12 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JITNE 14, 1914. EMPEROR CLOSES REICHSTAG Real Motive for Unusual Aotion Not Yet Ascertained. MANY PENDING BILLS KILLED Among Them Arc SfTfrnl Govern ment Measures Charge that Bodr tucked Intelligent Direction. BERLIN, June 11. The action of the government In closing the Reichstag, In stead of adjourning It, has furnished a conundrum whloh the political expert have not ret been able to answer. Tito government's object la not known, and Ita action Is wondered at the more be caueo It meant the extinction of numer ous pending measures desired by the gov ernment, most of which were certain to be passed and on all of which much hard work had been done. Equally mysterloui was the government's covert threat to dlssolvo the Reichstag, making now elec tions necessary. It It adopted, as It seemed for a time likely to do. a socialist meas ure providing an Increase In pay of 121 yearly for certain postofflco employes. Even the newspapers friendly to the gov ernment ridiculed the Idea of going to the people on an Issue so trivial. SInny mil Abandoned. Foremost among the measure thrown Into the waste basket by the closing of the Reichstag wan the petroleum bill. Others to suffer the same fate were the measures to regutnte liookmnklng, to de fine the rlghs and duties of avlatorr. to establish a Juvenile court, to sharpen th laws against "filth In word and picture " to regulate Sunday employment, to es tablish a colonial court, to amend the business law, the new excise bill and many other. Against this list of un completed work the accomplishment of the late Reichstag are very small. 80 long a It had to deal with broad na tional questions, such a the armament and taxation bills, where the non-So-clallst parties were united agnlnst the socialists, the work went ahead smoothly, but a soon as these were out of the way shifting alliances of factions prevented ny real work from being accomplished. Lack of Intrlllnent Direction, Not alt the blame for the little done during the long session rests upon the Reichstag. Po monarchical a paper a the Taegllche Rundschau sharply criti cizes the government' "doctrlnarlanlsm, passing the bound of the permissible" and tts "stubborness." It declare alio that from the first there was a lack of lnfelllcent direction of affair on the sldo of the government. It Is also a fact that the ministers of various department on many occasions failed to show the tact necessary for dealing with the repre sentatives of the people, and on more than one occasion made unfortunate blun ders. Another source of the Reichstag weakness was Ita presidency. Ilerr Kaempf, the chief presiding officer, la an estimable .and able man, but even his own party the progressives or radicals were not satisfied with hl conduct of the affairs of the house. He exhibited a lack of resolution and decisiveness fatal for the presiding officer of a legislative body. It la most unlikely that he will b mentioned as a candidate for the office when the new Reichstag, which will con vene In the autumn, elects Its president and two vice presidents. Conjecture ha It that the next session' president la likely to lie a member of the clerical, or cnter party. the palace there I complete Ignorance r the aubjett. The diplomatic corps has been unable to get at the truth, all the ministers can eey Is that they have not seen Menelik fer years. The general belief Is that the emperor's embalmed body lies In the In nermost room of the Clebl. The capital Is, however, completely tranquil and It Is believed that any dan- camel had to be employed to carry wa ger to foreigners la past. a ter for the caravan. The party marched Mr Thealger has Just completed a three to Nairobi, a total distance of 1,11 miles. months' march along the Abyssinian frontier of British Bast Africa to Inquire Into the wounding of two British officers by raiders. He was accompanied by an Abysslan escort over a hundred miles of lava strewn plain whew thirty-eight PRATTLE OF THE KIDDIES. "Grandpa," queried little Mary, who was watching the old gentleman feeding the chickens, At their noses?" all the old hens eat wlth "Where It dtrtv ma" Small Sarah Tou evght to see my new chargeable silk dresst Little LomIo Huhl All my clothes are chsngeable. "Robby, wath your face." "Wash It all over and jou'll be sure to strike the dirty places.' "Yes, but I'd be sure to strike some of the tlean places, too." A little -year-ld tot had gone her first day to school. Teacher had quite a time getting her to tell her last name. t That evening after a.