uiij tivjbi UMAllA, ritiDAi, .JiAh "Jo, U14. Remnants Friday 5c Yard House Dresses, 39c Remnants of the season's most wanted lot of house dresses some slightly Wash Fabrics, many of them suitable for mussed; while they last En- waists, dresses, children's wear, etc. In- aav 6JG eluded are cotton fabrics, crepes, plisse, ra. . WHITE DRESSES, 51.69 tines, voiles, linen, lawns, ginghams and White lawn and voile dresses, good percales. In ono big lot 5c a yard styles, well made, less than half price, Fri- Basement Wash Goods Section. day $L69 Basement. Clearaway White Goods Drapery Remnants i Price 30c White Figured Piques, Friday 19c a yd The season's accumulation of remnants 30c White Ratine Friday 25c a yd 0f various kinds of curtain materials 25c White Dotted Swiss Friday. . . 15c a yd HALF PRICE 35c White Dotted Swiss Friday. . . 19c a yd Basement Advance Notice of Our Final Sale of High Grade Cotton Dress Goods Remnants This advance notice is given so that women may have an opportunity before day of sale to see these remnants now displayed in our Sixteenth street window. Date of sale will be given later. HOWARD .AND SIXTEENTH TEDDY STAND-BY PERKINS Roosevelt Makes Vigorous Defense of Bull Moose Angel. MOST USEFUL PARTY MEMBER Aaanrt Ksecutlve Committee Clmlr innn lna ,rlvct In (loofl Faith for Principle - Zenloan nnl Dlnlnlemled. HOLY SPRINGS. MIm., Juno 25,-Ab! velt, who returned to America upon the lmperator laat night, vlBoroualy dofended George W. Perklna, chairman of the progreulve national executive committee, whose resignation as chairman was de manded recently by Amoa Plnchot, who declared that Mr. Perkins" affiliation with certain his business Interests made him unfit to hold his position. "When they read Tcrklns out." said Colonel Roosevelt, "they will have to read me out, too." The colonel reiterated that he would not be a candidate (or the governorship of New York this (all. In discussing his health, the colons! esld that when he boarded the Imporator he had a slight touch ot (ever, and that forty-eight hours later he had anothor attack which was more severe. The last time he had a (ever ot 106 and was forced to remain In his room all day. "But. I'm all right now," he contin ued, "and ,1 shall speak at Pittsburgh on June 80. I shall not be able to speak in the open air or mafce continuous speaking trips. However, I shall be able to deliver a certain number of apeochua Indoors. "Mr. Perkins," doclared the colonel In his reference to the national executive chairman, "has been on tho whole the rc'ist useful member ot the progressive party, No man had served with greater zeal and disinterestedness. He has striven In absolutely good faith (or the principles of the party, both as regards corpora tions and business generally and as re gards the group of questions dealing with ttio welfare of the wage earner and his economic and social advonce. As (or reading him out of the party whn that Is done, they will have to read me out. too." Colonel Roosevelt gave out a letter from Dr, Hamilton Rice, the explorer. In which he said, he was mistaken when he questioned the discovery of tho Ulver of Doubt This letter reads as follows: "Dear Colonul Roosevelt: It Is only RESINOL CURED AWFUL ITCHING IN ONE NIGHT New York "The skin on my hand got redl and rough. It Itched and I began to icratch It It Itched so that sometimes could not steep all night I was suffer- rg very much. I used salve and , but they did not seem to help me, This went on (or six or seven months, Then I tried Reslnol Ointment and Rest nol Soap. I used them one night In the morning, to my surprise, my hand was all well and the trouble has never re urned. Tills Is the absolute truth. Signed) Mlts Ctlla Klelnman. CI Colum bia St, April 28. Nothing we can say ot Reslnol equals what others, such as Miss Klelnman, kr of it It does Its work quickly, eas ily and at Utile cost If you are suffer ing from Itching, burning skin troubles, pimples, blackheads, sunburn, insect Mtes. dandruff, ulcers, bolls, stubborn sores or plies, try Reslnol Ointment and Reslnol Soan. Hold by all druggists. For free samples write to Dept 17-R. Reslnpl, Sal Ignore. Md, Summer