Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1914, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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Bath, florist, moved to 1804 Farnam.
Have Root Print It Now Beacon Press.
I4f Monthly Zncom Gould, Bee Bldg.
ridelltr Storage & Tan Co. Dour. 1516.
Eijht-Inch Electric rans for home use,
17.50, Burgess-Qranden Co.
When yon know fas UshtlnR you pre
fer It Omaha Gas Co., 1E09 Howard St
Today'i Complete Movie Pro nam"
may be found on the first page of the
classified section today, and appears In
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Oarlepy riles Candidacy Franklin L.
Garlepy has filed as a candidate for the
republican nomination for Justice of the
Vance Undergoes Operation Brooks
Vance, eon of Dr. J. II. Vance, has been
operated on for kidney trouble. His con
dition Is quite serious. He is a Junior In
the Omaha High school.
To Meet at Carter take The Omaha
Manufacturers' association plans to hold
its last meeting before the vacation sea
son on next Friday night at Carter Lako
club. The plan is to make this something
of a social affair and the women are to
be invited.
Mrs. Brets Asks Sivoroe LtlUe Bretz
Is suing her husband, Alfred H., for di
vorce on tho alleged grounds of cruelty
and nonsupport. She asserts in her peti
tion that her husband made himself so
disagreeable to her that she was forced
to leave him. They have one grown
Deputy Clerk Mercell Guest of Honor
at Banquet.
German-American Democratic Club
AVill Hold Itn Monthly Meptlntc
nt Hnll nn Jano Twrenty-Flmt.
Inquisitive Wind
- Causes the Arrest
of a Young Woman
If It hadn't been for a haughty, in
quisitive gust of wind that flirted with
the skirts of Miss Alma Lanlmm, 20 years
old, pretty, blonde, and petite, that young
lady would never perhaps been carted
most Inglorlously to Jail in the vehicle
known to the proletariat as the "hobo
hack." But tho naughty, inquisitive
wind did blow around Miss Latham's
transparent silk skirt, as she crossed
Sixteenth street at Dodge, and what
Officer Wade saw made him turn seven
shades of red and close his eyes while
he made the arrest
The young lady was wearing half-hose,
and when the wind blew well, that's
why the crowd followed her, Wade says.
The charge against her is "disorderly
conduct" Miss Latham says she was
not disorderly. It was tho crowd and
tho officer.
She told Patrol Conductor Anderson
she lived at SIS Madison street. South
Omaha, with friends, and that she does
a flute act in vaudeville on a well known
circuit. She obtained her release on
bond, but before she left tho station she
changed hosiery.
Many Sunday Schools
Are to Picnic Todav
Today will be picnic day among tho
Sunday school members of Omaha
Members of the First Methodist and
First Presbyterian classes will hold their
annual picnic at Young Men's Christian
Association park at Carter lake.
Lunch will bo served by the parents
and a committee has been appointed to
look after the eating arrangements. Va
rious athletic contests will be in order,
with a ball game between the Baraca
and Hirst Memorial teams.
St Paul's Episcopal, Pearl Methodist,
St. Mark's Lutheran, North Presbyterian
and tho colored Zlon Baptist members,
will all go to Elmwood park.
Lowe Avenue Presbyterians will gather
at Hanscom park.
Bishop Scannell Defines Real Sphere
of Woman.
YnnnR Women Arti Told to Keep
Fnlth by Practice Entire School
rnrtlclpnte In Grmlnntlon
While the first floor of the Brandels
store was crowded with shoppers, House
Detective Finn leaped upon William
Bohns, known to the police as a pick
pocket and started a bloody fight be
fore the latter could bo subdued. A
woman who asserts she is the wife of
Bohns was also arrested, but she did not
attempt to interfere in the fight.
A shopper pointed Bohn and the woman
out to a clerk and told her, Finn says,
that he had tried to pick her pocicet
T lino kiia iiuumii nan we...
Bohns had gained possession of another
woman's pocketbook and was passing it
to his companion. Finn, who was nearby,
was told, and, knowing Bohns' police
record, got in the first blows.
