Juno 21.
8 09
8 441
6 20) 0 161
8 (Si
3 51
8 53!
8 52
8 46!
7 46
6 14
6 12
9 24
June 25.
June 26.
8 i:h
7 30
June 27,
8 15
7 80
( 14
9 13!
June 28.
8 41
8 611
7 S4
6 0S
9 00)
7 041
June 29.
June 30.
July 1,
8 181
7 84 6 18 8 99 7 62) 5 99
6 301
9 621
7 66!
6 03
8 17H1
8 86
7 73
6 77
10 no
(1 73'
5 7
July 2,
July 3.
8 20'
8 58
8 6
7 19
7 16
8 79,
7 61
6 46
7 67
CATTLE There were not enough cat
tle here to make a market this morning,
and ns July 4 will be observed as a holi
day the trade this morning partook
largely of tlie character of a Saturday's
Beef steers of desirable quality have
been In good demand all tha week, with
prices firm every day. As comparod
with the close of last week there has
been very little change In tho market
prices; In fact, being almost stationary
for the last two weeks.
Only a few dry-lot cows and heifers
are coming forward and thoy are meet
ing with very ready sale at good, firm
prices. On the other hand good grass
cows and heifers which come into direct
competition with low-priced grass steers
from the southwest aro around So
lower for tho week. Good cornfed bulls
hayo been steady throughout the week,
with grassers slow and lower. Veal
calvos aro arqund 25c lower for the week,
the best selling up to 110.00. which Is
11.00 per hundred lower Uian two weeks
Htockera and feeders have been In mod
erato aupply all the woek, but the country
demand has been so meager that thonj
has been an ncoumulatlon of cattle In
iH! hJ?d" .of !)ecultra and yard trad
f! L.ien?onC3: of ,,h8 market has
fr. u"' n aplto of that fact
S ISmF111 JI?b1'lb'' qulto a number
or cattlb carried over until noxt week
R 'Mr beef steers. 17.50
8 2 il cco cornfed heifers; 87.26
V 10 c,olce cornfed cows, Jt,
i . . KOoa grades, 83.7MHJ.;tf; com
?ionto a,.r eraaos, tS7iQiS.75; good to
fhi-,C ltoi,ker!. 'uers. 17.5OM8.00:
fair to good stockers and feeders, 18.76
Lt&omroo.n l2 ra,r tcrs and feeder?.
jttSQ5.75; stock cows and belters, 15.0CO
tfSU'iifiSJ ,CB,,,V' .W-60QI7.75: veal calvsi;
I7.500to.00; bulls, stagB. eta. I5.25Q7.C5.
Representative sales:
HOGS Supplies were moderate this
morning, about 103 cars, or 6,900 head,
Bhow,1K .UP' For tlle week receipta total
45,Oi)0, being neurly 1,600 smaller than the
samp days u week ago and 2,000 short
or the run ror the five market days In
the corresponding week last year.
Packers were very slow In starting out
again today, but shippers and speculators
wore out early buying such hogs na they
could, use at prices that looked to be a
nickel higher. Most of these early ship
per sales wero madp at a range of IS.25Q
8.80. It was well along in the forenoon
beforo killers finally started bidding at
steady figures. In view of the fact that
receipts wcro not very heavy and other
markets wero reported higher salesmen
priced their holdings a nickel better. Buy
ers refusod to raise their offer to any
gieat extent and In tho end the supply
started to move slowly at prices that
were no morn than steady to a shade
higher. Movement was very alow
throughout and the market looked shaky
at all times, as packers were trying hard
to weaken values, but the bulk of tho
supply finally sold on tho basis named,
that is, steady to a shade higher than
yeftcrday's average.
