Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1914, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    TUB OMAHA SUNDAY BISK: Jl'.NK i, 1914.
Hffil' fOR THE
)$mha Camp, Modenvflodmen. of
America, Brings Howe Bacon.
-liioynl XHchlnr in Hnvr the Slen
from the Field of ttlory for Their
HI unesU XMI Wrdimdar
-Crack Omaha Modern Woodmen Team Back from Toledo
'"In honor of the Grill team ot '-aah.i ,
li&mp No. 1M. of the Modern Woini t 1
15 America a dinner and reception was
rtjvcn Wednesday ovenlnk In Mod rn
litt'oodmcn hall' 'by 'the wemtti -o-- Uy'
jiimp So. I of the Kejjl Nclrhb.ira o!
'Jsceond rUoe honors wero brought hone
t'A' tho team from tlie trionnlnl ntlonn.
t icamproent at Ttleao. Tf.e Omaha ta..t
it; ored W.l Crf, wille ihr It
'li land team, wh'oh took "first prfae. trade
' .4! per cent, a showing so lllte U i
!t at the jud?c8 dbelared It praetl-J.I .. i
ft ss-up, both team belnj u near u?r-
JPriie money taken by the local drlcrs
isfnounted tu MSO. The tonn lis attended j
',ier' national enoumpment heM V th
jMder and has always won somn h mors
11 has taken second Jaco four time at
Jtlad camp competttldns and lias always
f un firm plavc-'at .Nebraska ,tat" fair
f4, mpetltlv drtlWi;;- . .-t ; I
' First prts'.ln. discipline .Vnd .It the I
I5 illy Inspqlon fofr duVrty jt U'olefln
jf ?re awarded the, team, wtiliiViBM had
r . C. Maftepu a, 'cajnuin ovor",ln8t It
km organise;!' In yh. 'This win 'the fifth
i ne the team had'.'ca'p'tufea flrat honors'
(4 the inspection Of quarter. It scre
tils year won to." per cent.
Cftptnrc Inillrliliinl 1'rlifm
'fThrcc Individual pr'.xes In 'the ae man
Mi went to member ot tho Omaha leain
Mcalnst a field of 260 men. Chris Larsen,
tflS Charles street, proved hlmsel;' tho
.tilrd best-driller of all. John Kllllan, 1J0I
&uth Fifteenth street, won fourth place'
and James Shields of Benson, sixth. All
tree men received-medals.,
, iThat Oman Is n big city on tho Mod
tefn Vf'oo'dmen "map was demonstrated by
tbs team while It was at Toledo. Not
ijily on tho drill, field and In camp, but
jiuo while tho Omaha men were around
,S city they made a fino Impression.
'TOtroughout their stay thoy were bodst-
for Omaha, and it was generally
akrecd afterward that when Omaha ramp
tjo. 120 sent the team to the encampment
IX Issued a powerful advertisement for
$ city. '
'rthe team of, .South .Omuha qamp No.
also distinguished Itself by winning
aRIrd prlro In the Junior, or less expert
Sliced, class, Its score was 82.15 per cent.
j"h J- Coolcy Is captain. Dy winning a
jplice In the Junior the South Omaha team
mew enters the senior class and will here-
Bt(er competo wlihjtho otljer ciack trams
litho country foV'-premler honors.
br th flftlr time C. II. T. Wepep of
aha was floated treasurer of the Ka
mi Catnn Clrrko' association, .an rtr.
fiktcntlnn -Which tnt nrtnf tn 1hn hk.iri
j!irnp at Toledo, 'lie (a deputy hwid win-
B oi me or,der, tuiu clerk of Omaha
iJimp tip' ito. 'v ,-,
r vs .
Omaha and Council "fluffs Tent of , Judge Sears Puts Off Decision in the
Maccabees Plan Picnic. ; Mandamus Proceedings.
Council No. Ul)5 to Cllro Ilrcrptloit
at aijrtlc llnll-r-InilJrn' Aitxlllnry
1i Clan Curiliin (o Meet nt
Irn.v I'rncock'a llomr.
