2 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1014. Dresses for Porch and Club Wear Dainty, artistic dresses of approved styet faskioned out of cool, comfort able summer fabrics. . ' Moderate in Price. Now dresses with the long Russian tunic in black and white striped cotton voiles $1022, $141, $1622 : . No extra charge for alterations. Service Cool, well ventilated, spacious private rooms are always at your dis posal, where you may in spect apparel in quiet and comfort. HOWARD AND SIXTEENTH STREETS PLUMBERS RESEHT CHARGES Head of National Association De nounces Department of Justice. DENIES ALL WRONG-DOING He Snys IIonrBt nnit l.nvr Abltllnjr rjaslnrnft Men Ilore Ilccn Sub jected ia V ii-American Kaplnnasre. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. June lT.-Deny-ln(t that tho Master Association of Matr numbers I a trust or attempt to prac tlco monopoly, Christopher Irving of Den ver, president of that organization, In his nddrcss at .the opening ot its annual convention here yesterday, scored the methods of the federal Department of Justice. After telling ot the Indictment ot thirty-six members ot the association by a federal grand jury at Des Moines for alleged conspiracy In restrain ot trade, Mr. Irving said: "More than 160 special aRonts of the United States government, I am Informed, have been turned loose to pry Into the I INVITE EVERY THIN MAN AND WOMAN HERE EVERY PERSON IN OMAHA AND VICINI TY TO GET FAT AT MY EXPENSE I liSPSwmlRiJ wM?B& f-Tl rittttttttttK A PLUMP, STRONG ROBUST BODY This Is ss Invitation tut, no thin nsn tr wo- I man can afford to Ignore. I will tell you Why I soi going t give you a wooderful dlwovsry Ut help digest the food you sat, that hundreds 0 letters ssys puts good solid flesh us people who arc Uls sad underweight. Hew ess J da thlst 1 will (til you. 1 ksrs found a wonderful eoncesirsud treatment tor In creaaiEg cell growth, tns very tubstanr of which our bodies are mad, (or putting In tbs blood ths red ee trusties which every thin man and woman m sadly sli a scientific sselmllatlve sgent is etrssgtbsn ths nerves and put ths 4tgeet.lv trset la such shape ttttt svsry .uses of flesh making tood nay give Its full amount et nourishment to the blood Instead ot pstatsc through the system undigested sad usatttmllslsd. User Kit of how this treatment bu mad Indigestion sad ether stomach travels quickly dliappcar while eld dys peptics, sad many sutfersrs from wtsk nerves sod lack et vitality declare In street It has inad thpv feel Ilk a two year ) This sew treatment, wtlck has nrovwtx ruch. s boon t thin peopls ll called SAROOIa Dos-! forget th asms -A-U-O-O-Z Nothing so so4 has vtr ben clacov srsd before. Women whs, never appeared stylish In any thing th wore bsesuss of Ifcetr tklnness. me Bndarwslgtit or Iscklne; U nervs tores er energy have, by tbelr own 'Mtlracnr. been able to en Joy ths pleasures of Ms Wert filled to flsht lift's tattle, as aovtr for yean, thtouah ths ue ot "Sargot." H you want a beautiful soi well roundst fig- sr of S7ramattleal praportlsss ol which you csa Ksl Jsttly prd oy iu or tnrosniag itr and csorgy. writ Tl:e ariol Company, 4-U siersn Duliainr. DlssSemtoo. ri T . todsy sad I will tend you. stoli(t frse a Mo U ot rrt to prove all t e'.alm.' Ttks oes with every yieol aa4 how qultkt these marvelous little coassatreAsd tehlttt ratsjnsacs their busy, useful wott of uptmlldlng. 