:he Omaha Sunday Bee PAST 0N- NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE 10 TWELVE. THF WEAT:rpp Fair Cooler vol. XLTVNO. 2. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKNING, JUNE 28, 11)14 - FIVE SECTIONS-- TJllUTY-EiailT PAGEvS. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. 4 MEETING OF RIVAL MEXICAN PARTIES SEEMSASSDRED Statement is Made at White Houso After President Receives Mes sage from Niagara Falls. NAON TALKS WITH AMERICANS Conference of Huertistas and Consti tutionalists is Expcoted to Result in Failure. ADVANCE ON SAN LUIS POTOSI Four Rebel Generals Are Concen trating Forces on the City. FEDERALS AFTER RENEGADES United Stntea Troops in Tm Ctiib Aaked to Help Capture Jlnnui dera Who Are Operntlns Between the Line. WASHINGTON. Juno 27.-Preeidont Wilson early today received a lengthy message from the American delegates at Niagara Falls, and officials close to the executive expressed the opinion that a meeting between the Huerta and consti tutionalist representatives was practically assured. The message received today Is said to havo reported the results of a conference! between the American delegates and Mln lstr Naon. While It Is Intimated In some quarters that an Informal conference be tween the opposing Mexican factions will terminate In failure, It was made clear that President Wilson Is viewing the ne gotiations optimistically. The State department was today noti fied through the Brazilian embassy that General Huerta was willing to have Vice Consul SUllman return to his post at Saltlllo. The request to Huerta to return the American consul, whom his troopa imprisoned and threatened with death. to a territory over which ho now has no control was merely a formality and to preserve the good faith of the United States In respect of a promise it made when It secured the release of Sllllman from, his precarious position. The consti tutionalists now entirely control Saltlllo and the surrounding territory. VERA CRUZ, Mexico, June 27. The co operation of the American authorities In Vera Cruz was sought today by the' com mander of the Mexican federal outposts, who asked for aid In capturing fourteen desperadoes who have been marauding at night In the country between the Amer ican and Mexican llnee. Lieutenant Colonel Izunsa commander of the federals at the gap In the railway, sent a list of fourteen names, said to be those of men who escaped from San Juan de Ulloa prison after the land lng of the AmerJca.troopr-sV Vera. Crux The Mexican oKlcer asxed for the ar rest of the men and suggested they be hefd In Vera Crux or ttirned loose at the gap. He told the American authorities he would promptly hang tho marauders to the nearest telegraph poles. The men. accused are said to form part of a band numbering thirty, who recently murdered and mutilated a woman In a lonely cabin In front of the American linos, and also murdered the owner of a Spanish ranch within the lines. Colonel Izunza said be caught and lynched thirteen of the men two days ago, but the others had slipped through his fingers and entered tho American lines with the milk and vegetable sellers. They are said to have hidden their arms before going into Vera Crux. . Itmtcb la Still Open. EAGLE PASS, June 27. No signs that a definite understanding has been reached with the object of healing the breach between General Carranza and General Villa, has been apparent at Car ranza's headquarters, according to travel ers who arrived today from Saltlllo and Monterey. The utmost secrecy was maintained, at Carranza's headquarters regarding de velopments and a strict censorship was enforced, they said. Traffic between Saltlllo and Torreon has been somewhat interrupted for sev eral days and It was rumored, the ar rivals said, that the railroad tracks had been heavily mined. The commanders of the constitutionalists In the east and south continue to visit Saltlllo for con ferences with General Carranza, and troops continue to bo moved from that point toward San Lute Potosl. It was reported, said the travelers, that General Villa had expressed the Inten tion of taking tho burden of tho defeat of Huerta on his shoulders and that he was prepared to fight his own way into Mexico City without regard to what Car ranza proposed to do. What tho plans of General Carranza may bo In view of this statement are unknown. Finger Torn Off. TECUMSEH, Neb., June 27. (Special.) John Duncan, a railroad section fore man at Elk Creek, had a finger com pletely severed from his hand by his ring catching in tho machinery of a handcar and the ring cutting the member off. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Sunday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Fair, cooler. Hours. Dc. 6 a. in 65 u a. m..... 64 7 a. m 5 8 a. m. w 9 a. m J 10 a. m 71 U a. m 73 13 m 71 1 p. m 75 2 p. m 6 3 p. in. 4 P. ro JT 5 p. m 76 6 p. m 7t 7 p. m. 71 Temperature at Ornate Yeatrrday. Comparative. Local Record. 1S14. 1D1S 1012. 1911. Highest yesterday 11 K US S3 Lowest yesterday 64 76 6i W Mean temperature .... 70 83 83 7s Precipitation .00 .00 .00 XT Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature T6 Deficiency for the day 6 Total excess since March 1 73 Normal j-reclpltatlon 16 inch Deficiency for the itay 16 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 .13. 6n inches KxceBi yincc March 1 13 inch Kxcesa for roi mlo. WI.. -"Vlni-h Deficiency for cor. period, 1912., 5. ii inches ROOSEYELT REFUSES TO REST Physician Prescribes Four Months of Absolute Quiet. COLONEL SAYS CAMPAIGN IS ON He Decline to Obey Order of Doctor, AVho Snya He la Snffcrlnff from Kffecta of Malarial EV.ver. OYSTER BAX, N. T., June S7.-Four months of absolute rest has been pre scribed for Colonel Roosevelt by his physicians, who Informed him that lie was suffering from an enlargement of the spleen and o loss of vitality as a re sult of the malarial fever ho contracted In the South American jungles. "But In four months the campaign will be over," the colonel said today. "Con sequently," he added, he considered it an Impossibility for him to follow his phy sician's advice. Colonel Roosevelt hRs abandoned his campaign trip across the continent, which had been arranged tentatively for September. He also telegraphed to Pitts burgh that he would make only one speech there on Tuesday night Two had been arranged. The change in the ex-president's plans came after an examination made last night by Dr. Alexander Lambert of New York. Dr. Lambert came to Oyster Bay and spent more than an hour in Inspect ing his patient. Then he told him he must rest for four months. He urged the colonel to give up his trip to Pitts burgh, to make no speeches during the campaign and as far as possible to give up everything that would tax fils strength. Ho explained, tho colonel said, that it would retqulre a long period to shake off tho effects of the malaria and that If this were not accomplished, tho disease might become so securely fas tened on him that he would never recover his full strength. It might even Impair his mental vigor, the physician said. Colonel Roosevelt declined to heed the warning. Ho said It would be an impos sibility for him to give up campaign work. "I think Dr. Lambert took a gloomy view", Colonel Roosovelt said laughingly. "But I shall take caro of myself as well as I can and I'l see that tho maarla does not get settled In my sytem." Upon his return from Pittsburgh, Colonel Roosevelt is to sco a throat spe cialist. But whatever the physicians say of the possible consequences he Is determined, he said, to go on with the campaign In a limited way. Doctors Will Try to Educate Public in Care of Health ATLANTIC CITT, June 27.-Educatlon of tho public In medical matters In order to prolong life Is to be the supreme ef fqrt of the American Medical association during tho coming year, according to a statemeptjnadAjpday .by Dr. -Victor ti., Vaughan, the newly elected president, at the close of the congress. "During the coming year," said Dr. Vaughan, "we shall spend our time and money In education. Conditions have changed. Once It was simply a matter of the physician's duty to his patient. The field has become crowded. The physi cians must now go to the public." Dr. Vaughan said the association would spend large sums of money In preparing medical matter for newspapers and In spreading the propaganda of hoalth. Children of Foreign Born Parents Make Better Students CHICAGO, June 27. Children of foreign born parents here excel American chil dren In school work because American children are permitted too many outside pleasures, It was stated today by Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, superintendent of Chi cago schools. The condition was revealed by a survey Just completed of Chicago public schools. "American children are devoted to too many outside attractions which their par ents seem unable to curtail," said Mrs. Young. "These monopolize their strength and attention and as a result there Is a large proportion of overgrown boys and girls In the eighth grades in the American districts." Militants Knock King's Hat Sideways With Bunch of Papers LONDON, June 27. Militant suffra gettes circumvented the police today and bombarded King George and Queen Mary with leaflets at the entrance to Hyde park. A bundle of the papers struck tha king's hat and knocked It sideways, while the queen's parasol caught another shower of pamphlets. Two women were selzod by the police and carried away