6 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1914. 1 You Won't Delay a Day Longer In the filling of that piano cornor In your home ( If You Gome in and Look Over Our June Clearance Bargains You'll havo to eco thorn, com pare thorn, critically exaralno and test them boforo you can fully reallzo the exceptional high qual ity of these instruments. Stetnways at. Bush & Qerts at. Swlch & Kelfio Sohmcrs '. Voso & Sons Conov&r 8-00 Wellcr '.17B Story & Camp $75 Peck & Co 975 And many othor bargains In noW and used pianos. Come In soon. Let us talk piano to you. It will cost you nothing to investigate. All pianos fully guaranteed, HAYDEN'S 'Only Satisfied Customers," Always Our Motto. Socle By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, June 24, 1914. M' 1SS KATE M'HUGH, the first woman principal of the Omaha High school, Is to be honored by about 300 of her former pupils, who are planning a dinner dance Friday evening at Happy Hollow in her honor. Miss McHugh, who resigns this year from the High school, and Mr. C E. Reed, her successor, were the honor guests at the annual alumni reception and dance Monday evening. Friday evening the affair is specially planned as a testimonial of the high regard of the pupils for Miss McHugh, who, previous to being principal, waB the class teacher for more classes than any other member of the faculty. Mrs. Rex Morehouse-will have charge of the decorations for the din ner, and about a score of enthusiastic alumni have charge of the dlnnor dance. Among those planning the affair are Miss Elizabeth Congdon, Mrs. William Drace Fonda, Mrs. Paul Burleigh, Miss Parker, Frank Selby, Harry Ryan, Harry Koch, Frank Woodland, George Morton, Raymond Hayward and a number of others. Seymour Lake Country Club. Mr. and Mr. John K. O'Hern of Chi cago havo Ixion honor gueats at a number of events at the club this week. One of the moat delightful was given laat even ing. Mr. O'Hern la lnapector of the Armour plant and la here In hla official capacity, and la accompanied by Mrs. O'Hern. ThCfo composing the dinner party laat evening were: Mr. and Mrs. John K. O'Hern. Mr. and Mr i. K. C. Kohouaky, Mr. and Sit. U F. Etter, Mr. and Mra, .1, J. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mra. Michael Culkln, .Mr. and Mra. P. J. Sheeny. Mr. nnd Mra. T. J. Donohue. Mr. and Mra. Charles Qarvey enter tained at dinner laat evening In honor of thrlr four aona. Others entertaining at dinner Tunaday evening were Mr, George Jones, who had three guest; Mr. A, Dudley, two; Mr. Dan Hurley, five. A number of the cottagers are enter taining houao parties this week on ac count of tho district Epworth league con vention, which la In aesaton at grounds ndjolnlng the club. The convention com mittee made arrangement for the dele gatea to enjoy the bathing and boating privileges or the club and they are being goneroualy used. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Parratt havo as houae gueats this week: Mlaaea Mlaaear- Muriel Johnson, Mildred Johnson, Kdyth Sandberg, Helen Harrison. For Montana Visitors. Mlaa Mary Lafferty entertained Mon day In honor of her "cousin,. Mlaa noe Church, and Mr. and Mra. M. C, Oar- ener of Ilutte, Mont., at her home, 607 South Twenty-fifth avenue. Present ere: Mlaaea liertha Peteraen, Margaret McNeil, llnry Lafferty. fffoi's i ELlGlOiS IISH for hof weathereaaili prepared, too SKINNER'S ELBOW MACARONI (Continental Styl) v "Doll one-half a large package of Skinner's Elbow itucuronl ten .minutes, drain and blanch. Ill and together throe tablespoonfula of butter with alike amount of flour. mix with the Macaroni, uui rour tomatoes In halves, season highly with salt ana pepper, place on each half a small slice of salt pork, arrange in a baking dlah cut aide up and bake until tender, but not broken. Arrango the Macaroni In a buttered 'baking dlah and lay tomatoes on It. Dust over with, grated cheese and brown In the oven." Mont houaewlves like Skinner's Elbow Macaroni because U Is cut .ready for use. Always Insist on it at vour grocers tho best brand sold 1ft Omaha. SKINNER MFfi. CO., OMAHA r. 8. "Bont eat maat tnat's tougu and bony. Just try Skinner's Macaroni." rr- Send Your Clothes t to tho Dry Gleaner by Parcel Post You folks who live In the country and the small towns tributary to Omaha can now havo jour