Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1914, PART THREE WANT AD SECTION, Page 5-C, Image 35

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KEAIj estate
city imiopehty von sale.
city rnnpEHTY von SALE.
city rnoPEiiTY rou bale.
PIIOPKIITY for f.i.n.
nioruiiTV Fort salt.
i 1
Beautifully Located
Near Omaha Country Club grounds and a
short distance south of beautiful new Fonte
nelle Park which will bo opened July 4th.
MODERN CONVBNIENCES-Cnr line, water, gas,
trees, cement walks, permanent grades, beautifully ter
raced lots; protected by building restrictions. No
city taxes to pay.
Buy Now,
Build Later
Let Us Show You This Addition.
Take a Benson car to 49th and Military Avenue.
Salesmen on the ground today.
Bankers Realty Investment Company
Glover & Spain
Ground Floor Omaha Bee Bldg.
Phono Doug. 2926.
Let Us
For You
For An In
vestment and make your money earn at least
We have several good locations where
we can buitd brick flat buildings or apart
ment houses, where your money will
bring at least 10 PER CENT NET. and
where It will only take about J2.000 to
handle the deal. ,.
There la no better permanent Invest
ment where you can get the equal amount
ot Interest on your money, than In brick
buildings well located. See us about It as
soon as possible.
Hastings & Heyden
Acre and Bungalow
$1,000 Cash,
$25 Month
Near Miller Park, on hill overlooking
the lake Is a bungalow that was built
for a home out of the beat material;
nicely arranged and decorated with fire
place and mantle. Large floored attic,
where three nice rooms could be finished.
Full basement, good furnace. This bun
galow Is located on a nice aero covered
with apple, plum and cherry trees, grapefl,
strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and
currants. All kinds of flowers and shrub
bery. Chicken house; good well, cistern.
All fenced. Near car.
American Security Co.
37th and Douglas fits. Douglas 10L1.
1614 Harney St.
New 7 R. Home
934 So. 38th Ave.
This new. 7-room house on the north
west corner of 38th Ave. and Mason St.,
should be seen to be appreciated. Situ
ated on a large corner lot, with room
enough to build nnother house on the
rear. Only two blocks from the car line;
15 minutes ride from the business cen
ter; paved street; in good neighborhood.
This house has reception hall, living
room, dining room and kitchen on the
first floor; finished In oak, excepting the
kitchen; second floor has three large bed
rooms, sleeping porch and sun parlor
combined. All floors on first and second
stories are oak; all rooms are nicely dec
orated. Fine bath room with highest
class plumbing fixtures. Small payment
down, balance like rent.
Hastings & Heyden
16H Harney St.
Bemis Park
Beautiful Bungalow
The best built and most attractive little
home In Omaha. Five large rooms and
bath. Fine oak woodwork; oak floors In
every room. Rullt-ln bookcases and large
buffet, also convenient kitchen cabinet.
Sand finished walls tinted In dainty
colors. The basement Is a marvel of con
, venlence. Large attic reached by roomy
stairs. South front lot. 40x135. on paved
street. Only two blocks from Harney car
line. Part cash, balance monthly.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 153. 20S-10-12-14 Stata Bank Bldg.
New 5 Room
All modern except heat; full base
ment; gas heater Installed; living
and dining room finished In oak;
floored attic; paved street, all paid;
' this Is a good buy. Price J2.350.
Payments If you wish.
Traver Bros., 705 Omaha Nat 'I
Bank Bldg.
Tels.: Tied 4721. Sunday. Web. 4835.
2204 Wirt Street
84x124 Feet
Thli 7-room, all modern home offered
for sale for the first time; owner la leav
ing city and will sell this as a -whole or
will sell one lot and the house for $5,5fio.
If you want one of the tx-st homes in
Kountze place do not fall to make ar
rangements to look at this property. The
houso Is complete In every detail and
very finely finished.
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney St.
6-Room Home in
Kountze Place
To Be Sold
This Week
Owner of J003 Spencor street has In
structed us to sell this deslrablo home,
located In the best part of the addition;
has first-class surroundings. This house
is built of the very best material through
out, has quarter-sawed oak finish in the
entry hall, living room and dining room;
has first-class plumbing and boating
throughout; Is well arranged; has garage
large enough for two cars. Will be sold
on reasonable payment down, balance
about the same as rent. Will bo pleased
to show It to you any time. Price has
been cut way down for quick sale.
