THE BKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1914. S BRIEF CITY NEWS i HARD FIGHT WITH THE RIYER Bath, floritt, moved to 1104 Farnam. Ht Boot Print It Now HMicon rress. 1.1 f Monthly Jnoom Ooutd, Bea Bid, ridtlttr Btoraff ft Van Co. Doar. 1B18. Blgbt-Xnob Elictrio rani for home uio, $7.. DurKM.Qranden Co. jott know raa llshtlnfc you pre fer It. Omaha Qaa Co.- 15u3 Howard 91. "Today's Compute Mori Program" may be found on the first page b( the classified section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. Sa Bolt riles as Democrat V. IV. Do Bolt has filed his filing fee an a candidate for superintendent of public Instruction on the democratic ticket. Asks for Divorce Mrs. Edith S. Bur bnnk has filed a petition asking divorce from Byron Merrill Burbank. manager of the Paige Company of Nebraska, and son of B. O. Burbank, the attorney. Dan Butler 1 HI City Commissioner Dan B. Butler of the department of finances and accounts Is 111 at home of an attnck of Indigestion. His condition, his physician says, Is not serious. Big Verdlot Against Street E-llway A jury In Judgo English's district court returned a verdict of l5,5O0 against the street railway company In the personal Injury suit brought by gliomas S. Coyle. Will Qlv Xca Cream Social Members, of the Young People's society of the. Westminster Presbyterian church will give an Ice cream social Friday evening on the lawn at Dr. Alexander's home, f2i Ko'ith Twenty-ninth, street. Sues, for Pension Mrs. Susie Hender son hits brought a mandamus suit In dls trlct court against the city council In an attempt to compel It to grant her a pen sion as the widow of Junius Hendernon, who died as a result of Injuries s-jHtulnod In the performance of his tiutl's In ll. The pension would amount lo $23 75 per month. Flans Big Fourth Celebration A big Fourth of July celebration at the Young Men's Christian Association park on Car ter lake will be planned by the Physical Training club of the association at Its meeting Friday evening at the club house. A program of games, contests, a band concert and display of fireworks will probably be arranged. Missouri Trying to Take Farmer's Home He Once Reicned. FLORENCE FARMS WASHED OUT Tiro Hundred Twenty Acren Have nern AVnuhed Into Strrnm Since Mnr 1 ml Ilarn linn Neve Been llennl Of. The. thrilling rescue of hla home from the Missouri river by a farmer named Hanson, north of Florence, It nothing be side tho fight he Is now making to keep the river from again taking tho house away from him. His barn, which the river washed away, has never been heard of. Hanson had a 2W-acre farm, Includ ing a grove of big trees, two to four feet In diameter, on the first of May this year. Today he has not an acre, the river hav ing taken It all. When the river took his house and barn, the house lodged on a sandbar, and by the aid of horses he was able to get It back to the foot of the big bluff along which runs the river road. Now the river Is washing away the road at the foot of the bluff. To save his house he will either have to tear It to pieces or raise It up on the bank to the height of twenty or thirty feet, a difficult under taking with the river under the house. Tho river has also taken about forty acres of the Jenson farm and ten to i twenty acres of tho Snodderly farm. Across the river the Paxton and Olm sted farms have lost considerable land that was planted to crops.. Con a In and Cold. Weuk, oro lungs quickly relieved by Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose helps. Best remedy for coughs and colds and nil lung troubles. EOc and 1. All drugglcts, Advertisement. Get nid of Your nlieumntlsm. Now la the time to get rid of your rheu matism. You can do It It you apply Chamberlain's Liniment. W. A. Lock hard, Homer City, N. Y., writes. "Last spring I- suffered from rheumatism with terrible pains In my arms and shoulders. I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and the first application relieved me. By using one bottle of It I was entirely