2Itny users declare they have tacreaaed their weight at th rets of ons pound a day. But you sty yo-j watt proof! Well, her yss ars. Mere ere etirseit lev ere eitrsett frost tht statemestt ot those who have tried whi have been cssvtneed sod wh will tr to lbs virtues sf this woa- oerrui prsrarfiioB. xats. a, i, xoDDansiSEB, wriusi "I hstt gllsed InniDMlr tlstt I tosh Hanoi foe I oslr welshed shout ICS rounds when I be, gas oslng it ud new I wsuti V.i aouads. ss really (his rsshes twenty-four oousds. I (eel strsnyer. end sew I cmy rosy theekt which It snswsnwg i cooia never ssy Mior. cotoj Aira tax wztx us at otts sxrsxrsn T11?. ""'I ssy thin psrsos to cms We patkags ol Bargol, ths concentrated JTJosh llsilder (provided you hsv never trie m, and thtt I6e Is eaclonid to cover post eg t, racklsg, .te Bett our sdvertlssraent printed abov. and I has put 10c In stsmps In letter lodty. tHih this cospoa. ssd the lull 0: packs will bt ssat to you by return ol post. Addrces- Seertltry Ths Cartel Company Tl.r tleraM filds . Blnehavotoo, N T Writ yow Bass b4 addreu plainly, sol 3PXX TMXB OOUFOIT TO TODS X.XTTJSK. at r , The Store for Shirtwaists Many excellent values in dainty new blouses. You'll find distinctive, stylish blouses here at less than tho commonplace kind cost elsewhere. affairs of our national and state organlia tlons. They have Invaded our offices and our flics, summoning scores to undergo examinations, and they have taken rec ords, some ot which have not been re turned to us. "In short, this organisation of honest, lawabldlng American business men has boon made the subject of a prying es ponnge that Is un-American and out rageous." Tho convention received resolutions from tho Btate Master Plumbers' assocln- 'tlon of Illinois, pledging financial and moral backing to the plumbers Indicted In Des Moines, and also another official under Indictment at Sioux City under perjury charges. Reports today showed tha the master plumbers affiliated with the national or ganisation now number 10,424, a growth of 1,006 during the last year. FIRE RECORD rire nt Denedlct. BENEDICT, Neb., June 17.-(Speclal.)-Flre In tho restaurant of J, D. Marvel this morning at 2 o'clock caused 1,S00 loss, with some Insurance. The building Is badly damaged, but Is Insured Everybody reads rive Want Ads. A- "My old frlsndi whs hats been used ta see Ut m with a thin, long face, sty thu I sin looking UCler than they have er seen roe be for, and fsthsr and mother art so pleated to think 1 ksvs got to loek to well and wtlgh so pvv7 ior ins-. - OXJLX JOKNBOW carat Please send m another ten-dir trtstmtt. I sm wsll pirated with ttargol. It hat been the light sf my life, t am gtttlsg back to my pro per weight sgaln. When I teten to take Sargol I only weighed W pounds, and now, four weeks Isier, I sun weighing 1U pounds and (sellsg no, a noa i pave iua-. hupis reeling every morning that I used to have. I teel aood til ths time. 1 want to put on about five pounds ot (iren ini inic win ps Sll I wsnt. " r. OAGOH writes 1 "Hera It ay report slnct tsklns tht Rsol treatment. am s msn T yesrs ot ate and wt sll run dowa to th very botlocs, I had to e,lt work ss I wig to weak. Now, thanks to Sargol. I look like a new man. I gslned II poandi with XI dtya treatment. 1 rsnnot tell yos how htppy I tsel. All my clothes are getting too light My race nts a good color and I ntvsr was so ntppr in my lire." MRS, TXSHTB BOOBS paysi ' Sariot la certainly the grandest treatment I ver ured. It has helsed ma sreatlv. I eould hsriUr sat anythlat and wst not tele to sit up threo dsys out of a week, with stomseh trouble. I tonlt only to bone of eUrgol and can eat aarthlsg snd It don't hurt ma and t have no mora headache. My weight was ltO ptsnda snd now weigh 140' snd (eel belter then ! hsvs (or tlvw ytre. 1 sm now ss flsshy as I wast to be. sad shall certainly recommend aargol, for It dost Just ottetly what you tay It will do." You may know some of these people or know someborJV who known them. I will eenj you their full address if you sVlsJi, so that you ran find out all about Sarffol and the wonders It has wrought Probably you art now thinking whether til this ran be true. Stop III Writs me at ones end I will stud yoo sleoluttly Ires a to.