V "fit"" ipC " .tQjFjpnR&rf'fz THE BKK: OMAHA. TIU'KSDAY, .ll'l Y '2, 1014. lllllilllllilllillM Nebraska 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J I J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLEARANCE W3 0 Fi R Fx CORRICK GUTTING MUSTARD I Mil Y csir 1TVYDIHB Hl m 1 Mill iHi 1 s m i ntsisns 1 I Boss of Bull Moose Party in State Prepares Party Program. JUDGE WRAY PUT UPON SKIDS a mm wes mm bc m m m m wx& m rmy ca York County Enthnslnst Not lo He Allnvri-rt 1n Wrltr Plnlfon nt the Com Inn: Convention. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, July l.-(8pedal.)-The state convention ot the progressive or bull moose party trill have an easy time when t meets In Lincoln, the steering committee having been delegated to prepare a plat form and get everything ready. This committee will have the assistance of the candidates for office on the state and congressional tickets and consists of the following members of the party ap pointed by Chief Engineer Corrlck, of which he will be chairman because of his position as boss of the party In this state. First district, George A. Adams, Lin coln; Second district. A. H. Itlgelow, Omaha; Third district, Dsn McLeod, Schuyler: Fourth district, Judge Arthur Wray, York; Fifth district, V. II. Miller, Bloomlngton: Sixth district, Mike Har rington, O'Neill. Scarcity of Candidate. It Is expected that by the time the con vention .meets and beforo the time, elapses or filing for nominations that oBes Cor rlck will have been successful In prevail ing upon enough of the patriots to get up courage and file for the vacant places on I the state and congressional tickets, It ' was for the purpose of talking this mat- 1 tcr over that the meeting was called last j night, altliongh there Is said to have been no opposition to whatever the boss ! proposed. There ure several vacancies on the ..state ticket and some of th congres sional districts are still minus a candi date for the bull moose nomination. Tho records of the secretary of state's office show that thete aro no candidates filed for lieutenant governor, secretary ot state, land commissioner, attorney gen eral, while there aro no candidates filed for congress In tho Third. Fourth and f-'txth districts. ."It Is understood that Wills of Boyd will file for- attorney general and Omaha has a man In hiding who will be brought out ot- the proper time for lieutenant gov ernor., Outsldo ot these places the secre tary of state's otflco shows no filings. Wray Slilftrnfkeil. Judge Wruy of York, who sought the nomination tor govcinnr early In the jiame, but queered himself with tho party I.ecnUHe he advocated the slnglo tax Idea and was shelved by the boss and Ham Sackott substituted, was at the mooting last night wtlh another platform. Th's platform Is said to cover everything In tho political game that was ever thought of and soino things which the bull moose i party wlshod the judge had not thought pf." When Bops Corrlck was asked this morning If tho Judges platfoim would he adopted by the committee, he was ot the opinion that some things in it might, but he would not hint as to which part of tho muttum-ln-parvo platform might he usad. .Senator Sackett was not present at tho . conference, but there were enough Lin- . coin moosera to make up .for a.ny vacant places. , ?- - 1 SOdge begley files i-;V l FCR GFF1CE .IN SECOND iFrmn a Staff Correspondent.) .LINCODN. July l.-fSpecluU-Thc first dlstiict Judso to Me under tho non . partisan Judlclury '.net is Judge James T,. Bcslcy of Sarpy county for dthtrla Judge In the Second Judicial district, ' oaiiiFO?cd of the counties of Cush, Sarpy and Otoe. 1 ' Judge Begley was nppolt'lcd about a '. year Hgo, by Governor Morchead, to fill la-vacancy caused by the death of Judge Trais ot Plattsmouth. Ho war selected m'n of a bunch of half a dozen candi date from Cass and Otoe counties. .ie was the only candidate from Sarpy county. 