-hool she wa play Ing with a little friend and the "laS name'' subject was brought up. Mabel said she wondered what God's last name was. "Why, don't you know?" asked Stella. "No, I don't," was the short reply. "Why, It s Dam, 'cause I heard daddy say eo." King of Denmark Will Furnish Palace in American Style COPENHAGEN, June 1S.-Klni Chris tian has decided that the newest of his nJmcrou residences shall he furnished In American style In every detail. He will not Imitate the homo of the Atnerl cart multi-millionaire. The style he has selected to copy Is that of the simple and efficient equipment of the average Amer ican home. He has long been an admirer Of the American' arts and conveniences of home-making and iio ban insisted that his newest house, which I sltmUd on the, Bkaw, will lack none of them, The- excuse for so many icsldsnces as King Christian has in no smalt a country as Denmark la his fondness of keeping In touch with hi people, whloh, he main tains, he cannot do better than by living everywhere. The king maintain un elaborate en tourage, but It is only for tho entertain ment of visiting sovtrotxns anJ diplo mats. As for himself l:e lives In the moft simple manner. No ruttr in Europa Is more easily accessible. Recently on a visit to Kaktkor. I ho king was attracted by 4 dellcl ius apple pie displayed in a Jhop window. He went inside to buy a piece, and wlillo there bought some cako for a small toy in tho shop. Later the shopwoman learned the identity of her royal cus tomer and she promptly hunz out a slim announcing that her shop purveyed to the royal family of Denmark. During the late motor sh)7r the king evinced keen Interest in the display of American motor cars, and when ho bought fifty lottery tickets he expressed the hope that h would win an American car. Baltic North Sea Canal is Deepened BERLIN, June 11 It Is announced that the five years' task of deepening and widening of the Baltic-North sea canal so as to accommodate the largest battle ship will be practically completed by "Kiel week," the latter part of this month. The locks at the two ends, which do not raise the water level, but simply serve to prevent tidal currents, have, been greatly enlarged and now exceed the dimensions of the Panama locks. The new width of the canal is SS3 feet and it depth thirty-six feet- At four points the width will be such that the largest warshlpu can easily turn "around In It and reverse their course, thus en. abllng them to obey any sudden change of order. Mystery of Menelik Remains Unsolved LONDON, June UL The mystery of Menelik, the emperor of Abyssinia, whose death has been reported Innumerable tiroes, only to be denied, remains un' solved. W. Thealger; British minister to Abyssinia, has reported that even In Adls Adeba, the capital of Abyssinia, the facts are atlll unknown, No one will ad Remarkable Anni versary Bargains in New Laces Monday 50c Xcw Iaces nt 20c a Yard. A fine lino of Demi Flouncing Laces In Now Novelty patterns in this big lot. 91 .lift Laco Flouncing, 40c. A beautiful assortment of 20 and 27-inch Flouncing, for waists and Minaretto skirts. Hcnutiful A Mover Lace Three big special lots on sale Monday at 98S 596 and 2QC Fine Vnl. Lace, big assortment of patterns, on sale In thrco big lots yard..2V4S 36 and 5 ItcnutJful Net Top Lnces A big special lot of bargains, nt tho yard 15, to SSrf Quaker Lnccs Exceptional val ues shown Monday, jord 15 to 69 A Big New Stock of Curtains and Draperies At Moat Attractive Pricings You'll find assortments and values hard to duplicate. Elegant Duchess Curtains, all new patterns, choice values at, tho Pair 75i to $10.00 Household Oluny Curtains In big assortment of newest patterns, choloo values, at pair, 82,08 t0 $15.00 Drussolotto Curtains, plain con tors with neat borders, cream and ocru, at pair. .