Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Tells What Publicity Can Do for
Railroad Transportation.
Thrr Chief I'nTtrm to Kdncntr by
Travel, nnlM Hp Connlrr nnd
doner Halations rrlth
the Pnbllc.
TORONTO, Ont, June H.-(Bpeclil.)-Gcrrlt
Fort of Omaha, pnsscnirer traffic)
manager of tho Union Pacific naltroai
company, was the chief speaker at tho
convention of the Associated Advertising
nubs of America today. Mr. Fort's sub
ject was "What Publicity Can Do For
One thins, he did not concede It could
d was to swell the volume of clthor
freight or passenger traffic directly to
any considerable extent. The three
most vital effects of railroad advertising,
as Mr. Fort saw It, were, first, oduca
tional, as to mere travel; second, an to
territorial conquest and building up of
the country with home-maker; third,
cultivation of closer mutual relations be
tween the railroads and tho people, by
frank discussions by railroads In tho
newspapers of their peculiar problems.
In part, Mr. Fort sflldt
The problem of selling railroad trans
portation through publicity presents the
following essential difference from other
forms of merchandising: The railroads
are quasi public Institutions with their
earning power limited by governmental
regulation, both stato and federal. The
state, says. In effect, to the owners of
railroad property: "Wo will allow you to
earn, If you can-although we don't guar
antee that you will a fair return on your
Investment, but whatever you earn In ex
cess of a fair profit must lie divided with
the public in the form of reduced rates
cr Improved service."
Admitting the soundness of this position
oncedlng that the rnllroads nre. public
rrvant-wlll It not be agreed that ad
crtlsing which Is not creative of busi
ness, but which has for Its purpose
tnerelv the diversion of business repre
sents n wasto of expenditure and effort
and more than that a breach of trust'
If this be so let us sec what opportunity
exists to rrento business by advertising
I doubt whether $100,000 expended In ad-
ertlslng freight service would cause two
kegs of nails to be shipped where ono
was shipped before, and I think It may
truthfully be said Hint advertising will
not create freight traffic. Advertising of
luxurious passenger service may stimu
late travel, but to a limited extent only.
Field of Kdncntlon.
There Is. however, a field, and the
widest sort of a field, for ndvcrtifclng that
Is not only creative of railroad and steam
ship traffic, but Is for the general good
All forms of publicity lilcti depict In
truthful terms the wonderful liciih nnd
pleasure resorts of our contlnvit nre cf
Incalculable benefit to all mankind, tot
it cannot bo gainsaid that travel Is tho
greatest of alt educational foreot. The
public owes much to the transportation
companies for their exploitation of 1 el
lowstone National park tho Adlrondacks,
California, the Canadian Ilocklos, Florida,
the Yosemlte, the Grand Canyon, etc.,
and It is not too much to say that the
skillful and persistent publicity which has
been given theso resorts has not only
helped the carrying companies, but has
been of tremendous benefit to our people.
Again, publicity, paid and unpaid, us
to the opportunities for homcseeknra nnd
Investors presents a most Inviting nnd
legitimate, field wherein to servo trans
portation and alt mankind. Hurcly there
can be no more useful work than that ft
making known to tho older and over
crowded parts of tho world tho oppor
tunities, agricultural and Industrial, whloh
are open to every man with stUflclunt
brains and energy to grasp them and In
addl.ton to the material reward which Is
bound to come to both transportation and
publicity there is tho higher one of wit
nessing the constant recession of the
world's frontiers, tho conquest of new
countries and the trite, but pleasant, oc
cupation of developing two blades of grass
where ono grew before.
Dlseasslon of Problems,
Finally In my opinion, and it should bs
understood that in making this statement
I am speaking on my own responsibility
and for myself alone, I believe that pub
licity could bo used to Immense, advan
tage to transportation companies and to
the publto as well In discussing In frank
patd-for advertising the railroad problems
which engage so much attention In the
public prints. 1 also bellevo that the
changed conditions are not generally un
derstood by the public and that paid ad
vertising for which (he transportation
companies assume full responsibility, sot
ting forth clearly and fairly the present
situation and their needs for the future,
could go far toward establishing better
relations between the carriers and their
Transportation demands of publicity
that it shall be honest, honest in Its ut
terance to the public, both editorial and
advertising; honest In Its business meth
ods with transportation companies, no
blackmail, no favoritism, no personalities
to be allowed to govern these relations.
