Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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4 -bJttltiJ: U1TI JM-tlWS
j, Bath, florist, moved to 1S04 Furnam.
V Bar Boot Print It Now Beacon Press.
JT IUfo Monthly Income Gould. Bee Bids.
I rid.llt? Storage ti Tan Oo. Bong. 1310.
Sight-Inch Electric Fans lor home use,
$7.60. DurRess-Qranden Co.
When yon know gas llBhtlnc you pre
fer It. Omaha Qua Co.. 1M0 Howard St.
Cola Arrival Safely A cablegram was
received by the Cole Cleamery company
advising them of tho safo arrival oC
David Cole at Cork, Ireland.
Will aire Card. Party Rock Springs
camp No. 6630, Modern .Woodmen ot
America, will give a card party Saturday
evening- at Forty-eighth and Leaven
worth streets.
San B, Bntler la Improving City
Commissioner Dan B. Butler, who haa
been 111, Is rapidly Improving and will be
In his office, within tho next two or throe,
days, his physician says.
Br. Owint in Hospital Dr. F. 8.
Owens Is at tho Immanuel hospital, where
he recently underwent an operation at
the hands of Dr. Davis for relief from
stomach trouble.
"Today's Complete Movie Progrant"
may be found on tho first page of Uie
classified section today, and appears In
The Boa EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
South Omaha Oaaa Postponed Hearing
of a mandamus suit brought by South
Omaha city officials in an attempt to
secure the xue of Income from delinquent
taxes for current expenses was post
poned until Thursday In Judgo .Sears'
district court.
Bible Students to Oo to CUntOm Ne
braska delegates to the International
Convention ot Bible Students to bo held
at Clinton, la., next week will leawe over
the Northwestern Sunday evening travel
lng In a special car. There will be about
twenty In the party.
Offices Close Part of Saturday For
the first time In history the -city pas
senger agents of the Omaha poads will
take a part of a Saturday off. "Beginning
this Saturday and continuing until the
middle of September, the city offices of
the railroads will close at 3 o'clock In
the afternoon.
Peter Stafford of Norfolk died Thursday
at Norfolk after an Illness of ten day
following an operation.
The body w 111 arrive hero this afternoon
Pistol Toting in,
Omaha is Going Out
of Style Very Fast
Pistol toting is rapidly going out of
style in this city, duo to; tho-fact that
the silt skirt, the house fly, as well as
a host of other recent importations, are
proving Just as deadly ntid not quite so
mussy In operation. Al.'io Police Judge
Foster's new plan ot fining guntoters
350 and trimmings for Sie first offense
and a grand Jury .sessloh for the second
may have something to. do with it
During the last two days flvo pistol
toters have decided to dispense with their
weapons, the fine being the medium rlv
lng impetus to the decision.
Tony Goletla and Sebastian Mllco were
awarded VH pius eaco ana suiierea me
confiscation of pistol:. Frank Patterson
city dog catcher, who shot at two rail
.road special watchmen when ho thought
they were -holdup men, was fined J25
"Yes,' tho pistol ttotlng habit is passe,"
remarked tho-judg in passlng' scntence.
"The foreign style makers no longer con
elder the oM .45 as something swagger.
Omahana wlU have to forego their weap
on s, for at all hazzards Omaha must be
up-to-thoHmlnuto In the latest styles."
Local Banks Will
Not Lose by the
Claflin Failure
"No, I don ot think much Claflin -paper
la held -by Omaha banks or by banks In
this vjfclnlty," sold a well known local
banket. "I know" that our bank has
not dealt in any of that kind of paper
recently. The fact that there Is no
local Claflin retail store will help explain
our fortunate situation In this respect.'
The reminder that none of the Omaha
mercantile , establishments Is connected
up with the Claflin Interests Is not to bo
taken, so It Is said, that efforts have not
been made by the Clafllns to obtain a
foothold in Omaha. It is understood
that a year or more ago they had repre.
sentatlves looking over the field with a
View to possible negotiation, but that
nothing camo of it.
