Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE- OMAHA, THTBSPAY. JUNE 25, 1914. 7
"Oh, What a Difference! (AW"ki;G:hr,M:d:in.Ma'-haMilv) By Nell Brinkley
Copyright. 1911. Intern ! New Service. w
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Martha Mary left her little whlto gate In the cosy toy town, where
everybody knew everybody else, and their grandmother, too, to stay
a week In New York Town with Martha Mary's cousin, whose bog of
platinum mesh was set with sapphires and always fat with spending
money. At the little white gate leanod her mother ample and smil
ing smoothing back her hair from her brows all dewed and warm
with "packing" Martha Mary; her father, In from the field to kiss her
goodbye; her small brother and his scraggly pup, both grinning and
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
4 is
The Younger the Person, the Worse the Failing,
Because He Has Just That Much Longer to Live
Copyright, 1911. by the Star Company.
It has long been said there Is no fool
like an old fool. But a little observation
shows us there Is no fool so foolish as
the young fool.
The old fool, at
worst, has a limited
period of action, and
the lives of others
are not likely to be
so Involved as In the
career of the young
Once upon a time
there wcrp two fools
who met on common
One fool was a
man with arrested,
mental development
and an Inflated
purse. I lib brow and
chin receded when
he first faced life as
If In terror of an existence thrust upon
him by badly mated parents.
Through the laws of the land, which
permit mother earth to be held untaxed
by great monopolists until It can be sold
for extortionate sums, the fool was heir
to a vast estate.
So as soon as he was out of the hands
of despairing but well paid tutors, who
had, succeeded In teaching his a few
parrot tricks of speech and behavior, the
fool went forth to find him a wife; and
Zfe andejrbilt oUi
QjhirtlfJbu rth direct east at aark 6iVenue,Jloi0JorJi
An Weal Hotel with an Ideal Situation
Summer Iftztes'
destiny brought him to his affinity a
girl with tho face of an angel, and the
heart of a fool; for she believed there
was no happiness on earth which might
not be bought with money. She was
young and chaste and beautiful, and she
sold her youth and virtue and beauty to
the man fool; and together they set
forth to people the world with more
Tho woman fool did not love the man
fool; love had In no wise entered Into
the bargain. She loved his wealth, and
she had believed, as fools do the world
over, that money brings happiness. But
this particular fopl possessed a certain
refinement of nature, which made her
life as wife of the man fool, and mother
of his children, one long martyrdom.
And In order to escape the horror of
her situation, she began another fool
career: she called In the aid of drugs to
help her forget her misery.
And before she had reached middle llfo
she dies, a drug victim. Not one hour
of happiness had this beautiful fool ex
perienced, There are many such fools In
the land.
Thero ar asylums for the insane, and
prisons and reformatories filled with
fools Who have believed that money is'
tho open , door to happiness money, no
matter how obtained and with fools who
Imagine drugs or drink will drown sorrow
and restore peace of mind.
There Is no fool like a young fool.
There is no greater menace to the
human race than a young fool who wor
ships the money Idol.
signaling "faro-you-well." And
figure, In a demure bjue suit that her mother had made, with, .a "Peg-o'-my
heart" coat and a little roundabout hat smothered In yellow
daisies (Oh, a hat she had dreamed over o nights!) and her crinkly
blonde hair was drawn In looping waves away from her face like tho
Dlessed Damosel's.
And oh, when Martha Mary next saw the plain whlto gato! One
week one little week after my gracious but tho face of things was
Little Mary's
When the Lord mace the world He was
In a hurry to get the Job done by Satur
day night, so he didn't take time to make
a lot of folks. Ho Just made ono man,
and called him
Adam. But Adam
was lonesome be
cause he didn't
have no wife, and
nobody to blame It
on when he lout
things, and couldn't
find them, and the
dinner wasn't good.
So the Lord put
Adam to sleep, and
took out his wish
bone, and mado
woman out of him.
and that's why the
women ain't never
got enough of any
thing, but are al
ways wishing for
Women are some
like men, and some different. Men can
run faster, and throw harder and have
got bigger hands and feet than women
has, but a woman has got a longer tongue
than a man has, and she can holler
louder. A woman cannot walk far In
the open air, but she can walk all day
long In a department store, which would
make a strong man tired.
Women Is afraid of snalx, and mlces,
and burglars that hides under the bed,
but a man Is afraid of a woman's club,
and mothcrs-ln-Isw, and other dangerous
anlmlls. When a woman has to have
a tooth pulled she puts on her best dress,
and waves her hair like she was going to
a picnic, but a man's wife has to take
htm by the hand and lead him to the den
tist because he Is so afraid that he will
get hurt.
My Sunday school teacher says that
God' made man His own Image, but
women make themselves over every year
to look like the figures In the store win
dows. tSome times a woman will have a little
hair on her head, and some tlmea she
will have a lot of It. Some times her
hair will be gray, and some times It will
be golden colored, and some times Just
the color of our new mahogany dining
table. Home times women will have waists
right Up under their arms, and ioitia
t'mes they will hsve waists around their
.knees, and socio iim -- "
Mary was clothed, her slim little,
nil look fat, and some times they will nil,
look thin. Also some women have good
complexions, and some have nlco hand
painted complexions.
