Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1914, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 19

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Women Are
Doing in the World
Club Olrndnr.
SUNDAY Vesper services, Young Wo
men's Christian association, 4:30 p. in.
MONDAY Daughters of the American
Revolution luncheon at Country club to
celebrate KlaK day
WEDNESDAY Woman's ' club, railway
mall service, Mrs. J. K. RltUnger. host
ess. Omaha Suffrage association, Hans
com park. P. E. O. state convention at
THURSDAY Mothers' Culture club at
Seymour Lake Country club, Mrs. T. L.
Combs hostess. Equal FranchlEe so
ciety, Mrs. John A. McShane, hostess.
Emma H oast and Flower mission. Anti
Suffrage, society meeting, room 1604. city
National Bank building, 4 p. m. Miller
Park Mothers' circle, Miller park.
FRIDAY West Omaha Mothers' Culture
club picnic, Elmwood park.
president of the Denver Wo-1
man's club and ot the Graded
Union of Sunday School
Teachers, will be on the pro
gram for the fourth annual
season of the Summer School of Mis
sions, which will bo held at the Univer
sity of Omaha June 23-30. Mrs. Costlgan
has been present at the former seasons
of the summer school and Is well known
because of nor story-telling to chlld'rti
and her expert kindergarten methods
While In Omaha Mrs. Costlgan will be
entertained by women of various Meth'o
dlst Episcopal churches, the Omaha Wo
man's club and local suffrage leaders.
She passed through Omaha last Monday
on her way to the federation convention
In Chicago and was present at the re
ception given In honor of tho'itei
at the Commercial club.
Flag day will be celebrated Monday by
local Daughters of the American Revo
lution with a luncheon at tho Country
club, when the following state offlceta
will be guests of honor: Mrs. Warron
Perry, Falrbury, state regent; Mr?. C.
H. Aull, vice regent; Mrs. S. 1. Ringler.
Lincoln, recording secretary; Mrs. 11. 'I.
Mclucas, Falrbury, corresponding rerrc
tary; Mrs. A. K. Llttlorhlld, Fremunt.
treasurer; Mrs. J. J. Stubbs, registrar,
Mrs. G. W. Kline, historian; Miss May
Allen, Calhoun, auditor. Mrs. A. U Kit
nald and Miss Ida Johnston arc In char.ic
of reservations for Omaha chapter a i'l
Mrs; Frank Baker for Major Isaac tto.l
ler chapter. Mrs. Perry and Mrs. M"
Lucaa arrive today and will be the ,ues'.j
of Mrs. Stubbs during their slay in
Omaha. About fifty guests are cx0c:i:J
to attend.
The state convention of the P. K. O.
sisterhood will bo held in Lincoln June
17-19. Chapter E sends Its president, M.-s.
Thomas Matters, and Mrs. J. A. Bryans
as delegates, whllo other members will
attend as visitors. Among them are
Mesdames G. B. Lehnhoff, O. II. Menold,
V. C. Patton, T. M. Glltner, F. c. .Now
comb and G. W. Hervey. Miss Agnes
Llvesey, president of chapter B. 1C, and
Miss Gertrude Weeth nro delegates from
that chapter and will be accompanied by
Mrs. F. D. Wilson, past state president,
Mesdames Herbert Ncalc, George B. Darr
and James Phillips. Miss Weeth will
give several musical numbers on the
convention program.
Chapter E enjoyed a nvel meeting on
Wednesday aiternoon, whenflfteen mem
bers motored to" Hatn'mbriar'Neb'where
a meeting Was held .'at tho'Uoro'ji of irs.
H. B. Cameron. . The .noxt 'meelng will
be held Thursday, June 23, at the humo
of Mrs, F. M. Penny, when reports of
. the state convention will be received.
John A. Rine, city attorney, will speak
on "Need for Woman's Votea" befora .
meeting of tho Omaha Suffrage asso
ciation at Hanscom park, near the brwd
1 stand, Wednesday afternoon at 3.30
o'clock. Mrs. G. F. Copper of South
Omaha will speak on "Equality Before
the Law," and a stringed orchestra will
furnish music.