clothes- Cleaned, Dyed, Altored and Repaired at Nebraska's Largest and Best cleaning establishment just the same as though you, lived right here In Omaha Bend them to us T)y "Parcel Post and we wUl pay return postage. ' Write ub for Information and complete Price List, , The PANTORIUM "Good Cleaners and Dyers" 1018-15-17 Jones Ht., Omaha. Phono Douglas 003. lelivercri To Your Komi 12c Quart Alamito, Doug. 409 EVERYBODY REAPS BEE YAi?T ADS I Meaar. Thomas Donellan. Bernard Lafferty, Jr.: Chris Carroll, Thomas Dunn, Uernard I-afferty. will lloche, . At the Country Club. The largest dinner party at the Country clUb this evening Is arranged by friends nf Dr. and Mra. Charles A. Hull aa a farewell, aa they leave Saturday to spend six weeka In France. Thoae present will ba: Dr. and Mrs.' Charlea A. Hull. Mr. and Mra. A. G. Uccaon. Mr. nnd Mra. T. J, Mahoney. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. ftnrague Mr. nnd Mra. Harry Cumlngs. Mr. anil Mra. K. A. lirogan. Mr. and Mra. Gould Dlctz. Mr. and Mra. O. C. lledlck, Mr. and Mra. Wilson Lowe. Mra. Jennings of Berkeley, Cat. Mlaa Katherlne Morae. Mr. Lucius Wakeley. Mr. Harry McCormlck. Mra. C. C. Allison will entertain at a dinner party thla evening at the club for her daughter, Mlaa Grace Alllaon, and son, Mr. Charles Allison. Thoao present will be: Mlaaea Grace Alllaon. Helen Kaatman, Emily Keller, Clalro Daiittherty, Virginia OffutU Messrs. ruin Shirley. Jnrvls Offutt, Denman Kountze, Kusene Neville. Douglas Pctera, Mlaaea Rather Wllhelm, Florence Neville. Naomi Towle. Isabel Vlnronhaler, Messrs. Louie Burgess, Charles, Durgcsa, Burdetto Ktrkendall. Charles Alllaon, Ouinamc-Kimmel Wedding. The wedding of Mica Ethel May Klm mel, daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. George M. Klmmel, 2CH Hamilton, to Edward J. Gutname, took place Tucaday evening, ft 8:9) o'clock. Ilev. Wm. Hlgby, of he Worth Presbyterian church officiated. The bride wore white hand embroid ered voile trimmed with laee, and she carried white rosea. Mian Bertha Thornburg, of Lincoln, was bridesmaid, and wore pink mesaallne, and carried pink roses. Mr. O. A. Klmmel, brother of the bride, was beat man. Only relatives were preaent at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Gutname aro at their new home, 3316 Emmet street The 'out of town gueats were: Mrs. H. Thornburg, of Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Thornburg, of Kentucky. At the Field ClubT Mrs. Charles Marsh will entertain at dinner this evening at the Field club. In honor of Mrs. George Curtis, of Clin ton la. Covers will be placed for: Mr. and Mra. William Hill Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Shepard. Dr. and Mra. W. J. Bradbury. Mra. George Curtis. Mra. C. D. Sturtevant. Mrs. Charlea Marah. Mr. A. A. McClure. Mr. Howard Leonard. Mr. Charlea B. Towle, of Lincoln. Other dinner parties thla evejilns at the club will be given by W. A. Smith, who will have aeven gueats; It. D. Pol lard, aeven; O. , H. Kramer, six; It. M. Mandell, nine; G. H. Farrell, four; II C, Nicholson, four; W. C. McKnlght, four; C. 8. Schwager, four. Pleasures Past. Mr. and Mra. 3. M. Palling, 2337 South Thirty-fourth street, entertained at cards last evening. Carnations and rotes were used In the decorations. Honors were won by Mlaa High and Mr, Plxler. guests were: Mlaaea Elba High, Freeland. The Misses Gertrude Gerock, Nancy Haze, Marie Nleamann, Messrs. Stanley Woolaten- croft, C. R. Samemls, Messrs. Will nance. Arthur Plxler, Westergaard. Mlaaea Itoso Church, Mary McNoll. lirndle Barrett, Hose Lafferty, Messrs. John Carroll, Mao Laden, Daniel McNiel, John Roche, Morris Trant, William Lafferty. Mr. and Mra. James McNeil, Mr. and Mra. Morris CarroJI, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dunn, Mr. and Mra. John Knox, ' Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Gardener. " s Dinner Party, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gebuhr entertained at dinner party Saturday evening, In honor of their daughter, Dagny'a, birthday. Extending from a large bouquet of carnations In the center of tho table, where red ribbons leadlne; to each guest's plate. Tiny red baskets filled with bonbons were used as souve nirs, and hand painted place cards were used. The evening was spent In mUalc, Thoao preaent. were:, Misses