THE BEE: OMAHA, SATTTOAY, JUNE 13, 1914. WANT B&HKONLAKE STREET Business Men at Twenty-Fourth Ap peal for Branch Institution. SECTION IS BEING BUILT UP Since Tornado Drvoatnted locality It Hn Come Uncle -with Ktivr Vlsror and Many Business Places Are Dnllt. KnterprlBlngr business men In the vi cinity of Twenty-fourth, and Lake streets are anxious to secure a bank In that Mo tion of the city. They have solicited the Vnlted States National bank In an effort to establish a branch Institution at or near the Intersection to take care of the business at that locality. The United States National bank has done nothing definite In the matter and officials of tho bank say they do not see their way dear under the law to establish a branch bank anywhere. Since the rebuilding of the structures wrecked by the tornado In the vicinity Of Twenty-fourth and Iake streets, busi ness has been booming In that locality, and It bar become quite a little business center of Its own. A number of eplenild two and three-story brick business blocks hae been built and business Is thriving. Thoso Interested In tho proposition of get ting a bank established there have made a canvass of the business men In tho locality and have found that practically all would be willing to transfer their bank accounts from the down town banks to a new bank or branch bank, It one could be Instituted there. Our Near Neighbors JUNE CLEARANCE SALE of highly desirable Spring Apparel for Women, Misses and Children flken present You may find It's high time tbnt stocks were being readjusted to meet tho sizzling clays of summer. "We've stocks nnd chonned off nnvwhero from a third to a hnlf the price. Kfnd the items listed here. the very thing you are in need of. If it doesn't appear in this list keep your eye on our ads, from time to time we'll bring forward new lots, and we'll keep doing it until a thorough clearance has been made. Save H to Yz by buying" Apparel here and now Papllllon. Miss Charlotte Imler has gone to her home at Bhubert for the summer. Miss Florence Smith of South Omaha was visiting Papllllon friends Sunday. B, 1L Koch, superintendent of schools, will attend summer school at the Uni versity of Nebraska. A. 12. Langdon Is acting county at torney while IS. S. Nlckerson is on his trip to Pennsylvania. Mrs. J. Tower of Collcgeport, Texas, arrived Wednesday night for a visit with Mr and Mrs. C. 11. Tower. Miss' Mildred Patton, principal of the high school, has gone to her home In Fremont for tho summer. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Itahn entertained their many friends at a birth day dinner for Mr. Itahn. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Itoyce spent Bun day with Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Drown and Mr. and Mrs. II. Sproguo, Mtsles Elsie and Lucy Zwlebol, Kdna Bchafer, Ida Bossard, Anna Schmidt, Laura Saalfld and Gladys King have ffono to Peru to attend the summer ses sion Of the Normal. Harry Carpenter, the year-old-son of Mr. and Mrs, I, U Carpenter, died Bun day noon at a hospital In Omaha from pneumonia. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the home hers with Interment In Bchaab'a ccmotcry. I Springfield. Fred Dixon has gone to Sutherland to spend the summer. Alois Elwcll graduated at the state university Thursday. Json- was bam to Mr. and 'Mr. uooen lasi'.Bunasy. Bon Mrs. E, Q, fichnal Tcturncd from" a visit to Texas last Wednesday, ' Henry Qtcssman departed last week-for various partA -of Colorado. . , "Kd Butorft 1 returned' from, a trip to CneyennetWellk, Colo., this week. Airs'. "W IT, t'nderwood of" Omaha wits a guest oT Martha Peters- over Sunday. Frank, Comto attended