THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1914. REAL ESTATE CITY rnOPEIlTY KOU SALE. ItEAli ESTATE CITY I'HOI'MITY Fun SALK. RE.VIj ESTATE CITY PltOl'EtlTY FOIl SALE. REAL ESTATE CITY I'HOI'BllTV FOIl SALE. MONT Make Tomorrow's profit in Omaha real estate your own by investing Today. Lots have shown a steady advance in value the past year, of from $200 to $400. III Tj I LHsaata marn nVm-r, n-T-T'TrT-Tn MILTON U-L.L-.Li. J. J L CLAIR I . I l l l l I I '. ill li I 2 - rMTFrTTnT'" V nlniDOT ixroxixi nipxiTxi .cm r Study the map and consider the fact that this is the last chance you will ever havo to purchase a lot in a now, inside, restricted addition in Omaha. It is the last inside tract available for such purpose. Is time and convenience an object to you! Regular street car time to heart of city telvo minutes. Choice of two street car lines. Time to Union Station eighteen minutes. Bemis Park adjoins it on the west. Fine schools and churches convenient. High school and Creighton University in easy walking distance. Forty lots in Bungalow Section at $700.00 to $S00.00 each. Other section $900.00 to $1,300.00 each. These prices include water, sewer, gas and concrete sidewalks for every lot. Restricted just enough to make it an ideal place for homes. Terms easier than ever before offered on this class of property. $12.50 to $25.00 will make a cash payment on a lot (and with this down payment at our present prices, we consider the paper good as cash,) balance $12.50 to $25.00 monthly. We are going to offer these lots for dale Saturday, June 27th, at 2:00 P. M. till night and three days following, 4:00 P. M. till night unless sooner sold. Representative will be on ground Friday 4:00 P. M. till night to show lots. Take Cuming Street car and get off'at Lincoln Boulevard or Harney Street car and get off at Myrtle Avenue or if more;convenient, call our office and we will show property any time before date of sale. Douglas 1722. REAL ESTATE FAIIM & RANCH LANDS FOR SALE. Alluneaotiu TODD County or creameries, corn and clover. For Information wiite Van Dyke & Van Dyke. Long Prulrle; Minn. CHOICE Improved farms for aalo In Minnesota's corn belt. Write for list Troll Land Company, Farmlnston. Minn. NEW YORK ALFALFA FARMS FOR SALE. Your first payment Is your first ste-g toward prosperity and Independence, 22o acre farm, one mllo from dandy railroad village, with 35 cows. Price 30 per aero. Never before has bo little money been ablo to buy such a bargain, 92-acro farm, level, no stone. 1 mllo out, 20 per aero. RIVERSIDE STOCK FARM. 160-acre farm. 1 mile to village, 14 to Syracuse. Price $30 per acre, with cows and crops thrown in. Railroad fare to purchaser. Write for photos. E. MUNBON. . 82S S. Baling St. Syracuse. N. Y. JVcpraak. RANQH FOR SALE. 1920 acres, all fenced and cross tenced; two good wells and reser voirs and tanks; 200 acres under cultivation and foncod: In three pas tures, all lu one body; compara tively all level land; eleven miles troni Grant, the county seat: level roads to town. C. W. WILLIAMS, Owner, Grant, Neb. W.15-PER ACRE13.15. 640-acro improved western Nebraska stock ranch, easily worth J7.50 per ucro, but owner must ruise money at once, so Is otferioe this ranch for J3.15 per acre cceh for quick sale. Would you trado one dollur for two7 That is what we are offering you in this place, and more, but li must bo at once. Title perfect and clear. Wilts or wlro for full particulars. Walt ii Dean. Agents. Blue Mound. Kan. 100 IAND FOR JbO PER ACRE. 210 acres Merrick Co., Neb., (-room house, large barn, granary, corncrlb, well, fenced and cross-fenced; CO acres wheat, 20 acres oats, 40 acres corn, balance hay and pasture. Mtg., J12.D00 at 6 per cent. Nordqulst & Storek. 