6 Bringing Up Father 0 OUP wed Love oo call LOPES TAKE THE THIRD ONE Lincoln Wing from Bourkes Through Pitching of Jordan. HURLER IS TIGHT IN PINCHES Omaha Makes Lt Try In Ninth, bat Fall to Mnke It Success Johnny Gondlnir Benched In Seventh. UNCOIL, Nob., Juno 14.-8poclal Tel egram.) Omaha lost Its third straight game to Lincoln today through tho su perior pitching of Jordan. Whlto hit Quite freely, Jordan was tight in the pinches In all but ono Inning, when Omaha scored Its three runs on fdur hits. Thomason's wonderful one-handed running catch of Miller's slzzllngllnor to center, saving one. If not tn scores, was the bright fielding performance of tho day. Both pitchers received good support, however, on a muddy field. Lincoln Jumped into the lead at the start when Allen reached second by vir tue of Ward's bad chuck, to Chase on Allen's easy grounder. McOafftgan and Lloyd followed with singles. Alien scored. Both scored a minute lator tfh'en Collins singled. Omaha tied It up In the fourth when Krug opened with a single, his third hit of the day. Thomason sacrificed him to second, Congalton jingled,' scoring Krug and Congalton took second on the throw to the plate. Chase was out on a grounder to Jordan, but Thomas singled sharply to center, scoring Congalton and Ward. Lincoln immediately took tho lead again on Itehor'a homer out to left field fence. Omaha got a hlt'eaoK following Inning, but could not push a run ovor, as Jor dan always tightened. Lincoln got two more In the eighth, when Qulllen Valked, Collins singled and Rehor drove to deep oentor for 'two bases. Omaha made a last try in the ninth, Krouger, batting for Tipple, was an easy out by Mullen. 8chlpke singled to center and Krug followed with his fourth hit, a double to left. Thomason struck out and Congalton laid an easy grounder to Lloyd, who expunged htm at first. Johnny Oondlng was benched in the seventh from the coaching line by Um pire Oaston for baiting Pitcher Jordan. Score: LINCOLN. AB. It. Allen, if 6 1 McOaXfliran, ss 4 l Lloyd. 2b 4 0 Mullen, lb 4 l Miller, cf S 6 Qulllln, 3b s 1 Collins, rf 4 1 Itehor, c 3 1 Jordan, p 4 0 II. 1 2, 1 1 0 0 3 I 0 o. 1 s 1 14 0 1 2 4 1 A. 0 Totals SI OMAHA. AB. n. 9 27 15 n. l 4 0 1 3 2 1 0 1 0 o. 4 4 3 0 1 7 2 3 0 0 IS. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ucniPKe. zd s Krug, If 6 Thomason, cf 4 Congalton, rf 5 Ward, lb , 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 unase, id 4 Thomas. s, ss.. 4 Crosby, c Tipple, p -n-rugtr Totals 38 S U 24 10 Batted for Tipple in ninth. Lincoln 3 0 0 10 Omaha 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 Earned runs! Lincoln. 3: Omnhn. s Homo run; Ilehor. Two-base hits: Rehor, Krue (t). Left on bases: Lincoln. 7; Omaha. 12. Sacrifice hits Thomas. Struck ouL By Jordan, 4; by Tipple, t. Bases on balls: CKf Jordan, 1; off Tlple. 3. Tims: 1;5L Umpires: Oaston and Stockdale. DIVIDE TUB DOUnLE-HEADISIl Topeka and Dei Moines Win and Lose. TOPEKA, Kan., June U:- Topeka and IDes Motnns divided a double-header, the visitors winning the first game and To- pexa me second. Tne first game was a sensational pitcning duel between Kelslgl and Lakoff. Neither team scored in nine innings, but two hits and an error gavo Des Moines two runs and the game In me tentn. Bcore. nrsi game: TOPEKA. AB. . H. O. A. B. H. 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 10 0 A. Oochran, 8b Forsythe. rf... La ttl more, 2b. Koerner, lb.... Talllon. ss Wakefield, cf.. McAllister, c... Lemon, c Ilapps, If RelilgL p 3 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 4 4 4 4 4 3 0 2 2 3 DES MOINES. AB, IU H, O. S 6 3 0 11 4 4 0 0 A. 0 0 6 0 0 1 3 0 S iiann, rf 4 Hunter, cf t liciuy, ss Breen. If 4 Jones, lb. . 4 4 'Haley, c Andreas, 2b. Ewoldt, lb.. Lakoff, p 3 S 4 Totals ., Topeka Des Moines 33 2 ( 30 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 .0 0 0 Three-base hit: Breen. Two-basa hit: Lemon. Jones. Sacrifice hits: Hunter, Ewoldt. Double plays; Lattlmore to Koerner, Rellly to Andre tto Jones, Lakoff to Rellly to Jones, litolen base: Ewoldt Bases on balhf: Oft IteUlgL 2; off Lakoff, 1. Struck out: By Relslffl. JO: by Lakoff. 