Hastings & Heyden
16H Harney St.
Unison Ileal Kstute for Hole.
Benson Home
3 Lots
Fine new,, square. 3-r., ontlrely modern
east front garage, cement floor, barn at
tached, chicken houso, shrubbery, Im
provements on center of ground, leaving
one lot on each side of house; J8.0W for
all; lets for house with one lot; iili cash,
balance monthly.
1016 Omaha Nat'l. Doug. 2715,
Evonlngs or Sunday: II. 333 or II. BlSi.
For Quick Sale
Terms to Suit.
Seven-room strictly modern house, wth
large parlor extending across the entire
front of the house; nicely finished In oak.
colonnade opening between Parlor and
dining room; large kitchen, pantry, .-e-frlgerator
room; .front and back stair
way leading up to four nice bedrooms
and bath. Full cemented basement, good
furnace; outside cellarway; cement walks;
good neighborhood; near car.
American Security Co.
Scaled proposals will be received, by the
City Clerk of the City ot Stanton. Ne
braska, for the construction of an out
let for a sanitary sower system lor tho
City of Stanton, Ncbruska.
The said outlet to consist of approxi
mately Three Thousand Three Hundred
Forty-Five (3,345) lineal feet of Eighteen
(IS) Inch vitrified sewer pipe; Six Hun
dred Sixty-two (GR2) lineal feet of Ten
(10) inch vltrlllea sewer pipe ana six (6)
Said proposals to be received at the of
fice of the City Clerk until 8 o'clock p.
m. ot the 14th day ot July, 1914. Each
proposal to bo accompanied by a certi
fied .check for Five Hundred Dollara
(JCOXC0) on some bank of the City ot
Stanton, Nebraska.
Plana and speclltcatlons on file at the
office of tho City Clerk.
Dated June 10th. 1914.
FRANK A. RAAHE, City Clerk.
Brick and Stucco House, $6,500
4S21 DODGE ST.. DUNDEE. This vory attrnctlvo Dundee homo of
fered at this exceptionally low figure, nnd must bo sold within the next ten
da)B. On first floor there is a large living room with extra large old-fashioned
flreplaco, large dining room, both of thoso rooms having beamed ceil
ings, complete kitchen with built-in cupboards, breakfast room, and den
with French doors to living room. On tho second floor, 4 dandy good bed
rooms and slooplng porch, tile bath room. First floor quarter-sawed onk
finish, second floor whito enamel, and all rooms nicely docoratod. Paving
taxes paid In full. Must have $2,500 cash. Owner selling on account of
sickness. This Is really a $7,500 property, and you will sure llho It.
New Brick House, $9,500
Very attractive now houso noaring completion at C2d and Cass sts
overlooking Happy Hollow and tho Doulovard; strictly up-to-date In every
way, and un idoal homo In a restricted district. First floor large living
room with flreplaco, dining room, kitchen and sun room, tile vestibule
cntranco; second floor, 4 nice bedrooms and Bleeping porch, tllo bath
room with built in fixtures; third floor, maid's room, bath room nnd stor
age room. This house 1b heatod by tho Warron Webstor Vapor Heating
System, and tho construction and finish and arrangement aro of tho very
best, and tho location hard tobeat. $1,50Q cash will handle. Look ut this
houso today.
Glover & Spain
lith and Douglas 8ts.
DouEias M13."
Good Homes
$1,200. Low Prices.
2906 Charles St, 4-room house, 40 foot
lot. J1.20O.
290.1 Charles St., 6-room house, 67 foot
lot. 11,600.
These houses haVe water, sewer, etc.
Are In first-class condition. They are
very cheap at tho prices. You can pay
$100 down on either and the balanco like
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1836, fl)8-10-12-H State Bank Bid.'
8 Rooms
On 2ith street, between Harney street
and Dewey avenue. If you are looking
for something within walking distance in
a desirable neighborhood, where land
values are steadily increasing, do not fail
to look at this fine property. We will
be glad to show It to you and convince
you that It la the best buy in the city;
street Improvements all paid; good garage
in rear of lot.
Hastings & Heyden
16H Harney."
Cottage & 2 Acres
Right In Benson: cement walks to
street car; electric lights; city water, gas.