1 ' Floit "Wheat from Illchnrdfon. STELLA. Neb., July 1. (Spcclal.) Threshtns In Ilicharason county was started June 25, when A. W, Rengge started his steam thresher in tho D. D. neavlB field on tho Nemaha bottom south of Falls City. The tenant. William Flow ers, was anxious to get the wheat out of any danger of Nemaha flood waters. The grain was of the early variety of smooth wheat, sown quite late last fall, and probably cut a few days too early as the berry appears to have arirunk some. Tho field of ten acres yielded thirty bushels per acre and was sold to Albert. Maust at 70 cents a bushel under contract mado several weeks ago. Henry Wyatt of Falls City has a yield of thirty-five bushels an acre from twenty-flvo acres, Alexander Hllgentield, also of Falls City, had an nverage of thirty-six bushels of sixty-two-pound wheat on the Nemaha bottom that had never been In crop before. Plenty of courteous salespeople to wait on i.you. Every article marked :!in PLAIN FIGURES. At tend this sale; you will not I, go away disappointed. ; Store open Friday evening : until 9 I. M. : THE nOVBIiTT CO. Low 3 Men's Garters, H 15c Value. per pair.... g MEN'S HOSE 15c value, all colors, per pair" H MEN'S Underwear 48c value, f "7g . Balbriggan, at Men's Union Suits V00 4.7 values, "Taw STRAW HATS, $2.S0 to $3.50 values, $-j 17 at Our fenfire Stock at ONE-HALF, and in Many Instances as as ONE-THIRD and ONE-FOURTH ACTUAL VALUE. Men's and Women's Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes, Dry Goods, Etc., Etc., of the best quality, all must be closed out at once. This Is not an Ordinary Clearing Sale. Original Prices have been entirely disregarded. Everything Must Go, Regardless of Cost. UNHEARD OF VALUES AT BIG SAVINGS TO YOU. AVAIL YOURSELVES OF THEEVJ. SALE CO.VrtfENCES THURSDAY, JULY 2, AT 8:30 A. M. THIS Our Clearance: Sale NOTE July will be extraordinaiy, The wandtrful values we otter -are greater than an ottered by any store this year, Every article Is cut to the core to make this sale one to be remembered, THE NOVELTY CO I Leather Beits, 50c values and best quality 17c Men's 1 Clothing and Furnishings at Extraordinary Values Young Men's Suits, worth JJ77 $1177 to $10; all the newest novelties at... 3 Men's High Grade Suits, $077 77 Latest pinstripes, fancy worsteds, etc., at " Men's Hand Tailored Suits, worth to $22.50, $ f77 including royal blue serges, etc., all sizes to 52, at " Men's $5.00 Sllpon Raincoats; 537 all seamed absolutely ra Inn roof, mm T Men's High Grade Pants, worth to $4.50; go during this sale at $1.87, $1.37, 97c and lg Boys' Suits, worth to $4.50, ail sizes, good patterns, $1.47 and Men's Felt Hats, $2.50 and J $3.00 values, at p J. I 67c Women's High Grade Apparel at Tremendous Sacrifice Women's Handsome Coats, Qf worth to $10; new styles, leading shades, S3.97-"P" BEAUTIFUL SILK MOIRE GOATS, worth to 320; g?A Q7 all silk lined; also cloth coats, at S5.97 and i Women's Tallorod Suits, CCyfl worth $10.00, at PI'b3J " 2p3s7 Snappy New Suite, worth to $20, at . . $7.07 and $6.97 Pretty Wash Dresses, worth to $8.00 at $1.97 Pretty Wash Dresses, worth to $10, at $3,97 and $2.97 Pretty Wash Drosses, worth to $2.50 at 97c Ratine Wash Skirts, newest J "9 Jl? 117 styles, worth to $3.SO, at . . j JL uHf p J. JL Woo! Dresses, worth to $3.00, In this sale at ... . 