1L 2 Bringing Up POUND BOOSTERS AT WILL Eourkcs Run Rampant Over Issle's Proud Ball Team. - EMERGE WITH 14 TO 5 VICTORY Pitcher Styles l'rnf Home IIIMrx "nil Chnlk Up llnne linn AnioBR III Uthrr Aeeom lillshmrnts. DBS MOINES, la.. July L-(8peclal Tel egram.) Omaha took revenjra on Dos Slolnes for all the Injury done In the jircsent Mrlts ana as a, result the visitors won In a landslide, 14 to C. Manager -s-hell usd three pitchers against tho ram rant Ilourkcs without avail. All three were hit with equal propensity for every thing on the calendar, from bunts to home runs. Tho series ended three to two camrs In favor ot Dos Moines. Omaha started right out making runs and kept It up for alt hut three out of the nine Innings. In tho first two enough tollies were mado to have tied Oes Moines. Tour errors nldcd In 'the two runs made In tho opening round, but they were reinforced by 'rug's triple and Con tnlton's single. Pitcher to Hescur. In the second, with one down. Styles singled, Thomason walked and Dunlop was hit by a pitcher, filling the bags. Kruc's single scored tho first two run ners and Isbrtl sent tfinnlce, a local ticml-profcsslonal pitcher, to the mound. 01 o walked Thomason and Congalton fol lowed suit, forcing In one run, which made tho throe for that round. The ltourkes rested for a couple of rounds and then started In again. With two down in the fifth, Pitcher Btylcs added to the merriment by poltnit out a homo run. In the sixth Krtig opened with n double nnd Thomason liven on Van nic'o'a error. Congalton nnd Ward filed out, but Krug counted on tho last one. Hchlpko was hit by tho pitcher and Crosby singled, scoring Thomason. With one down In the aoventh frame, Dunlop walked, Kmc singled and Thomason fanned. Congalton poled a homer, which brought across an addi tional three runs. Three more were added for good measure In the eighth on three hits and a Des .lolnes bobble. The Boosters reached Styles for a Eoodly number of hits, but they foiled In the pinches. Jones mode a homo run In the seventh, but the bags were empty, t'core: DES MOINICa. AB. II. II. O. 1 .1 1 10 1 a o o 0 0 plfthn, rf. ,. Hunter, cf, .. O'ltourke. c. IHreen, If. ., Jones, lb. .. Andreas, 2b, jHurrell, 3b. F.woldt, ss. oilier, p. ., "Vannlce, p. i.arrerty, p. Unlev i Totals SS K OMAItA. H 2S 9 4 All. n. H. O, A. K -i uomasou, cr. s z tUnnlop. ss, ,4 3 VKruz K. 0 a Thomas. 3b, ........J, 1 Congalton, rf. I.-.. 8; 1 Ward, lb 4 o P'hlpfcc, 2b ...u, 5. J t ichby. c. S. 1 styles, p S 1' n 7 0 4 I 1 15 Totals 41 14 17 2 Uattd for Vannlce In eighth. "Hunter hit by batted ball. Xe Molncs 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 15 Omaha ! 3 II 1 ! H 0-14 Two-base hits: Burrell, Krug, Mun lor Three-base hit: Kruu- Homo runs. Styles, Congalton. Struck out: By Collier. 1: by Vannlce, 3: by If forty. 1: bv Stylus. 4. lilts: Off Col. 1 -r, C la ono and ono-third Innings; off' A.mtT. 0 In six and one-thlK'.a In-! nines; off Latterly. 