cured." For sale by all dealers. PARTS OF STATE GET ANOTHER GOOD RAIN Shirts of every kind and quality on sale Saturday at half or less than half usual prices at Brandels'. While It Is conceded that It was in no wise needed, 'Vain was pretty general again Wednesday" night over most all of Nebraska. Tho precipitation ransod from one-fourth to three-fourths of an Inch, with a few points getting better than an Inch, according to the railroads. In some portions of Nebraska there was a stiff wind, but not sufficiently heavy to do any damage more than to blow over some of the hay stacks. B URGESS-NA SH COMPANY "EVERYBODY'S STORE" Announcing Important Special Sales for SATURDAY Remarkable sale of Women's and Children's Hosiery. Sale of Women's Knit Underwear. End - of - the - Month sale .of Pure Drugs and Toilet Goods. Sale of Umbrellas guaranteed for 1 year and a day. Girl's White and Colored Dresses at a Great Reduction Men's Wash 4-in-Hand Ties at Half Price. See Friday evening papers and show windows for particulars. BURGESS-NASH COMPANY "EVERYBODY'S STORE" Beautiful New Summer Millinery at $4.98 For Friday, Instead of $7.50 CHARMING now summery conceptions a display of unusual attractions scores of pleasing styles in mid-summer hats selected from the best houses in America, including pana- mas. hemps, satins and new lelts, all white with the newest effects in trimmings Come Friday, you will not be disaDnointed. A " Hats that are absolutely worth $7.50, Friday at $4.98 Co. Second CToor. 1198 Thursday, Juno 25, 1914.- -BURGESS-NASH 00.. -Store News for Friday. -BURGESS-NASH 00.- -Sixtc snth and Harney Sta, A Great EndoftheMonth CLEANUP SALE in the Big Economy Basement for Friday A 7c Cleanup of Women's Summer Dresses OLEARAAYAY of all odd lots, short lengths and broken assortments that have accumulated throughout tho various section? of our store during the JUNE SALES (which by the way have been the most successful of any special event wo have ever held) sent to our gnat eleariner house the Economy Basement for immediate disposal. Practically every department in the store is represented and in every instance tho prico insures an enthusiastic selling. Hero's but an idea: EB '.BROIDERIES FRIDAY AT 2y2c TT'DOES .nd lnsovtlons, 2 4 to 3 J- Inche wju, good assortmet ' of designs special sa o prico, yard PRETTY LA0ES FRIDAY AT 2y2c INCLUDING linen torchon, Ger- JL man vals r.nd French vain, sohio matchod sets, spec l for Friday, yard RIBBONS AT lc, 2Vc and 5o WOMEN'S WHITE LISLE GLOVES, 7c QHOllT Btyle, 2-clrisp, washablo, J Just tho thing for sum mer wear, all sizes, very spoclal Friday, pair 75c ALARM CLOCKS FRIDAY, 44c VTICKEI 1 largo 44c plated case, figures on dial, loud alarm, regu lar prlco 7Cc, Friday at. . I.A0E CURTAIN ENDS AT 15c SALESMEN'S samplo vjnda of lace curtains, 1 to ti yards In lengths of curtains that would soil regularly at 75c and $1 the pair, Friday, oach 25c AND 30c CURTAIN SCRIM AT 10c CURTAIN scrim yard wide, with fancy floral borders In as sorted colors and pat terns, regular price 26c and 30c, In tho Base ment Friday, yard 5c JOG 39c CORSET COVER BRASSIER, 19c MADE of good quality muslin, with embroidery yoke and !9c Were $3.75 to $5.98, Friday at $2.95 to $2i PRETTY now effects in batiste, ratino and voiles. A scoro or more of styles from which to mako your selection, for ered waists, very special at, choice WOMEN'S WAISTS, FRIDAY, AT 25c Broken assortment of $1.00 waists, including ft middy blouses, black lawn and win to embroid- .eki ered waists, very special at. choico WOMEN'S $2.00 HOUSE DRESSES, AT 79c Made in light and dark percales, ginghams d"' 1 1 1 11. - . .t ana lawns, several very preuy siyies, reguinr Wm.