The Claflin difficulties recall also that
a former Omaha boy, Asa Shlverick
whose father was once a leading furnl
ture dealer here, has been holding re
sponsible positions In different sub-oin
panles, and Is now the manager of the
big Claflin department stores In Cleve
at o'clock on a sptclsl Northwestern
train. Interment will be at Holy Sepul.
cher rometery. Father Buckley ot Nor
folk will accompany the body and will
read the services.
Mr. Stafford has been a roadmaster for
the Northwestern for fort)two years
and was well liked by all with whom he
came In contact. lie Is survived by his , In Omaha about sit: ars ago, and a
wife, firs sons and one daughter. Ho daughter, who died here some time am..
was a member of the Knights ot Colum-'
bus and the Elks. A delegation ot rait
road men and personal friends from Nor
folk will come to Omaha for the funeral
He will b burled here because of a wish
to be placed beside his brother, who died
Foreign Notes
Sarah Bernhardt, the
was suffering from a oeverelv
knee when r he arrived at Ixjrlent, France,
for AlxleIUIns and was rrrled on tt
rlialr from the train to the automobile
which conveyed her to her hotel.
Duke Ocorge 11, of ."axr-Melnlngen and
lllldtmrghaiisen, died ut Mclnlngeii, Oer-
' nnny.
! Tho Freiuh senate yesterday adopted
French ctrf, I without debate n bill nllowlng hrotlicrs-
twisten j " " ai'i micrs'in-inw 10 marry
Sirs. Mary Walsh, widow of the late
Joseph Walsh, well known in umana as
ih. hnrtntnn on the famous Union Pacific
ball tun thirty years ago. died Friday
mnmlnr ut her residence. 1C18 south
Tnth street, after an illness of tout
mnnth Mrs. Walsh was a resident of
Omaha for thirty-four years, coming here
from Illinois, where she was corn, sne
w m veora of are. She Is survived by
three sisters and five brothers. Two sla
ters and three brothers reside In Illinois
and one sister and two brothers In Cal
ifornia. Mrs. Firth, the sister who Jives
In California, has been at the bedside ot
Mrs. Walsh during the Illness. Funeral
win h helri Monday morning at 9 o'clock
from St. Phllomena church. Interment
will bo at Holy Sepulcher cemetery.
Work Is progressing rapidly on the
Nicholas street viaduct over the railroad
tracks, and indications are that the struc
ture will be opened to traffic not later
than the middle of August. The struc
tural steel la more than half In place
and laying the floor of the completed
portion Is going on.
The concrete work at both ends ot the
viaduct Is complete and approaches are
being graded. Over the railroad tracks
the steel frame ot the structure is some
ten feet above the tops of the highest,
.'relght cars. .
Oolntr to ib "MeTli" Tonight f
If you want to know In advance wltat
pictures are going to be shown at yRir
favorite -theater tonight, read "Todriy
Complete Movie Programs" on the first
want ad page. Complete programs of
practically every moving picture tin eater
In Omaha appear EXCLUSIVELY! in
The Bee.
Drug fiends careless with their cigarette
allftfc af fl t.t fh nlrl Itnnavnn hnllM
I at Ktghth and Capitol avenue and caused
i total destruction The building hai been
la deserted wrctk for years,
Saturday, June 27, 1914.-
-Sixtecmh and Harney Streets
Prcnio cameras
at special dis
count of 10 per
Business is Very Good With Us Mighty Good. Thank You!
BUT It's Delivering the Goods Having Everything Just as Repr?sented and Giving the Public Such Values
as These Which We Are Offering for Saturday, That Help to Make It So.
V o develop
your fllim free
when order I
left for printing.
At a Very Big Reduction
100 dozen fine lisle union suits, 50c values, 25c.
500 dozen vests at 5c, 10c and 15c; values 10c to 29c.
E were fortunate in buying
this lot of underwear at
prices way under the markot. "We
nre glad to give our customers
the benefit of our good fortune.
Each garment is truly a big val
ue. See them in the windows.
