15 nKAi ESTATE PIlOl'HUTY PUR BALK. REAL ESTATR CITY PKUFERTY I'OR SAI.lt. REAL ESTATE CITY rUUPKIlTY FOll SALB. REAIj ESTATE city pnorrcitTY ron balk. KKAL ESTATE t'lTV imOPKHTV KOIX ALR. REAL ESTATE city rnoiusnTY rou salf,. BOATMEN MAYBE ARRESTED CITY THE BEE: OMAIIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1914. CI PT - if i rTTi MS 18 I--1 -J. MONTCLAIR Foxes have holes, birds of the air have nests, the Indi an his wigwam, but not more than one civilized man in four has a habitation he can Call his own. If you have not already started to acquire some part of the earth, hero is your opportunity. On Saturday, June 97th at 2:00 P. M. wo are going to offer for teale lots in Montclair .Thirty-third street, Cuming to Hamilton. Salesman will be on the ground Friday, 4.00 P. M. until dark to show the property. Right in town only 12 minutes by street car to heart of cHy 18 minutes to Railway station. These are not cheap lots but goqd lots at cheap prices and on easy terms. , , Building restrictions just enough to make it an ideal place for homes. We offer on easier terms, than have ever before been offered on this class of property., The prices range from $700.00 to $'1,300.00; a lot and these prices include water, sower, gas and cement sidewalks, all paid for. . . Two street car lines Boulevard traverses property and Bemis Park and play ground adjoins it on west. Schools and churches in close proximity. . High School and Creighton University in easy walking distance. - , Terms'$12.50 to $25.00 ii lot cash, balance $12.50 to $25.00 a month, or easy quarterly, semi-annual or rfnnual payments. v . Don't forget date of sale, next Saturday, 2:00 P. M. tillnight. Take Cuming street car and get off at Boulevard or Harney street car and get off at Myrtle Avenue, or if more convenient, call Douglas 1722 and wo will show you property any time"beforo date of sale. Douglas 1722. REAL ESTATE FARM A IlANCIl I.A.N'DS Foil SALE. .- Ncnrnaba. W.1&-PBR ACRE-W.1S. . MO-acre Improved western Nebraska etock ranch, easily worth 17.60 per aero, but owner must ralso money at once, so Is offering this ranch tor 3.15 per aore cash for, quick sole. Would you trade one dollar for twoT That Is what wo are offering you In this place, and more, but .It must go at once. Title perfect and clear. Write or wlro for full particulars. "Walt & Dean. Agents, Blue Mound. Kan. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. SO-ACRB Irrigated farm 1S4 mile from county Beat, raise alfalfa, fruit, stocks, dairying and hogs. Must sell or will trado for stock of merchandise or other property In city or country. Write prlco and particulars in first letter If trade. Address Box 661, Gooding, Idaho Pianos for other musical Instru'ts. D. 2017. OMAHA Improved property for farm: .4 dwellings, goodrepalr, annual rental, JllJO, valued at JISJDOO: garage for three autos; on corner and car line. Want grain and stock farm within ICO miles of 'Omaha. Describe your farm to ARTHUR CHASE, Sole Agent W8 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Nob. .til AfMtKH for Ruin nr ftxehanKO. Com' binatlon stock and grain farm, 100 acres In cultivation 40 acres wheat, 40 acres com, 20 acres barley, and other crops. Can be sold for $20 per acre. Owner will consider Omaha Income prop erty or stock of hardware. Submit all offers to t ARTHUR CHASE, Sole Agent. 5i8 0maha Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FOUND-rJ20-acre homestead In settled neighborhood: fine farm land; not sand hills: cost you 200, filing fees and all. J. A. Tracy. Kimball, Neb. REAIj ESTATE IX) AN 8 HOC to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Weaa. weaa mug., im aim turnum. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam. net CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlbers Co., 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. KEE us. first If you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co.. Omaha, Neb. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Nat. Bk. Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. 41. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. CITY and farm loans, 5, 6Vi, per cent j; H. Dumont & Co.. 1003 Farnam. Omaha. HARRISON & MORTON. 91 Om. Nat. WANTED City loaus. Peter Trust Co! UillA, V 1.V XJilU0.0mana Nat Banl. ( arm loans. Optional payments & an ndal Snt. Wm. McCorinlck. 1201 Farnain. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat Douglas 2715. REAL ESTATJC " CITY PROPERTY Foil SALE. Down lown Investment Pull lot C6xl2J feet. 1V4 blocks from post office, close to ne,w Fontenelio hotel; In Come, $2,040. Price. J20,600. This property will pay you 7 per cent net and the ground is constantly increas ing in value. Inside property like this In Omaha Is as safe as a mun cip'il bond and much more profitable. J. H. Dumont & Co. a Farnam St, Phone Doug 63a-o Part of the rr - r - , . Ham, i UJ.. rT-Prr' 1 1 l" ti -i:: fRTWirrr v A Qdhhh-ic: Tl r -AWvUJJx . -i i l i : . I'll I i nN I , I ::i rMzifcjH r1" 1 Ji -'j Jrj i,jrf"7"i"T ; -rrli r. - -J -i i i i i v ! ' " " ' . 1 Z I r I i I . I . 1 I I . I . I I st I ' VtAw.'l t I I I . I . I tr I I , O liJr o NICHOLAS Sr. 1 J ' ' y 4 1 k I I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' 1 ' I ' I' 1 r" I jt I I I I a I I 1 i vS J : Z v. a , 1 i - At . fns rrTTTTi rrr ri'in I'lTiTrrhT V-' i i i rr I r ti c:i:i:i:i-r:i:ri-rrrri-ri-rm-A'V ill - i I.W I -v . I n. t. ...n,.,! ... I ... I 1 ... I I ... 1 -! k. J . I I I r . I I . I 1 X i f i" i 'i' i i i itm ' I ' I i ' i 1 r i i ' i ' r i 1 1 r iwi T"y" Hi F: - - -H:: h - -H-E i . ..J L I .J 1 t J l I . I . I . I . .ltl.l. J i I l.l.l. . - -fi'lO-lril r-TTTi rTTrrn"Tri rn-n-TTTi i i BENSON & CARMICHAEL We Will Build to Order Bungalows and Cottages $150 to $200 Down Balance Like Renl Wo have eight nice lota near 14th and Binney, on which we will build to order, four, fivo or bIx room cottages and bun galows. Why not select your plan and let us build Just what you want? OR, IF YOU HAVE A LOT THAT IS CLEAR Wo will finance and biuld a home for you, occordlng to your own plans and Ideas. Our terms are the easiest and our prices lowest. Bring in your plans, or come In and give us your ideas, and will have plans drawn for you Will nlso cheerfully submit an estimate on any plan. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. ' Douglus 49S. 200 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Happy Hollow and Dundee Lots Easy Terms One Tenth Cash and One Per Cent of the Purchase Price Per Month Building restrictions on all lots. Send for plat and literature. Five ,000 lots on Nicholas St, $100 cash and $10 per month. Some choice double corners on S2d St., 100x135; a good Investment or a placo to build a home. George & Company Doug. 766. 302 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Boulevard Park Home Brand new E-room bungalow, oak finish, with oak floors, bookcases, window seat, plate rail and paneled walls. Large, well arranged kitchen with butler's pantry, stair to attic. Attractive lighting fixtures, high grade plumbing, furnace heat, floor drain, gradu- door to basement, pressed brick foundation, cement walks in and around the house. Lurge lot, street now being paved. Surrounded by new homes. We 'have "no price on this homo, want on offer. About $300 'dash, rest monthly, or will take lot. Rasp Bros., 109 McCAOUE BLDQ. DOUG. C&3. IDEAL HOME SiCS California HU Living room, sun room, dining room, kitchen, first floor; four bedrooms and bath second floor; full basement and attic, floored all over, first floor In oak, second floor birch and maple. Large lot Must be Seen to be appreciated. GALLAGHER & NELSON (S3 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 332. IT! I i Want a Home Bargain? Here's a good one at sacrifice price. 