TIIE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, .JULY 1, 1U14. 11 SUMMER, RESORTS. WANTED Children to caro for during summer vacation, at Coder Cove Retort; convenient distance from railroad; plo turesque scenery and Rood water. Hoard, lodge and plain washing Included. Refer encen furnished, If requested. For further Information, address Miss Jossle Kemp, McOrew. Neb, LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage Your consign ments tecolve prompt and careful atten tion. Llvo Ht,ock CfinyuUalon Merchants. MAHTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bids. SWAl'PEHS' COLUMN 1 HAVE A NISW UURL1NGTON HOTEL, S rooms, all furnished from tho kltcncn to tho sleeping. Electric lights In every room. All in running order, doing a good buslnoss In a good town. A commercial business. Also An electric light plant, furnishing light iur me city at a paying basis. Also Opera house, well seated, dressing rooms, drop curtains, -wing and so forth. Also Dwelling house, i.'4xS2, four rooms. Rents 7 per month. Cash valuo Fourteen Thousand ($14,000) Dollars cash. What have you to trade. Don't an swer unless you mean business. W. H. JONES. DUNNING. NEB. 320 ACRES, LYMAN COUNTY, SO. DA1C, iiuu biubs, mil exenango tor Muse, or city property. Address a. C. 981. Bee. CLEAR LOT NEAR CARTER LAivE -iud, lor auto, aiamonu or piano. Ad- uress 3. wa. iice, tt CITY BLOCK. NEB. COUNTY SEAT luwn.cjeur, ior piano or auto. Address WANTED TO BUY LIGHT DOUBLE nftrnem ni will au.o. ........ . u. , ........ nvsLCiU DUUUie. almost new, for tho same. Ad. S. C. 989. "WANT A GOOD LATE MODEL TWO evllnflr.r mntnrnvMo . .mnii .i .... have a single-cylinder machine, just over hauled and worth $125, also a new Un derwood typewriter worth $75, which will iruuo iur rigm macmne. AUurosa S. C HOI. Bee. .EQUITY OF $100 IN HIGH-GRADE practically new player piano, with fine library, latest music; leaving town, so will swap my equity In this Instrument for anything I can use and take with me. Balance payable In very small monthly installments, aaress e. i. uvi, lice. FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 ACRES land 2V4 miles from Grlswold, la., well Improved; new 7-room houso, largo barn, woven wlro fence; about 17 acres pasture, balance in high state of cultivation; worth $150 per acre. Want cottage up to $3,000, or what have you? Address S C 978. Bee. HAVE TWO LOTS IN SOI1THHI1N Texas near Houston. Cost J250; all clear and good title, also nearly brand new .peerless refrigerator, capacity 300 pounds, wouio. exenunse ior concrete machinery, ouice lurnuure, or wnai nave you. Aa cress S. C. TO. Bee. EDISON PROJECTINO K1NETOSCOPK, converuoio icr gas or electricity, witn 30 reels, film and slides. Worth about Mno Complete, except take-up Will sell or traoa juane otter. Aaoress a. u. sso. Be. I HAVE FIRST-CLASS bTOCK. A NO. 1 ready mixed point, well known brands such as outside paint, any color. Inside flat tone varnishes. Barn paint. red o- silver gray. Will exchange any amount you want for good piano, or diamond, or auto. Address a. c sin. Bee. SMALL STOCK OF MERCHANDISE , doing good business: live Nebraska. town; for first mortgage or good auto 'ana pari caam ivni nave youi Auaress S U, ll, uee. WOULD SWAP GOOD GASOLINE range for gaii range; would also give some cash in trade. Address b. (J. 707. GIBSON HARP-OUITAR & LEATHER case, cost $156; Farland banjo and case, cost $40; two Washburne and one Gibson mandolins, all in fine condition. Will act! cheap for cash. Address S. C. 919. Bee. -WANTED TO TRADE BICYCLE FOR fountain pen. Address, s C. 933. Bee. WILL' SWAP HOUSEHOLD FURN1 ture for good residence lot: would bo willing to pay difference In payments. f urniture gooa as now. Aaaress s. u, 912, Bee. WHY NOT LET ME FURNISH PAINT and paint up that old houso; am expert painter and will take in exchange any' thing. I can use horse, auto, diamond. furniture, piano, or what, can you otter' Address s, w. vs, .uee. 'WANT GOOD AUTOMOBILE. 6-PAS senger, lor good store building and $1,000 worth of machinery, on business street; property rented by year. Must go at once. Address, s. u. vj.. umana uee. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR A good grocery and meat market. Invoice about $2,000. s. U. 977. lice. ANGELU8 PIANO PLAYER AND A large assortment of music What have you 7 S. C. 706. nee. FINE MULLIN STEEL LAUNCH FOR sale or trade. Consider anything. Ad- cress u. lit, care uec. SJ ACRES. 3 MILES WEST OF ASH . land. Neb.. Improved, all level, worth $150 acre. Will trade for Omaha property up to $6,000. Mtg. $3,100. Five year 5 per cent. Address a uvai, uee. HAVE S0-FOOT HOSE, LAWN MOWER, - rake and other lawn tools will swap for some lurnuure. wnat nave you? Aa dress S. C. 701, Bee. A SHINGLE MANUFACTURING BUSI ness protected by patent and territorial rignt ior city property or rarm land. Aa dress 3 C. 938. Bee. WANTED TO BUY -A LARGE SIZE 12x16 good .Brussels rug cheap, or trade other rurnnurp ior one. Address 8. c. &ZG, Ueo. WHAT CAN YOU EXCHANGE FOR run set Hncyclopaed a Br tannlca. morroco binding, flrst-uloss condition, 31 volumes. This is a fine set and cost new $217, but I have no use for them. Make offer. Address s. C. 930, Bee. NEW NO. 5 L. C. SMITH TYPE writer for sale or trade. What have your a. wo, uee. NEW NO. 6 UNDERWOOD TYPE Writer for sale or trade. What have you to otter? S. C. 974. Bee. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR AN Overland 30, fully equipped and In good running order, worth $3ou. Address a. c, sh. nee. HAVE GOOD U C. SMITH TYPE. writer that will trade for a second hand motorcycle; will pay some cash. Ad dress S C 906. Bee. "WANT W. STERN LAND 7 NICE LEV- el lots in good central Nebraska town, worth $2,100. and $300 cash for a Jtood, clear, level piece of land western Neb.. near some railroad town. Give full par ticulars of what you have in first letter. D. IX. Buck & Son, 912 Omaha Nat. Hk., umana, rseu. THREE PAIRS OF RABBITS FOR sale or trade Address S. C. 907, Bee 799 ACRES IN N. W. KANSAS. JOINING good town. Improved, and 360 acres In cultivation; aiso about so neaa ot catur, b horses and implements; possession Aug, JO. Price $30 ptr ai.re. will carry one : third back on land and accept good mdse, stock tor Dilance. Address S. O. 986, Bee. COAL & FEED BUSINESS AMOUNTING to about w.&w, including property and build. nEs, will aicept a good auto as I ait payment, ixo oojecuon to a oro. AUUICDB ' -".1 MUST KKT.T, MY NO. 6 PHINTTYPR Oliver In next few days.What will you give me. Aaurro" . v. xjcc. WILL EXCHANGE A NEARLY NEW No. 5 L. C. ommi typewriter as pay ment on piano. Address a. 1. 9t, llee. Nebraska, land, fenced and cross-fenced three good houses and three good barns, highly Improvsd. Mtg. $3,000. runs five years at 6 per cent. Will give BV gooa iru-uo uu v. r w . uress o t. ?, o .19 ACRES, FRUIT FARM. 10 MILES irom bu LAuaor vtLiv biiu wiy iui in same, all clear. Want auto, or what have you. Address f wj. ce. KOR SALE AT BARGAIN FUIt.N ITU itE and complete equipment o-room oncK flat, walking distance, on car line; two rooms pays the rent, $20 with water; furniture was bought May 15; death in famllv'rAson for selling at half of real value; half cash, baL like rent. $10 a montn. Leaving town, unis is not an agent's prop. Address S. V. 9. Bee. SWAPPERS' COLUMN 3T0 ACRES IN DAWSON' COUNTY. iuiisua. vicar, iur a. piuvh ui Kuiicim merchandise. All level; In crop this year. rtuurcss o v; mra, ree. 10 ACRE THACT AND 3 CITY IN GOOD town in Texas, for rooming house. Ad dress S C m. Bee. 160 ACRES UNIMPROVQD LAND IN Butte Co.. So. Dak., to trade for Omahft property F. JI. More, 212 Om. Nat. Bank. LATEST MODEL NO. 3 MONARCH typewriter for sale or trade. What have you? S. C. 976, Bee. OFFERED FOR RENT Apnrtroenta anil Flats. FOR RENT Fine 6-room St. Louis flat. 662 8. 26th Ave. Tel. D. 21S0 or It. ara. FOR RENT. ROOM apartment, new and modern, oak luiisi: s. is. cor. 3d noor. zun nna Jnckson; JSj. Address or call, H. W. Capen. 2702 Jnckson St. Harney 3W. CLOSE IN, COZY EIGHT-ROOM brlcn flat: strictly modern: reasonable rent. For keys call Tyler 1516 or D. 8S10. STRICTLY first-class 4-r St. Lniils flat; brick. 1750 So. 27th St. H. axse. 6-r. modern flat. $22. 230S S. 24th. H. 4711. St. Clare Apartm'ts 23d and Harney, Just completed . 3 and 4 rooms, itar. w or uougias tow. OGDEN ANNEX rooms, with kitchen- etlen. council muffs. NEW brick apartments, ready to move Into: completely furnished, disnes ami all; 4 rooms, $6 per week; 2 rooms, $3 per week. Call Douglas S711 during otfico hours. Gordon Van Co. 219 N. 11th St. Phone D. 334 or H. 6013." Globe Van&Storage stores, moves, puckb and ships; 3-norse van ana . men, per hour; storago $2 er montn. Hntisractlon guaranteed. none uougias t&ss ana xyier i30. BEAUTIFUL five-room apartment; West l-arnnm district. Tel. Harney 45. SIX rooms and bath, brick block, 10th and Hickory. 5 blocks south of Union depot; water rent paid. For particulars. call at 2752 S. 10th St; references re quired. $15. CHOICE 5-room apartment In the Loren- gen, atst and uewoy Ave. Harney 2316. DAVENPORT, 2404-Elegant new 9-room up-to-mlnuto home, full cement sleeping and front porches, screen enclosed: rlchlv decorated; Janitor service; hot water heat; win uuiiu garage. CLOSE In, modern 6-room flat, six blocks irora nosioiuco, cnenp rent. 1317 Web ster St. xall Douglas 43. $32.60 Dandy apartment ot three rooms. oath and fine screened porch. Oak finish; mirror door; choice lighting fixtures. $12.60 Fine apartment of five rooms, bath ana largo screened front porch. Oak finish; press brick mantel and gas log. Thefo aro new and un-ln-ilnto Annrt. mentft in flno surroundings. It looking ror an Ideal all-ycaj'-round apartment, phone us. SCOTT & HILL CO. Douglas 1009. ROOMING HOUSE FOR RENT. Eight-room modern brick house, suit able for rooming house purposes, at 21st ana iiarney his. joo. . J. H. DUMONT & CO.. 1603 Farnam St. Phono Douglas 690. ItnMi-A- unit Hiititn LARGE modern parlor, reas. 1616 B. 10th. LARGE cool room with exccllont board $5 wcck; shady porcnes. lawn, nar. 6633.. Ilnunckeent uk Iloonn. A suite of rooms, strictly mod. Refer ences. 1S02 Farnam. Apt. 7. Davldge bile. Famished Houses. 6-ROOM modern house; furnished. 1423 PInkney St Tel. Web. 7001. FURNISHED houso for rent, 1915 Spencer at xei. wen, liw. 7-ROOM, newly furnished house, 1 bjook irom i'leiu ciuo. uau h. uu. Furnished Ilunaekecnliiic Rooms. DAVENPORT 2018, TWO FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $3 AND $4 a WEEK. 725 S. 18TH ST. Housekeeping and sleep ing rooms; modern house. Tyicr iiki-vy. 4 well furnished. Phone Webster 10j2 Everything new, 2 and 1-room aparU ments, furnished complete, modern, $3.60 week. up. See these last. 2618-24 Dvnprt. WEST Farnam District Parlor floor, 3 rooms and kltnhenotte. nicely furnished. north and south pxnosure: always cool: also two rooms en suite. Harney 6427. Furnished Kiiiina, PLEASANT rooms, private family, 823 Park Ave. NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen, $S and $10 per mo. 651 S. 26th Ave. NICELY furnished front room for rent, 411 Sweetwood Ave, lei. 1 yier The Grasmero, beautiful furnished rooms, alcove; private lavatory; uonru. n. ivqv. .1 .... a. rr M. m T ri pTi'TOnExP. Co.. piano & furnl ,J . L. ItJiirjJJtur'e moving D. 0146. W. 2718 $12.60-Brlck, 130 S. 35th St., Just north of Farnam. uwner, i jvtnnb j-'nono uousias an f-ko6il house, facing Hanscom Park, modern, $;n.w. rnone iiarney i-joj. NEW und nifty 5-room bunBalow, Kountze Mace, vm N. na, iu in quire lease. rvTrT,l TrT--c7-Storage and Vnn H I I )KI A I fCo. Goods stored -L XllXX J. X moved, packed. shipped, 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516. EIGHT-ROOM, all modern home. 923 80. 