- psckttt of these wonderful tablets. No matter what ths csuso ( your thinnest, it from, give tUrgol t chance to mas you (at. I am tbsolutsly confi dent H will put good healthy flesh on you bug I don't sac yon to tak my word for It. simply cut lbs cospwa below snd enclose 0o In ttsmrs to help cover ths distribution siptntss, snd l'sl tfsm't mall will brio you whit you may some dsy ssy was cms ol th most vsluabls pact age a , you over rsrelred. . iV .. EDITORS C0ME INTO CAMP Dip Gathering at Epworth Park Attracting Many. ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME Miniature Office Will Oe Well Suit, piled with Typewriters and n Hnnd Will IMny to Fur nish Amnsenient. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, June 17.-(8pcclal.)-8coop. town, at Kpworth park, will begin to put on a lively appearance about noon to morrow, when It Is expected that arrivals for the week's Chautauqua gathering of the Nebraska Press association will put In an appearance. Tents are up and as the knights of the pencil begin to arrive they will be given quartern" assigned by George Foxworthy, chief of the assign ment brigade. A great deal Is expected ot the band. Men who have been tooting political horns tor other people will have a chance to toot their own horn under the direction of Frank Harrison, chief looter About thirty newspaper .men who nt some time or another In their career have been a part of a bruss band have signified their Intention to bring along their more or lisa forgotten horns and music which has more Or less charm to soothe the savage breast and keep the politicians away from the grounds will be manufactured all the day long. It would be a task utterly Impossible to tell of all tho stunts which will be pre pared and pulled off by the different committees. It Is estimated that over 230 editors will bring their whole families, whllo others will bring more or less Im portant parts. Prlxes aro offered for the biggest family, the longest married editor and the shortest married one. A headquarters tent well supplied with typewriters ot different nationalities or rather machines of different makes, will bo fixed for all newspapermen who may dcslro to write copy for their papers. Compers may cook their own, food or get It ut u delicatessen hotel on tho grounds. All a family will need Is bedding, os cots, chairs, tables and all other conveniences will bo furnished free of charge by the entertainment commit tee. Those who may find It convenient ,to wrlto letters while down town wilt rind n room fitted up especially for their uso by landlord Johnson of the Llndelt hotcll or tor any other uso which they may wish to put It to. Businessmen of the city have been very liberal with their nations, ono sporting firm donating ten fine baso ball bats suitably engraved for the winners ot the big base ball garnu etween tho North Platte editors and the South Platto fel lows. And y the way that gamo will be no Joko. The game will not be played with a bunch ot has beens cr nevnr wascrs. Hardly a newspaper office In tho state but what has some good base ball players In It and these are the ones who will endeavor to uphold tho su premacy of their section of the state on the diamond. TWO FLAGS BUTONE THOUGHT (Continued from, Pago .One.) last year's record by u,' wide rharcln, Thfcj remaining lists .of tho graduates wlio were given dlplomaa -ZoUoyv: Engineering-? . Medicine , Charles Atttlllisch. O.'O- Albright, Carl T. Bowen. J. W, Crump, Wm. E. Uowersox. Itodnoy