Detective Eddie Fleming arrested
Bohns as a "suspicious character" a
week ago, and in court Chief of Detec
tives Maloney testified against him when
a complaint of vagrancy had been filed.
Judge Fonter dismissed him.
Miss Cordelia Johnson, Eighth grade
teacher at Windsor school and well known
to many Omahans for a long and suc
cessful teaching experience here, re
celved a pleasant surprise from some ot
her former pupils. A large and hand
some bouquet of roses was sent to her
room by the 1901 eighth grade class of
Central school, which she graduated into
the high school Just ten years ago,
A letter accompanying the flowers ex
tended the regards and best wishes of
the class to Miss Johnson and expressed
a glowing tribute which she greatly ap
predated. She is well known locally as
an artist as well as a teacher.
Get Illd of the lrnitjit of Ilbcu
P. member now spry ana active you
wen) before you had rheumatism, back
ache, swollen, aching Joints and stiff,
painful musclesT Want to feel that way
agalnT You can Just take Foley Kidney
Fills. For they quickly clear the blood
of the poisons that cause your pain, mis
ery and tormenting rheumatism. For
sale by all dealers everywhere. Adver
Culls from the Wire
Greater authority for treasury agents
wno soon win do piacea on tne trail ot
the income tax dodgers was sought from
congress Dy secretary axcaooo.
Governor Glynn, in an address to the
graduating class of the College of the
uity oi New xorx. urged upon the nev
enty-two young men that each blaxe his
own individual way in lire.
Turkish naval officers have arrived In
England to purchase coal and transport
vessels in preparation for a possible war
between Turkey and Greece. The Greece
Turkey situation, however, has Improved.
The International Circulation Managers'
association, which left Detroit Saturday
for a tour of the upper lakes, holding
Us annual convention while en route,
concluded Its business besslon by elect
ing officers.
John Mercell, deputy city clerk and well
known democratic leader, was guest of
honor at a banquet last night at the Cen
turion club, In honor of his approaching
marriage, which will take place next
Tuesday, June 23. The spread was at
tended by about seventy-five guests, com
posed of personal friends and fellow em
ployes. Doc Frye of the Union Stock
Yards cafe mperintended the preparation
of the menu.
In music and song, quips and quirks, the
bachelor and benedict friends of the popu
lar deputy city clerk Jollied htm and ex
pressed their liking for him. A splendid
program was rendered after the spread.
At the end of the program a mysterious
box was presented to Mercell by his
John Mercell grew up In South Omaha
and is accounted one of the strongest
democrats in tho town. Mr. Mercell will
marry Miss Mayme Fltxgerald, former
principal of Lowell school. The wedding
will be held at St. Bridget's church, after
which the couple will take an extended
trip to Canada and the lakes.
Ileforc You II uy.
Any man who appreciates the value of
money; in other words, every man who
works for it, wants to make his money
bring him its utmost return. That Is
why every one of you should come to the
Flynn store and see the Hart Shattner
& Marx clothes before you buy. You will
find goods to meet your idea of Tightness
In clothes; you'll find prices that will
make you wonder how we do It. John
Flynn & Co.
Christie MIclKhtn
Goes on sale Saturday, Juno 20, at 10
o'clock. Be among the first to seoure
ono of these beautiful lots, situated high
and Blghtly. Every lot to grade or upon
a slight terrace. Streets havo beon graded
to the established grade; streets parked
and planted with shade trees. The en tiro
addition Beeded to blue grass. Cement
walks are being constructed. City water
mains to serve every lot; fully equipped
with fire hydrants. 37th and 33th streets
will be paved from Q to Orchard rvenuo;
O street from 36th to S9th a. . , P
street from StHh lo 37th street anu orchard
avenue from 80th to SSth streets. All of
the so improvements to be paid for by the
sellers. Gas mains will be extended when
dwelling houses are built; the electric
light company and the telephone company
will install their poles In the alleys; one
sot of poles answers for both companies,
thereby not marring the appearance of
the streets.