67c Beautiful New Wool and CT (LI Cfe7 Wash Skirts, to $6 values, aUpeay "P JL n3 Best Quality Panama Hats, worth to $6, at $2.47-$1.97 Silk Dresses, worth Q7 J Q7 4 Q7 M Q7 to $16.50, In 4 lots, 9.9 f -t.3f f "O.U lmlnSI Laco Curtains, worth to $1.75,24 -7 yds. long, pr. s 01 Dress Skirts, to $1.50 values; good quality wash 2g linens, at""- Machine Thread Cd. Hooks & Eyes Card Safety Pins Hair ct, . . Fine Combs. Men's LINEN ! COLLARS; best E qual. 4-ply, ad ;E vertised ( brand, at.. g Boy's WAISTS l 39c values, all sizes, 1 at, each 160 Dozen Men's Dress Shirts, 07 worth to S2.50: newest oatterns.O t Men's Dress Shirts, worth to $1.50; some slightly soiled, at Men's 50c Neck wear, at Men's 50c value Suspenders, at . . . Men's 25c value Sus- f penders, at ......... C Hand Towels, each .... 2c 47c 17c 17c Extraordinary Shoe Values Boys' Tennis Slippers, pair 39c Men's Tennis Slippers, all sizes, at pair, 47c Men's Best Oxfords, button and lace, white can vas, gun metal, j-y $S Q'-y $f tan, etc., at pair Gia3 i y j A Women' Mary Jane Pumps, all sizes, &Lf O-y $4.00- values, In this sale at, pair -4n3 Women's Pumps $937 $187 $1 37 and Oxfords, at pair f f Beautltul Waists, worth to $3,00, Q 7 Silks, voiles organdies, etc., at w Wash Petticoats, 1 j "9 39c values, at. . . . A 1 12&c Dress Ginghams, yd. 6c Percales, worth Ali 10c yard, at yd. . . 25c Ratines, at yard, 9c Women's 39c Silk Ladles' Waists, val. to $1.80; fl mm sergos; high M, and low necks " LINGERIE Dresses, Worth to $S; baautl. fully embroidered and well made ff mm In Rood 9 ff styles, at.. H 0IN6HAMS, AZU 10c val., at" rel CALICOS, 8c & 10c val,, at 3c 17c Boot Hose, at pair $1 Leather Handbags, 37c Men's Soft Military Col lars, all gSf sizes, each HOUSE Dresses worth to $2.00 all sizes A'Tgr and colors THE NOVELTY CO 214-16-18 North 16th Street. WOMEN'S HOSE worth 15c; leading colors, at TABLE Oil Cloth 19c values, good patterns, Qr per yard .... Muslin Under-: wear, $1 values; ; Skirts, Gowns, Combina tion Suits, -7 i Slips, Etc., at : MILLINElY -Beautiful Trim med Hats, worth to $7.50; at A7r $1.97,$1.47fti C ASSESSOR'S DUTY OUTLINED Attorney General Says He Must Find Full Value of Mortgages. CASE FHOM FURNAS COUNTY .Iit.n.er 1. "Jellrlcii VajH lliirrlcil Trip to .NVlrixxI;n, MllKliiK Tnlk at Peru Willie I'reslilPnt llnycn Suffers from (.nut. fFrom a Stuff Correspondent.) L.INCOUN. July 1. (Sijeclat.) U is tho duty of nn iiBsessor to get at the ac tual value of niortRiiges and determlno Red Horse Woman, Sioux Squaw, Kills Husband With Axe VAIjISNTINK, Neb., July l.(SpctIal.) Sheriff Itosscter ye.slerdny returned from Crookston with Hcil Hbrno Womtin, a Sioux squaw who on Hunday-Miiornln? murdered hor husband, La mo Dog. Ity caving his head In with tin axe. Although tho Indian's head was frightfully crushed ho lingered all day aluno In the tepee 'where his wlfo left him and did not die j until late In tho afternoon. A number lot Indians werg camped at Crookston I Saturday, and according to the tlstlmony the Sam Irrespective of their face . value. , brQagM 'oul Rt th(J coroner.g lnnucnt the fsoriasis Cored by a Famous Remedy Mott Troublesome Skin Disease is Promptly Checked according to an opinion of thn attorney ; general In answer to an Inquiry mado by County Attorney It. J. Harper of Fur nas county. In tho case referred to tho land has nn actual value of $1,400 for taxation pur pores. There are two mortgages on tho land valued at $1,100 and also a third for $250. The utlorney general holds that tho first two mortgages should bo held at their face value, which Is tho value of the land and that the third mortgage should not bo assessed because It has no real value over and above tho vuluo ot tho two former mortgages which cover the value of the land. Me.Ilrlen Ih-m 1 lurried Visit. J. L. McBrlen made a hurried trip Into Nebraska yesterday and visited tho nor mal schools at Peru and Kearney. Mr. McDrlen Is now