JI. Arey, Jacobll.Carmlchocl.il. K. Harlow, Olenn V. Carpenter. Carl Mauser. J. HnlDh Evre. T. K. Ilersch, I.tivl J, Qorms. B. I. Maldon, Krnnk II. Uuldner. Dan Wi Hhlne, Louis II. Ilautch. P. L. Wahrer, Lloyd A. Howell. K. D. Tavlor. Perry E. Oxley. J. O. Weaver, Korest A. Illchards. A. R. Zeuchcr. John U Schanlon. Law Howard Benson bca-Paul Abrams, man. u, w, Anaerson, William Rae Snyder. L. W. nntcnr Edwin J. Stephen- Paul Balcar, son. Charles Ucnesh, Laurence B. Stepehn-P. a. Callander, son. a. V. CtLHt-v. Carl A. Trcxel. . J. R. Cornell. Ronald It. uhck. w. A.Dutton. Exra C. wenger. John B. Dyer. Dentist! II. D. Kvnn. ' Paul M. Anderson, a. M. Qalvln, R, J.Androws, m. u. uage, C. W. Garfield. Otis Ollbrech, D, J. OUchrlst. . J. W, Qyynne, C. C. Hakes. D. W. Harpot. K. W. Krause, Paul W. Kurz, Karl D. Loos. R. B. McConlog-ue. J. T, McClulre. J. O. McNeil, C. D. Meloy, C. D. Moody, Bi HIorrison, C. P. .Murphy, 13. O. Newell, M. A. O'Brien, M. D. Roller, W. IC. Ross, It. Ij. Snakenberg, A. Steinberg. A. I.tiwlshcr, P. E. Thomas, T, II. Taylor, O. K. Thompson, E. P. Tucker, M. S. Turner, Earl C. Willis. W. I. Wolfe. Pharmacy II. P. Doden. I K. Penlon, R. C. Hahn, R. C. Harvey, P. Mess. . M. R. Hohmann, C. E. Jacobs, E. Kledalsch, J. P. Kledalsch. W E. Palmer. C. C. Powers, John P, Rabe. II. B. T. Rutenbeck, Maude Wleland, Homer D. Long, T, J. Long. Don U Bare, W. J. Barry, J. D. Bellamy. Ray V.' Brandt. C. W. Casady, U v. cockrum. F. M, Crawford. D. L. Crlsslnger, Paul J. Curry. Leo R- Daley, a. l. penxier, Leo C. Dick, Harry & Dowe. John M. Eason, J. C. Esser, wi p. Ettinger, N. Fukushlma. C. Qrothaus, O. A. Hoboruler, E. w. nowara, C. F. Huber. a. H, Humphrey, B. A. Kntx, O. A. Langland, E. A. Larala, C. C. Law head, R. a. Long, II, W. Loucks. M. A. McDevitt, R, U Horse, J. C. Murphy, P. W. Qually, U, W. Rogers, C. A. Ross, John Scholten, J. R. Blmpson, R. C. Slple, R. M. Smith, E. 8. Smith. Ray Smith, E. R. H.vank, R. D. Temple, J. C. Tymony, A. D. Ward. L. M. Wise. D. A. Wlttrlg, U. 11. Overkamp. MADISON MAN SHOOTS HOUSEKEEPER'S HUSBAND MADISON, Neb., June IT. (Special Tele;ram.)-Late last night Albert Kur- pecewtt, living six miles west of Madison, shot William CamrlcUs, a stranger who was about to enter his house through an open window. Several shots were fired from a .Si-call- ber rifle, one bullet entering Camericks' bark. Camericks then disappeared In the darkness and Kurpegewlt telephoned Sheriff 8mlth. who met tho wounded man returning to Madison. Kurpegewlfs housekeeper Is Camrlcks" wife.. She and her llttlo boy left him on his homestead near Winner. 8. D. He. I learning that she was here, came yester-1 day afternoon and last nlgnt waiKea out to Kurpegewlfs home. He says that he took this method to get his boy. Camrlcks Is In the hands of the sheriff and Kurpegewlt has given his recognizance to bo present at the hear ing before County Judge MoDuffee. No arrests have yet been made. John Clticsltt. MASON CITT, la., June IT.-Iohn Cllg. gltt, for forty years one ot Iowa's best known lawyers, died at his home here to day, aged Tt. He was once democratic candidate for governor and supreme court judge. HOW I KILLED MY SUPERFLUOUS HAIR I Cured It Quickly So It Never Re turned Even After Boauty Doctors, Electric and Numerous De pilatories Failed I WILL TELL YOU MY SECRET FREE Krom deep iespslr to Joyful MtUttelloa wit the chins In tar feeling when I found an eatr method to cur s dstresstnglr bad growth ot Superfluous lltlr, a f t r msnr filluni and repetted disap pointments, I wilt tend (tbsolute lr ttrt and without ob ligation) to snr othtr sufferer full and com plete description of how I cured the hair so that It has never returned. If rod here a hair growth you