12-A THE OlttAIIA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 28, 1914. TACHT OUPJNTEREST KEEP American Defenders Are Daily At tracting Much Attention. ONVADER REGARDED AS MARVEL Shamrock IV Mnnr New Feature. Which Arc Expected to afnke Some ISxtmorAlnnrr NEW TORK, June 27.-With the threw I 1 . . -1 - . .... .I..- t..n1i.t I MMilCA B cup UC1CI1SB JttUlim nroutuw, , Vanltle and Defiance cniwted In almost dftlly test race and Sir Thomas Upton' ehallonger, Shamrock IV, preparing to all for America, Interest In the coming International races for the famous yacht trophy Is Increasing; rapidly. Tho status mnd racing ability of the three American sloops are fairly well established, but the full possibilities of the Nicholson seventy live footer will not be known until ahe can be seen In practice off 8andy Hook. Her description as cabled from England points to a yacht which departs from hmny of the orthodox canons of sloop bulldlnff. Many yachtsmen believe that Designer Nicholson, with his radical In novations, has produced a boat that will prove extremely formidable. This 'bellof Increases tho Interest with which Sham rock IV Is watched on this side of tho Atlantic and raises the question again m to whether the cup committee will permit tho challenger to be towed at nf time during the long ocean voyage which Is to be soon undertaken. The same question is agitating Kngllsh yachting circles and there Is much dis cussion In both clubs and In the publlo prints regarding this Important angle of fie cup con left. Tho Impression pre vails abroad that tho New York Yacht club committee Is opposed to granting permission to tow and while the matter .Is under disruption neither the chal lenger or defending clubs wilt state their official attitude In the matter. Ilcstrlctlnn n Handicap. Basing their opinion on the assumption that such permission will be granted re luctantly, If at all. the English yachts man and writer holds that the restriction Is one that handicap tha challenger. That there are two sides to the contro versy, however. Is shown In tho follow ing ortlcle by a well known English yachting, authority: 'It Is very evident that considerable Wall Paper Specials Monday wo placo on sale tour apodal lots of good serviceable papors, 7c bed room and kitchen pa pers, light and medium colors with border to match, t)X.g Monday, roll 2v llic parlor, dining room, store and hall papers, nil now patterns In all shades with, fl inch and 18lnch border PI to match; Monday, roll Osj C 18c bed room papors, stripe and floral patterns with cut out border and base Q binders; Monday, roll.. SC 25o and 60c oatmeal papors In plain und figured patterns. All shades In 2 -i A -OP., lots Monday lC-CiJC BRANDEIS $1.25 and $1.50 Wash Suits 95c The suits In this moder ate price group Include Uiw clever little low neck and. short bIcovo Russians and blouso styles. Made with straight out pants. Also Ions sleeve suits with bloomer pants, and Ollvor Twist suits. Exceptional Qff offer at 30C $1.75 and $2 Wash Suits sflAB There aro two tables full .of these suits to bo dIsp6scdJof Mon day. Middy blouso and Oliver Twist models, Alstf 'liuIan , and blouse stylos. Eton collar suits with straight cut pan'ts arid short sleeves. Well assorted fabrics and patterns, $1.40. $2.50 to $3.50 Wash Suits, $1.95 All the suits In this lot aro of Imported materials, and many are in the most dellcato . summer shades. All strictly fast color, Linen In bluo and tan, galateas In plain shades .or fancy stripes, fancy stripe madras, rops and poplins. Also protty white suits lu linen and plquo, and crashes In natural shade, with dotachablo col lar, Evory new style to bo found in this group at 91. OS. LI Vacation Needs in Drug Section Main Floor. Many warm weather and vacation needs now at special prices, with unusual economics on bathing caps, traveling cases and xn&nicuro goods. Vacuum Bottle Special at 88c A hot weather comfort a house hold necessity. Tako it along on your vacation. Keeps any liquid hot or cold. Pint size heavily nickel platod. A regular .1.50 bottle, very special at .v v v saj.if . i r m ,il lata I m nwam Mil Lfuraon vnom kv-tn: 29c Universally