THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1914. 4 ;Jgg:& Jt&m& What About That Bathing Suit? Coming! And Don't You "Wish She'd Hurry? By Nell Brinkley Copyright. 19M. International News Service. 5 u a." v 'i - i ' My gracious, what a the green of a summer set auburn arms and her slook, Wife Is By DOROTHY DIX. Women understand men a great deal Better than men understand women.. This Is easily accounted for by the fact that woman haa been forced by her dependence on man to study his whin s and peculiarities. Her pleasures, her perqulsltlee, even her livelihood de dend upon her abil ity to read mankind as if It were a prjmer In words of one syllable. , On the other hand, man, being Inde pendent of woman, has not felt It necessary to study her moods and tenses, and so he has. dismissed the whole problem feminine pyschol- "bgy with a grand wave of the hand, is an Impenetrable mystery that it wasn't worth while for the mighty mas culine Intellect to concern itself over. This Is a pity.' because, after all, the majority of the men marry, and do have to deal lth feminine peculiarities, and they could save themselves such a lot of trouble If only they had their wives' numbers, and so knew Just how to work those ladies. For Instance, the difference between a good husband and a bad husband In a woman's eyes does not consist In what the man does, but what he says. It's words, not deeds, that count with a woman. This Is practically true of the whole feminine sex, and yet not one man In a million studies his wife enough to find out this elementary fact. A man may work his fingers to the bone to supply his wife with flntry, lie may never stir from his own flrislde 'if an evening. He may be as sober! as the town pump, and a model of every do mestic virtue, and yet. If he neglects to pay his wife compliments, and notioe what She haa on., ahe will bemoan her fate In having a neglectful and unloving husband. But a woman may marry a man who Is a. gay rounder, who neglects her. who long time 'til summer but she's coming up out of tho boll of surf from with her glossy black cap, and tho ealt-drops on her noso and lashes, her wot, black figure like a seal's the Bathing Girl! Tho Billys are watch Man's Proper drinks and gambles, yet as long as he tells her that she's the most beautiful creature on earth, and tho only woman he cvor loved, and swears that he'll kill himself on her grave If she dies she Is perfectly happy and goes about bragging about her husband to other and envious women. Men also find It Impossible to cope with the dissatisfaction of their wives because they have never taken the trouble to study women enough to know that a woman's comblalnts are nothing moro or less than a bid for sympathy, and that 'f he'll Just pity her enough sho will be per fectly satisfied to do without the things she apparently wants. The wife of a poor rnan, tot example, will complain because she can't have Jewels and automobiles, and go to 'he opera, and her husband, poor Ignorant soul, doesn't know that he can stop her whines and make her perfectly happy by simply telling her that It breaks his heart because he can't give her these luxuries, and how much handsomer she would look bedecked In pearls than tnn rich women who wear them. What hurts the poor woman who must do without things Is thinking thst her husband doesn't care whether sho has luxuries or not, and for her to know that he wants to give her a ttara makes her Just as contented aa It would to' have It. Many men complain of their wives' x- r In the Uy LILIAN' LAUFERTY. Ml6t and dawn and sunrise balsam-scented space. How my heart would dream of them In this dull gray place! Keys click all around me: "Orders," "Beg to state," "Carry out Instructions," "Shipment cannot wait." And upon my keyboard how my fingers race Notebooks blot from vision balsam-scented apace, Happy factory worker whirring your machine, You may dream and vision woods and trees of greOn;- J"' Hands upon your labor, while your heart dares go Fearlessly a-wanderlng, since tho boss can't know. But my thoughts are prisoned here on my machine, Notes and keyboard claim me, tho the woods are green. Study j travagance. These men are often grouchy and cross and uncompanionable, and they understand women so little that they do not know that shopping takes the place of drink with a woman. When things go wrong at home with a man he beats :t to the nearest saloon. When things go wrong with a woman ahe slams on her hat and rushes to the nearest department store. The woman who is married to a man who Is pleasant and amiable and agreeable around home la satisfied' with a very few clothes and limited pin money. For every row that a man has 'with hit wife he literally has to pay out good hard cash, for chopping la not only a woman's solace In times' of trouble, but buying things 1i also the way ahe revenges her self on her husband when she thinks that he has been tyrannical or unjust to her. Considering, therefore, that talk is cheap, and millinery comes, high, thn marvel of It is that men have never found out that It's money In their pockets. :o keep their wives pacified. If -men are brother to the ox, as the poet says, women are . twin sisters to the donkey that can be toled along anywhere, .but that can't be driven an Inch. Yt there are men who are married ,o women, and live with them for forty years, and fight with them every day of that time, without ever ascertaining that tho one and only way of managing ;i woman Is to Jolly her. Office ing for her with their spy-glasses glued to their eyes aching for a girl Is real summer time. Don't you wish she'd hurry? Me I do, Change Is it By OARRKTT P. SERVI8S. A bit of astronomical news, the Im portance of