struggling violently. SENTENCE OF MAJOR K0EBLERJS APPROVED WASHINGTON, June 27. President Wilson has approved the sentence of dis missal Imposed on Major Benjamin M. Koehler of' tho coast artillery corps by a court-martial. Major Koehler was In command at Fort Terry, Plum Island, N. Y when sensational charges were brought against him and the trial was held behind closed doors. ELLMS COMMODORE OF THE CORNELL NAVY ITHACA, N. Y Juno 27. The election . of W. V. Ellms of Mountain Home, Idaho as commodoie of the Cornell navy for 1915 was announced at a breakfast given the j members of the crews and Coach Charles : B. Courtney upon their rUuin to this city today. Ellms, who Is a Junior In the Agricultural college, rowel bow In tbe varsity boat at Poughkeepsle. COUNCIL BLUFFS WOMAN IS MARRIED IN GRAND RAPIDS OIIAND RAPIDS, Ml.:h., June 27-fSpe-clal Telegram.) Earl V Hltes of Inde pendence, Kan weddod Miss La'jra Vi heeWr of Council Bluffs here, SANITATION BIG PROBLEMIN SALEM To Insure Healthful Conditions in Camps Established for Homeless Pressing Que: MHTIA OFFICIALS They Co-operate with Members of State Board of Health in Caring for Firo Victims. NO TROUBLE IN KEEPING ORDER Two Official Camps Establisehd to Aid Helpless. TB3R" ONE BEING PREPARED In Uach of Tents Provided for Shelter There Arc Four Cots, In Some Cnsea Nine or Ten In One Tent. SALEM, Mass., Juno 27. To Insure san itary conditions In the camps established for the homeless was the most pressing problem confronting those In charge of the relief work In the flre-strlcken city today. Officials of the state mllltla and of the State Board of Health co-operated In this work. Two official camps wero In opera tion and preparations were made for the establishment of a third. Into which could be brought many persons at present scat tered In various open places In the city. In each of the tents provided for shelter there were four cots. In some cases nine or ten persons occupied a single tent The mllltla found no difficulty in main taining order throughout the night Smuggling Charge Against Mr. L Levy Officially Abated The Bee not long ngo printed a tele graphic dispatch from New York to the effect that government officials had charged Isaac Lovy of Omaha with smug gling diamonds, the charge, as wo are now Informed, bolng lator withdrawn. Upon reading tho Item In The Bee, Max II. Lovy, son of Isaao Levy, believing that there was some mistake, went post haste to. New York and Invoked tho as sistance If P. Snowden Marshall, United States district attornoy, to Investigate tho case. According to Mr. Levy, It was found when tho facts had been sifted, that there was no Intent whatever to smuggle goods Into this country or to de fraud the government of one dollar of Its Just dues, and the proceedings that had been Instituted against Isaao Lovy wero abated. Furthermore, Mr. Levy Is ox peotedtq arrive homo In Omaha the com ing weak with, his goods restored tojhlnt; by tho government Third Storm Within Week Floods Upper Mississippi Valley CHICAGO, June 27. Large sections ol Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa were early today devastated by tho third storm of the week. Water ran from two to four feet deep In the streets of LaCroase and practically all the railroads in the vicinity experienced severe washouts. At New Abln and Lansing, la., the rivers overflowed their banks and fields for miles were burled under sand and mud. Tho business district of Mandan, N. D was today covered with water three feet deep In many places, and residents, fear ing another cloudburst moved to places of safety. Senators Peeved at Publication of Secret Proceedings WASHINGTON, June 28,-How such complete reports of the proceedings of the eenate foreign relations committee, supposed to be secret, on the pending Nlcaraguan and Colombian treaties got Into the newspapers Is about to be In vestigated. At a meeting today, Chair man Stone was directed to ask the senate to authorize examination of senators and newspaper correspondent to find the source of the Information given to the public. Harman Wins Case Against a Butcher (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. June 27.-(Speclal Telegram.) Food Commissioner Harman received notice this morning that he had won out In the proseoutlon of Mike Svantner, a St Paul butcher whom the department had accumed of unsanitary and unlawful methods In the handling of hogs for sale over his counter, Tha butcher pleaded guilty on six counts and was fined J500. The cases were prose cuted by Inspectors Kemble and Mayo of the pure food department Aged Indian Scout Murdered at Etroul ABERDEEN, S. D., June 27.