Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1914, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 10-B, Image 22

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Red Fox James, Indian , on Visit to President
Keenest Economies Without Quality Sacrifice is Made
Possible by Our Month End Sale Pricings You Profit
On hts way to Washington, D. C, from
the Crow reservation In Montana, and
mounted on a wiry gray broncho, Red
Fox James, half-brfcod Crow Indian, ar
rived In Omaha over tho I-.lnc.oln Highway
last- Tuesday and departed Thursday
morning for tho oast, ned Fox rldca
eomS twenty miles a da. When the
weather In hot ho often walks a half
day at a time to rest his horse. 1e Is
boarTnc a sealed letter from Governor
Stewart of Montana to President Wilson,
Tho purposo of his trip Is to attempt to
Interest President Wilson In the Inaugura
tion of a national Indian day, upon which
occasion the passing race of American
aborigines should bo commemorated.
The Indian was met on the Lincoln
IIlRhway Just outside of Omaha, tho cen
ter of the continent, by II. K. Fredrick
son, consul-at-large for tho Lincoln High
way, In his large automobile
Program of Events for Morning,
Afternoon rind Evening.
Georirr, Itojrern la Armnulnn: n Shoot
Which Will Attract In the Jlorn
Insr Som Awlmmlnir
Members of Reichstag Remaining
Seated During Cheers,
SllnUter of Jnntlce Doubts Ability In
Secnro Conviction nnil Ac
Ctulttnl Would Menu Vic
tory for Snclnllatu,
Tom Quintan ehalrman of the Fourth
ct. July committee at Carter Lake club,
premises a day of sport and patriotic
cejfcbratlon, brim full of action for
"ttficn the question of celebrating the
national holiday was presented to the
board? there were so many details to ar
range that It was finally decided to "leavo
It to Tom," with tho result that tho ac
tive manager of Ilayden Brothers has al
ready, arranged a most Interesting pro
gram for the members ot the club and
their friends, and further surprises are
belhff arranged for the celebration.
The .special shooting events under tho
direction of Chairman Oobrgo Rogers will
start at 10 o'clock In the morning and
prizes will be awarded for the handicap
contest and other events.
liners In Afternoon,
beginning Immediately after luncheon,
several racing events for motor and ssll
boats will be held under the direction of
Bkfppcr Walter Wharton. Two prizes are
offered for each of tho four events,
which Includo sail boat, motor boat,
man? and women's rowing races.
John Mcllen will be In charge of the
entries of tho canoo events, which in
cl'Jrtc men's doubles, mixed novelty races,
war canoe race, tilting contest and the
parade of decorated canoes, with prizes
for each event.
Singles and doubles will fill the tennis
courts throughout the day with contest
ants for tho two special prizes offered,
Frank I'nrdun will have charge ot the
tennla events.
narrllnsr nml Dnnctnsr.
Howling contests have been arranged
for-men and women under the direction
o(4tFrank Pardun, chairman of the
sports committee, and a prize will be
offered for tho best Individual scoro.
J&G. W. Williams will direct the
dancing competition, which will Include
pftxe for fancy buck and wing dancing,
( "SV'ell as for the fancy ballroom dances.
A social dance will be given during tho
o feeing.
JJiJrtng the day, n number of special
water events will be staged In on the fa
mous Carter Lake beach, under the di
rection of Prof. Wendell, who will also
euuoii (lis trained porpoises and sea
llBjy Besides the 40-yard swim, the 100
yardjswlm, the 80-yard swim for boys
underf-46. and the 60-yurd swim on back,
thfcte will be fancy diving contest, life
eaVm? exhibitions and a water polo
Tjihi Fireworks In Evcnlnir.
Cjffilrman Quinlan will have personal
cluwnw of the grand fireworks display
iS"! to during the evening.
wfiewgone of tho most expensive collec
tlonjsjfipf fireworks will bo presented In
frpftljc-f the club house verandas. The
fireworks program, It Is said, will last
nwJKJtwo hours without an Intermission.
Gerjman Army Uses
poving Pictures of
Soldiers as Targets
- -.
9PLIN. June S7. The moving picture
hsui'Veen turned tn tminiit hv t-
- - "4 MMUJ,
ana,,lt Is likely that a portion of the
80jJer rifle range work will hereafter
lx done with moving pictures for targets.
