Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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nv Boot Print It Now llcacon rrt n,
Xdfo uoathlj Income Gould, Uco IIIJc.
ria.lltr 8tora fc Van Co. Dour. .1816.
Eight-Inch Sliotrlo fui for hont use,
JJ.50. Uurgesa-Qrandcn Co.
Wfcen yon know g-. lignum? you pre
fer It Omaha Gu Co- 1M Uov.rd SL
raid In lull Shr. of Xebrardfa S'av
Iiiks und Ixian Association make m dlcoj
Investment. Call or write t. J. rt.
Brandt, Secretary, 10V5 Farnam 'St
Xnjrel Is Improving Police Commis
sioner A. C. KtiRel, who underwent an
operation at tho Wise Memorial hospital,
in rapidly Improving and will "bo out ot
tVie hospital within a week.
"Sodaya Compl.t Morlcx rrogrmH
may bo found on tho first paso ot tho
olasslfled section today, anrt appears In
The Dee EXCLUSIVELY. Frod out what
itio various moving picture tlicatcrs offer.
Excursion to th YsUfrwitons Tho
first railroad excursion of tho year into
tho Yellowstone National park will pass
through Omaha Sunday over the Northwestern-Union
Pacific It will bo mado
up In Chicago and ISO peoples will ho
aboard the special train.
Omaha View Improver Vt X"rily
The Omaha View Improvement club will
hold a meeting Friday evening nt tho
Howard Kennedy school. New delegates
will be elected and the question will bo
decided whether they will follow tho In
surgents or stick with the old federation.
Samualsons Celebrate Mr. and Mrs.
U Samuelson, 3301 Sherman avenue, cele
brated their twenty-seventh wedding an
niversary Wednesday. In tho evening a
large gathering ot relatives and friends
vlsitod tho happy couple and gave them
congratulations of the event. Mr. Sam
uelson Is a police sergeant.
Mrs, Oopp's Hand Crushed Mrs. C H.
Copp, 1(31 Burdetto street, had the thumb
of her right hand badly lacerated and
ligaments of the hand torn Wednesday
when tho thumb was caught in tho clutch
o' u machine in tho Klopp-Bartlett Film
ing' company plant. Tenth and Douglas
streets. Tho woman was removed to Bt.
Joseph's hospital by pollen surgeons.
New Political riling! New political
filings at the court house aro as follows:
Chris Stark, republican, for road over
seer: Gcorgo K. Yager, democrat, for
state representative; Henry Hartnett,
democrat, for pollco judge, South Omaha;
Henry Anderson, democrat, for stato rep
resentative; J. M. M alone, republican, for
jtutlio of the peace; Goodloy Urucker.
democrat, for stato representative.
'iiiiw "m.M.'. nr iir t nmi'iiv it rv in
inn iMji v.i-u., i nii'.i i iii lii ., i;in.
Gains Nine Pounds
in One Week So He
Might Join Navy
Gingerly stepping down the street, with
an open umbrella in ono hand and a. palm
leaf fan In tho other, wearing a smile on
his face, Georgo V. Lynn of Ida Grove,
la., came to the navy recruiting station
and found that within a week ho had
gained sufficient weight to enter tho navy.
On Friday Lynn applied for enlistment
and though he passed tho physical and
other examinations he did not weigh
enough to enter tho navy. The scales
would not register more than 13S pounds
for him nnd he was sent away with the
admonition of tho recruiting officers to
cat. sleep and refrain from worry- He
followed directions impllclty. On Wednes
day he again applied for enlistment, ,but
was yet tTfa.fidunda 'undx,lhc,miutre(l
113' pounds. Howoven." Jie-wan ngV, dis
mayed. Ho bqllevod the prescription 5f,'tho
naval recruiting pfficers would bring him
up to the standard, nnd aain ho camo
to ,the stntion. This tlmo he tipped the
scutes at 147 pouuds and was accepted
and at onco sent lo the training station
on 'the Great Lakes, near Chicago,
"Gosh, but that was an awful hreaJt
fust I ato this morning," he laughed, as
he took his enlistment papers and left
the federal building.