Jandy large, new 6-room cottage, large
barn and chicken houses; plenty of fruit
and acre In alfalfa. It's worth more than
W.2M, but owner gone to California
and has to sell.
Douglas 17E1. Wars Block.
GROnafi O. WALLACE removed from
Brown block, where located twenty-five
years, to 610-12-14 State Bank Bldg.
Feed Lot Bargain
6 Acres
Ad.'oins V. P. R. R. at 51st St. on Lane
cut-off; good land; slightly rolling; worth.; nonresident owner must realize.
The Byron Reed Co
Tel. Douglas 297.
212 S. 17th St.
$300 Down
Balance J25 each month, will buy the
new bungalow at 4228 Wirt St., all mod
ern except furnace, but Is all piped for
same; rooms are finished In oak, birch
and maple, with tiled bath; nice lawn.
This is less than two blocks from Deaf
Institute car. Price only J 2, 600. Immedi
ate possession.
P. J. Tebbens & Co.
760 Omaha National Bank.
Phone D. 2182.
Cheap Lots Close
To Car and School
We are offering several well located
lots, only a few blocks to 42d Ave. school
and Grand Ave. car line for 1175 to I19S"
each, on terms of V down and 5 a month.
See us about tnem.
Eine Bargain
A new S-room, modern riouse; oak fin
ish downstairs; corner lot, paved street,
2 blocks to car; fine neighborhood. You
can buy this at a bargain If you wilt see
us at once.
P. J. Tebbens Co.
7C0 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone D. 2U2.
ON SMALL monthly payments. One 4
and one 6-room house, walking distance.
Telephone Web.ter7&54.
SNAP 6-room" house, modern except
heat, corner lot, streets paved, terms.,
Watussl Tribe Jumper Clrnr n Dnr
nt KlRbt Kert Five
I noli en.
A line, which could be raised or low
ered at will, was stretched between two
slender trees Btandlng on an Incline. The
athletes had to run up to this and Jump
from a small termite heap a foot In
height. Despite these unfavorable con
ditions, exhibitions were given which
would placo all European efforts In the
shade. The best Jumpers slender, but
splendid figures, with an almost Indian
j profile attained the Incredible height of
olght feet and five Inches, and the young
boys made the relatively no less wonder
ful performance of five feet. -
A number of young Watussl of Ger
man East Africa exhibited their remark
able skill In Javelin throwing. Taking
a run of ten steps, bending backward al
most to tho ground, they hurled their
Javelins up to almost prodigious heights,
and with such Impetus that two ot the
spear shafts broke In the air from the
vibration. It wan the same with the
shooting matches with bow and arrow,
In which the trunk of a banana tree was
used for the butt. Groat strength Is re
quired to bend the bow correctly, and to
draw it to Its fullest extent long years
of practice are necessary.
"Ruana Is doubtless with the excep
tion of Urandt. the last sultanate Or
'kingdom' In Central Africa which Is gov
erned today, as In centuries gono by,, by
a prince clothed with absolute and Illim
itable powers. There Is only one ruler,
and no rival sult:ss are allowed. The
people hold him In the greatest awe and
reverence. It Is extremely raro for any
one to venture to thwart his will, for the
sultan is tho owner of the land and all
the stock, oxen, calves, goats, pigs, etc.
The people enjoy the use of them, but
the sultan retains the power of demand
ing at his pleasure the teturn of his
property from his subjects. The popula
tion Is divided Into three classes, the
Watussl, the Wahutu and the Batwa.
The later arrived yet ruling race, the
Watussl, are a tall, well made people,
with an almost Ideal physique. Heights
of from five feet eleven and a half Inches
to seven feet two and a half Inches are
of quite common occurrence, yet the per
fect proportion of their bodies Is In no
wise detracted from. While the shoul
ders aro generally powerfully built, the
waist Is at all times extraordinarily
slender. The hands are elegant and deli
cate In form, the wrists of an almost
feminine grace. Raana's population has
been estimated at 1,500,000."
The pygmies are compact and strong
In build, very muscular, with round
heads and short, curly hair. Big, Intelli
gent eyea gaze out ot good humored
faces. Their clothing consists of an
apron of gray, woolly, beaten bark,
whioh Is obtained from the supa tree,
fastened round the loins with a belt ot
grass cord. Their place of residence
changes according to their whim or hunt
ing conditions, but is nover to be found
outside the forest boundary. Their weap
ons consist of a bow and arrow and a
short spear Na(Iona) Geographic Mag
Pennsylvania Womnn, Unafraid,
UttlUt-a Klre From UottcU
of Kurth.