-(Spec!al Telegram.) Word has reached here o tho murder at fitrool, In Perkins county, last Sunday of Mike Prendergast, aged 73, an old Indian scout fifty years ago. STEAMSHIP IS DRIVEN ASHORE BY TIDAL WAVE UATAVIA, Java, June 27.-The British steamer Klntuck of the China Mutual Steam Navigation company, reported overdue yesterday after a violent earth quake In Sumatra, was found by a steamer sent out to search for It. Jt had been driven ashore In the Straits of Sunda, between Iiatavla and Sumatra, by heavy seas caused by a submarine dis turbance. The Klntuck was crowded with native emigrants. 1 aaaaaaa HllaaPaP 111 I I II I 'Pk H ITS I ..IT I -j TV.W.VW w Drawn for Tho Hco by I'owcli HUNT FOR MISSING LORIMER RECORD Report of Examiner Disappears from Auditor's Office in Chicago. OTHER DOCUMENTS ARE GONE State nrfleial 'tlnnl.lr, .to Fliwl Pitnera Culled For- liy (Irnnil Jury Federnl lnnulrr' ili' jglns Jnlr CHICAGO, June 2T. United' States DIs- trlct Attorney Wllkcrson and State's Attorney Hoyne conducted a 'Bearch for ... i Important documentary ovldence bearing on the failure of the LaSalle Street Trust and Savings bank, which Is declared to have disappeared from the offlco of State Auditor James J. Brady. One of tho documents Is a report of a state bank examiner alleged to show that the Lorl-mer-Munday Dank was In a shaky condi tion. The missing documents are wantoj for use before grand Juries. Federal grand Jury Inquiry Into the conduct of tho LaSalle Street Trust and Savings bank while It was a national Institution was set today for July H, It was announced at the office of the United States district attorney. Depositors of the four small state banks In this city which were affiliated with the LaSalle street bank, and which closed at the same time as the main Lor-imer-Munday Institution, will all be paid In full, it was made known today by Dan iel V. Harkln, state bank examiner. The vault of the LaSalle Street bank was scheduled to be opened today by the receiver. It has been closed since It was sealed by Harkln when ho ordered the bank to suspend. In the vault are about $40,000 In currency, It Is said, about the same sum In memoranda of cash with drawn by Lorimer and Munday on their personal marker slips. CANAL TERMINALS NOW REGULAR PORTS OF CALL PANAMA. June 27. The canal termi nals at Balboa and Cristobal havo now become regular ports of call for severul steamship lines. Interruption of the Tehuautepec railway route across south ern Mexico drove considerable shipping to these porta, hut even now, with the Tchuantepcc service re-established thero are many boats, which continue to :ail at Balboa or Cristobal for transfer of cargo across the Isthmus. The American-Hawaiian Steamship company has gone back to the Mexican ports, but nly until the canal Is ready for regular use. The Elder tc Fyfo company, however, which has hitherto had only an occas ional servlco between Liverpool and Cris tobal, has now increased us service onu Is running - regular steamships, and a Norwegian lino of tramp steamers call regularly, while on the west coast the Salvadorian Railway Steamship lino has been diverted from Mexican ports to Balboa. It Is understood also, that steamrs cf a new Japanese line will begin 'service to Balboa soon. CAPTAIN FOSTER KILLED BY ANOTHER AMERICAN BROWNSVILLE, Tox., June Zl. Cap tain John Von Tarlenhelm, a constltu tlonallit officer, who reached the border yesterday from Tamplco, was authority for the statement that constitutionalists at Tamplco believe Captain John Foster, n American serving In the constitu tionalist artillery, had been killed by an other American, captain rosier was re ported several days ago to have :om mltted suicide by Jumping In the Panuco river near Tamplco. Captain von Har lenhetm, also an American- citizen, said an arrest was expected when he l'-ft Tamplco, When Dreams Come True lift .TS'AMMC-S. am. '-.-' . r j ill - COUNTY CONVENTIONS IN I0W Delegates Named to Four State Con ventions Under Primary Law, ALL PARTIES ENGAGE IN WORK Ilea Molnca Ilepnlillcnua Knnnrae Cummlun- All Partita, Score Votlnnr BInchlnes - Verr rronrennlvrji Apgicsr. jjics juuirfKH. Jtt.. June 3i. ,une.c,iai Telegram.) County conventions' held all over lbtva today In accord wltti thlrflri" niary law named delegates (o four state conventions, but so far as hoard from thero were no features of great Interest. The republican and' democratic, con ventions hold In Dcs Moines wero notable only for adopting resolutions condemning the use of voting machines In the pri mary election. They both declared It much better to return to the printed ballot. In tho republican convention an effort was made to apply a gag rule for elec tion of tho one contested place on tho ticket, but It was overwhelmingly de feated and then the convention nomi nated the .man the rule was Intended to benefit. Tho republicans endorsed Senator Cum mins, Governor Clarke and tho entlro republican ticket and urged all to stand solidly by nil republican nominees Tho democrats Imd a little contest over tho selection of the delegation to tha state convention. The faction controlled by Mulvancy, candidate for congress, and which supported Connolly for sen ator, prevailed. The progressive convention' lauded Roosevelt. It was lightly-attended. Fast Train Has Narrow Escape PITTSBURGH, June rr.