9-r. modern house, choice corner lot, both streets paved, finest location, near Lowe Ave. and Izard. Lot largo enough for an other house; must .be sold at once, and the reduced price W,850-wilI sell It. Make us an offer on your own terms. Choice new 6-room modern bungalow, full lot, paved street fine location, 8. W. of Hanecom Park. $3,200, very easy terms. 4-room cottage, built 3 years: full lot. near 37th and Ohio, $1,160; $60 cash, $12.60 pr inonin. jiave several cottage home bargains on similar terms. McKitrick Real Estate Co., 316 Ramge Bldg. 16th and liar. Doug. 1482. Modern Benson Home, $875 Cash Balance $3G and tntorest monthly; 3 60 foot east front lots, highest part of town. Two blocks south of car, house on cen ter lot. 0-room. very modern, nearly new: hlir furnace, fine floors; all In splendid order;. uuub urn? i yeuia, uuio uuuse wun ce ment floor; barn, chicken house and yard, shrubbery. Will make very low price for all, or will take $1,000 less for place with 2 lots, or $2,000 less with 1 lot. Today Is the time, here is your home. Ask us to rfiow you. O'KBFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nafl Bank. Doug. 27t5. Or evenings. Harney 338 or Harney 51J4. New 8-Room Modern, $3,750 Comer lot near 22d and Hprague, up-to-date and modern In every particular, four fine bedrooms. Owner leaving Omaha. Couldn't bo replaced for the money. Term, $600 cash, balance monthly, Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1538. 808-10-12.14 State Bank Bldg. Why Pay Rent? Write, call, phone or send for our list vt easy payment houaes. Priced from im to $2,000. Payments of $100 cash and $10 per month. Now is- the time to get' away from the rent habit Creigh, Sons & Co., Douglas 20). 60s Boe Bldg. ABSTRACTS OK TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 30u So. 17th Et Phone Douglas 6487. REED Abstract Co. oldest abstract of flee in Nebraska- 203 Brandels Theater. Earth It i i t 642 Paxton Block. MUST BE SOLD 66x143 near corner 26th and California streets, worth $10,000, $7,600 will buy it now, 37x180 on 24th near Harney, faces 24th avenue with modern home, $8,600 takes it. Phone Douglns 3607. Call at 413 Kar- , bach block. TO BUY. BELL Oil RENT. K1HST SEE JOHN W. BOBBINS. '.tOt FARNAM ST. Florence Real Estate for Snip. C. L. Nethaway, suburban prop. Flor. 276. ACREAGE FOR SALE. Fruit Acres This Is one of the finest fruit farms In Douglas county. Fruit of all varieties and all trees in bearing. Farm lies beau tifully and trees are In first-class condi tion. Can sell in tracts of 6, 10, 20 or 30 acres. This lies within 20 minutes' ride In your machine from 16th and Farnam. You won't get a chance like this again In a long time. INVESTIGATE. Terms half cash, balance 6 per cent. Calkins&Co. Douglas 1703. 1313 City Nafl. RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION Tenth A SInson. Missouri Paclfle c. . - Depart. Arrl. & i V " n K. a A fit Paul .allslO am a 1:10 pu Chicago Great 'Western. Twin City Limited a I: JO pm a 1:19 am Twin fllr Kiprrn a 9: JO am a I:t3 pm Cblcaco Eipresa a 5:05 pm a 1:W pm Uuluu Pacific OrtrlanJ Limited i:0 tm t:I em California Mall a 4:10 pa a till an Omaha Kiprna i:a n Atlanta Kxprau , .M Loa AnaeiM Limited all:U tm a 1:40 on Denirer 6tcll a IsIC am a J:I0 aa Colorado Bipna a 4119 pm a 4:00 bu Colorado Special aU:l am a Tim am Ean Kranclaco Limited am. 10 am Pacific Limited ...allno am a T:SJ pta uragon-Waaliinctcn Umlud.. 10:10 am a 1:11 pm North Plalta Local... a 1:11 am a 4:45 pm Oreo lalauf LiKal... ........ .!: pm al:M aa Etromaburi Local tlj;4l pm b 1:20 pm CUIcnsn, Milwaukee & S(, Pnnl - Paclllo Limited a 7,(9 pm 11:15 am ChkMa Special a S.M pro 7:11 am Baa FrtaeUco Limited ...tll:tt am l:IS pm CMcaio Darllibt Hpecal a 7:10 am 11:U pm Manilla Local ...,.a 5:00 pm 11:50 am Chlcatco A Nort hwesitirn J40KTU. Twin Clll Kapreea a 7:41 am aJ0;M cm Dakota 1'aaMnxer 6 7:41 am a l:4i an Sioux CHr Local at :14 pm a l:4i pm Ulnaeapolla Kxpreu a lite pm allill lm Daaola ISxprete a : pm blO.M pa Twin Cltr Limited a f.U pm a 7:11 aaa EAST. Denier Special a 1:45 am a 7:24 aa Carroll Local a 1 ;C em a :oo pm Hawkers ttiprees a 7:40 am all:M pa Caic&co Local all:! pm a 1:44 pa Carroll Local , a 4:M pa il0;W am Chicago plei a :M pm a 7:K an) ftui rrandeco Limited a 1:55 am alOUl art Overland Limited a litv pm a 7:40 aa Oreon.Waehlnsloa Limited.. 1,11 pa alOill am Loa Angelea Limited ,l:liw allitl aa wtirr. eadron Local ........a t:M pm , scolo-DalUa a l.w aa a :r pa Uncolu-Lung Plae a 1:11 pu alo-u pa IUeilni-8uperloi b 1:1 pa b 1:24 pm DeiuJwcad-liut tlprluga s l;ti pm a 4:tJ pa r..u..ind,r a S:U am ait:aa .m AlblooOakdal t:M pm t l:u ga Illinois Central Cblcago Limited a 1:00 pm a 1:10 aa Cbicaio Eipr.a a l:Um a 1:14 pta Wabash Omaba-cit. Louie tUprcee a .M pm a im (a Uail and Kapraea. ......... .a t:3 are aU:U pa ftunberrr Local Irom C B..k :M a tit ill aa f ELEANOR PLACE Thnt beautiful, lovel trnot lying north of pretty Prairie. Park addition, known as tho McKcnzio property. Between 24th and 27th Street, facing Larimoro Ave. Advance Sale Begins Saturday, June 27th, 2 P. M. Big lots 42x135 with alley and 40-ft. street. , $700 choice of insido lots $700. Includes Water, Sower, Cement Walks. Easy Tonus $10.00 Cash, $10.00 a Month. Building Restrictions Protect Purchasers. Served by direct car lines North Twenty-fourth, Flor ence, Forest Lawn or Ames Ave cars. Biggest Bargain in vicinity of 4th and Ames. Lots within two blocks selling for $1,500. Don't lot tho other fellow got YOUR LOT. Hand a Salesman a $10 bill and get receipt. ARTHUR CHASE, Sole Agent 548 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. RAILWAY TIME CARD Chicago, Hook lalantl A. l'ncltlo Depart. Arrlra. Iteckr Mountain Ltmlled..all:U am atnot pre Chicago Local laaeeDger....blt:D0 am bl0:tl pa Chicago Dar tiprea ...a 1 19 am a 440 pm Chicago Nlgbt Gipreee ,a 4.19 pm a 1:J pa Dea Motnea Local Paatengcr. a 4:17 pm all:ll am chltaac.Nabreaka Limited. .a 4:01 pm a : aa WBST. ore Pm am am OtiniilWOTON aTATIOH Tenth nnd Meson. nnrllneTton Dfrt- Arrlea. Denter Limited a 4:40 am a 7:00 am Chicago-Omaha aa Lienier and Calllornla .......a 4:10 pm a 1:90 pra l'unt Bound Eipreia a 4 lit pm a t:lo pa Nebraska Polnla a 1:20 am a 4:11 pa Ulack HI"' a 4 HO pra a 1:10 pa Dicoln Mall b 1110 pm all:if Northweet Bipreaa alltM pm a 7:00 an Ntbraika Kapreaa a lilt am a4:10pi LJncoln Local J Ti pm b 1:60 aa bcbuiler.rialUrnouth b 1:01 pm tiu:jo m piattemeutMowa .!:J! " :' aa uelleeua-ruttamouth all:30 pm a 1:40 pm taicago Special a Jill am all:20 pa Denter Special allOl pm Chicago Kipreea a J: pm a 1:51 pm Cblcago Kait Expreee a J: JO pm a 1:00 ara Creeton Local ;.. b 1:15 pm bll:00 ara Bt U. A K. C Bpeclal a 4iM pm all:50 am kT C. 4k Bt. Joeeph alj:l pra a 4:10 am c a St. Joeeph a 1:18 am a 4:14 pra Uncoln-naltamoutt : Pro a 7:10 pa WEnSTEU HTllEBT SlATIOrf -rif. teenth nnd Webster. Mlaaon'l rnclflo Depart. Arrlea, Falla City raeeengtr b 1:41 ym bl0:4l aa Local Freight h 1:40 era b 4:10 pa Chicago, St. Paul. Mluiioapolla Omalin Twin Cltr Faeeenger b 4:JS am 1:11 tm Bloux Citr ttipreea .d l:lb pm bll:i am Bloua Clti Tateanger c HU ara Emeraoa Leal b 4:00 Dm bint ara Ak-Sar-Ben After Oommeroial Club for Membership The Ak-Sar-Hcn offluo force, tho hua- iine- pnmmlltec. anil even tho Unlletl Ifltatee mail system, have been called Into service to bring out a crowa to mo u Monday night, which is Commercial tlub night Although part of tho members at the Commercial club are alBo members of Ak-Har-llen there are still others who are not within Samson's fold. "Why not?" Well, that Is what tho hustling commit tee wants to find out In what time thero Is left. For unless a. man hns a valid excuse, a real valid excuse, Hp cannot cacune this hustling committee. For. why