with to de- niror. quit wwina your money on worth- Ires powders, putes and liquids, or the dsngerous electrlo needle lenrn from me the sate and psln Ires method I found, Hlmply rend your name and addrtts (silting whether Mrs. or MIm) and a 1 cent stamp for reply, sddretveil to Mrs. Ksthryn Jenklne, Suit lit n. D.. No. M rurchaas Street, IloMon. Man. FRFF RMIPfiN This certificate entitles any Mrs. Jenkln'e free confidential Initructlona for the banishment ot Superfluous Hair, If sent with Ic stamp for pottage. Cut out and pin to your letter. Oood for Immediate use only. Address Mrs. Ktthryn Jenkns. Suite I3t B. V.. No. 2M Purchase Street, Boston. Mass. BPBCIAI, NOTICE Krery lsdy who wishes to fce rid ot the disfigurement of Superfluous Hair should sccept nborfl offer at once. This remark able offer Is good only for s few dsyt: the stand ing of donor Is unquestioned. Advertisement. AGENTS OF VILLA DENY ANY SPLIT WITH0AREANZA (Continued rrom Page One.) Ing begxt an open discussion of tho Vllla-Carranza estrangement. Villa hllRhte-iI. Although Villa's persistent military suc cesses had occasioned speculation regard ing his relation with Carranza. tho mat tor did not receive serious consideration until the appointment by Carranza of General Panfllo Natora commander of a newly created military zone. Natera's appointment placed him In charge of a strip of country which Villa previously had planned to lnvadu, Including the yet uncaptured City ot Zacatecaa. Natera at tacked Zacatecas, while Villa remained at Torreon. viewing the experiment from the rear. According to reports from Mexico City, completely confirmed by private ad vices from tho revolutionists' front below this point, .Natera was defeated decisively in frequent attempts to take the city, Then It was that Carranza requested Villa to rush to Natera's assistance. This was sevoral days ago n'nrl In tho meantime re ports continue to arrive of Natera's de feats. Villa re ma I nod at Torreon. Explanation of Znbnrnn. WASHINGTON, June 17.-Constltutlon- allst representatives here today declare the apparent breach between Villa and Carronza La not as serious as It appears. Carranza'a representatives explained Villa's yeslgnlrig his commission and Im prisoning' Carranza leaders was the result of the former's determination to rid him self of troublesome politicians who have been associated with General Carranza. and making troublo between the two men. In the opinion of the leaders here Villa will proceed to take supreme command In northern Mexico and the differences be tween Carranza and him will be com posed. At the State department no word ha been received from George C. Carothers, the American consular agent, with Gen eral Carranza. Mr. Carothers was due today back In El Paso from Saltlllo. It was believed a full report on the latest developments would be forwarded as soon as Mr. Carothers reached EI Paso. Rafael Zubaran and Luis Cabrera, tho constitutionalist representatives who con ferred in Buffalo yesterday with the American commissioners, returned to Washington today ,and maintained strict silence as to the result of their mission. Villa Chancea Jobs. LAREDO, Tex., June 16. It was re ported In official circles here today that Francisco Villa has tendered his resig nation as second chief of the constitu tionalist army to become governor ot the stato of Chihuahua, succeeding Fidel Avlla, who Is temporarily acting In that post. Rumors say it is likely that Felipe Angeles, now secretary of war for the constitutionalists, will succeed Villa. The most desirable furnished rooms tre advertised In The Bee. Get a nice cool room for the summer. Preservation Dentistry Anything the preserves your health by increasing your