25th St., $25. FREE RENTAL LJST. nn nhnfiTA tuharatrnr TTntnn f lltf Htlnrr FOB RENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rei't. This list can bo seen free of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co.. 806 S. 16th St 12-ROOM modern house with barn' hot water heat. 2618 Harney St. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. II. 1004, D. 1216. ugo Co.. Packs. & ships household. goods & pianos. D. UK lfmiana 611 parts of the city. J-lUUStS Crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldtr. FOR RENT All modern 6-room house. 2617 No. 20th St. Tel, Web. 6976. 7-ROOM modern, first-class condition. 2310 S. 30th, 2 blks. south from Hanscom park, $30. , 6-ROOM house, all modern, near cars, Dundee. Phono 11. -jook. FOR RENT in Bemls Park. Reception hall, living room, has fireplace, dining room with china closet, kitchen and pan try downstairs: four chambers with large closets and Dam up. i-none v cosier isw. HAVE 5-room cottage, all In good condi tion, city water, electric lights; will rent cheap to good family. Apply 4108 N. 26th Ave. Htpres and Offices. Offices are Extra Cool and Easiest of Access iu the Bee Building (The building that Is always' new) A Few Rooms Are Available Now Let Va Show You What We Have Ofllce, room 1(3 OFFERED FOR RENT Hotel nnd Aimrlmrjiti, DODQB HOTELr-Modem. Reasonabla OO DSN HOTEU rooms $S per week. council iiiutis. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 16th and California. weemy ratc u and up. Douglas tum. Knrnm fur Ilrnt. GOOD barn, room for 8 or 10 horses. 1917 Webster St. Call Douglas 43. REAli ESTATE PAHM Jt H.VNCII LANDS FOR SAMS Cnnnila. SASKATCHEWAN VALLEY CHRfVP LAND. Come nnd see the crops we can raise and that farming hero Is a good proposi tion. Doal direct with faimcr. Land In excellent shape, In well settled part that has known no failure. BURNINGHAM, Strongflold. Bask.. Can. lndtuna. NORTHERN" Indiana farms cheap; rich soil, fine buildings, good locality. Small farms. T. F. Andrews, 6312 Magnolia Ave., Chicago. Ioirn. FINE 40-ACRE FARM, 3 miles of Council Bluffs, all good garden land except a few acres, wnicn is in wear ing grapes; on good road. Has 8-room house, barn, waterworks, 6 acres vine yard, 5 acres orchard, 5 or 0 acres alfalfa Nice, sightly location, largo lawn and plenty of native shado trees. Will sell as one place at $9,600. or sell 20 with Im provements at $6,000; other 20. $4,0CO. This Is a good place, well located and worth tho price. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Mlnneauta. FOR Sale 260 acres. 4S miles from Mln noanulls. 1 mile from town! 160 acres under cultivation, balance used for pas tures; can practically all be cultivated; heavy soli; good set buildings, consisting of 8-room house, large barn, granary, corncrlbs, etc.; tho land will produce 60 bushels of corn per aero; telephone In house: country thickly settled; complete set of machinery; zi neaa or siock, con slstlntr of eleven cows, balance 1 and 2 year-olds; six good horses; 25 hogs; chick ens: one-halt ot this year's crop and everything on the farm goes at $50 per acre, halt casn. scnvraD uros., ivjt riy mouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. If you contemplate buying land In Min nesota, wrlto us for list of dependable nrms. atato wnai county you are in terted In. MINNESOTA FARM LANDS' ASSOCI ATION (Incorporated). 717 1'nlnco Building. Minneapolis, Minn. THIS OFFICIAL LAND MEN'S UKOANI 7.ATION OF MINNESOTA Mlchlniiii. FOR SALE $4,000 buys a first clasi 90 acro farm; good 8-room frame house, huge barn Hnd other necessary outbuild ings; also a smail orchard; 70 ucres of low, heavy, black soli, suuabln for all kinds of vegetables, cabbage, onions, liny, oats, corn, etc.; 29 acres ot fine fruit land; one or tho best combination larms in toe statu ot Michigan for gialn, fruit, For further naviculars anmy to C DE KEYZKR. Holland, Mich. Write for my farm catalogue. TODD County of creameries, corn and clover. For information write vnn uygc & Van Dyke. Long Prairie, Minn. CHOICE Improved farms for sale In Minnesota s corn belt Write tor list Troll Land Company, Farmtngton, Minn. Miscellaneous, FOR SALE 1.120 acres, A No. 1 dlvldo land, good boh. wen located ana in a good crop country. This property must be sold. Will take $13.60 per acre 11 soiu by August 1. Will accept about half cash In good unincumbered trade, balance cash and mortgage back on land for dif ference, or will tauo Jb per acre casn uat- nnce time. Or will sell any amount of It, Here is a bargain Act quick. Seybolt, Bridgeport, Nob. NcbracttA. 