Women's 50o Union Suits, 25c
Mb lisle union suits, low neck,
Bleovoloss, umbrella knee, lace trimmed.
1,200 garments. Buy now for tho
summer's needs at, each, B5c.
Women's Oumfy Out Vests, 15c
"Cumfy" cut and snnpea vesiB, low
doien. extra good value, at each, 15c.
Women's 15c to 19c Vests, 10c.
250 dozen fine swlas ribbed vests, cunify cut and shaped, regular
16c to 19c Talues, each 10c.
Women's 10c Vests at 5c
A big lot of swlss ribbed low neck .sleeveless vests that are ordi
narily good values at 10c, to go Saturday at Oc,
Bnross-ITasn, Oo, Main floor.
2,000 Dozen Pairs Women's and Children's HOSE at
Prices That Mark a Great Record in Value Giving
asicry at way down prices at n big saving to yourself.
Ollderl'ul llOSSOrv Rllle. Examinn tlir linsn rlinnlnvoH in
ubservo the qualities note tho extremely low prices you will quickly realize whnt splendid values we offer.
HERE is nu opportunity to buy an entire summer's supply of Ik
Wo urge every woman in Omaha to take advantage of this w
our windows
Wo en's 50c Silk Boot Hose. 25c
Women's silk boot hose, fancv embroidered
lisle, in black, white and colors, silk
lisle, etc. A mngnificent gathering of
reg. oUc values, Saturday at, pair
Women's Hose
15c to 19c values 10c
Women's fine cotton
hose, strictly perfect
goods, in shades of
tan, pink and sky blue.
Just see them in the
windows, the values speak
for themselves. Regular 15c
to IBo values, very special
for Saturday st price, 0c.
Women' 25c Silk Boot Hose, 15c
Women's silk boot hose in white
gauze lisle in black and colors,
mercerized lisle in blacl- and tan. It is
Impossible to list ail the good items, but
every pair is a 35c quality. Saturday, pr
' and tan,
,w w
Women's $1 Pure Thread
SILK HOSE, at Pair, 59c
They are, in fact, the regular $1 kind,
but we wnro fortunate in picking up a big
lot at an underprice, and offer you tho
benefit of the transaction.
They are Btrlctly perfect, pure thread silk, with
high spliced heels, lisle Bole nnd toe
and heavy garter tops. Absolutely
fast black or white; all sizes in tho
lot. Positive $1.00 values, Satur
day, at tho pair
25c Values at 15c
Wo didn't forget the
kiddjes. Wo weren't i
able to got in tho spc
cial purchase just what
wo wanted, so wo
marked down two special
350 values to sell at lEr
for Saturday. The bcust wear
ing stocking In the world
for hard vacation wear.
Women's Cool JAP SILK
WAISTS, Saturday atl .39
THERE are several very protty styles
for selection just the sort of waists
that every woman wants right now. The
offering includes:
Several pretty new models from which
to select.
Striped tub silks with white embroidered
collar and 'cuffs.
Plain white Jap silk with embroidered
collar and cuffs, also with organdio collars;
very special at $1.39.
Burcress-Nash Co. Second Floor.
sp 1 en did
selection from
which to
choose; made
f silk, Jersey
and messalino, In
all tho now deep
and narrow
flounce styles
and a big range of latest colors;
skirts selected from our regular
$5.00 line and priced very special
for Saturday at, your choice, $2.75
Burgess-Hash Co, Second Floor.
Lisle GLOVES. 21c
SAMPLES bought from a
New York importer;
long or short, including silk
lisle, chamoisette and cha
mois lisle; 25c, 50c and 75c
values 21c
Boreas-Hash Co- K&la Floor,
INCLUDING organdie collars,
organdie vests, fine net vests,
flat venlce collars, sheer organ
die Gladstone collars, etc, A re
markable selection.
Burffesg-Ifash Co. EXaLo Floor.
Child's White and Colored Dresses
2 to 14 Years Were $1.25 to $2.50 for 95c
MOTHERS with a girl or two to clothe will
appreciate this bit of news.