which will become more ap parent as tlirm goes on. Is that the sun Is now entering upon another period of max Imum spotted- ness. Last year the sur face of the sun was less disturbed than It had b e n for nearly a century be fore. At the begin ning of April this year a large spot broke out upon It, ajid as I write now I can see, at the first glance with an opera glass (the eyes being protected by a pair of electrician's black spectacles), a huge ebon blot near the edge of the round disk, and It Is only necessary to turn a. telescope upon that hlot In order to be- hold a solar storm covering a space far larger than the whole earth. But this spot Is small compared with many which will be scon within tho next few years. Just ss the period of mini mum spottedness which culminated last year was extraordinary quiet so the maximum now coming on Is likely to STRIKE FOR EQUAL RIGHTS "Break hearts, not windows," so Mrs. Havelock Ellis. English welter and lec turer and wife of the distinguished physi cian and critic, advised members of the woman suffrage party In New York. "If we women would refuso to cook, wash, kiss our husbands or even look at them, and Just sit down with our most chsrmlng manner and our hands in our j pookets seventeen pockets If we wanted them we should get nearer tho vote than w do by destroying valuable paintings and Irritating those who are really In sympathy with us. "I have always thought so, snd Just be fore I left I tried my theory on a farmtr who lives near my Cornish noma. " 'What do the crazy women want?' " he asked " 'They want their rights. They own Coming Over the Sun he unusually energetic. what will ! the consequences to the earth? There wilt be great magnetic storms, and probably magnificent displays of the aurora borc&llH, rolling Its wonder ful curtains In the polar skies. There Is considerable reason for ex pecting that destructive tornadoes, cy clones, typhoons and hurricanes will be unusually abundant during the next five or six years. Every atmospheric disturbance In which electricity plays a. conspicuous part is likely to be more marked during years of sunspot maximum. Such observations Indicate thst violent thunderstorms are n oro abundant at such times. tt has been thought that a great "wave of heat" passing over the earth Is char- , acierlstlc of the beginning of a new sun- the opinion of Plarsl Bmyth, the Scotch 'astronomer, whose fascinating specula 1 ,lon about the origin and meaning of the f eat pyramid were regarded as too ! mystical by some of his scientific hrelh- tion . ren and lessened the weight of his au thorlty on other subjects. For, In science us In other human things, orthodoxy Is a great asset Hut. while there may be an Increase of hent at the beginning, yet thn b-st opin ion of astromomers at present Is that the earth, as a whole, gets a little less, heat p"' ,,ke 0U- Why ,houldnt ,hey "Well, there's eomepin' in thst," he ad mitted. So I explained my Idea to him,. AVhon I had finished he struck his fist on tha table. "My God, they'd get It In a fortnight!" ho said. "But there Is some excuse for the Eng lish women even In their crazy pranks. All during Saturday's parade I watched from tha automobile the faces of the men along the streets, but I saw not one man who looked as some Englishmen do. There was not a single sneer. I sat down and wrote my husband so. Not that he ever looked like that If he had I should have left him. But It Is to wipe that sort of expression oft the faces of English men thst English women are willing to go to such lengths to get the vote." Now York Sun. sight of her for the bathing NELL BRINKLET. i from the sun during a maximum than during a minimum period of spottedness. It Is simply a matter of area; the spots cover hundreds of millions of square miles of the sun's surface, and since they are comparatively dark they cut off a proportional amount of radiation Carry ing heat to thn earth. The loss to the earth amounts to a de crease of about one degrees In the aver age height of tho thermometer. To that extent, then, the sun Is a' variable star, with a period of a little over eleven years from one maximum to the next. But the periods are Irregular not in length but in Intensity. Moreover, recent obsrvatlons have shown that the solar radiation Is subject to much rapid and extensive fluctua tions In periods of only a few months. or even a few days, during which the hest received upon the earth may vary anywhere from 3 to 10 par cent. Some otherwise Inexplicable spells of cold or warm weather may thus be accounted for, charged against thn sun's caprices, which we can at present neither prevent nor correct The absolute dependance on tha earth upon thn sun for everything which makes planetary life possible gives an over whelming significance to thn growing proof that the sun Is not an entirely re liable, and certainly not an Indefinitely enduring, source of light, heat and other forms of radiant energy. Them may b beginnings personalty, I believe there surely ere such beings whose span of elxstencr is so vast that tha S.MO.0M or O.OOft.MO years during which the sun will continue in gradually de creasing quantity to furnish the earth with radiation appear to them only like the flitting of a single moment, while all the sums of spsce, which to us seem eternal, pass before their unwinking eyes like the flickering sparks In a spinthari scope, where a bit of radium Is shooting Itself awsy in mimic showers of stars. But to us the lifetime of a man Is very long, so that the seeds of death that visibly affect It in sunspots do not greatly alarm us. "Not In our day," we say, "nor In our children's, will the cold and darkness come. That Is for another geological age to face." In