Miirnhv TflU I ho Court Hint ttir.
I'rrsent Condition la I'ar
from llrlntr nil I'meritmcr
MnKlc Clly Comilp.
Omaha tip No; 75 and 'Council Dluffs District Judge Willis Sears refused to
tent No. 32, have arranged for a Joint j he hustled Into a decision yestcrdcy at
basket picnic nt Kruu park on Saturday I tho Iriqistenco of tno mayor of Bouth
afternoon end evcnliiB, July 1, for all f Omaha and Ms "special attorney." John
Maccabees, their famU'oo and friends. ! Paul lirecn of Omaha. The mayor ami
There will lc prlzeB for. men, women nnd , his attorney wanted the mandamus pro
chlldrena1 racow, ball throwing nnd nu- cccdliiKs nstulnst the city trcaaiircr heard
merous other contests. t once. The plea was made that many
Htate Commander A. I. Loe, visited with pollco were not working and that the
Omaha tent No. 75 last Monday .iven'ng. i matter had to bo settled forthwith. City
Tho committee on pldrtlc has about com-' Attorney Murphy told tho court that, far
pleted all arrangements for the Joint an- j from being an emergency, the pisent
nual picnic nt King park on July IS. ! condition of the pollco fund had been
Mrs. Alice T. Tokv, supreme lieutenant- ' foreseen nnd worned against many moons
commander of tho Ladles of the Mncca- t ao. Tho city attorney asked that the
hoe of the World, will ho In Otmtlm 4 r hearing the case bo set about
Thursday evening when she will hold n1 3y . which Judge Sears ogro-d to.
Joint meeting of tho hives of Omaha nnd pno of tho legal po nts to bo sett ed
Mn,.th nmnh.. In thn hall In .the Contl- 1 without delay Is tho right of an outsldo
nontal )UlldlnR, Fifteenth nnd Douglas
streets, A largo nlnsa for Initiation li
oxpectctl, Jtcetlng called to order at 8
o"clocl. . IJght rofrVjslunenta will ho
served. ' ,
' Knlnhtu oiiU t.ndle.K.of feciirltr.
dn-R;snt-a council No. 2331, Knights
fand L.ndlr:of Scourlty, will gK'o a recep
tion li? Myrtle hnll, Fifteenth and, .Dpugr
lti tr.eets( for doptrtlng District Mana
gor'i?. M.'ThomoNid tCe" now monoBer.
V. tM lanlroe' All.-AhhlcouncltB of tho
city" yill ho preecht ,Ar.,lh"e ricaptlan,
Which will consist ot a-.tnualcitl omtllter
try p'roiitom: Onli'fnlimVert' At lirMn u
urrlaaro lrnuntr I'.il !; l..'Hnt-
I i - - 1 i . !mniiVf of'tllo nr
?nown exponent ot ' thv unSpokttd. has ! he. UrhfOWS otUw ot ptnte iana' j hnrgo
gcr oi urtmon, .ir. "" gain 01 j
Intt year been district mnnngor nt Qrana
llnpids. Mleli.
attorney to como In nnd assume to reP'
resent tho city of Bouth Omaha notwith
standing tho fact that the pcuplo of South
Omaha have elected a city attornoy and
prescribed his duties In tho charter. Con
siderable Interest attaches to tho outcomo
of tho court proceedings.
Church Announrcmrjita.
United Presbyterian, 'Twenty-third and
II.. Hav. C. S3, aiadftlter, Pastor Morn
ing ssi'vlccs ut 11- Kveplng services at S.
fit. Lutheran, Twenty-fifth and K, Itev.
8. II. Yerean, Pastor .Sunday school nt
j;5 at m.. Morning services nt 11 o'clock.
Subject' of errmon, "Tho Christian in the
World," ... .