Biliousness nnd I.lvrr Complaint
quickly relieved by Dr. icing's" New Life
Pills. Regulates the bowels, keeps
-stomach and liver In healthy condition.
!Sc All druggists. Advertisement.
There 'Will be nojsrops left unharveated
In the west this year becauso of lacking
labor, If Police Judge Foster has nny
thlng to do with It. Instead of sentenc
ing vagrants, drunks and others to the
county Jail for long sentences he is turn
ing them over to a local labor agency
which sends the men out to good paying
Jobs in the open air, where they receive
good meals and plenty of exercise.
LuGrippe and Colds
InLaGrlppe and Golds, Antl-kamnla(A-K)
ablets are unexcelled, as they stop lbs
Dalns, toolho the nerves, and bring the reit
so greatly needed by nature to restore the
system to health. Phyitolans bave used
these tablets for over twenty years, In the
treatment of colds, fevers and la grippe, and
have found no other remedy moro uteiulln
laese conditions. Anti-kamnla Tablets are
so Inexpensive, so pleasant to take, so sat
lifaotory in their results, and so useful In all
conditions where there Is pain, that A-K
Tablets should always be kept in the bouse
tor the time of need. Many of our ablest
'physicians obtain perfect retails In la grippe
and cleansing the system with Kp
som salts or "Actoids", a very good cathar
tic, putting the patient on a limited diet, and
administering one A-K tablet every two or
three hoot. This treatment will usually
break up tho worst case In day or two,
while In milder cases, ease and comfort fol
low almost Immediately. These tablets are
also unexcelled for neuralgia, Rheumatlo
Pains, The Pains of Women, Indigestion
and Insomnia. All druggists have them.
Cinalnm A'K TabUtt btar th K mark
P. 3. A'K Sale frSort.
Pay $10, Save $5--Pay $15, Save $10
"Ask Bill
When We Say "Bill9' We Mean
Your Friend-
who is now wearing United Clothes. He will tell you mighty quick of the high
clothes values at tho United Shops. Our great success is built not only on the
dollars that Bill and Tom and Dick and Harry have paid us, but also on the good
words they have spoken for United Clothes . So just "Ask Bill" if he's satisfied
and take your cue from his answer. We fit tho young man of 16 getting his first
suit of long trousers, up to the extra size man weighing 00 pounds. We cany
the largest assortment shown anywhere for the tall, slim, short and stout men, at
For your convenience wo have opened another United Store at 107 So. 16th,
opposite Hayden's and we want you to become familiar with this popular price
store for men.
This week is our Factory to Wearer campaign, demonstrating what ten dollars
will buy for men and young men. You should 5eo the suits
Mi JlUJif
107 So. 16th St., 1512 Farnam St.,
Opposite Hayden's Merchants Holel Bldg.
Main and Broadway, Council Bluffs
Pay $10, Save $5 Pay $15, Save $10
Newspaper Has Until Saturday to
Make Good on Expense.
Local Anthorltles nrllrve Hansen
Will Hliotr Up Hntnrdny nnd
Thas Save, the Five Thon
nnd Ilond Money'.
Unless tho Omaha Dally News and the
"Cloverleat Syndicate," which controls it,
come to the front Immediately with an
unlimited expense account for OperaUve
Hansen's benefit, the Burns detective
agency will leave Its clients In the lurch
and allow them to face tho muslo alone
and without tho 'benefit of the cunning
sleuth's evidence and testimony. A threo
days' extension of time has been ar
ranged In the case of Operative Hansen's
15.000 bond. The Dally News has until
Baturday to put J5.000 in the hands of
Detective Hums In order to Insure Han
sen' testimony. Until Saturday the bond
will not be declared forfeit, but on that
day, If Hansen does not show up, Wll.
llam J. Burns will pay tho amount and
start suit to collect from tho News.
Several weeks ago Chief of Detectives
Moloney received a telegram from the
assistant state's attorney at Chicago stat
ins; that lawyers for Hansen promised to
havo their client In Omaha by June U.
A continuance of the bond has been ob
tained until Baturday.
Hansen's bond was put up by Hums,
who expected the News to make It good
It It became necessary to forfeit to save
tho operative from tho penitentiary. Tho
Dally News was loth to spend any more
money nnd tried to stick nurns for the
amount, but the sleuth now threatens to
desert his client.