tho meantime screw the suneapa on your spyglasses and telescopes, and see for yourselves what a sunspot Is like. By DEATH ICE FAIRFAX. In a few days the real swimming sea son will be here. With every Girl reader of thU column I want to have a talk bout her bathing suit. Perhaps you already have It, are mak Ins It, or thinking of buying It. If you have It. try It on and study It from the, standpoint of modesty and refine ment. Most of us go swimming nt more or lets public beaches, and are open, to 'he gaze of certa.u Idle pleasure seekers ho never so swimming they don't want to or for tome other reason. I Many of ue have younger sisters. Nesrly every girl In her heart hopes some duy to be married and have1 daughters. J.t each girl ask herself: "Is this the kind of a suit I ihould like my sister, or my daughter to wearT" There Is nothing so charming as a pretty girl in 'her 'water clothes. But her apparel must be the right klnd-not oo extreme In style, not too short in length, nor to gaudy as to color. A black Or olie suit with a little of. white In the trim ming, black blockings, trim nitthlng shoes, a plain rubber cap. and a ault a trifle de low thn knees and not to low In the neck, with very short shoulder eeev? not strops make a modest and becoming an outfit as you could wish. Swimming Is a most healthful exercUe when not carried to extremes. This means not lying around on a sunny beach nil day, but a good mvlm In the ocean, a good run or ball xor;lse afterward and perhaps a rest for an hour or so on the sand, and then Into your clothes. The bathing suit Is not meant to glo you freedom of munn'r. It does not mean that when you put it on you are to drop the things which make you charming and attractive. Perhaps. Unconsciously, a girl forgets In having a good time that she l an example for some other girl, younger, who Is watching her, and so the little teed of Immodesty and freedom of man ner Is sown. It Is good to get off the everyday clothes and Into the swimming ault, hut tnat does not mean the dropping of your womanly finalities. Jf you swim or frolic In the water do It thoroughly, but don't make it a beach parade. Advice to Lovelorn I -rJ Uy BEATRICE FAIRFAX You Must Snve Yonrse-lf. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am deeply In love with n young man who workB In thn same place I do. He Is married, but his wife doen not live In the same town. Ha goes to see her about once a weok or oncn in two weeks. I have allowed him to take me home and have grown very fond of him. 1 know he thinks a great deal of me and treats me very nice, t have tried very hard to give him up. but it seems I Just can't, I dn't want to teavn my work, nt, 1 have a nice position, and I sen him nearly all day. I am twenty-six and he twenty-seven. What shsll 1 do? BESSIE. If you permit yourself to foitsr ycur love for a married man you aro In danger of ruining three lives hs, hln wife's and your own. If you are strong enough to meet this man with an a'r of frank friendliness and to allow no romance or lovemaklng, you will be safe in keeping your rosltlop. You must not permit your- i elf to think of love for this man. A man who Is not true to thn wife to whom the law ahd the church and his sacred vows bind him In not likely to be faith ful to a girl who holds herself lightly. Is he? . De Fair. Dear Miss Fairfax: This Utter Is i lit. tic put of the ordinary, but I feel that you can help me. i am a young girl of is year at ag. 1 ffO to business and hVe verv Inner hours, aa I do not get home until 7:30 or 7:46. Now, Sunday Is the dhly day that I can say that I ream have in mvulf. for I very seldom go out at any other time, and then J go with my girl friend. Now I have a llttlo sister In my home, and my mother and my fathor ara very fond of aolna out for a walk rtr nr & rid on a Sunday afternoon, but do not like io ibko ine nary wan tnem. will you please tell me If you think It fair that I should stay home with baby every other Sunday? Do you not think that I should have Sunday to myself, when I work all weK, AT. a. How much time dp your parents have free to enjoy each other's society? If they work, too which I don't doubt Isn't It fair that you should glye them a chance tt hae every Sunday afternoon together? You might arrange to have your girl friend come and spend alternate Sundays with you, or go to her to take your little sister along. Talk it over with your parents. I am sure they will treat you fairly. djyius anticipation There is apt to be a latent apprehension of distress to mar the complete Joy of expectation. Cut this Is quite overcome by the advice of so many women to uso "Mothere Friend." This is an external application designed to so lubricate the muscles and to thus so relieve the pres sure reacting on the nerves, that the natural strain upon the cords and liga ments Is not accompanied by those severe pains said to cause nausea, morning sick ness and many local distresses. This splendid embrocation Is known to a multi tude cf mothers. Mai.y peopie believe that those remedies which have stood the test of time, that have been put to every trial under the varying conditions of age. Weight, general health, etc., nay be safely relied upon. And Judging by the fact that "Mother's Friend" has been in continual use since our grandmother's earlier years and la known throughout tha United Btates It nay be easily inferred that It Is some thing that women talk about and gladly recommend to prospective mothers. "Mother's Friend" Is prepared only In our own laboratory and Is sold by drug, rlats everywhere. Ask for a bottle to-day end write' for a special book for expectant mothers. Address Bradflsld Regulator Co.. tor Litair Bids. Atlanta. Co. of Motherhood