the meeting of the undertaker at Omaha this week. t. If. plderog attended, the meeting of tbe Nebraska postmasters, this week. Mrt. C. Vr. Beadle of Papllllon visited her father, John Munford, tho fore part or the week. . , school at Hastings and is home tor the uromcr (vacation. (Mrs. If, 1J. Kelly of Peru Is snendlnir jor summer vacation with hr daughter, Thirty automobiles will taka this Iprlngfield bunch to attend the Ak-Bar- IMUs Mar)' Hogarth returned last week Som- Alliance, wtiero she. was employed Jlio public schools last year. John Illnes was held up by a tramp on the bridge south of town and robbed of Ms watch, a suit of clothes and 35 cents. jMJse viola Carpenter left last Friday fbr Mendoto, 111., to attend the com ilencomcnt exercises of tho college there. (Mrs. Elizabeth, who has been visiting the L A. Hates home, returned to vjayne, wnere sue win be one of the Instructor In the summer normal. JThose who went to Peru to attend the ijeru normal , the summer term uro itoger aalb. isna stratman. Mary Htrat nan. Mary HQgarin, J una Bmitn and iicd iiogartn. territory Is In Nebraska, Oklahoma. Kan-V Horner Fisher, has resided In Dlalr nearly 1 sas and Texas and she has a thirteen weeks" schedule, Mm. IH'rnn linker Is at Toledo. O., and will be accompanied homo In about, two weeks by her husband. Mrs. P. 8. Darnss Is In Chicago attend Ing tho twelfth biennial general Federa tion ot Woman's Clubs. Harold nialklo departed .for Cashmere, Wash., Tuesday morning, where he will Visit his uncle, u. ti. i-aiain. William McCata of Ponca. Okl Is visit ing old-tlmo friends In this vicinity. Ho was a resident here forty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Wash Bullls are pn a trip to Wisconsin and points In Canada. They will bo nbsent most of the summer. Invitations are out announcing the mar riage on June 18 of Miss Maude uaso oi Holbrook, Nob., to Mr. Fred Colbert of this city. D. F. nuby and daughter, Mrs. Wallace Phllpot. are on a trip thraugn ue western part or wqornsKi unu iu i.uwi"u ...- and uenvor, v-oio. Torn Akeson, northeast of town, had a 170 ca- killed by lightning Friday night. John Murphy. Jr.. had a horse struck Thursday morning. Mr, and Mrs. Weylana. son ana uaugn terf of Wayland, la., visited relatives hers this week while on their way overland In an automobile to points In Colorado. ii. . .t tin W. R. Lines denarua Ml .. . ... . , - Tuesday for Mrs. Lines' home iij jjew York state. They were, to visit former Weeping Water rncnos in uioYoimm, . on their return. Weep Inn Witter. r. ana Mrs. FTed. Wnir.or Central Cttv are visiiing ineir parents .nero, v. i . - v . . . , . . . . . . ra. xjuik ucjrnuiuB niu gmugnior. Mar e.t. Of Ottumwa, la,, are visiting f rlendi re. ... "W. Teefearach refur'ned Tuesday from jnmana, wnrre lie vtsitea nis aged par ent7 Mrs. Fred Pleven ot Harlan, la., vis ited her Sliter, Mrs. 8, Q. QoglUer, two days this week. ' w Mrs, 3. J, Meier entertained the lhlla thea class of the Congregational church weanesaay, evening. Miss' Man Hungate. who closed a sue cessful term ot Instructing domestic Etlence in the schools, at Aurora, Neb Is engaged in Chautauqua work. She has a position of junior superintendent, iter ti The Original Travelers Cheques VJben traveling abroad you never have tQ. persuade banks and hotels to accept your American Express Travelers Cheques. They are always leased to give you the ace value of the origin al Travelers Cheques without red tape. Experienced travel ers know that they mean immmediate money. American Express TRAVELERS CHEQJIES Two big bargains Ironi the Hosiery dept. A factory clean-up of several lines of misses' and women's silk lislo hoso in black and fancy colors. 