Bulk of the sales can be quoted at 18.29
8.25, with a fair showing up to 18.30, the
top. Ah was the case on Tliursaay the
longest strings landed towards the bot
tom end of the bulk, with some very
common stuff slightly under the general
range of prices. Trade tins been rather
uncertain all week, but tho close ot the
week finds tho genoral market ablg nickel
higher. After going up on Monday and
Tuesday a reaction sot In, and Jn the
decline Wednesday a good share ot the
early advance was lost. Since then no
very sharp change have been made, al
though small galna were registered both
yestorday and today. As la customary
there will be no market Saturday, the
Fourth. Such stock as Is received will bo
yarded and cared for, but will not be
SHEEP For good range lambs it was
largely an 18.80 market for In the neigh
borhood of eleven cars of such lambs
sold at that price this morning, this being
practically everything In the lamb division
with the exception ot the sorts. Prices
were steady to a shade better as com
parod with yesterday and the sorting was
about the same. There were 800 head
sorted out ot four cars at 16.50, 135 head
out of about 700 lambs at IS.G0 and 150
head out of a three-car shipment at the
same price, the packers, as on Thursday,
taking the feeder end aa well as the tops
nt Kh ihlnmnnt. The demand seemed
(very good, which was due to the light
receipts or omy sumo o,vm ucau ui.u w
the fact that tomorrow .will be a holiday
all day for the killing gangs at the pack
ing houses. While a strong tone featured
today's trode sellers do not expect prices
to hold up any better than of late.
A limited supply ot aged sheep sold at
steady priees. The early sales inoluded
a load of Idaho awes at 14.60. The move
ment had fair activity and the clearance
was seasonable. For the week prices are
quotably 20Q36c lower on lambs, lOQCOe
lower on yearlings, wethers and ewes.
Receipts have been liberal most of the
week and whilo there has been a little
decline In values the market on most
days has been fairly active, indicating a
very good trade for this time ot the yesr.
Quotations on range sheep and lambs:
Lambs, good to choice, 18.75Q9.00; lambs,
fair to good, t8.50QS.7i; lambs, feeders.
S5.75S41.60; yearlings, good to choice. 10.25
US.W. yearlings, fair to good, 86.(WQ6.3i,
wethers, good to choice. 15 J5Q6.60; weth
ers, fair to good, 15.2GQ6.8S; ewes, good
to choice, I4.60Q4.S0 ewes, fair to good.
Kanaus City Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 800 head. Market steady; prime
fed steers, l9.O0if9.4O; dressed beef steers,
17.50.80; western steers, 16.60Q9.20; south
ern steers, 13.504JB.SO; cows. ll.25Q7.2S;
heifers. S6.&0Q9.00; stockers and feeders,
16.25Q7.50; calves, 16.50O9.2G.
HOGS Receipts. 2.200 head; market
ateady to strong: bulk of sales. t8.23tW.40,
heavy. 18.4088.42, puckers and butchers.
lH.35Qi.45; light, 18.20Q8.37H; piSS, 37.75
BHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 1.000
bead. Market steady i Iambi, I8.25fl0.00;
yearlings, W.25Q7.00; wethers. tl.GOQ6.00;
ewes, I4.OOQ6.00.
fllaax City Live fltovk Market.
LMftnv I'TipV To 1 , I .. 1 filTTT.T?
Receipts, 200 head; no tone: native steers,
. . . , . ...... r nr
ta.zau-ro; umcucri, f.4i..w.
HOGS Receipts, 4,500 head; no tone,
heavy, W.15fl.20; mixed. S8.12ft8.1V light,
18.10Q.12, bulk of sales, S8.12fl.17.
SHEEP AND LA Ml 18 None,
BrupcirnteU Aiinlea unit Dried Frail
APPLES- Market qulot hut steady,
URIEL KRUIT-Prunes, steady: aprl
cou and peaches, dull; raisins, steady.
Opens with Substantial Gains for
Most Speculative Favorites.
London's Market Store Chrrrfnl,
nnd Hnylng for thnt Arrnnnt to
i:tent of Alinnt R.OOO
Shares llrglsterrd.
NHW YORK, July 3. There wns evi
dence In tho course of tho day's dull but
falily strong stock murliet that the finan
cial community Is earner to seise upon any
valid rxcusn or reason to advance quoted
values The Impelling factor was the
overnight news from Washington, which
Implied that a closer understanding of
mutual needs wns to be established be
tween the administration on the one band
and tho financial, industrial and com
mercial Interests of the country on the
Stocks opened with substantial gains
for most or the speculative favorites, in
the final denllnga the market relapsed
Into Its recent dull state, but closed with
11 firm undertone.