First Christian. Twenty-third and I.
rtov. J. Oi Albor, Pastor MornlnK dls
en his townsman something now to
Ik about by n "marriage proposal" In
elr own .town house square to- Mnrnnr
j"S Toloy, r.tffraelst extraordlno:ry,.wljonj
(3mn Is as widespread ns. thai, of v,lha
payor hjmsclf. , .
j h rncagement Is likely to result.''
j The propotal waa made before more
tt'jan 169 men and women who were lU'ten-
hg to Miss Foley's arjumcntj Intended
to 'ftcceleratft" sentiment In- fvor of
hjctcfl for women, a subject t'lnon which
Mt has expresred her view many tlmos
irne story or tno. proposal was told by
)!e mayor blmUlf. ,
VRa m.nt, .UMlltn. p. il.M nfr.l. ....
(rmtHA nt 11 ii'hlnnk Kvpnlnir lllnnnurfie
Mr. Tliomns, or, tho isntyrar dljtr'et ht S. Sunday school ut 9:15. Christian
nvPflSVr'otMio'nrifcr'wtth hpaJdutfrterH ) Knccavor ;.t 7:3).
luomouiii piscgpai, 1 ivcniy-uiiii uuu
worslilp morning and evening
of tho nastor. Itev. Mr. Apple-
Toronto. Canada, will preach nt
t p. rp. Tho Sunday school Is nt 0:a
a. m.. and tho Upworth league tn?cting
ut 7 P, pi.
Hpcclnl music will feature both services
nt tho First Methodist church Sunday.
In tho morning tho choir will bo as
sisted by Mr. Lehman, violinist, nnd will
sing tho Honctun trom "Mosse Solon
nelln'' Iflounod). and "Lead Kindly
Light' (Pugh Wvans). A "request" pro
be given in tno evening, con
sisting of "The Qood Shophnrd" (Hani),
'Havlor. in Mine Hour" (Torrance), and
I'riitrruul Union of Ainorloa. I ,.. .in rinni nmm.imnpn of tho
Mondainin lodgo in win givo a caru choir until next Beptember
pntly on Friday cvenlntr. July W, at us
Bath, florist, moved to 1804 Far nam.
Hare Boot Print It Now Beacon Prens.
Xilfe Monthly Income Gould, Ben Uldg.
rifleltty Storage 6 Van Co. Pong. 1610.
Sight-mob. Elsotrlo Tans for homo use,
27 10 Uurgesa-Granden Co.
When you know gas lighting you pre
fer It Omaha Cas Co. 1EU3 Howard Bt.
"Today's Complsts SXovla 7rogxamH
may be found on the first pago of the
classified section today, and appears In
Tho Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Oahlman to Speak at .Hiobrom Mayor
James C. Dahlman will deliver a Fourth
of July -address at Niobrara.
Rsv. V. rianatran Visiting- Here Itev.
P. Flanagan of Greeley, Colo.. Is In
Omaha for a few days, stopping at
Hotel Itoma.
rinea For Drirlng; Through rnntr!
It cost C. J. Canan II dollar nnd costs
In pollco court for driving through a
funeral procession with an automobile
Vtnesnt Hascall Piles Vincent C. Ha
coll. who succeeded William AltstadU
his grandfather, as Justice of the peace,
by nppolntment of tho county board, has
filed as a candidate on the republican
ticket for tho opproachlng primaries.
Haw nargo Street Sign Tho Omaha
Printing company has installed an elec-
trio sign at the northeast corner of Its
Farnam street building and there nightly
It will thine. The sign extends from ttin
second story to theTop of tho sixth, anl
carrleB 000 lights. It Is ono of tho largest,
street signs In tho city.
Walters Here for Sunday General
Manager Walters Is back irom Chicago,
whore for a week ho has been a member
of the official comm'tteO of tho company
treating with tho engineers and flreraon
on tholr requests tor Increased wages.
He will return -to Chicago Sunday night
and. wlU probably bo there another
sand. Hand und pebbles. Pebbles and
mud. Irish Btew! Oh, momma!'