a niHn should bo .nembcr of the booster organization like the Com mercial club and then rcfuso to pay tho J10 membership fco In the big booster or ganisation that boosts Omaha and the state from coast to coast, tho hustling committee cannot understand. FORT FINDS BIG AD CLUB CONVENTION INTERESTING Passenger Traffic Manager Fort, of the Union Pacific Is back from Toronto, where he attended the annuui meeting of the Ad clubs of the United States and delivered one of the principal ad dresses. Mr. Kort asserts that tho meet ings wero largely attended and were Interesting from start to finish. Delegates to the Ad club conyentlon were present from almost every state In the union, but rone of them slxed up be'er than those from, Omaha and Nebraska. Culls from the Wire UverX' " "SliSSS. of Credit wen in 1 a cable mosage made public at Now York yesterday. A got Lanse, nn ox iTlorer after Announcing that ho had inmnliteS the 'Amazon exp orations for uWcli he went Into the Ilraslllan jungles ii 1911 added that he found the dlscov eVof 'a rive? by Colonel Ttoosovelt to be authentic. The election of the Association of Arner lean Kallwav Accounting Officers at Min neapolis resulted ns follows- Preslden , C S" Begar. New York, first vice presl dent It. A White. New York! second vice president. L. A. Robinson, Chtcuuo. AVells Fargo and company at New York yesterday declared a semi-annual dlvldond It 1 1 per cent, a reduction of 2 per cent from the previous rate. M'llllam V Bilne. former head of the disbanded United Police, yesterday was found guilty at Chicago of embezzlement of part of a fund of I6D.OM raised by or garitxation for a lobby by which they hoped to get an ordinance Increasing tholr sal aries through the city council. Stlne was convicted on two charges, embezslement and conspiracy. Stine's punishment was fixed at five years In the penitentiary on the conspiracy charge and from one to ten years on the embezzlement charge. San Francisco was chosen as the meet ing place for June 19U, and D, J. Rey nolds of Minneapolis was named presi dent of the American Federation of Pa triots Voters at the close of their first annual meeting at Chicago. The Rev. Otis It. Spurgeon, Dos, Moines. Ia., was chosen vice president and C. W. Illbb of Minneapolis was elected seiretary and treasurer The federation adopted a reso lution charging the Cathollo church with instigating riots and labor troubles In the United State Ctl.Neb. Lim. to Uwoln,.. I:1 am a Ii47 Colorado Calllorsla Eip...a 1:40 pm a 4:00 Oklahoma Taiaa Kxpreac.a 4:00 pm all .13 Hour Mountain United.. ..eU;:; pm all ill Douglas G80 and Webster 2579. Brandeis Employes Vacation With Pay Mr. GcorRO Itraudeltt, manager of tho big Ilrandols stores loft ycBtenlny to bo absent two weeks, tho tlmo to bo di vided between Chicago and Now York, Deforo his depatruro a now rule was promulgated by Which all employes in thu norvlco of J, L. Drandcts & Sons for moro thnn a year are to have a week's vacation with full pay. Mr, A. D. Urandcls, who Is here from Now York, will remain for part of tho tlmo Mr, a corse Urandels Is absent. VISITING TICKET AGENTS TAKE TRIP OVER TOWN Western Iowa nnd South Dakota, ticket agents enroute from the trip to tho Pa cific coast, reached Omaha aid spent sev eral hours In tho city prior to leaving for their homes during tho afternoon. While hero they visited the Union Pa cific headquarters and took an automo bile ride over the boulevards and through the parks. Thero wero twenty-one In the party. Later in tho day tho ticket agents from Cleveland and Pittsburgh arrived over the Union Pacific and went out over the Northwestern. Thero were eighteen In tho party and they remained in tho city a couple of hours. THERMOMETER SOARS IN THE STATE THURSDAY Holdtege and Culbertson again carried the distinction of being the hottest places In Nebraska Thursdny, when tempera tures of 101 wero recorded