- ipiJ.uw values lor $ MISSKB' WASH U-JPIEOE SUITS, AT 980 mjl White and natural linen, odd styles and sizes of U$i;: much higher priced linens; choice. Friday, at... WOMEN'S CLOTH SKIRTS, FRIDAY, 79o Cloth and corduroy skirts in sizes for women and nr misses, waist bands 22 to 24, extra special, Friday. . WOMEN'S COATS, FORMERLY $5 TO $7.50, AT $1.85 All wool mixtures, with faney collars, sizes for di or pi.Od 79c 98c scalloped edging, perfect fitting, regular price 39c, sale price Friday, at ..... Women's Mesh Corsets at 59c MEDIUM bust and hip, style for all figures, Just the kind of a corset for hot weather, very special, at Stamped Pillow Tops, Friday at 5c STAMPED in floral and conventional de signs on ecru crash, top and back, sale price Friday, each misses and small women, 16 to 36, Friday WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS, at $3.75 Made of serges, gabardines and whip cords, suits that were formerly priced $12.50 and $15.00; choice, Friday $3.75 :2io ES ion, Ger- 2ic A BIO c'.onnup. Including satins, taffetas, .raeli nh ons, velve'o, ild , 1 to 3 Inches wl o, yard, , 2 )i am ... . ...... HA DKEROHIEFS FRIDAY AT 2VsC TytTOMEN S ther lava handkor- chler , sown with colored borders. excD- tlonal vaU os Friday at, each 5c 5c 5c c Princess Embroidery Cotton, Skein at lc P PRINCESS embroidery cottons, in all colors, rope and India, in this groat end of the month cleanup at, skein Women's 50c Silk Hose Friday at 25c PURE thread silk boot hose, black and colors, regular 50c quality, some OnO slight imperfections, special Friday, pair. . &.UU Women's 12Vc to 25c Hose at 8c ALSO for children, black and colored, full seamless, broken assortment of 1220 to 25o qualities, sale prico Friday, pr. Women's Union Suits Friday at 15c LOW neck and sleeveless union suits, made umbrella style, lace trimmed, seconds of 25c quality in tho sale Friday. . 49c Colored Taffeta Silks at 23c TAFFETA silk, 24 inches wide, in a wide range of colors, an exceptional OQn value at 49c, special for Friday at, yard. . -tLQxj Roman Strined Silks Friday at 15c FANCY silks in pretty Roman stripes and floral effects, 23 inches wide, in the cleanup for Friday at, yard 5c and 10c Toilet Soap, Per Cake, 2c THOUSANDS of cakes of good toilet soaps, broken lots of well known brands, Including soaps from such makes as Kirk's, Haskln'B Ar mour's Jergen's, etc.; regular 6c and 10c, Friday. . I5G 15c 2c 39c $1.00 Bedspreads Friday at 39c THREE-QUARTER and full size crochet and Beorsuckor bodsproads, manufacturers' sam ples, slightly soiled on folded sldo, $1 values, 15c Zephyr Ginghams Friday at 60 ALSO chambray stripes, chockB, plaids and plain colors, best American Qrt made, rog. prico 15c, sale prico Friday. . . .QVl 10c Fancy Dress Ginghams at 3Y2o FANCY dress ginghams, 27 in. wide, 1 in plaids and checks, desirnble "yyO lengths, of the 10c quality, special Friday, yd. .J U FRIDAY MORNING From 8:30 to 10:30 EXTRA SPECIAL Fr tlese two hurs Friy morning wo win sen iuii standard dress and Bhirting prints, also 36-inch porcalos, strictly porfect goods, from the bolt and the extremoly low price of, yard j 2ic 80c Seamless Bleached Sheets at 59c SEAMX.ESS bleached sheets, size 81x 99, made from fino round thread, HUP full standard Quality, regular price 80c, Friday. (jUU Bleached Muslin and Cambric at 5o 36 inches wide, many well known brands of the hotter qualities will bo inoluded in this lot for Friday, at, yard j) 25c Linen Crash Suitings at 10c BOOK fold, pink, blue, green and all shades in linen crash suitings, tf sample bolts of 25c quality, yard lUu ME SH VEILING FP. (DAY AT 5c MESH v. Illnxs all col ors, o Igloully prjrcd to 26c, v ry saoclal for Friday at, ard. ......... WOME !TS NECKWEAR FRIDAY AT 5c TKCLUDU O hloekB. tics. -- flat collars, bows of lace, net, fancy chiffon and maliiie, vry special. . . . Hand Bags, Worth to 51.01), for 29o SAMPLES, and factory odds and -Mid, tnelud- o mini uufco una ouipi' novouy BJIIIfl slightly scratched, worth $1, jy Hat Pins, Worth 25c to 50c, for 10c SMALL novolty heads, short stemst. rhlncstone, storllng silver, black and whito effects, Indo structible pearls, etc., worth 25c to 50c. II 11" choico ;, iUu Porcelain Plates, Friday Choice, 3c shapes, choice BIG assortment of 4 and 5-inch plates and n sauce dishes in white or white and gold Up