323 Neville i)lk. FOUND 320-acre homestead In settled neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand hills; cost you S2G0, filing fees and all. J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. W-ACRE irrigated farm Hi mile from county seat, raise alfalfa, fruit, stocks, dairying and hogs. Must sell or will trada for btock of merchandise or other property in city or country. Wrlto prlco and particulars in first letter If trade. Address Box 651, Gooding, Idaho. Pianos for other musical instru'ts. D. 201T. REAL ESTATE LOxNB HOC to 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Dldg.. 18tli and Farnam. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1330 Farnam. 6 f!ITV I.OANB. HnmU.fHrlhorir CV. S10-312 Urandels Theater Uldg. EEE us first if you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. Neb. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Nat. Bk. Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. II. Thomas. 223 State Bank Bldg. CITY and farm loans. 6, 6H. per cent J. H. Dumont & Co.. 1003 Farnam. Omaha. HARRISON & MORTON. 816 Om, Nat. WANTED City loans. Peter Trust Co. OARV1N BROS n. and u. UiXl LA DnU0.0maha Nat. Bank. farm loans. Optional payments & an nual Int. Wm. McConnlck. 1201 Farnam. OMAHA homes. Bast Nebraska farms. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. imt Omaha Nat. Douglas 2715. :!7immTTlTm Jj E-LxXLLlxtj-r H " v t V i3i-.-.i:Qxm Jj l23 ljilj l: lj J,J,..U,.L LySfti L iJ LJ1L 55 - I J J J J J .TToA J 1 -1 -i - -"i ! I I i i i (! m I "l ' I -"1 t ! V7.( ' ft. J r X " 1 m ' I , 2 r Z Z , NICHOLAS ST. I -..I . ? ' 0 m ,i i j, . . i i i i . i i . i . i i i i I i m, ui i mm I " I ' I ' I ' I '"""" '-J crl - x -MY - - ; i . p- v r vv . I i . V. C u I - lrl I, i.l . I i 1 I I I I I I i 1 rH$-z.n"lM . I .If, - ".vi I rr Ti -i f-n I I 1 n I I ' I 1 I " I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I " I ' I I " 1 I-1 . J j f " iu 19 t jm iiAt in . A jm ) J I J I 1 ) O-i- ft-LI . 1. rf-T- . i!rxiJjjjj!i:ji:j:i:iJj:i:i:i:oiii i no ;vi i i r p r i i r i i i i l l l 4. : ii i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii x " I! i ' - 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 - "-' 1 1 - 1 ' - I. ..I,. I I - ill! j ra ' 1 ir ' w ir-jr-- ' " " ' ' tt . - BENSON & CARMICHAEL $1 Down $1 A Week Are the terms that we are going to sell the remaining unsold lots In Ak-Par-I3en Hill addition until every lot Is sold. Prices $175 to $300 Each If you want to Invest in the best located lots, close to school and car line, lots In Ak-Sar-Bcn Hill addition aro the best values offered in Omaha. These lots are located on 36th, 37th and 3Sth Sts.. between Browne and Fort Sts.; uro all seeded to alfalfa; lie high and Blghtly. This is an easy way to get started to own a well located lot on very easy pay ments. Will bo pleased to make an ap pointment with you at any time. Call lit our offlco and get plat of this addition. Our salesmen aro ready to go out with you any time. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. Fort Street Special Offer Seven Rooms and Garage $3,650 On Fort street. Just east of Nth street, facing south, we have listed at a low prlco for quick sale, a snap for someone who wants a good house, with gara?o and fine concrete driveway. The lot is fine, and the house, while It docs not have oak finish, was built for a home and can be bought for less than cost. Carries a 12,400 mortgage and owner requires only a email amount of cash for first paymont. Balance In monthly payments. All pav ing and other taxes paid In full. Seo it today. Charles W. Martin & Co., 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., Tyler 187. Field Club District New 7-Room House Living room, with fireplace, and beam celling; beautiful dining room, oak finish and oak floorB throughout; four bed rooms, finished In white enamel; all rooms nicely decorated; complete In evry detail, even to toilet In basement and clothes chute; lot 57x133. Located at 3333 Walnut St Price J5.260. Terms. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug, 4270. 6-Room Modern House AT 3615 DAVENPORT. Lot 47xlll-for 14,000. W. H. GATES 647 Omana National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1234. mli JS Now Home, 5-Rooni, Modern Complete In every detail, with all mod ern conveniences, full lot, hedge, shrub bery, etc., fine location, near 26th and Wirt: real value at 33.200: easy terms, or might take unincumbered residence lot for equity. New Home, Prairie Park Choice 8-room home place, entirely mod ern, built 2 years; large basement, spa cious living room across entire house; combination fixtures, oak floors and every modern appointment; south rront, on paved street, In one of the new, choice residence sections, near 26th and Meredith Ave. A value of unusual merit at 14,600. Your own terms. McKitrick Real Estate Co. 316 Ramgo Blk.. 15th and Har. D. 1482. Big Cut To Sell For the purty that can pay dowrr $550 cash, balance $25 each month, will get this new bungalow for 12.475. Five rooms and tiled bath; oak, birch and maple finish; built-in kitchen cabinet; fine plumbing and fixtures; water meter; screens and shade; full cemented cellar: nice lawn; close to car. Will be sold quick. P. J. Tebbens Co. 753 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 2182. New 8-Room Modern, $3,750 Corner lot, near 22d and Bprague, up-to-date and modern In every particular, four fine bedrooms. Owner leaving Omaha. Couldn't be replaced for the money. Terms, S500 cash, balance monthly. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1538. 208-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg. Non-Resident Says Sell 624 S. 2Sth street. 9-room, all modern, quarter oak finish, hot water heat. Best bargain In the city. Also Finn brick flats. 4000-11 Izard street: extra built, but must go at 12.000 less than cost. D. V. Sholes Co. 913 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 49. MUST BE SOLD 66x142 near corner 25th and California streets, worth (10,000, 17.500 will buy It now. 37x180 on 24th near Harney, faces 24th avenue with modern home, W.W) takes It Phone Douglas 3607 Call at 413 Kar bach block. 1 ( J 1 I '- 642 Paxton Block. COUNTRY HOME BARGAIN COth St., 3 blocks from Center, 15 acres high and sightly, charming view of city and country; 8-room modern house, well ouiii, wiin gooa water system, large bam, chicken house, etc. Lots of 'fruit and shrubbery and part of the land in alfalfa. It Is as good us settled that the car line will be extended west on Center St, this year as far as this nronertv. which naturally should enhance the value of this property. The owner expects to icuvo me cuy mis winter .and conse quently will sell right, and will take as pan payment u good umana residence. O'Neil's R. E. & Ins. Agency, 150S Farnam St. Phone Tyler 1024. In Benson 5-Room House 4 Lots LOCatrd Within Ml. hlnnlr 1 j. car line, close to the business district. "Sink1 .5 us to cut the prlco of J2.B00 if Mid by July 1. Can arrange terms. Has large barn, 10x24 ft. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1814 Harney St. Dundee Forced Sale ' t1 niuiti . Will UUy 4X1 1 B?uBi- 1h, U a new house. Welt throu8hly modern and attractive inside and out Owner has left the city and will eacrtflce. Want an offer at Glover & Spain 919-20 City National. Douglas 3962. WRHT V1DM1VI Owner leaving city, offers for sale the elegant modern 10-room residence, 121 B. Mth Ave. Telephone Harney 13C8. . 8,ELI' OIt iUSNT, FIHST SEE JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1802 FAJtNAM BT. Florence Ileal Estate for Rain C. U Netuaway. suburban prop. Flor. 278. AHST1UCT9 OF TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.. a modern abstract office. 