'Pt IV. UMW. Mf V II A MM Mi A V 1 t mi I 11 I y ) I ) I BWAPPKKS' COLUMN. WILL. Tit At K CLEAR UND AND mortgages for Omaha Income property or vacant lota. Address S C. KM. CO. BLUFFH LOT, CLEAR, FUH PIANO. S. C, Jit. Bee. FOn SALE OH TRADE -PASSENGER Bulck, Model F, In Rood running con dition; will consider Ford 1913 Model or good upright piano. Address S. C 911 Bee. GOING AWAY, HAVK LATE MODEL vlslblo typewriter; will trade for small diamond or anything I can use. Address S. C. "34, cam Omaha Dec. GO ACRES, ALL, IRRIGATED, 2 MILES south of Fort "Morgan. Colo.; finest kind of beets an alfalfa raised on this land. Price J6.000; mortgage -ofy 12,000. I want to trade equity for grocery or Omaha prou erty; or what have youT S. C 721, Bee. 00 .ACHES. 1( MILES FIIOM SIOUX City, Improved. All In cultivation. Itcnts for H per aero cash. Price $26,voO. Mort gage W.SKX). What have you In Income property, cheaper land or merchandise? S. C. MO. Bee. 12 Al'AHTMENT AINU 3 LOTS! PRICK, 110,000; mtg., 314.WO. 6V4 per cent, runs J years;, rents HSoO yearly. Will trade for good farm or sell; about .1 years old; high-class. Address 6. C. 7S3. care lite. WOULD TRADE A GOOD NUMBER t Remington typewriter for a saddle. If you have such a trade write S. C, 701, NO. 4 BULLS EVE CAMi.HA AND TIll poa to trade for good repeating rifle, shotgun or revolver, rt. C. W7. Bee, 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON BIG LOT IN exchange for acreage near Omaha. Ad dress h. C. UG, Bee. I WILL SWAP PIIONOUKAPH AND some records for small diamond ring, 22-cahber repeating rifle or shotgun; co.it 325. Address a. C. 9L Omaha Bee. FINE, S1U11TLY LOT, TWO xlLOUrwa north trdm Krug Park. Trade for dia mond, piano, or wnat have you'f Address b. C. b02 Bee. AUTO WORTH 500, TRADE TOR A good clear lot. Address . C. VJU, care Uee. PROPERTY ON HARNEY ST., WEST of 20th St., worth Io.wjo; half cash, half trade, for good residence properly. Ad dress S U Til, care Beo. TWO HOUSES ON CORNER LOT IN north part of city; will trade for some--thing larger' in southwest part. S. C. 1M Bee. FIVE LOTS IN OHCUaRD. la MILES of Oklahoma City. Trade tor small equity lu house or Omahu lots. Pricit laUO. Address, s. v.. mi, uee. 1 HAVE A 6-ROOM HOMb (J LEAH; 33,00a to trade for 2 to S acres eveu up. a C 11. Omaha Bee. A FINE LEVEL QUARTER OF LAND In Perkins Co., Neo., 7 miles from R. R. Best of soil and tree iruui ml encum brances. Valued at 14,000. To trade for 'a nice modern home In Omaha of 7 or 8 rooms and worth up to Jti.Ow, In a good neighborhood, close to school and car line, or for acreage close In. S. C. 591. Bee. GAS STOVE, COST HI b MONTHS AUU, Hew lawn hose, W ft, cost 16 last sum mer; lawn mower, cooking utensils of aluminum and enamel, dlsnea of all kinds, Havlhuid china set cost Jw; bed, springs and mattress, etc Will consider dia monds, piano or good lot. Address S. C M, Bee. 1913 TWIN CYLINDER MOTORCYCLE, worth lift); Just been overhauled and. In fine shape. Here Is a good chance for ''sotne one. Make mo an offer. S. C. Sli, Bee. UHX NEAR NEW L. C. SMITH TKPE writer, Jub: overhauled; will trado for most' any useful article of value; will consider second-hand auto. Address 6. 'C, aJ, Bee. . HAVE A BEAUTIFUL HAND-CARVED ' platinum tie pin set with five H-karat diamonds and six small diamonds, a man's ring set with five -karat dia monds and. two small diamonds, also 'have 10 acres and one city lot in Florida and 10 acres and city lot In Oregon. Will .trada all for city proporty or use same as part payment on a piece of property, or will sell any of the above outright. Address B. C. 715. Be. ONE LOT AT CASPER. WYO., CLEAR ' title; Reglna music box, 150, with reo. 