1 In one Inning. I Bases on lialls: Off Collier, 1; otf Vau-l nice, ; on rtiyits, 3. Double plays: Kwolrtt to Andteas to .Tones; Tbomaa to hlpke a Crosby. lilt by pitched ball: Ty Colllor (Want, Dunlop): by Btyles (Andreas. Halm; by Vannlce (Crosby.) J-eft on bases: Dca Molncs, 11; Omaha. J2 Time: 2:l&. Umpires: Haskell and Haley. GRIZZLIES UUl'UAT THti KAWfl Hldxenny'a Wlldness and Vtjroru Cost TopoKn thrt Until. TOPEKA. Kan., July lo-Rldgeway's wildnesi and errors at critical times lost lor the local cluj to Denver today. Dcore: TOPEKA. r- s AT D, HOLD t ' fVC "f fE&-Our fOO C W- , WAHT f ? " V V -LJ TAOLE WHTIU U EATJ C- -T 7 HAVE TO TT A bhXE f f COOP TO ) I I 1 J VSnr UNTIL . I IH THE DrTHfu all NOWA.2w ' HCRoori f V J UP TO HE 1 ROOH! HT I NO WALKING AMD POT IT I HCXnKH. V j IR! ( J. 11. O. A. K. 0 4 11 0 2 0 0 12 0 0 a 11 0 1 S 2 0 0 1 1 G 0 0 2 2 1 ; 1 1 0 0 10 1 1 0 G 1 0 0 2 1 10 0 0 IT 27 18 H. O. A. E. 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 10 0 2 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 00 15 2 1 0 ' 0 0 0 10 0 "4 ZT 1 "1 Coehran. ss.... Potts, cf Vorsvthe. rf.... aiceino-, lb.... Kirrs. If TeUlon. Sb -4tt i Arc. 21).. ittAl lster. c... 6 ..... 3 5 4 5 4 3 o o 0 1 0 0 I 0 o V 0 a lmon. c l JtiJxeray. p I Jotie. p 2 Wakelleld 1 Totals ..24 DENVER. I-ddlnjton. of & 2 Cassidy. rf..... 3 0 Coffy. ss 3 1 Mitcheii, if..r.:MtB. i Butcher. 2b ,;.S I Barbour, Jb.'.i.'.A.,. I i Pisher, lbj-Mp,.,. 4 , o Block, o...V..r.....1.-4 J 0 Siarrlngton, p 3 0 Totalr.rt....K 7 mr ones .in ninin. Topeka 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1-J enver .....4 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1-7 Two-base.blts: Koerner, Talllon. Sacrl- Father I r s I Standing of Teams 1 1 SDPERI0R T0 Y0RK ! I L WEIIT. LKAGUB. NAT. LHAOUH. W.I. l'r W T. t'xt Denvnr 42 !f7 .Alt New Tork...37 .W t'hlnm . "I U7 St. Joseph... 33 30 M Ht. Louis SJ 34 ,C07 Cincinnati ..33 33 Jm 1'hlla 30 31 .432 PKInlillrah ..0 32 ifU Lincoln 2 32 .513 Ues Molncfl.37 31 ,D29 Omaha 31 38 .449 Wichita . . . .20 44 Ml I .... 97 fl If Topoka 33 45 .357 Boston .M 37 .413 A Allele, LUAUUB. FED. LEAGUE, W.Ul'ct. W.UPct. Phils. 20 24 .001 Indianapolis 36 2b ,av0 VMhton ..3G 2 .ft7IIalttnore ...33 27 .MO Of r amIb V7 Lin m rk. ,11 Boston 35 32 ,w2; Urooklyn ....27 31 .tin New York... 22 40 .( inttsburgh ..25 33 . 431 AMKIt. AHfi'N. BTATU LKAOUE. Ixiulsvllle ..42 31 .6761 Hasting 30 17 ,S4 MllwaUkno .40 a. ,b71 Ucatrice 28 19 Kan. City... 41 3 ,622, York 25 21 .013 i-ioveianu si ur. Island... ZS 23 ,632 Indlanaplls 30 XI .1931 Columbus ...24 23 .fiil Minneapolis 35 3s ,47 Kuporlor 23 25 .479 Columbus ..33 3D ,4i Norfolk .....18 28 .354 Ht. Paul 27 .370 Kearney ....15 31 .324 irairrnny-n llnlllt. WKHTKItN LBAOUK, I.Incoln-Wlchltai postponed; rain. Topeka, 2; Denver, 7. Ht, Joseph, 4; Bloux City, 6. Omaha, 14; I)es Moines, 5. AM Hill CAN M5AUUE. Chlcago-Detrolt; postponed; rain. Ht. Ixiiils.ciovoland; postponed; rain, New ork. 4; Washington, 7. Uoston-Plillndolphla; postponed; rain. NATIONAL, LKAOUH. Phllajlelphla. 7, 5; Boston. 2, 0. ilrooklyn-Naw York; postponed. Cincinnati, 0; Chicago, 7. Pittsburgh. 1; Bt, Louis, C. KlSDlCItAL LKAOUK. fit. luls, 7; Kansas City, 4. llaltlmore-Plttsbursli: postponed; rain, Buffalo, f; Brooklyn. 7. Chlcago-Indlannpolls; postponed; rain. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Minneapolis, .1, 0: Milwaukee, t. 2. 8t. Paul, 3, 2; Kansas City, 2, 8, Columbus, fl; Louisville. 5. indlanapolls-CIevelnnd; postponed; rain. NEBRASKA STATE LHAOUIC. Tork. 7; Superior, 5. Hastings, 3; Beatrice. 