Parcel Post and
Good Business Make
Stamp Sales Boom
Tho extension of the parcel post busi
ness and general excellent business con
ditions In Omaha aro .responsible for tho
(.ubstantlal Increase in receipts at the
Omaha postofflce, according to Post
master John C. Wharton, and even a
larger increase in the volume ot stamp
sales Is expected during the next six
Only one month, January of 1914. showed
a decrease In business over tho corre
upondlng month of last year.
The receipts from stamp sales for the
six months' period follows:
1313. 1914.
January JU3.686.23 JU9.H24.W
February 10S.C65.SS 103.0C6.82
March 1U.621.1S 120,772.58 115.fiM.M 113H.fi7
,...1 llV.3t3.Jt lUW.lV
102,403.47 11C,1!KJ.
...... i. ,C7,7C7.33 $692.Edl.O
Gain for J014 t24.HB.72
A gain of .037 per cent for 1914 over 1913.
C'UHUibcrlnin'a Colic, Cholera nud
Diarrhoea llcmedj.
"I advised the 'boys' when they en
listed for the Spanish war to take Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Ilemedy with them, and have received
ntany thanks for the advice given."
writes J. II. Iloughland, Eldon, la. "No
person whother traveling or at home
Miould be without this great remedy."
For sale by all druggists. Advertisement.
Internal Revenue
Collections Show
Decided Increase
Interstate Commerce Decision Great
Help to This City.
Nntv Thnnp , (tninhn Ilnvr Ilri'n
Pnt on n Parity1 r!tta Mlnnwip
olls flrnln Kxclinitac Winn
It Flicht.
President Ilynes. as well as all mem
bers of the Omaha Grain exchango feci
that tho Omaha grain market has been
given a big boost bv reason ot the do.
clslon of tho Interstate Commerce com
mission, handed down Wednesday, cut.
ting out the differential that has here,
tofore maintained as against this city
and In favor ot Minneapolis on wheat
nnd other grains grown In the country
along the Northern Pacific, the Great
Northern and the Milwaukee, west and ,
bridge. A D.
15vrr since Omaha became a grain mar
ket the differential on this northwestern
groin, against Omaha, has been from 3
lo 6 cents per 100 ounds where dis
tances have been the same. Rome months
ago tho Omaha Grain exchange filed Its
protest with tho commission and the case
was nrgtiod at length, tho attorneys for
Omaha contending that tho rates charged
by the three roads were unfair to this
OmnliR linn Kuunt Hate.
Wednesday tho commission handed
down Its decision and issued Its order
Against the roads, requiring them to
place tho Omaha rnte on a parity with
the grain rote charged Into Minneapolis.
In connection with the Northern Pacific,
tho Great Noithern and the Milwaukee,
the order runs against tho Burlington so
far as tho rates on Its Billings lino may
Omaha grain me assert that hereto-
foie on account of the differential. It
has been practically lm)HMbla to secure
any of the Montana wheat, oats and
barley fur this market, whereas It has
all gone to Minneapolis. Now with the
differential removed and this market
Placed on a parity with Minneapolis,
Omaha buyers will work tho northwest
country and will be able to spcure vast
quantities of the grain for the Omaha
It Is believed that tho decision will
loo9t Omaha more particularly as a
barley market, two of the biggest malt
ing houses In tho country being located
here, shipping matt to nearly all parts
of tho IV.tcd States.
In tho past considerable difficulty has
been experienced to secure enough barley
to keep tho malt houses running and
supply tho homo and outside demand.
Now with tho embargo lifted on barley
It Is asserted that tho Montana product,
of which there Is a largo quantity, will
commenco to como this way, adding
greatly to the Importance of the market.