Misses Pauline Hattth, Klttlo Conry, Mauda Pierce, Esther Carlson. Edna Kelly, Krlatlne Jensen, Guaale Backhand, Dagny Gebuhr, Marguorlte Smith, lnga Gebuhr, Minnie uunniaon, ana- Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Gebuhr, Matrney-Cronin Wedding. The wedding or Miss Grace Cronln, daughter of Mra. Anna Cronln, and Mr, Lloyd A. Mscnoy, son ot County Attor ney George A. Magney and Mra. Magney, will take place Monday, June 29. ' It will be a quiet family wedding, with only the relatives present. Mlaa Cronln attended the Omaha High school and Mr, Magney was graduated from the law department of Crelghtori college last April. Celebrate Birthdays. .Matter Lawrence E. Orchard -and Joacph C. Lawrence, Jr., celebrated theli fifth birthday Saturday afternoon at the home ot Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Orchard In Dundee. The little hosts have been friends from birth and their birthdays art cloven days apart. Mrs. Joseph C. Lawrence led the little guests In kinder garten games and told several delightful stories, -xne following children were present; With Mra. C. C. Alllaon will bet Mr. and Mra. Ward Burgeaa. Mr. and Mra Edgar Moraman, Mr. Wayland . Magec. Other dinner parties at the club thla evening will be given by B. S. Caldwell, who will have sixteen guests; Luther Drake, twelve; C. w. Lyman, six; Ed ward Hart of Council Bluffs, eight Announcement Luncheon. Mlas Jennie Peters was hostess at a luncheon today at tho Happy Hollow club In honor ot Miss Louise Rich of Williams port, Pa., but quite a surprise was In store for the guests when tho engagement of Mlas Peters to Mr. William Belcher ot Memphis, Tenn., was announced. Miss Peters Is the daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. It, Peters and Is an attractive member of the younger set of Dundee. She attended Smith college, later going to New York, where, she attended the Damroach School of Music. Mr. Belcher attended college In tho south.' Mian Peters has visited In Mem phis a number of times and a few weeks ago had a house party ot Memphis guests at ,her home. The wedding will take place in the fait. Motor to Okoboji. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lyle and family left today to motor to Lake Okoboji, where they will spend the sum mer. They havo as their guest Mlaa Marie Vernon, Misses Mildred Goosman, irene uooamnn. Ruth Carna. Mary Harriet Mc- M an. Maatera M tinea Helen Wanty. Mable Blackrldge, Ruth Wing" Iiernlpe Jonea, Virginia Jones. Masters lawrnc E. OrchsrdJohn firm Joseph C. Law- John McMillan. fence, jr.; Clyde Drew. Charlea Churchill, .Ernest Bethuns. IT. 8. Grant Kensington. Mrs. G. W. Preston entertained t kenslnston U. 8. Grant Woman's Relief corps Tuesday afternoon, Members pres. ent were: Mesdamrs Mrarfumri-. C. L. Meyers. A, A.. Whitney. H. S. Wilcox. T. T. Davis, Thomas W. Allen, J. Stern, A. A. Foster. J. P, Lone. 0. w. Preston. William McUurray Miss Cora stern. The honor guests were Mesdame Charles Osborn, Rogers, It. 1. Chratnu and Miss Gurtha Long. Bridge Luncheon. Mrs. P. E. Tobln entertained at a brldgt luncheon Tuesday afternoon. Red roset nnd carnations formed the decoration) and those present wtre: Mesdames I A. Slmones. M. E. Miller. M. J Fort. Steven Maloney, L. a. !xwry. Misses Terra Tlerney, Mesdames aeorge Melruram, H. E. KugeU Fred But!h. Otto Linton, 1 E. Tobln. Mlases Ethel Tlerney. At Happy Hollow. Mrs. It M. Laverty had twelve guests at luncheon today; Mrs- F. W. Car mlchaei, fourteen, and the Women't Bowling club sixteen. Thursday Mrs. J. M. Gilchrist will have nineteen guests at luncheon; C. 8, Bteb bins, six. Mrs. O. W. Wlokersham, flf teen; Mrs. James Drumfnond. seven Mr. 1. V. Carpenter, six. Motor to Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Ralnbolt with their two sons, Wynn Mack and Duane, left Saturday in their automobile for their summer home "Wynnduane" on Green take In Minnesota. Mr. Ralnbolt will re turn to Omaha utter throe weeka, going back by motor for another month later, and bringing his family home with him October 1. Return from College. Mr. Herman G. Kopald. a law student at the University of Chicago, has re turned to spend hla vacation with hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Kopald. Mr. Thomas Brown has returned here from Racine college at Racine, Wis., and haa taken examinations preparatory to entering Johns Hopkins at Baltimore. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Miss Stella Enlow of Cnmhrldir. Neb., Is the guest of relatives In hla city. Miss Nell Cahlll. 3S72 Soward street. will leave) Thursday for an extend eaat- ern trip. She will be gone all aummcr, atopplng at Peoria, Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo. Nlaeara. LoUtabere. Toronto. and other Canadian towns, returning to resume her school work. Carter Lake 01 ub. About Vfl attended the dinner dance nt Carter Lake Club Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Wood had a party of forty gueats; others having dinner parties were: W. B. Drake, who had five gueata; A. K. Chambers four; H. H. Hansen two; Douglaa Haacall four; Miss Hanaon three; Dr. Holovtachlmer clqht; W. O, Hutachlnaon four; A. J. Jackaon two; W. Platnet flvo; T. B. McDotigall seven; C. a. Martin t,wo. jomca tun two; Miss Swalley six. Miniature Ak-Sar-Ben Parade. About twenty-five children in North Omaha took part In a miniature Ak-Sar-Ben parade laat evening when Mra. C. J. Corkhlll, 25M Pratt street, gave a child-, ren's party to celebrate the fourth birth day ot her llttlo daughter, Helen. Little wagons and velocipedes were elaborately decorated and tho children enjoyed tho pageant Smith Election of Officers. At the luncheon at the Field club Tues day of the Smith College club, there was an election of officers. Miss Dorothy Rtngwalt was elected president; Mrs. E. H. Scott, vice, president:, Miss Nellie El gutter, secretary, and Mra. B. W. Capen treasurer Woman's Club Luncheon. Reaervations for the luncheon to be given by the Omaha Woman's club In honor of Mrs. E. P. Costlgan, president of the Denver Woman's club, at Happy Hollow club Saturday, must bo made to Mrs. Edward Johnson, chairman of the. house and home committee, before Friday noon. The Herter Looms 841 Madison Avenue New York Weaves of Aubusson Tapestries and Rugs, Hand Woven Fabrics for Draperies, Furniture and Wall Coverings, take pleasure In an nouncing a Series ot Exhibitions ot their products in the Middle West and on the Pacific Coast. The purpose of these Exhibitions is to show the artistic workman ship of this Establishment, and to enable tho people to see these beautiful and unusual materials, and learn of the many possibilities for their use. The public is invltod to the Exhi bition, which will be held at Hotel Rome, Omaha, Nebraska, on Fri day and Saturday, June 26 and 27. South Side Progressive Club. The Ladles South Side Progressive club will entertain Thursday afternoon at J:W o'clock at their hall, Fourteenth and Caatellar streets. Picnic at Elrawood Park. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Beeaon entertained Informally at a picnic supper laat evening at Elmwood park for Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull, who leave this week for Europe. Leaving for Europe. Dr. Elmer E. Porter and family will leave today for Europe. Mrs. Porter and the children will remain In Berlin for fifteen mouths studying German, while Dr. Porter will return to Omaha after spending about three months In research work In hospitals at Berlin and Vienna. Church Board is to Act as Contractor The building committee of Plymouth Congregational church has decided not to let the construction of the new I15.00C church to a contractor, but to let out all contracts themselves and get the work done In pieces. Thla the committee de cided after receiving bids from many Omaha contractors In tho regular way. The committee went over tho bids ol the contractors, got the benefit of their figuring, and then instead of awarding the contract to the lowest bidder, they decided to act aa contractor themselves and hire the work done In pieces. Tht structure is to be built at Eighteenth and Emmet streets. BRANDEIS i On Sale Saturday The entire stock of a Prominent Eastern Millinery Manufacturer at about 25c on the Dollar 7,000 untrimmed shapes, 6,000 bunches of flowers, 50,000 yards of ribbons. , ' . ' See Friday Papers for Full Details mm w Beaton & Laier Co. 413-417 South 16th Street. Omaha, Neb Buy Your Porch Furniture NOW-Prices Deeply Cut To Make Room for New Goods See oup window'diaplay come insido and see tho hundreds of desirable porch pieces you can buy now at a savingwo nc:d tho room you will need the porch furniture as there is plenty of outdoor weather coming. $13.00 Ivory finished chair. . .S9.75 $11.00 Ivory finished chair. . .S8.75 j14.50 Ivory finished chair. . .