" 'Look-a-hcre you,' said tho tall hand
some martial sergeant, 'look-ahere, you
didn't enlist to knock Irish slew. You
enlisted to servo your country.'
" 'Yea,' said the recruit, 'to serve It,
but not to eat It' "
Ilnttermllk nnd I'otatoo.
An Irish womnn welt expressed the
other day the value of tho national diet
of potatoes nnd buttermilk. "When I was
young." sho said, "we never heard of
consumption. The people were content
with potatoes and buttermilk. Now they
must have meat and ten. They arc
healthy enough an children, but few grow
up strong. They become consumptive as
they grow. They cannot afford good meat
or enough of It and they will not eat the
potatoes and milk, that would cost them
little und keen them strong." Potatoes
are more nourishing If boiled or baked In
their skins. The Irish know this, and
passing the open doors of cottages today
one may still sometimes see. the brown,
Smoking balls turned out ot the big pot
on to the clothes table, round which the
family is sitting. London Chronicle.
The Militants.
The militant suffragettes ot England
had hardly finished backing Fargont's
portrait of Henry James before they
daubbed red paint all over a inarblo
statute of Gladstone.
"How perverse those militants ore!"
laughed Dr. Lyman Abbott, the "antl"
They paint statues nnd carve pictures."
Suits for
and Girls
Rubber and
satine Bath
ing Caps, in
all good col
ors, 50c to$l
All the new things, for style
you know rules in thes6 as in
other wearables. Fabrics of cot
ton serge, wool serge and silks.
Women's Suits, $2.50 to $8.50
Girls' Suits (8 to 14 years)
at $1.75 to $4.00
Children's Suits (up to 7 yrs.)
at $1.00 to $1.75
Ilk1 TJiSKtJ
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
(Bmume &i (Berman $ ouble ?ker
Omaha real estate is the best investment you could make.
Read The Bee's real estate columns.
Wood in e 'of the World.
Members of Alphif cump No. 1, Wood
men of tho-World, will nttend tho morn
Ins services at tho Flrt,ChrlstlAn church,
Twentv.Hlxth nnd . Harney streets. Bun-
day' morning. Hcr'vlcen commence ut 11 1 arum will
A iiu-rlca.
hull. Twenty-fourth and Porker streets.
Ills Nrttnl Soil.
Itlchard Harding Davis, Just back from
Mexico City, was tilling war stories over
a pink sherbert in Vera Cruz.
"A young volunteer," said Mr. Davis,
"growlrtl the other day about his Irish
" 'Call this un Irish stew? Why. holy
smoke, It's nothing but grit. Grit and
"Penma Cured Me
MbkIo City (losslp.
Chnrlo ClAtm will leave the first
I'jthlnu Memorial Hcrvtcrs. f the week on a fishing expedition. .
.I..... i .NeurusKa iouro fo. i. ivnigniH oi i-yin i tiio centurion ciud wm bivo a inuiuu
Hut.,.. wu, t.iaii uinjup 4 auuuii. uruor .. . . , . - . . . . -i i - , . .t.n. i
List .... l ilnfl. he d memor al serv cos on wednesaay ur moir memuors aim iiwum v ,
I'Early in the evoninir my attention "V"'"'?' r''.V.,D """"
f4.. .i.mH h -.7.m.:. .... ' a iry of me insmmion ot xno louga unan-
Ut.nJlM ...4 " , VVMW, , .... m- 1"
uVrwM .T..w .VQ(I(VU lu otiHtiHcu mi ,,,) V. RlnbAituh. John M.
trlbutlntr Uteratuf-e ami talktnir nt tllcKt...,,, ..M i n w n.t.i An.. n...
,mo time. Il'vthldn iland rrttrrM tn hv Ih. lmkorn
'Of course, I stopped to see What was special, refercrtcn wns made to Georce 11.
stflinK on mai a part or my uuty una
At once I recognUed the young womnn
ify Miss Foley, although' 1 nver had set
Ve on her bforknew her through
Jlfr plctures'ln th-papr.