-stopplng a fast passenger train In time to save it from thirteen tons of solid steel, falling from a height of 125 feet, was the feat of E. C. Ripley, a Pennsylvania engine- man, of which his friends and railroad men were talking today. Ripley was bringing his train Into the city and was ncarlng a bridge being built high above the tracks. As he rounded a curve he saw a car loaded with a steel beam get beyond control on the finished portion of the bridge and dash down a grade to the uncompleted end, di rectly over the track on which his train was running. Ripley applied the emergency brakes and brought his engine to a standstill Just as the heavy beam and car hit the track ten feet In front of him. The beam was burled In the roadbed and the track torn up. PRESIDENT AUTHORIZED TO SELL BATTLESHIPS WASHINGTON. June 2?. Authority to sell tho battleships Id alio and Mississippi was finally conferred on President Wil son today by the adoption of tho com pleted conference report on the.naval ap propriation bill In the senate. Arrange ments have been practically completed for the sale of the two battleships to Greece, The National Capital Saturday, June. 2T, 1U14. Tbe Senate-, Met at noon. The naval bill finally was passed and debate was resumed on the rivers and harbors bill. Many senators presented petitions for women suffrage. Thr Ilansr, Met at 10: a. m. Debate was resumed on the conference report on the legislative bill. Conference report on the sundry civil bill was discussed. The conference report on the naval bill was sdontad. JAPANESE PAPER FAVORS REPRISAL Niohi Niohi Advises Government to Take Action Against Cali fornia. ORQANEj ARE IipiGNANT BrverAljlRxUt thnt Brmrilr MmV Mo' Koiinfl 'for IiiUln; HHtfntlon Snr Nation ' fulSifld' ! Control Stntfuij TOKJO, Japan, ,-Jtino 27. Tho Japanne press! .generally .'expresses' indignation to day at the attitude of the United States In thei California an'tl-aljcn land con troversy as outlined In the correspond ence between the two governments re cently published. Several 'of the newt papers Insist tnat a remedy must be found for the. "Insulting:' situation. Tha Nlchl Nlchl Is .especially violent In Its utterances. H condemns what :ll calls Japanese flattery of America by participation )n tho exposition at San Francisco, and says that Instead of do ing this Japan should, In- view of the Lnlted States government's Inability to control the statesi consider the wisdom of taking action against California In order to obtain satisfaction. GRADUATES OF OMAHA HIGH MARRIED AT STRQMSBURG STROMSBURO. Neb., June 37.-Spe-clali) "The Cedars," the beautiful home of Mrs. P. T, Bilckley was the scene of an unusually pretty., wedding Wednesday evening, when her only .daughter, ' Miss Beulah I. Buckley, was wedded to Joseph Edmund Wlthrow, Rev. Carl A. Hemborg performing the ceremony. The bridesmaids were Miss ElsPeth Rattle of Denver, Colo I Miss Helen Close of Chicago, III., niece of the groom; Miss Gertrude Owen of Onjaha and Miss Min nie Morrill of this city. Mrs. Grace Frawley Welch of Minneapolis, Minn., and Mrs, Josephine Frawley Tantla of Shelbyvllle, 111., were the bride's matrons and Mrs. P. T, Buckley, the bride's mother, was matron of honor. Lovell Dunn of Omaha, uncle of the bride, was best man. Mrs. J, A, Frawley played Lohengren's wedding march. The bride wore a gown of white char meuse, with point applique lace, made entrain, and wore a long veil of tulle trimmed with the same lace as the gown, made with French cap and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. Tho bridesmaids were gowned In white the bride's matrons wearing their wed ding gowns, and the matron of honor wore a gown of white crepe 1e chine. After the ceremony, which had been witnessed by about thlrty-flvn guests, a reception followed, which Included some two hundred guests. The bride Is a Stromsburg s'rl, the only daughter of Mrs, P. T, Buckley and the late P, T, Buckley. She was born In Stromsburg and has spent the greater part of her life here. She Is a graduate of the Omaha High school ard of Wl tcsley.' The groom Is a graduate jf the Omaha High school and later took a two-year course at the Armour Technology school at Chicago. Mr. Wlthrow Is now a resi dent of Kalama, Wash,, and Is the mayor of the city. TRIPLETS BORN TO FAMILY LIVING NEAR TALMAGE AVOCA, Neb., June n.