at each place by government instruments. In Omaha the maximum temperature of 97 was re corded, and tho averago from seventeen government stations for tho day, was 60 degrees. However, relief Is promised for Batur day, with tho forocust of Colonel Welsh of tho local weather bureau, who predicts Slightly cooler weather tomorrow, Unset tled conditions tonight and Saturday may product) local showors in the vicinity of Omaha. LOCAL EAGLES TO GO TO ST. JOSEPH CLAMBAKE A special carload of Omaha and Hotith Omaha Kaglcs and prlzo ring enthusiasts will lcavo Omaha Baturday night over tho Burlington for tit. Joseph, where tho Eagles of that city will hold their big annual clam-buke Sunday afternoon. In the scml-wlndup Johnny Cahlll, a South Omaha boxor, will mix with Ray Mar shall of Atchlnson, and as Johnny Is popu lar in the suburb city the fans Intend to back him to the limit. The ISaglos rlam-bako at St Joseph la a big affair, and Includes several athletic events. The big event will be a match between Fred die Daniels and Bobby Waugh. DR. FICKES WIRES PRIZES FOR CARTER LAKE CLUB FETE While Carter Lako club hats many loyal members, Dr. J. D. Flckes, who Is In southern Texas on a pleasure trip, per haps ranks first. When he learned that Carter Lake club was to celebrate the Fourth of July,' he telegraphed that' ho would offer three prizes: A watch for the best boy swimmer under IS years of age. Silk stockings for the bent woman diver. Two dollars In cash for the winner of the canoe tilting contest. HOWELL CANNOT COLLECT DOLLAR FORJVAIVING RIGHT No more will R. Beecher Howell com pel his valued patrons to pay tl for a permit to secure service from a private main and force them to waive the right of protest against paying for a new main, according to a decision of District Judge Sutton. The Judge Issued a peremptory writ of mandamus compelling Howell to allow Mrs Charlotto Undrea to secure tervlce from a main In Meredith avenue without signing away her rights and paying Jl for the privilege M'KINLEY LODGE HAS ELECT0N OF 0FFCERS With a largo membership present, the William McKlnloy lodge. No. E21, Inde pendent Order of B'nal U'rlth. for the third time elected S. J. Leon as its presl dent at Its c)ub rooms In the Metropolitan hall. Mr. Harry Malashock, head of the Intellectual advancement committee for tho last six monthB, was elected vice president. Others elected were 81 Levey, secretary: Otto Oluck, treasurer; Dr. Philip Levey, J. Rosoft and Philip Bel mont, trustees. Delegates to constitutional grand lodge, Edward Simon and Henry Monaky, rtmuh. fuI fatatA la tha be&l Investment you could make, llsad ?6e Bee's real estate columns. Wholesale Gathering In May Result at Inspection of Crafts. REGULATIONS ARE VIOLATED ffiM ernmrnt's Ilnlrs Itcgnrdlnff tiqnlpmcnt t'hnnirril This Year nnil 3tnn- Arc lllsrcunrillnff Nciv NnvlKntlon Lnvr. Thu next Inspection of motor and sail boats on lakes In Nebraska and western Iowa lakes by Cadet Toyloi, collector of customs for the port of Omaha, may re sult In wholcsnlo arrests for violations ol government regulations providing for ths equipment of such water craft. hilt) tho regulations nt tho govern ment concerning tho equipment of launches, metorboats and sailboats havi not been changed this season tho enforce ment of tho statute will bo moro rigid than In former years. Lights must be carried fore and aft, and tho regulations provide that these lights must bo lighted at sundown in stead of dark, as has been a local custom for many years. During tho Inst two years the collector of tho port has had moro discretionary power In tho matter of enforcement of tho law, but this has been taken out of his hands this year and violations of the law will bo reported to the United States district attorney, who has power to prose- cuta the cases. Most of the boats In Carter lake and Lake Manawa are equipped with regulation