6. nlngs ' uiioon in- Kearney, 5; Norfolk, 2. fissiK Tenia ; . nF'f;P league Wichita at Topeka, Joseph, Uenvtr at Lincoln. rtuioriwtn league Cleveland at Detroit, Phnad;ihla. " ntlonol League-Philadelphia at Bos- at Chicago, elera League St. Louis ot Kansas City, Baltimore at IMttalmrBh. Buffalo at Brooklyn, Chicago at Indianapolis. American Association Minneapolis at Milwaukee, Columi us at Louisville, In d.anapolls at Cleveland. Nebratika State Leugun York at Bu ptrlor, Hastings nt cBatrlce, Grand Island at Columbus, Kearney at Norfolk. flee hits: Cassidy (2), mrbour. Double Slavs; Barbour to Butcher to Fisher, tolen banes! Ooffey.2. lilts: Off Rldgw way. 4 In five and one-third Innings. Bases on balls: Otf Rldgeway, 3; off Jones, 1; off Harrington, 8. Struck out: By Jones 1; by Harrington. . Hit by pitched ball: By Rldgeway, 3; by Jones, 1. Wild piuh: Rldgeway. umpires: Ktockilalo and Cut lum. INDIANS RALLY" IN TUB EIGHTH Sioux Drive In Three In thnt frame, DpfrjttliiK Saints. SIOUX CITY, July 1. The Indians mi lled In the elffth and drove In three runs, pulling out of a hole, 0 to 4. Score: SIOUX CITY. AB. R. II. O. A. E 1 1 1 4 0 0 J 1 1 8 0 0 3 1 0 4 1 0 U 3 0 6 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 27 H 1 O. A. K. 2 4 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 12 0 1 0 2 U 0 0 0 1 t 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 V 1 u 0 0 0 24 10 1 113 5 10 0 0-4 Cooncy, 2b 5 Clarke, If S Smith, ss i Kane, lb 4 .Leieune. cf 2 Balrd. rf 5 Callahan, 3b 4 Crisp, c 4 Klein, l 2 Murphy 0 IDoyle, p 0 0 Totals ...M 6 BT." JOSEPH, R Watson, 2b 5 0 1 Fox. If ,. 4 0 0 O. Watson, cf 4 0 0 Patterson, lb 4 2 4 Brltton, 3b 4 10 Williams, rf 3 0 0 Walls, ss 3 12 Orlfflth, o 4 0 1 Purcolt, p 10 0 Duffy, p 2 0 0 .xchang , 10 0 Totals 35 4 1 Battol for Duffy In ninth. Batted lor Klein In ninth. jloux City 0 0.1 0 0 St. Joseph 0 10 2 0 n.nn I.ama 1.1. a. n.l.fl.t. ..,." hub. uiiiuin, ivane. vnreo base hits: Patterson. Walls. Sacrifice hit: Williams. Stolen bases: Kane, Baird, (2); Lejcune. Innings pitched: by Purcell, two and one-third; by Klein, eight, by Dufty. five unit two-tnlrds; l.y Doyie, one. Hits: Olf IMrceli. ; eft 6- Kases on balla Otf lurcel, S; oft Klein, t; off Duffy, 4. Struck out: By purcell, 1; by Klein, i:PuUA'' Attendance: 1.W0. Time: 2:15. Umpire McOafftrty and Eyfe. RADICALS VICTORIOUS AT RABBIS' CONFERENCE DETROIT. Mich.. July l.-The sa-calltd "radical reform" elemegfc In the Central conference or American Rabbis over whelmed the alleged conservative faction today when the conference meeting here voted down a committee report submitted by Rabbi William Rosenau of Baltimore, with reference to a new ministers' hand, book. Rabbi Kaufman Kohler, preildenl of the Hebrew Union college of Cincin nati, and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New York were among those who led the op position to the report. TOE BEE: Copyright, Jill, by International News Hsrvlce. Prohibs Bejin to Return to Old Time Form. 1 GAME WINDS UP SEVEN TO FIVE llotli Trams liitRHKC In Henvy lilt llnnr Mnnnscer Kcrney of Ce ment Ileatirn nnd nrjflpy Tnkrs Ills Place. SUPERIOR, Ncb July l.