THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JLNE 9, 1914. .A. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ' FOUNDED DY EDWARD ROSEWATEIL VICTOR nOSKWATElt, EDITOR. Tho Boo Publishing Company, Proprietor. BEE TUILDINO. FAHNAM AND SEVENTEENTH. Entered at Omaha txjstofflce as wcond-claaa matter. By mall pr year. t.m 4.W TERMS OP SUBSCniPTION. Uy carrier per month. iSXally and Sunday t itait. nffhntit Kiinnjit ........... 4&C... jSKvenlnr and Sunday JKrenlnB without Sunday ! J.oo itlSunday Bee onty Jne.. '5end pat.fe ot ehnr.a of adrtrtss or comn'nlnts of 15 IrreKtilarity In delivery to Omaha Doe, Circulation J Department , I REMITTANCE. ; Remit Vjr draft, rxxirrm or postal order. On'y two. Stent stamp received In payment of amalt ac Jcounta. Tereonni r eVt. oxcept on Omaha and eatem ; excharice. not accepted. .. I OFFICES. Omaha-The Re RulldlnR. Fouth Omaha MIS N utrrot Coiinrll Bluffs U North Main rtrect. Mncoln-W Little Bulldlnp. Chlraro SO! Hfarst nul.dlnir. New Tork-Room 11M. fi Fifth avenue. i; Washington 7B Fonrtccmh St., N. W. i5" CORRESPONDENCE. tAddrem rommunlratlon relating to nw and edl tcrlal matter to Omaha Uee, Editorial Department. ,- i '$ State of Nebraska. County of Douej'as, as. Dwlaht Williams, circulation manager of The Dee Puhllshltirr company, belne; duly aworn, any that IS average dally clicuiatlon for the month of Mny. 18H. ;J Kai 64.761 ' DWIOHT WIM.IAM8. Circulation Munager. it 8uh"rli)cd In my presence and aworn to beforo me C this Mh day of June. 1914 nOBRflT IirNTBR. Notary Public. tl ' ,J Subscribers leaving tho city temporarily ( should have Tho Bee tinllc1 to thoni. Ad. S dress will bo changed as often ns requested. .MAY CIllOL'LATIOX. 54,751 is; ; ! "Lips all ready?" asks tho Boston Olobo. C'Uh huh kcr-smack. r . "Learn from Tho Boo." t? reader and every day. Why, suro, every It looks as it tho old political swimming -holo may havo to be enlargod. .g It Is up to Colonel Mahor's typowrltor to un tSllmbcr for action, and get busy. j: r ijj Tho millennium in Omaha: When the main SBtrcot Is not torn up for a whole year. is . . Undo Sam may jot have to take possession 'lot Tamplco by forco Just to koop tho peace. , jt "Nebraska Panama-Pacific Dollar day" noxt jjjWock Wodnosday. Writo It down or you may jjtorgot it. f In not over ton yearn tho Commercial club's lOood Fellowship excursion will travol by air craft instead of by auto. S Sing Sing, says Sir Conon Doyle, Is 100 years jbehlnd. Umo. But any old brass band dctoctlvo Jtould have ferreted out that. Somo mollycoddlo has painted a picture ot Undo JOo Cannon- tit tho capital without a tfcec-gar In his mouth.' Nature fakir! Improvomont clubs' should 1 work for civla Improvement, not tlio personal aggrandftcmout 'fit either office seokor or salary grabbor. It is extremely doubtful, though, "whether Svcn a paid publicity bureau and . hired pro Ejnoters can defeat university concolldatlon. 'Let tho pcoplo rule" i Chairman Underwood snys his only regret in .opposing President Wilson's toll exemption ro "tptU bill is that ho did not,oppoeo it moro vigor joiisly. IIo may have another chance. jt' Credit Friend Maupln at least with frank isacEa in announcing his candidacy. Mo publicly .admits (hat if thoro woro not a comfortable Salary attached to the Job, ho would hot want it. t 1 1 "Met" seems to think that If he wore to Jead tho democratic hosts in Nebraska this year all the porsonal bitterness and factional strlfo within the fold -would bo immediately ellmlna tod. Oh, guess again. The burning Issue at Lincoln Is tho quel tlon of university cons61ldatlon. It Is Just as well bo; otherwise we would expect such a fever" heat thero over vdfes for women as to burn up all the crops. ' The students of old Princeton have voted George. B. McCIellan tho most popular member of the faculty, Tho professor doubtless ap preciates his wisdom in removing his hat from the ring of politics. Down in Lincoln the question is up as ' to; whether water rates should be roducod' for 'in dustrial consumption below what is chargod householders. Omaha's householdor wator rate is still CO per cent above Lincoln's, and Its rate to all but tho vory largest consumers likewise os much, If not more, than Llncoln'o. Ii Villa the Coming Man t lu religious revivals the hardened sinner lometlmes suddenly sees tho light nnd experi ences religion and Is taken Into tho fold, his past misdeeds