Dresses for Women Well dressed women are proud to wear Thompson, Belden & Oo.'s dresses. They are well made, fashionable, and are of only the choicest fabrics. The prices aro rea sonable $3.95, $4.50, $6.50, $7:50 up to $45 In this showing we are able to fill any dress want. The June Clearaway of Suits Affords an opportunity to purchase at an underprice the suit for vacation or travel wear. $10.50, $12.75, $16.50 The Store for Shirtwaists Excellent values in Wash Blouses $1.85 just and right In view of the circum stances of the last few weeks that I should write to you tu say that after hearing your lecturo last ovenlng, the premises no longer exist upon which I based an opinion and made certain criti cisms upon tho results ot ycur South American expedition. "Your most (air, lucid and interesting narrative dispels completely tho points In dispute and I am' truly sorry for what ever unpleasantness and' misunderstand ing have arisen In consequence ' of my comments. I also deeply regret that any remarks of a personal nature ever ap peared causing the tone' of my comments to bo entirely misinterpreted and mis understood. 'I feel confident you will receive In the same friendly spirit that they are offered you, my warmest and most deep felt congratulations upon the great suo- cess and splendid achievements of your expedition, a noble Journey nobly done, For the courage, fortitude and valor you displayed, the very modest reference to yourself and the generous and magnaml- out spirit in which you give full and Just tribute to your brave companions, I have. only words of praise, thoughts of ad miration." Met at Quarantine. Colonel Roosevelt was met at quaran tine by Mrs. Roosevelt. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Derby, lits son-in-law and daughter, Archie Roosevelt, Quentln Roosevelt, V, Emlln Roosevelt, George W. rerklns and Dudley Fields Malone, collector of the port Tho party was on board tho steam yacht Joyance. As soon as the health officers finished their Inspection tho colonel and Philip Roosevelt, who accom panied him on his trip to Spain to attend the wedding of Kermlt Roosevelt and Mlis Wyatt Wlllard, boarded the yacht and proceeded to Oyster Day. HACKMAN KILLS WIFE AND SHOOTS HIMSELF GRAND ISLAND, Neb., June S. (Special Telegram.) Joseph Smith, a hack driver, aged about thirty years, to night shot and killed his wife and him self at the resort of Sadie Jennings, for merly a keeper of a house of 111 fame. Smith married the woman he killed to night about the timo ot tho raid somo months ago. Her former name 1 un known. The pair separated some time sgo, temporarily, and Smith went away. He returned tecently and rejoined his wife. She decided to return to the home ot Sadie Jennings and he Is said to havo remonstrated and to have warned her that If she did return to the place she would not live long. Tonight he went to the place, took two shots at the Jennings woman, but missed her. Ho then shot his wife through the temple and killed her instantly. He thereupon shot himself twice In the re gion of the heart, but lived about an hour. Chief of Police Arbogast made a com plete Investigation ot other houses ot the vicinity and states that none were run ning, that there were no Inmates and mat me irageay lomgni was simply a quarrel between husband and wife. KotK-c. Commencing Juno 1st Nickel Plate Road sells tickets Chicago to New York and return, 117.00. Doston and return, 10.00. Also variable routes. Liberal stop Adams St, Chicago. overs. Inquire local agent, or address John Y. Calahan. A. O. P. A.. CO W. Fremont Will Play Cedar Illufts. CBDAR II LUFFS, Neb., June .-(Spe clal.) One ot the best games of base ball In the history of the local team is expected to be seen here next Sunday when Fremont return the game played at Fremont, here next Sunday. Hoth teams are strong and played an eleven. Inning game two weeks ago at Fremont. 11,000 shirts from a bhr Philadelphia mill on sale Saturday at half price or less at ilia Brandels, Stores. -STREETS DRUGGISTS COME TO OMAHA Next Session of State Convention Will Be Held in Gate City. BR00KLEY CHOSEN PRESIDENT I.nir Committee Demands Kn force, nicnt nf fttntute Afrnlnat Sale ot Ilnpe and Nays Penalty Should lie, Grentrr. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Juno 25. (Spe cial Telegram.) The Nebraska Retail Druggists' association today doclded to hold the next convention In Omaha and elected these officers: President, Wil liam Brookley of Kdgar; vice president, W. B. Clayton of Grand Island: treasurer, D, D. Adams of Nehawkaj secretary, J. 0. MoRrlde of University Place. J. W. Fcltcr of Maxwell and Ncels Mokkelson ot Kenesaw were endorsed for tho State Board of riiarmacy. N. P. Hansen, D. Fink, A. V. Pease, R. A. Lyman and K, O'nrlen were elected delegates to the national convention. Atcatnat Snip nf Dope. The determination shown by legislative committees und Individual members to se cure better enforcement of the present laws with reference to the sale ot what Is cornmonjy referred to as "dope" mor phine, cocaine, etc. to habitual users ot tho drugs Is the feature of tho convention of greatest Interest to tho public. In this connection the report of the legislative committee was a feature ot the session. After a. review of the laws ulready enacted but not strictly enforced It was set forth that the prlmo purpose ot such legislation should be to prevent the sale of narcotla or habit-forming drugs promiscuously, to prevent the salo of any sort of poison bought with sui cidal intent and to remove as far as pos sible the chance for accidental poisoning. Tho failure ot the passage ot the John son bill at the last session of the logla lature was deplored, and It was suggested that It would not "be hard to guess what the Interest was that prevented its pas sage." Pcnnltr Too Light. The law known as the cocaine law, says the report, "Is being generally observed, but It is well known that there are some very rank offenders of this law In the larger cities, and possibly In smaller ones. The chief trouble In this law seems to be In the smallness of the penalty as pro vided for In section :, and what la still more fatal, the lack of any officer who feels It incumbent upon himself to prose cute violations." The membership, through this nglsla-J live committee, declares itself as anxious to enforce the law and to protect the In dividual, and laments that "despite this fact the lay press teems with scare-heads aB to the prevalence ot the sale ot 'dope ' broadly Insinuating that druggists as a class traffic In habit-forming drugs for pecuniary gain," which insinuation is flatty and vigorously dented. The reports ot the officers showed the association to be gaining rapidly In mem bership. Eight applications were received and the applicants accepted as members at this session. President Schmidt urged greater actlv ity with the view of securing necessary legislation, and dwelt upon the need ot a strong national organisation. Lawjrr Hues tor Fees. YORK. June 35. (Special.) A suit for (30.000 was (lied In district court yester day afternoon by C. C Sandall, a local attorney, against Herman and Morris Otto. It Is (or tees claimed In the Otto land case that was settled last winter after It had been on trial (or several days. Omaha real estate Is the best Investment you could make. Read The Bee's rial estate columns. PATTQ TDTPATV UT A WHY ATT vnuuv mum i uunuiuumu Roosevelt Assails Proposed with Colombia. Pact GIVE UP CANAL STRIP IF STOLEN Handling of International Affairs by Wtlnon and Ilryan Makes IVntlnn, Fla;nre of Fun He fore World. NEW YORK. Juno K.-In a dengthy statement Issued lost night, Col. Roose velt declared that the payment of J25,000, 000 to Colombia for having secured the right to build the Panama canal, as pro vided (or In the pending treaty, would be merely tho payment of belated black mail. If tho proposed treaty is right, he said, the presence of the United States in Pan ama is wrong and Panama should, there fore, be restored to Colombia and the United States should shannon the zone. In his statement, Colonel Roosevelt said, In part: "The payment of tS.WW.OO to rVilomhln, together with the expression of what Is In effect an apology for our having se cured tho right to build the Panama canal, Is meroly the bolated payment ot blackmail