12-A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 21, 1914. GERMAN TIM FOR SALE Revelations by Socialist Cause Con sternation in Berlin. LETTER OF DR. LTIDWTG PRINTED Trice of rrofeorhlp U Tiut Thou tajnd Dollars and n CommUilon for nroker n?)n'r Tar iff for Order. BETIUX, June H. Karl LJebknecht, the socialist leader and member of tho KeIchtK whose revelatlona last year re mitted In the conviction of a number of Krupp officials and army officer of bribery, has again unearthed affairs that are cnpnRlntr the attention of the proie cuttns attorney and eem likely to result In criminal proeecutlona. IJebknccht charge and supports his charges with strong evidence that traf ficklnc In titles on a commission basis la carried on In Prussia, and that certain titles are, or were, up to two years ago, granted for money considerations. The minister of education has made a publto denial of the latter part of the accusa tions, declaring that titles, or at least, that of professor, are not to be had for money. He has, however, dtreoted an In vestigation of tho other charges, and It Is now under way. Llebkneoht tried to make nls disclos ures at the conclusion of his speech In the Reichstag on tho armaments trust, but was ruled out of order by tho speaker. Two or three days later he published the first Installment of his rhnrgea In Vorwaerts, the central organ or the socialist party. It had to do with the late General von Llndenau, one of the most distinguished military men In the empire. von Llndenau was for a long time chief of the great general staff; he was appointed governor of Metx fchoTtty before hla death, and It Is de clared that he might have become Prus sian war ralnUter had he lived. He en- BOY WIZARD GRADUATES FROM HARVARD. WILLIAM J. SIDIS. CAMBRIDGE, Mans., June 20. William J. Sid In, Harvard's l$-year-old mathemat ical wonder, was graduated Wednesday afternoon. At the- age of 11 he dlsoussed the relation of gold output to high cost of living. He Is the youngest person ever to graduate from Harvard university. Joyed the expeclal confidence and esteem of the emperor. Llebknocht published extracts from of ficial documents showing that the gen eral left debts exceeding fUO.OOOand prno- R. & G. Rustless Corsets Ideal for Summer it Avail Yourself of Our Scientific Method of Corset Fitting If you do not have your corset fitted you cannot realize what real corset comfort la. The corsets of today are constructed ao differently from those of any previous season that you do yourself an Injustice by making your selection on the hit and rotas plan. Vou can, by wearing the It. & O. corset designed for your type of figure, correct many defects. Your health, comfort and appearance de mand the beat cars and attrition In the selection of your corset. Let one of our fitters assist you to select the right model, which will give you comfort these warm days. aCodcl 0 881 For slender figures. Lightly boned batiste corset. Very low top with elastic Inserted above waist line, long tfr f hip. Graceful model for dancing And athletic wear, suit- 3Z. I II 1 able for street wear, as well ftJJ a. O. oorssts for misses. Very light weight with only one bone over hips. A comfortable model, ti.10. Othtr models from 91 to Obrsst Bsotion Beoona Tloor. BRANDEIS STORES tlralty no assets. He also published a copy of a letter from the general to & certain physician, acknowledging the re ceipts of a large sum of money, "to be repaid In case you do not receive the title of professor within one year." In a further article, Ltebknecht declared flatly that von Llndenau had for years dealt In orders and titles. Tho non-soclallst press found It lm- WARNER'S BRASSIERES To the well drcssod woman the new Brassieres are af quite aa much imporiunco as nn.uhiug she wenrs. for brassloros this year will be In greater evidence than ever before, as lacy and flimsy materials for waists aro to bo soen featured on every hand and whoever wears such waists must have