Fifty members of Vesta chapter. Order
of the Eastern Star, went to Plattsmouth
Thursday for a musical at the Masonic
Old People's home. The musicians were
from Omaha, and Included Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Thlem and Miss Gertrude Thlom,
Walter Graham, Will Hcthcrington and
Felix Splrk.
The Miller Park Mothers' circle wilt
entertain the teachers and mothers of
the students of Miller Park school Thurs
day afternoon at the pavilion at Miller
pork. Plans for the July outdoor recit
ing and for the family picnic In Auguat
will be discussed and there will he a
Ed P. Smllh will be the speaker io tho
third of a series of lectures given under
the auspices of the Equal Franchise so
ciety. The meeting will be held at tho
home of Mrs. John A. McShane Thrs
day afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The annual meeting of the Woman's
club of tho Railway Mall Service will be
held Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. John Blttlnger. Reports of com
mittees will be received and officers
elected for next year. ,
Dr. A. A. Tyler of Bellevue will speak
on "The Trees of Nebraaka" at the June
meeting of the. Mothers' Culture club,
which will be held Thursday at the Sey-
mour Lake Country club. Following- tho
program Mrs. T. L. Combs will be hostess
for the luncheon.
All officers of the West Omaha Moth
ers' Culture club were re-elected at a
meeting held Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. W. N. Baker. They are:
Mrs. J. A. Hamilton, president; .fs.
James Corr. vice president, and Mrs.
Blaine Truesdell, secretary-treasurer. On
Friday the members of the club will en
joy a picnic at Elmwood park, the hi.s
bands being guests of honor at the picnic
supper which will be served. This Ik the
last meeting until September.
Rev. John Williams, retiring pastor of
St Barnabas Episcopal church, will be
the speaker at a meeting of the Nebraska
Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage,
which will be held Thursday afternoon at
4 o'clock, in room 1604, City National Bank
building. Miss Minnie Bronson, national
secretary, was In tho city for a few hours
during tho week, but has gone to her old
home In Iowa for a few weeks' rest She
will return to Omaha August 1 for a two
weeks' stay. Miss Marjory Dorman of
the Wage Earners' league of New York
City Is expected hero about July 1.
The first meeting of the ladles' auxiliary
to McKlnley lodge of the B'nai B'rlth In
their new club rooms at Metropolitan hall
wis held Thursday evening. The follow
ing officers wtro elected: Miss Rose
Grodlnsky, president; Mrs. J, Bplgle, vice
Nathanson-Harris Wedding Party
i - r trvyx "
mora av ii nv I vif
Hxs3 CoraS
president; Miss Miriam Levy, recording
secretary; Miss Bertha Cohn, financial
secretary; Miss Hattle Sollg, gunrdiun;
Mrs. Otto Gllck, Miss Molllo Oland und
Miss Bess Greenfield, directors. The an
nual B'nal B'rlth picnic will bo held at
the South Omaha Country club. Tho first
number of tholub paper, Hasofar, will
appear at the first meeting In July, when
Installation of officers will take place.
Miss Tlllle Blenstok Is editor-in-chief.
Mendicant. Gets
Ten Days in Jail
A week ago B. A. King, 60 years old,
told the police courU attaches that he
had never befora begged'in his life; that
he was an old soldier, hungry and heart
weary.- A collection ot 13 was taken up
for him on the spot and the charge of
begging on the street was dismissed. All
tho contributors went away feeling
King -was In police court again for
begging on the street and threatening to
cut the heart out of a woman who re
fused him money. When Investigation
was made It developed that King Is
professional mendicant He was given
ten days In Jail.
George Imhoff, , employe of the Ne
braska and Iowa Grain company, was fa
tally Injured Friday when he was run
over by a Burlington" freight engine at
Gibson. Ho died while on the operation
table at St. Catherine hospital. He lived
at the City hotel, Tenth and Harnsy
streets. No relatives are known yet
The annual Creohe benefit netted JiSO
for the children's home. Tho affair was
In the nature of a bridge party and was
held at the Country ojub IsBt Tuesday.