with an apology to the black mailers, if this proposed treaty, sub mitted by President Wilson through Mr. Rryan, Is right, then our presence on the Isthmus is wrong. In such case Panama should at one be restored to Colombia and we should stop work on the canal and abandon the place, bag and baggage. There should be no halfway measures. If "we ns a nation have been guilty of theft wo should restore the stolen goods. If wo have not been guilty of theft we should not pay blackmail. Figure of Fnn. "The handling of our foreign affairs by President Wilson and Secretary Bryan has been such as to make the United States a figure of fun In the In ternational world. This proposed Colom bian treaty caps the climax, and if rati fied, will rightly render us an object of contemptuous derision to every great na tion. In view of its submission to the congress I wish to call attention to ex actly what was dono under my admin istration. "Becauso of the action of that admin istration, the people of tho United States acquired what they could by no other means havo acquired, the right to build tho Panama canal. In 1903 It was still doubtful whether we would adopt the Nlcnrasuan or tho Panama route. The government of Colombia was exceedingly anxious that wo should adopt the latter and offered to arrange and did arrange a treaty with us in qrdcr to prevent our going to Nicaragua. Partly In considera tion of this treaty we abandoned nego tiations with Nicaragua. Wo acted In good faith and the course of action wo thereby entered upon was conditioned upon thatr proposal, their promise. It was our right and also our duty to our own people and to tho rest of the world to exact the performance ot this promise Tlmn fnr Talk Pnsseil. For 400 years, thero had Deen con versation about the need ot tho Panama canal. The time for further conversation had passed, the tlmo to translate words Into deeds had come. If I had followed President Wilson's policy ot 'watchful waiting' It would have Insured half u century ot additional conversation and the canal would still be In the dim future. And it Is only because tho then ad ministration acted precisely as it did act thut we now have the Panama canal." The colonel then declared the United States "was In duty bound" to build the canal Itself becauso it could not pormlt an old world power to gain such a foot hold In America and would not allow the usefulness ot the canal to be arrested becauso of the greed of private capital. Colonel Roosevelt said that until tho present treaty negotiations were entered Into ho did not believe It possible, "that un American would thus betray tho honor and Interest of tho American peo ple by submitting to blackmail." The colonel hnd mnde It plain, ho said, that the Colombian government was In error "when it indulged In such a supposition about my administration." No QunrreJ with Colombia. Colonel Roosevelt says he has no quar rel with the people of Colombia and does not question their "fine private qualities." But" tho statement continues, "un fortunately, in International affairs a nation must be Judged by tho government that speaks for It" Mr. Roosevelt In mentioning the pro posal of the Colombian government to confiscate the property of the French government In Panama, (or which the United States had offered to pay $10,- 000,000 said it was simply a scheme on the part of Colombia to "get 140.000,000 from v." "Incidentally," Colonel Roosevelt con tinued In his statement "I would call tho attention of President Wilson and Secre tary Bryan to the fact that this J W, 000,- 000 represents the exact sum which Co lombia lost when tho United States gov ernment of that day refused to submit to blackmail. They now only propose to pay 13,000,000 blackmail. They had better mako the Job thorough while they aro about it, and give the whole $10,000,000. Otherwise, they will still leave an open ing for action by some future adminis tration of similar mushy amiability to wards foreign powers that havo sought to wrong us. There Is no earthly reason why we should not throw in the extra $15,000,000 It we propose to pay tho $3,000, 000, Colombia has exactly as much right to one