'ij'eho espied -rr.O peering thrpUBh the
j)Wd and at once recognised me, as
wlo came right; over xmlllng nnd exttni
ijv; a paper a.ijd pencil.
4fe extension of the suffrage to women,
JlAiynr Hurleyr she taid.
l"SW htre.'l'sftld, 'Tin": diy'schoot
kfSfotar' and 1 can't wrlto-nC night Ot
pre, that Joke. ll:o inytelf, has had
tiwido and varied osperlence, but Kite
tilmo at me so"cuddenly It whs tho only
inlng 1 could think or at that moment.
!"Oh, well,' Aho said, uako the blank
Wtons home with you und sign It In the
Ktornlnr or whenever your education will
rirmlfc' ' ...
'Oright qujck .Ihlnlie'r clevoc woman
t)at Miss Foley; 1 could tee In A mlnu'.o
that sho wus a smart woman anC hat A
ijvAdy answer.
! Clnn (loriloii.
: The Ladles' uuxlllarj- to Clan tlordon
Js'n, 0a will tncet at tho homo of Mrs. Pea
cojek, 4toso Hill, llehsou, Wednesday ofj.
tnoon at! ;oolook. .
next .Sunday.
Qrorgo llobertH, who has beon sufferinir
for some tihio with oppcndicitls. Is rap
idly recovering.
J. P. lianner and daughtor of Columbus.
O., aro visiting at tna home of Daniel
Uannor ot this city.
Harry Welch and a bunch of stockmen
at tho yards left early yesterday morning
lot- a tuning trip nt Arlington.
Miss Vera M. Tatroo has gone to Chor
ok to, In,, whero she will spend tier sum
mer vacation with friends and relatives.
Miss Mary Halllhnn was taken to tho
Smith omahn hosnltal last ovunlnK In
preparation for a iiurgtcul operation for
i Tno entertainment commuiuo oi mo
I Mooso club will give a dance Saturday
! nln it at tho -
and M streets.
A nurrtber of South Omaha Masons went
to JN coin. la.. Woonescay to attend the
funeral ot tho Into Hlrnm Hull, a furmer
icmuent of bouth Omuha.
Mrs. IJIIlan Pekla. agod S3, died Tues
day at her late resloenci-. at Houth Twen-
Crnger, founder ot the lodgo; J: J, Mon
null, ono of Its tiphullders, and J. S.
Shropshire, another Who was very promi
nent in tho liri of the lodgo and the fra
ternity. Knights Monnyl! and Shropshire
wero members of thu supremo lodge from i appendicitis
Nebraska und wero rocognlstd uuthorl-! Th nieri
tits On Pythlun law.
night at tho Moose homo. Twenty-filth
I Down I
I on a I
I Hun- I
I dred 1
'! EDITOhS AT THt EMPrtESS j Tichoni i
I tloth street. The funeral will bo hold ' homo, writes;
Of Okarchs, Oklahoma.
Robert Fowlar. Okarche, Okla-
bunday afternoon at 'i o'clock from tho
ttoneiiiian Duiionni nan 10 i.aurti inn
. Motion pictures taVun at the recent e
aldn ot too Nabrska Stnto ftdltorlat as
soeintton will he thown at tho Kmpress
Bweenoy. need 22. died VOS- '
terdny at the homo ot his parents, IIW
H street. Tno funetal will be held Bunday
. atternoon at 'iM trom the resldcnco to
ttt. Agnes' church. Interment will bo
imado in St. Mary's cemetery.