Mrs. T. L. Kimball Is president of the
Creche board and was in chargo of the
j?Lc6j.P Cosbuja-ia
Jury in the Case of
Leisy Disagrees
After an entire duy of deliberation, the
Jury In the United Stales district court
before whom Henry Lelsey, a wealthy
farmer living near Wlsner, was tried on
a charge of Importing contract alien
labor, fulled to agree. Three times did
Judgo Smith McPhcrson glvo the Jury
explanations or Instructions, nnd three
times did they tacklo tho problem of tho
guilt or Innocence of Mr. Lelsey, When
they failed to agree, the court accepted
a verdict of not guilty on the second
count of tho indictment, which was di
rected by the court, and the report of
failure to agree on the merits of the first
Mr. Lelsey was charged with sending-
money to Germnny, together with tickets,
to Induce Albert .SchulU, his wife and
thtlr four children to como to America to
work for him.
Passenger Traffic Manager Fort and
General Passenger Agent Basslnger ot
the lnlon Pacific are back from a trip
to tho eastern agencies, and while they
do not find any boom In business, they
found a feeling of. optimism prevailing.
All through the east the railroad men
ay people are watching the west, and
Nebraska In particular, looking upon Ne
braska as the brightest spot on the map.
The news of Its bumper crop has reached
the east, assert the railroad men, and
merchants and financiers are looking for
better times when tho crops of the cen
tral west, Its hogs, sheep and cattle, start
to market a few weeks later.
Rev. V. Cejnar, new pastor of tho Bo
hemian Presbyterian church at Fifteenth
and Hickory streets, will hold his aecond
Sunday's services In Omaha Sunday. He
began hit duties hero last Sdnday, His
farylly, consisting of Mrs. Cejnar and
three children, have already arrived and
they are living at the parsonage. Rev.
Mr. Cejnar was formerly a minister at
Scotland, S. D., and originally was a
preacher in his native land across he
Four Debut Parties Arranged for
Miss Harriet Smith.
Ilrji Urert I'lnyrra to lie nt Country
Club Wpiliirxdny HvcnliiR
All L'ltilia Art- llclnir
WpII Patronised.
(Continued from Pago Two.)
and Sidney Lewis of Cleveland will act nB
bebt men. Mr. Nnthanson came down
from Toronto Friday morning, and
brought with him his 'sister. Miss Irfiia
Nnthanson, from Minneapolis. Colllo
Nathnncon will como Sunday and .Mrs.
I.enpoldt csme the first of tho week.
Dr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Pulver gave n dinner
lor Miss HnrrlB and Mr. Nathanson Sat
urday at Ilnppv Hollow, and Monday
Mrs B. A. Leopoldt will entertain nt
dinner at tho Hotel Loyal for them.
Preceding the wedding rehearsal Tucs
duy, Mr. Nathaniel Nathanson will en
tcrtnln nt dinner at tho Hotel Loyal,
Chasc-Kelsey Wedding.
Wednesday evening at S:30 o'clock a
distinguished company ot guests assem
bled nt the homo ot Mr. and, Mrs. H.
Reeves Kelsey In Toledo to witness tho
marrlago of their daughter, Helen, to Mr.
Clement Edward Chaso, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clement Chaso of Omaha, which
was one of tho, most notable ot the early
summer weddings.
In the drawing room the ceremony was
said by Rev. Allen A. Stockdale, pastor
of the First Congregational church, the
bridal party standing before an altar of
palms and ferns, bordered by tall bas
kets ot pink peonies, and the white satin
pre dleu was partly hidden by these frag
rant blooms.
Two sisters ot the bride. Misses Grace
and Florence Kelsey, and tho groom's
s'sters, the Misses Carmellta and Helena
Chase, girlishly lovely In taffeta cos
tumes ot different, shades, drew the rib
bons, the Misses Kelsey wearing white
and blue, respectively, and the Misses
Chase pale pink.