sum as the other. Iloaat fur Wilson. "As president I declined to allow Undo Sam to be blackmailed. President Wilson now desires tne oiacKmau to te paia. His attitude can be Illustrated by a hypo thetical case. Tho present administra tion has, with regard to Mexico, pursued course wavering between peace and war, exquisitely designed to combine the disadvantages both and feebly tending first towards one and then towards the .... .. .. . ' o,her Vsuatly It has permitted th free in gress of arms Into Mexico, both from this country and others. Occasionally it has undergone spasms of understanding that these arms might ultimately be used against our own troops. "It has then prohibited the landing of arms, sometimes wabbling back again to Its original position, as when It took Vera Cruz to prevent the landing of weapons and munitions of war and shortly after wards permitted the very same arms and munition's to be landed. Well, if some future administration of similar views on International relations should offer Mex ico IIS, 000.000 as an atonement for Inter mittently refusing to allow the landing of arms that might be used against our own people It would be behaving pre cisely and- exactly as President Wilson's administration is behaving about Co lombia. Conduct Open nml Straight rortrnrd. "The conduct of the United States gov ernment throughout the entire proceed ings which resulted In the acquisition of tho canal was absolutely open and strnlghtforwnrd, absolutely In accord ance with the principles of tho highest international morality. Only by acting precisely as we did act could we have secured tho right to build the Panama canal. It la hypocrisy to claim credit for the canal and at tho same time attempt to discredit the course which alone ren dered tho canal possible. It will bo a grave wrong to the republic, a reflec tion upon the honor of this nation In the past and a menace to Its interests in the future If this treaty for the belated pay ment of blackmail Is ratified at Wash ington." nneklen'a Arnica Snlve Pi evented blood poison on Mr. G. W. Cloyd of Plunk, Mo This soothing salve healed a dangerous wound. 25c. All druggists Advertisement. VILLA CAPTURES ZACATECAS AFTER ABLOODY BATTLE (Continued from Page One.) entire northern part of Mexico and much moro than half of the republic's territory in the hands of the constitutionalists. It marks another stage In tho race of three rival constitutionalist leaders to Mexico City. General Villa from Zacateces probably will move against Aguas Collentes, al most directly to the south, and whence tho remnants of the Zacatecos garrison retreated. General Pablo Gonzales, the eastern divisional commanded vfio took Tampico, 'een ordered to take San Luis Potosl, now weakened by an almost complete evacuation. General Alvaro Obregon, commander of the army of tho west, Is about to at tack Guadalajara. If successful his troops would have even a clearer road to the national capital than those of Villa or Gonzales. Guadalajara, far to tho south, and next to Mexico City, the lar gest city In Mexico, affords a roadway to the national capital, through a rich country which easily could sustain n largo army. Captain Ivar Thord Gray, formerly of the English ormy. Is acting In an advisory capacity to Obrcgon's jndvance of cavalry which is commanded ny ueneral Luclo Blanco, a former Coa hulla leader, Blanco, has been utilizing cavalry as It Is used In American and European armies for the first tlmo In the history of Mexican warfare. Villa by taking tho centeral route has CAKE FOR YOUR HAIR CUTICDRA SOAP And Cuticura Ointment. They cleanse the scnlp, re movo dandruff, arrest hilling hairand promote hair health. Samples Free by Moil p Cuticura &md and OUUaaol arid t-rouatiout the wlJ. Utnl unptt ot wwh laMlori fr, with 33-p, boot. Xiinm CuUruiV V- Tit. Ilortoo. CHILDREN TEETHING MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP USED BY MILLIONS OF MOTHERS FOR THREE uNERATONS WITH THAT RARE OLD TANG J engaged in more succcssufl fighting than any of the three divisional leaders. He i i , . . , . .. tiua iugn uDinaga ana Juarez on inc Texas borders, Shlhuahua City. Torreon and Zacalecas, and still Is not bb far south as either Obregon or Gonzales, who have worked along the coasts Neither Mazatlan nor Guaymas on the west coast have been taken by Obregon, but the presence of federal garrisons In those ports is not considered by the revolutionists ns an hindrance to the Mexico City campaign. HOME FOR EPILEPTICS IS OPENED AT'AXTELL AXTELL. June .