endorsed by all leading beauties, both off and on the stage. Thousands of wo men know that It Is rapid and certain In giving beauty of complexion and skin health. Regu lar 50c Jar, special for , r?i EWHkrVs A Brush for Particular People If you are particular about tho brush you use, let us show you the genuine Hughe's Ideal. We know It will pleaso you. Wo orfer this fine brush at a really surprising price. A quadruple bristle Hughe's Ideal Hair Brush of tho vory best quality, mado t -j in to sell at $ 2; peclally priced In our drug section at. . . . P A A Toilet Specialties Rig. U. S. Pat Off. Kakae Velvety Skla FREEThisWeek So you may know Velvctlna Toilet Goods in Combinations will preserve your complexion, remove sunburn, tan and got that "clean feeling" we will give FREE ONE VEI.VETINA COMPLEXION 80A1. 25c, with every purchase of Velvetlna Massnge, OOc. -Combination for use at night. Removes all dirt, Impurities, wrln- teles etc FREE ONE VELVET1NA FACE POWDER, :15c, with every pur chase of Velvctlna Vanishing Cream, 30c. Combination for use in morning as a dressing. Protects delicate skins from summer's sun and wind. These four articles complete Velvetlna System Combination No. 1 a satisfaction-giving, positive result-giving combination to be had in no other way; economy even at regular prices. During this week all for 91.00, Three Other Biff Free Combinations ASK ABOUT T1IE3I Get YOUR VELVETIXA BOOK AND SAMPLE FREE A complete tfuldc for the cai-o of the complexion. misconception exist In many quarters In regard to the efficacy of totvln;. During the time that the matter was In doubt comment clearly showed that there ex isted a widespread belief that the handi cap whtoh a vessel Incurs in crossing the Atlantic would ho very materially re duced if allowed to tow. This is alto gether wrong-. The one udvantage of towing Is that In case of light winds and calms tho time occupied on the passage Is shortened. "It Is qulto erroneous to suppose that the permission to tow enables a vessel to bo more lightly constructed. To begin with, the permission only applies to calm' WWlttlr Atlrl tin nn t-AtnnnthlA fn 4tm' vessel would desire to tow when there Is anything of a breesr Under certain conditions, a vessel of light construction Is submitted to greater strain In towing than In sailing, and It Is by no means a comfortable means of progressing', ex j erupting In fine weather. ' I "The reason for this s that In towing ! It Is not one continuous strain. It is absolutely necessary to have a very long tow-line, otherwise there would be the probability of tho vessel In tow running , up on the tug. Progress then Is nothing ( more than a series of jerks. When the hawser tautens the vessel receives a I sudden impetus which carries It along faster than the tug Is traveling. The hawser then slackens until the vessel loses her momentum, when It tautens again and another Jerk gives the vessel a plunge forward ngaln, and so the tow ing proceeds. With tho slightest swell on matters aro made much worse, and to attempt to tow a vessel against a head sea Is to submit It to a much moro serious buffeting than It would receive In sailing. "Mr. Nicholson, speaking on the sub ject, said the question of towing had not troubled him at all. Any vessel so weakly constructed as to be unable to make tho passagp under sail would stand a poor chance of arriving on the other side In tow." It generally Is considered, however, that the New York Yacht club will grant permission to tow In calms and light weather. This permission always has been granted to Sir Thomas. Another feature of the cup rules which does not appeal to the average English man Is that which permits tho defender to Increase Its waterllne, but does not extend the same privilege to the chal lenger. On this point another writer states: "Apart from the troublesome delay and at'endant risk of crossing the Atlantic under sail there Is a further point In tho conditions of the race framed by the New York Yacht club committee which appears to us most unfair to tho chal lenging yacht. We do not say that tho New York Yacht club has not the legal right to Insist upon It. because as that club