a perfect fitting brasBiere, and so will bo interested in this Bplendid dis play of Warner's Brassieres. They'vo boon designed to meet the needs of women of every size and are so perfectly cut and tailored that they are never tight, never scanty, and the most elaborate models will retain their shape and beauty through repeated wear and laundering. Because of distinct figure requirements, the brassiere section of our corset store is in charge of experienced saleswomen who are good Judges of lines and are competent to recommend the proper model for any figure. This is as important for good appearance as the correct corset is for health and comfort. Warner Brassieres are made In various styles to suit every figure, slender, stout and extra stout, Ono of their many good features is that they tako care of the flesh abovo the top of the corset In back, distributing the flesh, preventing ono from getting round shouldered while they glvo proper Bupoort to the bust. The stout figure wearing a topless corset must wear a brassiere that will restrain and hold it in graceful curvos The Warner Brassiere is preferable because it nets as a brace to the muscles of the back. We Show Warner's Brassieres u complete variety, 40c to $3 BRANDEIS STORES possible fo deny the probative foree of Llebknecht g documents, but declared that the ease was "a solitary, sad- in stance." Thereupon Llebknecht pub lished a facsimile of a letter from a cer tain Dr. Lurtwlg to an unnamed phy sician, dealing with the obtaining of the title of professor for the latter. In this letter, written moro than two years ago, LudKlg declared that tho matter was difficult and expensive, tho cost being "higher for foretgness than for Gormans, higher for Jews than- for Gentiles." The following conditions, he said, must be observed: "fl) You must, In order to observe the proprieties, submit a printed treatise. This need not be exhaustive, It la only a matter of form. For example, you pub lish an article In a scientific magazine and then have copies printed of It as a monograph, or you can have printed an article written especially for this purpose. This is only a matter of form, so that It can be a!d that you have published some scientific article. "(2) In a certain quarter you will pay $10,000, and JJTS as commission." Llebknecht followed this article up with two other letters of Ludwlg's, ono deal- 'ing with tho obtaining of the title ot professor, the other that of court clen tlst. The former, Ludwlg wrote, Involve Ing meeting "high financial demand." Tho later would cost from $2,000 to $2,li00. Ilncklen's Arnica Snlvp For a cut, bruise, sore and skin trouble, a box should be in every household. All druggists, JSc. Advertisement. Adventures of Kathlyn Harold MacQrath's famous mov ing picture story now ready In book form. You havo seen tho pic ture, now read the book. UWUD iUU V " 50c Community Silver Our stocks of this celebrated ta ble ware aro tho largest and most complete In tho city and represont every new and deslrablo pattern, and our prices are much to your advantage. Our Coat Stock Is Divided Into Two Groups 4 We have taken radical measures to force quick selling of sumnjer coats tomorrow. The prices have been cut down to the lowest level of the season, permitting you to choose the very coat you want at much below former price. Your Unrestricted Choice of Any Coat in Stock Monday $ This surprising ono-day offer permits you to select tho finest coat In our magnificent stocks at a price less than you'd usually pay for tho most commonplace coat. Thero are the most fashionable styles of silk moire, taffeta, bengallne, series, chinchillas, plaids, twoed mixtures and others. Dozens ot models. All sizes and all colors. Coats formerly $25, $30, $35 and $39, all to be offered at. . . . Select From 275 Coats Formerly Priced to $15, at Only $ Surely every woman will find it within her means now to have a smart summer coat, when we are offering them Monday at less than