$10 cash makes the first payment bal
ance only $10 per month. Prices range
from' $150 to $G50, a few slightly higher"
Bounded on the east by SGth street, on
th north by Orchard avenue, on the west
by 39th street, and on the south by Q
Church and school situated at the cor
ner of the addition.
A liberal discount will be allowed for
all cosh sales.
220 beautiful lots from which to make
Values will increase rapidly, due to the
great number of houses that are sure to
be constructed.
Served by three car lines: The West Q,
Ralston, or Crosstown lines. Easy walk
ing distance to all local Industries.
All conveyances made by "warranty
deed," a bonded abstract for every lot no
payments required during illness.
Bring your $10 with you. Sales will be
closed at branch office, 37th and P streets,
South Omaha.
For further information see
Phone South 347, South Omaha, Neb.
Mgr. Real Estate Dept., Phone Douglas
10G4, Omaha, Neb., Sole Agents.
Jncoli Levy Married,
Jaoob Levy, according to information
reaching friends In South Omaha, has
been married at Colorado Springs. Mr.
and Mrs. Levy will return here after an
extended honeymoon.
n. I Haley Dim
B. F. Haley, aged 49 years, Atlantic.
Ia., died at the South Omaha hospital
from complicated ailments. Relatives ot
the deceased havo been notified.
Silk Hats the Go.
We have Just received a new assort
ment in all the nice colors. Saturday
they go on sale at 60 cents. Wllg Broth
ers, 2406 N street
Neru Mali Player Dead.
"Danger" Talbert, aged 36 years, once
famous as a ball player on a Chicago
team, died at the home of his sister,
2826 Harrison street Funeral services
will be held Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock and Interment will be at Laurel
Hill cemetery.
"Christie HeiffhU."
As soon as a contract can bo let we will
pave Thirty-seventh street from Q street
to Orchard avenue.
Thirty-eighth street from Q street to
Orchard avenue.
Orchard avenue from Thirty-sixth street
to Thirty-eighth street
O street from Thirty-sixth street to
Thirty-ninth avenue.
And P street from Thirty-sixth street
to Thirty-ninth street, at our own expense.
No extra cost to lot buyers.
Special for Saturday.
Boys' overalls, sizes 4 to IS, good qua!
lty, go on sale at 23 cents pair at Wllg
Brothers, Twenty-fourth and N streets.
Muffle Olty Gossip.
Miss Kate E. Robers Is sDendlne
short tlmo with her relatives in Iowa.
Office space for rent In Bee office. 2318
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. south SJ.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lyle and family are
enjoying a short vacation at Farragut Ia.
"Christie Heights" has no rival when It
comes to development.
Dr. Young, from Alaska, will xlve an
Interesting talk at the Presbyterian church
next Bunaay evening.
The Lefler Sunday school will serve lew
cream at the church this evening. Hes
ter's band will play.
There will be a meeting this evening
at the Madison school. It will be given by
the Manden Improvement club.
Tell your neighbors about the bargains
In "Christie Heights."
Miss Louise Bratton left the city
Wednesday morning for Valentine, where
she will attend the summer Normal, where
her mother Is teaching.
The Woman's Home and Foreign Mis
sionary society met last night at the
home of Mr, and Mr. W. W. Hill, 1014
North Twentieth street.
The German-American Democratic club
will hold its monthly meeting at their
hal . 3S North Twenty-fourth street. June
21. at 3 p. m. All German-speaking demo
crats ure invited to oe present.
m ii n y mm
ce oi me Mouse
Now On! An Unapproachable, Clean Cut Clearance on
The valedictorian of the graduation
class of St. Berchman's academy, Miss
Gertrude Smith, pleaded tor "freedom lor
woman" in an eloquent analysis of the
social status of the woman ot today. Hrr
subject was, "Our Shackles," and fho
pointed out in terse language the need
of woman being left unhampered to do
her work in tho world.