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Superior lost tho first game of tho scries to York, both teams doing heavy hitting. Manager Focney resigned this morning nnd First Baseman Bsgley Is acting manager. The scoro: YORK. supEmort. AII.II.O.A.B All. II. OA. V.. nic. n ft 2 I 1 10ht. 3b 4 0 S 1 0 Hurts, rf..., 4 2 3 0 V(lry. 2b & 1111 Tntten, )b..., 5 2 0 3 OKeuipln, 4 13 12 Mulrr, It... 4 2 1 0 Mlrown. It.... 4 2 110 Iltith. lb... 3 Oil 0 Ollctley. lb... 4 3 S t 0 Murphr. cf.. 4 110 0Thliln(, cf 4 3 1 3 0 Plorrs. 2b... 4 1 2 1 OOretns. C....3 0 7 3 0 Seblml, e...4 2 I 1 oniohop, rt...3 0 0 1 0 Skyoclc, P....S 1 0 2 0ErrU. p.,.,. 3 3 0 0 ToU! 3S 13 XT 9 1 Totals 33 13 27 17 S Tork l 4 o o o o 2 o 7 Superior 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0-G Threo.h.ise lilt: Thelsslng. Two-bare hits. Schlssel, Mulvoy, Pierce, Errett. Sacrifice flies: Greene, Bishop. Sacri fice hits' HkyocK, Obst. Stolon b.iso. Thelsslng. S'.ruck out! By Skyock. 8; 1)V Errutt. 4. Bases nn hnlls' Off Skv. ock, 4; off Errett, 4. Hit by pitched ball. nerce. umpire: .Movers. Pawners Win In Fifteenth. h COLUMBUS, Neb., July L-Hpeclal TeJ- e.Knim.)-A hard roileht and cnntpstlnir I xome was played here today between Grand Island and Columbus. It was a pi tellers battle all the way. Grand Island scored on a passed ball In the third Inning netting them three scores. The Pawnees startnl h. rallv in thn lust half of the ninth Inning tlelng tho score mm iv iook imcen inningH to ceciuo ma contest. Manager KraniiiRer was sub stituted for Nee, but was ordered on the bench by the umpire nnd Dygert, tho center fielder acted as catcher during the rest of tho game. Dygert caught eight files while In the center field and after that he successfully won tho ad miration of thn fans as catcher. Only four of the players were In their regular places nftor the chnnge. Corey, the pitcher, took tho place or left field, Cran playing short and without both of tho regular catchers tliA PawiiM.fi riMinhp.l te goal In the fifteenth Inning, winning by one scorn. Tho score: OHAND ISLAND. COI.UMnt'B. AH. II. O. A. K. An. it. n. am WallSCS. rf . G 1 1 a clllrwirt l-l-r t 1 11 1 n Jtobrn, Sb.. 6 1 3 7 OCran, lf-u.,4 3X20 rrnr, if,.., l ( 0 omit, rf.cf.. I 4 2 3 0 Schmor'r, f!U 0D1, lb...., 3 1 It 1 0 "ru. IR 7 z 4 OAcUmi, 5b... 7 3 4 4 2 Vnr. e 3 0 11 3 OClarii, 3b... 3 12 3 0 ifmlth, 3b. ..7110 OTHhsudcr, 4 0 3 2 2 nilr, lb.... 8 0 1 0 OCttnf, It...., 3 0 I 0 0 liicn, p : o 5 Once, c 1 0 0 0 0 Krnlnir. o. 2 0 0 0 0 Totali.. ..(4 10 41 ll.OKIrchnw, rf. 4 2 3 0 0 Zonl'rmtn, p9 1 0 5 0 ,,. , , T1UU If 1 41 10 t Two out when wlnnlti soor an mudu. urand Island O03O2(i0tiO00ulo o i? Columbus .... 1OOO0OOO4O0J1017 Stolen base,. vftld (2)i HAtoh (2), Clarke. Sacrifice hits; Claire. Zonder roan. Sacrlflco flies: Schoonover, Wal llcel Jce. Twu-baso hits: Dygert, Deal. Adams. Criui. Pratt (2.) Double play: .ondermnn to Adams to Deal. Htruck out: By Hatch, 10; by Zander man, , if. Bases on balls: Off Hatch. 9; off Zondermau. 5. Passed balls: New, Dygert (2.) Time; 3:00. Umpire: Qulsley! Ueil Taken to Cleaning. BEATRICE, Neb., July l.