'ords; very fine Burton mandolin; small r.igasollne engine, like new. Will trade all of the abovo" for lot or equity, or what have you to offer? "Would constaer a Twin motorcycle. Address & C. 858, care Pee. GOOD STANDARD. VISIBLE TYPE wrlter, will exchange for suit of clothes or 'what have you? Have no use for typewriter, but it Is a good one. Address 8. 43. 73fi. care- Omaha Bee. 240- ACRES IMPROVED LAND IN Philips county, Kansas; 200 acres In cut Uvatcd, balauoe pasture. Price 340 per acre. mtg. 12,000. Want lncomo property or mdso. for equity. What have you? Address S. C. 720. care Bee. WANT LATE MODEL FIVE-PASSEN-ger automobile. Have some cash and well located clear vacant lot. Address S. C. 735, care Omaha Bee. 40 ACRES, MONROE CO., IND., CLOSE to town. " Price 32,000. Encumbrance StOO, due next September. What have you for 11.500 equity? S. C 864, Bee. I AM LEAVING TOWN AND MUST sacrifice furniture for ten-room rooming house. Good location, close In. Will take automobile, cash or What have you? B. C 870, Bee. MUST SELL OR WILL TRADE MY No. 5 Oliver typewriter. Good as new, for 830. Address. S. C. 714, Bee. FOR SALEMY EQUITY IN A 13,000 house, 20th and Bancroft. Modem, ex cept furnace. Two blocks from car; paved street. 1600 cash, balance 320 monthly Wlir also take 3300 cosh, balance applied rs part payment on property In suburbs. Address 8 C 905. Bee. KIMBALL PIANO PLAYER, WITH about 26 rolls of music, to trade for -.motorcycle (no, Junk), nearly new Under wood or L. C. Smith typewriter, motor boat, or anything 1 can use of value. yB..C. 90S. Bee. "MOVING PICTURE SHOW LOCATED In good Iowa town of 3,500. One other show, Complete in every way- Price 11,200. Clear. Will consider good auto for part or will sell half Interest to man who will run It. S. C. 666. Bee. GIBSON HARP-GUITAR & LEATHER case, cost 1158; Farland banjo and case, coqt 340; two Washburne and one Gibson mandolins, all in fine condition. Will sell cheap for cash. Address S. C. 919, Bee. . C.Q.' BLUFFS LOT, PRICE J200 AND 350 cash for furniture or rooming house. S. C. 923, Bee. GOOD AUTO, WORTH 8600. TRADE FOR a good clear lot, S. C, Iss Bee. WALL PAPER AND PAPERING TO , -swap for anything we can use. We havo an arrangement with a large wholesale wall paper house to place their entire output on sale at DO per cent discount. This Is your chance to buy wall paper at wholesale price. Paper sold by sample only. Phone Webster 3G02. and we will bring samples to your home. OMAHA HOME WANTED-1C0 ACRES Stanley Co., & D., 7H miles southeast of Philip, a good, railroad town. Cost me 33,200, will take 33,000 for It. and want a home In Omaha of about the same value. 8. C. 8C5. Bee. WHO HAS AN ELECTRIC VIBRATOR -massage machine they will trade for first-class 17-Jewelod -and adjusted rail way watch? Addresj H. C. 914. t!E"0 LOTS FOR TRADE ON THIRTY- third ave., one block south of Kansas ave'.; would consider auto, team, piano or furniture as first payment; balance easy terms. Address S. 0. 913, care The Bee WANTED SECOND - HAND TYPE writer; have a couple good watches; an automatic numbering machine, etc., to of fer in exchange. Address S. C, 91S, care The Heft. WANT TO HEAR fROX PARTIES who may have either new or slightly used motorcycle accessories, tools, tires, etc, they will trade for other articles or sell cheap for cash. Address S. C. 916, care The Bee. TUFTED COUCH. GOOD CONDITION. , original value 330. to trade fur good gas atove or rug. S. C. 900. Bee. 1913 TWIN INDIAN MOTORCYCLE, good shape. What good offer have you to make Address H. C. 814. Bee. OFFERED FOU ItEXT. Apartment and Plats. LIST vacant properties with BOCKHACKER. 