'A iest of the contrivance at the Doeberlti
Ynjuta gkvo good results, and the emperor
who witnessed the tests and himself
fired, a number of shot was nleaaed
with, the innovation. Long rolls of paper
replaced the usual screen, and on them
appear marching soldiers, cavalrymen.
artillery tn full gallop, cycle troops and
other moving objects. The Instant a
bullet strikes the paper the spot of Im
pact Is brlllltnaly lighted and the move
mn of the contrivance Is arrested for
nearly a second, giving an opportunity
to sec the full effect of the shot It Is
believed that the invention will not only
Improve the soldiers' markmaushlp, but
will also prove valuable In 'training them
to aim and fire rapidly.
(Sot anything you'd like to swap; Ust
'"Swapper' Column."
BERLIN, June 21. It la several weeks
since tho Reichstag was closed, but the
action of the socialist tn remaining seated
whllo the usual cheers for tho omperor
were given Is still the subject of press
comment. There Is ordinarily little sym
pathy lost between the non-socialist or
gans of the left and those of the right,
but they have shown great unanimity In
attacking the socialists' demonstration as
a branch ot good manners.
Tho North German Gazette, undoubtedly
speaking for the government, declares that
tho next Reichstag must take measures
to prevent a repetition of such publlo In
sults to tho emperor.
In tho Prussian Diet, the Conservatives
Interpellated on tho matter, desiring to
know whether the prosectutlng attorney's
office had been asked to proceed against
socialists for leso majesto, or whether It
Intended to take such action. Replying,
the minister of Justice, while ho severely
criticized the action of the socialists, de
clared that ho doubted grossly whether
it would be possible to get convictions,
since it would probably be held that the
giving of the customary cheers for tho
emperor constituted a part of tho Reich
stag proceedings, The Imperial constltu
tlon provides that deputies) may not bo
brought to account for their actions or
utterances In the Reichstag. "An acquit
tal," said the minister," would placo the
socialists In the light of victor and a
conviction would make them appear mar
tyrs. In either case the result could not
benefit the state, and it had been there
fore decided to take no notlco ot It."
One Precedent Cited,
In 1901 the elder Ltobkenecht refused to
rise when cheers were proposed for the
emperor In the Reichstag. The nuthorltlea
prepared a complaint against him and
asked the Relchstug to consent to his
prosecution. Consent was refused and the
case had to be dropped. There appears
to be considerable doubt, In any event.
wneiner a mere refusal or neglect to
stand up when the emperor Is being
cheered Is sufficient to constitute the
crime ot lese majeste.
Indications ot a sharpening ot the cam
paign against the socialists are observ
able In many places throughout the em
plre. The police authorities are par
tlcularly active against the so-called
worklngmen'a gymnastic societies." They
proceed by declaring them political as
sociations out ot hand, and acting under
this declaration, they forbid minors from
attending them. The socialism maintain
that these associations are non-polltlcal
and devoted entirely to gymnastic work,
but the police have been able to bring
evidence enough to satisfy the courts, In
all cases thus far carried to the courts,
that the associations are a part of the
(party propaganda tor winning recruits
among the young.
Wash Goods CLCE
Closing out several lines of
Wash Goods and reducing all lines
before July lBt.
1.00 Wnsh Goods 78
85c Wash Goods 65c
7 Be Wash Goods 50
CCc Wash Goods 46
C9o Wash Goods 40
50c Wash Goods ..3f
SSc'Wash GoodB 2Z
2Cc Wash Goods igji
10c Wash GoodB 12 We
lEc Wash Goods
All . - ... . -J-VV
rtii luuiuuius oi mgn urauo
Wash Goods at exactly half reg
ular prlo.
100 pieces of Wm. Anderson's
Genuine Scotch Glnehamn. nno
day only 12K
100 pieces of 26c Ratines, all col-
85c Embroidered Whlto Goods,
?1.EQ Embroidered and Button
hole Crepo 81.00
60 pieces of Scotch Embroidered
Swiss ft PRICE
Specials on Voiles, Batlsto, etc.