-(Speclal Tel-erutiL)-Bcatrlco took Hastlnss' Reds to a cleaning tixlnv. hv th hi- 3, in n close und exciting gamo. Bechtuld nnu woum'in oi iiaaiuigs nit for homers In the first inning, und Notf of Beutrlco mado two, and Line one during the game. Wllley ot Hasting was rorcod from tho mound In the seventh and was replaced by bherman. Brian pitched a steady gumo for Beatrice until tho ninth, whon two bases on balls and nn error filled tho haites. Johnson was called in, and retired thu side. One of the features was tho battlnK and fielding of Neff of Beatrice. Score; HASTINCW. BKATniCK. An. h. n. xv. At, ii i. a . IWcJitolJ. rf. 4 1 10 oLlns, If. 21310 K. Ilrotrn, a ( 0 0 2 onriunon, 3b. i 0 2 1 1 llfnnm, ef., 4 I I 0 ONuff cf 4 3 3 0 0 0ttran, lb. I 1 I 0 OUUfk. rf,... 3 13 0 0 MoCtbe, It.. 4 110 OHoc'ewItt, lb 3 0 t 0 0 11-ilrkb, .. 2 113 OOae, 0 3 0 3 0 Msttltki. lb. J 1 I 0 lOrWm. w.... 4 0 0 2 1 JllehM.on, c 4 0 1 QKIorty, 2b... 2 131 Wllley. p.... 2 0 ft 1 onrtsn. p 3 0 0 2 1 Snsrmin, p.. 0 0 0 0 uJahnion, p... 0 0 0 0 0 I Itrawn.. 1 0000 , , Totals 27 4 27 11 4 Tolali 31 34 I t T L. Brown batted for Sherman In the ninth. HaMlngs , 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 Beatrice .2 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 a Stolen bases: Neff, Florey (3). Sacri fice hits: Hlaok, Coe. Homo runs: Neff (2), Ling, BcchtoM, aettma.v. Two-base hits: Neff. Bennett. Struck out: By Wllley. 7; by Brian. 7. Bases on balls: Off Wllley. 2: off Sherman, 1; off Brian, 1 Hit by pltchod ball: By Brian, Mat ticks; by Wltllo. Ling, Beckewlti. Base hits: Off Willie. 6 In seven Innings; jff Brian. 6 in eight Innings. Winning nitcher: Brian. Time ; 1:40. Umpire: Black, Kearney Wins Easily. NORrXJLK. Neb., July 1. (Special Tel-egram.)-Btttng Hlrsch. the Norfolk star twlrler, for eight hits In seven Innings, Kearney had an easy time winning to day's game, 5 to 2. Plympton pitched a good game, holding the Drummt-rs to four hits. This had much to do with keeping Norfolk tallies low. The feature of the game was Drumm's batting two doubles out of three times up and the running catch by Scheuren. Score: KBAllKKY NORFOLK. AH. 11. OAK. AH.II.O.AK. Srnk. lb. .3113 Onrewn. as. 1 1 1 Acock. 2b .. 4 1 4 0 OKtU. 3b ... 2 0 t I 0 Drum to. Ib . 3 3 OLar, tf .41100 Bchurn, d. I t I I Ollrliht. It.. . 4 1 1 a Butler, r'. 4 00 OMtUtr. Sb... 4 1 u JJtnT. If. . 4 0 0 OTtvae, lb. . , 4 1 t 0 Met Us Friday on Myers - Dillon's Cor ner for FIREWORKS tCIT PUCES. 11th and Fanian OMAHA, THTBSDAT, JULY '2, 1914. owlnilf. nt : 1 I ulUmxj-. it. .3 0 1 0 0 nrlckrcn, a. 4 0 I 0 l.Mu.Mr, c... I 0 IS 0 0 riyropton, p. I 2 0 3 llllmch. p J 0 0 1 0 . Houtt. p 1 t 0 0 i) TotsU 10 27 72 Tolsl Si) 4 27 0 Kearnoy 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 05 Norfolk 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 02 Two-base hits: Drumm (2). Sacrifice hits: Synek, Rels. Stolen bases: Plymp ton, Brown, Synek, Towne. Bases on balls: Off Hlrsch, 3; oft Routt, 1; off Plyropton, 2. Htruck out: By Hlrsch, lit by Routt, 2; by Plympton, 7. Hits: Oft Hlrsch, 8 In seven Innings; off Routt, 2 In two Innings. Left on bases: Norfolk, 3; Kearney, 8. Passed ball: Erlckson. Attendance: 600. Time: 1:60. Umpire: PoBiiterl. Slufeds Get Early Lead and Defeat K, 0, KANSAS CITY, July l.