Miss Katherlno Kelsey was her sister's
maid ot honor. She was attired In a
short gown of sapphire blue charmeuse
combined with real laco and trimmed
with pink rosebuds, and she carried a
staff tied with her bouquet of pink Kll
larney roses.
Tho brldo, one of the most charming
of Toledo's younger set, was given In
marriage by her father. Her gown of
white satin and Chantllly lace, trimmed
with orange blossoms, was made short,
with long court train fastened to the
shoulders and her tullo veil fell from a
Dutch cap of Chantllly laco In shimmer
ing folds to the foot of her train. Her
flowers were lilies of the valley and
maidenhair fern, tied with bows of tulle
to a shepherdess' crook.
Mr. Philip Chase of Omaha attended
his brother as best man. Mrs. Kelsey,
the bride's mother, was gowned In white
lace over blue and she carried a bouquet
of butterfly sweet peas. Mrs. Chase,
mother of the groom, was handsomely
attired in coral brocaded chiffon, with
draperies of cream shadow lace.
Supper was served at small tables
adorned with baskets of Rhea Relds, and
dancing occupied the later evening.
Mr. Chaso and his bride left for Quebec,
Mrs. Chasrf" traveling in a cloth suit of
dark blue and small black hat. At the
conclusion of their trip they wI go to
Sewlckley, Pa., where they will bo at
home at 43H Melville Lane.
Tho out-of-town guests for the wod-i
ding Included Mr and Mrs, Clement
I'hase. the Misses Carmellta and Helena
Chase, Mr. Philip Chase and Miss Hut
terfleld, all of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Cooke and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
I'. Whllo of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Horace
Dawson of Cincinnati.
Copp-Pindell Wedding.
A pretty home wedding ot June was
that of Mien Kllrabeth Mary Plndcll and
Reuben HUronl Copp pf xew York City,
which took plare Tiiesdey evening at ..
o'clock Ht On h. mr of the bride's parents.
Mr. ami Mrs w Milam Harrison Plmlell.
Rev. John William Jnes, rector of St.
Paul's Kplr.opoi church, off'elated. Miss
Murle Swaiison played the I-ohengrin
wedding mnith.
The biltlo worv white rrepo u'e cnine, with
tunlo nml bodice of rose point luce, em In peat Is. Sho wore a long veil,
with Dutch an of Ince. held In place with
llllea of the valley. She carried a bou
quet of brides roses, with a shower of
lilies of the alle. M Angel tie Rush, a
niece of tho bride, was the brldcsnmld
and only attendant. She wore a white
shadow laco and chiffon gown, with a
Pink satin butterfly sash. She carried a
basket f.llrd with Klllarney loses, lilies of
tho x alley uul daisies. Assisting nt tho
reception were Mr. K. K. Klmbeiiey.
Mts. C. O. TnlmaRc nml Mrs. O. P. Good
man. Mr. and Mis. t'opp ,ae gone to Now
York City to reside.
Among tho out-of-town guests were Mr.
and Mrs. V. c. Goodnow of .Minneapolis.
Mts. J. a. OverMrcct. Hannibal. Mo.; Mrs.
D. K. l.yndos. Chicago; Mrs. Fred Man
colt nnd daughter, Mary Jane, of Wlchlln.
and Mrs. V. J. Murphy of Fort Smith
Thicle-Cooper Wedding.
At the Diets .Memorial purfonsge, 1007
Pierce street, Thursday afternoon nt 3
o'clock Mr. Adolph A. Thlel.t and Miss
Sarah J. Cooper were united In marriage
by Re. O II. Dewson. Sumner l.accy uf
Council Bluffs and Miss Jesslo Olds of
Ralston, la., wero attendants.
The bride wore white taffeta trimmed
In shadow late, with a corsage bouquet
of whlto sweet peas and rosea.
Miss Cooper wns- a graduate nurse nt
St. Catherine's hospital, nnd has been In
eastern Nebraska for tho last two years.
Mr. Thlclo has been connected with tho
Omaha plant of tho American Smelting
nnd Refining company as master me
chunlo. Following the ceremony the bridal party
wo it to the Hotel I.oyal for the weddlnn
dinner. Immediately after the brldo and
groom started on their honoymoon trip.