25c, 35c and 50c values, all to close at 15c. $1.00 and $1.50 silk hoso in light colors, sky blue,, pink, lavender and green, a small lot, but very desirable goods, 50c. Ladie's Silk Bloomers Broken lots of the glovo silk bloornors in sky pink and white, regular price $2.00, now 95o. Auto Hat Special. Ra tine auto hats, regular $1.50 value, now 50c. Child's Straw Hat Spe cial Milan straw hats for small boys and girls, regular values to $1.75, now 05c. ,50c and 75p ones now 39c. Juno Clearance of Lo dges' Oool,Footwear. In , button oxfords, ankle or .instop strap and strap less patterns, all leath ers, worth up to $4.50; Saturday's selling, $3. Big Clearance Sale Reduction on Girls' Light Weight Colored Coats Sizes 7 to 14 yrs and 2 to 6 yrs AH coats that were for merly $3.95 to $6.50, now $2.45 $7.50 to $12;50, now $3.95 $13.50 to $16.50, now $9.75 Infants' Long Coats in the June Clearance $2.50 and $3.50 Coats, $1.95 $5.00 and $0.50 Coats, $3.95 1w '5 ,'llL June Clearance of Women's and Misses' High Type Coats Every cloth and silk coat included in this clearance. $15.00 to $22.50 C oats at $9.50 $25.00 to $35.00 Coats at $16.50 $39.50 to. $55.00 Coats at $23.50 June Clearance of White French Dresses for little tots 2 to 6 years $1.75 drosses now $1.15 $2.50 dresses now $1.65 $3.50 dresses now $2.65 $5.00 dresses now ;...$3;95 June Clearance of Infants' long and short dresses and skirts up to 1 year. 50c to 75c values, re duced to 39c. $1 to $1.50 values reduced to 89o. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Children's beach romp en. in Juno clearance. 50c nnd 7Cc values now 30c 83c and $1.00 values now 00c Women's muslin wear at June Clear ance prices. Ono big lot white muslin skirts, for merly ?1.25 to $2, now 70c Women's Summer rowiis in crepes and fine nainsook, $1.00 ones, now 00c $1.25 and $1.60 ones, now. , . 89 o June Clearance Sale of Women's and Misses' Suits Every suit in 'tho house, including fine orepes, ser ges, moire and taffeta silk .i that sold as high as' $49.50, at one price. $ Women's lawn and nainsook Princess slips, $2.25 and $3.00 values, now at $1.05 Girls' hot weather gowns, in slipover styles, 50c and 75c styles, now. . .300 $1.00 and $1.50 6tyles, now... 70c June Clearance in the Boys' Dept. BROKEN LOTS OF NORFOLK SUITS Boy's Knicker Suits, formerly $5, now $2.45. Those formerly $7.50 and $8.50, now, . . .$4.50 Those formerly $10.00, now $6.75 Thoso formerly $12.50, now $7.50 o'y a ' v Russian Blouses, 3 to 8 yrs., $1.50 values, 25c. Boys' WaSuits. White and colored Russian suits for 1 to 7 years in June Clearance. Suits formerly sold up to $2.50, reduced to 08c Wash Suits that form erly sold Up to $1,75, .. deduced to . , . .'.$1.-15 Regular 50c Khaki Blouses and 50c Knickers, the two for 85c. a. Omaha's Fastest Growing Store 1516-18-20 Farnam Street William Tlilelo and w6 were Omfca visitors Sunday. Mr. 11. Ehlrs. sOUtn or town, nao moved to Berlin. Mrs. Yt of Unton was visiting rela tives hero this veek. Earl Harmon of Omaha vtn hore over Sunday vlsltlns his parenti. Daniel Click has returned from Hick, vllle, O., where he waa vUltlng J, C. Zimmerer and family apent Mon day with Nebraaka City relative. M'aa Catherine Meyer of Lincoln la vUltlng here parents north of town. Mrs. nuth Trook and daughter; EUle, were over Bunday visitors at Auburn. MIm Mary Adamaon returned Saturday evening from a vUU at Kockport. Mo. Dick Steffeni and wife of Nehawk were guests at the Dr. Brendel home here last Sunday. Misses Donna and Judith Straub have returned from a visit at Omaha and Council Bluffs. Frank and Mlsa Meta Beekord of Utlca were here this week visiting at the L. J. Marquardt home. Mra. William Maacman. who has ben at Anlmore. 