Publication of Misfortune to Albert
Ayers Helps Him to $10,000.
Mother ot Victim Si nor tiled nnd
I.rnTcn Nice Sinn of Money to
Mini Who llrrrlritilril the
llnuelitrr In DUtrrn.
Albert (Belt Ayers. 1911 Paul street,
who was trampled under the heels of
horses In the stablos ot tho Omaha tie
and Cold Storage company as he was
stricken with stomach cramps whtlo mak
ing his rounds of Inspection as a watch
man for tho American District Telegraph
company, Is having a happy turn In his
fortune and If bo properly proves his
Identity lie will forthwith be made the
I he'r of a IIO.OOO legacy
The funny part nt the story Is that his
accident has le i up t Ida discovery and
I l as helied tin? attorneys acting for the
uequentner to find a man who, during
July, befriended a Miss Atklnien In
it wreek at J'etersbnrg, Out. MIm At
klnsen Uvea at Dayton, O., and nt the
time mentioned was a passenger on the
train upon which Ayers was traveling.
She was seriously Injured nnd as n total
strnugcr tho Omaha man looked out to"
her comfort until relatives could take
care of the unfortunate young woman
Her mother nover forgot the kindness
und when she died last sprinx sho net
aside JlO.OCtt for Albert Ayers of Omaha,
"fur being a gentleman to her daughter
In a llmo of dishes."
At the time ot his attention to the In
jured woman he withdrew from the
suno by saying that his name was Al
bert Ayers of Omaha and that ho was a
piofesslonal man. With this much before
them tho attorney have been making
Ian cffoit to find Ayers, but the rosult
was fruitless until they rrid of H ; 1
dent that befell the wanted mu i and iia
was traced down.
There Is said to Ite no doubt lis "
Ayers" Identity. lie lias a wife md
child and Is rapidly recovering from his
misfortune of the othor night,.
Ilticklcii'n Arnlcn Snlvr.
for a rut, bruise, sore nnd skin troulde.
a box should be In every household All
dWgR'alH. 16c. Advertisement.
E. R. Swnnson, H. Cromer, C. It. Field.
Karl Slunroe. I. Lcnngh and IS. IJullo-i..
all received punishment In police court
for running their autos with the m i'-
flors "cut out" or exceeding tho speed
, Motorcycle officers report that since ho
order of t'h'.ct Dunn ngolnst mufflers has
! teen In effct, motorists aro beginning to
'mltid their "p's" and "q'a" while driving.
Taxes paid to the office of collectcr ct
Internal revenue for tho district of Ne
braska for the first half of 1914 are more
than. 111,200.000, showing an increaje f-f
(149,564.03 over the same period of 1313,
largely due, it is said, to the actxilnls
tratlon ot the Income tax, ani tho
changes which removed the forroer ex
emption ot corporations earning Ires than
(5,000 per year in profits. June, ot 1914
ihowa a greater Increase than rny other
month, over the corresponding month ot
last year, being $141,666.23 this year, as
compared with $521,927.01 for 913. This
la largely duo to the fact that )Uie income
lax was payable during the month of
The total receipts of the oO.lce for the
first half of 1913 and 1914. fif.low:
1913 $1,41T.9J.03 l3l4...r...'l,!67.S46.08
Moux City Automoblr ttaces.
The Chicago &. Northwerjtern Una will
run a special train to Slo-ix City 3i1y 4,
leaving Omaha Union stmlon at 6:45 a.
m.. arriving Sioux City 1 :4S a. m. lle
:ng, train will leave Sioux City 7 15 p. m..
uirlvlng Omaha 1015 p. m.
Thursday, July 2, 1014.
Store News for Friday.
Sixteenth and Harney Streets.
