Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE BKB: OMAHA, TlT.vSim , Jl'NK 0. 1!)14
Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable
The Exquisitely Gowned
Woman LEANS Upon the
Dresher Establishment
She has learned through bitter experience thnt the usual
clenner makes a frightful botch of a Job when cleaning, re
modeling or repairing her evor-so-costly Frocks nnd Drosses.
Sho has found thnt there aro advertisements and advertise
ments, all claiming but few carrying out their claims; but she
HAS found that DRESHERS do REALLY marvelous work
on her most prized wearables.
She has found that the care given her garments at Dresn
ers equals the care sho would, herself, give the clothes: sho
has found that Dreshers never make a promlso they cannot
fulfill; she ha3 found that It scarce pays to WEAR fine gowns
and dresses unices there Is a concern llko Dreshers at her dis
posal. (Phone Tyler 315 and make n test.)
ITaxt Tuesday ws will publish tr-e
standing of all contestants who hat
turned In their nomination coupons
or caah ohecka for rjf in thia con
tent. Get your receipt! In by Satur
day Yenln?, ao that your atandlnr
trill appear In the list, thna letting
your friend know that you are com
peting for a trip to the Vanaona ea-position.
Dresher Bros.
Dry Cleaners-Dyers
I 2211-13 Farnam St. Omaha.
Residence, Office and Store
The Electric Shop
1810 Farnam St.
' 'Wo Are as Near to You as Your
Telephone0 Tyler 1414.
Contestants' Standing
itUCC, m0
ray t. Watta j,u-. ,...
iutn A. l'inncy a,37t,0J
v-narua utu k,u,.-j
.ia., fairy mti
Wlika W-rtl 34 850
Sylvia Hanne au,(93
Y' ,A- flynkrom lyv.nB
Kiary J. Aberly bi'dia
iJatiel a. -uauMrld u.oid
bftiu dteiUuurtf- V.aii
noaweu -otie 4,71 i
Mrs. tt. S Buutii 3,.bd
yiyae J Xiutiier 1,636
Joe bonaleJc l.aho
sred Horn 1,159
brace E. Baker. Beatrice, Heh. . 1.000
Herbert O. Welle l.oow
W. J. Kottlen l.oou
Chris Blmonoou. mica, Meb.... 1,000
Julian Harris 1,000
Harry J. Severacu 1,000
Minor O. Kennedy 1,000
Herbert C. Iiuudon 1,000
Marie B. Rivera 1,003
Jennie X. Waahburn l.oou
Charlea Q. Thomaa 1,000
Myrtle O. Itarrlsou 1,000
Mra. Janiea Mortlmoro 1,00
Henrlotta Swenaen l.oou
Mra. Robert T. Jonea 1,000
Jainoa L. Xulakofaky 1.0 Oo
Myron Derorreit 1,000
T. O. Thompson 1,000
Mra. Oeorre E. Evarta 1,000
Louise r&nnlngliera 1,000
raul Korton l.OOu
Henry B. Ring- 1,000
Mra. Zillllan towtlen 1,000
Bainnel Z. Book 1,000
John rilokar 1,000
Jule Wachateln. 1.000
Karry Erney 1,000
Mra. E. BeT.rtdg-e 1,000
Mra. Pinna Clrolo 1.000
William Wlnaneat 1.000
Oretchen Edrar 1,000
Jamea O. Wisely 1,000
Sara Eeo 1,000
Wayne Blley 1,000
H. W. Becker liOOO
Mra. Jennie Martin 1.00U
Xrilllan Erlckaon. Kearney. Keb. 1,000
John Oepleoha. Burwell. Web... 1,000
Mra. Hottle Oaburn 1.000
Charlea Hannlffan 1,000
Bobert W. Mullln 1,000
Exteriors of Fair
Buildings Are All
Nearly Completed
How to Win a Free
Trip to the Pana
ma Exposition
rttitra of Contest.