8, D., for the last six weeks, has returned home. a. W. llarshman. J. O. Et. John and Rosooe Harshman.' with families, spent Sunday at the state fisheries. Mr. It. C. Marnuardt was railed to Pierce. Neb., the first of the week, by the serious Ulnea or her father. MIm Kda Marauanlt ot this city, has announced her candidacy on the ropubll- can ticket (or county supennienoeni. Mlia Selma Marquardt. Huby Nutzmon nnd'jenevleve' Mlcltel left th'fl Week 'or Pern, where they will attend summer school. The follovrtnK I the schedule of eamea In the Cass County league for next Sun day: Avoca at Louisville, Manley at Eagle, Nehawka at Cedar Creek. Henry Htnxe and wife ot Ashton, Neb., were here the first of the week visiting at the home of John Mueller, writ ot town. forty years. Mrs. IS, C. Pierce Is on a two months' visit at her old home In New Hampshire. Mr", arid Mrs. Jbel H. Wright of Omaha. Sundaved with Postmaster W. J. Cook and family. Mr. nnd Mra. J. A. Underholm Of Omaha spent last Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Murdoch. rr Aiiin wlfn nml itnuKhter. of Bchuy- ler wero guests at the home of' Ufev. and Mrs. Warren this week. Mrs. Julius Christiansen and daughter. Marte. of St. Edward. Neb., ore vlsltlntr at tho Qus Sclieffler home. Louie Struvn, eloctrlclan, of Pittsburgh, ra.. Is hero on a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. U Struve. Mrs. John McQuarrle and daughter. Miriam, lett this week for n summer vlsl to Boston and Prlnco Edward Island. Dr. E. A. Talmer of Philadelphia ar rived this week to spend tho4 summer with his daughter Mrs, Clark Allen. Mls Agnes Ollortnnh, who has taught the last year In the Callaway, Neb., schools, Is homo for her vacation. Mils Helen McKeen'wa brought home last Friday from .the atato university, being III with .diphtheria. The trip was mode in an auto,- ambulance. C, nay dates, principal of the Blair schools, left SumlaV for Norfolk, where ho goes for eight weeks as Instructor In the Junior normal. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. fiamiOn left Thurs day for Mr. Samson's old home In New ark. N. J. Ho cocs to see his mother and two sisters whom he has not, seen for thlrty-ftve years. Guy Heltman. railroad agent, will leave the middle of the month for a ten days outing In the west, given to twenty-six agents In this district by the Union Pa- clflo Baiiwny company, 111 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, Is very much bettfer. ' Mrs. N. Barnds nnd children bt! Lincoln and Mrs, J. D. Whltmore and children of Grand Island visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wl q. -Vhltm6re. this week. . The Busy Beds' held their regular mdnthly meeting In the Dohorty hall Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Whltmore ond Mrs. Fred Whltmore served supper 10 a large number ot members .and guests. The Dubllc sanitary drinking fountain erected through the efforts of the Wom en's club, assisted by the village trustees, nns ncen piuced on me corner oy uio Egbert Johnson company store and Is ready for use. Tho Mothers' Home Eeonom Cs club held Its last meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Fred Wtirtmore. Tho fol lowing are the officers eleoted for the coming year President, Mrs. Nels John son! vice-president, Mrs. Martha Steele; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Ulrickson. IIImIp. Fred B. Dunkell of New York' City Is visitinar his sister, airs. vr. e. h. uiewart. Banker F. H. Clarldge and wife left Sunday for a two weeks' outing- In Mlnne ota. District Judge Leslie has Instructed the petit