London's markets were more cheerful
nnd buying for thHt account to the ex
tent of nlxut 5,000 shares waa registered
here. That general financial conditions
In tho British metropolis are atlll some
what sensitive may be Judged from tho
failure of another Canadian loan, only a
small pnrt ot which waa subscribed for,
and another setback in tho Brazilian loan
Alinott tho only new financing In the
local market during the week was tha
sale to a banking nyndlcate of the 120,
iKKi.000 ot Northern Pacific railway bonds,
recently Issued by tho directors.
Forecasts ot tho bank statement were
not very wide of tho mark, the actual
taah loss, prlmnrlly duo to midyear pay
ments of Interest and dividends, aggre
gating slightly more than 127.O0O.MM with
a decrease In reserves of 120,768,000. These
conalllcns are likely to bo largely cor
rected In another week's time.
Bonds were steady with llmltod move
ments in many issues which have re
cently fluctuated widely. Total sales par
value, tl.S9S.000.
Pnnama coupons in advanced 1 per
tent on call during the week.
Numbei. ot sales and leading quotations
on stocks were aa follows:
Salts, tries. Low. Clou.
AluVa Ool4 1.104 !'4 3t( Xti
Amatcamated Coepor .... 18.800 70S M 70S
American I)Mt Hutr.... rM tS 1H H
Amarlean Caa ... 00 S714 Kit
American B. II 1,C0 14 m UIl
Auwlcan 8. a It. pM... ..... lot
Amor. Hurar Ktflnloi... 101
American T T mxj iH irott 110s
American Tobaer M SIS X0i i
AnaooniU Mlnlnc ...... NO I1H 1 It
AUiilaua 1.800 HM M 89
tlalUmoe A Ohio 3.100 SOS so TOS
Drwklrn llapld Tr l.Ktt H ! IS
CallrurnU etroleum ... S00 it it U
Canadian Pacific 1.M0 IMS lt 1J
Central Loslhar . ..... 36X
Capeaa a Otlo x.roo ITS lis
Chlcaco O. W too 14 14 14 U. A SI. P.... I.4C0 100H MM Ta
Chicago A N. W ISO
Chlno Copper (00 41 41 40U
Colorado rval a Iron.... IV0 1U 8 36S
Colorado & Hoatham 2S
Henrer & Itlo Grand 10V
l)nr A R. 0. pfd 17S
Dlatlllers' Bcurlllo US
Brie 2,000 8 18S 88S
Unral Klaetrlo 800 148 148 18
Oreat t4orthrn rM l.MO IMS 184H 184
Oreat Northern Or cits, 4O0 8IS 1S 1S
nursanhelra Kiporatltn .. 800 MS IIS 84S
IlllnoU Central , . HIS
Inttrbomuzh Met. pfd.... 8M OS IS 2S
Inspiration Copper 300 17H II H US
International liar-renter.. 800 1(17 J08S 17
Kanaaa Cltr Southern Z8S
Lehlsh VaJler 1,400 1MH US
liulnllle A NaahTlll HSi
Meijcan Petroleum 800 COS 88 MS
Miami Copper UM It 8U4 21S
Mlsamirl. K. A T 800 ITS 17 17
Mlsronr! I'arlflc 1,800 17k H 17Vi
National Dlaoult ..... lift
National lvead 48
Nararta Copper 800 14 IIS US
New York Ontral (00 8K 88S 8S
N. r.. N. II. ft II 1.800 88 4ti 4U
Norrtlk ft Western io 103 im 108
Northern l'atttlo 1,800 111?; IMS U0U
Pactn Mall 308 83 US S
I'scllle T. & T MS
PtnnsrlranU 800 111 1I1S HIS
Pullman ralsoo Oar 151 li
IVnr Con. Copper 1.400 US 21 81
neaainc 83.100 WIS WK 184
Kepublle Iron St HU1 :2S
llock Island Co 708 IK IS IS
Olock Iiland Co. prd JS
Ft, K A H. P. 8d ptd 4S
Southern lacine 10,500 8TS MS 88S
Houtliern Hallway 500 24H H U
Tenneaae copper ....... w wyt jjh u
Texas Cboipur 148S
Union I'acltlo 9.M0 1WU ills 18SS
ttnlon Paclflo pfd 81
United fflatae Bteal 23,800 CIS IIS IS
U. P. flteel pfd 800 100U IMS 10914
Utah Ooprw 8,000 Ukl US US
Wtbaah pfd .. 8S
Waatern Union 3,700 US US MS
WeetlnghouM Rlactrlo .. 1.000 7IS 78 7IS
Total sales fir the Slf, 131,800 share.
Cattle Steailr Hosja Ateady to Five
Cents IHsUer.
CHICAGO. July S.-CATTLE-Rocelnts.
1,000 head; market steady: beeves, flMtfi
.; steers. stocxers ana read
ers. x5.7wr7.wj; cows nnu neirene, ja.Tvrt
n.u: calves, itt.7Muv.70.
HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head: market
bteady to fie higher; bulk of sales,
8.45: light. W.liWi.50: mixed. 13.lMrS.CW:
heavy. 17.00O6.&.1; rough, 17.9ORS.10; pigs,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000
neaa; mantel steaay to strong; Bneep,
l5.2r.O0; yearlings, IS.257.40; lambs,
St. I.onls Live Stock Market.
ai, t nrtla T ., I .. rlmrv T, 1 ,
1,000 heud; mnrkot steady: native beer
steers, 17.5OCIH.30; cowa and heifers, IS.&CVft
9.00; stockers and feeders, 5.007.5;
southern steers. 85.7oOS.40: cowa and
heifers, 14.5008.65; native calves, 38.00
HOGS Receipts, 7,000 head: market
strong: nigs and lights. t7.0OflS.50: mixed
and butchers, I8.35tre.50; good heavy, 18.45
SHEEP AND LAHRS-Rccelpts, 1,800
neaa; marKet steaay to nigner; native
muttons, zt.TOva.w: lamps, 8.wi(.t.
Good Racing Draws
Crowd to Tekamah
TEKAMAH, Neb.. July 3.-(8peclnl Tele
gram.) Tho first day's races of tho
Tekamah Speed association of the Ne
braka circuit opened auspiciously with
fair Weather, a fast track and a vary
good attendance. The races were pulled
off on schedulo time and were races in
every heat. Summary:
Trotting, 2:30 class; purse 3400:
Lady H.. b. m. by Archdale.
Parks, David City 5 1 1 1
ueorge . uomoK.o, saienar,
Davenport 2 dr
Mary King wood, b. in. by King
Edward. Robare, Beatrice 8 dr
t i ti . .. . ...I n....
Johnson. Tekamah 1 3 3 4
Anton Psota, blk. g. by Mazon,
Bhlnstock Bros., Westpolnt 1 3 4 3
Dollio Dimple, b. m. by Red Al-
mona, Denton. Lincoln 7 5 E 6
Sable Princess, blk. in. by Colonel
Cochran, Pike, Menn, Ark 4 6 6 S
TJrbanus, s. h. by Norcatur,
Graves, Independence, Mo 8 4 S 3
Time: 2:17, 2:21. 3:20. 2:20.
Trotting, 3-yeor-olds: purse 1200;
Cloverdale, br. f by Archdale, Parks,
David City 3 3
The Orphan, b. stallion by Sorrento,
Todd Jenkln, Blair , 1 1
Miss Pinkerlon. br, f. by Mr. link.
erton, Bagley, Topeka, Kan 2 3
Winnie O. C., blk. f. by Fair Ex-
change. Lacey. Tekamah 4 4
Time: J7, 2:25.
Pacing. 2:22 class; ptirsn 1400:
King Will, b. g. by King Traveler,
Parka. David City.... 4 2 2
Princess Starilne, b. f. by Black
Prince Bp reck tr, St. Joseph, Mo., dr
Brownelm, br. g. by Unknown.
Turner. Kansas City. Mo... C 4 (
Oratta, blk. m. by Gratt, Lacey.
Tekamah 1 1 1
Sand Hill Pete. ch. g. by Sioux
Chief, Schlnstock Bros., West
Point S 6
Peter Pan, b. stallion by Tocanet,
Shark, Silver Creak dr
Fannie Pauline, blk. m, by Durlock,
Nottingham, Macon, Mo dr
Dan L. 8 3
Time; 2:16. 2.18, 2:18.
Tltrout and Lunar Trouble
Will cease to trouble you by the timely
uso of Dr. King's New Discovery; sure
relief 50c and 11.00. All drugglsU. Advertisement
Washington and Boston American!
Break Even on Bill.
Wood Wins Ont Over nnehllncr In
Tenth After Two nt on Slnslea
hy Yerltea and Wood and
Caily's Doable.
WASHINGTON, July 3.-Washlngton
unit Boston divided a double-header hero
today, the locals winning tho first by
12 to 0 and tho visitors taking the second
by 3 to 1. Williams starred at the bat
fot the locals' in the first game and tlie
second was a pitchers duel between
Wood nnd Boehllng. the former winning
out In tho tenth after two wore out on
sltiRlra by Ycrkcs and Wood nnd Cady'a
double, ."core, first gamo:
All. II. O. A. K. An 11,0 A H.
Hooper rf . 4 1 3 OMoelter, rf.. 8 110 0
Scott, a ... 4 8 4 4 OPoater, 8b... 8 Jilt
Hpeaker. ct.. 10 10 0 Milan rf.... t 8 8 0 1
Jteba-. If. ...4110 OWilllarnt. lbl I I M
Janrrln. lb.. 4 0 I 1 Cffhank. If ... 8 0 4 0 O
(lardnor, lb.. 4 0 0 1 OMortan. .. 4 8 9
Yerltea. b. 8 0 8 1 SMfDrtcle. si. 4 1 1 3
nidr, e X I 1 OAlnnmlth. e. 3 0 4 1 0
Thnmaa, c. . 1 1 1 0 Ollenrr. c ... t 0 1 0 9
A Johnann, p I 0 1 2 On .Johnttn, p I I 0 I 0
rinoper. p.... 1 0 0 0 Ollarpar, p. .. 1 1 0 1 0
llenrlkaen ..11000
Totals.. .!I1JM10 1
Tolala 81 14 10 1
A. Johnson out for attempting bunt on
third strike.
Batted for A. Johnson in fifth.
Washington 1 0 2 3 0 4 0 S '-12
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hits: Wlltlams, W. Johnson
Three-base hit: Williams. Home run'
Williams. Hits' Off A. Johnson. C in
four Innings: off Cooper, 7 In four In
nings: off W. Johnson. 5 In seven in
nings; off Harper, 1 In eight Innings.
Stolen bake: Alnsmlth. Double plays: W.
Johnson and Alnsmlth and Foster: Mc
Bride and Williams. Lett on bases:
Boston, 7: Washington, 5. Bases on
balls: Off A. Johnson. 2; off Cooper. 1;
off W. Johnson, 3; off Harper. 1. Base
on errors: Boston, 1; Washington, 2,
Struck out: By W. Johnson. 3; by Har
per, 1. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Chill and
1103TON. WA8IHKC1T0N'.
All. H O. A K. An.H.O.A B.
Hooper, rf... 8 1 0 OMoelltr. rf . 3 0 8 O
Hcott. as...,. 4 0 t 4 OFocUr, 2b... 4 0 1 0 "
Ppeaker. rf.. 4 0 10 ollllan, ef.,.3 1 1 0 n
Italic. If 8 t 0 0 OWIIIIam. lb 8 1 11 1 n
Janrrln, lb.. I 1 18 0 1 Shanks. If... 4 1 1 0 ft
Gardner, 8b.. 3 1 0 3 OMoraan. 8b,. 4 114 0
Trks. Jb... 4 117 OMcttrlde. a. 4 1 8 v
Otir. c 4 1(3 Ollenrr o. ... 4 T 0 I
Wood. p.... 4 10 3 ertnehllnz. p.. 4 1 1 I ft
Tnlalt 88 C 80 18 I Total.. ,,.11 8 84 14 I
Boston 600000010 2-8
Washington .... 000000100 0-1
Two-base hits: Janvrin. Cady. Sacri
fice hits: Moeller, Williams. Stolen base:
Milan. Double play: McBride and Will
iams. Left on bases: Boston, 4; Wash
ington. 5. Bases on balls: Off Wood,
1: off Boehllng, 2. Struck out: By
wood, ; try Hoehiing. 6. Time: 3:ti.