407 State Bank. D. 3667 FIVE-ROOM new apartment, the Chula Vista. 30th SL and Poppkton Ave.; Nothing better In the city; lower rent than similar flats in this vicinity. Con rad Young, 323 Brandels Theater. D. 157L OKFEUKI) KOn HUNT. linrtnirutn nmt I'lnta. Globe Van &Storage Stores, moves, paeks and ships; 3-horse van and 2 men. 11 36 per hour, storage 12 'hone Douglas 433s and 37. .."nil. onusiHcuon guaranteed. Two Choice Apartments Ten minutes' ride from downtown, on Sherman Ave. car; fine surroundings of ,.,.'ft.??.treC8,.pr'ur awns; nlco residence district Plenty of air mid breathing space and not crowded in "with other buildings. One apartment has 6 rooms; oak finish, with beautiful mantel and gns log In living room; fine dining room lth paneled walls nnd celling: bedrooms in whlto enamel, mahogany doors; nice coat closet with mirror door; good sired kitchen, built-in cupboard. The other apartment has 3 rooms, and fine screened porch, Cxl2; large living room. 12xl4. with coat closet and mirror ki' iSe l,e',l'oom ""d dandy kitchen. w.wao juiihui &i-iii-q una au- omer conveniences of tho modern, up-to-dato Call office and wo will ha p)caei1 to show theso at nny time. Douglas 1009. Scott & Hill Co. St. Clare Apart'nVs Just finished, latest Ideas, outside porches, interior decoration and finish of the highest ClA8S: IaWM tftnnia rnllrt an. I croquet grounds; walking dlstnnco from uie nusincss district of tho city. Call youKias owu or Harney 647 C-ROOM upper apartment with sleeping Porch. BIS s. 26th Ave, Gordon Van Co.SS& 219 N. 11th St. Phono D. 331 or H. 5911 t-R. modern tint 2.VM s L'Uli It 471L 8-ROOM brick flat, 1404 S. Sth St., near urowneu nan, uouglag NEW brlCK apartmonts. reaay to move Into; completely furnished, dishes and all; 4 rooms, (6 par week; 2 rooms. 31 tier week. Call Dnllir. HIM dllrlnir ntt.f hours. VERY cholco 4 or 6-room steam-heated apartment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ItOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST WE RENT your houses tree of charge NO COMMISSION REALTY COMPANY, 316-330 Paxton Bldg., OMAHA. FOR RENT 4 6, "-room modern apart monts, steam and hot water. 318 and up wards; near postofflce. G. P. SUbblns. 4-ROOM modern apartment. 1112 S. 11th. OODEN ANNEX rooms, with kltcli enets. Council Bluffs. SUBLEASE, 5 beautiful rooms. Apart mcnt. Genoa. S?30 Cass St., Harney 6SU9. NEW 5-room flat, 2113 Chicago. . E. Za brlskle. 402 Ware Block, or Harney 917. 3-ROOM flat, 310 per month. 5-room flat, 312.60 per month. J. I. KEMP, 241S Leavenworth St. D. 987. THE CORNISH. FIVo ' largo roo'irW, windows on 'o ir sides; very desirable. Phono Doug. 7721. FOUR-ROOM cholco apartment In the Helen. All outside rooms, beautifully decorated. Rent $37.50. Phono Doug. 4214, 30S N. 20TH, 9-R, NEW MODERN BRICK; ROOMERS. O'KEEFE R E CO.. 1016 OMAHA NAT. DOUGLAS 2715-0 Unfurnished Apnrtme.nts, UNFURNISHED apt E20 N. 20th St Board, una ltoum, THE HELMAN, 2403 St. Mary's; pleas ant rooms; board optional. D. CS0. LARGE modern parlor, rcas. 1616 8. 10th. SOUTH room with board; family of three. 3S02 N. 24th St. Phono Webster 991. Furnished IIouaekeepliiK Rooms. COOL, well furn. room. 2423 Dodge St. 619 S. 26TH ST.. 2-r.. mod., furnished. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; .modem. 616 3. 29th St. BEAUTIFULLY furnished apartment for housekeeping, 3 rooms, shade and lawn; strictly' modern, with laundry privileges. 209 R 26th St. DAVENPORT, 20182 or 3 front house keeping apartments, reasonable. DOMESTICS IfBrnlsned Houses. FURNISHED houso for rent; Dundee. I'none narney 44K7, EIGHT-room furnished houso and gar- month during July and August. Phone ELEGANTLY furnished 7-room home, from June 21 to April 21; on car line; adults. 340 per month. Call Harney 21V, 6-HOOM modern houso; furnished. H25 rmKiiey ot. xei. wen. 7Wl. ITnrnlsheil Rooms. COOL, well furn. room. 2423 Dodge St. NICE front room, private family. 2S00 uavenpori. CHICAGO, 2013 Furnished basement room, uneap. u. oH. TWO nicely furnished rooms, on first floor; Hnnscom park district; single or together. Phone Harney 37. 205 S. 25TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, warning msiance. u. .na. LAROE front room, alcove. 1010 8. 1.9th. FOR RENT Furnished room; sultablo for ono or two ladles: In private home: rent reasonable. 2610 N. 15St. Web. 1565. NEW neatly furnished rooms. 117 N. 20th, COTTAGE. Y. M. C. A. park. Doug. 4512. DOWN-TOWN district, well furnished cool rooms. 624 S. ICth St. Apt. 12. 2013 CHICAGO, nlccy furnished, largs cooi room, uougias tai. Hotel una Aimrtments. DODGE HOTEL Modern. P.sasonable, CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California Weekly -rates 33 and up. Douglas 7081 Unfurnished Rooms. 6 ROOMS; 118; yard, shade. Web. 6178. llouiri and cuiukm. 5007 Military Ave., new, modern, 6-roora house: rent free from now till June L Call Benson 150-W. M AGGARD as "co"dracks" moves, stores ti ships household goods It pianos. D. 1496. h I JJK, L, I I Y Co. Goods stored. srlpped. 16th and Jackpoi Sts. Doug. 1516. WE rent your houses free of charge. 316-3M Raxton Bldg. 6-ROOMS, all modern, nearly new, cheap to qesirapie tenant, iiarney bun. MODERN houee. 3615 N. 40th. Tel. W.1615. For Rent Brick House Four bedrooms, bath and linen closet on seoond floor Vestibule, reception hall, llvlnr room, dining room, kitchen, p-.ntry and ice room on, first floor Fr.ll cement base ment with toilet, furnace heal, gas and electric lights; nearly new and first class In every way, at 1611 S. 23th St, one block from Hanscom Park, near Park school, tna block from car line. TL Harney 1109. FREE RENTAL LIST. Completo "for rest" list of houses, apartments and flats on fllo at our office; no charge whatever. Union Outfitting Co., 16th and Jackson Sts. WE rent your houses free of charge. NO COMMISSION REALTY CO, 316-330 Paxton Bldg, OMAHA. t4l.t0-Bricit, ISO S. 26th 8t, just north of Farnam. Owner, 20. P.amge Bldg. Phone Doualas TtZ SIX and 7 rooms, all modem. II. 2049. 2926 Indiana Ave., 8 rooms, all modern except heat. BYRON RUED CO, Douglas 297. 12 8. 17th 'St 517 N. 18TH ST. 6 rooms Harney 60G4. Omaha real estate is tin best investment you could make. Read The Hues teal estate columns. OFFERED FOR RENT IlnuRFs ttnil Cot (linen. HOrSKS MODERN. St.. HIS Wirt st . hieal cottage, MS. 6-r., 241 Maple, close to car. snap. 3S0. 6-r.. 154 Wirt, Kountie Tlaec. J30. 6-r., IK N. th, exceptionally good. $27 to. 6-r., ITS? Capitol Ave,, good locution. cIojo In, .(0. C-r, 648 S. 2-Uh, closo in, water paid, 386.00. 6- r., JSS2 Maple, H bloek to car, snap for SIS. 7-r.. 1407 Enynett St, practically new, 7- r., 3008 Chicago, close In, good location, 337.50. 5- r.. 3d and Burt. Bemls park, 328. 