906 So. 17th BtFhone Douglas Ufl. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 206 Urandels Theater. REAL ESTATK TIIANBFKR8 DMds (111 (or record Jus. ti. lilt: C. E. Veir to W. P. Doiubu, lot . block 1, Boutb Omtha. f a. a. Cauiher to J. li. Cuthr. H Inttr- Mt In lot (2. Bouth Orniha. 1. M. Uuin.r to a. a. Cauchtr. wilH feet of lot I, Mock 2. Boutb Omtlit, O. V. SholM Co. to II. Olflord loti t, . 7 and I. block 1. Mccormick's Sod4 add it. 11. Smith to N. A. ffchuett. lot til, Fairfax add Jjij U. Hulberl to T. U. Watttri. lota I and I, block i, Lincoln INIihu 00 it, N. Monaon to C- A. I'bllbln. lot 7. block i. Portland I'lac A. W. Jonaa to J. Kotcr. lot 1 aod I. block 1, lloppa'a Uonanaa. South Omaha lit I do uroter t layman juaiir Uu. to Barn 8. Cohn, lot . Uolmont add Hi u. Dora? to u. u. IMraer. vioo ((t ot lot 10. Terrace add 1,000 U. U. V) W. jt. LTIII. lot XI, block 111, DundM Plae W, V. Kernan to lUnVara Kaaltr Inetmnt Co.. nlSli feat or nlOt feat ot lot M, Olia'a add U D. Hopklni to Oankera Realty Inteat- ment Co., lot t. Mock II. Sholl'a Bacon 4 add , L Mlkaieaen to Bankera Healty Inreat. ment Co.. 3J (eat ot lot It, btock 1, and cl foot of lot II. block i, In Oak Chatham J. T. Tbompaon to C. II, Jaekaon, lot . Radman'a add J. H. Kannrdr, eiectito, to II. U 8nvpant, U of nv and wVi of aw St aeotlon M. M.W0 N 1' Dodge to E. E, Nawbold. lota 17, tt, t. W and II. Samoa Helahta. C ltii to 8, Duncan, lot 17. block I, Don. acken'a add to Walnut Hill ISO E. G. 1'almer to Q. F. Gllmnr. Irrfa II ndi VAGRANT IS TOOLAZY TO EAT South Omaha Police Have Quito a Time with Man Named Qustcrson. COULD NOT GET ENOUGH BEST After Exlinnstlno; All of he mtlence of tho FncUlnpr Town Tollce Force Visitor In Escorted Out of City. The la2lcst man Is believed to havo been discovered by the South Omaha police, lie was arrested as a vagrant and gavo the name of Kd austersoiu After spending tho night In Jail he was called for breakfast In tho morning by Desk Sergeant Tony Smith, who told him to go Into tho mess room and eat. Falling to get a response, tho officer In vestigated, and 12d merely yawned and said ho wouldn't go. "What's "matter, you? Whaddeyamcan, won't come to breakfast? Yu' sick?" It was a now oxpcrlenco for the er gcant, who riovcr beforo knew a prisoner to refuse to cat. Scenting a im8sI11o hunger strike, ho barked up to tho coll bars and yelled at the follow again. "Naw, I ain't sick", Ousterson finally volunteered. "There ain't nuthln' tho matter, 'cept I'm Jcs restln". Bring? my breakfast In here to me." Again, when tho prlnoncrs were put to work around tho Jail on the morning chores, the sleepy Individual was too tired to etlr from his cell, and Insisted REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 19, block X5. Dundee Dice II McMillan to Conaervallve Haemal and Loan aaaoclatlon, lot 11, block 115, Dundee Waco . HAMBURGVAMERICAN LarrfcatSS.Cr.Jf 4 48 Ships in trie 1,417,710 WORLD M TONS Going OR Coming THAVEI. BT TBS Hamburg-American Lias Parls-Londoa-Hamburg JULY SAILINGS Vras. Llnooln a, 11 A.M. VATIELAHD 7, 10 A.M. xaib'w Aua, via. .11, i km. tBatavla le, 11 I'M. lOTEBATOa 18. 13 Noon tPrstorla 33, 5 P.M. Piss. Orant 30, 10 A.M. AUGUST SAILINGS atari and 1st, 12 Noon tPsnnsylvanla. 6th, 5 I'.M. Imperotor. 13th, A.M. Jrres. Lincoln 10th, 11 A.M. Tatsrland 33d, 10 A.M. KaJsarln Atyr. Vlo. .37th, 2 I'.M. tiecond Cabin only, twill call at Boulocne. tllamburs: direct. MEDITERRANEAN Gibraltar, Nuplcs and Genoa. B. B. Hautburr. .June 30, 3 p.m. B. B. Uoltk....Julr 16, 3P.M 8, 0. Hamburg... Aug. a. 3 P.M. B. B. Moltke., . . . Aug. 37. 