THE BEE: OMAHA, JUNE 1914. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification murt be f. reiented before 12 o'clock noon for even ng edition and 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday editions. Want ada received after auch boura wilt be under the bead' log, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES. One time 12 centa a tine. Three Umea wlthtn one week, orris" line each Insertion. Seven consecutive Umea. T centa a line each Insertion. CHARGE HATES. Three tlmea within one week. 14 conta a line each lnaertlon. Seven conaecxrUre, times, S eenta a ton each Insertion. Count alx averaga words to a Una. Minimum charge. 30 centa. Tht Bee wtU not be responsible for more than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error must be promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to be run until discontinued must be stopped by written order. You can place your want ad In The Dee by telephone. TEIJmroNE TYLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to tbo "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answers have been celled for and delivered during the last week. It la reasonable to suppose that nil of the People below have made the de sired imaps therefore, do not call for the balance or their answers. Bee want Ads sure do get results. ac. b.c. ac b.c b.c. s.c. 06 Ml 630 716 Ml 013 372 696 631 717 815 918 tit tM Ml 718 816 t Hi 601 6 720 820 923 lil (Dl N Til Ml 927 UA 603 870 722 SIS 932 EM 604 871 729 SB 934 6S7 60S 7 732 849 934 Ut M III ni tu Ml MS 608 684 735 Ml 949 EM CU (8t 727 S60 951 Kt CU (88 733 861 Ml tea OS 639 741 K2 961 ATS (18 690 742 44 966 874 617 896 743 MS MS Of (IS 699 744 8CA 943 171 61 703 746 S69 M 677 622 704 74S 871 971 67 622 708 749 889 973 SM 134 TOO 780 897 97S en as no tn m m 684 831 Cll 80S 899 UI 43T tU 111 909 691 DEATHS AND FTnVBRAL NOTICKS LEARY Mr. Mary, aged S3 yeara, June 23. Bhe la survived by two slater Airs. Elizabeth Duffy, lira. A. B. Kelly, of I Cheyenne, Wyo.: one eon, Charles; one Funeral Friday morning from realdence. its! Norm Twenuetn street, at h:m a. m. i to Holy Family church at a. ra. inter- Mailt Ifnl DanMlAhAVi tlAMAt JkfV. I LODGE NOTICES. I nirmmima f inninmrv lorimt Nn KM I Degree of Honor are requested to attend the funeral or Bister Myra ijowja, xnurs- day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the real- denoe, 1919 South 28th streot Slatarl lodges invitea. QKOROIA nEIKIIATlT, Chief of Honor. IlATTinj housek, Recorder. MARRIAGE! LICENSES. Permit to wed have been Issued to following couples: Name and Residence. Age. Carl A. Daniels, Simeon 24 Helen .1 turner, vaienune 21 a 5rthi. PsSSer oS? 4S Bertha Palmer, Omalia..... .............. uienry xiuuqrunuiu. uuiiui&.,.. ......... liessle Rlgga, Omaha. 18 William R. BelL Omaha. 89 laaballa U. B. BtrykAr, Omaha. 24 Joseph C Moravoo, Omaha. 23 Emma Treybal, Omaha. 4 Harry B Whitley, Oregtirr, B. D., over Lllah B. JUcklsson. Omaha, over is Claude It. Armstrong, Booth Omaha. a Bertha F. Voas, Omaha. 94 Carl R. Kell. Omaha.. . 23 BlaaotM Holareo, Omaha. .20 Ttaymosd Franda Oerrity. Omaha 24 Theresa Q. Idckert, Omaha. CO liuther O. IQatL South Omaha. 28 Paulina Uudwlg, Bouth Omaha.......... 26 I Stanlalar FIllpowloi, South Omaha.... 23 -lit ry..iv.-1. 11 . L. . a ' aV 7 " XJTrumm -Vr . , A . Tt: "A " 2 Bleoor T. McOulro, Boutlj Omaha uoaepn lamonu, oouiu unuui,, ...... sj i Ittoee Aiciuino, oouin vmana.. ......... Sam Rosenbaum, Omaha 23 uesaie AUtueman, omaiuu.... Joseph P- Pablan. Prarue...-. ..u. Z2 Rose Bemllaky, WUbur...n..MM,MMM. 27 TODAY'S COMPIdBTB MOVIE PROQRAMS Exclusively In Tho Doe. Downtown. CAMERAP1IONE. 1403 DOUOUAS BT. Xilna of the Theatar, reei. Kaiem. Oettlng Solid with Pa. Uubln. Dawn. Sellg. CLUNE THEATER, St6 FARNAM BT. The Talent Spark, z-reel Durtms. Daa Morgan's Way, Rellanoe drama. Tango Troubles, Royal comedy. ELITE, 1US FARNAM ST. IloM of My Heart. Beug. Tho Parent Strain. Lubln. The Crtme of Cain. Vitagraph. EUTB NO. 2. 1818 FARNAM ST, Through the Flames, S-reel, Kalem. The Eftldemie, Esaanay, A Modern Samson. Edison. FARN ASS THBATKR. 1C Famam. Four reels of first run mortnr Picture at 6o- HIPP. 15TH AND HARNEY, In tha Southern Hills. -r.. Dom. Drama. Th Peach Brand, Rel Drama and a Kr- Btona Comedy. PARK THEATER. 616 NO. 19TIL The Traasur Ship, 3 reel Kalem. Red Rldlntr Hood of the Hills, Essanay. Romeo and Juliet Blograph. PARLOR THEATER, 1408 DOUGLAS BT. Sopbls cf the Film. Nestor comedy. Traffic In Sotxla. t reels. PRINCESS, 1317-1319 DOUGLAS ST. Tho Silent "Witness, J-reel Victor. Den of Thieves. Nestor. North. AUIAKBKA. 