Puro lliion, ltfjm
titUched, fancy bor
ders, colored bor
ders, etc., ea 7Jjc
Our Store Will Be Open Friday Evening Till 9 CTClock
Closed All Day Saturday, July 4th Independence Day
All klndn nnd situs,
big (iRRortmqnt for
solectlon. . to to $23
Dainty Crepe de Chine Blouses
Among the New Arrivals, at $2.95
THE values aro simply remnric-
ablo. Tho Btyles captivating, orlB, charming all tho newest, daintiest
midsummer shades in cropo de chine
tho most fashionable blouse of tho season.
There Are Several Very Charming
New Models Just Received.
And tho collection as a whole we doubt
that Omaha women have ovor seen such
beautiful blouses offered for Mich a llttlo
Colored cropo do chine blouses Inal the
light summer shados ?!-..
Crepo de chine blouses In dainty flowered
effects, all the newest shades '-Aht
Qurffess-Maali Co. Second rioor.
NOTION Specials
Tango flaren, were 10c, ench....7Vc
Girdle forms, all sizes, each lOo
Klip on dress shields in imlimuok and
washable, pair ,10
Ghoe trees, pair 60
Stocking feet, pair Oo
Non elastic, webbing, all colors, per
yard ...SHo
Sanitary belts, each loo
Human hair nets, all shades, each, 100
Human lmlr Bwltchea, 20-lnch wavy,
tor 7So
Human Hair switches, 23-inch wavy,
Unman hair (twitches, 20-lnch wnvy,
for $1J50
Now coronet switch, in all shades,
ranging at 93.80. 93, 93.98, 95. 97.90
and 98.08.
Burgssa-ITasb Co. Main Tloor.
Vanity Cases at L'ss
latest styles, mado ot
k white metal oxidized
' gray finish, somo
1 styles exclusive
with us.
7f5c Vanities. .48
91 Vanities. . ,09
$1.50 Vanities, 1
.J8.DB Party Cases, J?1.0B
New York's newest fad, morocco
leather, silk lined party box, five
fittings, regular 93.1)3, for. .ljtl.05
Bnrgass-DTash Co. Main rioor.
All tho
Theres Styie and Comfort in These
Women's $3.50 PUMPS at $2.85
AA'JJ besides mey are
iho best low shoo
one 01
vro've offered this season.
.Beautiful colonial pumps, made ot
'satin, patent and velour leathers, with
hand turned Goodyear welt soles and
Louis, French and Cuban heels
These pumps are perfect fitting and very drossy, ihe latest
Insls and our regular $3.50 lines, specially priced for Friday
at, the pair, $2.85.
Barrras-W ash Co. Main Tloor.
Ribbons at 19c
NEW arrivals, fancy flowered,
light aaA dark shades, moires,
taffetas and, saUns, 5 inches wide.
50c Neckwear, 25c
Including organdy collars, vests,
tichues, collar and cuff setB nnd
flat Yenisei collars.
Barg.salTsish Co. Main Tloor.
Women s Long Silk
GLOVES, Pai 39c
THKRK Is probably nothing that
is in greater demand right now
than long silk gloves.
These we offer special for Friday
will bring a generous response.
Pure llk. lC-buttou length, In
white, black, navy and pongoe.
Double tipped fingers, every pair
absolutely perfect, all alsea In the lot.
Bnrrs-Kah Co. Main Tloor.
Weve Planned This Sale of Pretty
Trimmed HATS for Your Benefit
YOU probably want n new hat for
going away" and this sale of
millinery' will make many a heart proud
for the Glorious Fourth.
For Friday we have divided our en
tiro stock into two prices. No matter
what the former selling prico may havo
been. There is not one dark colored
hat in tho stock all are white, white
and black and a few black hats.
Consisting of genuine Panamas,
Milan and Milan-hemps, trimmed in a
wide variety of fascinating ways a hat
to suit everyone.
Choice $3 and $5
formerly $7.B0 Up to 920.00.