309 ACRE FARM Dnlv nhntit 12 ml 1 01 nnrth nf Omaha, on the Calhoun road. There aro over 30) acres of good farm land, balance pasture and timber. Improvements No. 1 consist of good house, 2 large barns and 5 or 6 other smaller barns, with hogtlght pas ture: also good sized orchard with dif ferent varieties of fruit and shrubbery. Then there Is a fair tenant house with the necestary outbuildings. This farm Is owned by old folks who cannot give rroper attention, l'ofiuveiy, ior an an nround farm, Is crackerjack. Remember 12 miles from umana; nugm in uo aim i hnn..iiv wnrili from $175 to $200 per aero. But It sold uulck $120 will buy It. O'Neil Real Estate & Ins. Co. 1505 Farnam St. Tyler 1024. FOUND S20-ac re homestead In settled neighborhood: fine farm land; not sand hills; cost you $200, filing tees ana aiu J. A. Traoy. Kimball. feD. AN opportunity to double your money. -... Mt-Hnn I'nml lorifl nai Red- lngton MorlllP county. Neb., tor $13.10 an acre cash. P. t. spencer, iteaington. Neb. FOR SALE A bargain, 040 acres, im- 1 v.., Arm In rill 11 vn I Inn. good improvements and good sollr In old settled locality. For particulars call Douglas 1150. 100 ACRES of deeded, also 160 acres school land, with a 10-year lease; two sets of Improvements, wells, hog houses, good silo, eta, 2V4 acres orchard; 3i miles from good town of 730 Inhabitants. Price. $15 pel' acre. Aujoiiung iunu eu for $03 and $75 per acre. Terms. Phono M 111, Wolbach. Call or address, L. E. Loomer, Wolbuch, Neb. RBAIi ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED. I 1 .I..!.... , n flvplianpN untf AIM part or Rll of his 8 residence properties at tresion, ja.. ior iuuiitu iuim jmuv erty. What have you to olferr M3 Sapp Ulk., Co. Bluffs, la. Red 3712. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. p'lanos for oth'er'muslcal Inatru'ts. D. 2017. FOR SALE or trade, a relinquishment in btanley county, S. D., 1W acres good land. W. D. Hansen, Forest City, la. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $10,000 made prpmptly. F. D. Wead. Wcad Bldg.. ISth and Farnam. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Furnarn Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam. firK, CITY LOANS, Bemls-Carlberg Co., OO 310.312 RrandelH Theater Bide. SEE us first If you want a farm loan. United Htates Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Nat. Bk. Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty, W. H. Thomas, 22S State Bank Bldg. OITY and farm loans. 5. 5V4. 6 ner cent J. If. Dumont & Co., 1003 Farnam, Omaha. HARRISON & MORTON. U16 Om. Nat. WANTED City loans. Peter Trust Co. ri A TMrrXT UOrtH Loans, 1500 and un, U.li.rHJJ"UW.0m,, Not Hunt. 6 farm loans. Optional payments & un. nuai int. vm. JicuormicK, ijui rarnam. CMAllA homes. East Nebraska farms, O'KBBKK U1SAL. KHTATK CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Douglas 2715. REAL ESTATE A1ISTIIACT8 OK TITLE, KERR Tltls Guarantee and Abstract Co , a modern abstract ofllce. 300 So, 17th St Phone Douglas 647. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska, 3S Brandels Theater. ACIIEAOK "OR KALIS. 5 ACRES-$3,000. On Lincoln highway, 114 miles from car. Improved. 7-room house, barn, some fruit Price, $3,000. Be away from the noisy, busy city Let us show It to you, A. F. SMITH CO.. (Fay Smith) 2 Pearl i-"t , Co. Bluffs, la Phone 323. RKAIi ESTATE ACHKA4SK FOR SAl.K. 10 Acres Improved Joining Keystone Park on the East Has 4-room house, good stable and other outbuildings. About 1 acre In chvrrle, apples and plums; C acres In alfalfa; ' ncro In asparagus, some blackberries. raspberries, currants and grapes. Nice east slope; high, tightly gmind, within a few blocks of paved street. Easy walk ing distance to car. HASTINGS HRYDwN, lflll Harney St. CITY IMtOl'HUTY Ft) It SALE. Easy Terms $2,S0O New, C-room cottage, oak finish In parior ami dining room; nice sura rooms; flno nrrang.mcnt; well , built: dandy cemonted basement nnd floored attlo; east- front lot! near school, cur and stores; within 15 minutes' rlrtn nf noslnfflce. $1,500 Four-room bungalow, nearly new nnd nicely arranged; cemented, basement; city water; good light ing fixtures; nice chicken house nnd park. Cozy homo In a good location; near car. school and stores. $1,750 Good flvo-rooni cotae, newly paintcyi: modern except lurnaco; fair sited barn; big (0-toot lot. smth front; fine low of maple trees; nice ynrd; halt block from car. Itiiv nna nf tlimn nn n small payment down; balance like rent; nnd get a homo paid tor without missing the monoy. Scott & Hill Co. Douglas 1009. 306-7-S McCague Bldg. New 6-Room House Strictly modern, two-story, oak finish and oak floors throughout; thrto flno tied rooms; all rooms nicely decorated; dining room has quarter-sawed whlto oak wain scoting; full basement; complete In every detail; corner lot. 6501 North 24th St. Price, $4,1D0. Terms. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270. Dandy Home Walking Distance Can you use a nice 6-room all modern house near 86th and Jackson in the very pink of condition? West Farnam district Is protty good nnd tho prlco Is low at $3,660. PAYNE INVESTiMENT CO. DoueIos 1781. Ware Block. Why Pay Rent? Write, call, phone or send for our list of easy payment houses; priced from $S00 to $1,200; payments of $100 cash and $10 per month. Now Is the time to get away from tho rent habit. Be sure to get a list Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 200. COS Bee Bldg. $2,000 For Good Brick Flat Site D0-foot south front on Burt St, just west of 83d St.; on paved street, close to two car lines, Bemls Park and etores. Fine shado trees', good location. Will build for you If you like. See us about It at once. HASTINGS & HEYDKN. 