They expect to visit Germany, Switzer
land. Austria, Hungary and France, re
turning to Omaha about August 15.
Harris-Philipson Engagement.
Announcement has been made of the
cngnEcient of Miss Lillian Mildred
Phlllpaon ot Dallas, Tex., and Mr. Arnold
R Harris, Bon of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H.
llarr'a of thfs city.
Carlson-Sorenson Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Cora Sorensen,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Soren-
Store Hours,
Sunday Juno 11, 1014.
A Great June Sale of Beautiful
THE overstock of one of tho largest and foromost wholesalo milliners in tho country
bought way under price nnd offered to you tho same way.
New Trimmed SUMMER HATS, $5,98
That Would Ordinarily Retail for $10.00 and $12.50
ALL now summery effects, tailored and street hats, for iQ
exclusive in design, individual in style. Wide Hlfv
range of models for selection, ohoicc yw iU
New TRIMMED HATS at $7.98
That Would Ordinarily Retail for $15.00
"QEAuTIFULLY trimmed
,'erv finest quality; every ono clean, now
and stylish. Hats that are
ues; Monday, choice
Big Sale of Genuine PANAMAS
A remarkable purchase, all perfect goods and guar
anteed. AVide range of new shnpes. Three groups:
An exceptionally large selection in nil tho new shapes in hemps nnd milan- MX
hemps, were $2.98; Monday,
39c, 59c, 79c and 98c
The best assortment we've ever had,
beautiful gardinias, roses, white astors,
white Monte Carlos, etc.
Special Sale and
n. and Mr Elmer Carlson will bo cele-,
brated Mont.ay evening. Juno CJ. nt the
homo of tho bride Mlts Mamie Sorensen,
slMer of the brltle-to-be. will be maid of
honor, Miss Iouln Herman and Miss
Kathryn Porensen, bridesmaids, and little
Alice Sorensen, ring bearer. Mr. Henry
Doully will bo the best num.
Wedding Invitations.
Mrs. Margaret Van l.ome has. Issued
cards for the wedding of her daughter.
Katherlno Wtlhetmlne Lucille, and Mr.
Frederick William Anheusrr, which will
take place Tuesday afternoon, June fi,
at & o'clock at St. Mary Magdalene's
In Honor of Bride.
Miss Louise Herrmann entertained nt
a miscellaneous xhower at her homo
Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Corn
Sorensen. who Is to he one of tho J vino
brides. There were twenty guests pres
ent. x
Plans for June Wedding.
MIks Maymo Fltigerald of 2710 Jackson
stieet. who Is pilnclpnl of l-owell school
of South Omaha, will bo married Juno
2S to Mr. John Mrscclt, deputy city clerk
of South Omaha.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. Sidney A. Lewis of Cleveland, O.,
arrived Saturday for a visit here.
Miss Muriel Sonnenseholn of Ptrrre, S.
D. Is the guest of Miss Dorothy Hubcr
mnnn. Mrs. Harry U. Perkins nnd daughter,
lititse, of San Frnnclsco, are visiting
Mrs. W. K. Carpenter.
Mrs. Ralph M. Holxman and sou leave
today for the east to spend the summer
at I ong Branch, N. J.
Mrs. J. N. Campion leaves this morn
ing to visit her daughter Ht Freewntrr,
Myrtle Creek and Vale, Oregon.
Mr. J. A. C. Kennedy and Mr. John
Rine have returned from a week's atuy
In Washington and Now York city.
Mrs. Gerrlt Fort returned Friday from
a two weeks' visit In tho east with her
mother at Pine Lodge, Ashland, N. H.
Mrs. James A. Griffith and Miss Vivian
Griffith have returned from Denver,
where they spent a few day vlaltlnc
Mr. and Mrs. Doone Powell have re
turned froni their wedding- trip to PHcaa
lake and are at their apartments nt tho
Mrs. E. H. Edsnn ot Missoula. Mnnt.,
lormerly of this city, Is spending ten
days at Uio home of her niece, Mrs.