government Inspector of rural schools. Ho whs met at Peru by State Superintendent Jamea Delzell, who was at Peru to address tho school management class In tho absence of President Hayes, who is suffering with an attack of gout. Fined for CkIiir Seine. Special Deputy Game Warden S. A. Bowors went to Scott's Hluff county this week and captured four men who were seining contrary to law. The men pleaded guilty to tho crime and were fined $1 and costs each. Their names wera V. H. Harding. C. J, Shaddeif, Clar ence McCord and Frank Fisher. South Oninhn Couple Weil. Albert J. Matson of South Omaha, M?ed 12, and Mabel E. Avery of the same Flty, ege'd 2Y, Were granted a license to Wed In Lincoln yesterday. Mm. llelinn Weil In C'hlcnRO. Announcement comes to Lincoln that Mrs.. Lillian Dobbs-Holms, well known In musical circles over the stato as a soloist principals In tho affair, lamo Dog and his wife, Red Horse Woman, Tonvrldgo man, a mixed blood, and his wife, Searches For Little Pete, had secured a quantity of whisky and proceeded -to cele brate. During the night Lame Dog be eamo attentive to Brldycman's wife, and tho former's squaw tried to get him to coma to their own tent. Ho paid no at Warner May Decide to File in the Third (From u Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 1. Information, -aid to be ery reliable, has It that within n. few days tho secretary of state's offlco will receive the fllln of William P. Werner of Dakota City for the conacres slonnl nomination on the republican ticket In the Third district. It has been known for some time that much preKsurc whb being brought upon Mr. Warner to inako tho lace, but ho has said that his duties ns United States marshal would not permit him to IhlnK nbout It. However, there are indications that tho war between Secretary of State William JennlngE Hryan and United States Senator Gilbert M. Hltchrock has been settled to sonic extent r.nd that nn appointment will be mado In a fow daya. In Unit event Mr. Warner may bo x pected to make an announcement. Omaha real estate is the best Investment you could make.' Read Tlitf-Bec's real tentlon to her, but later In tho morning estate columns. between 5 and G o'clock ho returned of his own accord. Thon, from tho evidence offered, ho and his wife quarreled and he struck her. It was then she picked up the axo and struck him. evidently sev eral times, for his skull was shattered and. his face horribly cut. Afto doing the deed sho left him lnslCa and tied up the flap to the tent, hitched up the team and started to tho Itosobud agency with her three children. On her way she sang the J Weird, plaintive death song ot her trlboj and mot another indlnn whom she told of the crime. When ho arrived at Crooks ton he told the news, and men went to I the tent. Insldo they found Lanio Dog i groping around on his hands and knees. ! Ho died late Sunday afternoon. The au thorities were notified, the woman ar rested at the agency and taken to Crooks ton and an Inquest held. The Jury found that the woman murdered her husband with felonious Intent. The sheriff placed her In tho county Jail, where she accepts her situation apparently with stoical Indifference. Million Dollars Increase Reported From 38 Counties (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July I.-(Hpeclal.)