$7.75 $18.50 Ivory finished chair. .S13.75 $28.50 Large jrocker $20.00 $31.50 Upholstered settee. . .$24.00 $16.50 Wolton easy chair $12.00 $21.50 French gray chair. . .$13.50 Yah f, Qo,r om $4.00 to ivu vuu sa on sum mer furniture at this sale. See tho new Aus trian porch Bats T-vUl'.e enamel uud white unu proon and white very at- active. fUCl SATURDAY We Place on Sale 11.000 MEN'S SHIRTSp At Half Price and Less Purchased from a prominent Philadelphia man ufacturer at about cost of malting. The best bar gain wo havo over offered In shirts. New Patterns All Styles and Colors .8 a !?! sat m m ii vm mm mm a tmm ia i Substantial Savings on Knit Underwear and Summer Hosiery Here is a timely and unusually attractive special for Thursday. Women's fine, lisle and cotton union suits with cuff or umbrella knees. Pretty crochet beading tops with mercerized or silk tapes. These are real 50o garments on 'sale at 39e Women's Union Suits Women's fine cotton union suits with umbrella knees, full taped necK ' and arm eyes. Regular and extra sizes. Reglarly" worth up to - q 36c, special at 1 27 C Vests Reduced A special lot of women's lisle thread "comfcut" vests with mer cerized tapes. Very elastic and per fect fitting. Worth to 25c, ig On sale at - IOC 59c 12c Vests, Special 80 Women's Swiss, ribbed vests in square neck or "comfycut" QJL styles. All sizes. Our regular 12o vests, special at Og ' Women's pnre thread silk hoso with wide lisle hem tops, double lisle soles, r toes and high spliced heels. Pull fashioned and regular made. B ack, tan, gray, 5C pink, red, white and many other shades. Regular $1 and S1.50 qualities, special at, v w 50c Hosiery, 35c Women's full fashioned pure thread, silk boot hose, also seam less fiber silk hose. Double soles, toes and high spliced OP. heels. Regular BOc values. OOC 25c Hosiery, 120 Men's, women's and children's fine mercerized lisle finish and cotton hose with wide hem tops, double soles and high 1 O JL spliced heels. 25c values l2v 35c Hosiery, 19c Women's fiber silk boot hos iery with wide lisle garter tops, reinforced heels and toes. Black and white. Regular 35c hose, special , 19c News of a Iffiost Unusual Sale of Shirts Our men's furnishings buyer on his trip east last week made one of the largest, and wo believe, one of the most unusual purchases of shirts in our history. This Immense purchase comprises -about 11,000 shirts from a prominent Philadelphia maker. All styles and descriptions are included and tho purchase price was less than half their actual worth. As we go to press our stock room force is busily engaged In unpacking and sorting out the shirts, and everyone who has seen them agrees that they aro unquestionably the best values wo have ever offered. We will be able to make de tailed announcement later. Sale Commences Saturday. Dont Miss It Next Friday and Saturday We Will Sell All The Silk and Cotton Waists Muslin Undergarments Skirts and Petticoats From Our Recent $60,000 Apparel Purchase at Less Than One Third $5 Panama Hats, Another .shipment of fine Adamba and Japanese Panama hats (untrim med) in ten of the new shapes. Panamas now are more popular than over before, and it seems that every woman wants one, so that this offering at a reduced price is certain to arouse keen Interest Thursday, they are all regular S5 hats, on sale, $2.98 Chip Hats at 79c Fine sewn white French chip hats In six new blocks sailors and smart turbans. Shapes worth up to rrQ $1.50, on sale at SC New Outing Hats Mercerized duck hats In two new outing shapes suitable for "7 C picnic wear. Priced at DC White Wings Very popular trimming especial ly for the all white hats choice of S50. 39c to $1.50 The Popular Mary Jane Pumps for Girls Growing girls and young women who like to be in style are showing much favor to the "Mary Jane" pump with Its low heels, sensible broad toes, ankle straps and flat silk bows. They are of patent leather, dull leather or white canvas, with welt soles (guaranteed not to squeak). All sizes . SHOES and Oxfords for men and women. Pure white canvas and white rubber soles. Men's at 81.10: women's at $1.25. TENNIS ) A