Burgess-Mash Co. -Gceona rioor
Hosiery and Underwear Spec'als
Women's SOc Hose, li5c
Silk boot, fancy embroidered lisle,
in black silk lisle, etc. Keg- oP(i
ular 50c values, at, pair. . 6u
Women's 13c and 10c Hose, 10c
Fine cotton, strictly perfect goods,
in shades of tan, pink and sky
blue. Regular 15c to 19c values.
Per pair 10c
Women's Cumfy Cut Veta, 13c
"Cumfy" cut and shaped vests,
extra irood value, at, each... 13c
Women's l!5c HoMe, 13c
Silk boot in white and tan, gauzo
lisle in black, white, tan, pink
and blue, mercerized lisle in black
and tan. S5o quality, 1 Cf
at IOC
Women's 50c Union Huits, U3:
Fine llslo union suits, low neck,
sleeveless, umbrella knee, laco
trimmed. Each 23u
Women's 13c to 10c Vests, loo
Fine Swiss ribbed vests, cumfy
cut and shaped, regular 15c to 19c
valuos. Each 10c
Eurff.ii-Hftih Co. Mala Floor.
Children's, Misses $1,26 Middy Blouses, 98c
BALKAN, regulation and chlng middy styles, collar, cuffs and pip
ings of red or blue, chlng middles have embrolderod emblem on
nocket. for ages 6 to 20 years.
poCKei. ur b chdren.tI $1 0 (0 $2i3o Dresses, OB-
Gingham, crepe, percale and lawn In white and colors, long waist
belt effects, daintily trimmed with embroidery and plain materials.
Sizes 0 to 14 years. chlulrcu,g 30c Wftsh DrMseHt a0c
Percale stripod and checked ginghams and percale, high and low
neck styles, trimmed with bands and pipings of plain materials; sizes
2 trhHdren', $1.08 to 84.08 Straw, Lingerie and Made Hat, 81.00
Fine straw braids, lingerie and press straw, daintily .trimmed with
satin or velvet ribbon, flowers aim rumwoo, imw
Juniors' to "" , .
Figured crepe, silk mull with da nty floral design
and dot. low neck and short sleeves in three different
styles, bne collarless, trimmed with lace insertion,
one lawn collar edged with embroidery, peplum and
ruffle skirt, satin ribbon at waist.
It'a Doubtful if You Ever Saw Prettier Styles
and Bigger Values Than These Dainty
Offered Special for Friday
Were $3.50 to $4.50, at
t itmrTtr
-iwivi'iiji rmue in rice
cloths, voiles, flowered
crepes nnd ratinoH, with
plain and tunic skirts, white and
shades of Plnlc bluo nnd tan.
Wore $5.00 to $0.50, nt
AX exquisite selection in
white lingerie, voiles,
erepea and linens,
short tunic effects, now
waists with floro collars,
Washable White Skirts at $3.95
That Are Splendid $5.00 to $7.50 Values
YOT will bo just as enthusiastic over thorn as we whoa you see
how pretty they are; made long tunic stylo of fine whlto ratlno,
plquo and Bod ford cords; all lengths and all size waist hands,
Women s Coats for Traveling or Automo
bile Wear at $5.00 and $10.00
Wide selection of styles in imported cloths, silks, linens
und crash, loose and r'itled stylos.
Bnris-ZTuh Go. Stcoud rioor.
MEN! Here Are Real 25c HOSE
Offered to You Friday, at Pair, 10c
SEEMS ridiculous, doesn't It, but a fortunato
purchaso nnd n dcslro to test tho pulling
power of our advertising is tho why! Tho hoso
havo high spliced hools, double sole nnd toe.
Iilnck, tan, navy and gray.
It's the Biggest Half Hose Special
We've Oiiered for Some Time
Positively made to sell at 2!5c nnd could not
be sold at less if u profit was to bo made. A
limit of one dozen pntrs to a customer.