In Our Popular
Domestic Room
Thousands of pieces of Wash
Goods in this room must be olosed
put before the Fourth poplins,
batistes, organdies, crepes, per
cales, prints and other lines of
wash goods almost cut In two
Ed. 7MS 10c. 12 Wei, 15J
$1.00 Spreads flSr
$1.2S Spreads
$1.50 Spreads tVTUc
$2.00 Spreads $1.38
$2.50 Spreads -j no
$3.00 Spreads 1.85
86c Sheets 674o I 80c Bheets . .3So
76o Bheota.. OGo 6Bc Sheets 3740
65o Hheets ..400 I 60o Sheets ,.33o
4fic Sheets a3o
12Jd and 15
Three of the hist vadf.i of 5t 1 r: li
Tilearhed Muslin, vitlue 12'4c ynrd,
Monday 7lic
Tard wide Hleaclmd MuMIn, S'Ac
grade , .to
36-lnch Percales. lOo values so
6H0 Shirting 1'rlntn 3tc
Five Rousing Silk Clearance Bargains for Monday
The Season's Most Popular Weaves and Colorings at About Half.
All Silk Foulards and Messalines 3G ins.
wide, tub silks, 27-in. Jap Wash Silks; reg
ular 59c to 75c valueH, at, per
yard JOC
50 Pieces of tho New Summer Tub Silks In t
Yard Wide Novelty Printed Crepes and 27-in.
Novelty Silks, Shantung Pongee and Habu
tai "Wash Silks, are 75c and $1.00. IlQ
qualities; at, yard. .TrOC
lose wonderfully popular
satin stripe effects, absolutely fast colors, $1.00 and $1.25 values at, yd
36 and 40-in. Black Dress Silks Chiffon Taf
fetas, Messalines, Poau do Soio, Qi?
etc.; $1.25 values, yard OC
All Silk Crepe do Chines Double width, in
black only, 10 pieces in the lot; T f f O
at yard P J J O
British Labor Party-
Bars Suffragettes
LONDON, June 27. -Many branches ot
Uia Independent Labor party and some of
the trades unions havo passed resolutions
against allowing militant suffragettes to
speak from socialist or labor platforms;
while the executive committee ot the Na
tional Union ot Rallwaymen has decided
that women shall not be recognised as
members of that organisation. This has
been resented by the suffragettes
throughout the country.
The decision against allowing militants
to speak from the labor platforms was
dictated by a desire to please the con
stitutional suffragists, who are support
ing labor candidates for the House ot
Commons, and to mark the members Qls
approval of the action of tho militants In
Interrupting labor meetings, despite the
fact that the party supports the move
ment for votes for women. This also had
something to do with the decision of the
IUtlwaymen'a executive committee not to
accept women as members.
Dr. King's Xev Life Pills
cured Mr. E. W. Qoodloe, Dallas, Te.
of malaria and biliousness. Best regu
lator of liver, stomach and bowels. 25c
All druggUts.-Advertlsement
Garment Values We Believe Sur
passing Any Ever Shown In Omaha Monday in Our
n LL OMAHA has been talking of the won
Jrl derful values which our June Sales have
brought forth. Every effort has been expended
(not just to give you lovr priced garments) but
to give you better quality merchandise at a
lower price than ever before. The results have justified our efforts. These month end bar
gains are truly exceptional.
'V y IssssssssssW
150 Women's and Misses' Spring Suits that
sold at, $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00; late styles,
good colors, most wanted fabrics; on sale
Monday to close, your choice,
125. Elegant Tailored Suits Made to sell at
$25.00, $30.00 up to $45.00; the season's
choicest styles, fabrics and colors; greatest
bargains ever offered; to close
Monday at
Thousands of Beautiful Summer Dresses at Prices Usually Quoted in August,
Summer Dresses Made to
sell' to $10.00, all colors and
sizes, broad assortment of
charming de- 2 QC
signs, at P
Jap Kimonos Made of imported embroid
ored crepes, made to sell at $4.00 (F f Q C
your choice Monday P
Women's Long Silk Princess Slips Made to
sell at $4.00, good colors; on sale J QJ
Misses' $1.00 Middy Blouses,
Summer Dresses Made to
sell up to $15.00; a fine as
sortment of beautiful new
styles, all colors
and sizes. . .