-Countle are reporting rapidly on their valuation this week, cloven coming In today Of tho twenty-soven heretofore reporting the as sessed valuation for 1314 Is given ns $111, 029,981, as against $110,701,683 In 1913, be ing an Increase ot $.Ti,000. The counties coming In today show Increase In tho tlilrty-clght counties of $1,057 127. Tho showing Is as follows: 1313. $lin,701.KS3 7,l'7,4lW 4,6S5.!U2 4,7n3.1ir 1,370.2.17 6.1 42,077 3,Ml,0fi3 2, 7 3N, fill FIREWORKS i Hurrah for tho Fourth ot July! Here wo are again with onr annual Utile of Fireworks. A larger nnd hotter stock thnn cvcr oerore, ana wo iiriro you to let its have your order early tills year, and vro are ! going to make you some prices so you will send us ynnr mall ardor at onco or come to the IJIg 8lo of Fireworks. Send us your mall order, or come'tonrly to avoid tho rush. Prices to mow stock quick ly. The most of tho hest for tho lenst money. Reported Hutlor .. Dixon .. Johnson Perkins Thayer . Valloy .. Cheyrnno " Colfax 5.22,423 Dakota 3,1X3.661 Wheeler COi.'M Adams 7.657,232 1914. 1 $111,029,9H 8,034,491 4,CW,243 4,f.7V'l 1,379,44S tl,Cl,200 3.GOS,'J0 2.800.497 B.R3.0 X 3,179,830 729,971 7,084,339 TUor Firecrackers, 64 In pkg., a package Mandarin Firecrackers, 52 In rikr.. a nackaxe Lee Qua Firecrackers, 52 In fikgr., a package Is' best Firecrackers, 62 In pks.. a packag-e Mandarin Firecrackers, 48 In BANNER COUNTY FARMER FOUND DEAD N FIELD GKRING, Neb., July l.-(6peclal Tele gram.) Henry Howard was found dead today In a corn field on tho Frank Staf fer place north of Harrlsburg, 'tanner and connected with the musical depart-' county, where he had been plowing corn ment ot tho state university, was married j H Is supposed to be the tcsult ot Ms Monday In Chicago to E. H. Polley. , team running away. Toolt-y'n Trrni Kxplrra. j , Aitnougn tne term or j. j. -jooiey or Anselmo .tB a member of tho state nor mal' board expired on June 23, Governor Morehead has made no move either to reappoint Mr. Tooloy, or appoint his sue- Get- a good, firm grip on psoriasis by using S. 8. H. the famous blood purifier. Those extending patches may have de led everything else; you may be. dis couraged but let 8. 8. 8. bathe your blood and you will quickly observe' a wonderful change. 8. S. S. exerts a dominating: Influence !n the myriad of blood vessels that com pose tho skin. Its principal action Is to assist In that wonderful process whereby the broken lown cells In the skin and their dead mMt nrrve threads are rebuilt by new- naterlal from a purified and quickened r llood stream. I Child St-nldeil In Dentil. This process goes on every second ' MASON CITY, la., July 1. (Social Tole hroughout tne Dewy. "m jne urao j Brom.)-jiilllnB a plug from a washing rsed the entire system In about three nlnutes. Its action Is therefore, very .otc-K from Mnplcton. STAPLKTON. Neb., July I.-(Speclal.) The eight-year-old son of Dr. E. F. Carr broke his right forearm cranking his cessor. Although there Is supposed to be ! father's automobile, lie had knowledge no politics around the state normal board, Mr. Tooley Is said to be a demo crat and therefore may stand well for ic-appolntment, although there are sev eral brands of democrats in Nebraska at the present time. ranld. never lets up. If used with the tame co-operative spirit. 8. a 8. has been a marvel to over :ome every form of skin trouble and for i finely Illustrated descriptive treatise on the skin, write to The Swift Bpcciflo Co., 103 Swift Biag., Atlanta, ua. Get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. today ot any OruggUt but refuse all substitute", machine. JuH filled with boiling water. that Infant son of William Htump, a prominent Clear Lake farmer, was so badly scalded that 'lt died. Tho little one was playing about the machine whilo mother did tho family washing. Got anything you'd like to swap? Use sufficient to turn on the gasoline. The broken arm was set Immediately. J. A. O'Ncle, a helper at the Union Pacific roundhouse, was badly burned by gasoline. He had been repairing a motor car and was wiping his hands with a bunch of waste which was saturated with gasoline, and ho held it too