"Your valedictorian has stolen my
thunder." said P.t Rev. Richard Scvi-
nelt, who delivered the graduation id
dress to the class. "She, has said what
I would have said. Except that women
are not so greatly hampered, she has
expressed my sentiments,
"There Is a two-fold aim to education:
Training of the Intellect and tho will.
Ot the two the training of the will is
tho more important. Womon must have
good sense. They must be able, to con
trol themselves. It Is their only means
to achieve, to become useful In tho
"Some women are like the lilies ot tho
field, they toll not, nor spin, but Solomon
in all his glory was not arrayed llko
one of these. Yet you need not learn to
spin. It was necessary that your grand
mothers' spin, but machinery has made
it useless for you to do It. What you
must learn In usefulness now and thsro
U overy opportunity for you to be use
ful. "Keep faith. Keep your faith, and keep
it by practice. Tho best way to keep
faith is to practice It."
The Graduate!.
Those who graduated were:
Misses Misses
Claire Morrison Rose Welch
Gertrude Smith May Connor
Oertrudo May Marguerite
Esther MulvlhlU Grccnough
Tho entire school took part in the
beautiful exercises preceding the con
test .ng of diplomas, laurel wreaths and
gold crosses.
Tho program follows:
Entree, March Trlumphale, piano 1,
Miss Elizabeth Redman; piano 2, Miss
Kathleen McCrann.
Salutatory. "The welcome ot a Per
fect Day," Miss Gertrude May.
Uloria, accompanist, Miss Mary uonnor.
Sunshine and Shower. Junior vocal
class, accompanist, Miss Agnes Bushman.
Grand Caprice Hongrols: Piano 1, Miss
Elizabeth Redman; piano 2, Miss Mary
Academic Honors.
Diplomas for highest number on honor
roll; Misses K. Sclzle, V. Foley. R.
Wheeler. L. Ryan. C. May. A. Bushman,
F. Foley, D. Flemming, M. Olson, M.
Queenan, M. Sharkey, H. Sturgeon, M.
McCormacK and r , unglisn.
"Playmates Quarrel: Misses ucsslo
MoCormack, Anna May Bonncss; accom
panist. Miss Marguerite Bonness.
Gold medal for ethics: uonaieu oy
Very Rev. J. Jennette. Merited by Misses
G. Smith, a. May, c. Morrison, is. mui
vlhill, M. Connor, M. Grcenough and R.
Welch; drawn by Miss Gertrude May.
Gold medal for Christian uocinno: uo
nated bv Rev. J. F. McCarthy. Merited
by Misses G. Smith, G. May, C. Morrison,
E. MulvlhlU, M. Greenough. M. Connor,
R. Welch, A. Collins. I. O'RIelly. M.
Chabot. M. Morrlosn, C. Grler, K. Sclzle,
TC. Knellsh. D. McLeod. C. May. L. Ryan.
R. Bushman, K. wneeier, it. McuTann,
V. Foley, F. Foley. F. McCrann ana u.
Prltchard; drawn by Miss K. Solzle.
nnlrt medal for Latin: uonatea Dy uev.
J. W. Stenson. Merited by Misses u.
Smith, G. May, C. Morrison. to. muivi
hill. A. Cnlllns. I. O'RIelly. C. May. L.
Ryan. A. Bushman, R, Wheeler. K. Mc-
rvonn n Tnio. V. Folev. F. Foley. B
Pfttchard and H. West; drawn by Miss
K. McCrann. .
rjnid mnum ror aerorcmeni: uonnieu
by Rev. M. J. Barrett. Awarded to Miss
Gold medal lor tingnsii: uonaiea oy
Rev. J. J. Buckley. Merited by Misses
n Rmllh. C. Morrison. I. O'Reilly. C
Grler, V. Foley ana n. west; arawn oy
Miss ! u ueiny.
Gold medal for mathematics: Do.
nated by Rev. S. F. Dowd. Merited by
Misses G. Smtth, M. Connor, M.