3 P.M. TWO CRUISES IN 1015 Around the World Through the PANAMA CANAL Prom Now York by Cruising Steamers "Cincinnati," Jan. 16 AND "Cleveland," Jan. 31 1 DAYS tOflflana ""laCH CBUIBB T""" up, including all necessary expenses. Zn order to secure choice location, rooms should be booked now. Write for booklet. Hamburg-American Line 150 W. Banaolph U O&lcago. iii. or local a- arints Some new opportunities to get in on the ground floor in newly improved locations are offered in today's paper. Investigate them Today. Don't let the other fellow get your selection. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads. upon resting some more. Finally Police Magistrate James Calanan gave him half an hour to got out of town, as It was quite evident that he would be a worth lesn nulsanco around the Jail. Takea Sumo More Heat. Still resting, ho was found shortly afterward within half a block ot the Jail by Chief ot Detectives James Shcehan, Getting desperate, the latter gave the tired individual a dime for car fare to Omaha and bridge toll across the river to Council llluffs. Sheehan took no chances this time; ho even put Ed on a car. Whether or not Ousterson realized It, It makes no difference. It Is a fact any way that Instead ot getting off at the Proper place ho continued riding and made the loop back to tho Bouth Omaha station, where he was put oft when his dime was spent for the round trip faro. Whllo resting on a corner curbing he was picked up again by tho police and this tlmo rather rudely awakened. "Oh, I'm Just resting," ho vxplalned again, "Just resting." "This Is too much, h'gosh. Enough rest Is enough, but you've had plenty," tho pollco told him. Straightway two burly officers grabbed him and, with an accompaniment of de cidedly tmpoltto remarks, escorted tho perpetual rester to the west city limits, where ho sat down under the trees at the sldo of the road as soon as he was re leased. At last reports he was still resting, Maryland Delegates to Panama Expo to Stop Here Saturday Pinna of the Maryland delegation, en route to tho Tanama exposition, havo been changed and the members ot tho delegation will bo In Omaha Saturday from 7:15 a, m. until i p. m., and tho Commercial club has Invited them to be Its guests while in the city. They will be met at the station with automobiles and entertained nt luncheon nt noon at the Commercial club. Ar rangements havo been mndu with tho Union Paclflo to chanco then accommo dations on tho train, making the stop over possible. They will bo taken for a drive around the city Saturday morning, Mayor Dahlman, Victor Hosewater and John T. Yates have, been asked to ad dress the delegation at the luncheon. V. IJncon Byrne Is chalrmun of the enter tainment committee on behulf ot the Commercial club. Members of the building and executive committee who are making the trip aro James McC. Trlppe, chairman; Henry P. Daker, General "William D. Olll, It. W. McCormlck, General Murray Yandlver, Colonel William A. Uoykln, Curvllle D. Uenson, Andrew J. Cummlngs and J. C. Itoullette. WORK IS PROGRESSING ON BURLINGTON CUT-OFF While the heavy and frequent rains have caused some delay In the grading of the Burlington's Chalco-Yutan cutoff, work Is progressing fairly well. Thr-.'o steam shovel outfits are at work on the fifteen miles of the new line and uhuut 400 men and a large number of teams ore employed. In building from Chalco to Yutan, the Burlington Is constructing what Is practically a tangent and at a water grade. There are but two curves on tho line, one being at the point where the cut-off leaves the main line west of Chalco and the other where It strikes tho Ashland-Sloux City line Just south of Yutan. Following the bluffs up from the Platte river, the country Is very rough end over seven miles of the fifteen It Is u succession ot hills and deep hollows. No attention Is being paid to these, the new line cutting through and going over them at almost a water grade. Kidney nnd I.lvrr Tronbles quickly relieved by Electric Bitters. Best remedy for indigestion, dyspepsia, heart burn and most kidney troubles. COc and $1. All druggists. Advertisement. 