1 The Bee offera and will award three
round-trip tlcketa and expenses to the
Panama Exposition, the total cot of each
trip to bn 1200, a prltcs to the three, con
testant having the Kreateat number of
points at tho cloae of the contest.
z Thla contest open to everybody ex
cept employee of advertlecra on thla pate
and of The fiee.
I Tho content pac will ba published
one day each week and will run for a
pertoJ of one year.
4 Polnta will be flfured on the bnela of
one point tor each 1 cent shown on cash
checks or receipts for purchases made
from advertisers on thla pntse.
5 Cash checks must be deposited at or
mailed to "Panama Contest Editor" The
lice not later thun thirty days from date
ct payment of earns and rocclpU will be
Issued for them.
Conteet to close. November 7, 1MI. All
rash tickets and receipts must bo turnod
Into The JJeo office ni t later than 9 p, tn.
on closing day of contest, or If mailed,
must bo postmarked not later than that
Dor Sho tv nt U.loltlon.
The rnnama-Pnclflc International expo
sition Is not to o vol look tho dog. He will
be Riven three days and announcement
has just been made that the exposition
dog show on November 16, IT and IS will
carry away W.R6S In prlres.
Battleship Oregon
to Carry President
to Big Frisco Fair
That the fleet of warships that will
assemble nt Hampton Meads early In the
year 1915 and stenm throiifh the Panama
canal headed by the historic Oregon,
with President Wilson on board, will b-
the largest over assembled. Is mailn cer
tain by tho first report of the I'nllel
Slates navy department. The officials
of tho Panama-Pacific International ex
position have, been notified by tho navy
department Ihnt eleven foreign nations
linvo accepted the Invitation to semi
ships. The list now Includes Austria,
Ilussln, Japan, Oermnny, France, Italy,
Argentine Hepubllc. Greece, Ppaln, Eng
land nnd Portugal. Assistant Secretary
of tho Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt snld
on a recent visit to 8nn Francisco that
the I'nlted States navy would havo more
tlrnn fifty-five ships In lino. Tho great
war fleet will be an unprecedented feat
tiro during tho time of the exposition.
Two Stnten Let Cmitrncts.
North Dokota and West Virginia have
Just let tho contracts for their pavilion
on the. grounds of the Panama-Pacific
International exposition. Tho West Vir
ginia commission has Just been appointed
and Is expected to arrive In San Francisco
i soon.
The, most desirable furnished rooms are
advertised In The He. Clet a nice cool
room for the aumme.
Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New
Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of
Counts 100 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest
Capital, $500,000
Surplus, $500,000
Undivided profits,$240,000
Total deposits, $7,000,000
13th and Farnam Streets
FRANK 1. HAMILTON, Vice President
3. H. ME1LE, Assistant Cashier
C. B. DUGDALE, Assistant Cashier
NOTE: Votes will not be allowed for other than bona fid new savlngi
accounts Full number of votoa will be allowed up to alxty days before
cloae of oolites", when a limit of 10,000 will bo placed on each new account.
I Eeryono who visits tin. Panama-Pad-i
flc International exposition grounds at
Ban Francisco these days Is greatly sur
prised at the advanced stage of the con
1 structlon work. Al though there Is much
. Interior finishing yet to be done, so many
, of the huge and beautiful exteriors have
been completed that the beholder can
today gain a very fair Idea of the mag
nlftclent grandeur of the perfected proj
ect. ! To date, thirty-five foreign nations and
thirty-eight American states and terri
tories have arranged to occupy spaco at
tho exposition. Even- far off Slam will
be represented, and Prince Kajanl will
be commissioner. Other royal visitors will
bo King Ferdinand, Queen Elcanora and
Crown Princess Boris of Bulgaria, ami
King Alfonso and Queen Victoria of
A significant Indication of the strong
' religious activity prevalent In the United
States Is the fact that the two great
! branches of the American Christian
; church will each have a costly display.
The Roman Catholics .will exhibit a mag
I nlflcent reproduction of St. Peter's at
Itome, while the Prqtcstant denominations
l are planning to erect a unique building
, In the form of a huge open Bible.