holds tho cup and frames the rules. It Is obvious that It can attach to It any conditions It pleases. If the party con templating challenging dots not like the conditions of course ho need not com pete. We contend, however, that tho fol lowing condition Is unfair, Inasmuch us It gives n better chance to the defender than it allows tho challenger. Beginning Wednesday, July 1st, and 'Continuing; through the months of July and August, this store will open at 8:30 a. m. and closo at C p. m., oxcept on Saturday at 9 p. m. i Women's COc lisle and cotton Sale of 300 Pretty Dresses Worth $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 75 it To offer these bewitching summer dresses good quality, good taBte in design, good styles the latest accepted modes at I he one modest prlco mentioned, Is something that you could expect of no other house In Omaha. Another big purchaso In Now York is the secret a putehaso at much below regular prlco. The trad to life drawing of cltrht models Illustrates the cood stylos in the collection each embodying the Russian tunic Idea In some attractive effect, and there are dozens of different designs, long, medium and modified tunics. Fabrics are linen, ratlno, crepe, plain crepo, voile, organdy, plain, figured, many fancy effects in stripes and bars, black and white combinations and all smart, high colors and delicate shades. If you want a long tunic dress, your opportunity cbmes tomorrow at' this Btore-ono you can scarcely resist. These dresses are reasonably appraised- at $20, $22.50 and $25. The price for your choice of 300 is A Special Group of Dresses 10 These are df sheer summer silks and fine cottons, made in tho nowest of styles. Crepe do chine, Jap silk, taffeta, cotton crepe, ra tlno, linen, voiles, etc. New long Russian tunics and girdles aro distinguishing features. They are drosses of exceptional beauty, at.. Cool Wash Dresses $6.98 For Monday we have arrangod an ex ceptionally attractive group of dresses to offer at this popular price. A large number of protty styles, In crepes,, voiles, .linens, tissues, reps, etc., both white and colored. Pretty Waists and Blouses The most pleasing selection of cool, dainty looking summer waists we have yet shdwn. Made of sheer organdies, voiles and lawns, artistically trimmed with fine laces and embroid eries. Novel effects in organdy collars. Priced $1.50 $1.95 $2.50 $2.98 Fashionable Wash Skirts, $lgg, 2gg, $3gg, $5 A most comprehensive showing now ready, representing overy new style and ma terial. Cord fabrics, crepes, piques, llnenB, etc. Made In long Russian tunic and high glrdlo effects. A Large Lot of Coats Worth to $25, at This lot Includes many of our choicest $20 and $25 coats silk moires, poplins, taffetas, novelty cloths and other materials, made in the best of tho late summer styles. It is a fine selection, at HI2S Dainty Summer Muslinwear, $1.50, $1.98, and $2.98 CriBpy now undermuBllns for hot weather wear. Gowns, skirts, combinations, princess slips, Teddy Bears, envolopo combinations, corset covers and all the sheer, lacy garments that mean so much for summer comfort. Pretty White Petticoats Worth up to' $2.50, Only $1 Wo will offer as a special attraction for Monday shoppers a lot of about thirty doxen pretty lace and embroidery trimmed white petticoats. They are the newest styles all flno materials and regularly worth to $2.50. Choice, 91. Some Impressive Special Offerings of White and Colored Wash Goods Fine white embroidered organdy, so much in de mand for dainty blouses. inches wide. Priced, Whlto French cotton crepo, 39 inches wide, a splen did summer fabric; regularly worth $1.50, at yard Fine white shadow voiles, a new case just received. 40 Inches wide. Extra good quality. at tho yard Silk crepe de chine. Colored grounds with neat printings. 36 inches wido. 69c qualities JsC yard. . $1.50, $1.75 a splen- 59c received. 29c Regular 50c Dress Linen, 25c 6,000 yards of silver bleached dress linen bought in Belfast, Ireland, at less than cost to manufacture, because they have dis continued making it. Good, heavy, round tnreau, made from best selected flax, free from starch, and absolutely pure linen, 36 Inches wide. Regular 50c quality, on sale, at yard 25c Floral and flaked crepes In stripes and check effects. 