4. Umpires Fyfe, eecor.d came: TOPEKA , AB. It. II. O. E. Cochran, -b .....J 3 10 10 Forsythe, rf 4 1 8 1 o o Lattlmore, 2b S 2 2 2 4 0 Koerner, lb 2 3 19 0 0 Talllon, ss.. 4 1 2 0 0 0 W airfield, of.-. ..4 1 3 8 0 0 x a 71 nuuuFU 11 'uun - 1 inv 11 hkai i v i - 1 i i i i i in n i i i nun ir i i tuic o? r- . i i i i I V N( 1 IV x I I . . " . WX 1 1 TMf Rf rPs I I I I yM.il -rw I i J V . . L ERhOOM II r 1 IBCTTM THERE'S A fl I 1 A ELLE ' I KNn iw lltne. .,a ' y r-ey answer it Rui seller ml how dare V J well then f :" . " "ER I ' " ( 1 1 1 I ZZfr r f rDAH ) f REAT k SHALL TA.. DJLMKvni I . J.. , HEA.VENV Mo have VvVER-v Aro7" Mwa. wVr &. , . K 1 i r .r v is.-. . I I in ua.... - . r. i i 1 i r a iii ii i i ii i iii i i jh i i i mimi McAllister, c ....4 Rappa, It 8 McGrath, p 2 Clarke, p 1 Totals 22 1 2 11 24 7 0 DES MOINES. . , AB. n, II. O. A. E. Hahrvrf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Hunter, cf 4 2 2 8 0 0 Rellly, ss 3 1 0 2 0 1 Breen, If 4 2 2 . 1 0 0 Jones, lb ;....s 0 0 4 0 0 Haley, o , 4 0 1 B 1 0 Andreas, 2b ,...3 01400 Bwoldt, 3b,..; 2 0 0 3 1 0 Collier, p 2 0 0 0 1 0 Lnfforty, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Burrell 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ,....30 S fl Batted for Collier In lth 21 7. , 2 0 0 0 7 3 0 -12 Dtn Moines 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 1- 5 Called end of eighth: darkness. MnA iiu?2. ilt8! rry,,n''. Lnttlmore. "i0? Hrcen Sacrifice hits: Koer ft' iMc0rath.. slolen h": Cochran Andreas. HI s: Off McQrath. 4 In f ve tSl one-third innings; jtt C orko" 2 In 7 two-thirds Innings: At Collier" 7 "vo Innings; off Lnf forty. 4 In three rL?SC 7lnr,Q?' 2:, off Col,,er. off La": by Clark Sa,.nfk ?",' nK. Mcnrmth. 4: ny Clarke, 3; by Collier, 8. Wild Dlteh: g$r- PJ bl: McAllister Umpire:" nnuMMBns dkfkat thb drams Si. Joseph Tnken Third Game of Series. JSFrZFR:, Col- Junn 1--Sl- JoePh Del!vh,,tod,a,vd4B? 0t! ft?"? ."l'l'lJV't half of the 'fSSSfi I game" v "u"1 rnln. Bcore, first ST. JOSEPH. t, . AB. n. H. o. 4 4 0 10 0 1. 2 It 1 A. E. ivaiaon, in, .... i Fox. If 4 O. Watson, cf 4 prn8.t;!J 1 0 0 0 1 .. 1 :o i 2 1 0 0 u 0 3 1 Orlfflth. Duffy, p. Totals si 4 11 27 IS DENVER. AB. Jl, ii. 0 0 0 0 o. 3 3 2 3 4 0 IS 7 0 0 0 Faye, 2b. Caasldy, rf. Coffey, ss. Block, cf, Mitchell, 'if. Barbour, 3b, Flshor. lb. E. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 upaiir. c KltiK. n. Butcher .... Schrclber, p. Totals 31 2 8 27 6 1 Batted for King In seventh. St. Joseph 10020000 1-4 Denver o 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-J hiT.WOn?HLhU! a n.ril,on- Thrco-bose .;.ifii,r,Lwn- ,8a.crin:o fly: Patterson, nacrlfles hlt' Wo 1 1 ninni, d. ..... SD,U,M,.b0. 1 !L.. " .Py. off . King. r ts . . r' '" muiun 10 ii. watson tn vaileoni,Fo?c t0 Duy l Wall: Faye to. Flaher. Innings pltchwl: By King. run?! h.?. h" 9i by Schrrtbir. two INDIANS BLANK THIS WICHE Sioux City Takes Onme from Jol- hers Nlnf to Nolhlnir. mil W1.V11 ' "-Hioux city shut Wichita tmlay In one of the worst rCiiTf-.?,8, J Jn. .s?aon-. Tho Wichita vuu.u iiui nuiu mo oa and threw ft Sd.?'i0,t, only four "mttered hits. Both Scott and Lambert were wild. Score: .Vim All, It. H. O. A. E. Ochs, Sh..., Nicholson. If..., Hourke, Jb Plenry, lb Graham, o u v 1 1 1 J u 1 3 Illllls, cf Jiapp. rf Fltsslmmons, as. Scott. p.. Lambert, p Totals 28 0 4 27 13 SIOUX CITY. AB, It, H. O. Cootjey. 2b 4.. 1 o 6 Clarke, If...., 4 0 11 Smith, s 5 0 11 Kane, lb 4 8 3 14 .White, cf . 3 I io Balrd. rf Sill Callahan, 3b 3 l l o Crisp, c 4 112 Klein, p 3 0 0 0 A. 2 0 4 1 0 0 0 1 7 Totals Sioux City Wichita ..,.33 ...1 0 I 8 0 10 27 4 t IS 1 0 1-9 ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 h.Ji?, baS??: SJL0UX. CitY 7i Wichita, m.ilai0rilfefc 9iarkeJ 8mlth. White iBalrd, Nicholson. Two-base hit- Kan Stolen bases: Balrd. Kane")." Callahan: t "L . ocou, o in six innings; off Lambert. 3 In fhree Innlnirs. Dauhi. 0-0 0 0 0 Plays: Fltsslmmoni i to OHourke to! uiCAGO. Juno 11-Baltlmore and Chi Henry: Smith to Cooney to Kane. Struck cag0 blanked eah other In a double- S. VTi i vAjoney io itane. Btrucl out: By Klein. 1: hv Hmii k.. i pert. 3. Bases o nballs: By Klein. 3: by Soott. 