Men's Shirts, 80c to $3.50
Standard makes in the now designs and
colorings for the season's wear'
Surraii-Hash Oo. Main X'loor,
Men's Bathing Suits
5Qc to $4.50 j..
and styles In tho
celebrated "UVK-',
.Mr line, ono anu ll
two pleco styles;
Krays, navy, brown,
black, green and
maroon grounds,
with soft harmoniz
ing colorings for
Burg-ci(-lf&ih Co, Mmn .rioor.
With You the 4th
WH aro offering for Friday a
special discount or 10 per
cent on all I'remo cameras.
No. 2 Drownlo Camera $2.00
No. 2A llrownle Camera. . .$U.OO
Post Card size Kodaks, $UO.0O
and SUB.
Films Developed Free
When an order Is loft for print
ing, llrlng us your films. Our
work Is guaranteed.
nurgBn-KatU Co. Main rioor.
Save X on Your STRAW HAT
For Over the Fourth Here Friday
Thai a exactly wnai yuu cuii uu iur "o
offer your choice from our ntock (Panama,
Uangkoks and leghorns excopted) at exnetly
half tho original price.
Every New Shape and Style of the Sea
son Included
In Beiuicts, split braids, Ilallan nnd English
straws. Your old hat Ih probably badly sollod so
here la an opportunity to buy a now ono nt half
the original price. Prico range now -IDc to
Burfftii-Hnsn Co. Main X'loor.
Summer TOILETS for the Fourth
HO A 18
Boy WASH SUITS Friday at a
Saving of ) to j Regular Price
THE suits arc tho product of c-ovoral of tho forenioBl mak
ers in tho sonson's most desirable stylos, including'
Russian, middy, blouse nnd Oliver Twist styles.
The materials aro madras cloths, galatcas, linen und other work
able materials, for ages 2 to 10 years.
Hoys' Wash Suits, were 75c,
now ,
Hoys' Wash HultN, were 91.00 and, now ,
Hoys' Wash SultM, Mere 91.7.1 to. . .
$2.U0, now
Hoys' Wash Suits were $1.00 to
$1.00, now
HojV Wash Suits were Jjtl.TM) to
(, now
Boys' and Children's Straw
Hats Reduced
Hvery style that has boon popular this sen
son Is Included at a big price reduction.
Hoys' Straw Hats, were 70c, now 150
lloyn' Straw Hals were $1.00, now 70c
Hoys' Straw lints were, now 91.10
Hoys' Straw Hats wcio 92 and,-now 91. -in
Hoys' Straw Hats, were 9it'and 91, nor..91.0H
Burg-. i i-Mh Co. Mjn rioor.
Ivory Snap. . 0
mites for ,19o
KelH Naptlm. 10
PUkPH .......390
1. ft (i. Nnptlin
Soap, rake... 4o
lhimiiaco Thea
ter Cold Cream,
U lb. USe; i Hi.
400 : 11) 06c
I Una's J toney
und A 1 in o n 1
Cream, filli- le
for 99o
White Mil'. 8
rultfH 35a
IMiyMrlan ami
KurKeon' Hoaji.
10a culir, :i
l'ulf1 18o
1'oml'a Vanish
lie Cicunii 0f
ntzn 33o
afffftt &.
It a m h U o 1 m
Creniu, lOo lule
for ..7o
Melorono Cream.
50c sun , . . .obo
l.n Troflo l'ow-
tlnr 7o
l)J Kr K t . i
Powder ...,59o
Java Itlco I'ow-
i!Mr i ..... . ,330
Ko Trr.rle. tier
ounce 07o
lloublennt Toilet
W a t it r . ii i v
ounce OOo
Mary tlnrtlen
Perfume, nor
ounce 91.39
1J lir Kls Por-
rume. o-t... 9i.i9
V a u r e now-
ilur 74o
bonltn. I'owiler,
OQo nUe ,...39o
Carmen Powder,
COo Hire ...,33o
Dabrook'a 50o
nnd 730. qdQtn,
per ok S9o
10 odors regular
SOc or. Kxtroota,
per oi., Fri
day ........ S3o
Nice Face Cham
ois Sc
Burj.o-srh oo. M&iu rioor.