Robert Smith.
Baron Schwegel, Austro-Htingarlnn con
sul at Denver, was In Omaha Monday on
his way to St. Louis, to which place he
haa recently been assigned.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred J. Adams aro home
from a three weeks' trip to New York,
Boston nnd Lasell seminary commence
ment at Auburndale, Mass.
Miss Lena Nnthnnson nnd Mr. Collie
Nnthanson ot Minneapolis have arrived
to attend the wedding of their brothor,
Mr. N. L. Nathanson, Wodnesday.
Mr. Arthur N. Harris, son ot Mr. and
Mrs. J. H, Harris, who has been In
8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday
panamas, muans, otc, ot tho
really $1.5.00 val
59c, 79c, 98c and $1.49
Every wing guaranteed not to blow
apart, hand sewed, wired nnd pasted, all
Bnrgsss.gash Co. Sscond Ploor.
Demonstration of
and German HUMAN HAIR
1WTADAME ENDERS, the noted English
yx hair designer in personal charge of this
splendid demonstration which is now being
held here. An exceptional chance to secure
a fine genuine human hair switch at a very
This hair is absolutely
color, to remain lustrous
, - j Mivt fcvy nr uuu
m soap and water.
Mme. Enders will dress free of charge the hair of
every woman who makes a purchase of her.
Burrsss-Nash Co. Miin riocr.
Co. Everybody's Store 16th
1'Rllas Tex, for the last two vears. ir
expected homo permanently scrao tlnu
thin month.
Mrs. C. F. Manderson nnd Mim BlaoV
arrived home Thursday from Washing,
ton, where the former wont to atternV
the meeting of the Mount Vernon Ladles'
Mrs. John M. Slullln of South Oman
has returned from Des Moines, whers
she attended the graduation exercises o
St. Joseph's academy, her daughter,
Gladys being a member of tho graduatlna
Harry Williams of Chicago, who wai
hero with his wife at the homo of Mrs,
Alvln Saunders, left Thursday. Mrs.
Williams and baby will remain hero a
little longer with her mother, Mr. Rus
sell Harrison.
Mrs. Charles Izenstark and son. Jack,
of Chicago, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Rclnsehrelbcr. 815 Georgia avenue,
for three weeks. Soveral dinner parties
have been planned In honor of Mrs.
Ixenstark during her visit In this city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank D. Field leavo
this evening for an extended eastern trip.
They vill attend the reunion of Mr.
Field's class, that ot 1S04, nt Dartmouth
college, tho latter part of the month nnd
will spend noma time In Ronton and Now
York city. Their daughters, Jean and
Lillian, left Saturday for Huntsville, Mo.,
whero thoy will lslt their aunt, Mrs. J.
G. linker.
Personal Mention.
r a Wells underwent an opctb."""
for appendicitis Tuesday.
Mrs. C. F. uelman. Who unnerwent .
i MnndV at .hO Im-
nrrioun in-i...,.
mnnuel hospital. Is Improving nicely.
i ii waieh will entertain fifteen
guests nt her homo this evening in honor
of Miss Margaret McMnnus and Mr. Tojm
Glasgow, whose wedding will bo cele
brated Wednesday.
Miss Barbara smun, mumc. .....
nnd Mrs. Walter I. Smith of Council
Bluffs. U a member of this year's grad
uating class nt tho Montloello Girls' coU
lege. St. Louis. Mrs. Smith has gono to
Ht. Louis to attend the exercises, follow
ing whleh she and her daughter wiU g
east for two weeks. J
nneklenX Arnlon SbJt
prevented blood poison on Mr. G. w.
Cloyd of riunk. Mo,; this noothlmr salvo
healed a dangerous wound. ISc, All
druggists. Advertisement.
You Know the Value
of Keeping Things Glean
AndMakers of Window Shades
Phone nsrnsy 4831.
4010 Hamilton Strett.
till 9 P. M.
Sixteenth and Ilai-noy Streets.
at q
Genuine French
guaranteed to keep its
and wnw nnrl fr nraoh
and Harney