3; by Lambert, jf W,ian P t3 Lambert. Time: l:5i. Umpire: Haskell? JAMES WALSH TRADED FOR OUTFIELDER DALY NEW YORK. June 14,-Presldent Far rell of the New York Americans an nounced tonight that he has traded Out fielder James Walsh of the Philadelphia. Athletics for Outfielder Peter Daley. Daley will play with the locals in De tr..t tomorrow while Walsh has been ordered to th Athletic in Chicago. Kid Lewi, -wins, SYDNEY. Australia, June 14,-Kld 1J'1i,,h,En,l'.',n Jeathr weight, de feLe.d V"8 Meaghan of Australia to- "hroughut had thfr b,Ur of the 'l8ht Btoumch Troubles Disappear V by using Electric Bitters. Best remedy for Uver and kidney. Indigestion, dys pepsia and all stomach troubles. Mo and tU Mi dnigffits.-Advertlsemcnt. THE BEE: Copyright, 1914, by International New Service. lit ioioo SUPERIOR WINS ON SUNDAY First Sabbath Battle on Home lot Results in Victory. THEISSINQ DOES THE WORK Outfielder' MlRhty Slick Clouts lit All linns Mnde by Home Team Doable I'lny Shatters Nor folk'n Chances (o Win. BUPEItlon, Neb... June 14. (Special Telecram.) Superior Avon Its first Sunday gamo on the home lot today when Thela. sing clouted out a homo run In the sec ond and drove two men homo on a two bagger in the seventh. A fast double play saved Superior In the last stanxiw Tho Superior firemen won an exhibition gamo with the league team from Court land, Kan., just provious to tho big com bat. The score. Norfolk. surEnion. AD.ll.O.A.E AD.II.O.AX. Daliw, lb... llrown m... i M.lktr, lb.. 4 UrUhL ct... t 1 OObt. 2b,... 0 1 1 udrar. 2b.... 2 1 OKtmcln. m.. 2 0 OL&nilrcth. rt I 0 0 llrown, cf... J 0 OThtlMlDK. It I 0 Olltiler. lb.. S t OOreene, c... 2 1 0Wcl4cm&n, p I lummy. If.. I Turpln. r(. . 2 Coblt, lb... S MuMr. o... 2 lllnche, p., l 0 12 0 0 0 ToltU ,...M 883 7 9 ToUli ....27 7 27 18 2 Kempln bunted third strike. Score by innings: Norfolk 0 0000010 0-1 Superior 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 Home run: Tholsslng. Three-base hits: Ramsey (2). Base hits: Thclsslng, Gray. Earned runs: Norfolk, lj Superior, 3. Bases on balls: Off Hlrsche, I; off Welde man, 1. Struck out: By Hlrsch, 8; by Weldeman, 5. Double plays: Greene to Kempln to Orecno, Kemplun to Gray to Begley. Sacrifice hit: Musser. Ttmo: 1:45. umpire: Qulgley. Islnnilern Lose to Hnstlnjfu. HASTINGS, Neb.. June 14.-By bunch ing hits In the second and sixth Innings Hastings today won over Orand Island, 3 to 0. Vanco pitched a steady game and wna given arrorless support which at times wan fast and furious. OltAND I8I.AND. . HASTINGS. AH.ll.O.A.K. AD.H.O.A.H natxn. 2b... WalUe. m. I 0nrhtold. rf 4 0 0 llldlrleh, m 4 0Mcb. If.. 4 OB.llrown. Sb, 4 Oottman, lb. 4 OlAnrown. c. 2 ltUttlckt. 2b 2 OVutI, p,,,. J IDennrtt. cf. 2 1 0 1 1 1 t 1 11 1 1 2 1 0 9 2 ryn. if... 4 Rchonorr. cf 2 Domr. rf.. 4 Vtnc. e I Winl. tb.... 2 CUIr, 2b,.... 4 rnnklln p. 2 ToUU 21 , 4 24 11 4 Tettli ...M 1 27 2 0 Score by Innings: Orand Island 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Hastings 0 ..1 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 Two-base hit Hellrlch. Sacrifice hits: Dazzle, Vance. Stolen bases: Gettman, Dazzle. Vance. Struck out: By Vance, 8: by Franklin. 2. Bases on balls: Off Vance, 3; off Franklin, 2. Double plays: Ward to Rohen to Clair, Wild pitch: Vance. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Black, llenlrlce Gel Game. BEATRICE. Neb., June 14.-(8peclal Tel jgram,) A smashing two-bagger by Neff in the eighth Inning, when the score was a tie, scoring a runner, won the gome for Beatrice from Columbus today by a score of 2 to 1. This was the third time In as many .days that Neffs hit won for Beatrice. It was a pitchers' battle be tweon "blx" McDonnell and Klrsuhner, a former momber of the Beatrice club. Co lumbus scored Its only run on an error. Ihe game was played at Wymore. a spe cial train being run to accommodate the local fans. The score: COLUMBUS. BBATiniCE. AB.1I.O.A.E. AD.ll.O.A.E. Drittrt, cf. . 4 I'tlmtr, Mi, 4 1'rUI. rf.. 4 Dm. ib..., 4 Aikmi 2b., 4 Crn. If Kranlnir, 3b 4 Nm. e 3 Klnchntr. p 2 0 2 0 OLIni. If 1 3 1 0 0 0 13 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 t o o 3 ODIiuk. e.... 2 0 0Nff. cf...,, 4 0 OOrlrt. n..,, 2 3 ODockwIti. lb 3 0 OFlorer. 2b.. 3 1 OMemrcx. rf . 3 1 ODnnnon. 