I Tho Union Pacific Railway company,
I one of the principal and most convenient
i transcontinental linos which will carry
visitors to the exposition next year, has
' started work on Its magnificent and real-
; Istlo reproduction of the Yellowstone Na-
tlonol park, one of America a scenic snow
i places.
Some conception of the number of peo
ple who will visit this epoch-making ex-
I position can be gauged by the fact that
It Is estimated that no less than 500 so
clety conventions will be held at San
Francisco (for which a special conveti
tlon hall has been built), during 1915. Ono
of the most Important and Interesting of
these will be the First International En
gineering Congress, to be presided over
by Colonel Qoethals, builder of the Pa
nama canal.
, One hundred thousand dollars has been
appropriated to bring the first world polo
tournament to San Francisco In 1815. It
I will be conducted under the auspices of
the American Polo association, and will
last from March 15 to May 1.
i3 itaey m Prugs
By Shopping Always at
the Four Rexall Stores
" At Reduced Prices
Bromo Seltzer 9c-10c-34c-C9o
50c Charles Kles.'i Food 34o
26c Carters Little Liver Pills . 13o
33c Ca8torla, ,-renulus aio
50c Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin. .. .23c
II 00 Duffy's Halt for 74o
Fellow's Syrup 64o aud 880
11.25 nude's Pepto-Mansan 79e
J1.00 Wine of Cardul 69o
TSc Jad'a Salta Mc
Mentholatum He and 34o
SOc Pape's Dlapopsln for 29o
$1.00 Plnkhom's Compound ... .50o
Hot Hepatlra 17c, 33o and 69o
50c Syrup of Figs for 29s
1.00 Swift's Bptclflc for 51o
26c Cutlcura Soap 17c
SOc Carmen Powder 39c
SOc Canthrox 39o
At Lowest Cut-Prices
25c Tlr. for tender feet Ho
25c 1711 White nose Soap 12o
25c Woodbury's Fnclal Soap. . . .I4o
Horllck's Malted Milk. 34c, 67c, $3.70
25c Hydrox Peroxide Cream. .. Ho
Llaterine 9c, 14c, 39o, SCo
'25c Lyon'a Tooth Powder 14c
LnBlanche Powder for 39c
SOc Malvlna Cream for 39o
25c Massatta Talcum for X4o
26c Mermen's Talcum, 4 kinds.. 13o
11.50 Oriental Cream. Gouraud's, 93o
25c Packer's Tar Soap I.4o
SOc Pebeco Tooth Pnate 390
Venezuela Active
at the Exposition
i Venezuela takes a neighborly Interest
In the completion of the Panama canal
and not only has she accepted Undo
Sam's Invitation to his world party to
celebrate the canal opening but she has
tent a commissioner to reserve a place on
the grounds of the Panama-Pacific In
ternational exposition at San Francisco.
The dedications of national and state
sites are accompanied by atractlve cere
monies and when the Venezuelan sits
was officially delivered to Commissioner
Octavla Escobar Vargas, his wife, Senora.
Vargos, pulled the flag of Venezuela lo
the flag pole staff while tho military
bands playtd tho southern republic's na
tional anthem. Tho exposition is doing
Its share toward making the Monroe
doctrine mean something along with tho
firtecn-inch guns that proclaim It.
1,000-Sheet Roll, 10c quality fine tissue paper, 5 for 25c
Case of 100 rolls for $4.25
roxm busy dbuo otokesj
Corner 16th and Scdgs S.rteta. Harvard Pharmacy, 24tt and raraam.
0w Drug- Co, 16 tli and Barney Sts. Xoysl Pharmacy, 307-500 XT. 16th.
The hest building for the visitors at
the Panama-Pacific International expo
clt'on will be the California state build
ing and the ground for thla structure has
been broken. Governor Illrom Johnson
was one of the speakers. Callfornlans
declare they, will have the finest pa
vilion aver erected by any state or na
tion In any exposition and the announce
ment that the building and all Its contents
will represent an outlay of (2,000,000, looks
as It they were correct. They promise
a ball room, larger and more lavishly
furnished than any ball room now found
In the state of California and that Is a.
real promise.