porcelain, worth 60c to 80c dozen, Friday, each Qu Diamond "0" Laundry Soap, 12 Bars, 25c YOU know tho results of Diamond "G" so there is no need for comment, Fri- ffeCn 5c .50 day special, 12 bars for Men's 25c Wash Four-in-Hands, 5c CUT and sewed, madras, chovtot, piques and other washable materials, in plain colons, panel and plain stripes, full length, some 1, lVi, IVi and 2 inches wide, nono worth less than 26-t. choice Men's Soomless Half Sose, 5c JUST one caco and they Trill p ou rapidly aftor the doors open Friday morning, black or tan, ribbed tops, fast color guaranteed, worth 8 He, Friday, pair Men's 25c and 50c Unde cwear, 19c ODD lots of 2-pieco plain balbrlgR in, athletic and porosknit, etc., not all Blum in every style, but all sizes represented, worth 26c to 60c, choice, each ' Men's 79c Union Suitj at 48c SPRING noodle ribbed union suits, short sleeves and three-quarter jnseams, AQn regular prico 79c, sale price Friday, each. . HUU Women's 79c Long Kimonos at 59c GOOD quality of lawn, whte gruund, with light and dark floral Btrlje, low neck and nhort Blooves, belted back, regular price 70c, choice J9c 59c THIS COLONIAL WATER PITCHER and SIX GLASSES AS ILLUSTRATED, 25c AnUlilUJV iUb Ul IIIUOU "MVUt iJVW ' ....... caused such enthusiastic buying n few weeks ago. Largo, colonial stylo pitcher and sir glasses to match; good clear glass, as illustrated very special for Friday, in the Basomont, at 25c Trimmed Hats, Choice, 75c-95c A CLEANUP of every trimmed hat in tho base ment section. These hats wore originally priced in tho Second Floor section at $5 to $10. Your choice Friday at 75c and 95c AN EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN FRIDAY IN ENAMELWARE SOc VALUES. AT 29c THREE Items, affording the biggest enamelwaro values we've ever offered. Made of heavily coated gray enamel, strict ly perfect. The offering Includes: Extra largo nlze dish pan, about 23 Quarts, or baby bath basin, 2-pleco covered .tn. 1 a rex Anniipli fnr InrflTA roast or chicken, etc., and a 3-piece cereal cooker or comoinaiion sauce pan handled. Each piece Is worth 50c, choice Friday, sach BarffMg.XTash real cooker' 29G M Misses' 50c Gingham Petticoats, 29c ADE of good quality gingham, fin ished with deop flounce, regular price 50c, very special Friday at , Children's 48c Wash Dresses at 35c MADE of gingham or chambray, long waist styles, finished with pipings, sizes 6 to 14 years, regular 48c, choice. Women's 79c Sateen Petticoats at 59c GOOD quality sateen, tiniHtiea with plaited flounce, in all the new colors, regular price 79c, sale price 9c 35c Children's 29c Rompers Friday at 19c CHILDREN'S rompers, crepe and J gingham dresses, percale aprons chambray pctiicoais wun body and chambray bloomers ages 2 to 6 years, regularly 29c, Friday at 59c !9c Women's 29c Dressing Sacques at 19c LAWN and porcalo, in dainty figures aud stripes, low neck, short ploevos, shirred at waist and peplum, regular prico 29c, choico Friday Women's $1.39 to $1.98 Silk Petticoats, $1.15 MADE of good quality messallne, In all tho new colors, finished with deep plaited flounce, regularly $1.39 to $1.98, jalo prico $1.15 Women's $3.0D Colonial Pumps at $1.79 $1.79 PATENT and dull leathers, buckle and tongue trim, medium and light weight, flexible soles, with military and Cuban, heels, were $2.50 and $3.00, Friday, pair. . . Remnants 15c to 25c Win o Goods, 5c INCLUDING flaxon, ratines, jat quards, novelties, plain Persian lawn, loi g cloth, Wfl nainsook, etc., lengths IK to 5 yards, were bIiI 15c to 26c a yard UU 39n Half Bleached Table Damask, 12.c 2 and 2J2-yard pieces of 53-mcl union - linlf hlnnoliorl fnhlo rlnmnlf. fnmiflrlv I B I 39c, yard Towels and Scarfs, Were 10c to 25c, at 5c I2ic "QROKEN assortments of tow 'ls, dresser worth 10c to 25c, each. scarfs, drawnwork doilies, etc., pieces Dresser Scarfs, Worth to 75c, for 29c e ami . -., . . a; jri A LSO stana covers, some iprons, fiBJriCC' WLJ Jk L I 1 'ttLa: trimmed, others i9c DUKutoo-N Aon vAJ. 5c 29c EVERYBODY'S STORE