1814 NORTH 24TIL i error oi vne jungle, x-reei. oeilg. Max's VacaUon, Patha. Ha Won a Ranch. Lubln. DIAMOND THEATER. 2410 IJUTE bt. Urd Ike Bearly Won Her, Universal lkal comedy; Last of the Race, 3-rcel, Pow wi innmi ior a uiy, victor. FRANKLIN THE., 24TH & FRANkUN. Tne Signal. Lubln. A Snakevllle Romance, Ejianay. "i'1'.-" V"8,h- umiui ura iioit terror, Beug. The Strength of the Weak, J-r.. Pathe. Tha Road to Plalndale. Blograph. IT THEATER, 16TH AND LPCUBT. The Light on the Wall. Edison. The Fringe on tho Glove, 2-r., Kalem, dr. .proncno -muy. vuiiaw, rssanay. LOYAL THEA.. 24TII A CALDWR1.I, Adventures ot Llmburger it Schweitzer, Ttci. xno Awuriuaf, jiex, a ram a. JDn "'oen aer. victor. LOTHROP THEA. 3213 NO. 24TH 8T. The Spellbound Multitude, Kathlyn No. a Benumentai uurgiar, vitagraph. Pat Casey's Case. Essanay. PALACE, 2353 DAVENPORT. Triumph of Mind, S-rael, Bison. SUBURBAN, 24TH AND AMES. The Song In the Dark. 2-reel, Easanay, He Changed His Mind, Lubln, Jane, Essanay. South. APOLLO THEA.. 2S24 LEAVENWORTH. Hearst-Sellg; Broncho Bill's Cunning, Easanay; Mr. liunnyhug Buys a Hat for jus unae, vwagrapa. ANNOUNCEMENTS Before you go out today have your clothes nicely pressed THE CORBETT CLEANERS AND DYERS will maintain a special service Day and Night for those "who want quick work done on clothes. Call Douglas 4382 this minute have the garments ready for onr messenger, and they will bo returned to yon with the work thoroughly done within tho shortest possible spaco of time. We're "Johnny on the Spot" NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THIS SPECIAL SERVICE. Men's Suits Sponged and Pressed; Ladies' Suits Sponged Pressed LADIES' LTST Dry Cleaning Dyeing and and Pressing Pressing Plain WalatB .50 $1.00 Bilk WalBts 75 up 1.00 up Plain Skirts 75 1.50 Plaited SklrtB ... . 1,00 2.00 Skirt and Drop. . .. 1.25 np 2,50 Jackots (short) . . 1.00 1.50 i length, llnod.. 1.50 up 2.50 longth. unllnod 1.50 2.50 Cravonettos 1.50 2.60 Tailored Suits ... 1.75 up 3.00 up Dresses 1.50 up CORBETT Dry Cleaners and Dyers L. LEVY, Mgr., Factory 846 South 24th Street Gibson's Buffet 822 Bouth ISth St LAWN mowers sharpened, work guar- -mio .ropier .on. LUCKY wedding rings. Brodegaard's. . i... ill- mini Mum iiimi - . m,m . . i.i HAZEL, Leaf Pile Cones. Btst remedy for Itching, bleedlnir or Protruding Piles! K0JostPn,1U ample free. Sherman & wvvimii " mmim. Boys' Vacation 8chool. Grad. high. merclal subjects, Tyler WOO. Y. M. C. A. Wed ling announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Dlt PHILIP 8IIEK WISHES TO AN NOUNCE THAT HE HAS MOVED FIIOM 1613 BURT BT. TO tlOO WEB STER ST. BROWN Park .mineral springs bath; Turkish bath. 81. Open day and night. Crosa-town car to 26th and O Sts Bouih umana. u. . conrannon, lessee FOR balance of June and July, watch re- pair Dargaina aa roiiown: aiain springs, i. cleaning, Wo; jewels. Ma 8 il. Clay & hon, 800 Neville Blk.. tth and Harney. BUSINESS men's lunch, Orpheum buffet, ua Harney at. unaa. a. Lewis. TODAY'S COMPLHTK JIOVIB ITtOGHiVJMS Kxcluolvely in Tlio lice. South. COZ.TJMBIA, 10TH AND inCICORY ST8. Bemphlna's Love Affair, Edition. Antony and Cleorjatra. 2-reeL Paths. Broncho Billy's Duty, Eesanay. COMFORT T1I1EA., 24T11 & VINTON. rtlvalrr. s.mel ThnhnM.r nnm. The Alarm, 2-reol Keystone Comedy. FAVORITE THRA. 17TII AND VINTON The Mummy, z-reel, comody. Tony tho ariaaer. Vitagraph drama. iiearat-oeilg. FAV. AIRDOME ANNEX. 17 & VINTON Rose of my Heart, Sellg drama. series ot pony or the Dailies. No. a. OEM TUBA., 1258 SOUTH 13TH BT. A Terror of tho Night, Lubln. Rastua Riotous, Paths. Death's Witness. Ulograph. LTRIC THEATER, 1617 VINTON BT. The iiooD Detective, Rex comedy. Kids, Sterling comedy. Plot That Failed. Powers. PASTIME THEATER. 21TU & LEAV. The Double Knot, 2-reel Majestic. VENBZIA T1LEA., 12U SO. HTII ST. His Last Chanoe, 2-reel Imp. Universal Ike Comedy. West. AIRDOME. FARNAM AND PARIC The Maid From Sweden, Vitagraph. The Counterfeiters, Edison. X Wayward Daughter. 2-reel. Vitagraph. HAN SCO M THEATER, 29TH AND CAS- TELLAIt BT3. num of n Natt Dav. Imn. drama HearU and Swords. 2-reel. Sterling. f I lenon. BENSON THEATER, OSS MAIN ST. The Hills ot Silence, a great s-real Bison with ueo Madison, universal ixe and the Battle Royal, Boatb, Omalia. BKSSB THEATER, 24TII AND N. I T8 S0?1 S? Dth- ?-reel, drama. Out Fairy Play. 3-reel. Vitagraph. DALE THEATER. 34TH & J BTS. Pirate of the Plains, In three gripping pans, ana two comeay pictures. MAGIC. S4TH AND O STREETS. On Verge ot War, t-r. Bison. Vaudeville. ORPHEUM THEA., 24TH AND M BT8. Four reels of Mutual pictures and refined vaudeville. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Clerical nnd Offlc. DICTA?nPN.?; Steno., 150: Steno. Bnd clerk, 140; Steno., 145; cashier, 330: traveling demonstrator, expenses and WEST?SRDFERENCE A BOND ASS'N., 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Factory aa 'nades. LKARN halrdresslng. Oppenhelm parlors. Housekeeper nna Doraeatlc THE servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents ot Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to I w vmwg ur icieiiiuQ iyiir iw, I WANTED Girl for general housework; . mjall family i good wages. Mr. Mantell. . Jan- ny qui. WANTED A good girl for general house worn, small lamuy, gooa wages, eu aeorgia Ave. WANTED Maid for smalt apartment ung. Call mornings. Apartment 4, rne Elms. 2 tli and Dewey Ave. It O0&. WANTED A good girl for general house work. Mrs. M. A. Nad. 9617 l"arnam st Harney 4046. WANTED First-class cook. Mrs. E. M Morsman, B4 North zm st I WANTED A maid to help with general hOUseWorK. Uf t0. stn til WANTF:b Competent gliT for general I housework. Phone Harney 2016 or call I at un bo. bu ANNOUNCEMENTS 50c MEN'S LIST Dry or Bteam Cleaning, Cleaning' Dyeing and and Pressing Pressing suns 91. ZD ?3.UU CoatB .75 1.50 Vents Pants . . ..... Overcoats . , Ulsters (heavy) Gloves Necktie .50 .50 1.50 2.00 .10 .10 .75 1.00 2.60 3.00 Hath Robe 1.26 up 2.50 1505 Harney Street HEJIiP WANTED -FEMALB Stlscellaneoas. WANTED Women for sjovernment clerk ships. T70 month. Omaha Kxaminauona noti. Hnccimfn Questions ire.' rariK lln Institute, Dept. 668 N. Rochester. N. Y. GOOD proposition for hustling lady; wnrlr Irfinil TWtv huffln tLt nnRA. Call upon J. e! Baker, at Carlton hotel parlor, v a. m. to o p. m. xnuruuiiy Must have rorerences. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where u ... ...tit k. jtl-AftAA In aiiUnhlj. Kijirfllnv nlaces or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers guiao m union nuwu, ITEIiP WANTED MALE Aaents. SalesmAn and Solicitor WANTED A high-class, reliable state sales manager for a store fixture with out competition: commission 1300 to WO per montn. Aauress xno uucaioy oie clalty Co., Lima. O. WANTED AT ONOE, GOOD SOLICITOUS FOR CLEAN ING AND DYEING ESTAB LISTBIENT. NONE BUT HUSTLERS NEED APPLY. CALL 1505 HARNEY ST., 9 O'CLOCK SHARP. SALESMAN to call on physicians. Es tablished trade. Expenses and commis sion. Also ono lor outside city. l'. u. Box 121, Philadelphia. o. MITCHELL BROTHERS. Limited, dis tillers of Glasgow,. Scotland, proprietors of the well known brand of "Heather JDew" Scotch whisky are open to appoint un agent ior umana ana district, uooa ttrins will be given to a firm able to In fluence a satisfactory turnover. En quirers will please write direct to Mitchell Brothers, Limited, Watorloo St, uiosgow, ior particulars. anuBiaaiAn lucnerienceo. to nanoin n popular priced boys' wash suit line from ono ot tne leaning jvcw xorK m&nu racturers selling to the retail and Jobblm trade. Address A. Goldstein & Co., wiiiioDi., ew xorK Clerical nnd office. TRAFFIC manager, J100; head book- keener. 3100: ledirer clerk. Rtnnn J75; Steno., 160; retail grocery clerk, 150; collector nnd solicitor. ITS. WEST. REFERENCE & IIOND ASITN.. Orlgtnntors of the Reference Business. its umana Nat. Bank Bldg( IF YOU are looking for a high grade position, seo mo CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Factory and Trade. Hurry! Hurry! Get a full knowledge of the AUTOMO BILE BUSINESS, such aa only wo are eaulDPed to utve vou. The auto season la opon and the demand Is great for such men as we turn out NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN. 2S14 N. 20th St. Omaha. Neb. WANTED. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE Another rpah for barbers. Our course prepares you for highest salary. Best trade In existence today. Good money, light work: easy to learni busy season now: few weeks completes; In vestigate. MUUEK UAKHEU COLLEGE, 110 O. 14U Ut Drug store snaps; lobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. MEN to learn tha barber trade; tuition. .M. . n nl l .- . .... I rr.. vuy uouege, ana Douglas a is. WANTED Gordon press feeder. Reed Printing Co.. 2103 Famam St MUoellaneon. EARN MORE MONEY Learn the automobile business. Prepare tor the spuing rush, this is the only scnooi wnero you can learn uiuuT, ex PERTS teach you. Nebraska Automobxlo School, 1US odae St . MAN wanted on 30-acre farm where soma noirs. norses sna eowa nr. knt and also some fruit and irraln. Etata how much experience you have. Address E 226, POSTOFF1CE clerk-carrier "Exams' soon. Prepare now. Write today for free booklet P'lt. Patterson Civil Service school. Rochester, N. Y. o. MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran- aoipn & co Washington. D. C. WANTED Names of men IS to 45 wishing to tie Omaha mall carriers, 167 a month to begin. Addresa Y 63. j3ee. The most desirable furnished rooms aro advertised In The Bee. Get a aloe cool room for the summer. HELP WANTED JIALH AND FKMAMC MEN.WOMEN Get aovernment lobs: big pay; examinations announced every where July 15; sample Questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 2.1-N, Roches ter. Ft. X. SVANTKD-Marker and ujsor'er or all around laundered at once. Model Laun dry, Atlantic, la. W.IVTI.I) SITUATIONS GIRL wants dining room work In hos pital or Institution. Miss Donovan. Phone Douglas 8641. . BUNDLE washing. Ironine Harney fMK ELDERLY man wants work about house or housecleanlng. Address C 194. Bee. WORK wanted by day. Phone W. 74CO. Exp. lady wants day work. Webster t347. CHAUFFEUR, competent, careful driver, thorough mechanic, over 6 years' ex perience: keen car always In best of con dition: absolutely steady and reliable, ac customed to good families. Address x vi. nee. ACCOUNTANT, office manager and A No. 1 salesman. 11 years- experience. desires to locate In Omaha and connect with rDUtable concern. Am a capable. energetic business man and willing to start at a reasonable salary while dem onstrating ability. Highest references. Address, E 136, Dee. WANTED Position aa moving picture operator: night position acceptable: work need not be regular. Call Black 1143, Council Bluffs. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position aa housekeeper or nurso with family who Intend to soend the summer at some lake or summer resort. Tel. Douglas 811S. PORTER and Janitor bell boy wants worn, mone Douglas mu AUTOMOniLES Llndberg" Fore door, body bldg.,40 & Far One Dozen of Our Real Bargains 8 1913 E-passenger Fords. 2 1912 5-poasengcr Fords. 2 1012 6 and 7-passenger Cadillacs. 1 1912 (-passenger Lexington. 1 1912 Chalmers roadster. 1 1912 Hudson roadster. 1 1912 6-passenger Oakland. 1 1911 C-Dassencer Velle. Wo have 66 used cars on our floor at prices that are astonishing. All cars are thoroughly overhauled and sold by a re. liable firm. call and look over our stook. Wrlbe for our bulletin No. 8. price and largo list of satisfied customers. Industrial Garage i Company tOth and Harney Sts Omaha, Nebraska o Greenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co. 2020 Far. MY 7 - passenger Oldsmobile; per fect condition; cost $3,500. Will sell this week for $2,000. N. A. Spiesberger, 1014 Farnam 8100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll rcpar'g. O. Baysdorfer.210 N.1S. Special - Bargains In Used Cars My salesroom is overcrowded and I need the room and the money. 7-p. 40-h.p. Peerless. 81.S50 7-p. 40-h. p. Pierce Arrow J1.200 7-p. 45-h. p. Rambler 700 6-I. 86-h. p. Stevens-Duryea (small six) 8 750 LtOO-lb. truck, chassis only.... 8 K)0 1,600-lb. truck, panel body 8 300 All of these cars have heen overhauled and in A No. 1 condition. Yon have got to see these cars to appreciate theso bargains. R. N. Howes & Co. Douglas 153. 2216 Farnam St. WE make a specialty ot auto foredoor body building and painting, iiignesi Quality work. Wm. Pfelffer Carriage Wks. D. C022. 26th Ave. and Leavenworth. Industrial Garage Co.. 20th & Harney Sts. CUT PRICE pneumatic tires. 318 So. 20th. American Machine Co., 110 So. 11th. D.4SS1. FOR a first-class used car at a right price see Howe's, zzis i'arnam. Motorcycle. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in usea macnincn. viciur iu, . . m . T . , r r-1 ni.n 97M T .nn vmn wnrth. Pope! 1914 model now ready. Bargains in used machines, rope Motor Co., 2572 Leavenworth. R-3395. EXPERT motorcycle repairing, enamel ing and rcflnlshlng our specialty. JJies cher Motorcycle Co.. 1622 Capitol Ave. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains In used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chicago. D. 3728. Llndborg Pros.. 2023 Cum. (Flying Merkel) WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. UICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO 16TH AND HARNEY. BUSINESS CnANCKS TO GET In or out ot business, call on GANUESTAD, 404 uee uiug., u. zu. ONE per cent paid monthly, 12 per cent on investments or 11,000 ana up. or particulars, address Box 293, council jjiuiis, ja. WANTED An Idea. Who can think of some almDle thing to patent! I'rotect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. write for "Needed inventions- ana -now to Get Your Patent and Your Money, Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington, u. c. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write KcnncaocK Co.. umaha. JOHNSON. 