Umpires: Chill and Sheridan.
Tvro Defeats for Yanks.
PHILADELPHIA, July S.-Errors wero
responsible for all of tho runs scored In
totlny's double-header here, Philadelphia
defeating New York twice by 2 to 0 and
1 to 0. Thj first contest was a duel
between Bender and Warhop. Scere, first
An. ll.O. A. 75. An.H.O.A K
MalMl, lb... 4 11 lMurphr. rf.. 8 1 1 1 0
Hanaall, If., i 18 0 tfOldrlns. lf. 4 110 0
reckinpa', eat 1 0 0 IColllna, lb... 8 113 0
Daley, ct..,. 1 1 i 0 onakT, lb.... 8 0 S 4 0
Multu, lb.. 1 0 8 0 OMclnaU, lb. 8 0 II 0 0
lloldan. rf... 8 0 11 OSlrunk. ef... 3 0 18 0
Nnnamakr, il I t I rtarrr, aa.... 8 0 1 4 0
Iloon. 3b 8 0 18 18c hour, 0.,.. 3 0(80
Warhop, P... 1 0 0 4 0Under, p.... 8 0 0 & I)
Total 38 14 143 Ttl.. J7 4 ST 18 "u
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Philadelphia 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 -2
Two-base hits: Daley. Mnlsel, Hart
zell. Oldrlng. Sacrifice hit: Mullen.
Stolen base: Daley. Lert on bases:
New York, 4; Philadelphia, 6. Rases on
balls: Oft Warhop. 4; off Bender, 1.
First ha so on errors: Philadelphia. 2.
Hit by pitched ball: Ry Warhop (Schang).
Struck out: By Warhop, 4; by Bender, 6.
Time: 1:24. Umpires: Illldebrand and
Score, second game:
Maliel. lb... 3 0 11 lMsrpbr, rf.. 4 0 10 0
lrcklnpt'. ut 1 I I OOldrtnf, If... 4 1100
Hart Mil. If., 4 10 0 OOollIna, 3b... 8 13 2 0
Paler, cf.... 4 0 4 0 OUaker, lb.... 4 100
Mulltn. lb... 1 0 11 1 OMcdnnla, tb. 4 1 14 1
Clot, rf. 3 0 10 lStrunk, of.. ,8 0 3 0 0
Hroner. e., 3 1 8 1 enarrr, .... 4 0 t 0
Doon, lb,... 3 Oil OLavpp, o 1 1410
rie. p 1 0 0 3 OSrawker, p.. 2 3 1 3 0
Keating. p.,.s 0 0 0
CaM-rftll ... 1 0 0 0 Totals 31 7 87 11 0
Total n 14 I "l
Batted for Pleh In the ninth.
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Philadelphia 0 0000010 -!
Two-base hit: Sweeney. Hits: Off
Pleh, 6 In seven Innings; off Keating, 1 in
one inning. Sacrifice hit: Bhawltey.
Stolen baso: Hartzell. Left on bases:
New York, 4: Philadelphia, L Basts on
balls: Off Pleh. 3; off Sbawkey, n.
Kirat boae on errors: Philadelphia, 2.
Struck out: By Pioh, 1; by Bhawltey, 3.
Time; 1:55. Umpires: O'Loughlln and
Tlo;era) Slnnshter Nagta,
DETROIT, July J. Coveleskle allowed
Cleveland but four hits today while hln
teammates wcro pounding three visiting
pitchers for twelve hits, the locals win
ning, 8 to 2. The visitors mixed their first
two hits with a hit batsman In the fourth
and scored their only runs ot the game.