-Kansas City was defeated by St. Louis today, 7 to 4. The visitors obtained on .early lead and were never headed off: Score: , It. U.K. St. Louis 2 0110000 3-7 13 3 Kansas City 10000201 04 11 i Batteries: Crandall and Chapman; Adams. Cullop nnd Eaa.erly. BROOKLYN, N. Y July 1 Brooklyn defeated Buffalo 7 to 5 today In tho first game of the scries. Marlon held Buffalo, to one hit up to the seventh Inning, but was hit freely In that Inning and the eighth, when he was token out Score: D.H.E. Buffalo N 0 I) 4 0 H M10 1 Brooklyn 10101301 7 11 3 Batteries: Anderson, Brown and La vlgne; Marion, Lafltte and Land. MOR MINGSIDE AND CHARLES '""'""lliUOlUC, MWU uniMILW CITY COLLEGES ARE MERGED SIOUX CITY, la.. July l.-Tho merger of Morning Side college and Charles City college, of Charles City, was effected today. Under tho terms of the agree ment, the work now being carried' on by the two Institutions will be conducUJ at Morning fllde colledge. Jr. Alfred 13. Craig, president ot Morning Side col lege, will be president of the Joint Insti tutions. JACK DOYLE, SOX SCOUT, LOOKS OVER STATE TEAMS BEATRICE. Neb., July l.-(8peclal Tel egram.) Jack Doyle, scout for the Chi cago White Sox, visited here today nnd looked over the Hastings and Beatrice players. SIOUX GET PITCHER FROM LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE, July 1. "Gone" Wood burn, pitcher for the Louisville American association club, today was released to tho Sioux City team ot the Wcstarn league. American Association ItesnHa. IUI.E. R.H E. , 1 5 C 0 0 4 ...8 15 0 2 3 2 3 11 0 2 9 0 2 5 0 6 11 0 6 0 2 6 7 1 Minneapolis Mllwiuikeo ., t-t Paul ..... Kansas City Columbus ... Louisville ... Pttutliern Association Itesnlts, Birmingham. 5 Nashville, 2. Chattanooga, 1: Mobile, 4. Memphis, 17: Mont-ornery. 6, Atlanta, 7; New Orleans. 4. A Rob Bums Cid&r JO Little Bobbie CONWAY CHAR COMPANY, SIOUX CITY, IIWA. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus REDS ARE HELD TO ONE HIT Larry Cheney Effective hi Box While Mates Pile Up Runs. CHICAGO VISITORS SHUT OUT Third Ilsirnisii N'lclioff or Clncln. natl, Reported About to Join Federals, l'lnyn Ills Reg nlnr Posltldn. CHICAGO, July 1. Larry Cheney held Cincinnati to one hit tfeday while his teammates batted Benton opportunely for two runs and bombarded Koestner for a total of five runs in one Inning, shutting out the visitors, 7 to 0. Third BasemHii Nlchoff of Cincinnati, who was reported about to join the Fed eral league, played hlr. regular position. Scote: CINCINNATI. CHICAGO. AD. ll.O. A. AU.H.O.A.H. Moran, rf.... 4 0 0 0 Olach, cf.... 4 2 2 0 0 Iltrthsunr, an 4 1 1 1 OOorxl. rf..... 4 10 0 0 Nlehorf. 2b.. 4 0 4 2 ISaler, lb.... 4 1 13 0 0 Clark, c 4 0 8 1 OZImrman, 3b 4 1 2 1 1 Oroh. 2b 3 0 0 1 OPchulte, If... 4 2 S 0 0 Hoblltul. lb 2 0 7 0 0Pweney, 2b. 3 1 4 3 1 Lircxa, It.... 3 0 0 0 ICorrlden, a. 3 1 2 4 0 Miller ..... 1 0 0 0 00ranaban, c 4 2 2 0 0 Uhler, If.,.. 0 0 0 1 OChcney, p... 3 0 0 S 0 Lobr, cf 10410 Uonton. p..,. 2 0 0 5 0 Total! ....3 11 27 13 2 Uato 1 0 0 0 0 Roeatner, p, 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 90 1 :i IS : Batted for Irtross In seventh 'Batted for Benton In eighth. Cincinnati 0 0000000 0- Chicago 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 -7 Two-base hits: Sweeney, Schulte. Home run: Leach. Hits; Oft Benton, G In suvei. Innings; off Koestner, 5 In one Inning. Sacrifice hits:. Conrlden. Sacrifice fly Cheney. Stolen bases: Hoblltzell, Brcsna han. Double play: Uhler to Koestner to Nlchoff. Left on bases: Chicago, 6; Cin cinnati. S. Buses on balls: Off Cheney, 2; otf Koestner, 1. Struck out: By Benton, 7: by Cheney, 1. Passed ball: Clark. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Kason and Qulsley . .Curds Detent' Pirates. ST. LOUIS, July 1. Casey Hagemau pitched his first full gamo for St. Louis this season today and won from Pitts bugh, 5 to 1. Until the ninth inning not a man got beyond second base. Score! PlTTdUUllOII. 8T. LOUI8. AU.II.O.A.B. AU.H.O.A.K. VI01. 2b 4 0 1 S OIlus tins, ib.,1 lilt Cbre), It 3 0 3 0 OMaara. rf.... 1 0 10 0 Mowrey, 3b.. 4 111 UDoliu. It S I a 0 0 Mitchell, rf,. I 0 3 0 0J. Millar, lb 3 113 0 0 Wigntr, 12 3 1 IWIlion, rf... 3 1 2 0 0 Konrtclir, lb 4 1 a 0 OIlutlM-, as,... 2 13 3 0 Jo Kelly cf, Z 12 1 OWtnro, 0....J 1 4 1 0 Coleman, c. 10 2 1 Olteck, 3b 3 0 0 3 1 Hyatt, e 2 0 10 OlUreman, p.. 2 1 0 3 0 cuirelman, pIOOIO Mcgulllan, p 1 0 0 1 0 Totali 34 7 27 14 1 Ijeonard ... 0 0 0 0 0 Manaux, p... 0 0 0 0 0 Menaor .... 1 u 0 0 0 ToUla 31 t It U "2 Batted for McQulllIn In ulghlh. Batted for Manaux In ninth. Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1 1-1 St. Louis 0 11110 0 1 -o Home run: Wilson. Hits: Off Cunael raan, 2 In three Innings; off McQulllIn, & In four innlmrai off Manaux. none in one Inning. Sacrifice hit: Butler, Magee (2). cecruice ines: uecK, .Miner, wmjJ. Stolen base: Butler. Double plays- Huge- man to Hugglns to Miller; Mowery to viox to Konetcny. Lert on bases: Pitts burgh, 7: St. I.ou!s. 6. Bases on balls: Off Conselman, 3; off McQulllIn, 1; off ltageman, sv oil .Manaux, 1. lilt by pitched bull: By Hageman, Hyatt. Struck out: By Conselman, 2; by Hageman, 4; by Mnnaux, 1. Passed ball: Hyatt. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Klem and Emsllc. Phils Take Dotli. BOSTON, July l.-By bunching hits and Let your taste be the judge. You mil enjoy your first Robert Burns be cause of its rich mellow flavor and unusual mild ness. You'll smoke another. And another. Because every Robert Burns is unvarying in its high cjuality. Ask for the "Invinc ible" a new shape, with the same splendid Robert Burns fpiality. taking advantage of errors. Philadelphia I won two ganio from Besttin touay, me first 7 to 2 at.d the ccccnu o to . ccol e, tlrst gume: I PinuvDCLrtiiA. nOfiTO.w 1 AD.IMI.A.B. - AB.It.O.A.K. nrrn. 3b. ... 2 1 I I 10llbrl. rf. . 4 1 3 0 i Dwker. If.... S 2 0 oKrerr, b.... 4 12 2 0 2 ocuinoiir. if. 4 0 : 0 0 1 IMftraavir. Ml 0 4 3 0 joueii, id... 3 3 r. Mac, sr.... 4 1 I'rarath. rf.. 4 0 4 0 OichmlJt, lb t 1 11 0 1 I.udtruK, lb.. 4 17 1 lUial, 3b.... 4 0 0 3 0 raaKart, cf.. 4 2 1 0 OMann. cf... t t 1 0 2 Dooln. C 4 X u 1 (Oowrly. c.. 4 13 10 Mayor, p 4 I 4 ouavu. p.. - 'Duicn ... 0.030 1 0 n 0 0 Totali. K 12 27 14 3 Tttals... Batted for Davis In ninth SI C 27 12 3 Philadelphia 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0-7 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Two-base hits: Magee, Mann, Throe base hit: Oowdy. Home run: Mayer. Sac rifice nit: Minert. stolen bases: fasKerl, I Dooln. Left on bases: Philadelphia, 7; Boston, S. Buses on bulls; Off Mayer, 1; on uavis, 1. strticK out: By .Mayer, :i; by Davis, 4. Time: l:co. Umpires: Htirt and Rlgler. Score, second game: rtiiLADnLi'iiiA. uost6n. All, ll.O. A. l: AB.It.O.A.K. Dyrnt, 2b.... 4 2 17 OOllbert. rf.. 4-0 S 0 Iirckrr, It.... 2 10 0 OErera, ib... I 0 3. 