Women have lots of troubles which
they tell to each other when they meet.
It In not nice, if you are a lady, to be
happy and healthy, because lr a woman
laughs tho other women knock htr and
say they bet she Isn't any better than
uhe should be, but It a woman has a societ
so-row It Is Interesting.
Women have a ssd lot In life, for they
have to spend their time buying new
hats and gowns, and going to tango teas
and matinees and clubs and bridge whist
parlies, and things like that Also they
have husbands, the children, and homes,
and other affliction
Women is smarter than men because
women make the men work for them and
give them all the money they earn, but
the men won't let the women Vote, that
Is why women says "votes for women."
My father says that being a woman. Is
a graft that has got a Tammany con
tract skinned to a finish. 1 do not know
what this means, but I know that if you
are a pretty woman and have on fine
clothes, all the men In the subway will
Jump up to give you their tats. but If
you are an old and ugly woman you have
to stand and hold your bundles, because
all the men are so busy reading about
the war in Mexico that they cannot see
you. Oh, let us all strive to be young and
pretty women.
.Household Hints
Cracks In furniture should be flld In
with beeswax. Soften the beeswax until
It becomes Ilka putty, then press It firmly
Into the cracks, and smooth the surface
over with a thin knif. Sandpaper the
surrounding wood, and work some of the
dust Into the beeswax. This gives a fin
ish to the wood, and whan It Is varnished
the cracks will have disappeared. Putty
used In the same way soon dries and
falls out.
Directly tea Is split on a tablecloth
cover the stain with common salt. Leave
It for a while, and when the cloth Is
washed all stains will have disappeared.
In order to Insure a good gloss on
starched collars, first mix the starch
changed! For Martha Mary's mother
her sot brows that "this 1b one of the dancors from tho show that came
to town last night," tho brave, small brother and Ihe scraggly pun
vontured to tho gate post to take a "peep" at the curious creature, the
hollyhocks were scarlet with amazement tho daisies swayed bewild
ered for Martha Mary had brought back with her to hor plain white
gato and pebbled walk a bit of Gotham-Town. Please look at Martha
The Kearsarge
Fifty yesrs ago, June 19, ISM, the Ala
bama, the most famous war craft In all
history, went down beneath the blue
waves of Cherbourg, France, riddled by
the merciless broad
sides of the Kear
ssrge. Tho Alabama was
built by the Lairds
of Birkenhead, and
was, for Us day, a
perfect cruiser, long,
lean and shoal of
draft; in Its time
the fastest of the
greyhounds of th
It was 290 feet long,
thirty-five feet wide,
and drew but fifteen
feet of water. Of barkentlne rig, It also
hsd a steam power of ten knots an hour,
Its screw propellor being so arranged that
It could be detached and hoisted out of
the water when it was desired to work
with sail only.
Its armament consisted of right guns
one 100-pound Blakeley on a pivot for
ward, one eight-inch smooth bore on a
pivot aft, nd bIx thirty-twos In broad
side. Balling out of the Mersey July M, 1M,
the Alabama began the work of destruc.
with cold Water, add a tiny lump of but
ter about the size of a small marble, then
pour on the boiling water.
Used In water as a dally gargle, borax
keeps the throat healthy. Used In water
for cleansing the teeth, it "disinfects"
them and prevents their decaying.
Some people place a small bag of un
slacked lima Inside the piano to keep the
damp away. This prevents the wires
from rusting, and kesps the piano In good
When washing and rinsing colored
materials add a teaapoonful of Epsom
salts to each gallon of water, and oven
the most delicate shades will neither
fsde nor run, Sergo or merino drestns
which have been dyed blsek can besafbly
mashed In this way without any risk of
the dye running
was barrleafled-thlnklnff under
and the Alabama
tlon on the nigh tea which It kept up
without a break for two years. It liter
ally swept the American merchant
marine from the seas.
Th fear Inspired by this stormy petrel
of the deep did Infinitely mora harm
that Its guns, although thoy did enough.
The Insurance companies, shippers and
ship owner were so frightened by Rem
mes" ship that the csrrylng trade utterly
abandoned American bottoms.
A single vessel wiped out the foreign
commerce of the United States, and, to
this day the maritime supremacy that
the Alabama destroyed has never been
From the Cape of Good Hope and the
East Indie's the Alabama, on the night
of the 10th of June, Ul. sailed into Cher
bourg harbor, little, thinking that tt was
to be its Isst port.
Waiting for tho gallant cruiser lay the
Kearsargc. and when the Alabama
steamed out on the morning of the 10th
tne historic fight began.
It was generally known that th battle
was to come off. and the shores were
lined with hundreds of thousands of spec
The ships fought In a circle, about six
miles from the shore, and the fight lasted
about an hour.
The vessels were pretty evenly matched
as regards crew and armament, but the
power of the Alabama was defective,
owing to tho fact thatjt had been stored
too near Its condensers, and consequently
Its shots, though well aimed, did not tell
as did thoro of tho Kcarrarge.