3b 3 1 OM'Doq'cII p 8 01 Tpt ....33 ( 24 12 0 ToUU ....IT Jill 3 2 v-olumous ,.o 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 O-l 2 ucnince o o 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 0l Sftcrlc hits: Klrschner. Black (2.) 0 Two-baso hits: Bockewitz. Neff. Double 0 Play: Brannon to Oriet. Struck out: 0 By Klrschner, 3; by McDonnell, 7. Bases 2! on balls: Off Klrschner. 3; off McDon Oinell, 1. Passed ball: Black. Umrire: Meyers. Time: 1:4a , Indiants Bat Two Baker Hurlers for Eighteen Runs INDIANAPOLIS. June 14.-Indlanapolls hatted tho offerings of two nttsburgh Pitchers for eighteen hits today and won. 11 to 4. Moseley held the visitors runless until the seventh. Score. R.H.K. Pittsburgh . 000000 1 0 3-4 11 1 Indlananolls , 0 2 0 2 0 4 3 0 11 13 1 Batteries: Adams and Berry Kerr MJ9slyand Raridan. Warren- neaaer today, Chicago wlnninr the first. 4 to 0, and Baltimore the second. 2 to 0. A collision between Zelder of Chicago and Walsh ot Baltimore started argu ments among the players In the first game Into which Umpire Bush was drawn, and before the game waj ovor he had expelled Manager Knabe, Zlnn, Walsh, Doolan and Simmons. Score; uaiumoro ....0 0000000 00 6 0 ,VMivuiyu ......1 V I I 0 0 1 and OMli R.H.E. Jacklltsch; hirst game: Batteries: Wllhelm Schange and Wilson. Second game: Baltimore ....0 0 0 0 .Chicago 0 0 0 0 R.II.E. 3 0 0 0 0-3 7 0 u u v u o-o 4 i FuS'Blg" " n"WUi WUOn' SEWELL OFFERS PRIZE FOR MASHIE CHAMPIONSHIP Ernest Sweet has offered a prise for the mashle championship of the Field olub. Tho golfers will pitch 100 yards with their mashtea and whoever comes nearest the hole three times will be de- dared the winner of the prise. OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE I 1 I -w I Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE. W.L.PCL NAT'L. LEAGUE. W.L.PcL New York... 27 17 .614 Cincinnati .29 22 .569 Pittsburgh ..23 23 .500 Chicago 25 26 .490 Brooklyn ...20 25 .441 SL Louts. .. .27 2C .609 Phlla 22 23 . 481 Boston 17 28 . 378 FED. LEAGUE. W.L.Pct. Baltimore ..25 18 .581 Buffalo 24 20 .545 Chicago ....26 22 .542 Brooklyn ...21 22 .512 Indlanapolls.23 23 .500 Pittsburgh 21 25 .457 St. Loul 24 28 .462 Kan. City.. .23 29 . 412 AMER. ASS'N. W.UPct. Milwaukee .28 21 .571 lndlananolls.29 26 .527 Denver 31 19 .630 Sioux City. .31 31 .590 St. Joseph. .28 23 .543 Des Moines. 2 24 .520 Lincoln 27 76 ,m Omaha 21 27 . 438, Wichita ....25 30 .4(0 Topeka 16 35 .314 AMBR, LEAGUE. W.L.Pct. Phlla 30 18 ,625 Washl'irton.28 19 .596 Detroit ....30 23 .5061 HL lvOUlS....a Zi ,bOU Boston 25 24 .510 Chicago ....23 26 . 469 New York. .18 29 .7X3 Cleveland ..14 35 .2861 STATE LEAGUE. W.UPct Hastings ..19 9 .679 Or. Island. .18 11 .621! York 17 12 ,586 Louisville ..28 25 .528 ueatrlce ...18 ll .563 Kan. City.. .29 28 .509 Columbus ..27 28 .491 Cleveland ..27 27 .600 Minneapolis. 21 27 .460 Superior ...16 15 .516 Columbus .14 15 .433 Norfolk .... 9 18 .333 Kearney ... 6 23 .207 BL Paul 21 M .412 Yesterdny's jicvsnlts. WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha, 3; Lincoln, 6. Sioux City, 9: Wichita. 0. Des Moines, 2, 5; Topeka, 0, 12. St. Joseph, 4; Denver. 2. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Washington, 0; Cleveland, 4. New York, 1; Detroit, 3. Boston, 10; St. Louis, 1. Philadelphia, 8: "Chicago, 3. NATIONAL LEAGUE. No games scheduled. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus, 0; Kansas City, 3. Cleveland, 2, 2: Milwaukee. 0, 0. Indianapolis, 16, 0; Minneapolis, 4, 2. Louisville. 1, 5: SL Paul, 0, L STATE LEAGUE. Kearney, York; postponed; rain. Norfolk. 1; Superior, 3. Columbus, 1; Beatrice. 2. Grand Island. 0; Hastings, 3. Gnmea Today, Western League Omaha at Lincoln. Sioux City at Wichita, Des Moines at Topeka. American League Philadelphia at Chi cago, Boston at St Louis. New York at Detroit, Washington at Cleveland. National League Chicago at Boston. Cincinnati at Brooklyn, Pittsburgh at N2.w.Yofk' 8t- o"1" at Philadelphia. Federal League Brooklyn at Kansas City. Buffalo at St. Louis, Baltimore at Chicago. Pittsburgh at Indianapolis. American Association Columbus at Kansas City. Cleveland at Milwaukee. In dianapolis at Minneapolis. Louisville nt St. Paul. Btato League Kearney at York, Nor folk at Superior, Columbus at Beatrice. Grand Island at Hastings. Schinstook Strings Out for Campaign WEST POINT, Neb.. June 13.