Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Address communications relating to news and edi
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Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of The Bee
Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that
uverage dally circulation for the month of May, 1914,
was 64.761.
DWIOHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to beforo me
this Ith day of June, 1DH
ROUEilT H'JNTKH. Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving tho city temporarily
should liavo Tlio Uco inallwl to them. Ad
dress will bo clinnged as often ns requested.
Tho 1914 tornadoes do not scorn to bo in
tho saino class with those 1913 twisters "
Mayor "Jim!' won't run for, congress this
time. It was a good publicity stunt, anyway.
Wondor how much tho monoy Investment In
that mlscuod bribery plot amounts to by this
It's very ovldont that that ropubllcaa "got
togothor" meeting did not plcaso tho domo-crats.
Rogor Sullivan has darod his oppononts to
find a flaw In lib past record. Now, Mr.
Bryan, go to It.
Haying obtalnod his diploma and degroo,
tho young collego graduate now has nothing to
do but mnko good.
One of tho simplest ways of keeping In a
good stnto of health in. to tompor.your work,
sleep, food and-exerclpo to the weather.
It is almost tlmo to tako that annual ante
Fourth of July inj'ontory, of your, fingers, Just
to see how you stand beforo tho battle
One vOhlcagq, nbwspapor pronouncoo tho
"Black Haid" 'aoelotT' tho hah n nrlit' on.
othor skitAswytl? BotWpJror,
t Hvt-tuuiiuugu? u)io-any Bcories out or.
tho subject, ' .'
If lnsld.0 mfnewVwaTaTBU' la, as charged,
duo chiefly to1 tho Joflexrction of oppressive
strlko benof It assessments, It ratios a serious
question for thoj serious rnttidod mpn at tho
head of tho unions. ', r'
All In Good Time.
Our amiable democratic contemporary
eeoms to be deeply dliturbod becauso tho recent
republican got-togothor conclave was content
with hearing orators tell why factional differ
ences should bo sunk, and refrained from draw
ing up plans and specifications for an attack
upon tho rocord and policies of tho democratic
Administration. "It Is significant," it exclaims,
"that the record of President Wilson and a dem
ocratic congress was so gingerly criticised. It
Is significant becauso the reason for lack of de
tailed and outspoken criticism has a direct
bearing on tho npproaching campaign."
Our democratic friends should not be so im
patient, for their fondest expectations, or,
rather, their most disquieting fears, will all bo
met In due time. The campaign is young yet,
and congress in still in session, with tho larger
part of the democratic program yet to bo com
pleted. Tho first chapter of the record, tho
democratic tariff, tho republicans will gladly
toko Issuo on, and for tho second and third
chapters, tho currency bill and ropcal of tolls
exomptlon, they will find plenty of ammunition
furnished ready to hand by democratic critics.
It is poselblo that beforo wo are through not
evon tho domocrats, themselves, will defend
"watchful waiting" In Mexico, and tho anti
trust bills aro only beginning to emerge.
So wo say to our prematurely excited dem
ocratic friends, Be moro patient. As soon as
tho issues aro fully drawn, and tho tlckots nom
inated and tho campaign duly openod, thoro
will bo no room to complain of "gingerly" crit
icism of democratic mlsgovemment.
"Jones, He Pays the Freight."
Mr. Ultimata Consumer Rooms to be greatly
olatcd over tho supremo court ruling In tho so
called intorniountain rate case, as a result of
which sovontecn railroads aro to make somo
,$12,000,000 overcharge reparation on ship
ments mado since tho litigation began. Mr.
Ultimate Consumer, with characteristic Im
pulsiveness, halls tho decision as a distinct vic
tory, falling to noto that, though ho was tho
leal lotsor by tho high rato, not one dollar of
tho reimbursement fells Into his purso. On the
contrary, it is nbout equally divided botwoon
the shippers and tholr lawyors. Take, for ex
ample, tho caso of yollow pine, on shipments of
which $2,000,000 nro returned. Undor tho orig
inal ruling of tho commission tho reparation
was to bo 63 por cent of tho proved claims, but,
according to tho official statement, "nono of tho
money reaches tho consumers, who had been tho
real loners through tho Increased rate."