cost of making. Many women will want to select several from this group. They were previously priced up to $15. Special 9 A Splendid Group of Dresses Worth Up to $25, Monday $ Theso dresses are In women's and mlBses' sizes and Include dainty voiles, crepes, linens, ratine and numerous other wash materials. Every one is a charming creation made for this summer's wear and embody every clever new style Won. Trimmings are of laces, embroidery and frill effects. Tho skirts have tho Russian tunics now so popular. Whlto and evory dainty summer shado. Dressos actually modo to sell up to $25. Choice Monday for m 1 8,500 Yds. High Grade Spotproof Foulards Quality That is Usu- q fYA Most Exceptional al SoU at 75c & 85c q) Q Silk Value th'e Season We made a largo purchase ot Cheney Bros., and other well known spot-proof foulards at less than half original prices, and will offer them Monday while thoy last at a similar rate of reduction. They are the soason's newest and most artistic designs, on grounds of navy, brown, rosoda, Copenhagen, gray, tan and hello. There are many patterns In Arabesque, Algerian, Balkan, Jardiniere, cameo, geometrical, dot and stripe effects. Theso aro the standard 75c and 85c spot-proof foulards, and will probably never again be offered at ao low a price. Monday on main floor bargain square at, yard, 39c. Yard Wide Wash Silks I Summer Silks, 39c to 65c and $1 Qualities, 39c and 79c A special lot of excellent quality yard wide tub silks for summer wear. Deautlful two and three-tone stripe effects mostly on whlto grounds, with a few In maize, hollo, del, light gray. Specially adapted for dresses, blouses, misses' and children's frocks and men's shirts. Worth C5o to $1. On sale Monday at 39c and 79c. $1 and $1.25 Pres. Goods at 79c Summer weight gabardines, Fronch serges and vigoreuz, tamlse, black and white checks and fanoy strlpo dress goods. $1 and 1.25 qualities. On malt, floor, dress goods section at 79a. 27 and 36-inch black summer silks, white habutai and natural pongee very much in demand for cool serviceable summer dresses. Specially priced at 39c and $1. Basement Silk Special 1,200 yardB of yard wldo fancy stripe 'dress silks in a good range of street color ings. Yard, 49o. French Challis at 39c Now French challis in two and three-color tones and beautiful French colorings. Neat floral and oriental designs, Balkan and Jap anese patterns. Bargain square, on main floor, 39 c. 30,000 Yards of Sample Pieces of Fine Embroideries on Sale Monday This is one of the most Interesting' sales of embroideries we have ever offered. There are about 30,000 yards which we purchased at the most notable savings, and offer them to you much below regular value. This lot Includes the very finest quality embroideries of Swiss nainsook, cambrlo and long cloth. There are edges and Insertions, In widths from 4 to 12 inches. Mostly all are Jn matched sets and specially adapated for trimming dresses. Dainty baby sets, as well as elaborate open work patterns and eyelet designs. Never before such values as these. Divided into tnree great lots as-follows: Embroideries Worthtol2V2c 6c Yd. Embroideries Embroideries Worth to 19c Worth to 25c 12c Yd. 81c Yd. E M B ROIDERY F Q R Worth to $2, Yd. J dj Choice lot of beautiful embroidered skirt ings ot finest imported crepes and voiles. They are 27 and 45 Inches wide. These are the most fashionable for dainty summer gowns, blouses, also tunic effects, because ot their soft, clingy diaphanous texture and exquisitely dainty embroidered designs. Tbe values are regularly from $1 to $2 a yard. Monday at 59c. EMBROIDERIES Q(j Wprth to 50c Yd. f J These embroideries Include corset cover ings, flounces and skirtings of excollent qualities. Scores of the most deslrablo patterns, and many aro suitable for chil dren's drosses and fine lingerie. Made of Swiss, nainsook and cambric, in 18 and 27 Inch widths. Qualities regularly worth up to 50c a yard are offered for Monday's sell ing, on bargain square, at, yard, 19c. , Two Special Lots Laces Monday Silk chantllly tlounclngs in white, cream and black 18 to 27-inch cotton shadow flounclngs, white and cream. 