$3.00 to $5.00 Bunfnst Portieres, greenB, tans and browns, at $5.00 to $5.05 Sunfast Drapery Fabrics, plain and allover designs, on sale at the yard 98J and 45 Drapery Marnulsottca, 40 Inches wide, pretty patterns, at the yard 25 to 40 nemstltched Scrims, flno Quali ties, 36 Inches wide, nt 22i t0 39t Fancy Colored Bordered Scrims, plain centers, 40 Inchos wjdo. all colors, at yard, 13tt to 55. Matting Boxes, $2.50 to $5.25 Not the Least Bit of Let Up to the Wonderful Value-Giving in Our Twenty-Seventh Anniversary Sale Many now lines received for Monday's selling. Several other big purchases en route assure our customers that this week's values are oven superior to the splendid offerings last week, when many thousands of immensely, pleased buyers profited by the great outpouring of matchless bargains. Anniversary Sale Bargains in New, Perfect Rugs From America's Best Mills. Seldom, if Ever, Equaled in the History of Omaha Merchandising Not a second or mismatched rug in tho entire stock shown here. $18,00 Axminster and Seamless Velvet Rugs, 9x12 size, ono big lot, while they Inst, at $12.08 $15.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 8-wire quality, senmless, 9x12 size; big line of patterns at each $9.98 $12.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12 size, seamless, guaranteed worsted face, at $7.49 $25.00 High Pile Axminater Rugs, 9x12 size, Orionta 1 and floral patterns, at... $15.49 $4.50 Axminister Rugs, size 36x72, high pile, choice. .$2.75 $2.50 Axminster Rugs, size 27x54, high pile, choice. .$1.50 $32.60 Bigelow Body Brussels Rugs, beautiful, now, allover patterns, sizo 9x12, snap at $25.00 All New 1914 Patterns and Every Rug Guaran teed Perfect. $22.00 High Pile Axminster Rugs, size 8-3x10-6; big lino of patterns, choice $14.98 $25.00 Seamless Wilton Rugs, 9x12 size, in extra heavy qual ity, on sale, choice. . .$16.98 $18.00 Seamless Wilton Rugs, size 7-6x9; beautiful Oriental patterns at $12.48 $32 High Pile Axminster Rugs, seamless, in plain and Oriental pattornte, 9x12 size, at $22.50 $45.00 Bigelow Bagdad Wilton Rugs, sizo 9x12, 50 beautiful patterns in this line, on sale at $35.00 Same, $40.00 value, size 8-3x10-6, on sale, at $32.50 If you want rugs, buy now buy early and get first choice of the best bargains ever. Wo 're plensed to have you compare these offerings with others, price for price, quality'for quality, but if you want rugs don't fail to see these bargains before you buy. Anniversary Specials IN DOMESTIC ROOM Commencing Monday wo will reduco the price on several lines of Wash Ooods and you will get the samo prices all next week that other houses give after the 4th of July. lOo printed batiste, good stylos, fast colors 5 12 Ho printed batiste, good stylos, fast colors 7 ISo wash goods, printed, plain brocaded, striped silk mlzod, etc., at 10' 18c white goods, India linons, otc at 10d 18c and 25c silk and cotton goods, now cloth, ratines and a groat many other varieties that sold for 25o a yard, all next week will go at yard 12Vi 12 Ho white goods, 40 Inches wide, at 5c 16o white goods, India linons, oto., at 7Ht READY MADE SHEETS 72x00 sheets, 85c value. . . .65d 72x60 sheets, 76c value .... 50 72x90 sheets, 66c value. . . .4&C 72x00 shoots, 58c Value. . . .383 6 He Towels 3(J 7 Ho Towels 5 8 He Towels 6Hei 10c Towels fit 12Hc Towols 8H 81x90 sheets, $1.20 value. .f)5d 81x90 sheets, $1.00 value.. 79J 81x90 sheets, 85c value.... 