1614 Harney St. OOOD SIX-ROOM HOUSE AT W15 DAVENPORT ST. ONLY $3,900 Reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen: 3 bedrooms, fine ba tin 00m on second floor, stairway to attic, full base ment with cement floor: lot 17xlil. it not eold soon will rent nt $30 per mo. W. H'. ClATIOS, C47 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 14. $200 Cash, Balance Monthly A dandy all modern, new C-room cot tage, 2 blocks from tho South Omaha car, on the south stdo. A real' snap for some one. Will take you out any time. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Douglas 1781. Ware Block. TO BUY, SELL OK RENT, KIRST BEE JOHN W. BOBBINS. "J03 FARNAM BT. MUST BE SOLD. TWO new 6-room modern bungalows. Price. $2,300 each. Phone D. 3607. MUST BE SOLD 06x142 near corner 23tl. nnd California streets, worth $10,000, $7,600 will buy it now, 37xlS0 on 24th near Harney, faces 24th avenue with modern home, $8,500 takes It Phone Douglas 3607. Call at 413 Kar bach block. The No Commission Realty Co. located at 316-330 Paxton block, offers a suggestion to thoso wishing to sell or ex change any property or business'. Would you not go where that kind of business Is done? There Is no kind of a proposi tion that Is not handled there merchan dise, farms and ranches, city and town properties, rooming houses, hotels, res taurants; In fact, anything and every thing. It you want to buy, tell the No Commission Realty Co. what you want If you want to sell or exchange, list your property with the No Commission Realty Co. Come In and see the greatest assort ment of excellent money-makers that can be found anywhere. We also have cash buyers for properties and business In dlf terent localities; yours may be the prop erty or business they want It Is a proven fact that a market place for every kind of property, displayed whore the thou sands of people can Inspect them, with experienced attendants at your service. Is what brings results. Come In or write for the only method of buying, selling or exchanging any prop erty or business and pay no commission. This Is the department store for Realty and Business transactions. It's the peo ple's way. They all go to the NO COM MISSION REALTY CO. WEST FARNAM. Owner leaving city, offers for sale the eiegant. piouern lu-room residence, 121 H, SSth Ave. Telephone Harney 1368. Nearly new home, Field club district. 'n,lh UtlVYl Will l.b. V.... v...?"." ... rv,vw, ,,,,, tanv iiicun( J1UUIO jn exchange. Phono D. 3607. OOINQ to sell my modern home. Ho. 35th Ave., near Popploton St, worth $6,000. Best offer takes it Phone D. 3C07. Florence Ileal Estate (or Hale. C. L. Nethaway, suburban prop, Flor. 27(. MARTIN GETS FORTY-FIVE DAYS FOR BEATING WOMAN J. A. B, Martin, alias "Red," whose. personal injury suit for alleged assault Is now pending against Police Captain Henry Heltfeld, was sentenced to forty five days In jail by the police magistrate for beating up the woman known as Mrs. Martin. Officer George Allen alleges that Mar tin was found beating the woman, who Is already 111, and that her condition Is such that she will have to go to a hos pital. Martin was sentenced to thirty days. but as he was being taken to the 'bulb pen" he cursed the magistrate. "Make It forty-five Instead of thirty,' said the Judse, STOCKS AND BONUS. HovlrTT of (lprrnllons on Stock H- chnnac Dnrlnar ihr I)ny. NEW YORK. June 30. Symptoms of increasing heaviness weto plainly dis cernible In today's rally Block market Baltimore A Ohio and Canadian Pacific soon fell a point, the decline In the formei being associated with the company's en tanglement In Cincinnati. Hamilton & Day ton alinirs. united btnte. ttcci, union Pacific and AmnUamatod lost substantial rrncllons. Trading in Steel was relatively hv. hl.t nthnrwlin ripaltllKS were In minor proportions. McetlnRs of the Clatl.n allied corpo. ntions 10 no item imer in 1110 nay were not lefleetel In the market. therA linlnir lm llllAtn t IdllS In United DrV Goods during the first halt hour. For no apparent reasons oiner man those of a technical character today a market reversed Its recent course and recovered considerable lost ground, ino closing was strong. Number ot sales and leading quotations on stocks were, as follows: .!. IIIIS. IXW. V.10... Alt.U Oold I.4 JT'. H 17H AmltmlM Cppp' iim $x L, S3H Attifrlmn lit Sur.... wo JJS aaH JJ Amrlcn On ISOO M'l Am.tlcn P. A It WO M M' American B. It pM t Am.ilcsn T. T 400 1S0T ,10 Amtrlon Tobcco f, AnicomU Mlnlnt W 4 H 3tl AtehlKin ., .i '4 "' ntltlmort Ohld .lt M'k MU J9ti llrocklrn ttspld Tr J.700 91 S5H ?H r.llfornl rvtroltum C"ndln rtclflo 4. 00 194 1HW VM Cmirtl lather 1.W0 3tU Cb.wp.tlc Ohio. 1,800 300 J, 400 CIS 14'4 t4 IIH 14i NU 4tl 31 ion 1414 (tilt-no o. w Chtciro, M, & Ht. P.... 14 'iJij Chlcp A N. W cnino copper J.M0 aoo ixjlornao ru.i iron... Colato Pouth.rn. .. Iienr.r A Hlo Clr.nu..... tnr.r A It. 0. pM Dlftlllflt' PpurUt .... Erie ,. Otn.nl Utctrlo soo l,wo 14i tt'i ! 14TU (IrMt Northern rM Ort Northern Ore ctti. nu.nhlm Ciplorntlcm.. 1,600 114 is: ia m ti u n:u lt M'4 1M 1(S 4H ttti IMS 1JS1, lit llli; Illlnoli central Ir.t.rtmrouith M.4. pM... IntrniitlontI CnPr .... lntrmtlonl Ilartntwr. . Kant. Cltr Southern. ... Ihlh Valley loulivlll. A KaahTllle.. M.xlcan Tetroleum Miami Copper MlMOxni, K. A T Mlatourl radfle ........ N.tlonal nidcult National teatl ... Neratla Coppr , New York Ontral N T N. H. & II Norfolk W.ttern Northern Pacific rwirio Mall Pacific T. A T lYnnaylranle Pullman I'alaee Car Itay Con. Corprr SCO UH, y i so t? COO lPl'i m J4i t,m, iii4( 300 1JH OW M 5 7i 400 7.M0 17 lt'i iv'i 17 17 17i lit IS n; it 14 M tut: .1W J,10 Slli SI4 m 101 '4 1041. irmi l.'