Itev. K. A. Smith ot Albright united In
theater today, Mouday and Tuesday. The niarrlake yesterday Utlbort rl. Alton, sou
plbturta ohow tho Msdato cOltms at their Councilman Thomas Alton, and Miss
'v..,,, , -,,. i ,. I,,,.' Huth M. AltOowan ut tho homo of tho
pranks nnd also In th mon re laus , Dri nlotner q Mason htrcet. Tho
riM-atmo mt hI.,ii n. It.k.. .Alt tra m a 1 - t i.. i 1. i
t .iui (t n ubdo i'oii ftdiiic. n I COUIUO Will rrsUIO in DUUill uiiiauu.
rAkd, it 1U rX not t m,rLn hh ' mn how l,oturo through. . At Wednesday night's meeting Canton
mjide It a llto rule not to put nnhlng ollt lhJ t.tJ0 tj,at tno tom- ioUg , JlUur No w independent vJrder of Odd
S"n"! '.ri Inmy d what the odltor dooa when he fa r'& JJJmSSl
away fiom homo. !Auguy. captain! J. T. Auamaon. Ilouten-
u.u; i. V TuilxiC9 ensign; It. vt . i.oomls,
clerk; J. u. iiipssiug, accountant. I'eace
Well, maybo your wlfo would want
tfc sign,' -sho said.
" My wifer I i
saiiT. 'Wli. . I iiava ni
!t 'So wltlt' she oEOlolmed. '' ' '
'Have yeu a liustandr I mid.
"No tnIC she. . - i "
I? 'Well.' sold I, what rljht huve yon
t? talk to mo aboutnot liavias.a who
Wlien yuu have no husband? Haven't 1
s much riuht to bo v.llhout a wifo hk.
you navo 10 no wunout a pusoanar
jritlght there It came to me llko u fluih.
I(-couId seo my way out right oft and
without clving her time to my a word, I
went on. 'Maybo wo both aro making a
liutake. What do you say let' cet
hjarrled-r-risbt nor. What do you, sayr
V' Aren't you sp'.ng to slyn. for vouw for
ripinen, mi: iiayorr fiie .Dale,
in :
S Muslnua nf the fleull Uynli-. I hi Mexico Is Krenchy special duty for help any
The man who doesn't" know what to J tno coming ,ear.( trouble."
o with his leisure might try marrying :n '
si "m.n .h.nil,l eomirtaln of his wlfo a ! Why I.nvr I Wordy. -
Msculta If ho falls to provide the loush. Tho elreumloetitlon of legal documents,
.'vime people le
I. tenet, that the:
"To any aufferer of catarrh of tho
stomach. I am glad to tell my friends
or sufferers of catarrh that seventeen
years ago I was past work; of any
kind, due to stomach troubles. I tried
almost every known remedy without
any results.
"Finally I tried Peruna, and am
happy to Bay I was benefited by the
first bottle, and after using a full
treatment I was entirely cured.
"I am now seventy years old, nnd
am In r.ood health, due to always
having Peruna at my command. I
would not think of going away trim
home for any length of tlmo without
taking a bottla of Peruna alone for
"You are at liberty to use ray pic
ture and testimony if you think; It will
one who has stomacn
WHETHER you are
only temporarily
short at this time and
feel the need of unusu
ally favorable terms of cred
itor whether your living expenses
are so great that you constantly
feel the need of the easiest terms
you can get, we invite you to take
advantage of our
of credit while they remain in
in force. These new terms are $3 down and $3 per
month on a $50 purchase, or $5 down and $5 per
month on a purchase of $1)00. Larger and smaller
bills on proportionately low terms.
Most Liberal Credit Service
This store guarantees to buyers the most favorable credit terms
and the most leberal treatment at all times. No store in Omaha ex
tends such favors and offers such help as the Rubel store. We'd
like to talk with you in person concerning this matter.
Snme oeonlo lead such an ill micas ox-1 ! tho nunnlty ot having a bilingual tan-
if net. mai invr
without hitting it.
It Is sold that ikiuor Improves with age.
That may account tor the fact that the
older some men iftU tho better they jIUu
It isn't every fellow who can. hug a de
lusion without getting engaged to It.
could fire at random guevso ami irtcnda to us from those'
centuries wnen in r.nsuan aim Hit
mans were slowly ' amalgamating into
one people. 80 the two races. In the
market plnce or In social converse, to
make thlr meanlntr cli-arcr, lolnud a
Kionch won! t on 2nyllh, jr vlco veran. 1
wm la ivhv. In thd nrave r-liook. words'
iVrhHin It la noalble for a man to bin .n run in ruuole: "humble mm?