40-lnch shadow allovers In cream and white. Silk shadow allovers In white and Ivory. Yard wldo. Two-tone oriental flounclngs. 18 Inches wide. 18 and 24-lnch oriental flounclngs. White and cream. Flowered nets In dainty colorings. Yard wide. Black silk figured nets. 42 inch os wide. Baby Irish allovers In soft finish. 42 Inches wide. at. Cotton oluny bands. White cream, up to 9 inches wide. Shadow tlounclngs, 9 to 18 inches wide. Whit, and cream. 14 and 18-lnoh cam! solo laces for corset covers. Venlse bands In widths to 4 mch- i es. wane uuu cream. J P 18-inch allover laces. White and I Ili I cream. M. Worth to 35c. at 15c Worth to $1. Laces Worth Ud to 35c Yard' Laces Worth up to $1 Yard 50 and Rugs of Finest Quality, Worth to $50, for Genuine seamless Wilton rugs in beautiful new designs. These are among the best rugs made, and are wonderful values at the price 3 $12 Brussel Rugs at $7.98 1 Rugs Worth to $25-$16.98 Room size Brussels Rugs, ot good quality, with long wearing wool sur face. Numerous pretty patterns. Regular $12 rugs Monday, $7.98- Axmlnster and Velvet rugs, In a largo variety of floral, oriental and small allover designs, 9x12 foot size. Worth to $26, choice, $16.88. Art Goods Children's ready made dresses, stamped to be embroidered. Mado of pique and oatmeal cloths in white, tan, blue and old rose. Sizes 2 to 10 years. $1.75 to $2.26 values, at Stamped Aprons Pretty little aprons for children. Stamped for embroidery, In white, ton, bine and pink. or Worth 60c, Monday tJOC Japanese Covers Japanese bungalow covers In two-tone Jap prints. 54-lnch size. Special, each, $1. Napkins to match, dozen, 75c. Draperies Dainty muslin and swigs curtains In dots, figures or plain weave. Cho'co of 200 pairs, regularly worth to $1.60, special , rA each, OvC Curtain Materials Beautiful voile, marquisette and et amine with ribbon edge; also with colored strlpo borders. 25c, 3 Oo and 89o qualities at, k e yard iyC Cretonne Pillows Just 50 ot these cretonne cov ered pillows. All ready to use. Should sell for $1; Mon- q day's special price, each....O"C Sale of Hammocks Regular size woven hammocks with pillow, valance and heavy wood spreader. These come in green, yellow and rod. Worth $1.50. On salo QC Monday at. VDC $2.50 and $3.25 Hammocks, $1.85 Extra heavy canvas and woven hammocks with deep valances and wood spreaders Very heavy cords. Dozens of colors. Well worth $2.50 to di or $3.25 each. On sale Monday pl.OJ $3.50 and $4.00 Hammocks, $2.75 A splendid lot of hammocks, representing every style and size. Plain and fancy. Hand woven, hard spun yarn or canvas. Heavy reinforced spreaders. Extra heavy supporting cords and upholstered pil lows. An endless assortment of colors. 4?9 7C Regular $3.50 and $4 values, Monday... I D Crib hammocks, with stand 92.25 Hammock ropes, 6 foot long 10c A List of Worth-While Economies in Seasonable Wash Fabrics Pretty Printed Voiles for Summer Our assortment ot prlntod voiles Is the largest ever shown. All the new stripes, colorod and white back grounds in rosebud and a score of tho latest printings are represented. 40 Inches wide. Special Monday at, yard 25c Serpentina Crepes The old reliable standard make for kimonos, wrap pers, etc., in all tho most attractive 1914 designs, ori ental and other foreign ef fects. Remnants ot Q 1 18c crepes OgC Rice Cloth The season's most fash ionable fabric tor summer wear. Very dainty and 40 Inches wide. Regular 25c values, from the bolt, Monday, at, yard 'M5c Silk Stripe Poplin. Beautiful, highly mercerized with neat woven stripes. Very lustrous permanent finish. Tho regular 25o and J Bo qualities, but owing to the broken line ot colors, we make thla exceedingly low prlco. For quick cloar- n 1 anoe, while the lot lasts at, yard 02fC Nolle Crepe Suiting A new fabric In pure white and various colors. An elegant woven material and htghly mercerized. 