.HIO 111 100 11 soo rt t.soo ntu 100 M ioj tto; St 24 110 nt lit 14414 111 H 114 :i m 1'. 1 1,000 Mk Iteaaim w.nxi ltepubllc Iron & Bird. .. M0 W4H Hock Ut.nd Co.. s.a vi ltork Inland Co. pM... Ht. I. & S. T. M pfd. (Southern llrlllc Boulhfrn ltallwny T.nn.MM Copper Tetaa Compan l-'nloil Taclflc Union rarltlo pfd United Blatea Btel.... It. 8. Steel pfd.., I'tah Coppr Wabath pfd W.ntern Union Wellnthou. Uliwtrlc Ri.dlTldfnd, 4t n.soo two too 94T4 MM I4H u ICS r.i 21.GA0 15.1 '4 1MU, 500 Mti Mti SJ.SOO C1U MU lirvit 1H 7W 1"H 1MH 10H J.K0 ( MS tVi 11NI 31 J, 100 67 '4 7 00 "St. 71U Sli 1H Total aalM for the dtr. 240.COO aharet. New York Mone Slnrket. NEW YORK. June 30.-MONEY-Call. firm; lHQ'S per cent: ruling rate, 2 per rent; closing bid, XVitfl per cent. Time l . .1 .. . J ni . A.M.. ninety days, 2 ier cent; six months, bUW 3,4 ner cent. MEl RCANTILE rAPER-tfJiSMVi Por cont STERLING EXCHANGE Easy; slxtv days, $4.S3"5; demand, $4.8760; commercial bills, $4.Er.'4. SILVER Bar, 56V4; Mexican dollars, BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irrrmilfir. Closing quotations on bonds today were aji follows: U. S. nt. U. rt. . MiU S. deb. 4t, HSU. W, U. 8. ret, 3, coup. II . Usi.lt & M. o...,,101 IT. . Jt. rat lOlUlrlllard la 101 U. H. Sa, coup 101VtU & N. unl. 4l... 5 V. 8. 4a r.( 1MM. K. & T. lt 4.. U. 8. 41 coup 11 Mo. rallflc er. (.., fiSi Fanama U. eoup....l00 N. Y7 C. . Hi..., MVt Amer. As. 100 4 'So deb. 4a MU. Am. Cotton Oil 5a... ViN. Y. C. 4H. im..Wi A. T. T. cr. 4e yt N, y, HI4U 4Vte....loH Amer. Hm.lt. M...i.ilrf. v. Jly. sii, r.. M Am. Tobacco 6a....i:l K, T.. N. II. . II. Armour A Co. 4tta.. MH cr. do Wj Atchlaon cn. 4. '.) N. w. cv. hb,.,idih 7',lNo. Taolfic 4 MH Wt do la em, MH'O, 8. 1 rtf. 4a... MVi 02ilac. T. & T. tl.... ft M T.nn. cv, 311.. 11 HM do con. 4a lOOtl do c. 4a. 140... A. C. U elt. 4... Uat. A Ohio 4i do cr. 4Vt.- ll.th. Bteel r. M.i. Ilroolt. Tr. er. u. Ten. of na. 6 lum-nay i-on. m...,,...h: Oen. Leather f t9lt Heading sen. 4. M Ch. A Ohio 4Via.. lllUp. ete.l Sr. 140, . 94 do cv. 4H to ft. U A H. V. r. 4a MU, C. D. A Q. 1. 4 7K Rt. U fl. tV, c. 4s. 41V, do sen. 4s Wfi. A. I,, adj. (a.... 7IV4 ChlcaKo O. W. 4a... 74 8o. noli T.I. C.,.. M'4 C M ft 8 P o 4H.101HSo. Pc, cr. 4i dos en. 4H V1 ia nt. 4a J4 C. It 1, A V. e. 4 JIPo. Ttallvar ( W do ref. 4t 77 do gn. 4a 7m O. ft N. W. m... llUT.iaa Co. ct. a:...101H "C7, & s. rer. ta.. mii-Teiae : i- it ...mi 1). A R. O. rat. (a. MUThlnl Av.. adj. B... TflU Diallll.ra' B.C (a... UHUnlon r.clflc 4i t7H Krl. ct. 4a. aer. D. . 71 V4 dn rr. 4a MU do rm. 7ivr, m. nui.ber i..,.imu Om. Electric ta 10C tr. H, Hle.1 (.,....,10114 Ot. No. tat 41ia....l(nttv..c. mem. 5a,...,4U III. Cen. ref. 4a..... M Wabaah tit Ba lmu Inter. Met. 4V4a 77HWit Union 4H... H K. C. Po. ref, 8... 93 Weat. dec. ct. Si.. 93 tl nid. "Offered I.ncnl Beonrltles Quotatlooa furnlab.d by nurna. Drlniir t Co., 410 Oroaba National bank bulldlnt; Stocka Did. Aikad. Talrmont Cream, pfd. 7 p. c, -4l. W 100 Fairmont Cream. I. 6 p. c, eji-dlr. . M HO Nebriaka-lowa Grain Co. 1.49 nm.h. i C U. 8t. Rr. Bfd. i-dU.. 7H4 MU, Omaha A U. 11. II. A 1 I Omaha K. L. A 1', pfd 71 it 9U lOJtl KM 1 itlrl. Ltna Inturanc. 12'4 Union Btock Yarda, Omaha SSVa Hwlft A Co., 7 par cent. -dlv 102 Bktnner Miraronla I par cent pfd So. Ban Frtnclico Land & Inp IIM Donda Bancroft, Neb. Is MVi 109 1, I, Caaa Threth. Mch. 4i, 1917-25.... M 100 Kitt Ht, Lou li A Bub. (. mi J 13 Dunan. ravins warrania. l par rem in Pundr Co., Neb., school . 1111-31.. tot 10.5 Kail nirer Cb.. 8. D. ba.lSJl 10 10 J. 75 Iowa It. (UK. mi., 94 M K. C. M. tt 0. 4 SO u Lincoln Trac ai, in n ni Omaha K. L A P. 5i, 1133 Ht DSti Omaha Oaa in. 1917 9SU Vi Cltr of Omaha 4 Si, 1941 10114 lot Omaha C. 11. Rt. nr. la, 19!!.. Pali Mi; Pui.t Round T. U. A P. (a, nil 100 101 Hcrlbner. Neb.. It. 1171 , 94 100 Bait Lake School 4a. 14 JO M tu Slout ritr Rtoek Tarda tl. 9M 91ti Hi Kan. Cltr, aio., li x mill, t per cant v loo frllt Ce. In 1944 Mti 97U Warn., Nab.. 3, I)., Ci..... 91 1M London Stock Market. IX3NDON. June 30. American securities opened around parity and moved Irregu larly. At noon the tone was Irregular, with prices ranginc from above to ',4 below yesterday's New York closing. CONSOLS For money, 7415-16; for ac count, 751-1(1. SILVER Bar, quiet, Jd. MONEY 3 per cent; short bills, 2U2! per cent; three months, 2 3-lC:vi Per cent, flank Clearlnara, OMAHA, June SO. Bank clearings for umana too ay were u.iia.m.VJ and for the corresponding; day last year $2,538,406,87. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June SO. fJOFFEE After opetuns at i point lower to s points hicher. coffee sold 4 to 8 points net lower under scattered selling on indifferent cables and estimates of large July receipts at Santos. Tho decline was checked by covering, with the close 1 to 4 points net lower, Rales, 82,000 bags; July, 8.31c; August, 8.41c; Sep tember, 8.51c; October. 8.60c; November. 