forgiven, It not (orgolten. The widely exploited career of Villa, the military genius of tho Mexican rebellion, has been re pollent even to those in sympathy with tho caure he Is fighting for, and his probablo as cendency In event of Its success Is something they droad to look forward to. It is interest ing, therefore, to note the representations being made that Villa has been seized with a now spirit, and that the fiery ordeal of tho revolu tion has brought out qualities ot character not before suspected. .Tho special staff corre spondent of tho Outlook In Moxlco, Gregory Macon, halls htm as "the Mexican man Of the hour," and pronounces him "the right man in tho right place." But let us quote briefly from this combined eulogy and defense: ' Villa has been harahly criticised n'i a critil, ovctbenrlnj, unscrupulous tyrant, but he la the right man lu the rlsht place. The only restraint a Mex ican soldier knows In fear, and the rear of Villa la Iron In all his men. He ordered two men shot for cutting telephone wires by can-lean shooting re cently, and yesterday lie heaid a drunken aodldr naatlnp ammunition In thr ntreet under the cuartel General, and, atepplng out on a balcony, he thr..w up hl rifle and allot tho man through the body. It In a caae of sacrificing one to avo many. A total abatulner himself, lie ha reduced drunkenness to a minimum among hln ofilcers nnd men, and looting he will not countenance at all. lift wbm the only constitutionalist officer In fa or of pence with America In preference to union with Huerta, and by heer force of personality he won the others over, nominal y at leant Villa han preached patrlotlain no much that ome Of It has aeeped Into hla ayntein; he ban begun to believe hla own words And every day It la more and more evident that ho Is the only Mixlcnn strong enough to nave Mexico from ltaell. Ilia strength no one doubta; the only qurntlon Is In r.gurd to his wisdom. Had ha the oducatlon of Diaz be would make another Don Porflrlo; an It la, Ins natural nhrewdnean nnd Inborn ability In Judging men moy equip, him for the ueml-dlctntorrfhlp which still stems to be Mexico's only alternative to a gov ernment bolatered by foreign power. Having now sren Villa intimately for a week, I am convinced that, whatever hla motives wero nt first, nt p'renopt he sincerely believes that he Is working for the good of Mexico. Wo submit that this testimonial to tho Mexican mllltarr mastor is interesting as a pen plcturo, even If not convincing as a recommen dation. Aceptlng this as proof of his conver sion, wo...would still be Inclined to demand a period of probation and guarantees against backolldlng before considering the reformed alnnor as eligible to canonisation. McReynolds on Trial. Comes now Attorney General McFteynolds with an Inslstont plea for the Immedlato trial of Charles S. Mollon, formor prcsldont of the Now Havon railroad on tho Indictment which was lying on Mr. McRoynolds' desk when ho took of flco moro than flftoon months ago. He sifld nnth. Ing about prosecution until a few weoks ago whon opociai Lounoel Folk for tho Interstate Com raerco commission prcssod the Investigation of Mellon and tho Now Haven deal and then ho op posed action. He opposed it so Btrongly as vir tually to order Mr. Folk from his offlco whon ho camo to discuss tho caso. Now that Folk's Inves tigation results In tying soveral well-known gon tlomen in a fow doublo bowknots, Mr. McReyn olds Is wildly impatient for tho prosecution of Charles 8. Mellen. , Mr. Mellen proved a Bad' witnoss for tha 'power bohlnd the New Haven looting deal, He "as ooen corroborated in tho tostlmony, showing mat not no, out otners, wore chiefly responsible foitho aoiarlng transactions. Perhaps Mellen hno won immunity. Has ho also Incurred the rnlmoslly of. tho attorney general, who, boforo the hearlngtrlod to stavo It oft by Baying he had all tho evidence Folk could got? Who Is now to bo pn trial, after all, Mr. Mellon or Mr. Attorney General? Plenty to Do at Home. Thoto who questioned tho nood for such a body as the United thtes Industrial commission may find food for thought In this statement from a Now York paper1: Th United Etates Industrial CommUloners eat Ptllbound yctterday white Mrs. Mary Minora, not yet 15 yeara old, but married two yeara and clasping a 6-montha.old baby to her breast, told how she sup ported her husband and child. She dors It by work