close to a lantern, which set fire to the waate. K. I 6ayrc, jr., gt Btaplcton has filed for tho office of county clerk on the re publican ticket. O, If. Heldenbrand ot Stapleton filed for sheriff on the repub lican ticket. L. B. liunlvcnt for sheriff or. tlio democratic ticket and John K. Casfcll for sheriff on the republican ticket. Otto Oerlach filed for county clerk on the democratic ticket. Totals $I5S,iT0,631 $l&9,72l,7HI I Rvcrybody reads Ice want. ads. i 8 mmmiimWiMk. i mmmmmmwmmmm j.ryimmn1fr,'myT:Hiw.., W(AiHur..i 1 a m urns mm mm mm a i i iWimmmmmmmm. mammy vs wmasmm "x-j--..... 4i0W I it answers every beverage re I quirement vim, vigor, refreshment, , M wholesomeness. It will satisfy you. Ijlffiil Demind the genuine by full name yiwWllai Klcknamesencouncesubttltution, tSjMM3j)M THE COCA-COLA COMPANY - y?4."e"nW ATLANTA, GA. lltj Arrow think Wfcw mwf WHHsal of Coca-Cola, -Mm iRHSSW tflMMM0mJ lf vjy pkg., a Mandarin package irecrocKrs, 60 In Firecrackers, 72 In 2o 3o do 5o So 6c 8o 4o 8o 4o 8g nkg., a package Mandarin nkr.. a package llaby Firecrackers, 250 In pkg a uackare Ilaby Firecrackers, 700 in pkg., a package Peerless Large Firecrackers, 10 In pkg., a package Peerless Large Firecrackers, 20 in nkr.. a package Peerless, extra large, S-ln., 10 I fn lluster Salutes, 2-Inch, It In nitr it nnflkflff ........... Young American Halutes, 2H- En In. 10 In rtkir.. a nacKage w Doomer Salutes. 3-Inch, 12 In nUtr.. nunkairA Paper Balloons, No. I On .llfl .......a... WU I Paper Balloons, No. 10 each Paper Balloons, No. 18 each .......... Paper Balloons, No, 20 'each Paper Balloons, No. 25 n fh .......a........... Colored' Geysers, each So, 100. loo, ivo, ass. Flnwr Pots, large sties, each 30, Be, Be, lOo, IBs, lffe. Triangle Wheels, each 3o, Bo, 80, 1BO. .OO, ivo. Penny goods, large sizes 9hn 1 Arn ............... n W Nickel goods a .dozen Dime goods a dozen Torpedoes, 10 in a box n hnv . . Torpedoes, 25 in box, a box....J4o Hllver Torpeaoes, to in yg Sliver Torpedoes', 'l5 in k box, Qq a box ww All Mall Orders giTjn prompt attention at cov- V"' 4o 5o 6o 8o IOg 15c 20o 25o 45o 90o . 2o Roman Candles, 6 , balls, each - Roman Candles, 8 balls, each Koman Candles, 10 balls. each , w Itoman Candles, 12 lalls, Qn each 1 mm Roman Candles, It balls, A each "u Roman Candles, 20 balls, C- each Uw Kxtra fancy Roman Candles Co, 8c, lOo, ISc, lEo. Sky Rockets, 2-os ' I each . 10 8ky Rockets, S-os., r each . . . O.U Sky Rockets. 4-ox., n each OU Sky Rockets, 6-oz., each tO Sky Rookets, S-os., f eaoh , Uu Sky Rockets, l-lb " I fin each Bky Rockets, 2-lb eaoh , . Bky Rocket, 3-lb., each Extra fancy Sky Rockets, each 19o, SBo, BSo, 3Sc, BOO.' Colored Fire, red or green, U-lb. box, a box , OU Colored Fire, red or green, j Sin U-lb. box. a box U Colored Torches, extra good, each Bo, Bo, ISHo. Snako In Grass Cn a dozen Punk 0 a dozen .,..,. u Kilgore Repeating Pistols trft Caps and Repeating Pistols, 250 shots, a box Small Aerowheels (new this year), a dozen ............ Extra large Aerowheels (new , tWs year) 3 POB Dtabolo Wheels (new this a MB German Sparklers, large size, A a dozen , Oerman Sparklers, assorU 7'Afl ed rolors. a dozen Cap Pistols, each a and Bo Paper Caps, a dozen boxe-t 3 and 4o. Xoftrnot 1 works. Bend ns your order at once, to be sent by express, fixeworcs cannot be sou. aj jtbi-ou - Xtemember, we are tns -srg mm j pendent Tlreworks dealer in the west, j Special attention to large or small pub lio or private displays of Pirewoxks. AT OtJB XfHW I, OO ATI O IT south. xnrmsitTX stbbet. Fireworks Kings of the West THIS COUPOW good for OlfB BOX or Boarkler KoTelty ooo order or over,- good for I Oermn I with a I r. Hee. J aia Jos. F. Bilz Sons (genuine 10 errnrnt Rouble fgcer