The dresses aro made of white lawn and voile, also
an colored chambray, striped and checked
(Jk a percales and ginghams, also cotton crepe,
tr tfi t trimmed with plain contrasting materials;
long waist bolt effects, for ages 2 to 14
years; somo of tho white dresses are slightly soiled,
but the former prices were $1.50 to $8.50; choice, OBc.
Child's 50c Rompers at 30c.
Chambrays, striped and checked ginghams, madras
' and cotton crepe, beach and bloomer styles; finished
with bands and pipings of plain materials; sizes for
C months to C years.
Children's O0c Hats at 25c
Made of Milan straw in light and dark colors, trimmed with silk band;
were 69c, sale price Saturday, choice .,.... 25c
Bnrgess-Wash Co. Second, Floor.
June Sale Beautiful New
at $7.98, $12.95, $15.00 to $35.00
Men's Wash FourinHand
Neckwear, 5Qc Values,, 25c
A CLOSE OUT of a big manufacturer 100
dozen, but at the way they are priced
they'll go out fat Saturday.
Wash neckwear made in De Joinvlllo
stylos, every one now and fresh. Fig
urod, pauol and plain stripe3 in a wide
solcction of pleasing values that are guar
teed to wash
Come Satrday morning and pick out a generous
supply wear a clean tlo every day; positively 50c
values, at choice, 25c.
Surg-i-lTnsli Co. Main Floor.
AN EXQUISITE gathering of the season's newest nnd
most favored creations. Just such dresses as overy
woman appreciates, developed in line voiles, crepes, or
gandies, silk crepe de chine, .Japanese silk and fine lin
gerie materials.
The styles nre plain tailored, some are trimmed with
dainty embroidery and, fine laces, tunic and draped
puffed and tier effects.
The waists are blouse stylo with short sleeves and
the new Gladstone collars, girdles are plain whi.e and
colors, including maise, green, rose, tango, blue, etc.; all
sizes for women and misses, and specially priced at
$7.98, $12.95, $15 to $35
BnrarMs-Wash Co. Bfoonfl Floor.
RIBBONS at 10c
ANOTHER big special in
cluding satins, taffetas
and fancy flowered, from 3
to 5 inches wide; colors,
black und white.
Ribbons at 19o
Fancy moire, mesFallne, plain
taffeta, etc., 5 inches wide.
Bunrats-Kasb Co, Main Floor.
25c Values for 10
PLAIN linen, ombroldorod
corners, dainty ltttle colored
borders and crochet edgos in
Surffsss-XfssU Co, Main Floor,
Me s $6.00 Italian
Leghorn HATS, $4.50
to bo
tho big sell
ing hat for
wear thetb
aro made
without tho
dressing o r
filling and
run ltn Mitnn.
" " jrr -
nn an nnnllv nn n nlrno itf ninth ftnt.
urday regular $6.00 values, at 84.50.
Other straws nnd Panamas at 91.00
to ?0.00.
Burs;ss-Hasn Co Kiln Floor,
Men's Soft SHIRTS at 49c
That Were 69c and 89c
Genuine Amoskeag Ginghams in
the Economy Basement at 5c
THERE la no need of comment on such 4 special as this other
than to say they are In a splendid assortment of checks and that
the, quantity is limited to each customer.
nnrgass-tTash Oo. Economy Bassment.
Women's DRESS
PUMPS, at $3.35
HERE'S another big shirt Bpeciul
for Saturday that will appeal
to hundreds of men just the very
shirt for golf, tennis, motoring und
other outing wear; mrtde of a splen
did selection of materials with g
soft collars attached, also with
out collars; somo with soft rf I
cuffs, others with stiff cuffs....
Thero's a Score or More of
Splendid Patterns.