Ing thirteen hours a day In her tenement room at No. IIO Mulberry street. Site con earn aa much na 00 cents a day doing finishing worJt on clothing. This caae Is said to be but typical of the very conditions tho commission Is nuthorlzed by congress to Investigate Thoy oxlst, not only in iuo Bwoaianops and tnlsorable tenemonts of Now York and other largo cities, but in a dif ferent form within tho cotton 'mills of the pouth and the woolen mills of .New. England. A nauon mat aspires to sot a high oxamDle to tno world cannot afford to be Insensible' to the need ot protecting llfo.ln such troadmllls as these. Talk about eugenics to these slaving cnua-wivoa la HKe profaning reason. Brief oontribntlons on timely topics iBTlWd. The Ota assumes no responsibility for opinions of correspondents. All letters sub ject to condensation by editor. IIott Stop Ambulance Chnntnp;. PITTSBURGH, June 6. (On Trln.)-To the Editor af The Uee: I read with great Interest your article entitled "Lawyer Create Pat Industry at Railway Expense."' 1 have often wondered how much longer the people of Minnesota would stand for such f. game. I think you have started something, nnd the taxpayer of Min nesota will now nit up nnd take notice, Minnesota should have the en me taw as Maryland relative to "Ambulance Chns r." The "Ambulance Chasers" had be come so hold nt Raltlmore that I havo eten the lawyer' runners get In the am bulance with the Injured person and hold his hnnd while he signed n contrnct with the lawyer to handle hla case, and at the same time thv Injured man was o badly Injured that ho did not know what ho was signing. For the benefit of your readers, I will fiuote the Maryland law relative to "Am bulance Chasers" passed April IS, 190, aa follows: Section 1. ne It onacted by the general arscmbly ot Maryland, that the follow ing additional section bi added to article 27 ot the code of public general law of Maryland, entitled "Crimea and Punish ments," subtitle "Barratry." to te known p. section 17-A, nd to read aa follows: 17-A. Whoever, for his own gnln, and hnvlnT no existing relationship or Inter ests In the Issue, directly or Inclrpctlv, nollcltn another to sue at lnw or In equity or tl make llllgloun claim: or to retain Ms own or another servlren In so auln 01 making litigious claim; or whoever, knowingly prosecutta n case In which hi services have been retained a a result of such solicitation: or cause anv case to be Instituted without authority; or whoever, being an nttorney-at-lnw, di rectly or Indirectly agrees to procure nr other to be employed as an expert wit nern or otherwise, nr prosundes another tc be so cmnloyed In consideration of his soliciting litigious business, or undertak ing to solicit It, or In Any other way compensate nnother for no doing, shall, l poo conviction thereof, be punished by n fine of not morn thnn $301, or by 1m 1 rlsonmcnt In Jail, for not more thnn thro months, or by both. Any nol'cltntlon aa aforesaid, shall be prima facie evlficnce that the person no soliciting Is doing so for gnln. The term attorney-at-law shall Ipclude counscllor-nt-law, provided that nothing herein contained shall Impair or effect the disciplinary powers of the courts of thl state over nttorneya and counsellors-at-law appearing nnd practic ing In the flame. I was connected with the New Torlt Sun In 100S and assigned to look Into the "Ambulance Chasers" coses In Maryland, which the taxpayers were bit terly protesting against, as so many cases of fatal nnd personal Injuries were being brought to tho courts of Mary land by other state! and I was ono of eighteen reporters, who furnished' '.he data for tho commonwealth of Maryland, which brought about the above mcntlonod law, I am, at present, a taxpayer of Minne sota, and na a taxpayer, I protest ngalnst thla system of robbing u by of the clsss you so well describe, by bringing cases Into our courts from other states. I think It time the Honor able Bar orooctatlona of tho mnny coun ties of Minnesota, look Into such meth. ods of their colleagues, the same as 'he bar nraoclatlons of Maryland did ind have such a law passed ns the Maryland Jaw aliove mentioned. X X. A. READER, , ,1JF vouHLtu rKOM act rti.cS Railway conductors from the various road ccn terlng In Omaha organised lor this dlv.ilon Thero uiiijij- iircsriu, ana mess were cnosen to nil tho various offlots: V. It. Kalrbraaa, K. H. Mills- paugb, W. H. Madden. 