jurors to be called for Monday, june 16. Word was received this week that F. H. Matthirsen. piesldent of the Cltlxena' State bank, who has wintered at Loa Angeles, Cal.. has Improved so that he will te able to return home soon. Ned Fisher, an old-time Blair printer and for several years a linotype man In Omaha and Chicago, was brought here irom i;nicago last aionaay in the last Biases of tuberculosis. His mothv, Mrs. IlrnnlnKton, The ball team plays at Blair next Sun day. Wayland Maxee was In Chicago last week. John H. Kllnker Is the owner of a new touring car. Hev. Leldr will conduct services at the In., ti John TlmDerly came down from Stan ton last wcck. The village will celebrate the Fourth with a Dlcnlc at tho park and the usual trimmings. Mr. and Mra. Emll Ewoldt recently wel comed a uaoy girl ana Mr. ana sirs. f:. Cunningham, a baby boy. Mm. Herman Jungnluth of "near Arling ton, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Alra, E. Oft, last Saturday. Miss Margaret Fedde, a sister "of Mrs. Fred Ohrt, Is one ot this year's gradu ates ot the Nebraska State university. Mrs. C. C, Craven entertained the Aid society of the Washington- Methodist Episcopal church on Thursday ot last wetk. Peter Mangold will erect a new build ing on the corner now occupied by the posioiiice. wnicn win do movea to aa join the bank. Mr. and Mrs. Qua Junge returned last week from a four months' trip to Ger many and are now visiting at the home or their daughter, Mrs. John Dlerks. Rggert Oft Will soon beetn the crec. tlon ot a new hall on the lot wost ot Petersen's store. The basement will con tain kitchen, dining room, and rest rooms, it win te ateam-heatcd. Mrs. Frank Soil, who baa been at Rt. Joseph's hospital. Omaha, for the last two weeks, having undergone an opera tion for ear trouble, Is recovering nicely and will probably return rjorae on Batur- Cards were received here this week an nounclnc the marriage at Miss Viola Vahlcamp, niece of Mrs. Charles Qrau. to Air. ran iaouos at ts&u Li&xe city on oaiuraay, June t. nr. ana asm Landea will reside at Twin Falls. Idaho Valley. Mrs. Jack Delthick and Miss May Nleola went to Omaha Monday. ' Mrs. Anna Allen and children ot Fre mont visiiea in vaiiey wis week. Mrs. Hoi as worth and daughter. Mar (caret, returned Sunday from a visit in UmiEUL Miss Gertrude Irurram nent Tuesday and Wednesday In Omaha, the gutat of airs, cnariea wine. Mn. Isaac Koyes. who bu been Ttry Blkhorn. Mrs. Charles Wltte visited In OmnHa Thursday. Mrs. B. F. Calvert entertained the ladles' Kensington Wednesday. Mrs. C. W. Baldwin went to Omaha Saturday for several days' visit. Mrs. J. W. Housley visited In Omaha two days this week to get acquainted with Je.r new nieco at the .William Folu home. Mrs. V. E1. Chamberlln went to her former home' dt Ffllrbuty for a Visit. - Mrs. J. G. Sefefus went to' BrOa'dWatlr, Neb.) Wednesday, to visit relatives and friends. Wllford Ij'olte left Wednesday, for. the ranch near Bridgeport, Neb., where h'e will visit his parents. " ' Bay Kllllon of Cedar Bluffs 'called on" Mr. and Mrs,' J. E. Fate Wednesday on his way to Omaha. Mrs.. George. Blgby and son of Omaha visited Mrs. Blgby's mother. Mrs. Cal vert, Wednesday and Thursday. Wllllan .Hansen of Osceola visited from Friday until Tuesday here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs-. II. A. Hansen. Mra, C. W. Baldwin ha sold her rosl denco property to Julius Schuldt. She will move to Omaha the latter part of the b ii miner. Mrs. Hoy Goodwin and daughter, Mar garet, ot Des Moines, la., are hefe visit ing her mother, Mrs. Pfelffer, and other relatives. Fred Lebbert and sister, Miss Augusta, of Bennington, together with