-(8pecloll-Whnt may prove to be In the future a lare and very successful undertaking was ded icated this evening. Rev. K. O. W r Dahl of the Swedish Lutheran church at this place has had it In mind as iMs life s ambition ti establish a homo frr old people, and especially epllctlcs. there being no proper place for either of theto dependants provided for by the state. In the early part of this year j corporation wos organized having tor Its purpos- the establishment i .such homes in Axtell. Forty acres of ground nus been bought and In part paid for. Fitllmlna.- to tho construction of permanent buildings cottages were rented In tho village md these were formally opened or dedicated last night. Four cottages will be opened as soon ns the work will permit. Miss Mnlvlna Olson from Minnesota will t-lco charge as head Dlakonlss of the homes and Mies Edna Palmblade and Miss Net tle Martensorv- m her. assistants Ap plications (or both tho cpltectlcs home and old (oiks home rre more numerous than can be accepted at the present time. Your Summer Holidays Made Real If You KODAK Picture taking with a kodak is simple and not expensive. Bring Us Your Films and Plates for Development Your Prints When Promised or No Charge WE ARE so sure of having yonr prints when promised, we guar antee them or will not eliarge if they're delayed. Expert Work But more important still, the Dempster developing, printing and enlarging is tho best In America. Special Sale Kodaks and Cameras A number of slightly "shop worn" Kodaks and Cameras various sizes and styles, each per fect as an Instrument. We'll Sell Them All at Sharply Reduced Prices Everything photographic Is In the Dempster stock at tho lowest price. THE Robert Dempster Co. (Eastman Kodak Co.) Two stores 1813 Farnam SU 308 S. 15th St. Pale Children AVer's SartaparUta helps nature to make rich, red blood. No alcohol. Sold for GO yeara. Ask Yow Doctor. jJn&: IV ITT T TiMM ECONOMICAL JL f UOUT WEIGHT BJJUCt $1075 Studebaker SIX quality cannot b e matched save by Stude baker manufac turing methods Tho nssomblor cannot nchlevo it with a lowerod prlco bocaueo ho Is an assem bler, not a manufacturer. Tho small manufacturer, even with a high priced car. cannot roach It bo cauuo his pro d u c 1 1 o n won't support the equip ment Investment, Studebaker has all the req .ulsltes for producing the highest quality SIX big volume, labo ratorion, foundries, heat-treating plants, forgo shops, stamping mills, machine shops, body and uphols tering ulaut, etc. Youll find tho evidence of Studebakor manufactur ing and Studobaker qual . ity In tho way this SIX holds tho road; in its vl bratlonlosa, silent motor, in its noiseless rear axlo and transmission. Theso qualities nre present In varying degree In other cars. accordlnK to whether they are completely or semi-manufactured; 'or as sembled, but you must havo them In your "SIX." Send for the Studebaker Proof Book, describing Studebaker manufacturing- methods. F. O. 13. Detroit FOUR Touring Car $1050 SIX Tourlnp Car 1575 SIX Landau-Roadster 1800 SIX Sedan 2250 WILSON, 2429 Farnam Street Local Dealer "Quantity Production of Quality Cars" Positive Relief from the Buffering caused by dis ordered conditions of tho organs of digestion and elimination from indigestion and biliousness always secured by tho aafe, certain and gentlo action of Beecham's Pills Sold CTrywherw. la boxe. 10c, 2 Sc. wk nv. rvjwa p n wi 11 n i - i n , m i miiiirt nil n-t-fT-im -i-n-ini AMUSE5IEMS. IT'S COOL AT Lake MANAWA Most Beautiful Amusement Park in the Middle WeBt. Dancing, Boating, Roller Coaster and Many Other Attractions Fine Picnic Grounds Book Your Picnic Now. Admission to Park Free, BASE BALL UOVBXB PABXC Omaha vs. Des MoJr.es JUNE 34, 3S, 36 aad 37. rrtd-7, Junt, 36, Xifcdlaa' Dy. Guinea Called at 3 p. m. i N