vital force is certainly valuable to you. Poorly masticated food is not good for man or beast, and good teeth enter first in preparing food for your stmach. How much would a horse be worth that couldn't teeth Established 1888. Dr. R. V, Bailey. Dr. Shlpherd. Dr. IiUdtvick. Dr. Urovrnfleld. Dr. Scouten. BAILEY, The Dentist 711 CITY NATIONAL MIK UIUIIQ 16TH a, piva,Tx, osowar ob BRXDOB XX OWE OAT EDITORS WOULD PLAY BALL South Platte Quill Fuihers Laying for North Biver Scribes. ONE GREAT GAME PLANNED Will Takev IMncet In Lincoln Next Satnrdny Candidates! by "Whole sale Offer Themselves for the Fray. HASTINGS, Neb., June 17.-(Speclal.) Those world's series games between the Giants and the Athlettcs will have nothing on tho battle which the editors of Ne braska will wage In Lincoln next Satur day for the transPlaite base ball cham pionship. The conflict will be one ot tho high spots ot the annual convention of the Ne braska Stato Press association and will be fought by teams under the leadership of J. C. Elliott of West Point, and Adam Breede of Hastings. "Jim" Elliott has kept his war plans carefully concealed but enough Is known of the material available for the South Platte team to make It certain that It will take some mighty good ball players to plant the championship north of the river. There Is not a position on the South Platte team that has not a half dozen or more candidates One of tho tryouts Is the man who taught Sam Crawford the gamo. Another editor claims to have had experience with the White Sox and there are a number of others who have mado fame for themselves in either organized or disorganized base ball. Barton First on Deck. Ono of tho first to. reply to cards sent to tho various South Platto, editors was John B. Barton, editor of tho Hardy Her ald, lie specializes as a catcher, but can do equally well In either the In or outfield or on tho bench. Though he adihlts that he has a bum wing, E. W. Varner, editor of tho Adams Weekly Globe, has played ball all his llfo and will tryout for cither shortstop or second base. C. F. Clark, editor of thp Butler County Press, says he has not played ball for thirty years, but as he nover starts any thing that he can not finish, he expects to bo In good condition. However, he will not arrive In Lincoln until two days after the game. A. L. Taylor of the Republican Leader of Trenton, Is a base ball crank of twenty years standing and thinks he can help the South Platto editors, provided his assistance Is required. In order that ho may not miss getting Into the lineup J. C. Vollne, editor of tho Nemaha County Herald, will arrange to arrive In Lincoln at 7:30 a. m. on the day of the game. His favorite position Is second base. Graves Is tVlllliiK. "Replying to your inquiry as to ball playing," writes Charles L. Graves, edi tor of the Union Ledger of Union, "will say that I am one of the 'vets' of the gamo and It my services aro desired to assist In 'trimming those North Platters they are at your disposal." He can play anywhere except the outfield. B. E. Donahue of tho Dewltt Eagle, as pires to bo the center gardener. "Have filled that hole for the last seven or eight years," he writes. "Beat the North Platters Is the slogan," declares L. L. Slagel, editor of the Blue Valley Journal. "Bring some consolation tablets along for the North Platters; I feel It In my bones that' we are going to get tho bacon." One of tho chief mainstays of the team will b W. T. Pickett of the Wahoo Wasp. Aside from being tho tutor of "Wahoo Sam" Mr. Pickett claims dis tinction as a pinch hitter and right fielder. Ho played for a while with the Wahoo outlaws, but later qualified In organized base ball by joining the Wahoo city league. McCoy