The local authorities believe that Han
sen will show up Saturday. They say
Hums knows that sooner or later his
man must face the music and that they
will not risk double penalty, but will pro-
duco Hansen without further trouble and
save the 15,000 bond.
Because he carried a hammer and nails
In his two shoes, J, U Jones of Kearney
was refused admission to the United
States navy when he attempted to enlist
as a carpenter's mate. The navy exam
ining surgeon would, perhaps, have ad
mitted the man with the nails in his
shoes, but the hammer was too much.
The hammer, however, wasn't ths ordl-
nary steel and wooden affair used by
tradesmen, but proved to be a crooked
toe, known as the 'hammer toe," and the
nails were Just the same kind that push.
holes through your stockings.
A program of extraordinary festivities
is scheduled for the Fourth of July at
the Carter Lake club. A long list of
water sports will be Indulged In. There
will be tennis matches, music and danc
ing In the evening. The warm weather
is making the bathing beach one of the
most popular spots near Omaha. During
the day hundreds of children are In the
water and In the evening after work the
older folks partake of the enjoyment.
Don't lsf Sleep Coughing? nt Night.
Take Foley's Honey and Tar Com.
pound. It glides down your throat and
spreads a healing, soothing coating over
tho Inflamed tickling surface. That's Im
mediate relief. It loosens up the tight
ness in your chest, stop wheexy breath
ing, eases distressing, racking, tearing
coughs. Children love it. Refuse any
substitutes. Contains no opiates. For
sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement.
doing to the "Morlvk" Tonight T
If you want to know In advanco what
pictures are going to be shown at your
favorite theater tonight, read "Today's
Complete Movie Programs" on the first
want ad Darn. PnmnUf.
practically every moving picture theater
Unusual Clothes
There's No Secret About This Sale
We bought part of the
surplus stock of Hart,
Schaf fnor & Marx, and evory
garment is new this spring.
Somo of tho styles and col
ors have not been shown in
Omaha this season. The
largest share of this pur
chase was of theso better
goods. Most all are import
ed fabrics and just tho
weights that apo in demand
for J uly and August. Crashes
and basket weaves, made
half lined. Tropical wor
sted and light weight cassi
meros. This is the best lot
of suits we havo ever of
fered at such prices. This
purchase is divided into two
$18 to $25
SUITS . . .
$28 to $35
SUITS . . .
.lm M bSStto Mi0""-' 8tUbS' ,0DS 8tUt8 and 8hort stouts
Fire Insurance Co,
Defeats Policy on
Easter Tornado Loss
A fire Insurance company defeated a
Policy holder In district rnurt In n ntllf
In connection with loss incurred In the
Omaha tornado vh.n riri-t ja
Troup Instructed a Jury to find against
Mrs. Tearl R, Brady, wife of T. B. Brady,
ine attorney.
Mr. Brady was his wife's attorney. Tho
evidence showed that the plaintiff al
ready had collected JJ.000 from the
State Insurance comnanv nf
on a tornado policy. The court held that
she could not recover from the same com-
vanr ior aamago Dy nre to tho same
nouse. ine piaintllf held two policies
In the State Insurance company.
of every person to try
and maintain tho high-
est possible standard of
health. This plan can
be holped along won- H
derfully by tho use of
It tones, strengthens,
invigorates the diges
tive organs, the liver
and bowels and thus
promotes good health.
gaum iiu
Don't Suffer
With Corns
Drexel's Corn
Cure Last
Com planters, medicines, etc..
ares of no avail in treating corns.
Improper shoes were the cause,
and proper shoes are the only
cure, Drexol'a corn cure, last
cure corns. They are tho moat
comfortable shoes made. In
dark brown and black kid. Best
quality oak nolo, widths A to
double B.
PBICB 84.50
1419 Farnam
The K a tz en jammers
Every Sunday iu The Bee
.Men's Straw Hats; made to sell
to $2.00, soft or stiff, all tho
latest blocks, big sur- Qf"
plus stock, choices aOC
100 Genuine leather Suit Cases
$4.00 to $7.00 values, good
ilze, with heavy straps, in
hree lots; special at
52.05. S3.05 "l S4.05
Our June Clearance Offers Marvelous
of Beautiful Summer Dresses af
An immense stock of sum
mer dresses, made to sell at
$10.00 and $12.00. Dainty
summer fabrics in Roman
stripes and flowered pat
terns, plain voiles, cool lin
ens and other wanted fabrics
immense assort- S VI 95
mem, on saie ai, u,:
Bargains to You. Thousands
Wonderful Undcrpricings
Hundreds of Pretty Sum
mer Dresses Made to sell
at $3.50 -most desirable
wash materials, gQ
mane, an colors,
nn cnln
v a. kjaww ..........