622 PAXTON BLK. RED 6139. FOR SALE Clean stock of general roer chandise. invoicing K.000 to Ki.uw. (not many fixtures) i good live town: doing good business, gooa reason tor selling, Address x s, uee. FOR SALE Hotel In eastern Colorado: long tune given. Appiy at once. Address D 137. Bee. We have for sale choice mortgages on Improved Nebraska farms bearing 7 per cent raging In amounts from 3350 to 3S.00O. None of these mortgages 7 exceeds 30 per cent ot the market valua of the farms. Call on us for further par ticulars. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO.. 301 Om. Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. o Valuable Corner li Blocks From P. 0. Fine Apartment Site Northeast corner Cth St. and Washing ton Ave.. lOtfxllD It; DOtn streets pavea, paving tax paid In full, permanent walks, all Improvements In street. Fine shade trees, splendid neighborhood, close to all car lines, owner Susie Hoffman, S17 Fifth Ave.. Council uiutrs. jo. HIGH-CLASS business onenlngs. Western Ret. & Bond Ass'n, TH 6m. Na. Bk. Bldg, BUSINESS CIIANCES BUT, lease or sell your theater, machine and supplies throueh Theater Exchange Co., 140S Famam SL Douglas 1897. WANTED Party with ll.WO to 12.000 to nsslst me In the organization of the liveliest proposition In the west. N 12S, lie. TWO acres, excellent fertile ground with two-story building containing 17 large, well arranged rooms, suitable for hotel or summer boarding houte. J. J. ulclck, Irvlngton. Neb. Phone Brnson 31M. ro BUY or sell a business. Call on Bockhacker. 407 State Bk. Bldr. D. RC7. FOR HAT.K. tl .) My grocery and meat market: good loca tion, good business; or will exchange grocery and six-room residence, modern except heat, for small fruit or vegetable farm near Omaha or Council Bluffs, or clear residence. "H," Omaha Bee, 14 N. Main St., Council Bluffs. DRUO STORE In New Mexico town ot 6,000 for sale. Ideal cllmateigood business. If Interested address Box 6C6, Raton, N. M.-o. WILL sell modern up-to-date drug store with all marble fountain, Dutch room ana Kitcnenetto, doing good business In ho best town In the Black Hills. Ad dress 8. P. Oantg. Rapid City, 8. D. ON ACCOUNT of going away on other business, will rent or sell my pool hall and barber shoo at a barealn. A. Nielsen cia in. letn BU SMALL stock of groceries and fixtures ror sale. Phone Harney 6542. noomlnir Houses for Sale. ROOMINO house, 9 rooms; easy pay ments, fnone Douglas S713. WILL sacrifice, 10-room. well furnished, $25 down; balance easy payments. 400 S. Sth Ave. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE SIBLMER SCHOOL F.vcry day Is an enrollment day. Un massed classes In all business and Eng. llsh branches, shorthand, stenotypy, tel- egraphy and typewriting. Students ad mltted at any time. Graduates guaran teed good positions. Places provided for young people to work for board. For a new, free catalogue address MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. 1815 Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Limited number of high school freshmen to tutor In Latin for fall examination. Prepared for second year. Best references. Webster 1937. SUMMER SCHOOL NOW OPEN in Both tho Day and Night Sessions. BOYLES COLLEGE ENTER NOW Business practice, bookkeeping. Pen manshlp. salesmanship, banking, sten ography, stenotypy, typewriting, teleg raphy, accounting, filing, private secre tarial work and many other courses are open to you hero. You may work for board while attending. Call, write or telephone for latest catalogue. BOVLES COLLEGE. 18th arid Harney Streets, Omaha, Neb, The Van Sant School STENOGRAPHIC COURSE Summer sessions. 8 a. m. to 1:45 p. m. ISth and Farnam. Douglas 6647. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, omalia: good for either short hand or business courses. Apply at the office ot umana uee. LIVE STOCK FOIt SALE Horses nnd Vehicles. LARGEST stock of delivery wagons In tne city: all kinds ot blacksmith work. painting and lettering. Johnson-Danforth Co.. new location. 1629-31-33 N. 16th St. WAGON umbrellas. Wagner, 801 N, 16th LOST AND FOUND LOST Glasses In court house. Reward If returned. Call South 2143. LOST In Brandels store, on Thursday afternoon, a black leather hand hair. Reward. Telephone Mrs. Joseph R. Reed, t: lizs council iiiuirs. ia. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona hnvlnir lost somn Artie! wniilA do well to call up the office of tho Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In tho street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to tho rightful owner. Call Doug las 4S. LOST Papers, Including Elks' card. i-none x: k. Alexander. H. 2201. Reward. LOST Between Omaha and Arlon, la., a Sice curtain. Flndnr nnllfv Construction company, 576 Brandels Bldg.. ..... Vtj iur your irouDie, LOST Linen handbag down town, con taining bank book and valuable papers. Finder Please return tn Mr. t-, Arthur St., Benson, and receive reward nucaiiuua mil ue aBKeu. LOST Monday about 6 p. m fountain pen and notebook on nnth nr tween 42d and Dowoy Ave. and 41st and Farnam. Reward. Call R. G. Sherwood IT til vnraltw r V.W...1,. y ... vi HSfcj iicui annru REWARD for return of ladles dla- ""k iu xvuBenuiait. itzi Chicago. LO?7KBr!il'!le ul1 wllh w- "randen, m Worthlnrtnn rlo r nn aii... . above address for reward. D. 3099. LOST Wednesday, keys and key ring bo- i,ccii ami nu iiarney nntt 23d and Leavenworth: liberal reward, tvi 8519. LOST Pair double ground, callulold rim, nose glass, either on streer nr hn. 12th and Farnam and Burlington depot, or uci'w inn ana ziarney, or nt depot -va.v .icusiiatT jiuiQi. iiDerai reward. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for hook on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. c. Jt TAitiit, ztu uee mag. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 303 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. OFFERED FOIl SALE. Furniture. New & 2d-hand furnlt'e. cash or termn. reasonable. Amur. Furn. Co.. 605 N. ICtlu REFRIGERATORS, tables, chairs, china cabinet, second land dressers. Web. 6725. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS sold: rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 307 8. 17th. Remington Junior See the latest Remington type writer, small, compact, portable, practical. It is entirely visible and will do as beautiful work as the standard machines, but the price Is one-half, f50. Guaranteed abso lutely. Ask for demonstration. Remington Type writer Company 19th and Douglas Streets. RENT AN Oliver typewriter, 3 months lor 34. The Oliver Typewriter co. u. zan, AH makea typewriters rented, sold, terms, Butta Typewriter, 1S05 Farnam. D. SOU. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN g of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha B ELL DRUO CO., NEW LOCATION, 1316 FARNAM. EVERYTHING 2C23. COME CALL OR WRITE. RUB- BER GOODS. 0: MAIIA PILLOW CO.. 1721 Cuming. iJoug. Z4G7. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses. Call or write for prices TTTE rent, repair, sell needles and parts v v ior an sewing machines. KeDrosKa ' Cycle Co., "Mlckel Harney fits. Douglas 1662. 'Mlckel's," Uth and Ailfllnp; Machine. Dalton Adding Machines, 411 S. 15 D. 1449. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales) W. O. W. D. 0338. Accountant. Chas. 8. McConnell. 742 Om. Nat Bk. D.827 Melville D. Thomas & Co., 601 City Nat.Bk, Advertising;. J. B. HAYNES, 7S Om. Nat. Bit. D. 827. Anto nnd Mnirneto lle.palrlnir. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 2118. Auctioneer. Dowd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O. W. Red 3285. Architects. HORNBY CO.. BLUE PRINTING. D. 3157. Clarence W. Wlglngton. 220 S. 13th. D.4237. Gagnebln-Wells. 420 Bute Bank. D. 2265. Everett S. Dodds. 612 Paxton. D. 29S1. Attraction. , OMAHA film exc, 14th and Doug. MoUon picture macr.ino and film bargains. Barber. 12 Chairs. 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. Bottled Good. Concordia Park, ran Center. Harney 36S. Hrn Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th nnd Martha Sts Ilnllillnir nnd lleiinlrln. E. FRANTA. 611 Paxton Blk. Doug. 2157. IlUftliie.a Broker. ROTH & EPSTEIN, 344 Bran. Thea. Bldg. iwnaie everyming saiaDie. u. ZJ4. Cnllfornla Lands. W. T. Smith Co.. 815 City Nat Bk. D. 2S19. Caterer. MRS. F. A. WOOD, 3401 Parker. W. 8238. Chiropractor. J. C. Lawrence, D. C. 2322 Howard. D.8461. L. Oeddls. I). C. 228 Bee Bldg. Doug. 423. W. E. Purvlance. P. C, 4Ui Pax. Blk. D.4SI2 L. C. HAYES, D. C CoO Bee Bid. R. 3756. Clntrrn Cleaning;. It Omm r . woiiiiu'ii cleaned; water left in: no tmy uniess sausnea. Tyler 1433W. Cleaning nnd Dyeing;. Corbett cleans everything. 1505 Harney St Check Protector. G. w. Todd & r?n.. a v vn.t Protectogrqph, 309 S. 13th St. Uouff.-7:si.' China Palntlngr. F. C. Hayncs. decorating, firing. D. 4990. RUTH LETCHFORD, china and water coior instructor. 432 i'axton Blk. Fire lng done. o Ruth Letchford. decorntlng. firing. R. 4W2. Cream Separator. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 13th & Farn. Collectors. Mutual Rating & Adjusting Ass'n., Bee. Cnrtnin Lnnudry. Washing & lace curtains done. Tyler 1144. Dancing Instruction. Class & private lessons. Mackle's. D. 5446. Turpln's Dancing Academy. 2sth & Farn, DentUt. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 1606 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry, 403 Brandels Bailey the Dentist 700 City Nct'l Bank. Tatt Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 216. Detective. JAMES ALLAN. 113 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. OMAHA Socret Service Detective Agency, nondea. dour. uiv. tz7-2s raxtou jjik. Dresamaklnir. Terry Dreasmak'g college. 20th & Farnam Miss Sturdy. 83C South 21th St. Doug. "314, DRESSMAKING, reas.. wrk guar. W .5070. 1-plcce dresses, shirtwaists, spec. W. 1KI5. MISS STURDY, 836 N. 24th St Doug. 7314. Dressmaking. 2816 N. 25th St Web. 4544. Drugs. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. ISlcctrlc bunplle. NEW and second-hand electric fans and motors. LeBron Hlcctrio norm, sis a. 12th. Douglas 2176. OFFERED FOR SALE. Tvnpwrltf T . RENT Remingtons, Monarcns and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1281. Rental credited if you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma- i-1 1). I.. tht.. month. fn Cllllica DtllL um. . 1 1. 1 .1 , . ... w .. to for understroke machines or 33 per montn ior latest moei viaimc Mlacellnneou. FOR SALE at a discount, a run. un limited scnoiarsnip in uoyicj unoiiiroo college, Omaha; good for euner snori hand or business course. Apply at the ofllce of The Omaha Bee. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket bllliara tauieo aim uummb allevs and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds: easy payments. The uninswicK- Ealke-Collenaer co., wi-wj q. y.hnnd mch. Gross Wreck. Co. 21& Paul, CHERRIES. one-third for picking. Phone uenson sia i. - FOR SALE-One 11. P. LB"ollne 1 con- erete mixer. 7 cu. it. Daicii; kuuu tlon? 411 N. 24th St.. So. OmaTja. Phono South 61. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 ana our wagon . Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-llll Dodgo St YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St and St Mary's Ave. wrere they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. WANTED Limited number of high schoot freshmen to tutor In Latin for fall examination. Prepared for second year. Best references. Webster 1937. POULTRY AND SUPPLD3S. Mixed grain 31.60 per 100. Wagner. 801 N. 16. ROSE-COMB R. I. Red. 7So setting. T 2074. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining tor poultry houses. They aro 17x23 inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at The Bee office. AGENTS, Investigate; 100 per cent profit; season now on; get busy. Chicken Life Saver Co., 2021 Cuming St WANTED TO BUY. SOME second-hand grocery and meat fix tures. Phone the Basket Stores. Tyler 432. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchant. MARTIN BROS. & CO., Exchange Bldg. SWAPPERS' CX)LUMN I HAVE A GOOD CLEAR LOT IN SO. Omaha, which I will swap for a good E-passenger auto. S. C 817. Electric Snppllc. jE BRON Elec. Wks.. 318 s. iztn. u. za fi.nTiiilnii for Women Y) I . n b mni. ..e etsnned. dved. curled. Woman's Kxchancc. 132 Pax. Blk. It 4942. Florists. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 126. Member Florist Telegram iei. HESS It SWOBODA 1416 Farnam St. A. DONAOHl'K 1622 Harney Uoug. 1001. BATH'S florists. 1804 Farnam St Furrier. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. 24th St W. 7777. llnlr DresninK". Harper Method. R. 6. Bnird Bldg. D. 3611. Lltilitlna-, Fixture nml Wiring. THOMAS DURKLN Electric, fixtures nnd supplies, contract, lng and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2519. Live Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 S. 13th. Red 4253 Lawn Mower Shnrpenrd. ALL MAKES, called for nnd delivered: work guaranteed, pawn filed. D. 7423. Mnenses. Miss Fisher, mass, elect, trcat't Red 6036. Turkish batn, muss, nnvldge Blk. D.5895. Miss Jean Shonler. 2Ui Wlthnell Bldg.. Harney and 15th. Mass., magnetic treat Rlttcnhouse Co.. 211 Balrd Bldg., 17 & D. TCLTHnTRTfJ massage bath. Mies J!iUI!iOXX110 Upchurch. 214 Balrd Bldg. Scientific Mass. Miss Gibson, 22-1 Ne"lle. MASSAGE Miss Walton, room 224, Ne ville Blk.. 16th nml Harney. Tel D. 4297. MASSAGE. 109 S. 17th. Mrs. Steele. Mtb. Snyder. Elec. Trt. -408 S. 8th. D. 4SS0 Af ASSAfJK Swedish movement 413 Li Mpp nIdl? Douglas (372. Elect, mass, will help your ailment D. 713 KATHLEEN MACK, manicuring & mas. sage. Apt 2. Davldge Blk. Doug. 8751. MASSAGE MIbs Fox. Phone Doug. 4297. Millinery. PANAMAS cleaned & blk'd. EOo; dress. mak. Mrs. H. M. Eck, 3009 Marcy. H.8ft45 atorlnK, StoraRe and Cleaning. W. C. FERRIN, 16th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oculist. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Patent. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A Sturges, 636 Brandels Tneater Bldg, Patent Develonment. American Machine Co., 110 So. 11th. D.4S8TT Printing. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality pilntlng. TeL Doug. 2190. 624 So. 13th. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 641. COREY & M'KENZIE PTG CO. D. 2641. R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co. 1U20 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO., DOUG. 375L Itonch Lxterniinntor. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist's. Safe nnd Timcloclc Expert. S AFE combinations changed, opened, re paired. F.E.Davenport. 1406 Dodge.D1821 Shoe Rcpnlrlng. Electrio Shoe Rep. Co., 1807 St Mary's Av. REASONABLE, Farnam Rep. Co. 313 S.24 Steel Celling. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. HQ S. 10th. Store nnd Office Fixture. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, ahelv. lng, etc. Wo buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 B. 12th. D. 2724. Tovrel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 807 S. 11th. D. 52. Trunk nnd Suitcase. FRELING & STEINLE, 1S03 Farnam St Vacuum Cleaner. SANITARY SERVICE CO.. full lln vacuum cleaners and sweepers, cleaning done In the home. Tel. D. 6504. Veterinarian. DR. G. R. YOUNO. 4603 Center. H. EOU. Wall Paper. EAGLE CO., 1405 N. Hth. W. 8544. AVtg Makers. D. S. GRIFFITH. 12 Frenzer Blk. D. 4663. Window Screen. Om. Window Screen Co., 1323 Nicholas. Wine nnd Liquor. ALEX JETES, 201-3 S. ISth. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner, 11 to 3. 10c. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House. 522 N. 16th. D. 1S09. HENRY POLLOCK, LIQUOR HOU8E, 15th nnd Capitol Ave. lOo lunch. GLOBE Liquor House, 423 N. 16th, T qts U. delivered. Write for price list D. 4351 SWAPPERS' COLUMN FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 ACRES land 2'a miles from Grlswold, la., well improved; new 7-room house, large barn, woven wire fence; about 17 acres pasture, balanco In high state of cultivation; worth 3150 per acre. Want cottage up to 33,000. or what have you7 Address S O 878. Bee PROPERTY ON HARNEY ST., WEST of 20th; half cash, half trade, for good resldenco property. Address B. C. 970, Bee. I HAVE FIRST-CLASS STOCK, A NO. 1 ready mixed paint, well known brands such as outside paint any color. Inside flat tone varnishes, Barn paint red o- silver gray. Will exchange any amount you want for good piano, or diamond, or auto. Address S. C. 864. Bee. SMALL STOCK OF MERCHANDISE doing good business; live Nebraska town; for first mortgage or good auto and part cash. What have you? Address S. C. 911. Bee. WOULD SWAP GOOD GASOLINE range for gas range; would also give gome cash In trade. Address S. C. C07. WILL TRADE GOOD INCOME OMAHA property for an up-to-date auto In first class condition. Property rented by yearly contract Address S. C. 860. Omaha Bee. BICYCLE, GOOD AB NEW. WHAT, have youT S. C. 816, Bee. WHAT HAVE YUU TO 1'RADB FOR A lato model twin cylinder Reading Stand, ard motorcycle, worth 11757 Address S. C. 951. Bee. FOR SALE OR TRADE SO ACRES land In Kimball county. Neb., worth 116 per acre. Wanted equity In cottage In or around Omaha or what have you to offcr7 Address S. C. 849. Bee, GIBSON HARP-GUITAR & LEATHER cafcfi. eoHt Slbti! Fflrlnnd hflafn Ann eAn. mandolins, all in tine condition. Will sell cheap for cash. Address 8. C. 919, Bee. WILL EXCHANGE OREGON APPLE orchard of 160 acres, worth 1400 per acre, tor modern flats or other gilt-edged In. come property. This Is a first class propo sition and will bear closest Investigation. Address S. C, 932, care Bee. WANTED TO TRADE BICYCLE FOR fountain pen. Address. S C. 333. Bee. WHY NOT LET ME FURNISH PAINT and paint up that old house; am expert painter and will take In exchange any thing. 1 can use horse, auto, diamond, furniture, piano, or what can you offer? Address S. C. 929. Bee. HORSE AND So. 3267. WAGON, CHEAP. Tel. AUTO WORTH 1500. TRADE FOR A good clear lot Address S. C 830. cars Bee. A SHINGLE MANUFACTURING Busi ness protected by patent and territorial right for city property or farm land. Ad dress S C. 938. Bee. WANTED TO BUY A LARGE SIZE 11x15 good Brussels rug cheap, or trade other furniture for one. Addresa S. C. 926, Be. WHAT CAN YOU EXCHANGE FOR full set Encyclopaedia Brltannlca. morroco binding, first-class condition. 31 volumes. This is a fine set and cost new 3217, but I have no use for them. Make, offer. Addresa S. C. 930, Bee. AUTO, WORTH J700, good lot S. C. 939. TRADE FOH HAVE GOOD L. C. SMITH TYPBH writer that will trade for a second hatsl motorcycle; will pay some cash, Ad dress S C 966, B. J