-CSpeclatO-Trlp lets, agregatlng twenty-three pounds In weight, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Engelbrecht, living southwest of Tal mage, on Tuesday of this week. All three are toyu. two weighing eight pounds each and the other jeven pounds, Mr. and Mrs. Engelbrecht have two other children be(de the three new arrivals. SENATE TO FIND ODT ABOUT LEAKS IN SECRET MEETS Members Stirred by Apparent Free dom with Which Doings of For eign Committee Printed. CORRESPONDENTS TO EXPLAIN Resolution Asking Authority to Subpoena Newspaper Men is Agreed Upon. STONE STARTS PROCEEDINGS Missourinn Introduces Motion, Ac companied with Statement. TWO TREATIES ARE INVOLVED Colomblnn and N'lrnrannnn Pacta Snbjc'cta Concerning Which Uiulcalrftl Publicity Are Riven'. WASHINGTON. Juno 27.-Btlrred to ac tion by the apparent freedom with which the doings of the foreign relations com mittee In consideration of the Nlcaraguan and Colombian treaties have been pub lished from day to day, several senator today agreed on a resolution asking for authority to subpoena several Washing ton correspondents to an Inquiry to de termlno how tho prococdlngs of the com mittedwhich are supposed to be espe cially secret were obtnlned. Prnator Stone Introduced the resolution and It was referred to a standing com mittee, which decides on the expense In such Investigations. It Is expected tho senate will pass It. With the resolution Chairman Stone read Into tho Congrcs flnnnl Record this statement: "All newspaper reports of what has occurred In the committee on foreign rela tions In Its proceedings regarding the) Nlcaraguan and Colombian treaties am unauthorized and Inaccurate and are, moreover, unworthy of belief, becauso whoever gave out the alleged Informa tion betrayed tho confldenco of the com mittee and government and deliberately violated his word of honor." "No man upon that committee," de clared tho senator to his colleagues, "can glvo out the confidential business except he has upon hlni the brand of absolute dlohonesty and betrayal." He added that ho regarded tho disclosures of what had. taken place behind closed doors "a dis graceful performance." Evidence that all senators do not en tirely approve the Idea that the commit tee's proceedings shall be secret was given "b Benutor Norrls, who Is not a. member of tho foreign committee.' He nffere'l n. resolution that all fenators ba supplied with, a copy of tlje testimony ot the committee- on 'tho -treattas. that, .oena tors who were to 'vote on th matter should have tho bonnM or it. One result -of today's developments wa4 to strengthen the determination of sev eral senators opposed; o ,tne treaties lo make an effort tp' have them considered by ,the senate In open session. FILMS PRESENTING PERSON OF JESUS ARE UNDER BAN BERLIN, June 27,-That films present ing the person of Jesus are calculated to shock the sensibilities of religious peoplo and may n6t be presented In Prussia, la the final decision . ot tho Prussian su preme' coiirt. upholding a police prohibi tion of the pictures. The film story waa taken from Klopstock's "Messiah." It la a pretentious example of cinematographic art. The court, ruling against It, bases Its decision on a former decision, holdlnc the Christian religion to be a part of tha public order, against those disturbances tho police are empowered, to act. It con siders the film In Itself likely to offend, and declares a further possibility of of fense Is the fact that It might be pre sented In connection with comla scenes. T0ELESS SHOES ARE . WORN BY LONDON W0MEM LONDON, June 27. The toeless shoe foe. afternoon nnd evening wear and to b worn with or without stockings Is th latest novelty for women to appear In tho London shops. The new design Is of sandal form, with high French heels, and exposes gllmptca of the sides of the foot and toes. They are also made In a 'wide range of colors wth a view to matching tho gownot So far the new shoes has not yet made) Its appearance In the itrcet or the fash ionable tea rooms. Buy a used car. You ran get some real bargains now. At this time of tbe year while many people are buying oew cars, some really excep tional bargains In used cars can be found. Those who have good used cars for sale are telling you all about them on the first page of the Want Ad sec tion today. These cars have been thor oughly overhauled and are in splendid condition. Every car at a bar gain price. Turn to these ads and get busy before someone beats you to the car you want. Telphone Tyler 10.00 The Omaha Bee Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads Jf