(Ulven to dilnk without tho aid ot a Ponyi0Wy "acknowledge und confess." "ns
of braniv. , ...! nml.Ie and mwl tpgethf r.-' The Eng.
A woman may not always to n close ob-1 i,n waB f0. the Knel'ah: the Norman-
1..,, mm , V, a h.nH oh. 1 fil.l m. Vunnk 4 l.a t r.v- la N
ni'lTri, vM ...w ".. ... w- I-IVI1VII l'r ',jv..
wys a lothes observer. i great user ot such bilingual phrases:
There tms to bo a airrrrencu oetwceni "hunting and venerj-, wri3nt uni car-.Ix-lng
full' of hot ulr and getting upr(nter." -cara and hoed." And that U
r 1 i whence lawyers gei such jam iy am
t... r t,iMiiit
1 'PortlA in nrflt.r Vrtilha- Wnmnn r t-.. I
piled, 'and If you wUh to ipeak conflnel HlUpee lioa this advarUnge over speech
rr.-urk. i ,1,. ...Ki. ... M that you never have U take It liack.
Kur remarks to the- subject under ls- Tha Average business man. has no use
I whsncn lawyers get such talk i
I nh.i " "will and testament.
;'ute ani wonL" London Chronicle.
Let's cot
she eald' onC walked
What do you sav?
.fiea you' later
W Uughlng."
. Jlss Foley said that the In
riaent occurred just as - Mayor Hurley
tfiaUd it, and added.
Jr'He got away that tl,me.' but we'll o
Jib. yei'-BostoaPot't ' "
for a dead cnc. HutMhen Hie undertaker
may not he an averaga ousiness man.
Honesty may be the best policy, but he
pi-Uey ometliiM-a explies.
The stump of approval really, doesn't
Amount to much .unless It comr from a
perr.on wno is wen neoieu,
Kerne peopi ,wi
li.rn It M.ilUxl
The clouds of other people are, always
the on in. wh'ch w ran dlsccrn'the slN
vr lining. New York Times
Dunkrr Uhgungc.
Th iiauvhter of a very oromlnent lib-
eral statesman Is telling this story against
herself. ay me winnon uany aeicii
hi i fuAillnir round the links North
Berwick way, accompanied oy an ulderlv
outspoken caddie. ' Do you think I'm
Improving Ir, my game at all? Handv"
he remarked casually. "No, 1 wld iia
go saa faur as to say that, teddy, bit
ye've jrot a guld grip othe language
It KlHs: this is truo of tho 8her-wln-Wllllams'
Paris Green
We sell It In sealed packages
Vi-lb., Dc; Vi-lb.. 14c; Mb., S8cs
2-lbs. for 44c.
5 lbs. at Sic per lb.
H lbs. at 20c per lb.
11S lbs. at 18c per lb.
We sell Arsenate of Lead and
Bordeaux Mixture Paste, in large
and small packages at lowest
Sherman & MeCoriMll Irag Ct.
Cor. lata and Sodf (Tha Original),
Cox. lath and Xamcy (The Owl).
Oer. 84ta aad rare am
(Tas Harvard).
B07-S Sforla lOlh st. (Tae Z.oyal).
m i mm .aliWvlwRgE
i redit
SET CoiPlete
tf'O Cash
Pt nr
Made of
Refrigerator Special
Js Jrrww sasM i aaai I jmjr bi
Other Big
Dining room
ets on Special
Sale at $75,
$90 and $125
Newest improted, front
leer, lever lock doors, ad
iuatable shelves, remov-
abli parts
double cold
air circula
tion. Spe
:Ial at only.
Collapsible Go-Garis
Complete with storm sash
as shown, large
rubber tires and
many improve
ments. Special
for this sale . . .