Send or bring this coupon to tho "Pnnninn Contest
Editor" of the Boo and you will recoivo 1000 votes in
tho Panama Contest. Only ono coupon will be credited
to n person. ,
Name ...
(ft" If you could follow the washwoman homo with your
frocks and linens; if you could seo how few modern
conveniences sho uses; if you really know how they
wore washed, dried and handled, do you think that
you would still prefer her lack of system to our per
fect system?
It's a business with us, and wo surround that busi
ness with all tho advantages that, aro to bo had.
CJf Our assistants take a pride in their work; they are
neat and clean, their work clothes aro spotless, and
thoy havo a modern, well lighted, woll ventilated es
tablishment in which to handle your washing.
Jf We use only soft water aud appliances of which you
would npprove if you saw them.
CJf "Why not come nnd seo them! Wo should be glad to
have you; wo'ro proud of every detail which goes to
tho making of this modern hiundry.
CJf In any event, give us a trial bundle. Come, too, if
you can find tho time when you aro near our place.
1507-09-11 Jackson Street.
Phono Douglas 919.
Member of Laundrymen's National Association of America,
Little Journeys in the
Field of Opportunity
Graduation Gifts-"Diamond Rings
l-R carat atones,
each stone a per
fect cut diamond
mid very brllllnnt,
placed In solid
gold mounting, 50
r intra In thin lot
12 values, and wo aro able to of
fer thnm right now cc "re
at. each .qJO.O
1-8 1-32 carat. An entire gross
bought nt thla weight, makes a
splendid diamond ring In solid
rold mounting, valuo t1l 7C
25, offered by us nt ...y1-'0
1-4 curat nenutnn "Wcssoltons"
without flaw or enrbon, nny stylo
mc solid mounting. eai en
144.00 valuo at
1-4 enrat genuine "Jaugera", per
fect cut and the highest griulo
stone money can buy. These
stones would bn fortunate pur
chases nt JG0.00. whllo our lm
mensn buying power through tho
branch stores enables us to offer
them In UK gold, platinum head
each"1.'!?.'': . .I') $38.00
S perfect stones weighing '.4 carat
each Genuine and perfect Wea
neltons. free from flaws or Im
perfections. Tho cut, shnpo and
brilliancy tho best we could ob
tain from our Amsterdnm ngents
and wo back thesa stones with our
reputation as experts. They are
fully worth 1160.00. The lot
contains 7 diamonds weighing
sllnhtlv more, but all offered at
our spcclni prlco i i n nn
Lake Breezes
In Your Home
$ Hot weather will
soon be here
scorching days willl
make you long for
tho cooling breezes
of your favorite
lake. Why not lot
an Electric Fan
make you and your
family comfortable
this summer!
An Electric Fan
Insures Sum
mer Comfort
at Small Cost
For less than ono
cent an hour an Elec
tric Fan will assure
you cool comfort In
rour home and a high work
ng efficiency In your of
fice, lie ready Buy now,
Tor Sola By All Saalsra.
Omaha Electric Light
& Power Co.
For the Bride.
Pianos $250 to $1,1
Vicirolas $15 to $200
ART GOODS, Embracing the world's fin
est lines of Pictures, Statuary, Silver, Brass-
Leather and Glass. All these good gifts may
be found at Hospe's.
A. nOBPE CO., 1B13 XJOUfflsB St.
Cuts that print
There Is often all the difference) In the world between
a cut that shows up well In the engraver's proof and one
that shows up well when It is printed. Cuts mado for a
nowspaper bavo to bo made so that they will give good
results under the most adverse conditions, 'For that rea
son, a newspaper engraving plant producos cuts that tho
ordinary printer can use and get good results.
If you bavo somo engraving to bo done, send us the
work and compare both the results and the prices with that
of ordinary engraving plants.
Bee Engraving Department
Bee Building, Omaha