4 0 Ixbcrt, Sb... 4 1 0 2 OUonnolly, If 4 3 2 0 1 Maste. pa.... 4 0 2. 4 OManmTll' is 4 0 4 6 I Cravath, rf., 4 0 1 0 OMchmiat. lb. 4 1 9. 3 0 I.udmis, lb.. 4 0 13 0 ODeal, 3b 4 1 0 1 0 Paaktrt. if., t I a OMann. cf.. S 1 0 2 Kllllfer, c... 4 2 0 OOoYidy. u... 2 0 110 Alianaer. p 3 1 p 0 OWhiJInr, c I 0 1 0 0 Itudolph. p.. 3 0 1 '3 0 Total! 33 7 37 13 0 Totals 33 S XT 16 4 Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0-5 Boston ,..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base lilt: Becker. Three-base hit: Munn. Sacrifice lilt: Becker. Double play: Maranvllle and Schmidt. Left pn banes: Philadelphia. T; Boston. 7. Bases on balls; Off Rudolph, 2; off Alexander. 1. Bases on errcrs: Philadelphia. S. Hit bv pitched ball: By Ru'Iolph (Alexander). Struck out: By Alexander, 1: by Rudolph, Hot Weather and Outing Apparel For July 4th We Close July and August 5 p. m. Open Friday, July 3d Till 9 p. m. Palm Beach Suits $8 Tropical Worsteds and Mohairs These are always very good. Ours fit and are very dressy $14.50, $17.00 and $20.00. Silk and Mushroom Pleated Shirts A nice Silk Shirt is unequaled for picnic and outing wear. We have some beautiful patterns in our $3.50 Silk Specials you can buy before July 4th for $2.15. foratstrrV Jt fTI,,,i IZJsf 413 S. "20.3 m. Fork atschoolhone,on left, bear right" " trr!utium "In r ff.t. 5Mt in m CttlalmJ ImmmmW ,.-.,:.-,.. i,,i ,. . frta wrong directions bad road? .rut! uitsatisfactmy hote atxomodations. The Blue Boole saves its cost in a single day by cuttinc down mileage coit It makes touring a crjrTstant dclfehL 8 Accurate to tho tenth of a mile mSi&& Dimncesarealltaken Yftlumt. Tolura. 3. y.ium. w, of Mfcutwpp, (tSK to rlfio G.t) ' Prfco tSTLBO p. Volurasi Dg,f omf M(Ann -tlticms of !A.bMn p, Msgeath Stationery Co.. 1 5th A. Karnam p,,t. .., Omaha Rubber Co' 10I Uarney aY K? Ga,"aher.r..' 1,'h st- VUduct .n. uman atationery uo. 1607 Karnam HiAJf0M0BlLK BLUE BOOK PUBUSH1KG COMPANY Wild pitch: Rudolph. Tlmo; lu'J. Urn- I Hires Itlgler nnd Hart. Sioux City Trades Clarke for Wait TOPEKA, JCan.. July l.-Llojd Walt, catcher of tho Topeka Western lea&,:e bate ball team, has been traded ,o Mie Sioux City club of the Fame leag.tu for C. A. Clarke, pitcher, according to rn announcement by Manager, Coiley i'f the Topeka club today. ONE AMERICAN ROWER SURVIVES FIRST ROUND HENLEY-ON-THAMES, England. July 1. Only one of the three. American en trants for tho diamond sculls supiv.cd the first round ,.of the contest today. Janice B, Ayer of the Union Boat club, Boston, easily disposed of B. Gould' ot Now Zealand' and Jesus college, Cam bridge, but William Tudor Gardiner suc cumbed to . C. Frlpp and' Paul With ington to J. Lawrence Tann, In the latter case after a most exciting finish, iu which tho American came within an' ace cf overtaking the Englishman at tho' fin ishing line. Bobert Dibble of Toronto also won hi ince, sculling beautifully throughout In the next series of heats Ayor meets the Italian Slnlgalgla, who today defeated the English crack, B. D. P. Pinks, and Dibble meets Tann. I&tfc J Tour in Comfort atlh the AUTOMOBILE BLUE BOOK Know where you're going and how to get there. Ayoid false wtw "XSti Wv&'cZlKOr&vm ll