Those with soft collar attachod
Include sizes XiVi to 16 only, the
others range from 14 to 17, ex
ceptional values at 09c and 80c,
choice Saturday at 40c
Burg-css-STash Co. Uala Floor,
THE very newest stylo crea
tions in women's summer
footwear, showing the
"Cleo" colonial
T Tt "fSdu'l loath
heels; col
pumps with Spanish
Louis heels in genu
and soft patent leath
ers; buckle and tonguo
colonial pumps in patent and
crs with Spanish and Cuban
colonial pumps made with patent
forepart, vesting cloth back and full Spanish Louis
heels. These pumps are all on the new recede toe
lasts, perfect fitting and very dressy. A very
special offering for Saturday at 83.35.
Women's Colonial Pumps at $2.85
Beautiful colonial pumps made of satin, patent and
velour leathers, with hand turned soles and Louis
heels. The very latest lasts and our regular $3.50
lines, specially for Saturday 2.85
Men's $3.50 Oxfords at $2.05
Men's oxfords in tho best styles, made of patent, gun
metal and tan Russia leathers, Goodyear flexible welt
sewed soles; our regular $3.50 lines, special for
Saturday, at pair , 52.03
Barg-ass-XTach Co, Mala Floor.
Sale of Pure Drugs and Toilet Goods
-SSasa vrnlto k Falm- KUctrlc Spark Boap, qr .
WHIf-Luvl TUy aLjrTl oUTe 8 cakM Maptha OA IrL "1
-WEfiTi soap, dpMgmtem soap, P. & O. Naphtha An Soap. Pff VlmptHl' 1
JnPgPffl cfti. pl3lMoa- Koap r0 10 tars W i&dM
3 g SIS "c"' 8oap 22c 39c Z-Stkii
vn-llams' Bhavlnr for 0 t!!, 7 -tu.l' tu,o Chamois ....
fap n Jvorr Boap, O- -, H- Toll. Kft ffad Baits, flQn
for OO p.r cat. ... OU jb. bottls tor ,u Watsr .... UN-0 7fio sis. ... 30
Jap Rose Soap,
3 for 17c.
1 pt. Beef, Wine.
and Iron ...,43o
Sodium Phosphato
60c bottle . . .3So
Iiromo Seltzer, $1
bottle COo
HorllcU'a Malted
Milk, $3.60 bottlH
for . 2.T4
Httt Water not- i ---
,,nd-600 V " I ...7. .06.
H?t,W?tiL,B.,0.t- "ubber Qlove-.
tie. tl0 kind 7So I 60c kind ....SBi
3 In i oil, )0i
kind 7c
Carbona, lie
kind 18o
H. t 11. Soap
for IBo
Ll.j'jld Vi-nicr.
2(0 bottts 17o
Liquid Veneer,
in buttle P7c
Syrup of FIks, loo
bottle 34
Xiydla B. Vink.
ham, $1 bot,,03o
Duffy's Malt. SI
bottlo 76J
.Swamp Hoot, (1
bottle 700
Uck'n Malted
25c size
hT1!b-b-R Plni
Milk, 60c bot.So
Aspirin tablets, a
bottle ,.17o
lllnkle's Pills, per
bottl i0o
Mentholatum, 50o
Jw. Bo
Seiailt. Powders,
2Cc packug-. . i4o
-Vic size,
Palmollve Cream BATH CAPS
or shampoo, 60c HIk uasortment of
size ......... 39o styles and priced m
rivers La Trifle, from.., 36o to 53.00
?er. for 7So
Mennen's Talcum
for xoo
Da.tha.wett. t li o
26c nlzn .....180
I.e'bell'. powder,
60c size 25o
Banltol Tooth
Powder, the Ue
for loo
Chips, !
American Taffeta
Umbrellas, Regular
$1 and $1,25 Values
THEY nro for men nnd wom
en, good paragon frames
and steel rods, covered with
genuine American taffota with
taped edge; strictly fast black
nnd waterproof.
Every One Guar
anteed for One
Year and a Day
and if it should fail we will give you
a new one Jn Its place.
Plain and carved mission, black ehonnM nt.-i
W01, also prettily trimmed handles; ladles' size have
urn minim iubbbi, encn umoreua has
suarantee tag attached; positively
tl.00 and ?1.25 values; your choice,
Saturday ,
Surgees-Sash Co, Main no or.