11,000 shirts, the greatest shipment ever brought to Omaha, on sale Saturday at Brandels' at halt price or less. 0 Jovian Club Hears that Government Ownership Fails A luncheon at thg Commercial club rooms tho members ot tho Jovian club listened to I 11. Wilson, com mercial superintendent of the Ne braska Telephono company contend that government ownership Is something ot a failure as applied to the conduct of tha affairs ot big business, particularly the telephone service. Mr. Wilson In his contention against government as against private owner ship was armed with statistics, all show Ing that In foreign countries the tele phono service owned by governments is much Inferior to the service In the United States. For Instance, the aver age tlmo required to get a long distance connection there Is some five minutes, whllo here it Is but a fraction of a min ute. Then too, tho charges are greater there than here. Abroad the toll charges average thirty-four cents, whllo In tho United States they aro less than twcnty-flvo cents per call. Americans, Mr, Wilson Insisted, would not tolerate the service given In foreign countries, not even that In England where tho telephones number sixteen to every 1,000 persons against ninety-one to every person in the United States. In England there is no effort made to find parties for whom calls are received and less attention given to accomodating the public. There It a party desires to put In a long distance call, It Is done on a card plan and It not thero at the time, ho or she must again start at the foot of the list. Union Pacific to Keep Control oiNthe Grand Island United States District Judges William II. Munger and T. C, Munger sitting In tho case of tho minority against the ma jority shareholders ot the St. Joseph & Grand Island railroad, granted a super cedeas to the defendants In the decree recently handed down calling for a re celvarshlp of tho corporation. A bond of 1100,000 was demanded and the business ot tho road Is to go along tho same as It has until the case can bo settled upon appeal in higher courts at St. UouIb In December. CITY DADS MfY TAKE UP FIGHT ON THE BUGS City commissioners may call upon science to aid them In abating a nuisance over which the people seem to have no control. This nuisance la in the form of bugs, millions ot which swarm about street lights and annoy street car pas sengers. The bugs are so small that a cloud ot them, floating Into a person's breathing space, may strangle him. Tho commissioners, Informally discussing the matter, said they may find It necessary to InveBt In a few tons of fly paper to hang about street lights, or ask the city's Inventive genius to get busy on a new "bug cure." JACOB L0NGACRE OVERCOME WHILE SELLING GOODS While talking to a customer, Jacob Longacrc, solicitor for the Jewel Tea company, toppled over from the heat. He was removed to his home, S509 Fifty seventh avenue. Benson, where Jt was re ported that his condition was serious. Ho Is 33 years of age. Ho was overcome at the home of Mrs. Benjamin Stone, 1S3. Corby street. Severe AttncVc nt Collo Cured. E. Ev Cross, who travels in Virginia and other southern states, was taken suddenly and severely 111 with colic. At the first store he came to the merchant recommended Chamberlain's Collo, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. Two doses ot It cured him. No one should leave home on ajourney without a bottle oC this preparation. For sale by ail drug gists. Advertisement, ,