8. R. Ro, R, a. Klem'ng, N Hinter. Hsrry uiimore nnd R. J. Mantt. Ths wedding of Dana 8. Lander, formerly of thl city and now of Beaver Dam, V. and Ml Lou IJams. daughter of V. H.4 Jjama, will take place Wednesday iro.H Trinity cathtdtal. Tho ushers will be XL IV. Patrick, A. C. WakHey, N. C.sry and R. w. iuisy. Mr, and Mrs. J. Her are back from Chicago. Miss Addle Davl of Bta'r U v!ttlnc her sister, Mr, w. P. Flynn. 3 Houth Ninth street R. R. Cable.' prcildent of the Rack Island road, accompanied by several director and their w.ves. pnt the day In lh!s city. Miss Kittle Manning of Quotouqua, la Is the guest of Mtis Qassla Robinson at her name. Cm and Twenty-fourth. '' Senator Charle F. Mandenon returmd from the Chicago convent on. .nd will go back to Wash'ngton in a few days. Bids were received for sweeping tho paved streets, . those bidding being a. T. Mount. W. A. 3m'lh & Co. A. R..IICML R. KhHBnou 6 Co. and James Duffy, Norway's Comtilalnt. Official protest Is made In the Norwegian parliament agalnat treatment accorded Immi grants at Ell's Island. Not American Immlara uon laws, but some who admlnistor tho laws, are censured. One ot tho grievances cited. If correctly statod, Id vory serious. Of course, tho tasK or handling the constant stream of now comers Is a big and trying one, but It must bo properly performed. Even the Norwegian min ister who explained the situation to tho Storth ing, took pains to say that our Job was difficult ono, as thousands of immigrants wore constantly pouring Into this gateway and that no ion luu information of alleged abuses should be In hand before any action was taken It Is simply out of tho question for our gov ernment to tolerate as, of courso. 1? does not wish to any wanton Imposition upon the peoplo wno como rrom groat and frlondly countries over the eess. So far no Norway It, concerned, ehe with hor Scandanavlan sister Etates, is send ing to us somo of tho best brain and brawn wo have and we could not afford to lesson tho number. President Taft once took a day oft from his White House duties and wont to Ellis Island to got first hand knowledge of the do tails of admission, to see the immigrants as they alighted from tholr ships and follow them through the port of ontry. We certainly cannot afford to neglect the work, for It is ono of the . most important we have to do. Electric Airship Coming Edison Tells Professional Associates What to Look for. SMILING REMARKS. As n Pnther Anions; Children. The famous wltard of electricity, Thomas Edison, drifted Into the annual convention of the National Electric Light association In Philadelphia, last week, and was hailed aa a king among his subjects. Every one and everything gave way to Mr. Edison, reports the North American. When he spoke every mine re ceived a new Impetus toward conquest. New visions were stirred by his prophecies. Realization stalked abroad, and dreams which a few years sgo would have been put down a the visions of the nacromancer or the vaporlngs of the sorcerer, were almost visual lied before the eyes of the gathering. With a eera prophetic vision, Mr. Edison predicted two things of tremendous moment to science and humanity. He declared electricity can be derived di rectly from coal without the Intermediary of the steam boiler, the engine or the dynamo, and assured the men he addressed that electricity will revolutionize the science of aviation, and that the eagle'a flight, but the bee's buzzing will be the prototype upon which man must build his wing. DeTeloiimentn to Conir. Age has set its clutch upon the wiry and tireless body of the grent discoverer, though his master mind haa defied time and his spirit stilt dwells with the In finite resources of the universe. Hln words dealt with the simplification ot the big mysteries of life, and yet he wistfully paid tribute to the decay of human powers and to the greatest of all forces, death, when he asserted that the things he predicted will come true, but he will not be the one to accomplish them. "Electricity will be derived from coal," he said, "but I will not be the one to bring about Its deriva tion. I am not working on that problem. It would take too long to solve, too long, and I have not that much time to live.'! For a moment the old man paused, buried In thought, the thought of what he cannot accomplish because he its mortal. Then he playfully told the "cubs ot commerce," as he called the electricians, thnt they mut do the work for him, they who are young and have the years to live. Klectrlc Airship. A snap of his eyes, a keen look Into the future, and the msglc book of fatd was unroUed again, and the men In the assembly room of the Bellevue-Strat-ford saw a vision which set their heads whirling and made their brains dizzy. What did they see? They saw the nlr nllve with graceful winged creatures of man's make, airships propelled by the force of electricity, safe, sure, and built according to the mechanism that nature has used for thousands and thousands ot years. An the Inventor and his wife were on their way to Philadelphia from New York by automobile, they passed through a shady glen. Flitting among the trees was a bumble bee, Just a plain ordinary buzzing bee. "Do you know," said Mr. Edison, "as I watched that bee I realized that n real plane, a heavler-than-air machine of great weight, can be built so soon as we obtain something that beats the air at the rate of SCO times a second." He gained his Inspiration from the bee as tho Wright brothers gained theirs from observ ing the buzzard. Only Mr. Edison approached the mat ter from a different angle. "That bumble bee," he said, "was ono Inch long, three-eighths of ah Inch In diameter, with a wing one- fourth ot an Inch wldo and five-eighths of an Inch long The wings weighed a milligram that bee weighed 7,000 times more than his wings, if we can only get to that tho greatest weight for tho smallest wlng--that Is the thing. Tho beo's wings beat the air 300 times a second. "A' bee works on sound wazes. Reratmwr, the air is rigid as steel if the pressure is only sudden enough. Give us something . that beats the air ,200 time a second and we will have a 'real' plane,!' I He Tou understand what a margin in stocks Is, don't youT I She Oh. yes. That's the money you tput up and lose. Boston Transcript, "Another terrible conflict, John," re marked Mrs. Olnk. "Tho paper saya tho cannonading waa so terrific that eighteen men died at first Makes me sick to think ot the bloodshed In these battles." "Very little blood shed In those kind of battles, my dear," sold Mr. Olnk. Indian apolln News. "Thla scenerv Isn't what It wan." com- plained the artist. I can t see no difference." declared th old farmer. "What do you mlssT" I ni looking tot a cloud Itko the one t jalrv.ed last year." Loulsvilll-Courler ournal. "I told mv bov that If he was canfu1 ot his behavior I'd take him to a ball game." Sometimes." rerjlled Mr. Comrox. "I think that a boy I a greater comfort than a girl. My daughter told me that If I dldn t show more culture she d make me go to another classical concert. ' "The Datlent detests this bitter medi cine," 'You may cive htm somethtnsr iomI with It." said the doctor. "What does he like?" Ho seems to prefer kisses to anvthlns else," faltered the pretty nurse. Clncln- nat Enquirer. TEE FISHERMAN. Clinton Scollard In New York Sun. A many men there be that go Free footed, wandering to and fro Athwart Ood's open, sun kissed ways, Their hearts o'erbrimmlng with the praise Of all the winding things that are Beneath the steadfast sun and star; And foremost of this roving clan I, love the ardent fisherman! Ho carries still within his breast An Incommunicable zest, A fervor that may never tire, A flame unwavering, a desire t'nquenchable aa Is the dawn. That leads' him on and ever on; And though he's fain of spoil, at root HI primal passion Is pursuit! His pulses throb nnd thrill to feel The vibrant whirling of his reel; Elation fills him when he spies Vpon hi line the gleaming prize; Yet when tho sunset embers burn lxw In the twilight's purple urn, And he has no reward to show. Is he dark browed and doleful? No! Another day, another hour, Fortune may yield herahlnlng shower! Still In hln bosom bides the lure Aa fixed an Is the cynosure. It In the striving, not the gain. That lifts u to the loftiest plane; The quest, although we mis the goal. That stays in the fiber of the soul! And so. whate'er his clans or clan, I love the ardent fisherman! Tho race Is usually to the swlfteat, but as the political race track 1b not closed to new entries for another month, the Judges will with hold awards for a while. Atehtiln on lnvlIbl- Government. NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. June 8.-T0 the Editor ot The Bee: I see In The Bee an article on Catholicism by waiter Johnson of North Loup, it In reviving to 'see a correspondent from the rural districts take a hand In politic and re ligion, which experts on both subjects assume to be their own prerogatives. Mr. Johnson taps a live wire when he speaks of religion In connection with politics nnd government so many people do not recognize the connection. He statea that he Is a Methodist, and Uov oxnor Morehead la also a Methodist, and was swltchod from a congressional can didate to n candidate for governor to make room for a Catholic In congress a very clever courtesy on thi- p.irt of the governor, which will probably bring him Catholic votes. Bitch are the politics ot today, which to some peoplo constitute the "Invisible government." Mr. Johnson also catches on that In politics Catholic favor Catholic, Meth odists favor Methodists and Presbyter ians favor Presbyterians, and he might have noticed that In President Wilson's present Prtesbyterlan administration he ha taken on a -good deal of Catholic contingent to help the Presbyterian out, and that 1 whero the Catholics outri ne the other fellows and get their spoon In every dish. Mr, Johnson speaks, of Rockefeller, Standard Oil and soma other prpperty aggregations In rather an Indifferent way, Indicating that he 1 somewhat on to the scheme of politicians And re ligionists, and complaining somewhst ot carelessness of the Interests 6f the pub lic. A pretty fair comprehension ot poli tics by a country statesman. Well, Brother Johnson, being as you are a Methodist, the basta of all society and government always has been, and I now, religion absolute authority by a Preacher of whatever klnd-from a su preme source to direct and educate the common people to obey a supreme gov ernment, Thl makes religion and gov ernment partners In business. The busi ness of this combination is to hold office, maintain order and collect remuneration, This combination Is aa old a organized society, and It never worked better than It does right now. Note the present ad ministration. President Wilson dominates his party In congress aa potently as the pope ot Rome dominates the Roman Cath olic church. Whether or not Mr. Wilson has gotten any good out of his domlna tlon Is not the question the question I absolute authority. Now, Brother Johnson, It matters not wha party Is In power, or what man rep. resent It, this "nigger tn the wooapiie," this "Invisible government." always has the winning card up Its sleeve, and it you or I were governor, or in congress. we might be able to give some plum to our friends, and draw our pay and spend it a we saw tit for the good ot the pub lie, a we saw It, but outside of that we might aa well be asleep. We are up against a combination of wealth and r llglon In its various forms. The "nigger In the woodpile" is the wealth, and the "Invisible government" Is religion The only remedy I to confiscate the wood pile, and get the "nigger;" quit feeding pieachers and the "Invisible government' will vanish, then If the people have sense enough they can get together and hav a government for themselves. LUCIEN STEBBIN3 Chrai Klectrlc Anto. Mr. Edison waa asked if the prophecy of Dr. C. P. Stelnmets of a 1500 automobile weighing 1,000 pounds would come true. He said It will, and that he Is helping Henry Ford to produce an electric automobile to be sold for this price. This brought up the subject of batteries In gen eral, and the Inventor chuckled a bit. "My atorage batteries are all right; the four years are up." He phuckled again, and then explained himself, It ap pears this Is one of the thing he Is going to laugh over with the boys. "Four years ago I put out 400,000 batteries. I guar anteed them to stand up. I had worked five years to obtain a real storage battery. I wa so sure of them that I put out 400,000 with the guarantee that I would take them back of they failed to 'stand up' for four years. "It meant 11,000,000 worth of batteries to last four ears, it was a gamble, but 1 leu sure of tnem. The four years expired March 1, and the batteries have stoop up to the guarantee. So you see I am now pre pared to guarantee plenty more." When asked his opinion ot the wireless telephone. he asked, "What Is tho good of It, when wireless tele graphy Is so cheap, and so easy. It la, ot course, feasible, but why want it? As for Marconi, he surely Is a great fellow." In his new "diamond disc" phonograph, he sold he felt ho had achieved talking machine perfection at last. Then there was his work to produce "B-cent opera," and many a laugh at the discomfiture of men who had In the old days predicted failure for his in ventions that have since proved conspicuous successes. In , People and Events Cleveland easily leads In municipal novelties, the latest being mounted policewomen for duty In public parks. Sir Conan Doyle hints that Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are likely to settle down and do team work In this country. Opportunity beckons the pair to Omaha to discover what the backers ot Burns' sleuths got for their money. People who have tackled a vulcanised specimen of "spring chicken" can ease their feelings by sending condolences to Mrs, Evelyn Rudderow of Cambridge, N. J., who broke her arm while trying to prepare a prize bird tor the pot. The spring was in fine work ing order. A. Justice ot the peace In Ealem, Mass., recently married two couples. In each of which the bride was a widow. Each bridegroom forgot to procure a ring and used that one given to the bride In her first wed. ding ceremony. Alice Brown, well known to magazine readers a a writer of clever short stories, has won the S10.000 prize offered by Wlnthrop Ames for the best play ubmltted In a natloc-wlde competition. The play 1 called "Children of Earth." and Is said by the Judge to be strongly dramatic In its story and exceptionally clever In Its characters, which are of the New Eng land rural type, made familiar by the author In her stories. The late Judge John K. Dillon of New York remem bered hi home state (Iowa) handsomely in his will To the county of Scott I bequeathed 110,000 for the erection of a fountain with statue In the court house squsra at Davenport, "a pot associated with pleas ant memories ot my early lite and professional and Judicial labors." The sum may. In the discretion of the trustees, be increased to SS0.0CO, and If the erec tion of the proposed fountain Is Impractical tlO.tOJ may be devoted to the tck and poor of Davenport. Iowa State university, where Judge Dillon was edu cated, receives 110,000 with the understanding that M09 a year is to go to prizes on legat topics. Other bequeats are: Disciples of Christ church. SUA); James Grant Library association. Davenport. Sl.OOO, and Iowa college ut Orinnell, la., and Cornell college at Mount Vernon, la., 11,000 each. Instant Travel Money TVTHEN abroad you need money that is acceptable W everywhere and cashed without question or delay. American Express Travelers Cheques have had our vast European financial organization back of them for 24 years. They arc instantly recognized and cashed at sight the world over. Apply at the nearest American or National Express office for Travelers Cheques and learn tho extent of our financial services to Americans abroad. TRAVEtERS CHEQUES Efficient Employes An advertisement under The Bee's Help Wanted"-heading commands the at tention of the most desirable workers in Omaha, Every employer is up against the problem of securing intelligent and efficient employes, but a few moments thought given to writing the right kind of a "Help Wanted" advertisement will be a big step toward solving the problem. The nature of employment offered, condi tions surrounding the position, the oppor tunities, etc, should be stated. An em ployer will find that a response to an ad that is really informative will be from a worker who means business. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Rtadt Want Adt I1A Where to Go In Summer The Great Lakes and Atlantic Coast Region has innumerable attractions to oner the vacationist. Low Faros Now In Effect via the Chicago and North Western Ry. to Chicago and choice of routes therefrom to all important points east. Roumd Trl front Omaha Detroit, Mich. Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Toronto, Ont. Montreal, Que. Atlantic City, N.J. Portland, Me. Buffalo, N. Y. $27.50 S42.IO to 46.60 43. 5 O to 46.50 33.60 to 35.50 3I.IOto 35.50 36.50 to 40.35 45.60 to 46.00 43.85 to 47.85 33.50 to 35.50 Tickets on sale dally from June 1st to September 30th Return limit 60 day, not to exceed October Slat. 1914 Farorable stopover privileges. Uneqoaled serrica to Chicago and direct eonaactiona with (ast trains on all lines east. Fat paiHadart call en Chicago and North Western Railway 140M403 Farnin Street, Omaha, Neb. Nvraa m i ft Ha Ml ti