Klrke, who joined Cleveland today, played
a good game at first. Score:
All. ll.O, A. B. AB.H.O.A K.
Lelbsld. cf.. 4 t 0 lBiuo, is 1 10 8 1
Turmr, tb... 4 0 18 OVItt, 8b 1 1 3 4 u
Chapman, a 8 1 0 1 llllfk, el..... 4 1 3 I u
Lajole, 2b.. 113 4 OCrawford. rf. 4 3 0 0 l
Kirk, lb..., 3 1 11 1 0 Vetch. If 5 3 3 0 0
OIho, If...,, 8 0 4 0 OKaran', tb 4 1 3 I 0
Brmss4un. rf 1 1 0 1 Oliarsa, Jb.... 3 1 14 a
O'Neill, c... 10 8 1 OMeKe. c... 4 18 0 0
Ctllamor. p. 1 0 3 CCoir!kl, p 4 1 1 l
Janes, p.... I 0 1
Uorton, p.... 0 0 0 0 a Total 81 II 37 II 1
nur 1 0 0 0
ToUl.....2"4 14 II i
Botted for James In eighth.
Cleveland 00020000 02
Detroit 201100-10 -S
Two-base hits: Crawford, Vltt. H1U.
Off Cotlumore, 6 In three and two-thlrdo
Innings; off James, In three and one
third Innings; off Morton, 1 In one Inning.
Sacrifice lilt: Vltt. Stolen bases: Craw
ford, Lajole. Double plays: Vltt and.
Burns; Kavanaugh and Burns. Lett on
bases: Cleveland, 4; Detroit, 4. Base a
on balls: Off Coveleskle, S; off Colla
more, 3; off James, 3. Hit by pitched
ball: By Coveleskle (Klrke). Struck
out: By Coveleskle, 2; by Collamore, 1;
by James, 1; by Morton, 1. Time; VIZ.
Umpires: Evans and Egan.
Chicago Wlua In Thirteen.
CHICAGO. July .-Berger'i hit after
two men were out in the thirteenth In
ning gave Chicago a 3 to 3 victory over
St. Louis today. Score:
BlltUes. cf .3 0 3 0 0 Berber, il.,.8 1 4 0
I'ralt. 2b ( 0 8 8 ORlackVra , 2b 4 0 4 8 u
William, rf. 8 2 3 ODammlU, If, 8 1 loo
a Walker, If 6 1 1 0 OOoliln. rf.., 8 1 1 0 o
lwr lb.... C 1 18 3 Oraornlar, lb. 8 4 18 0
Auttln. 8b... 1 0 0 8 lBodl cf.... : t S u
ltan. aa.... 4 0 0 8 ISthalk. c... 4 J 8 1 o
A-nw, c ... 4 1 8 1 Rrton, 3b... 1 0 1 0
Miller .. 0 0 Daly ....... 1 tola
Oroaala. C....0 1 0 OAlooclr, lb. t 0 1 t a
James, p.. . 4 0 1 4 OTsber. p 8 1 0 1 0
K. Walker.. 1 0000
Weilraan, p. 0 0 0 1 Total 41 18 II
B'mctrdnr, p 0 0 0 0
Total 41 511 31 t
Batted for Breton in the eighth.
St. Louis .0000001 0 0 0 00 0-2
Chicago 000 2 0 000000 01-3
Two-base hits: Fourier, Schallc Three
base hit: Demmltt. Hits: Off James, s
in twelve Innings; off Baurngardner. l in
two-thirds Inning. Sacrifice hits: JJodlo
(3). Schalk (2), Berger (3), Blackburn
Stolen bases; Collins. Miller. Double
play: Berger to Blackburn to Alcock to
Bchalk. Left on bases: SL Louis. 8; Chi
cago. 14. Bases on bails: Off Falter, 6,
off James, 4; off Wellman, L Hit by
pitched ball. Ily James, Blackburn.
Struck out: By James. 3; by Jfaber. 6.
Wild pitch; Faber. Time: IM), um-.
pires! l onnony ana aineen.
Everybody reads Tien t bAm,