8.70o; December,- 8.80c; January, S.83c: piaruii, o.ejv, -niay, o.mc. n)oi, quiet, itio, No. 7, 8?ic: Santos, No. 4, 12Hc; mild, quiet; Cordova, JJ'f-lOc, nominal. SUMMER TOURISTS TAKE LIBRARY BOOKS WITH THEM Vacationists who have taken public library books with them on their trips a,re having them renewed by mail. Quite a number of letters aro being received by Librarian Edith Tobltt, with the pa trons' library cards and return postage Inclosed. She says that the library Is glad to offer such an accommodation to Its patrons. The book need not be re turned, as the borrower's card and the book number are sufficient to let the at tendants record the renewal. INDIAN SINGS JT MISSION Granddaughter of Oraalia Tribe's Chieftain to Give Native Songs. GRADUATE OF WALTIQLL mOH Mlu larnnret Ulildock la IMnonlra nnd la lMnnnlnir In Take Paul (IrnilnntP Coursp nefnre lin (erlng V'nl vcrull y. Miss Margaret Dlddock, granddaughter of tho Inst chief of the Omaha Indian tribe, was on the program at tho Summer School of Missions Tuesday. In tho after noon sho sang selections from Charles Wakefield Cadman, composer ot Indian songs, but In the evening she sang na tlvo Indian songs that wcro written by the lato Prof. Fillmore ot Milwaukee nnd published by Margaret's uncle, Frank La Flcsche,' of Wnlthtll, where sho also lives. Margaret's Indian name Is "Mathe" and sho Is a graduate ot the Wnlttilll High school this year. Sho Is planning to take a post-graduate courso there bofore she enters tho state university conservatory ot music. According to her father, W. T. Dlddock, who Is a real estate man In Walthlll, Margaret Is tho only one that he has ever heard who has caught the real "atmosphorc" of tho native Indian songs and kept the original motif. But for her shining black eyes. Miss Dlddock would never be known to have Indian blood In her veins, for she, In common with a vast number ot her blonder testers, Is nffllcted with freckles. Margaret's great-grandmother was Nl- come, who married Peter Sarpy, for whom Sarpy county was named. They lived ut Bellevuo for a number ot years, and thy late Henry Clarke had many pictures and relics from them at that time. Bright Eyes, who was tho wlfo of Thomas Tib bies of Omaha, and Dr. Susan La Flcsclio Plcotte, medical commissioner at tho In dlan reservation at Walthlll, and a well known member ot the Nebraska Federa tion of Women's clubs, aro her mother's sisters, and Frank La Flesche, her uncle. Is now doing special work In tho ethnologi cal department of the Smithsonian Instl tutlon at Washington. Grain Stored Here Much Lower Than for Same Time Last Year The Omalm elevators were never so completely cleaned out of old wheat on July 1 as at this time, the wheat In stor- ngo being 37,000 bushels, ns against 05,0X1 at the corresponded date of last year, The grain stocks In storage now and at the same time last year: Now. Last Year. Bushels. Bushels Wheat 87,000 Corn $70,000 Oats v.... 44S.OOO Rye SI ,000 Uaiioy 25,009 308.000 814.000 CoO.OOO .None None Totals 1,411,009 1,770,000 The shortage In wheat In storage at this time Is duo to the fact that dealers, re alizing that Nebraska Is producing bumper crop, have hurried everything posslblo to market, anticipating a drop In prices aa soon as the new grain begins to dart to market. Rarly crop reports Indicated that the oat crop might bo a Utile short, and con sequcntly there was no desire to sell. dealers feeling pretty certain ot an aa vnncc. Now, however, with a big oat crop almost certain, It Is expected tha the elevators will, he pretty well cleaned out during the next twp weeks. Lobeck is in Omaha Fixing His Fences Congressman C. O. Lobeck Is again "gum-shoeing" about the streets of Omaha. lie. still behoves his chances for re-election are good. Ho Is looking over tlio field and sounding out his friends and a few of his near friends with the characteristic question: "What do you hearV Scarcely mon than a month ago his secretary, J, H, Han ley, was In Omaha on a quiet expedition. Hanley slipped about In the city for a few duyn and then departed for Washington. Ho reported to his chief, and It then became neces sary for the chief himself to slip out here and report that he Is still congress man from the Second district and wants tq bo again, Lobeck Is finding It easier to gum-shoo among the mon than among the women, for hundreds of women In the city are anxious to get at htm to Inquire as to iiow he will stand on the suffrage ques tion when It comes up In the form of a proposed constitutional amendment In congress. Nebraska Editors Set Date for Their Visit to Omaha Editors from all over the state are to be the guests ot Omaha July 0. They were asked at tho Tress association con vention In Lincoln to name a date when thoy should like to come In and be en tertained by Omaha and tho Maglo City, July 20 was agreed upon, as U had t&v. oral features In Its favors. Amonif thorn are the fact that It will Tall un Monday so that the edltoro can bs en'.ortalnud at the den In the evening. Many New Filings Made for Offices New political filings at the court house are as follows: Charles J. Karbach. re publican, for state senator; John C. Lynch, republican, for county commis sioner, Second-district: Leonard O. Holm berg, republican, for state representative, Raymond M. Crossman, republican, for Justice of the peace; E. R. Kidder, dem ocrat, for road overer; J, Kdson Heath, republican, for police Judge, South Omaha; C. O. Picket, democrat, for reg ister of deeds; N. P. Dodge, republican, for state senator. MANY PLEASED BY THE BIG KRUG PARK ANIMAL SHOW A unique amusement park attraction was given at Krug park Monday. Mul len's animal show has opened here, giv ing afternoon and evening performances, which Includes trlcka by pigeons. Uogi and cats. With It Mullen is showing the several steps takon in training, it la a pleasing entertainment for the children, as was evidenced by the shouts ot the little ones. The