65d 81x90 sheets, 75c valuo. . . .59J TOWELS BATH OR HUCK 16o Towels 10 18c Towels 12 Hd 20c Towels 15i 25o Towels 17 H BED SPREADS $3.00 Bed Spreads $1.05 $3.50 Bed Spreads $2.58 $4.00 Bed Spreads $2.08 $4.60 Bed Spreads $3.25 $1.00 Bed Spreads 05 j $1.50 Bed 8preads HSt $2.00 Bed Spreads $1.11 $3.50 Bed Spreads $1.3t EXTRA SPECIALS Lonsdale. genuine article . ..j ka IAmoakeag Apron Checks, genuine article ;-5d Anniversary Sale OF WASH GOODS Surplus of stock much too heavy for this season of the year and In order to reduce now (not next July), we will offer bargains in new spring wash goods seldom equalled in this country. HEAVY RATINES, PLAIN $1.50 Ratines 750 $1.25 Ratines 60d $1.00 .Ratines 590 8 So Ratines 49 $1.00 Silk and cotton goods 73 85c Silk and Cotton goods 65 75c Silk and Cotton goods 500 C9c Silk and Cotton goods 480 59c Silk and Cotton goods 420 50c Silk and Cotton goods 300 BATISTES PERCALES 15c Batiste 00 12o Batisto 7H0 12 He Percales 7H0 15c Fancies 100 18o Sampson's Galatea. .iaHS OR FANCY, FOR SKIRTS 46c Silk and Cotton goods 27 75c Ratines 380 65c Ratines 350 59c Ratines 290 39c Silk and Cotton goods 250 35c Silk and Cotton goods 200 30c Silk and Cotton goods ISO 25c Silk and Cotton goods 150 20c Silk and Cotton goods 12H0 18c Silk, and Cotton goods 10c PLISSES ETC All Reduced 26c Kiddle Cloth 12HO 25o striped Silk Voiles.. 15c 25c Anderson's Scotch ZophyrB at , 120 15c Anderson's Ginghams 1QO White Goods Section M White Goods Must Go 10c Long Cloths 7H0 I 25c Underwear Batiste. .150 12. He Long Cloths 90 2 So India Linen 12ViO 15c Long Cloths 100 I 250 Swisses 150 100 pieces of all kinds of fancies that sold at several prices, to cl6so, at Exactly Half the Regular Price. NOTE: All remnants in high grade wash' goods at exactly half the regular price. Remarkable Anni versary Bargains in Embroideries Monday Monday will bo the banner day in this big annual event. 101'Embroideries, 3V$c Yard A big line of fine edges and insertings, regular values up to 10c yard. 15c Embroideries at 5c Yard An immense line of 5 and 6 yard strips, loom remnants of both edges and insertings. 25c Embroideries, 10c A splendid lot, including flouncirigs up to 18 in. wide. 50c Embroideries, 19c Yard A full line of 27-inch flounc ings, 20x22 in. allovers and a big assortment of galoons. Several Special Tables. Drugs and Toilet Goods Special for Monday Six bars of Palm Olive Soap and 60o Jar or Palm Ollvo Cold Cream, $1.00 value, for 60o 11.00 size Pinaud'a Quinine Hair Tonlo for 79b 26o Peroxlds Face Cream for lOo 26o Orris Root Tooth Powder for. loo One full pint of poire Witch Hazel for iso 26o site puro Bay Rum for loo Large size Pompelan Massage Cream for . ,50o EOo Mme. Ieabell's. Mma. Lucllle's or Peerless Rice Powder, all colors, each ISO 4 doz. 6 -grain Aspirin Tablets for 36o 100 Phenolthalox Wafers, reg. price 60c. sale price 2 So 100 Dr. Hlnkle's Caacara Tablets for 100 JEo size Syrup of Tigs or Casturla for 16o 2Bc size Sal Hepatlca for ISo JEo Hire's Root Beer Extract; makes 5 gallons, at ISo Genuine Thermos Bottles pints at 81.35. Quarts at 33.33 tOo quality Rubber Gloves, palr..25o SOo full length Rapid Flow Fountain Syringe Tubing for 25o 7Eo 2-qt Fountain Syringes go at, each 29o 13.00 3-quart Combination Syringe for 81.25 $2.00 Rapid Flow Fountain Syringes for 91.00 $4.00 Wellington Syringe and bottle, guaranteed for 5 years, for...S3.00 Specials in Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear FOR MONDAY 7Bo nungaloiv and Emplro Aprons In percales, ma dras, ginghams, otc, cut extra long, well made, guaranteed perfect; on sale, 3Jc. 3 for.. 81.00 Women's Union Suits, 50c, 75c and 1.00 values, In all Btyloa and sizes, on salo Monday, choice, nt 400. 350. 250 Women's Silk Lisle Union Suits, regular $2.00 val ues, all styles, on sale at 980 Women's Gauzo Vests, all sizes, 16o and 25o values, Rt 12V4 and 70 Men's $2.00 and $3.50 Union Sutta, In flno silk and Uslo, snaps at sale prioo, suit. .$1.98 and $1.45 Men's $1.00 and $2.00 Union Suits, all kinds and styles, on sale Monday, at . , 080 and 600 Mon's $1.00 Union Suite, all sizes and stylos, on salo at 400 Men's Undershirts or Drawers, all kinds and sizes, SOo to $1.00 values, at 450. 350. 250 Children's Unloil Suits. BOo to 11. 