Grcenough, R. Welch. D. McLeod. A. Col
una. t. o'Reiiiv. k. seme, m. Morrison
V. Foley, L. Ryan, K. McCrann, C. May,
R. Wheeler, F. Foley ana A. uusnman.
OnM medal for elocution: Donated lay
Hugh Murphy, Jr. Awarded to Miss
Gertrude Smith. Second and third prizes
for elocution: Mlrses Chabot and K. Mc
Miss Vivian Foloy gave a stirring reci
tation and Miss Henrietta West sang a
solo, "Crossing the Bar."
en s a
nd Young
Men's Suits
And it doesn't require a sworn statement before a Notary Public to PROVE that EVERY garment in
this stock is NEW and stylish, wo having been in business but a PEW weeks. You see we couldn't get the
store under way early enough in the Spring; wo received our goods when the season was half over with.
The result is that wo havo a GIGANTIC overstock, oven though business HAS been good. As far as tho
STYLES are concerned, you KNOW they MUST bo new, snappy and proper, for the garments aro not over
a month or so from the makers. It'3 a chance a REAL chance on well styled clothes of QUALITY fabrics.
of ANY Man's or Young Man's Suit that
sold for up to $16.00
ANY Man's or Young Man's Suit that
sold for as much as $30.00, now ...
Commencement exercises at the St
Cecilia school were held last evening at
the Audttorlum, 3001 Webster street Two
playlets, "Kneta," a drama by tho older
girls, and "Tho Private Secretary," by
the junior students, were given and the
valedictorian, Elaine Llnahan, addressod
the parents and teachers. Bishop Scan
nell in a short address recommended
Christian life as the happiest life. He
also warned the girls against the orna
mental life of the modern woman, par
tlcularly anathematizing the ultra fash
ionable in dress.
The class roll of graduates follows:
Constantlne Smyth M. J. Reynolds
Francis J. White
John J. Dugan
Thomas C. Klnsler
Walter J. Mahoney
Frank 1C. Smtth
F. Leroy Craven
Clifford J. Croft
Gertrude K, l'enault
Frances M. Cutler
Mary V. Murray
Elaine C. I.lnahan
Margaret S. Coesfeld
Edythe M McCrann
M. A. Williams
Vance E. Mullowney Marguerite J. Verret
Francis J. Welch Irene E. Walhosky
Mary E. Dugdale
Hugo Coepherg, aged 19 years, 256S Brls
tol street He 1 & critical condition with
a bullet wound through hla stomach ct
the Wise Memorial hospital and the de
tails of his shooting are enshrouded In
mystery. He was driven to tne hospital,
authorities say. In an ambulance to
which no attention was paid. The driver
said the youth was vtaltlng a friend
on the south side, address not given, and
was cleaning a .Tt caliber gun, when
it exploded and the bullet entered his
The boy's parents were with him last
night but his condition was nuch that
he could give no Information as to
the cause of the accident
Christie Heights is within easv walklmr
distance or ail local industries, nut nas
splendid transportation facilities, heing
served by three car lines.
The variety king of second-story men
has been discovered In Omaha. Ho rn
tered. the home of Ben J. Keegan, 3001
Vinton street, and stole a shotgun, sn
alarm clock, a nightgown and an art!
flctat leg.
Como In. Look nround. Tho man who selected this stock of Men's nml Young Men's gnrnicntn Is tho I1EST posted huycr
In Onmha; l'o bought tho swcllest clothe' to ho hnd In tho SWHIiLKST markets, yet ho vns shrewd enough to buy thorn
RIGHT In tho first pi nee. Now, when ho tnkes nnd hummers down tho prlco of a $10 suit to $0.15 and n $30 suit to 911. 15
ho is GOING some, don't you think? Better bo nround early Snttirduy morning; got I'll 1ST chance nt tho selection.
1406 Farnam Street, Omaha
Omaha College Men
Hold Field Meet at
the Country Club
Tho Tale alumni of Omaha with tho
Princeton and Harvard alumni thor
oughly enjoyed themselves last evening
with a regular class day field meet nt tho
Country club.