-(Spe-clal.) The headllners In the Schlnstock string of horses were shipped to Liberty Vtlle, 111., yesterday, where thev will n given their finishing touches over a mile track for the grand circuit races. Llber tyvlllo Is a suburb of Chicago and the horses will be kept there until they go to Cleveland, O., for the opening races on July 20. Roy Owen, the crack trainer and driver, will be In charge and he la confident that West Point will be strictly on the map in the big speed events. In tho string are: Tommy Horn, tmtlar. 2:07i4; Glen Onward, trotter, ?:14K; Shade line, pacer, 2:08; Lost-at-Law, pacer, 2:06Vi. rrom Cleveland they go successively to Detroit. Grand Ranida Mich.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Fort Erie and oyracuse. n, Y.; Detroit, Columbus, o.; Lexington. Ky.; Dallas. Tex., and Phoenix, Ariz. The Schlnstock second trlnir nf r.r. will be driven thl Ronin of Fremont, over the Nebraska and other speed circuits. Included in this string are: Sandhill Pete, a green pacer of much promise: Lor a n,iu, . 2:15 trotter, and Anton Psota, a 2:30 irowcr. These horses are all in the pink of condition and, with Ronin up. they are expected to give a good account of themselves. SHAMROCKS EASILY BEAT OMAHA RUBBER COMPANY The Simmon's Shamrock tnnv k. Omaha Rubber Co. team in to comp Sun day to the tune of 8 to 1. Jackson was on me mound for the Shamrocks and played with the Rubber men while Mc- urain was hit freely. Score- SiUMAOCKS. OM. RUBBER CO. cum.. n..Ti7o.KH,. ....Ti . ii ilssaiss. lb i 1 I i ow,Sa Ii..?! J 0 1 0 1 x . . i uoDcr. rr... 4 0 0 0 0 Jirkmnn. t i 1 ft a. ..v. i . - 7 r r r" Z towusiK ftB , ally Knott, rt... t I 0 0 OMcOnuk. p.. 1 i 0 Rubber Co OOiooooo 0-1 DnamrocKs o 2 3 0 0 1 3 0 -S Twobaae hits: Yost Kasner (J). Swatshl. J. McDermot. Double plays: Clemmons to Kasner. Celmmons to Han- nlffan tn Wrmr Irf... A v s, n. out: By Jackson, 8; by McOrath. I .n ftilfv 6tt. Json. J, off Mo n uy puencq pan; Knotts. Loomls AVIim Game. Loomls won from Bertrand for the third straight time here yesterday. The score game and was backrH hv rmri. Port Score: ti.it v- Bertrand ...00010000 01 6 4 Loomls ...... 00210301 -l 18 0 Batteries: Loomls. Masters and Alm qulst; Bertrand. Bhockley and Denbo. Umpire; Seeman. 15, 1914. Drawn for EUick Tops List of Qualifyers for Wellman Golf Cup A field of eighty players took part In the qualifying round at medal play at the Happy Hollow club for the cud presented by E. M. Wellman. The lowest sixteen net scores qualified for the match play, with the result that four players tied for the fifteenth and sixteenth olaces and will play off the tie during the coming week: . , , Gross. Hdcp. Net. F. I. Elllck 88 12 76 J. W. Parish 99 16 83 W. O. Shriver 98 14 84 W. E. Shepard, Jr 92 8 84 W. W. Buchanan 9S 14 84 Bryce Crawford 104 18 S6 E. T. Manning 94 8 86 T. W. Austin 98 12 86 A. P. Murtagh 96 10 86 B. H. Mello 100 14 S6 T. H. McCague Ill 24 87 Guy Liggett 100 12 k8 Kenneth Rcod 88 .. S8 J. M. Gilchrist 104 16 88 James Burness 107 IS 89 J. W. Robbln 105 16 S9 W. C. Lyle 109 20 89 R. M. Lavcrty...... 105 16 83 The following are the pairings for same with handicaps: F. I. Elllck (12) against B. H. Mello (14). W. G. Shriver (14) against J. M. Gil christ (16). Bryco Crawford (18) plays winner of tie. W. E. Shepard, Jr. (8) against T. II. Mc Cague (24). J. W. Parish (16) against T. W. Aus tin (12). A. P. Murtagh (10) against K. F. Reed (scratch). E. T. Manning (8) plays second low man In tie. W. W. Buchanan (14) against Guy Lig gett (12). Christie Turns in High Score Against Field Cluh Bogey B. W. Cjirlstte turned in tho highest score In the qualifying round of the match play against bogey for the club tup and the O. D. Klptlnger prize at the Field club Saturday afternoon. With his handicap he was eight up on bogey. It has been announced that entries for tho Brandels prize, match to be held on July 4. must be turned In by June 23. This is one of the big matches of the year and special handicaps will be pre pared. Those qualifying for the club cup are: B. W. Christie M. H. LaDouceur .. C. W. Richards E. E. Brando F. T. Wearne M. I. Swartz S. W. Reynolds ... E. K. Buck P. Wcrnher J. W. Hughs William Chambers I. J. Dunn J. A. McShane J. B. Fradenburg C. T. Montgomery R. W. Morrison O. J. Bauman Jl. II. Beauchamp... W. E. Palmatler ... Guy Beckett . 