A shell from the -Alabama penetrated
the sternpost of Its adversary, and had It
exploded as It woujd have done with
good powder-the Kearsarge would have
gone down.
But the Kearsarge was not to en down.
It's was to be the high .honor of putting
an end to the craft that had mads more
trouble thtn any other on ship since
the world had stood, Fighting his ship
until It was literally ohot from under
him, Captain Semmca hove his sword Into
the sea. and had Just time enough to
reach a friendly deck
The Alabame wos virtually tho gift of
England to the confederacy, a gift, by
the way, that was contrary to all the
rules of international law and courtesy;
an act that, with characteristic magnan
imity, the United States Is now repaying
by allowing England to dictate the way
tt shall operate Its own Ps-nun canal
a -"wfligjijisiu- a
Madame, Islells
Breathlngi Tts Relation to Stealth
an dDenntr.
Many of my pupils are writing mo com
plaining of a summer's crop of freckles,
or ef a dry, yellow condition of th skin,
the usual aftermath of sunburn or un
protected exposure to the sun. As I
have explained in previous lessons, It Is
much easier to protect the skin from tan
and freckles than It is to remove these
blemishes. However, we must tak In
hand the work of removing this trouble.
Keep the skin always well lubrtctje
that' Is, never without the pfotectle of
some good complexion cream It the skin
Is dried and tanned, do not use soap on
It until this condition Is removed Clean
the face at night with a good cleansing
cream, bathe, with hot water until th
skin Is comfortably warm, dry gently
and apply massage cream, leaving this
on over night In the morring bathe
with, cold water and rub a Hit Is cream
into the face before putting on powder
rrotect the face with a veil while out
of doors; ono of thin mesh Is better than
none at all.
This treatment, ,lf persevered In, will
gradually remove the 111 effects ot sun
burn. I do not like to give my pupils
strong bleaches. Thero Is danger that
any preparation that does the work too
quickly may have an Injurious effect on
the skin.
It freckles are present, either on the
face or arms, add halt a teaspoon of
lemon Juice to a. cup ot buttermilk: cover
the skin with this, allow It to dry and
remain on over night. In the morning
wash It off with lukewarm water. Ha
pest this three times a week.
Mm. Ise'bell'a next lesson to b pu
llshed in these columns will begin tho
subject of physical culture. The needs of
the too stout and the undeveloped womor
will both be considered.
Advioe to the Lovelorr
The Loner EMgraROment.
Star Miss Fairfax; I am a young1 men
H ytara of age. and love a young lady ot
30 years. But at tha present time I am
not In a position to settle down with her.
ss I have told her that it would b a
crime if I would make up my mind and
marry her so soon, as I have parents to
look after and won't b able to leave
them at present. Co you think that I am
doing right by being backward.
While I am not ah advocate of Jong
engagements, I think that a man whosa
parents are dependent upon him would
be very crule to marry and deprive them
of his help. But be perfectly honest with
yourself and make sure that you are not
trying to "eat your cake and have It.
too," by entering on an arrangement
that leaves you free and ties the girt
to waiting for you. Don't use your par
ents as an excuse to avoid doing your
duty by your sweetheart and don't let
your love for her make you cruel to
them. Just be fair and honest.
Don't Take Bach RUks.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am sixteen, and
at a theatre tha other day with my irl
friend we met two young fellow whn
made friends with us. Please tell ma If
it is proper to bother with them If we.
should meet them again. CONSTANT
Don't meet these boys again and don't
meet any other boys in this way. ton
and boys respect girls who respect them
selves, and any boy who Is permitted to
scrape aqualntance with you imagines
that others have had the same liberty.
This cheapens you In his eyes and mar
earn you a reputation you will never be
able to outgrow. Don't risk spoiling your
whole life for a few moments ot silly ex
citement and adventure.
Boy or Girl?
Great Question!
This brings to many minds an old. and
tried family remedy an external sp-
I plication known as "Mother Friend."
' During the period of expectancy it Is
applied to the abdominal muscles and Is
I designed to tooths the intricate) network;
of nerves Involved. In this manner It
lias such a splendid Influence as to Justify
its use in all cases of comlnr mother
hood. It has been generally recom
mended for years and years and thosa
who have used It speak in highest pralss
ot the immense relief It affords, firtle
ulsrly do these knowing mothers speak
ot the absence ot morning sickness,
absence of strain on the ligament and
freedom from thosa many other dis
tresses which ara usually looked, forward
tb with to much concern.
There Is no question but what
"Mother's Friend" has a marked tendency
to relieve the mind and this of Itself in
addition to the physical relief has given
It a very wide popularity among: women.
It Is absolutely safe to use, renders
the skin pliable, Is penetrating In Its
nature and is composed of thosa embro
cations best suited to thoroughly lubri
cate the nerves, muscles, tendons and
ligaments Involved.
You can obtain "Mother's Friend" at
almost any drug store.
It it prepared only ty Bradfleld Rsg
ulttcr Co., 401 Lamar ZU&f, Atlanta,, Ga,