Summer Dresses Made to
sell at $18.00 and $20.00:
choicest fabrics, all colors,
elegant designs
Women's and Misses' Bloomers Made
sell to $3.00, all colors, big assort
ment; on sale at, choice
Women's Bloomers Made to sell at Xto
$1.00; in Monday's sale at D2?C
Children's Straw Bonnets at Half.
Many Bargains in Infants' Wear.
Specials in
Linen Department
Belfast Table Linen, heavy double
damask, 72 Inches wldo, values
to $2.50, yard S1.50
German Silver Bleached Satin
Damask, pure flax, regular $1.60
goods, yard S1.00
Hemstitched Austrian Table
Cloths, assorted sizes and pat
terns, values to $1.05; on sale
at, each S1.48
Unhemmed Pattern Tablo Cloths,
sizes 8x10 and 8x12, puro linen,
values to $5.00, each. . .2.00
Round Thread Art Embroidery
Linen, puro flax, 36 inches wldo,
regular 75c quality; Monday at,
yard 50d
Puro Linen Dinner Napkins, slzo
22x22 inches, assorted patterns,
regular $5 values, doz. .S3. OO
iExcelsiro Quilted Tablo Pads,
ready for use, round or square,
values to $1.85, each... 1.50
High Grade Pure Linen Barnsley
or Glass Toweling, full width,
values to 15c, at UOd
Drug Dept. Spe
cials for Monday
Five bars of Ivory Soap for. . .10c
Five bars of Sweetheart Soap and
a 15c can of Swootheart Talcum
Powder for 25c
25c size Tooth Pastes and Pow
ders, in one lot, each 10c
26c Wool Powder Puffs or Toilet
Chamois for ., 106
25c size Peroxide Face Cream 10c
25c Hires' Root Boer Ext. for 15c
25c Eastman's or Jergen'a Benzoin
and Almond Cream for Sunburn,
for 17c
$1.00 of Pure Castile Soap for 40c
26c size Syrup of Figs or Castona
for lCc
75c slzo Jad Salts for the kidneys
at . . 50c
$1.00 White Bristle Bath. Brushes
go at 50c
$5.00 Wellington Syrlngo and
Bottle, guaranteed to you for
five years, for $2.25
$2.00 No. 3 Syringe and Bottle
for $1.00
50c Red Rubber Fountain Syringe
Tubing, five feet long, for.. ,25o
Remarkable Sale French China
Dinner Ware Full Sets and Odd Pieces.
Ohas. Field Haviland China Dinner Sets 95
pieces, beautiful light green floral design
with gold lino knobs and handles, $65.00
values, sot $25.00
Broken lots of same patterns as above, cov
ered dishes, sauce boats, platters, etc., up to
$3.00 values, each . 25c
Martin's French Dinner Ware Les3 Than
Half 100-pieco sets, beautiful forgot-me
not patterns, actual $45.00 values, only six
sots left; on sale $17.95
Tliis pattern is of plain shape, beautiful
white body and beautifully executed deco
ration. Specials in same pattern to close.
Bouillon Cups and Sau
cers, pair 25ei
uroaa ana uuttor nates,
35c Emhr'd's 12c
An exceptionally tine lino of
regular 36c to 50c yard Em
broidery Flounclngs, suitable
for summer gowns.. at, per
yard 12
$1.25 Embr'd's 59c
A fine lino of elegant 45-Inch
Flouncings, In sheer Swiss and
Planen lace combinations, goods
worth $1.00 and $1.25 yard;
Monday, yard 59i
4 H -Inch
each . .
Sugars and Creamers, per
pair Q06
Oatmeal Dishes, this sale,
each 15
Largo Salad Bowls, at,
each Kf)
No Telephone Orders Taken for These Items.
Beautiful New Laces at About Half
The largest and best selected stock in Omaha at
truly wonderful underpricings Monday.
An 8c to 30c Counter
Containing fine Shadow Laces,
New Novelty Not, Torchons ana
Quaker Laces, worth from 15c
up to 50c per yard.
A 15c to 50c Counter
Containing choice Net Top
and Venice Edge Laces, worth
up to 75c yard.
Our 5c Counter
Includes Point de Paris Laces,
Linen Torchon and Cotton
Cluny Laces, worth up to 20o
Our 39c Counter
Offers a Bplendld assortment
of 27-inch Flouncings, made to
sell up to $1.25 yard.