Mr. and airs. C P. Betts, visited at the J. O. Gib bons' homo Sunday. In the afternoon Mr. Lebbert took them all to the state fisheries In his automobile. No Meat Tonight- Tonight's Spaghetti Night During this hot weather Faust Spaghetti makes an ideal food. While this whole some food is far more nutritious than meat, it has still another advantago does- not heat the system. Try a FAUST dinner at kait twice a week, during the sauimer. Boy a lOcpacksfio cook, with ted ripe tomatoes for abcrct 40 minutes aenre with crated cheese. Whet & feast I Rich, savory, satisfying: tsttcs deli cious to the last tnoneL Scud lor free recipe book. 5cand 10c packages buy today. MAULL BROS. St. Louis Mo. Fresh Dressed Chickens, pound 11 3-4 PIG PORK ROAST, pound , P . 103-4.? Choice steer pot roast, 126-il4C Pig pork butts 13?4c Young veal roast 1194 c Choice Mutton Chops lit He Mutton Roast 71&c SPECIALS From 8 p. m. till 0 p. in. Iminb Chops 5c From O p. ru. till 10 p. m. Pork Chops -.' , .12 Lamb Stew, 6 lbs ...25c Extra lean bacon 10 94 c Extra lean" hams 15 ?4 c Small hams ll?4c Sugar cured bacon ........ 14 ?4 c 30 lbs. best augur w ...... .61.00. With 1 lb. Tea 69o 48-lb. sack best Flour $149 Calumet Baking powder, lb, can.l9o Fanfcy Jap Rice, 6 lbs..... SSo 12 bars D. C. Soap QBo With washlnjr soda 10c 3-lb. cans Sweet Potatoes. .I0o 25c 18'OZ. bottle Catstrp ISO Large bottles Olng-erale 10c Tall cans Carnation Milk, doz., 91.00 PUBLIC MARKET Tall cans Cottafee Milk. can....7Hc Santos Coffee, lb SOo Full Cream Cheese, lb 30o ejpn.ghettl or Macaroni, pkjt. . . . .7Ho' Best brands Creamery Butter, per lb 28o and 30o Best Country Butter, lb 85o Full quart Jars Queen Olives. .. ,39c Mason Jars Sour, Sweet, etc Pickles lOo Tall cans Red Salmon, cart 15c 1610 Harney St. Phono Douglas 2793 Practice) Economy by Trading at Our Cash Provision Stores. ires. ii SATURDAY SPECIALS I Chickens, young hens, fresh killed, lb , , . . ,1&t Roast Beef, shoulder cuts, lb ? 15-13 d Rib Roast, choice, lb , , 18 Pork Bones, lb , 5 Leaf Lard, 9 pounds -. : 1.00 We have all kinds of Cooked and. Prepared Moats and Sausages. Fred Bonness Prov, Stores 2221 Leavenworth St. Tyler 711. 008 So. 10th St. Doog. 407p. Cor. 24th & Woolwoth Ato. ' Doug. 4.155. lelivertd To Your Home 12c Quart Alamito, Doug. 409 BEE HIVE GROCERY We gtye S. ft K. Oresn Trading Stamps. Oar Prloes Are Good All Week,. S4 lbs. Sugar ......81.00 With 3 lbs. Coffee 81.00 Ball Mason Jars, quarts, doz .46o Ball Mason Jars, pints, doz, ...... ,40o Jar Rubbers, 10c grade, doz.., 60 Fancy Rice. ' lbs aJo California. ChllL -Beans, lb 7Wo Oat Meal, 10c package ,.7VSo V Macaroni or Spaghetti, 10c pktr. ..6H0 Corn Fjftkt, 0c pkg. ........ s 60 Oood i'-eei, dozen ,17o Fresh Country Butter. Jb ,...aaio Choice Qleo., r 2-lb. roll , . . . . aso XXXX Flour, per sack 9 1.03 Blue Bell Flour, per sock $1.15 Corn, Peas Or Tomatoes, 4 con....3Sa 6nlders Baked Beans, ISc can . .13o Assorted Soups. 10c can 7Ho Pt Milk. 3 10c cans 3So New Potatoes, peck ,.,..40o New cabbage, lb 3Uo Sweet Oranges, dozen ,.15o tweet Cantaloupes, each Bo bugor Cured Bacon, lb. lHo "alt Pork, lb DUo Pure Rendered Lard. lb. latfio Compound Lard, lb .-too Choice Boiling Beef, lb SUo Choice Roast, lb. lOHo Choice Steak, lb 13Uc Corned Beer, lb. 100 Home made Pork Sausage, lb lHo BEE HIVE GROCERY leth and Camlajr Stc Pnone IXiuy. 2034 Pbone Ul SSU1 Orders at Bora Trtoec. HAIR BALSAM CI MiiiM mi WmiAM hilt 25 POUNDS FOR $1.00 Best Cone Sugar. Buy now before another ad ranee. lbi. Mpyune'a special coffee....fxoo X O. Brand. J lbs. $U10 Teas, all kinds, lb... Oo to 800 Sugar sold with J 1.00 other goods. MOYUNE TEA CO. M sToith- ltUt Bt, ;