00 values, on salo at JKA and 2Kt Six Rousing Anniversary Sale Silk Specials Monday. in Our Popular Daylight Silk Department Stripe Novelty Silks, full 36 inches wide, regular $1.00 yard quality, yard 15 pieces of Cheney Bros. Crepes, 40 in. wide, beautiful printed dress fabrics, all silk and regular $1.75 yard values; while they last 28c Over 3,000 yards of Plain and Novelty Dress Silks, values up to 75c yard. Mes salines, Novolty Plaid Taffetas, all Silk Foulards, Chiffon Dress Taffetas, fancy Pongees, etc., on salo Monday at, choice, yard 30 pieces of yard wide All Silk Messa- M ffe 75 pieces of 36-inch wide Tub Silks, in line in a good lino of tho season's very F Q every wanted new style and color; silks bost colorings, also 15 pieces of Hairline w MM that will launder perfectly, tho most llleached All Silk Dress Mossnllncs, Pcau do Soto and popular fabrio for summer dress at 38c and 68c fBlack Dress Silks, 36 to 40 inches wide, Chiffons, Poplins, Crepe de Chenes, Satin Duchess, Coating Bengalines and LMoires, $1.25 to $1.75 yard values. Chiffon Taffetas, reg. $1 values, 36 In. wide, yard 780 Yard 98c Yard Anniversary Sale of Linens Monday Dew Bleached Belfast Damask, full 2 yards wide, $1.50 quality, at yard SI. 00 Dew Bleached Belfast Satin Damask, pure flax, regular $1.00 grade, at yard 700 Unhemmed pattern Tablo Cloths, German sliver bleach, $2.98 quality, each $2.00 Belfast Bleached Pattern Tablo Cloths, full' size, pure flax, $6.00 values, each $2.90 All our high grade, pure linen, hemmed Huck Towels, values to 39c, each 250 Bath Towels, heavy twisted thread, cream and white, 19o values, each 120 Circular scalloped Table Cloths, puro ,f lax, assorted worth $2.75, each $2.00 Hemstitched pattern Table Cloths, puro flax, values to $1.98, each $1.48 Chairs and Buffets Golden Oak Dining Chair, leather seat, well made, full box constuotion, each $1.75, six for $to Good Dining Chnir, leathor seat, without box construction, each $1.50 "Wood Seat-Diners, each 95c and $1.25 Green Porch Rockers, Fiber Reed, $2.25. Polished Golden Oak Buffet, largo mirror, nap kin and linon drawers, with china compartment; in this salo $19.50 Golden Oak China Closet $12.50 Bound Extension Dining Table at, only $15.00 Round DiningsTables, 45-in. top, for . . .$9.50 White or Vernis Martin Beds, heavy 2-inch posts, on salo S4.95 Largo Reed Body Sleepers or Baby Buggies, high wheels and springs, $15 and $17 I Big Clearance Sale Wall Paper and Paint Starts Monday. For ono weok only. 10,000 rolls of bedroom and dining room Pat terns with border to match. Value at 12c, go at, per roll 3 20 shades of domestic oatmeal paper, regular price 25c, in this sale, per roll 100 5,000 rolls of varnish gold papers, with wide borders; values up to 40c, go at per roll, 12V40 Oak brand paints, guaranteed for 3 years, 42 shades to pick from. In 5-gallon lots only, at per gallon $1.49 10,000 rolls of parlor and dining room papers, with wldo or narrow borders to match; values up to 30c, go at, per roll 70 20 shades of Imported oatmeal, plain, non-fad- While it lasts at prices never before offered. 200 lng; values to 50c per roll, go at, per roll. Cut Out Border to Mated. All Imported parllr, stripe design, oatmeal and Tiffanies, values up to $1.00 per roll, go at. per roll, in this sale 230 Johnson's Floor Wax In 1-lb. cans, at .... 390 In 2-lb. cans, at 750 In this sale only. Wo will have several hundred bundles of room lots ranging In price from 7c to 15c per roll, In this sale only, per bundle 400 to 750 Paste or smoothing brush given free with every $3.00 purchase of wall paper. Wall peper trimmed free In this sale only. 22 POUNDS BEST GRANULATED SUGAR FOR $1.00 Hay den's Keep Down the Hi&h Cost of Living for the People Haydaa's Xnp Sown the Hlffn Cost of XilTlnff for ta ropl. BpaclAl rionr BaU Monday 45-lb. ack best high grada Diamond 11 Flour, m&da from No. 1 selected wheat nothing finer for bri-aJ, plea or cakes, per sack... 91.05 10 bars Bett-'ESra-AU. Diamond C Lenox or Lundry Queen White