That the mine tire which has raged be
neath the Belmont section or Carbondale,
Pa., the last ten years has Its advantages
for tho residents was discovered by
motlou-plcturu photographer, taking pic
tures In the tire district fot reproduction
on "movlo" screens througnout 40
Many of tho property owners have
cloaod their homes and removed to other
sections of the city to wait for the fire
to burn itself out or to be extinguished
but a few ot those who remain are mak
ing tho best ot conditions.
The moving picture men found ous
woman who utilises the mine fire In bak
ing potatoen and other vegetables. She
simply drops the "spuds" Into a crevice In
her back yard, leaves them there about
an hour, and takes them out as thov
oughly baked as It they had reposed In
the oven of her kitchen range.
Explaining her discovery, the house
wife said sho seldom keeps a fire In her
kitchen through the summer. In an
emergency she can boll eggs and prepare
simple dishes with the aid of the stove
like crevice.
In Canaan street tho operators found a
man who supplied his home with hot
water In a similar manner. When he In
stalled his water-heating system last
Winter this Ingenious citizen wont, thinly
clad, Into the garden and dug deeply
Into the warm earth. Then ho colled 100
feet of lead pipe Into the hole and re
filled It.
Even In xero weather the family had
a steady supply of warm wator, and the
scheme has worked so well that tho in
genious one Is considering a plan to elab
orate the system and heat the house
with It next winter. Philadelphia North
of three crooks, put one across now and
then on a tenderfoot.
On night such a specimen appared,
and. after a- few drinks, was Induced to
'sit In" for a while at a dollar limit.
Matters progressed In the usual way for
a bit; then an astonishing series of nods
and winks began to pass about. The bar
tender hud signalled that the tenderfoot
held four kings on the draw, Then the
betting began,
Presently a waiter brought sandwiches
and whisky, In ordir to distract the
tenderfoot. While the latter was dls.
posing of his drink the man next to htm
slipped a sixth card Into his hand, thus
nullifying It
'ins unconscious tenaerroot took up a
huge sandwich, bit oft a large mouthful,,!
and began to bet again, lie was, of
course, raised all around. He bet on, and
ate on, quite calmly. A big sum lay on
the table.
Then, very suddenly, the bartender re
sumed his signalling. He was excited,
It was plain that things were going
Wrong. The crooks, anxious, called the
The latter finished the last bite of his
sandwich, took a big drink of whisky and
laid down his original five cards. Then
In silence he gathered up his winnings
and took his leave.
After his departure thore was the deuoe
to pay. "What," demanded the crooka
of tho bartender "what did he do with
A New Addition
Block "5" Laurelton
Vo havo bought from Hess & Swaborfa tho tract of land lying west
of LAUUELTON ADDITION and emit ot 27th stroot.
Water, Sewer and Sidewalks
axo being put In all lots. We are grading tho streets and making tine lots.
$650 to $850
for lots fronting on LAUREL AVENUE and
Crown Point Avenue
Terms $100 caah and $15 por month,
Come Out Today
Salesmen on tho ground. Take north 24th street car, get off at Crown
Point avonue (one block south of Miller Park).
Charles W. Martin & Co.
Tyler 187.
742 Omaha National Bank Bldg."
that sixth card?"
"Didn't you see?" howled the bar
tender, dancing with rage. "lie ate It
with his sandwich." Upplncott's Magazine.
A Ker Take the IMaee ot the Cork
screw with n. New
Swedish Eight-Dollar Piece, Welch
In ir Thlrtr-ona Pounds, a No
lulsmatla Carlo.
One of the largest coins ever struck,
being 23HxlJ inches and weighing thirty
one pounds, has come Into the possession
ot tho American Numlsmatlo society and
Is shown In one of the glass coses In the
main exhibition room. The piece Is ot
copper and lta oolnage value In IKS was
eight Bwedlsh dalers equivalent to about
J6.20 American money. As a curio and
rarity Its value has now multiplied at
least one hundredfold.