These Men's $3.50 Oxfords at $2.95
Will Walk Out Lively Friday
BUT what elso oould you expect with such
splendid values ol'forcd as these. The
ovfords are in button and laco styles, made of
patent, Kunmetal and tan Russia leath
ers. In medium round too lasts, insuring
comfort as well as dressy appearance.
Our resular 3.50 lines, offered spe
cial for Friday, ut, the pair . . . . 92.03
BnrrB-Nnu Oo. M&iu rioor.
Hey! There Fellows!!
Johnnie Walker Canes
YOU'LIi suro wnni
one of these nob
by walking sticks.
Everybody is carry
ing a walking stick,
not only because of
tho fad, but because u
helps you In your poise.
Tho canes aro sterl
ing sliver trimmed and
mado of Manila bam
boo, castanlo, ebony
and genuine malncca
in a Bplendld assort
ment of styles, Includ
ing tho Prince of Wales
hooks. J1.C0
Barrasi-STsib Co. Kaln rioor.
Luggage Specials for
Over the 4th Trip
OUK line of suitcases, traveling
bags and trunks Is very com
plete and the prices aro way down.
Fiber Suit Oases
Patent slecel frame, riveted cor
ners, bolts and lon of brn!.
J-lnoli J1.75
acinol $1.98
Knme case sib shown above in heav
ier quality, with strups around.
al-lnch S3.00
SO-lnoh 93.BO
Traveling Bags, $5.00
Cowhide lenther baes, 16, J" and
ttk'iucli U-, blnck or brown, leather
l.ned. brum trlmmines. light wc)ku.
Burg-.i-Nh Co. Bai.mebt.
Women's Wash Dresses, 03c
Lawns, dimities and ginghams,
pretty new styles for women and
misses, sizes 10 to U, reg- QC n
ular $2 values, Friday.. JJ
Mlssos' Lluen Suits, 08c
Skirt and Jacket of natural linen
and plain white, also middy suits
with blouso and skirt, QO .
wero $3.50, for 1701
Women' Wnlsts at 40c
New fresh clean waists, right from
tho maker, voiles and crepeB, A A
good $1.50 values, Friday, .ttC
Mury Jnne Pumps $1.73
Patent and dull leathers, also
white canvas, for womon and
growing girls, tfl QC tfjl 7C
all sires, pair. .plJJ"l I O
Vlaa Hunting, ,1c
Decorato for tho "f'ourth.'
color, monitor and all star
bunting, special Friday,
at, yard
SOc Hrassleres at iile
Mado of good muslin, button In
back, embroidery trimmed, Ol I
regularly 39c, special at. L i
9,00 Colonial lUmP at 1.70
Patent and dull leathers, bucklo
and tongue trim, medium and light
-weight flexible soles with military
and Cuban heels, were $2. CO and
$3.00, Friday, per rtj-i JQ
pair J) !. 17
73c Corsets for SOc
There aro several stylos for soloc
tlou, made of batiste or summer
nets, in low bust, medium or long
nips, splendid valuos at
7Cc, special Friday. , . .
SOc Lawn Kimono, 23c
Made of fine
lawn Persian fig
ure, kimono style,
finished with pink
Any Trimmed Hat
in Basement at...,"
Formerly Priced Sji'J.08 to $7.30
Scores of desirable styles,
every ono this season's model.
Como early for best picking.
or blue,
wero 5 9e
91.00 House Dresses at 30c
Chambrny and percalo, high and
low neck styles, finished with pip
ings and bands of plain contrast
ing materials, wero pa
$1.00, now OUC
Children's ii3c Hompers, 10c
Also dresses and blouses, cham
brny striped and checked glng
hnms, percale and cotton crepe,
trimmed with white pip- in
ings, wero 25c, now.,,, 1C