As a mattor of fact it nppeors from Wash
ington dispatches that certain lawyors havo en
riched themselves out of this slnglo opportunity.
Ono prosentod a batch of $2,000,000, In claims.
And Jones, tho consumer, ho pays tho froight,
to tho lawyor, shipper and railroad. Tho cost
of transportation always figuros in the cost of.
the artlclo to tho user and this very situation
Is so typical that its significance ought not to
bo lost sight of by tho public
All thceo steamship accidents canhot fail to
stimulate "8eoiAmorlca-Flrst" trkvol. Wlh
tho (ourlsts coming our way, It Is up to Omaha
to tempt thorn to stop ovor, and to treat them
right when they do stop.
A Georgia woman asks tho court to on loin
her husband from calling her up on tho tele
phone at any old tlmo for any old purooso. If
that falls, ahe might go a step further and havo
him gagged, or as a last resort tako tho 'phono
Mr. Wanamaker on Labor.
John Wanamakor's championship of thd
rights of labor, his vision of its futilro, his robuko
,pf the attltudo of .certain rich men aml'largo om4 Pever thing.' It
ploycrs of labor aro all propholYc of that v'ri's" ability to be
ing mnrkot" In which ho finds tho men and
Kpmon. who toll.
Asked by taotnbors of tho Industrial com
mission boforo which ho was testifying If he
beliovod In the eight-hour day Mr. Wanamaker
replied: "ISlghl hours or loss." And ho bollovos
In tho right of both capital and .labor, to organ
ize and declaros projudlco and misunderstand
ing nnd poor labor leadership more in tho past
than now to bo tho chlof obstacles In tho way
of moro satisfactory mutual relations.
Such n man as Mr, Wanamaker Is fully qual
ified to speak on this most vital of all Industrial
-problems without having his impugnod.
Tho soonof that ho and men like him, working
In co-operation with responsible leaders of
labor's cause, get tholr heads together on a plan
to eliminate from this problem everything but Its
merits tho strike, tho boycott, tho blacklist,
'tho lockout and similar dovlces, of the devil
tho bettor for all concerned. If, for example.
Mr.. Rockofellor, whom Mr. Wanamaker por-
Brlef oontrlbti lions on tlmly
topics Invitee. Tin Be assume
no responsibility for opinions of
correspondents. All letters sub
ject to condensation by editor.
The Sordid Slilr.
OMAHA, June 24, To the Editor of
The Bee: When the youthful nnlph
Titzel was drowned Sunday, In Carter
lake, efforts were made by the lad's
companions and by bystanders to se
cure the aid of tho men In charge of the
bath-house, In rescuing Tltiel. A large,
porky individual, apparently managing
things, was appealed to and replied, "He
didn't rent his suit from us, we didn't
see him go down we're not responsible
for him."
If the btach had been properly super
vised; If It had been In charge of men
who wouldn't let their netural humane
Instincts bo banished by anything so
mercenary as tho rental price of a
bathing suit and a towel (30 cents) Titzel
might havo b' cn taken from the water
In time to be revived.
As It was, It remained for help from
distant points, viz; tho Carter Lake club.
county officials, etc., to carry on the
attempted rescue after precious minute
had been wasted while the bath-house
management tarried on shore and hid
behind thirty cents worth of profit lost
to dodgo responsibility which none but
those devoid of humane Instincts would
fall to offer In the moment of distress.
Truth the Only True find.
SILVER CREEK, Neb., June U. To
tho Editor of Tho Bee: I notice a party
writing from Phillips, Hamilton county,
Neb., (I forget his r.amc. and so wo will
call hlra "Jones") wants me, "one
Charles Wooster of Merrick county,"
denied a hearing In the press for the
assigned reason that I ridicule tho Bible
hnd attack men like Secretary of Stato
Bryan, ex-Congressman Stark and It. L.
Metcalfe, nnd write long and tiresome
articles that accomplish no good purpose.