Our 320 Counter
Includes flno Val, Linen Tor
chon and Zlon City Laces, worth
to 10c yard.
Our 19c Counter
Contains Venice FlouncingB
and Sheer Shadow Laces, made
to sell up to 50c yard.
$1.00 Printed Nets, 59c
The popular Novolty for tho
minuet flounces.
Tho name "Warner" on a corset stands invariably for the max
imum ot comfort, stylo and durability. We carry the most complete
lino of warm weather models in Omaha at $1.00 to $5,00.
Corsets that sold to $5.00 Uot I 91.00 Btunmsr srsttlttf Corsets
mokes. Ions; skirt, low burt mod- I . Low bust. Ions skirt, embroidery
els, alt sizes; on sale at.. 32.79 I trimmed; on sals Monday at 09c
39o Brasslsrss and Sanitary Aprons special ati , aso
Expert fitters always In attendance.
Rousing Specials Monday
in Summer Draperies
Marquisettes and Scrims for curtains, to 75c
values, hemstitched hems and lace edged;
on sale, yard 45c and 3.0c
Hemstitched Scrim, with a dainty colored border, C5c
yard values, 40 inches wide; on sale at, yard. .49
"Sunfast" Drapery Materials, allover designs, In all
colors, $1.25 yard values, 60 inches wide, yd. .85
$2.00 Scrim Curtains, ecru or white, wide linen laco
edged, pair 81.25
$3.75 Cable Net Curtains, plain centers, pretty bor
ders, new patterns, pair. $2.98
$0.00 Brussoletto Curtains, white or ecru, big assort
ment, at pair $3.08
Hayden's Make the Grocery
Prices for the People
Our aim is quality, and a savins; of as to Co per cent
ox urar
The First Showing of
the New Fall Rugs
Over two carloads received this week,
and now on display in our big Rug depart-
ment, 3d floor. v
. , New Seamless Wilton Rugs:
Size 10-6x13-6 at , $30.00
Size 11-3x12 at $28.50
Size 9x12 at $22.50
Size 8-3x10-6 at $18.00
Size 7-6x9 at $14.50
Size 6x9 at $12.00
10-Wire Tapestry Brussels Rugs
9x12 size, seamless, at $15.98
8-3x10-6 size, seamless, at $12.98
7-6x9 size, seamless, at $9.98
6x9 size, seamless at $7.98
Seamless Velvet Rugs, size 9x12; on sale at $14.98
7-wlre Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12, seamless,
worsted faced 810.08
"Kolor Fast" Mattings, the ideal summer floor cov
ering, colors guaranteed; on sale, yard 35d
Hot Prices on Hoi Weather Hardware
White Mountain Zee
Cream rreesera
1- qL White Mountain
Ico Cream rreexers
at ...91.49
2- qt. White Mountain
Freezers $1.89
J.qt. White Mountain
Freezers 8SJ19
K-qt White Mountain
Freezers , ta.S9
t-qt. White Mountain
Freezers 93.39
8-qt White Mountain
Freezers 94.39
We Sell Auto Yaaunm
Trcesers, the Xtnd
That rrecse With
out Turnlnr.
919.60 go-lb. capacity
"White Mountain"
refrigerator, beauti
ful solden oak cose,
all interior parts re
movable, pure "Bak
ed Whlte,r finish tn
side; reduced for
Monday's special sale
to 91&.9B
835.00 100-lb. capacitv
"White Mountain"
refrigerator reduced
Monday to ...819.98
938.80 US-lb. capacity
"White Mountain'
refrigerator reduce-1
Monday to ...931.98
Water Coolers
4-ffallon water coolers
ot 83.33
C-siillon water coolers,
at 83.93
8Kallon water coolers
at 93.39
10-irallon water coolers
at 93.9a
Small 1-burner ovens
at ...... ..,.. 8Qo
Largo 1-burner ovens
at 91.49
Large 2-burner oveni
at 91.98
Screen Doors and
Screen Windows
Any size heavy hard
wood green flnlsn
door 91 19
Any Hlze heavy ham
wood fancy varnish
ed doors 91.39
tATsre knockdown
screen frames, at up
from 38o
Extension screens, up
from 86o
SUfrbrerator Pans at
Barg-aln Prlcss.
SSo size refrigerator
pans ..,.l9o
40c size refrigerator
pans 39o
16o size refrigerator
pans .... . . ... ,33o
60c size refrigerator
pans .... ..,.,,390
on the cost
81 lbs. Best aranulated
Sugar $1.00
10 bars Beat-Em-All, Dlu
mond C, Lennox or Laun
dry Queen White Laun
dry Soap SSo
7 bars Husk In Bros. Elec
tric Spark Soap 3Bo
10 lbs. best White or Yel
low Commeal , 19o
8 lbs. best Boiled White
Breakfast Oatmeal ..SSo
The best Hand Ploked
Navy Beans, lb So
4 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar
Corn 2So
6 cans Oil or Mustard .Sar
dines 23o
The best Domestic Maca
roni. Vermicelli or Spa
ghetti, pkg 7Ho
16 ounce cans Condensed
Milk 7tte
Tall cans Alaska, Salmon
at ., too
3J-oz. Jars Pure Fruit
Preserves 3So
(lb. boxes Fancy Soda
Crackers 3to
E. C Corn Flakes pkg. .So
Grape Nuts, pkg 10c
( lbs choice Japan rtk-o 350
4 lbs. Extra Fancy Japan
Bice. 10c quality. . . . SSo
1-lb. cans Assorted Soups,
at 7,o
For a good summer drliiK
try a bottle of Wild Cher
ry Phosphate or Boot
Beer lOo
Fancy Queen Olives, qu 3So
The beat Tea Sifting, t-er
pound) loo
Oolden Santos Coffee, per
Extra fancy
. . 300
uaurornia Lemons, at, per
uozen a&o ana aoo
Buy your Lsmors now
for the roarth.
The Best Creamery Butter,
Carton or Balk, lb,...89o
Fancy Country Creamery
flu'.-.or, poun'l 37c
No. i.l Dairy, Table Butter,
uounl 330
Tho best Strictly Frcsn
Oiia.'auloed Uffijs, ptr
lo-n 22c
Full Cren-Ti New Yor:c
Whlc. Wisconsin Cream
or Young America Cheese,
ound 20o
The best Imported BwIsh or
P.04 icfi it Chtese, lb 3So
The Vegetable and XTuit
Marxt for the People of
New Potatoes, 16 pounds
t-i peck 45c
Fancy Wax or Oreen Beans,
oui:d .So
Fane Peas, quart .. So
4 junchtH FreHh Betix,
Car nil, Turnips or Rod-
6 buncneu Fresh Urcen
Oniw .... ......... 8c
New Cabbage, lier lb . .3Vio
4 bunchi Fresh Kohl
ruM Bo
2 la.'j Clre4ii Pepper. So
4 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce
for ,.Bo
LarjcJ he.uls Freh 1U ad
Let". i: , TWc
Fancy Ripe, per
jo ml .... . .. loo
Close-out Prices Dining Chairs
Full box seat dining chair, genuine leather,
fumed or golden oak, slip seat, each, $3.00
Dining Chair, real leather, fumed or golden,
tack seat, full box . . $2.50
Golden oak, leather seat diner, each, $1.95
Pull box wood peat liners, golden or fumed;
in this sale, each $2.00
We have cheaper wood seat chairs as low as,
each : $1.00 and $1.50
$16.00 Dressing Tables, on sale S12.50
Large China Closets, round gloss S1250
Heavy Golden Oak Buffets, each Slt)!50
Music Cabinets, several patterns, worth $10.00 to
$18.00; one day sale S6.50 and S9.50
White. Maple Sewing Tables, each l OO
Rubber Tired Sulkies, on sale S2 50
Magazine Racks, all size; on sale
each..... Sl.OO. 81.50 and P to S2.50
Roister Rolls, worth $2.00; in this sale $1.25
GOlden Oak Dressers, large plate glass mirrors, bev
eled, three patterns in this sale one day
cach S7.50, 88.50 and S9.50
Notice to Customers
Beginning Wednesday, July 1st, and con
tinuing till September 1st, tills store will
close at 5 P. M., excepting Saturdays, when
the hour of closing will be 0 P. M.
Friday evening, July 3d, store will bo
open till O P. M.i and will close all day Sat
urday, July 4th. Please arrange your buy
ing so that all deliveries can be made Fri
day, as there will be no deliveries made