show concludes with next Sunday evening's performance. Let The Bee get you a good Job. uatlons Wanted" ads are free i "Sit- ELECTRIC RATE CHEAPER Reduction of Current to Omaha Con sumers Effective Today. INCREASED BUSINESS HELPS I. II, 7,liiimnii, Nitrnkinir for Corpor ation! Declares Loirnrlnir ot Prices Is Ilranlt of Large Amount of Current Sold. Reduction of approximately 10 per cent In clectrto light rates has been authorized by tho Omaha Elcctrlo Light and Power company to no Into effect today. The reduction Is from 12 to 11 cents per kilo watt hour and affects all consumers. "The aim of this company Is ta re duce as fast hs conditions warrant," said I. B. Zlmnian of the elcctrlo light com pany. "Decrease In cost ot production of light la no longer one ot the essentials of rato reduction, because the machlnory lias been Improved to such a tine point that further . Improvements are said to bo next to Impossible, and henco reduc tions depend on the volume of business we secure. 'Wo have been able by Increasing our business to bring the. rates down, As business Increases In the future rates will bo cut correspondingly. 'Slnco the eighties electric light rates have been' reduced In Omaha Until cur rent that cost $1 then costs but 10 cents now. At the same time wages nave in creased and the cost of living has gone t:p, but Improved machinery has lessened the cost ot production, although ma chinery has reduced the cost ot produc tion but SO per cent In the meantime. Coal has steadily Increased In price for the last ten years and we are compelled to pay our engineers and other employes larger salaries, but tho volume ot busi ness wo have been able to secure has made It possible to reduce rates. "The reduction which goes Into effect the first ot July wtll affect all consumers now paying 12 cents per kilowatt hour for electricity." Mr, Zlmnian said the company had no Intontlon of resting with ths reduction. hut would look ahead for other reduc tions and authorize cuts as fast as busi ness warranted. Commercial Olub 1 Favors National Chamber's Views The Commercial "club Is In favor ot all the recommendations made by the na tional Chamber ot Commerce In regard to present pending legislation in congress on business regulation. The National Chamber sent out printed slips with doz ens ot recommendations. Most of the com mercial clubs throughout the country have endorsed tho recommendations. The executive committee of the Omaha Com mercial club has endorsed them. The features of business legislation opposed are those which tho National Chamber and the various commercial clubs think detrimental to the normal development ot business i.ctlvltlea. A protest was also made by the ex ecutive committee against ' present pend ing legislation In congress which Is re garded by many of the business Interests as class legislation Communication will be had with the senators and representa tives of Nebraska with a view to asking them to vote down anything that, looks like class legislation, as the club be lieves some of the bills seek to discrimi nate In favor ot the labor organizations and farmers, A letter from Mayor 3. A. Dadlng ot Mllwaukeo was read, In, which the mayor thanked Omaha for the courtesies shown the Milwaukee boosters when they were here. The executive committee has adjourned for the summer subject to the call ot the chairman. Union Pacific Has H Placed an Enormous Equipment Order Anticipating a continuation of prosper ity and a big Increase In business, the Union Pacific has placed an order with the Pullman company, calling for the de livery ot about $1,500,000 worth of pas senger equipment, the first of which will come the mlddlo of August, The new equipment will be ot all steel construction and will be of the most mod ern type and will consist ot the follow. Ing: Thirty chair cars, ten coaches, two parlor cars, eight observation cars, twenty-one diners, ten postal and twenty six baggage cars. Of the baggage cars, seventeen will be seventy-three feet In length, or soventeen feet longer than the regulation car. All told there are 107 cars In the order. Watchman Hurt, Cramp-Stricken in Stall With a Horse Rert Ayers. 1911 Paul street, was found In a serious condition In the barns ot the Omaha Ico and Cold Storago company. Fourteenth and Nicholas streets, at an early hour, Ayers Is a watchman tor the American District Telegraph company and failed to report at 3 o'clock, result ing In a messenger being sent out from headquarters to ascertain hla where abouts. When found ho wa suffering from bruises under the heels ot tha horses In a stall where he was stricken with cramps from ptomaine poison. Ayrna is 35 years old and has a wlfo and ope child. Dr. Edstrom, police surgeon, who at tended him, ordered the patient to be re moved to a local hospital yesterday. NEW SCHOOL DIRECTORS ELECTED AT FLORENCE At trlct and the the election ot the school dlt of Florence Monday. M. C. Cos O, R, Spencer were elected to board In the place of Frank Urown and W. P. Parks, whose terms had expired. A levy ot 33 mills for general school purposes waa passed. Frank Brown has been, a member for one term and declined re-election. W. H. Parks has been a member ot the board for about ten years, the last five of which he has been the treasurer. llovr to Core Sprain. A sprain may be cured In about one third the time required by tha Usual treatment by applying ChambarhUa's Liniment and observing the directions with each bottle. For salt by all drug gists. Advertisement ,