Hfo preservers or pneumatic cushions, but tho matter or lighting equipment and horns or whlaUes Is sntd to have been slighted in this vicinity. Royal Arcanumites Have an Evening Out Over 40o members and friends of tho Union Pacific council Royal Arcanum enjoyed their annual reunion and outing last ovenlng at Happy Hollow cluo. Three reels of interesting motion pictures mm ilUolnved durlnrr the early part of the evening, after which light refresh ments wero served. Tho balance or me evening was spent In dancing. Thomas n. nvanrt was chairman of tho commit tee In chargo of tho affair, which proved to be a delightful recreation ror tno mem bers of tho order, their relatives and friends. Fontenelle Steel All Up inTwo Weeks Steol work on tho now Fontenelle hotel building will bo finished within two weeks, according to tho contractors. It Is now past tho twelfth story and Is being pushed to completion as rapidly as possible Recent rains have set the workmen back considerably and havo made the contrnotora deslro an extension of time. SEARCH FOR BOY'S BODY IN MISSOURI FRUITLESS Search by tho police with BTappllng hooks for the body of Charles Anderson, aged 18, 513 Cedor street, who was drowned In the Missouri river at the foot of Dorcas street, was abandoned at dusk Thursday night Young Anderson left home at I 6'clock to go swimming. At I o'clock his clothes wero found on tho bank of tho river and tho search began. Tho youth, aocordlng to his father, Chris Anderson, a con tractor, was subject to fits and Is be lieved to have been seized with an at tack while In the water. So for as thoVollce know there was no one with the boy at the tlmo of the accldont. NEW LIBRARY BOARD IS NAMED FOR BENSON A board of nlno citizens has been named to have chargo of tho library to be es tablished by tho Omaha library board In tho village of Benson. This library will bo furnished with several hundred se lected books and will bo run on the same principles as the Omaha library. Tho members of tho newly appointed library board are: Father Morlarlty, Prof. Speedlo, II. J. Kelland, E. M. Ja cobborgor, E. C, Hodder, Charles Haffke, Rev. Ringer, Rov. McClung and lr. B. Oliver. MEETING HELD TO ORGANIZE FLORENCE SUFFRAGE SOCIETY A preliminary meeting for the purpose of organizing a woman suffrage society In Florence was held Thursday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. M. Mlckelcrsnn, I0S Main street. Mrs. W. C. Sunderland, Omaha city chairman, attended the meet ing, at which about fifteen women were present Another meeting will be held In two weeks to effect n. permanent or ganization. OFFICERS ARE ELECTED BY WELLESLEY CLUB The Wellesley club held Its annual meeting for election of officers at the home of Mrs. James Charles Dahlman. The following officers for the cemtng year were chosen: "President, Miss Nell Carpenter; vice president, Miss Henrietta Gllmore; recording secretary, Miss May Somers; correspjrdlng secretary and treasurer, Miss Gertrude Bchermerhorn; auditor, Miss Qretchen McConnell. CHIEF DUNN RETURNS FROM THE CONVENTION Chief of Police Henry W. Dunn has returned from Grand Rapids, Where ha attended tho meeting of the Natl mat Association of Police Chiefs, which struck from the list of honorary members the namo of the detective, William J. i rns. "We decided we didn't want a .nan of Burns' standing a member of the as sociation," said Chlof Dunn, "so wo struck his name from the list." BANQUET FOR MISS M'HUGH AT HAPPY HOLLOW TONIGHT Miss Kate A, McIIugh, retiring prin cipal of Central High school' and a mem ber of Its faculty since 1833. will bo tendered a tribute by several hundred graduates this evening In the form of a dinner at Happy Hollow club. FIRECRACKERS ARE THE CAUSEF A RUNAWAY A team of mutes, frightened br a smalt boy's firecracker, ran away at Fifteenth and Howard streets and several persona narrowly escaped serious Injury.