Offers Service. H. H. McCoy of the Cedar Bluffs Standard has recently turned down offers from tho Chicago White Sox and tho Chlfeds, but has agreed to play with the South Platte team. He can pitch or play shortstop. H. M. McGaffln of tho Polk County Progress says he Is a good ball player, but Is even better as a rooter. Ho offers to play either position. If by doing so he can help to defeat Elliott's Nutmegs. Clyde Hasklns of the Stella Press has played third base for seven years, has a good batting record and la a fine fielder. He has been looked over by Bev el al big league scouts, but not being sub ject to draft is still In Stella, A, H. Robertson of Lincoln Is a short stop ot note and declares he will beat out any other editor for that position on the South Platte team. W. G. Hubbard, a regular member of the Osceola team, will represent tho Osceola Record at the press meeting. Ho will furnish his own uniform and be ready to play any position, preferably second base. Hubbard has a good reputa chew we!17" Preserve your and prolong your life. Testimonial on ability to eat better after teeth were fixed. Dr. Bailey, Dear Doctor- I hunted, all over town to find you, and at last 1 have done so. Tou fixed my teeth 18 years ago and they have dona fine ever since, and I have been able to eat anything that I wanted, and I wanted you to fix them for me, as I broke them eating hard candy, I certainly appreciate the way you fix teeth. You have kept up all ray fam ily's teeth for all of 20 years and wa 11 like your work. Thanking you for your past work, I am. yours re spectfully. Mrs. peo. A. Richardson, S80 Benton St. Council Bluffs. Ia. A 20-Year Written Guarantee GOU CROWN . . ) , ff A llRIDOE TEETH t fill WHITE CROWN . WslWW and HARNEY STS. 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. tlon as a second baseman and the dozen or more candidates for that position will have to go soma to beat him. Smith Knmlly Ilrjitly. Tho Smith family will bo represented In the person of William H. Smith, editor of tho Seward Independent-Democrat. H says ho never played base ball In his j-utinger days, though ho did carry water for the elephant once. Ho Is a consider able ball player now, however, and will be ready to help put It over the Elliotts. H. G. Taylor of Central City, an editor of noto and a public officio! of distinction, being a member of the State Railway commission, modestly asserts that he Is not In good training, except as to voice, which ho offers to use to good purpose. Nevertheless he Is being relied upon for one of the battery positions. Charles D. Blauvelt ot the Arapahoo Mirror has been recommended by tho South Platto scout for shortstop or out field. Ho has made no application for a tryout, but wilt surely bo In the lino up. The same scout, whose name Is withheld for his own protection, has recommended C. J. Bowlby of the Crete Democrat for third base. There are four or more candidates for every position except first base, but as Lincoln should be well represented either Will Owen Jones or A. L. Blxby of ths Nebraska Stato Journal Is being counted upon for this position. WISCONSIN EUGENIC LAW DECLARED VALID MADISON, Wis., Juno 17. The supreme court today sustained the constitutional ity of tho eugenic marriage law, reversing tho Judgment or the Milwaukee county circuit court, which declared It Invalid. BUT ONE ANSWER in flir trrnnf linnH.il nrnh- A h. VT syW SSjS, H Avw.wa - J lem you must keep the digestive system strong and active. Weakness there soon disturbs the entire system. A daily uso of the famous HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters will overcome any weakness in the Stom ach, Liver and Bowels and help you maintain health. Start at once. MAX LANDOW LEAVES OMAHA Has Two Mason & Hamlin Grand Pianos in His Studio. As formerly announced, Max Landow will close his local studio and leave Omaha very soon. He has had two new Mason & Ham lin pianos in his studio for one season. These pianos will now be sold at bar gain prices. A. Httspo Co. solicits offers from those Interested In this most famous of all grand pianos, the Mason & Hamlin. These grands may be seen at the Max Landow studio, 101 S. 33d St., any after noon this week. A. Hospe Co., 1513 Douglas St, Omaha. Advertisement. lelivired To Your Horns 12c Quart Alamito, Doug. 409 for Tu, 8fcy ncnw 0oB. Ing to Our Office. sHssbsWsssS T fC fTlSyJjJ jsWy, llfl sskSuLStsjAHBsBiflB POsUTXTBX.T VXXHTLXSB SISTHODS. lsdy AttsndsAts. I snrcour omoxt uos o st. Baby of Future is Considered Much thought has been glren In late years to the subject of maternity. In the cities there aro maternity hospitals equipped with modern methods. But most women prefer their own homes and In tho tbwns and villages must prefer them. And slnco this Is true wo know from tho great many splondld letters written on tho subject that our "Mother's Friend" la a great help to expectant mothers. They wrlto of the wonderful relief, how It seemed to allow tho muscles to expand without undue strain and what a splendid Influence it was on tho nervous system. Such helps as "Mother's Friend" and tho broader knowledge of them should have a helpful lnfluenco upon babies of the future. Sclenco says that an Infant derives Its sense and builds Its character from cutaneous Impressions. And a tranquil mother certainly will transmit a moro healthful Influence than if she is ex tremely nervous from undue pain. This Is what a host of men beltovo who used "Mother's Friend." Theso points aro more thoroughly ex plained In a llttlo boo'K mailed free. "Mother's Friend" Is sold In all drug stores. Write for book. Bradfleli? Becrula tor Co.. 411 Lamar Bldr.. Atlanta. Ga. PURE and SURE DRUGS Wo deal In no other kind. You want no other kind. Everything hero Is just what you would select were you a drug expert. There's not a cleaner or better drug stock anywhere there couldn't be. Tot our prices are lower than you are apt to pay for Inferior drugs. Expert pharmacists under the direction of D. J. Klllen are ever at your Bervlco at this store the "Safety First" drug store of Omaha. P RESCRIPT 0 DRUG CO. "Safety First" 10th and Howard. Phono Douglas 480. We Dollvor Anywhere, Any Time. Hot weather sense Eat cooling foods in clean sanitary places. The Pure Food Sign. Quickserv Cafeteria Basement City Natl Dank RIdg, Or Boston Lunches. 210 South 10th St. 1400 Douglas St. 1408 Farnam St. THE FINEST SUMMER DRINK Buimer's Imported Sparkling Champagne Cider opo r BotUt, S.OO per Dossn. ac. wonx.BXBnT & oo 814 South loth Street. Opp. Union station, bole Distributors Prompt Olty DsUrsrlss. Phone Douglas 143j Bilious? One of Acer's Pills at bedtime just one. Acts on the liver. Gently laxative. Sugar-coated. All vegetable. Sold for OO yeesirsu Asfc Your Doctor. (iSTIi-.: AMUSEMENTS. ..Lake Manawa.. I sWltUWlig tWUUVAsUg M44U Other Attractions. Free Moving Pictures Every Evening. Ideal Picnic Grounds. Special Inducements to Public Schools and Sun. day Schools. Tel. Doug. 1365. 9 Hours' Display, ftunons r.atnrs Films saiiy, i a, 7 s 9 P.M. OrchSOo; Bal, loo At sUl psrformanoss Tfcsfcter Continually Paeksd to Be. SiKrSfn Traffic in Souls Whits slavery's hideous horrors 01 vultTsd undistorted. x.t Olrls Know ths Truth" Urs. Znes MllholUnd Belt s.Tsin, .mintnt snffrtirist. Thss. films dsplet it. BASE BALL Kotraxs PASS. Omaha vs. Sioux City JUNE 10, 17, 18, 10 Friday, June 19, Ladies Day Games Called al 3 p. nu 3' g