In general appearance the coin is a.
rectangular Ingot, with ftvo large, round
stamps punched in it, one In each cor
ner and one in the center. Stamps were
placed in the corners to prevent "clip
ping." Koch corner stamp carries the
Bwedlsh crown in the center and the date,
1CC9. Around the edge Is the Inscription
of Carolus Oustavus X., .the reigning
king. The center stamp states the value
at ti In silver.
The coin was struck In Avesta, Sweden.
While fresh from the mint it fell over
board In the harbor of Riga, Russia, from
which a dredge fished it ten years ago.
It came finally into the ownership ot
Emerson McMUlin, who has presented it
to the Numismatic society.
Coins ot this kind were called "plate
money." Sweden turned them out con
tinuously for 110 years, beginning In 1619,
In the reign of Christina, daughter of
Oustavus Adolphus, In denominations ot
eight, four, two, one and half dater
pieces, ' with pieces of five and three
dalers In one year. The coinage had been
In progress ten years when the speci
men now hero was struck. In 1716 tho
Swedish government melted down Ut
bronxe cannon and made them Into 86,760
plate-money dalers,
Such large pieces of pure copper were
Issued as money In order to find an out
let for the products ot the Swedish cop
per mines without depreciating the value
of the metal. All plate money Is be-,
coming rare. Daler and half daler pieces
aro most often found; twos and fours are
scarce, and the elght-daler pieces are no
longer to be seen In Europe except in
the large museums. New York World.
Crooka Put (Inn Across,
Lost Oat nt the
A Chicago man tells of a poker game
playttl In a Wyoming town In a saloon
where the barkeeper, with tho assistance
An inrenlous method of corking bottles
has been Invented which Is applicable to
the bottling of more oxpenslvo liquors.
This latest device comprises the familiar
cork made to standard aires so as to fit
bottles of varying capacity and shapes,
and nrovided with a patent metalllo
double cap. The cork Is driven Into the
hnttln In the usual manner: but. Instead
of a oork.crew, a small key Is used for
lta withdrawal. In the metalllo cap 1 a
small slot for Insertion ot the key, which
Is slightly depressed. This causes the
upper part of tho cap to fly upward by
means of a spring. This movable disk,
which slides upon a substantial though
slendor shaft, sorves a a grip for the
fingers, so that a steady and direct pull
draws the cork without damaging It.
Consequently, when some of the content
of the bottle has been poured out, tho
cork may bo replaced and driven borne.
tho bottle being thus sealed at tightly as
It was originally. To all Intents and pur
poses It Is the application of the Tola
lock used for doors, etc. Tho cork cannot
be drawn without the key, so that tam
pering with tho contents or Improper use
Is Impossible, because the key Is In the
possession of the owner or some respon
sible person. The drawing ot a cork thus
becomes an easy operation, and destruc
tion of the corkscrew Is prevented. Al
though the stopper has been designed
specially for the liquor, wine and spirit
trade, it at the same time completely
solves the vexed question of securing the
safety of bottles containing polsonoUt
liquids, aa a bottle stoppered with thli
new appliance cannot be opened without
the key, and as this Is In safe keeping,
premeditation Is required to obtain the
contents. Chambers' Journal.
Hooslers are not going to lose any of
their literary reputation at the Panama
raclflo International exposition. In the
pavilion will be a library ot 15,000 volumes
and every volume Is to be the work
on an Indiana author. Mrs. T. C. Mc
Reynolds of Kokomo, had the distinction
ot raining the Indiana flag on the
grounds. Work on the building has
You are Missing
Half the Pleasures
of Life Until You
Own an Automobile
What about that car you're going to own sope
time? Why not buy it now so that you can got
the full enjoyment out of it this summer?
There are so many pleasure rides you can take in
an automobile; out in the country along' beautiful
roads, breathing in the pure, cool ozone, you will for
get the cares of life in the city. A dinner basket for a
spread in the woods would make, life worth living.
It does not take a large sum of money any more
to buy an auto. There are a number of people
ready at all times to sell cars which they have
used only for a short time at a fraction of what
they originally cost. You can find many such
offersin the "Automobiles" column of the Classi
fied Section today.
Look over these offers and investigate a few of
the most promising ones. You will be surprised at the
bargains you can get.
Act right away on this suggestion, though, for
these bargains are always stepped up quickly, j
Telephone Tyler 1000
Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads