Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1914.
Thursday, Juno 25, 1914.
OMEN'B Rolf tournamonta nro occupying society.
The president's cup, a silvor trophy, will bo awarded today
tho Country club In handicap play tor the feminine members
tho club. The women will spend tho entire day on tho
course, playlnic nlno holes this morning and nine this afternoon including
thn three difficult holes of tho McShane pasture, which is tho Waterloo
for visiting players nt tho Country club.
Last year tho club offered two traveling clocks for prizes In a mixed
foursome, and Mr. Frank Colpetzor had charge of the arrangements. This
year Mr. M. C. Peters, president of the club, put up the silver cup to en
courago golfing among tho women of the club.
Among thoso who aro playing each week at the Country club are
Mrs. B. II. Sprnguo, Mrs. W. T. Burns, Mrs. J. T. 8tewart 2d, Miss Arabella
Kimball, Miss Loulso Dinning. Mtb. Harold Prltchott, Miss Gladys Peters,
Mrs. Joromo Msgeo, Mrs. Ben Cotton, Mrs. W A. C. Johnson, Miss Daphne
relent, Minn Mildred Dutler, Miss Elizabeth Davis, Miss Menio Davis,
Miss lenbel Vlnsonhaler and Mrs. Ralph Peters.
Mrs. F. J. Denpocher, who left Saturday for Europe, ontertatnod at a
golf tournament Friday at Lake Monawa, when Mrs. Bruce Moffatt was
tho winner, and was awarded bIx golf balls. Mrs. W. O. Silver enter
tained at a small tournamont at Happy Hollow as a farewell for Mrs.
Dospccher. Next Wednesday Mrs. Carl Llnlnger will give a small tourna
ment at Happy Hollow and on tho following Wednesday Mrs. Silver will
have a tournament for olght players.
At Happy Hollow.
On of the largest -affairs of today was
the brldKo luncheon given by Major Isaac
BadUr chapter, Daughtera of the Amer
ican Revolution, at Happy Hollow club.
ThU la the annual summer entertainment
of the chapter. The decoratlona were all
alirnlfloant of tha history of our country,
the center of the decorations being a rlflo
mounted on a bronxe pedestal. This rlflo
has been In the possession of Mrs. R. E.
McKelvy'a family since the revolutionary
war, Mrs. McKelvy being regent of the
Chapter, Underneath the rifle wna laid
a profusion of garden flowers and flags.
Spinning wheels, cannons and log cabins
were used and tho place cards wore dec
orated with American flags. Mrs. C. II.
Atltl. vice state regent, was the guest of
honor at the luncheon, which waa fol
lowed by bridge, tables being placed in
the ball room.
Those present were:
Mesdamea Mesdames
C. II. Aull. C. Oerber,
n, K. McKelvy, K. E. Stanfleld,
Harvey Newbranch, O. Blert,
V. IUiyn.
George Bloan,
H. O. Kldrldge,
W. A. Challls.
O. O. Ounther.
E. I. De Innney,
George Gilbert.
Thomas Burchmore,
F. B. McLAfferty,
Wilson Atkins.
Frances Thompson,
Vera Fink.
Mary Kellogg,
Ruth Ganson.
Edward Phelan,
F. F. King,
C. Vincent.
Ira W, Porter.
T. E. Patterson,
A. U Meyer,
Frank Adams,
Frsnk Hughes,
J J. Btubbs,
Richard Kitchen,
Vera King.
Ethel Eldrldge,
Maud Roys,
Paula Rays.
Mildred Funkhouser.
Mrs. George W. Wlckeraham was host
ess at a luncheon today at Happy Hollow
In honor of her guests, Mrs. George Howe
Mnd Mrs. H. F. Denedlct, both of Denver
and formerly of Omaha. Covera were
Placed for fourteen.
The Rorat Arcanum will have a dan
cing party at Happy Hollow this even
Mrs. J. M. Gilchrist had aa aueiU at
luncheon today Mrs. Ella F. Byrne. Mrs,
11. E. Howard and Mrs. W. a Thompson.
With Miss Myrne Gilchrist were
I.llfi Miller.
Helen Curtis,
hither Orafr.
Martha Outer,
Kathertne Conrad,
l.llu Hoke,
Iiernlce Brown,
Busanla Jobst,
Margaret Mctiger,
Mildred Rhodes.
Helen Patterson,
!Martrart Warner.
Penelopo Hamilton,
Virginia Low,
Myrne Gilchrist.
At Carter Lake Club.
The Woman's club of the railway mall
service gave a surprise party in honor of
Mrs. V V. raxton Wednesday at her
bungalow, "Green Gables," at Carter
Lake club. Twenty members were pres
ent at the luncheon, the decorations for
which were garden flowers. After lunch
eon a swimming party was held.
Swimming classes were well represented
last evening and the moving pictures
were witnessed by a large crowd.
Among the reservations for' dinner
were Miss Ella J. Drown, two; N. R.
Brlgham, two; Dr. L. Dermody, four; B.
8. Goldstrom, six; Vincent Haskell, three;
rhtllp Horan, three; Arthur J. Jackson,
McConnell-Morgenscn Wedding.
The marriage of Mlsi IJUIan Florence
Morgenaun. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Morgensen of Arlington, Neb., and
Mr. Rollln M. McConnell of Akron, O.,
was celebrated last evening at the home
of the bride In Arlington, the Rev. Frank
lin Haas of Pearl Memorial church of
Omaha officiating. Miss Genevieve New
comb of Arlington played the wedding
The house waa beautifully decorated, a
profusion of flowers and palms being
used. Over 300 guests were present at
the reception which followed the cere
mony. Assisting throughout the rooms
were Mrs. Edward Abbott, Mra. J. G.
Hart, Misses Maud Butler, Bernlce Cell,
Gladys -Whltford. Balome Abbott and the
bride's sister, Mrs. H. J. Plats, Mra.
Carrie Mlnker and Mrs. Mary Rasmus-
Among me out-or-town guests were
Dr. and Mrs. J. McConnell of Akron, O
parents of tho groom, and from Omaha
Mr. and Mra. Edward Abbott, Misses
Salome and Dorothy Abbott, Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Hart, Misses Maud Butler
and Dora Bass and Mra. J, B. Begerly
and Mr. Walter Morgensen of Missouri
After a wedding trip to Minneapolis
and the lakes Mr. and Mrs. McConnell
will be at home In Akron, O.
Whitley-Adkisson Wedding.
A pretty home wedding took place
Wednesday evening at S:30 o'clock at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Adklsson
when their daughter. Lllah Elliabeth,
was married to Mr. Harry E. Whitley,
Rev. Ralph II. Houseman officiating.
The bridal party was attended by Miss
Helen, sister of the bride, and Mr. Ed-
mond Wynn.
After July IS Mr. and Mrs. Whitley
will be, at home at Gregory, 8. D.
Bell-Stryker Wedding.
The home of the bride's parents, Mr!
and Mrs. G. B. Btryker, 4012 North.
Twenty-ninth street, was the scene of a
pretty homo wedding Wednesday evening,
when Miss Isabella Stryker became the
bride of Mr. William' A. Bell. Rev. Ralph
II. Houseman, educational superintendent
for the synod of Nebraska, officiated.
Tho bride wore a gown of white crepe
de chine, trimmed with shadow lace, and
carried a bouquet of bride's roses and
white sweet peas. A pcreeri of roses and
ferna formed the background for the wed
ding party and pink and white" hearts
featooned the rooms, while the refresh
ments carried out the same color scheme.
Among the out-of-town guests were
Mrs. Henry Pursel and son, Shlpman, of
Phllllpsbury, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Bell will reside at 253
South Twenty-third street and will be at
home to their friends after July 10.
Report P. E. 0. Convention.
Chapter E of the P. E. O. alsterhood
met at the home of Mrs. F. M. Penny
this afternoon. Reports of the state con
vention, which was held last week In Lin
coln, were given by Mrs. Thomas Matters,
president of the chapter, and Mrs. Zella
W, Dry a no, who were the chapter's dele
gates. They reported that every one of
tho fifty-seven chapters were represented
with but one exception, there having been
121 delegates and MS visitors. The Ne
braska organltation ranks third 'in the
. educational fund, having raised I7CS dur
ing the last year. The decorations at the
convention were in marguerites, the club
flower, and silver, to celebrate the
twenty-fifth anniversary of the organiza
tion of tho club.
Co to National Tournament.
Joined here by Mrs. Drinker, formerly
of Omaha, but now a resident of Texas,
Mesdames C. K. Coutant. C. E. Squires,
Frank Colpetter, E. W Gunthers, T. M.
Orr, Herman Kountze and B. F. Crum
mer leave tonight over the Northwestern
for Lake Placid. N. Y., where during the
week beginning July 8 they will be guest
of the Lake Placid Whist club at the
annual meeting of the Men'a Whist con
gress. Besides being guests of the men whist
era the Omaha women, aa wall as other
women whist players from all over the
country, will Join certain of tha rlays.
Being members of the whltt congress the
membership makes them eligible In cer
tain plays.
This manner of entertaining was In
augurated by the whist congress some
yeara ago. Last year the women enter
tained the men at the meeting and this
year the men tako charge of the enter
taining, while next year the women will
act as hostesses for the congTess.
Vpon the adjournment of the whltt con
gress the Omaha women will go to the
Genessee valley In New York, where at
Villa Belvldere they will be the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Hoxle Clark, formerly of
this city.
At the Field Club.
Mrs. A. I. Root, gave one of the larger
luyieheon parties at the club today. The
guesta were seated at one large table
decorated with garden flowera. Covra
were placed for twenty-two. Mrs
Donohue of Houston, Tex., guest of Mrs,
O. Slford waa one of the out of town
Miss Marjorle Howland and Miss Helen
Epeneter entertained at luncheon today
at the Field club In honor of Mrs. Thomas
Heyward of Pittsburgh, formerly Miss
Marguerite Busch of thla city. A color
scheme of yellow waa used in the decor
ations and covers were placed for
Meadamea Thomas Heyward, Fred
Wallace, Charles Mctz, Harold Sobotker,
Misses Rose Smyth. Beatrice Coad, Irene
CntiA. Marie Woodard. Harriet Copley,
Marguerite Meyer, Dorothy Dale, Trim
ble, Helen Epeneter and Marjorle how
At the Country Club.
Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Caldwell enter
talned at dinner for their guest, Mra
Charle. Howe of St. Louis, when the
guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kennedy,
Mr- and Mrs. Henry Doorly,
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Coad,
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Lake,
Mrs. Charles Howe of St. Louis,
Miss Frances Wrssells,
Mr. Charles Deuel,
Mr. Randall Brown
Mr. and Mrs. George Caseells Smith en
tertalned Wednesday evening for Miss
Erna Reed, who recently returned from
sphool at LaJolla, Cal. The guests were
Mr. and Mra Frank Judson,
Miss Erna Reed,
Misn Marjorle Smith,
Mr. Robert Wood,
Mr. Thomas Wnkelcy,
Mr. Ralston Bcobte.
Mrs. C. W. Lyman entertained at
kenslngton Wednesday afternoon, fol
lowed by tea at the Country club for
Mrs. Henry Estabrook of New York,
There were six guests In the party.
The women golfers of the Country club
had luncheon together today at the Coun
try club.
Entriken and Mildred Blddlck. They car
ried baskets of daisies.
The out-of-town guests were Mrs.
George D. Taylor of St Paul, Minn.,
mother ot the groom; Mr. and Mrs. T.
It. Blddlok and daughter Mildred ot North
Yakima, Wash.; Mrs, R. E. Drennan and
son Lorln of Canora, Sask.; Miss Lin
coln ot Ames, la.: Mrs. W. H. Evans of
Red Oak, la.; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Evans
of Alvo, Neb. j Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dren
nan and tons of Corning, la., and Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Wllmarth of Corning, la.
They will make their home In St. Taul,
Sinner for Miss Curtis.
Complimentary to Miss Lynn Curtis,
who leaves Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. A Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. E.
W, Dixon entertain at dinner this even
ing at their home. Covers will be placed
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fairfield.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dixon,
Sirs. Victor Coffman.
Miss Helen Moore of Sioux City.
M'as Lynn Curtis,
Mr. Edward Hart of Council Bluffs,
Mr. Luther Drake,
Mr. Earl W. Gannett.
Surprise Dancinc Party.
Mr. Theron C. Bennett entertained at
a surprise dancing party at the Dutch
Mill Wednesday evening. In honor of Mr.
Every Woman
Can Bake book. glrta raclpca
GOOd OalC SlMoreakemSSng,
Most cake fall mra como frcm using the
wrosg flour not necessarily bad flour, but
flour not intended for cake making. You
can't b sure of miking good, caiia without
tbe right kind of flour.
(Not Self-Rising)
is a preparation of those elements, takes
Iroeo the beet wheat, that make a Sour
plring Use baa rtsulta In cake and pastry
boktoa. Try 1 and nota the difference
No otaev Sour like it,
Tha beat kaowo Douuatio SeienceTeacN
5-s use sod recommend Swans Down Cake
tour. So would you If you tried it.
Comas in neat, clean-sanitary Lpacksgea,
Be nine to get bvtaaa Down. Remember
taa TYmiv
Valuable coupon in era-y package.
Sold by Good Grocr Everywhere.
DftOET4BSTill hd
Atas makers ot Swans Down Pure Wheat Star
Bou ami 9wu Dowu lura V1h Orahao)
Taylor-Biddiok Wedding.
A pretty wedding was solemnlted at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Alfred Telland Blddlck, 4228 Farnam
street, Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock
when Vera Blddlck became the bride of
Mr. Benjamin E. Taylor of St. Paul,
The bride wore white satin with over
dress of shadow lace. Her veil was of
tulle and she carried bride's rosea. She
was attended by. Miss Mary Cook of South
Omaha and the brother of the bride, Mr,
T. II. Blddlck ot North Taklma. Wash.
acted as best man. Miss Florence Peak
played ,the wedding march and Mr. Harry
Entriken sang "I Know a Lovely Oar
den" Just before the ceremony. Uttle
Mlssea Katherlne Entriken and Madeleine
Miller were ribbon girls. They wore
white frocks with yellow ribbon bows in
their hair. The flower girls were Marian
Hubert Millard, who leaves soon to at
tend Culver Military academy Those
present were:
Mildred narber.
Gladys Tayl6r.
Edith Mahaffe',
Hubert Millard.
Dr. and Mrs. F.
Mr. and Mra. Harle Marshall
Mr. and Mra. Karl Downs,
Mrs. H. J. Millard.
Cltace Mahaftey,
Myrtle llayden,
Dorothy Barber.
L. T. Hlldlng,
Harry Wenbetg,
Pierce Barber.
The Drink That Links
Health With Sociability
At Miller Park.
Mrs. R. T, Pcnn and Mrs. J. Sylvester
entertained tha Woodmen circle of South
Omaha, No. 53, at a kentlngton at Milter
park Wednesday afternoon. Thirty-five
guests were present.
Personal Mention.
Dr. S. Hall Toung ot Alaska Is spend
ing the day as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
1. J. Dunn. '
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frltehett, Miss
Elizabeth and Miss Mellora Davis and
Miss Louise Dinning will leave Friday
evening to spend the week-end at Dcs
Moines, the guests of Miss Mary Den
man, who recently tpent the week-end
The greatest window display of shirts
ever made In Omaha Is now ready In
Braniels' 16th St. windows.
The most desirable furnished rooms nro advertised in The
Bee. Get n niee cool room for the summer.
Sixty-Six Per Cent.
According to the last report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics the
retail prices of the "principal articles of food" in forty industrial
cities advanced sixty-six per cent in fourteen years. The price of
Shredded Wheat
in all that time has remained the same, and it is just as satis
fying, strengthening and sustaining as it was fourteen years ago
a complete, perfect food, supplying more real, body -building
nutriment than meat or eggs, costing much less and much more
easily digested. . Your grocer sells it ;
Always heat the Biscuit in oven to restore crispness. Two Shreddei ( .
Wheat Biscuits with hot milk or cream will supply all the energy
needed for a half day's work. Deliciously nourishing when eaten in
combination with baked apples, stewed prunes, sliced bananas or canned
or preserved fruits. Try toasted Triscuit, the Shredded Wheat wafer, ,A
for luncheon with butter, cheese or marmalade. 1
Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
That's whafc,
you want, and.
that's what Cal-4
timet is guaran-,
teed to givQj
It is sure in
perfect leaven
ing and raising
qualities, Iri
wholesnmeness,' ,
in purity.
P erfectly
raised, melting-
ly tender bis
cuit, cake, muf
fins, griddle
cakes, are bound
to result from
its use.
goes farther
than other bak-,
ing powders
and it's moder
ate in cost.
'insist on it
at your grocers.
World's Par Food
Sunkist Oransre
With the Different Flavor
Ask for "Sunkist Valencias"
. Franca, March. 11
The Valencia Sun
kist is the California
Summer Orange a
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fruit, ripened on the tree.
Easy to peel, and practically
Some are dark in exterior appear
ance, some lighter in color. But all
are a deeo red inside and srjarklinc? with
viaiigca aic pitKcu in vainornia every
day in the year, and the Late Valencia is
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Glove-picked, tissue-wrapped, shipped right
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ripened flavor.
Don't buy merely "oranges." Buy the Sun-
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Growers Exchange
139 N. dark Street, CHICAGO
kist Valencias. See what you are missing in not
getting this brand.
Try These Lemons. Too
Use Sunkist Lemons to serve with fish and
meats. Use the juice wherever you now use
vinegar. These are the best looking and the best
lemons sold. Juicy, fully flavored and practically
seedless. There's a vast difference in different
brands of lemons. Try "Sunkist" and sec.
Beautiful Rogers Silver
in Exchange for Wrappers
Go buv a dozen each of Stinkier nmnoe
. ... -"fa"-" v
and Lemons and save the wrappers bear-
in? the Sunkist trademark. Thrn
send in the coupon below and find
out how to exchange the wrap
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Frnit Growers
139 N. dark Stmt, Okago
Man us this con Don and m win Hud
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book, abowing over 110 wan ot ttos
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