36 Inches wido. ESA Extra good quality, at yard OUC Irish dimities, 27 Inches wide, grounds with pretty floral de signs. Special, at White pique, wide welts for skirts and suits. 32 inches wide. Our regular 50c quality, 7H on sale Monday, at the yard iDC Light weight ratino desirable for making summer skirts. 45 inches wide. An excellent rr fabric, at yard DC Imperial long oloth, chamois finish, yard wide, best material for undermusllns. Regular fly-i on $2 bolts of 12 yards, for p 1 ,Jif Printed flaxons, the llnen-llke wash fabric with permanent finish. r 15c quality, Monday, yard 1UC Whlto 25c Special Lots Laces Monday Laces Worth up to $1 Yard 50c Silk chantllly flounclngs la white, cream and black, 18 and 27 inch cotton shadow flounclngs, white and cream. 401nch shadow allovors In cream and white. Silk shadow allovors In white and Ivory. Yard wide. Two-tone oriental flounclngs. 18 luchos wido. 18 and 24-lnch oriental flounc lngs. White and cream. Flowered nets In daint ycolor Ings. Yard wide., Black silk figured nets. 42 Inches wide. Baby Irish allovors In soft fin ish. 42 Inches wide. .Shadow flounclngs, 9 to 18 inchos wide. White and cream. 14 and 181-nch camtsolo laces for corset covers. Venlse bands in widths to 4 f fj inches. Whlto and cream. I STjC 18-lnch allover la,ces. White and I cream. Narrow net top and shadow laces In widths from 4 to 8 Inches. All new, dainty designs. Many are suitable for pleatlngs for waist trimmings Choice of laces worth regular up to 40c, at the main lace counter specially priced Monday, yd. 15c and 25c. Laces at 5o Yard French and German .val. laces In Insertions and edges to match, all linen torchons, plain and fancy cluny laces up to 6 lncheB wide. Many to match. The best lot of laces we have offered at this price. Qualities worth to 10c a yard, priced Monday, at 5c. Lcc& Worth Up to 35c Yard I Sale of the Goldberg Art Stock Continues This Week With Pictures, Frames an,d Art Goods at About Half Goldberg's Prices Hundreds of wonderful values for those who come tomorrow. HER GIFT, genuine copyright hand colored "Camp- OO bell" copy, 13x22-lnch size, never before sold at less JfhO than $1.00, In this sale ' Good size American Large untrained pic- Small ,oll paintings oil paintings with Eu tures, photogravures, by eastern artists., truscan gold frames, etchings, Gramercy which Goldberg sold Goldberg's prices $10 prints, etc. Values up at $5 to $10, will be to $15. Our sale price, to $12, on sale at on sale tomorrow, at $4.90 $1.00 $1.75 FRAMED PICTURES The framed pictures we have divided into seven assortments. 24c, 48c, 75c, 98c, $1.98, $2,98, $3.98 These will have to be seen to be appreciated. The values run from 75c to $10. There Isn't a picture In the lot that we are not placing on sale at loss than one-halt the Goldberg price. 75c to $1.25 Picture Frames 500 empty frames In Tarlous sizes and qualities Just a miscellaneous assortment from the Goldberg stock, such as they sold for 75c, 90c, $1 and $1.35. Our sale price 9c Embroidery Specials 18Inch swlss, cambric and longcloth corset cover and flouncing embroideries in artistic small j patterns. Qualities worth up to 25c, Monda A DC Embroideries Worth to 50c at 29c 18, 27 and 46-inch crepe and voile flounclngs and allovers, also corset cover and baby OO flounclngs In swlss. Worth to 50c, yard. . . "- C Embroideries Worth to $1.50 at 59c 45-lnch crepe, voile and swlss flouncing embroid eries In numerous beautiful patterns. rQ Qualities worth to $1.50, on sale at 05C Embroideries at 5c Pretty embroidered edges, some with Insertions ..5c to match. Fine baby patterns worth to 12V4c a yard, at yard In the Drapery Sectioq Regular 25o etamlnes, at yard, 10c. $1.50 swlss curtains, Monday, pair, 30c. Regular 50c cretonne, afyard, 30c. Regular 35c window shades, each, 20c. Good $2.50 lace curtains, at pair, 91.30. Regular 35c bungalow net, yard, 10c. Pretty 40c colored madras, yard, 25c. 19c drapery etamlne, at yard, 10c. Fine $10 cedar chests, each, 98.25, Regular $10 couch hammocks, 90.08. Regular $2.50 woven hammocks, 91.85.