Laundry Soap aso 10 lbs. beet White or Yellow Corn meal , 250 8 lbs. beat Rolled Bre&kfaat Oat meal 250 lbs. Choice Japan Klce, 7 Ho quality 3 So cans OH or Mustard Sardlnoj for ............. .......... SSo Tall cans Alaska Salmon lOo Adro Jell oothinc like It for table dessert, pkjc 7 Ho Larre bottles Worcester Sauce, puns Tomato Catsup, Pickles (as sorted kinds) or Prepared Mart Uxd slio The best hand picked Navy Beans, per lb, Do K. C. Corn Flakes, pkc. &o Grape-Nuts, pXsr. loo -All rerular ISo Cookies. Monday, per lb. laHo 6 -lb, boses best Soda Crackers 39o All Regular i:Hc Cookies. Mon day lOo All regular lOo Cookies, Monday, per lb. 8 Ho S2-OL. Jars Puro Fruit Preserves for 25o For a cool summer drink try our Wild Cherry Phosphate or Itoot Beer. 1 bottle makea S gallons, per bottle 10a 16-ox. cans Condensed Mllk...7Ho The best Domestic Macaroni. Ver micelli or Spaghetti, pkg...7Ho McLaren's Peanut Butter, per lb. laHo Iler8heys Breakfast Cocoa, lb. 3uo Golden Santos Coffee, lb. 30o The best Tea BlfUng-s. lb..... loo For Ice Tea. try Diamond Blend, per lb. 35o The Butter. TSfic and Cheese Slar kt for the Peopl of Omaha. The beat Creamery Butter carton or bulk, lb. Ho The beat No. 1 Country Creamery Batter, lb. 27 o The best No, 1 Dairy Table But ter, per lb. aso The best strictly fresh guaranteed Ekis, per dozen ..........32o The best Wisconsin Cream New York White or Young America Full Cream Cheese, lb SOo Neufchatel Cheese, each 3o Imported Swiss or Roquefort Cheese, per lb. 35o Th Vegetable Market for the People of Omaha New Potatoes, peck of IS lbs. 35o Fancy Wax or String Beans, per lb So Freeh Peas, per quart Bo 4 bunches fresh Beets or Tur nips 6o heads fresh Leaf Lettuce. .. ,Oo 6 bunches fresh Radishes Eo 6 bunches fresh Onions Co Green Peppers for stuffing, two for So New Cabbage, per lb 2 Via Fresh Spinach, per peck o Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb lOo 4 bunches Kohl Rabbi So 3 large Cucumbers lOo Large fancy Lemons, doz. 35o. 30o Fancy Cantaloupes, each 7Ho The last or the Pineapples, we advise our customers to buy now. All of Cherries, Gooseber ries, Raspberries, Strawberries, eta, at wholesale prices. J IT PAYS TRY HAYDEN'S FIRSTS, 9 yfjjwlBi mm S Why Run the Risk of Spoiling tooa wnen a "Garland" Gas Range Insures Perfect Results. Its baking ability is without equal. The ventilated oven bottom is the se cret. Come In and let us show you. "Garland'" high oven cabinet range, the Garland Way no stooping 135.00 "Garland" low oven range, with broiler. at 830.00 MSarland" low oven ranges without broiler 816.O0 and 912.50 TWO BIO BAsaaors ZZT WHITE MOUHTAUT arrBZOBSATOBS ssohbat. 100-lb. capacity "Boston"' PAttern, 3-door corner fill type, beautiful golden oak case, pure "Baked White" Inside, all Interior parts removable, a bargain that must be seen to ba appreciated, a regular 125.00 box, special Monday... 830.93 1'5-lbs. capacity "Boston"' pattern, pure baked whlto finish Inside, Imitation oak case, golden oak finish: a regular 126.50 box, at .....831.98 X.AWV KOWEB8 - OtTA SXfTXBS STOCK ON SALE MOZTDAY AT OB.EATT.Y REDUCED FBZOX8. Any size "Kutezy" lawn mower, worth to S3.25 fl.98 Any size "Clipper" lawn mower, worth to 13.75... $3.49 Any size "Douglas" 4-blade mower, worth to $4.75 ,83.69 Any size "Congress" ball bearing; mower, worth to 25.76. .84.49 Any size "Director" high wheel, ball bearing mower, worth to $7.00, at ......................................... 85.49 Any size "Admiral" heavy high wheel, ball bearing mower, worth to $8.25, at 56.93 39c galvanized iron foot tubs ,,. 35c refrigerator pans 25o imported wood rolling pins 25c size Ocedar, Wizard or Hayden Cedar OH polish 35c large size aluminum mixing spoon... 35o large size aluminum ladle or fnilt dipper .High grade warranted "Universal" butcher knife... Grasa hooks Lawn fountains 25a shaker or Favorite flour sieves Fruit presses Enamel colanders rolls 5c Gold Bond toilet paper 25o full size xlna wash boards Choice 19c rolt that the emperor is dead and outside