Hundreds Tailored Suits
In broad assortment of tho
best styles and most desira
ble fabrics, garments that
would sell regularly to $35
your choice Sfl95
Thursday wms
for sV
More New Wash Sklr The most pleasing assortment
extra sizea, in four big lota for Thursday
100 Stylish Goats In choice
fabrics and colors, newest
designs, made to sell at $15
up to $25.00; all in one lot;
to close out, 95
at, I
and best values shown in Omaha: regular nnd
S1.50. $1.95. S2.95 and S3.95
Big Special Purchase
of Panamas
Regular $5 Values, Choice
Just 12 dozen in the lot,
South American and
bleached Panamas, in n
splendid assortment of
styles large, medium and
small. Hats made to sell
regularly at $5.00. "While
they last Thurs-
dav, your choice, M
nt Alls-
Several other rousing specials.
Drug Department Specials
For Thursday
Houblsrant's Ideal Perfume, per
ounce $1.39
60c oz. Rose Leaves or Sweet Pea
Perfumes, per ounce 350
La Trefle or Azurca Toilet Water
for 75c
50c size Aubry Sisters Beautlfler
Powder for 29e
10c kind Talcum Powder, all odors
at three cann for loo
25c size Sal Hcpatlca for. ...15o
$1.00- size for 690
Four dozen 6-graln Aspirin Tab
lets for 25a
35c and 50c Tooth Brushes, extra
quality for fllo
25c Tls or Coloclde for tired feet,
for 15o
25c largo Bleached Bath Sponges
for 100
Two Extra Specials in Rubber
$5.00 S-qt. Wellington Syringe
and bottle, guaranteed to you
for five years $2.33
$3.00 No. 3 White Rubber Combl
nation Syringe, guaranteed to
Lace Clearance
91.00 Laco Flounclngs 80c A
splendid assortment of beau
tiful patterns In from 20-ln.,
22-in. to 27-in. widths; regu
lar $1.00 a yard values; on
sale Thursday at, yard. .39C
50c Levees at 10c Yard Includ
ing a fine assortment of 9-in.
to 141n. Demi - Flouncings,
in shadow, Quaker and Not
tingham laces; at, yd.. .19
15c IaccH at 5c a Yard A big
varloty of new Vals., Zion
City and beautiful Point de
Paris laces, regular 16c yard
values, yard 5J
10c Val. Ibices SHcit Yard A
special lot of fine Val. edges
and insertlngs, made to soil
regularly at 10c a yard, your
choice, yard 3'c2
5 Rousing Glassware Specials
Another great opportunity for surprising
bargain getting in China Department.
6-in. Out Glass Flower Vases 50c
values, handsome design, on
sale, each 25c
500 heavy water tumblers, wino
glasses, nappies and fruit dishes, in
tho popular vintage pattern; to $3
i dozen valuos, each 10d
Water Tumblers 3-star cut; while they last, each 5J
10-02. Bell Shape Tum
blers Thin blown, grape
vine etched, while they
last, Thursday, each 10c
Footed Sherbert Glasses
Thm blown, grape vino
etched; while they last,
Thursday, each 10c
Wash Goods Snaps
200 pieces of Wm. Anderson's
220 Scotch Ginghams, regular
price 15c to 18c a yard; on
sale all day at 11 'i
All heavy Uatinos at 33 ft 7o.
Wash Qooda that sold at 2Ec
will go at 15C
Wash Goods that sold at 38c
will go at ' 2oC
Wash Goods that sold at 50c
will go at 37
10c Long Cloth
12 c Long Cloth 9C
15c Long Cloth IOC
25c India Llnon 15C
Special on Embroidered White
Values that insure a crowd on the 4th floor Thurs
day. No .telephone orders received. No deliveries made.
Time to Get in the Swim
But when you do wear your own
suit, it's safer.
Wo Want to Show You the "Swlm
Ensy" Suits; the best and most
comfortable suit on the market;
of wool, briliantine, mohairs, etc.
Values up to $7.50; special at
S1.50 $1.98 S2.95 S5.00
Men's Suit
To $4 values;
98C. 81.50
Boys' Suits
Up to $2.00
values at 98c
and . . . 49C
The Best Line of Ilathing Caps
shown in Omaha, all colors, ail
styles; a great ono day Balo
$1.50 Caps ' gg
$1.00 and $1.25 Caps 69C
Thursday's Linen Specials
Unhemmed Pattern Table Cloths, assorted
designs, pure flax, regular $5 cloths, at,
each $2.90
Hemmed Table Ptids, excelsior quilted,
round or square, regular $1.85 pads, at,
each $1.50
Crochet Bed Spreads, beautiful assortment, white
colored, fringed or hemmed; regular ?2.DS
spreads, each S1.98
Bed Sheets, full size, made from some of the best
sheetings manufactured; regular 98c sheet, 65C
Special Offerings In Our
Popular Domestic Room
1.00 Pattern Table
Cloths 74c
$1.25 Pattern Table
.Cloths ooc
$1.50 Pattern Table
Clojns $1.10
i.uu Mea bpreads 70c
$1.25 Bed Spreads Oilr
$1.50 Bed Spreads $l.i
$2.00 Bed Spreads $1.38
$2.50 Bed Spreads $i.70
10c Bath Towels. ,7c
12Vc Bath Towels. .Oc
loc Bath Towels. . .loc
18c Bath Towels... 12C
25c Bath Towels. . .15c
1 n . " ' -'
iwv, i cuora, mm enus
k .
6c Anron Checks. fnf S&C.
10c Bleached Muslin
No finer or richer flavored fruit
grown. They are now at their low
est price for this season. The quality
Is extra fine.
4 baskets in crate, per crate, 91.33
per basket 33o
ai lbs. nest Granulated Bnar, 91.00
4S-lb sacks Beat High Oracle Diamond
II Flour; made from the best se
lected wheat; nothing finer for
bread, pies or cake, per sack. 11.05
10 bars Beat.'Em.All, Diamond C,
Lennox or Laundry Queen White
Laundry Soap .380
10 lbs. best white or yellow Corn
meal 19a
8 lbs. nolled Breakfast Oatmeal, 2 Bo
The best hand picked Navy Beans.
per lb. Bo
A cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn..3So
3 cans Early June Peas aSo
Tall cans Alaska Salmon lOo
cans oil or mustard Sardines. . .230
Large bottles Worcestershire Sauce.
Fine Tomato Catsup. Pickles (as.
sorted kinds), or mustard, bot, 8Ho
Fancy Queen Olives, quart 36o
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb.,..13Ho
The beat Domestic Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti, pkg 7V4o
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg Jl0
Grape Nuts, pkg lOo
The best Tea Slftlngs. lb loo
Clolden Santos Coffee. lb..r aoo
tor a good cool and refreshing drink
try a bottle of Wild Cherry Phos.
phate or Hoot Beer, per bottle, loo
Xne Butter, Eg? and Cheese Market
for the People of Omaha.
The best Creamery Butter, carton
or hulk, per lb 29 0
The best No. 1 Country Creamery
Butter, per lb ...a7o
The best No, 1 Dairy Table Butter,
Ker lb. 35o
e best Wisconsin Cream, New
York White or Toung Amer
ica Full Cream Cheese, lb aoo
ew Potatoes, peck of 15 lbs- as
feWax or String Beans? b"?
rXesh .Peas fer nuart ..... 5o
4 bunches fresh Beets or Turnips. Ibo
6 bunches fresh Onions )jo
fe-oI'i?pers for Stuffing. 2 for ! 8c
Cabbage, per peck 3U0
Fresh Spinach, per peck ' .80
Fresh Itlpe Tomatoes, lb 'inn
4 bunches Kohl Rabl.... ..... So
3 large Cucumbers ioo
Large fancy Lemons, doz. . , .a'so 30o
The last of the Pineaples. We id.
vise our customers to buy now All
Tt'ebi8t strIcy fresh duaran.
teed Eggs, per doien... ' . aae
Neufchatel Cheese, each " ... 3S
Imported Swiss or liAn.V.Vo.., 0
. . , .
Bee readers are too intelligent to over
look the opportunities in the "Want Ad"
columns. TheyVe worth while reading.
... w ....... appear WkVi.USlV15liX
The Bee,