25c value, Monday, at. . . . 15c Dress and Shirting Percale Yard-wide, full standard, 84x84 cloth, in neat stripes, dots and figures. Mostly light grounds. 12c values. Monday TJic Nauahau Suitings. A beautiful suiting In splendid assortment of new de signs, noat stripes and checks. Absolutely fast colors. Iiength to 15 yards. For boys' waistB, outing suits, etc. 16o value at, yard 9c Embroidered Crepes. Just a few bolts left ot those tine colored em broidered crepes and nov elties. 40 and 42 Inches wide. Qualities regularly worth to $2.25, while the;- last at, yard... $1 Everett Chambray. 10,000 yards ot this well known brand. All tbe want ed plain shades. Lengths up to 15 yards. Strong and durable for rompers, house dresses and men's work shirts. 10c values, at, yard .51 Monday Clean-up of Wash Goods Worth Up to 50c a Yard, at 15c 2,300 yards of the season's most desirable summor wash fabrics; odds and ends of what remain from our choicest stocks are placed on large bargain square for clearance Monday. Included are: Beautiful 36-lnch bookfold Leno suiting In plain shades and white. French crepe suiting and new cloth In the most desirable shades. Bookfold printed voiles and crepes In tbe neatest 1914 'printings. Yard wide dress ratine In all the choicest summer shades. Worth up to 50c a yard, choice at, yard .... Stripe Shirting Madras An excollent quality In neat corded stripes and woven effects. Fast colors. 32 incne-s wide. Us ual 16o grade, Mon day at, yard Imported Shadow Batiste. All white. In pretty allover de signs. Very smart for dainty blouses and lingerie dresses. 27 Inches wide and rn priced at DUC 10ic Dress Gingham The genuine Everett classic dress ginghams. Bookfold, in all the wanted small, medium and large checks and plaids. Very desirable colors, n 1 10c values at, yard O2C Corded White Novelties. Medium light weight fabrics, specially adapted for separate skirts and dresses. Yard wide. An immense lot for or Monday at, yard CiDC Batistes and Dimities. Dainty cool fabrics In all the wanted neat summer printings. checks and figures. Regular 10c quality In lengths up to 20 yards, Monday at, yard White Crepe. Mill remnants of 40-inch white crepe and sheer woven summer weight voiles. Desirable lengths. Values range to 19c. While the lots last at, yard 6ic lOic Special Price on Flaxons Monday we offer one case of flaxon, tbe fabric with the permanent linen thread finish. New printings and colorings. 28 Inches wide. New goods shown for the first time. Regular 15c quality at, yard 10c White Ratine. This Is the most popular fabric for summer wear. Much in demand for suits and separate skirts. 45 Inches wide. Splen did quality at. yard White Dress 25c White Rlcls Cloth. This fabric makes up beautifully for dresses and blouses and is 44 inches wide. Very specially priced for Monday at, 25c Novelties. These beautiful imported white novelties, plain French crepe, embroidered novelties, crepe voile, shadow crepe, corded eponge, ratine, etc., are the season's favorites. Regularly priced up to $1.75 a yard, Mon day special, at 85c White Pique. Just the fabrio you want for your outing or vacation suit, 27 inches wide. Reg ular 25c values. Special at, yard. . . Corded 15c Long Cloth. Imperial long cloth. Chamois finish and pure white. The most desirable fabric for fine underraus lins. Yard wide. on 12-yard bolts OtC Batiste. These white corded batistes are 40 inches wide 1 n and sell regularly for 15c yard. Special at, yard...llrC Stripe Dress .Inen, Black and white stripe linen are more In demand now than ever for skirts and suits. Monday the 36 rn inches wide at, yard i)UC Bleached Muslin. Yard wide bleached mus lin. Fine quality, with soft finish, for underwear, etc. Regular 9c grade, j i special at OjC Unbleached Sheeting Extra heavy weight round thread unbleached sheet ing. Yard wide. Quality mat usually sells for 8c, Monday, at, yard. 5c I