Mr, Jones Is one of a class of small
souls who havo not sense enough to ap
preciate tho force of an argument or
ability to answer It, and probably docs
not know the difference between a
syllogism and a woodchuck. These
people aro usually ldol-worshlppors, and
if I smash one of their gods or skin
htm and hang tho hide on tho fence (It
It be proper to assume that gods have
skins), they Immediately set up a great
howl and begin to throw rocks at me
and call me all sorts of bad names. If
I point out false, absurd or rldlculoui
things as to Christianity, or In tho Bible.
thoy say "Oh, he Is an Infidel 1 Let us
kill him;" If I should prove out of
Bryan'a own mouth that he ought to be
In the penitentiary, and I will do It If
challenged, they would say "He has now
committed the unpardonable sin; to hell
with htm;" If I rldlculo Stark (and un
dcr tho clrcumstancea he was a proper
object of rldlculo), they say, "and he
was a congressman! What a shame!"
forgetting that most any sort of a stick.
may bo a member of congress, and that
"tiow when tho big schoolmaster does
docs not require as much
a congressman as to be a
member of a county board of aimer-
visors; If I say that Metcalfe permitted
himself to be used as a tool and la not
fit to be governor, they answer "Oh that
unspeakable Wooster! And Mr. Met
calfe Is such a nice Christian gentleman..
and once helped some ladlea organlzo
a sewing society.
Every man ought to love the truth
and be willing to accept It, no mattor
where It comes from or who o what
It hits. If I make a tttnacloua arcu
ment, let It be shown; If I do not stato
facts, let It be pointed out, and let there
be an end of this personal abuse. I ad
mit I am getting tired of this small fry.
I envy old Jonah, and wish a whale
would come along and swallow mo Just
to see how It would seem. CHARLES
Opposition Is bolng voiced to tho creation of
any morn ntatn rnmml,tnna rri,. .
............ u u, , iiu AUUUOIB ui i ,., .
tho commission business Is tho fee graft. Stamn 8 y crU,0,8Ca nnd olhors w,th 8,m,lnr attl-
oui iiiQ ren irraDhinir. mw mn rA mnmi,...ui wu u u uuu 1110
u . , sMMiau WIUUiUt.ll nillli
purely honorary without salary or perquisites,
nnu tne demand for now commissions will subside.
radical labor leadors on tho other, could only
bo made to see that tholr mutual hostility Is
mutually Injurious, 'tho first stop in tho long
process of solving tho probloms would bo taken.
Wo thoroughly agree with tho bathing ro-
aori, Keepor who says that tho two thlnira
needed to provent drownings is moro precau
tion on tho part of tho bather nnd more guards
to the rescuo, but whother tho lattor ahould bo
furnished entlroly by tho stato or also by tho
resort Keeper is another question.
Is Drrs Immoral T
OMAHA, June 22. To the Editor of The
Bee: A "Practical Reformer," writing
for The Bee's letter box today sayB.
"Dress Is neither moral nor Immoral. It
Is simply unmoral."
I never criticize a statement merely be
cause 1 do not understand it, nor De-
cause of Us bad grammar or faulty con
struction; but the bdovo statement con
cerning dress is Incomprehensible for two
In tho first place there Is no such word
In the English language as "unmoral '; I
have consulted Webster. K. and W.'s
now standard, and several other diction-
Watterson on Suffrage
Marse Henry Blows His Bugle to Let
the World Know Where He Stands.
Henry Watterson In Louisville Courier Journal.
"Every one that knew her felt the gentle pow-wow-er
Of Rosalie the pcr-a-rer flow-wow-er."
It seems that some Incongruvial observations as
cribed by a reporter of the Brooklyn Eagle to the
editor of the Courier-Journal very Inconfruvlal for
not only made havoc with his part of speech, but
muddled some of his opinions as such methods of
publication are wont to do have stirred the sensi
bilities of general, tho Honorable Rosalie Jones, of
the Sky-Scraping Foot Marines. It is the more to
be regretted since the particular branch of the prop
aganda represented by this Lady of the Decorations
has from tho first drawn from these columns their
copious and admiring acclaim. The following un
folds the melancholy truth and tells the sorrowful
St. Louis. Mo.. Juno 16. 'Ooneral' Itosalle Jones.
who won her tltlo as a suffrage leader on famous
hikes from New York ,Clty to Albany and Wash
ington, today challenged Henry Watterson to de
bate as a result of the Loulavllto editors Jibes at
'Real y. do you know. I think Colonel Watterson
should dress In knee brecchea and wear nice, fluffy
laces and such,' said she. "He belongs to the age
when they woro such things. I think such attire
would bo quite appropriate In his case. As for the
colonel's attacks on suffrage, he Is doing us a great
When told that Watterson had said that women,
by their suffrage ravings, hod broken up peace In
the only place where a man could find It, the home,
"General" Jones' bright eyes flashed for an Instant,
and, pounding tha table with her fist, she replied:
"Right here and now I challenge Henry watterson
to a debate on equal suffrage, to be held on the St.
Louis courthouse stops. Why, If he will, only come
hero and debate with me, he will help us win the
vote for Missouri."
"It Is such a pity. 'Marse Henry' Is wasting all
of that brilliant oratory of his around old New
York town when we need him right here In Mis
souri to win tho cause for us."
Noting that tho word "Home" affects some of
our would-be-gentlemen lady friends as water af
fects a hydrophobic, let us say at once that Gen
eral, tho Honorable Rosalie Jones has been misled
In one or two matters of fact. 8he may have
girded her lions,, but surely she has not studied the
cucpapers. "Old timers," Interposes tho St Louts
Republic "will recall that Henry Watterson, when
acting as chairman of a democratic national con
vention, onco stopped the proceedings, defied the
rules of parliamentary practice and compelled the
delegates to listen to a speech by a woman. He
knew ho was wrong, but, being a southern gentle
man and a Kentucky colonel rolled Into one, he
simply could not refuse the fair orator, and he would
not have refused, as wo verily believe, If he knew
that he was about to wreck the party, bring on a
forcian Invasion, or stop the publication of tho
Courier-Journal. Remembering this Incident and
considering the chivalrous Instincts of tho colonel,
wonder what he will do with that challenge
to debate the suffrage question hurled at him by
General Roeallo Jones. It uurely puts him In a
tight 'place.
"Was your outing a success?"
"I suppose so," replied Mr. Growcher.
"It was about the usual program as I
have observed It The merry party baroly
had time to eat lunch and then line up
to be photographed before It was tlmo
to catch the train home" Washington
A prominent man called to condole
with a lady on the death of her husband,
and concluded by saying: "Did he leave
you muchl"
"Nearly every night, ' was the reply.
National Monthly.
She You vowed that it would be your
aim to make my life naught but one of
happiness. And to think that I believed
He That's nothing! I believed it at
the time myself. Boston Transcript.
"She ought to make a good buslnoes
"What makes you think so?"
"She doesn't Insist on getting down to
the depot an hour before It's time for her
train to start" Detroit Freo Press.
Not on your llfo! It puts General, the Honorable
Rosalie Jones In tho predicament of attacking Foxy
Grandpa whore he lives, as the saying hath It, am.
of pounding the table with hor dainty little tootsy-
wootsy fist when she should have hit It roundly
with her heels; for ho has been fighting the- woman's
battle all his days and Is not opposing suffrage be
causo ho would be denying equality to women-nor
at all under certain limitations but for the reason
that ho would not brutalize and degrade woman Dy
dragging her Into tho bull-ring of politics and party
Ism, with their corruption and dltt.
His opinions are familiar to his constant readers.
Thoy have been often and amply Bet forth In thes
columns. They were confused a bit and dlstortea
a lick or two by the Brooklyn reporter who took
no notes but relied upon his memory to misadvise
him with regard to exact expression. For examplo
ho ascribed somo remarks of his victim touching
tho Feminist movement and the Furies In England
to a denunciation of the suffrage movement at large.
That was nn error. It lured general, me nonor
ablo Rosallo Jones lntd melodramatic attitudes un
becoming to what the Republic calls "her lustrous
dark eyes" (gee. we are glad she is not a bionaei),
along with somo crtlclsm of Foxy Grandpa's wearing
apparel; though hero It gratifies him to note that
tho maternal Instinct of tho woman shine through
the masqueratdlng of the Foot Marine, suggesting
"kneo breeches" and "nice, fluffy laces," quite fit
ting to second childhood and delightfully redolent of
the nursery. It may Indeed be that he belongs to a
by-gone ago; but such have been his love and care for
woman that, being in this at least up-to-date, he
much prefers to havo her clad than nude, and nis
sympathy has gone out to her to that degree, that,
seeing the tango "aa she Is danced," he has In al
most every instance favored forcing the man on
the floor to marry the girl In his arms. What bet
ter proof could ho give that he is ever and ever tor
the woman, the weaK ana unproictieu -
many Kentucky statutes, likewise In her interest
earnestly and constantly promotea Dy mm, wh
"Yes, my son Is going to spend a fow
days In the city."
"He'll get buncoed sure."
"Well, he's sure of carfare home. He's
wearing a HO bill underneath a poms
Plaster on his chest." Louisville Courier
Journal. Gladys Jack really has a soft spot in
his heart for me.
Muriel How do you know?
Gladys He save he Is always thlnklmc
of me.
Muriel Why. a man doesn't think with
his heart. The soft spot must be In his
head. Judge.
"But, see, my dear, you do wrong to be
angry with him. Your husband could
very well have passed the evening at Gas-
. I. . . - I . 1 tl
"That's Just what was Impossible, for
Gaston passed the evening with me."
Paris Pages Folles.
"Tell me. old man." said the peren
nlnl seeker after knowledge, "why Is your
hair gray and your beard brown?"
"Easy!'' answered the facetious O. M.
"My hair is twenty years older than mj
beard." Michigan Gargoyle.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
While down the street at morning' tlmi
The crowded street car nped(
I took a look, and set In rhyme,
The things that people read.
The fat man scanned the sporting new
Of ring and base ball field.
His neighbor read the expert vlewa
On cotton growth and yield.
The facts from Mexico enthrall
The next and yet the next;
And gossip from the City Hall
Was one large man's pretext.
Who truly did not read at all
But eyed, till she was vexed,
A beauteous maiden, broad and tall.
And muchly female-sexcd.
And Just behind a solemn gent
Peruses the Van Loons.
The eyes of ladles next are bent
On "ads" about the tunes
That form the "old song" picture game;
And social happenings
Are studied by the haughty dame
With three large cluster rings.
The page of editorials
Is food for tho next reader;
Attention of the next one falls
On "Fine of Auto Speeder."
A lady, sitting further on
With two fine looking lads,
Has fixed her eyes and thoughts upon
Department store "ads."
Two "stenos" read the want ad page
In search of better jobs;
And miss, of an uncertain age
Reads all the shipwreck "sobs."
Then, In the very foremost place
On narrow seat at side
A lady reads, with smiling face,
Tho list of those who've died.
also attest.
It Is true that tho Courier-Journal has
n nk suffrage sm on us mc numus.
of tho auffragist It has seen the militant; back of
tho militant, the Feminist; Feminism, at once the
genesis and the terminal of the agitation responsible
for the prevailing unrest of woman. r emiiu....,
among the more advanced, avows Itself the enemy
of a man-made world and a man-wrltten Bible, and
Church Unity.
Tho Omaha, Summer School of Mieoions, aside arles, and I cannot find this word; It Is n existing Institutions Including marriage and the
. - " . . . . . I -. , .i.i ., ..... , mi, I - A . v. . .hnllHnti nf (AT nnfl in ft ro
il um lUKinir u. runic nr nuunnni nr.nnn. Rpnmfi in not Kiven tuner as u. bihuhj ih ui
moral or an antonym oi - moral.
sjunuay- I'niiadolpha's latost.
with pulplta all filled by leading physicians and
surgeons. Bounds fair. Ono and nil want good
ncami, out wo apprehond that oven hero dls
sents win bo registered by thoso who
furnish substanco for tho church unity Idea.
Forty churches of a ozon denominations aro as
sociated In this enterprise. Many forms and
phases of religious probloms aro discussed with
out roforenco to croodal distinctions. Tho mis
sionary propaganda Is kept In tho forefront,
wljlch makes tho spirit of unity all tho more
significant. For, as tho foreign missionary boards
of various denominations' keenly npproclato.
themselves prescribe tho particular brand of croodal dlfforoncoa havo mado tholr work moro
medlclno to be preached from the pulptt.
In tho second place. If tho word "un
moral" was proper, It would certainly be
synonymous with "Immoral," Just the
same aa "unmodeat" would mean "Im
modest," no more and no less; for I find
In Webster the word "unmorallze." mean
ing "not conformed to good morals,"
I therefore conclude that dress Is either
moral or immoral, and that the use of
the word "unmoral" Is an offense against
the purity of our language. A great
many writers, mostly women, are very
,. 1 , 1 many wriioe, muoiijr nuuim, mo
difficult. hlle it has always been possible to fqnd of these quibbles, such as defining
oMntD mom aeji rJtsj
Crclghton college comnuncement niled the coU
Is flr (nil I ! t. VM a . A
.w uuuenis on the stage, and In front
or them the faculty: Biihnn cvnn...
Collnaria. Bhaffrl. Koopmans, Daxacher 'and Polt
...a, una rauiers Glauber and Serphln from
Columbus. Among tbo prize winners Were Charles
P. Frenzer. Edward McVann and Francis McShane
The Prottctunt Episcopal council took another
ballot for a suecseor to the lato Bishop CUrkson.
Mwuuugwn nannjf declined the call, and
wiui.u in a unanimous recommendation to Kov, D,
El'phlat Potter of Union colUao Uvhnectedy.
Captain O'Donoho of the police department, Who
was a few weeks ago called to Chicago by th'e
death of his wife, was called back again by a tel-
srn annountung tne death of his Infant daughter.
A big wind and rain alarm did. a lot nf a.
shlny to signs, windows and bllboarda,, At Coun,
vui, oyer tne ini or uorrett'a circus,
tilling one man and wounding several.
Max Moye? & Co,, announce the arrival of Fourth
f July goods, -nr works,, flreeroekero. tor-
?oqocs, uukci lanterns, etc."
Dorsoy B. Houck has received a handomeproamt
in the form of a beautiful wagon from former United
tat Booatsr Caldwrll of KstiTiv who senxd in
the euzw company with Ua In the Medcan war
offer the heathen plausible explanations for
theso divisions of "ono gospel," It has not al
ways boon possible to get him to see tho point
as clearly as doslrcd. Tho result Is that Presby
terians and Methodists and Baptists and Con-
gregatlonallsta and othor Protestant denomina
tions aro steadily working toward the unity
idea In foreign lands and aro even converging
some of, tholr linos of administration at home
It Is a matter of rocord, wo understand, that
this transition abroad has had a very pro
nounccd effect on the churches in this country.
Only tho other day, tho stated clerk of tho
ircBuyiermn general assomoiy, issuod a pro-
nunclamento on the subject of church unity.
Men may say that organic union will never
come. Probably not so far as all denominations
ure concerned, but that It may coma beforo Ions:
I'lniBomo rather practical form of co-operation as
potween tho so-coned evangollcal denomina
tions, there seems little ground to doubt.
"nude" as being different from "naked,"
etc. One of the ancient philosophers un
dertook to convince Diogenes that mo
tion has no existence, and after listening
a few hours tho old cynlo answered the
argument by deliberately waling away.
Thero Is moral dress and Immoral; moral
pictures and Immoral; moral conversa
tion and Immoral conversation, and peo
ple will always believe this, although the
standard may change from time to time.
But a wax model can bo dressed im
modestly, and even a child's doll could
be decorated In such a way as to corrupt
the morals of the child.
e. o. Mcintosh.
Nebraska Editors
The Dodge Criterion, J, J, McFarland,
editor, appeared last week In a brand
new suit of clothes.
Harry L. Parsons has sold his half In
terest In the Central City Republican to
his partner, Robert Rice.
James Schoonover has sold his Interest
If wo could only cash In all the time con
'sumed in tho canal tolls dobate wo might bo ataln
to build another waterway for the benefit of ne Aurora ePuuicanvo nia partner..
Pn.virt nnd ih, t, c,k pkln nd ch8J-,M Carlson.
News to Nolan & Streng seven montha
ago and went to Idaho to grow up with
the country, Is back In Nebraska. Ha baa
purchased the Interest of Mr, Streng In
the News and his name again appears at
tne masweaa, as caiior.
The ancient and accepted rule of political
strategy is to fomont discord among the enomy
and keep your forceo united. But no ono party
nas a monopoly on tho ruh
. . . . M J UA V -
hnme: it proposes tne aDoiuion oi o nnu
creation of woman In tho barbaric Image of man.
each woman to choose tho father of her child, and
as many fathers as she cares to have, polygamy
and the polygamous instinct to be shifted from mas-
...nn. in ffmlnlne initiation. i"o ..-
America are but a little behind tne i-unes in kv
land; the Furies of England dui a mue
of time, Feminism being the crux of the movement.
Ita. Inttt Inn HAT War.
m uiBV"- e.
Tn bn sure tho Kcders of the crusaae seeiunk
Vote for Women" deny this, most of them, wo
doubt not. sincerely. But revolutions go noi ustn-
Already It s declared in ,ngiana wi
i. mnrolv an "outpost." Already has the
richest and mbst potential leader of suffraglsm In
the United Stales announced the coming of militancy
of the Pankhuwt variety unless the franchise be
granted within the next two years. ro quesuoi. ou
momentous to organic society exists In any part of
the world end the Courier-Journal, disdaining tha
. .mi., th lovltv and of gallantry, has
cowitruits -
.inn. imenr American newspapers so treated It
It plants Itself upon the blessed truth that woman
was created to civilize and humanize man; that sho
Is a superior being; that without her we would drop
.nv.rorv: that without the ballot she has
achieved the crown of glory God designed for her
when He made her the moral ugni oi wie ".
tho homebullder and shrlnemaker, securing to the
. hr children and to herself, one spot on
..-h where love abldeth. which may not be In
vaded by the selfishness, the hatred and the slime
of rival ambitions, within wnose sweet ana io
rintion and repose the religion or tnni ijr
tlnue to be cherished and taught and whence prayers
. .ml cralltuda may ami bm.-c.iu iu
Ul uuu, ."..
Nay. nay, Rosalie, dear Roaalte-ehall we not drop
the unwomanly and unmeaning "General and can
you pet names?-you have the wrong pig by the
ear. Lt Foxy Grandpa press an ice upon youl
Stick your pantalettes In your boots, Utli gin. ana. of fadnr that dreadful moo rroia tne coot
, .t.n. 1M ii. ro and bunt Mtiercapa. jtmr
faralns. Jtoealle. If we mar say It without ofttne.
still run to your leajs-oaathiy kcataaWor brains
were made to 11"" vtth ai uza were raa4e to
walk vilb. and vU5aK, cut drfafirg. tma lmea. jls
I rn.w vl rs- Ic jricr loss jwS. jrwulhcarC
Something About
Government Ownership
No. 9
Contrary to the Amer
ican custom of 24-hour
telephone service, practi
cally every government
owned European tele
phone exchange, except in
the very large cit
ies, is closed all
American tele
phone and tele
graph rates, in
terms of the actual buy
ing power of money, are
much lower than those of
any government-owned
system in Europe.
Wages paid American
telephone employees are
the highest in the world.
Europe has four times
the population of Amer
ica, but less than
one-third the num
ber of telephones.
Every European
telephone expert
who has visited America
has conceded that the tel
ephone service here is the
"model of the world."
Bell Telephone Service Has Set the
Standard for the Rest of the World.
utti i-wni i i m 1 I, i i .ii
Hundreds of people in
Omaha today are doing it
You are losing and they are
By this plan, you would within a very
few years own the title to the houoe you
live in and would no longer be paying rent
every month.
You would also have the profit which
comes from the increase in value of your
property. Omaha real estate ia a mosj
promising investment.
Get into touch with tome of these op-,
portunities through the Bee's real estate
columns. Read and investigate some of
the ads.
Telephone Tyler 1000'
EneryiKxt StSj Bo Wart Adi,
Used ia more Homes thin any two other brands
ot Bottled Iker combined
Anheuser Busch Co. of Nebr.
Family trada supplied by
G. H. HANSEN, Dealer
Phono Douglas 2506