After trying out their Golf abilities. In
door baso ball teams wero organised with
Captain Orr at tho head of the Harvard
nine, who attempted to wallop tho
friendly Yale contingent under Captain
Madden on the golf course. After a
strenuous hour and a half with an even
score ot 8 to 8 they gave It up as a bad
job and attempted soccer foot ball. Soccer,
cold weather game, soon had both
teams gasping for air in tho vicinity of
tho club house. An hour of tennis ter
minated with a call to dinner, after
which the party was entertained with
reminiscences of tho class ot umpteen
unnerd and sttenntx until darkness
brought to a halt tho endless twaddle tt
each friendly schoolmate's beloved claBs,
nnd the alumni adjourned until lies',
Got anything you'd llko to swap? Use
the "Swappem Column."
Omaha Man Leaves
to PutUp Alfalfa
A splendid crop of altalfa has called
D. K. Smith from his local business
temporarily. He has gone to his ranch
at Muleshoo, Tex., where he has eighty
acres in the forage crop to be put up.
Muleshoo Is a station 200 miles out of
Galveston on the now Santa Fo line to
San Francisco. Mr. Smith expects to
ic turn July 15.
f Oh, Goody! Goody!
is the chorus from
the children when
is served and she's a wise
mother who serves these foods
often. Rich in gluten they aro
tho best builders ot bone and
muscle, while they do not over
heat, the blood like a meat diet.
UrwMn-ups too, like Skinner's
products because of the many
tempting ways In which they
can be prepared.
Write for our book of recipes.
Get Skinner's at your grocer's,
the best brand sold in America.
P. B. "Don't eat meat that's tough
and bony.
Just try Skinner's Macaroni."
For the Benefit
of Wage-Earners
ri i
We've always believed in making lower terms than a
other stores about the city, for we have felt more keenly than most 9
oiuica iuc ucouc iu ucip muoc wnu iiccu iicip.
To us there is satisfaction in the knowledge that we have made
this store a benefit and a help to the community. We're more in
clined to measure our success by the extent of the good we do
rather than by the amount of profits we make.
Our particular desire is to help working; people. The wage-earners of Omaha have made
this storo a success by their loyal support and liberal patronage. They are deserving of
the best we can do for them. That's why wo recently reduced our terms to the following
$50 Bill, $3.00 Down, $3.00 Monthly
$100 Bill, $5.00 Down, $5.00 Monthly
These lower terms will continue to be made throughout the week, and we urge all who
wish to avail themselves of the easier payments to do so.
No store in Omaha ever before made such a generous, helpful proposition to the wage
earners of this city. Better drop in and talk with us about the matter.
Do You 1'enr Conunutloii f
Dr. King's New Discovery will help
cure your couKh or cold, no matter how
chronic It is. Try It today. Wo and fi.
All drugeUta- Advertisement.
tt Means
Original and Genuine
The Food-drink for All Ages.
More healthful than Tea or Coffee.
Agrees with the weakest digestion.
Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted grain, powder form.
A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Take no s ubstirute. AskforHORLICK'S.
Others are imitations
fiTTrrf 7
usual offering, a splendid genulno brass bed, large two-
Inch posts, satin finish, iruaranteed
lacquer that will not tarnish, A high
grade dependable brass bed now at the
extraordinary special price of only
Credit Terms To
This Is a wonderful Peninsular Combination Gas and
Coal Knnge, two ranges In one can use four holes
with gas and four with coal at the same time. Gas
section entirely separate from coal section. Abso
lutely the most compact, simple, efficient and safe
iuuiuiuuiiuii uungo maae. finest naKer
with either ga or coal; all removable
burners, all Improvements. See
thla splendid range
ana Buie
Sanitary Couch Bed
Strong, durable anglo iron frame,
both Bides elevate, making full size
bed, sagless link spring with spiral
spring support. Sale prlco
Well made, dry and odoi
loss, very economi
cal, all improvements
Collapsible, wood cross han
dle, wood side arms, 10-inch
large hub wheels with
heavy rubber
tires, full col
lapsible sleeper
car, now at
fipeclal Sale Saturday of
R IS 13 D Haby Carriages.
Prices greatly lowered.