8 up , 4 up 3 up . 3 up , 2 up , 2 up . 2 up , 2 up i 2 up , 1 up 1 up . even . even . even . 1 down . 2 down 2 down . 2 down . 2 down , 2 down u. javelle Z down E. Sweet 2 Mown K. AND M. TEAM WINS FROM C0LUMBIAS The Kennedy-McCreag team defeated the Company B Columblas at Chris Lynch park by the score of 10 to 2, In a six Inning game. The features ot the game were the pitching of Elsenhart and tho batting of the Kennedy-McCreag team. Under the management of Cy Young the Kennedy-McCreag team has won ev ery game this season. The Kennedy-McCreags play the Store next Sunday at Lynch park. The score: KBN. & M'OREXRY. C. D. COLUMBIAN. , . AB.H.O.A.E. AB.ILO.A.E. rit i. Sb. 4 1 I t OUntb.n. cf. 3 1 2 0 1 Collin. Sill iBurfe. lb... t 1 4 1 0 llaua, lb... 4 111 lrwch. m.. 3 1 1 1 1 MorUrtr. rt t 1 1 0 0Cln I l l J l Yimlir. lb... 4 0 S 0 OHIutlM. e... 10 10 0 BpeHmaa, l( I 1 0 0 OCrao. ib... , t 0 1 1 1 Kennedy, elite ICIincr. ct... 1 0 4 0 0 Eu third t. p 4 1 1 0 lBbammtl. rf 1 1 1 0 0 Mullen, ct. . 1 0 0 OChrliUun, p 1 0 1 0 1 TpUU , . . 13 11 Tl "l "7 TtXJ. . n II Bases on balls: Off Christon. 1; off Elsenhart. 2. Struck out: By Christen. 1; by Elsenhart, 8. Detroit Wlna Game. DETROIT, June 14.-After starting the rally in the eighth with a double which gave New York Its only run. Caldwell went to pieces today and Detroit took advantage of his wlldness to count three tallies In Its half of tho eighth and won, 3 to 1. Neither team scored except In the eighth and up to that Inning the game was a pitchers battle between Caldwell and Hall with the honors even. Score; NEW YOHK. DETROIT. AB.1I.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Boon, lb. 10 10 OBuah. 3 0 4 4 1 Tnxod&U, lb 4 0 1 1 tMorttxir. lb 1 1 0 10 Peknphc 4 1 1 3 OCobb. cf...4 110 0 lUrtMii. rt l i l o o Crwford. rt l l l o o uook. ci i i o ivtlcli ir... 4 1 1 0 0 plT. It.. 110 0 OKar-nsh. lb 4 0 1 7 1 Sveentr, c. 1 0 4 1 ollurna. lb. ... I 0 11 1 e Oouatt. e . . 0 0 0 0 onunit. .. 1 0 t 1 0 WlllUm lbl 1 7 1 0H.11. p...... 1 0 1 0 Kunamkr, lb 1 0 1 0 S'Hljh 0 0 0 0 Caldwell, (.4101 ODubue, pi.. 0 0 0 0 0 Holdeo ....1 0 0 0 0 , Total! ....11 I 17 II a Total ....It 14 10 1 Batted for Gossett In ninth. Batted for Hall In eighth. New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 Detroit , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 CtrnoltKhton Wins from Dloomrield. CREIGHTONS Neb., June 14.-(Speclal Telegram.) Crelghton defeated Bloom field by a score of 3 to 2 In a fast played game of eleven Innings. Score- R.H.F Bloomfleld ...... 00 1 01 000 00-3 H Crelghton ....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 13 6 2 Batteries- Crelghton. Dunaway and Loaure; Bloomfleld, Stewart and Kloke. The Bee by, George McManus UNIVERSITY HIGH IS WINNER Victor in Thirteenth Annual Inter scholastic Games at Windy City. HUNDRED SCHOOLS COMPETING Sam Butler, Fast Little Negro from Hutchinson, Kas., Proves the Individual Sensntlon ' of Day. CHICAGO. June 14Unlverslty High school of Chicago yesterday won the thir teenth annual Intcrscholastlc games nt tho University of Chicago, defeating a field of 100 schools from seventeen states. The local school won because of the su periority of Its sprinters, who scored 14 of the 27 points won. Sam Butler, the fast little negro from Hutchinson, Kan., was the sensation of the meet. The 14V4 points credited his school were made by him. with the ex ception of the fraction. He won the 100 yard dash, the broad Jump and was sec ond In tho 220 sprint. His performance made him the Individual point winner. The Blxth of a a point was made by his only teammate, who shared last place In the vault with five others. Hustcd of Washington High school, Roodhouse, 111., put his school In third place by scoring twelve points In the weights. He won the discus, was second in the hammer throw and third In the shot put. Freeport, 111., was fourth with 10, and Hector, Minn., fifth with 9. Bennington Blanked By Blair in Mound Duel, Two to Nothing BLAIR, Neb.. June 14. (Special Tele gram.) Blair shut out Bennington hero today In a pitchers' battle betwen Wolff and Peterson, by a score of 2 to 0. Wolff pitched a great game, allowing the fast Bennington team but five hits and was especially strong with men on bases, striking out the heaviest batters, Wolff struck out thirteen men and Peterson ten. A feature of the game was a catch of Second Baseman Kingdom, who went up in the air and pulled down a line drive oft Krause'a bat that would have scored two men had It went for a hit. eBtween 600 and 600 people witnessed the game. Score: BENNINGTON. BLAIR. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Ottoe. m.... 4 110 OCooke. lb... 4 2 0 0 Kingdom, lb 4 0 3 1 lUurcham. a 1 p 1 0 0 Mangold, c. 4 1 10 2 OStowe. lb... 4 10 10 eterson. p.. 4 1 0 1 OKraun. c... 1 1 12 1 0 Wajcner. lb. 3 17 0 OWoltt. P 4 12 2 0 Dreraen. lb.. 4 0 12 ZKoeppen, 2b. 1 0 1 2 1 Rlnntead. It 4 1 1 0 0 Jensen, rt.. 2 0 0 0 0 Turen ct,... 2 0 10 OFltcta. rt.... 1 0 0 0 0 Decker, rt... 1 0 0 0 Oltoblnion. ct 2 1 0 1 0 Strove. If... 2 0 3 1 0 Total ....21 IK I I Totala ....r7 27 12 1 Bennington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Blair 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 Stolen bases: Cooke (2). Stowe. Krause (2), Ottoe. Double plays: Kingdom to Wagner, Drevesen to Wagner. Left on bases: Blair, 6: Bennington, 7. Struck out: By Wolff, 13; by Peterson. 10. Bases on balls: Off Wolff. 2; off Peterson, 4. Sacrllce hits. Koeppen. Decker. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Jensen and Paulsen. Scorer ;Kellv. .Valentines Defeat Alamito Dairy Team In a seven-Inning errorless game at Fort Omaha the F. M. Valentines de feated the Alamltoes by a score of 5 lo 2. Both aCrter of the Alamltoes and "Ask" Grant of the Valentines were wild, though Grant settled down in pinches while Carter allowed hits when they were needed. Score: F. M. VALENTINES. ALAMITO E8. AU.H.O.A.K. AD.ll.O.A.E. Unnr. rf.. 1 1 1 OPIckett. 2b.. 2 Feltman. lb 1 0 10 Wlnaon. cf. . 3 1 3 Oarmodr. 3b 1 0 1 Flanagan, aa 3 3 0 Hamilton, lb 1 0 1 Tlrak. If.... 3 0 0 Bandou, e... 3 0 4 Grant, p.... 2 0 0 0 OProbat. 2 1 OMurraj, cf. 1 0 OJ.Suter. lb. 1 0 OO.Suter. rt. 3 1 OSegelberg. If 2 0 OLukei. lb... 2 OSpellman. c. 2 OCarter, p.... 2 1 Toteti ....23 3 11 'Totala ....It ( 18 0 Two-base hits: Flanagan. Spellman. Struck out: By Grant. 4: by Carter, 1. Bases on balls: Off Grant 3; off Carter, 2. Double play: Williamson to Feltman. Sacrifice hits: Probst, Murray. Hamil ton. Stolen bases: Carmodv, Flanaican. Ylrlk, Pickett. Batteries: F. M. Valen tines, Grant and Sandan; Alamltoes, Carter and Spellman. RANDOLPH L0SSE HURLING BATTLE TO PIERCE TEAM RANDOLPH, Neb.. June 14.-(Speclal Telegram.) Randolph accorded Courtney poor support and lost a pitchers duel to Pierce. Sharp fielding by the Pierce In field featured. Score: R.H.E. IPiedee 00100100 02 3 1 Randolph .... 00000000024 I Struck out: By Bush. 10; by Court ney. 9. First base on errors: Pierce, 2. Left on bases: Pierce, S; Randolph, 4. Stolen base; Rondeau. Bases on balls: Oft Courtney. 6; oft Bush. 1. Batteries: Pierce. Bush and Prefke; Randolph, Courtney and Tift Umpire: Pape. SIMPSON TURNS IN GOOD SCORES AT COUNTRY CLUB George Simpson, professional at the Country club, Is rounding back into the old-time form. Simpson did the Country club course in 73 Friday and then turned around Saturday and went that mark two better, scoring a 71. The regular par tor this course is 73 and bogey la SO. 4REAT HEAVEN' MR JKcJS YOUBfE t WORSE- STORZ DIVIDE DOUBLE BILL Leland Giants Cop First Combat, but Lose the Second. SANDERS WINS THE VICTORY New Stors Twlrler Holds Crock Ncjito Tram to Five Scattered Hits nml Wins Second Battle. The Leland Giants of Chicago, reputed as one of the star negro, teams of .tho country, made their appearance at Rourke park Sunday, dividing a double bill with the Storr. The results of tho bargain attraction were 11 to 4 In the visitors' favor In the first conflict,, while the Store copped the second contest by a 7 to 2 final. Crawford, who, will be remembered ns having pitched two games In two days against the Store last .season, was very effective, and Bradford's athletes were unable to cope with his delivery until the ninth, when it was of no avail. Tho colored boys made their hits count off Olsen and he was subsequently removed. In the second game the Brewers strolled out with fire In their eyes and with San ders In the box proceeded to salt tho game away with very little effort. Buford was easy for the Store and added to that his mates seemed to havo lost all their energy that was noticeable In the first game. Sanders held the Giants to five hits and was never tn danger. Score: STORZ. GIANTS. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Durkee. 3b.. 1 0 0 1 OMoniran. Sb.. 4 110 1 Falconer, cf 2 12 0 OWInaton. !(.. 1 0 4 0 0 Graham. 2b. 4 1 1 1 OJennlnita, !b. I 1 11 0 Welch, rt... 3 1 2 0 OMcAdoo. lb. 8 3 7 0 O Lawler. 4 2 2 5 lPate. ct 6 2 10 1 Feltman. ct. 4 0 ! 0 0 Green, rf... 5 5 0 0 0 Dyc, lb.... 4 111 0 lStrothera. c6 1 7 0 0 Hachten e. 4 0 t 0 eToney, ai... 4 0 16 0 Oleon, p.... 3 112 0 Crawford, p 2 1 0 2 0 McGulre. p. 00010 Totala ....3D IS 27 11 2 Totala ....32 7 27 10 2 Giants 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 5 U Store 0 00001003-4 Two-base hits: McAdoo (2). Green (2), Jennings (2), Olson. Welch, Lawler. Struck out: By Crawford, 7: by Olson, 3; by McGulre. 1. Bases on balls: Off Craw ford, 3; off Olson, 1; off McGulre, 1. Double plays: Crawford to Jennings to McAdoo; Toney to McAdoo, Toney to Jennings to McAdoo, Lawler to Dych. Hits: Off Olson, 9 In eight innings. Stolen bases: McAdoo, Pate. Second game: STOHZ. OIANT3. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Durkee, Sb.. 2 0 0 1 lMonran. Sb. 4 0 1 1 0 Falconer, tt 4 0 2 0 OWInaton. If. 4 0 2 0 0 Graham, 2b. t 2 1 2 OJennlnxi. ib 3 0 0 S 0 Welch, rf... 2 2 4 0 OMcAdoo. Ib 4 2 13 1 0 Lawler. M.. 3 1 0 1 OPate. rt 4 2 3 0 0 Feltman. If. 4 1 1 0 OGreen. cf.... 4 1 1 0 0 Drck. lb.... 4 0 10 OBelaen, c... 3 0 10 0 Clalr c 4 2 11 1 OTnney. ... 3 0 3 0 1 Sanders, p... 3 10 2 OBuford. p... 3 0 0 4 0 Totala ....11 9 27 7 "l Total 32 1 24 IT "l Giants I..0 1 O 1 0 0 0 0 0-2 Store 1 0 1 1 1 3 0 0 -7 Two-base hit: Welch. Three-base hit: Graham. Struck out: Bv Sanders, 11: by Buford, 1. Basei on balls. Off Buford, 2; off Ssnders, 1. Stolen bases: Welch, Dur kee. Graham. Sacrifice fly: Welch. Wild pitch: Sanders. Umpire: Clark. Battle Creek Team in Winning Form BATTLE .CREEK. Neb., June 14. (Spe cial. Battle Creek won from Oakdale at Oakdale. Score: Battle Creek 31 0 0 2 0 0 1 0-7 Oakdale 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0-4 Batteries: Battle Creek, Rouse and Scott; Oakdale, Ray and Copcnhagan. Hits: Off Rouse. 5; off Ray, 10. This was the first game for Oakdale and they showed lack of team wor. I Pierce, was also defeated. Score: (Battle Creek 00010001 0-3 ! Pl.ro. AAAAAAAA A A Errors: Battle Creek. 2; Pierce, 1. Batteries: Battle Creek. Ulrlch and Scott; Pierce. Denton. Mauke and Prefko. Hits: Off Ulrlch, 2; off Denton. 3 In five Innings: off Mauke, 3 In four Innings. Umpire: Neighbors of Pierce. Game played at Pierce. 1 American Asorlntlon Resnlts. At Milwaukee First came: TLH.Ti Milwaukee ', 0 2 3 ! Cleveland 2 7 0 Batteries: Young, Braun and Hughes; Kahler and Devoght. Second Game R.H.E. Milwaukee 0 0 3 Cleveland 2 0 4 Batteries: Hovllk and Hughes; Bren ton and Devoght. At Kansas City R.H.E. Columbus 0 2 1 Kansas City , 3 5 3 Batteries: Humphries and Smith; Gal lia and Geibel. At Minneapolis First game: R.H.E. Indianapolis 16 17 0 Minneapolis 4 12 S Batteries: Flene. Chase, Rodneau and Smith; Wlllla and Livingstone. Second Game- Minneapolis 2 10 0 j Indianapolis 0 4 3 Batteries: Burns, Lake and Rodneau: I Burke and Blackburn. ! At St. Paul First game: RiH.E Ht, Paul , 0 3 1 Louisville 13 1 Batteries: Hall and Glenn; Loudermllk and Severoid. Second Game r it -p. St. Paul , .iii Louisville 5 6 0 Batteries: Hooper. Gardner. Works and James; Northrup and Clemons. tdSmlth. .. xzT..H vbgkqj J Golnor lo the "atortra" Tonlsrhtt If you want to know In advance what pictures are going to be shown at your favorite theater tonight, read "Todaya Complete Movie Programs" on the first want ad page. Complete programs o practically every moving picture theater. In OraafcA appear EXCLUSIVELY 1 Tbe Bee