8- r., 3211 N. ISth, oak finish, sleeping porch, l. 9- r, 2201 California, close In, walking distance. 346. 12-r 2913 Mason, close to park ilne, sultabla for two families, M0. HOUSES MODERN EX. FUR. 6- r., 31u5 S. 13th, water paid. 316. 6-r.. 2437 S. 16th, $21.00. 6- r, 623 S. 20th, Close In, 325. 7- r, 716 S 2Sth, H block to Leavenworth car line, good repair, 322. 7-r, 2fWl Webster Ave, 314. 7-r, 2.XB N. ISth, bnrn, 326. S-r, 1510 Madison Ave, '320. S-r, 1WS Rlnney St.. $15. HOUSES PART MODERN. Two, 4-r, 161S N. 3ith, gaa and water, water paid, $10. 5-r, 709 S. 34th, gas nnd water, 313. FLATS MODERN, 4- r, 2717 Howard St, new, A-No. 1, $26. 5- r, 3217 N. 21th, good location, $27.50. 6- r, 1KH5 Emmet St, Kountzo Place, largo yatd, sleetilng porch, $30. 6-r, 1022 N. 40th, new, onk finish, $23. 6-r., 662 S. 26th Ave., close In, 335. 6- r, 2579 Harney, walking distance, close in, $32.50. 7- r, 629 S. 19th. oak finish, nicely decor ated, close In, 345. 8- r, 1404 S. Sth. near Brownell Hall, $40. $-r., 2656 St. Mary's Ave, closo In. walking dlst, nicely decorated. $42.50. FLATS M O D E R N EX. FUR. Now, 4-r., 2023 N. 2?th, Just completed, brick, nicely decornted, water paid, 317. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1611 Harney St Douglas 1606. FOR RENT. 8-room, new, modern. 2512 S. S3d St, 335. 8- room, new, modern, 3303 Arbor St, $35. 9- room, modern, 212C S. 31th St, $40. 11-room brick, modern, 42S N. 40th, 358. And many other houses In all parts of the city. NO COMMISSION REALTY CO, 316-330 Paxton Blk, Omaha. Douglns 1940. 6-ROOM modern. 815 N. 27th Ave. 7-room modern. 2723 Cuming. J G. REED Exp- Co t pluno & furnl" FOR RENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments nnd flats that are for rent This list can bo seen freo of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co, 800 S. 16th St 12-ROOM modern house with barn; hot water heat. 2618 Harney St inqulro T. Hnimpq ln n11 PTTts of the city. $27.50 for modern square, 1 block west of No. 21th St. line. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 1016 Omaha Nat'!. Douglas 2715. 7-ROOM house, facing Hanscom park, modern. $37.50. Phone Harney 1565. 2512 Chicago, 8r mod. Douglas 8145. NEW 6-room brick flat, modern. 3319 Sherman Ave.; rent 332.50. Call W. 2174. FOR RENT 4 rooms and bath on 2d floor; private entrance; reasonable rent, i-urncr iQLn nna unio, .Apply iieiu IS. 15tn. 5 ROOMS, modern, paved street, H block tu tar, tj. uta is. zam Ave. SEVEN rooms, modern. 4006 Charles. 326. BRICK house. 2614 Dewev Av.. 7 rnnm. modern. Moyor Stationery Co, 1616 X'f, II1UII1 ill, FOR RENT. 2208 Miami St, 7-r, mod. house, ba.-n, 2231 Ohio St, 7-r, mod. house, garage, $25.00. Both houses In good repair and well lo cated. I. N. 1IAMOND, Tel D. 664. 332 Board of Trado. 6-R. modern square, 1 block west of iNorin in ii line. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 1016 Omaha Nat'h Douglas 2715. REAL KSXATK. PAKM A- RANCH l,AMIS port SAI.I Arknniai, 160-A RICH creek Improved farm; 00 cul tivation; bal. timbered; $20 a. Sessions Co, Wlnthrop, Ark. FOR SALE Very choice ICO-acre farm ln high state of cultivation. Well Im proved. Finest location on main traveled road. An Ideal home. Price $200 per acre Owner will take as part payment good modern residence ln Omaha or Council Bluffs. Address. P. O. Tlnv ktt ni.. wood, la. 220-ACRE Improved stock farm; fine water; all fenced; 5 miles north of Council Bluffs postofflce. Price. 360 per acre; on easy terms. Day & Hess Co, 123 Pearl St Tel. 3344. Sllssourt. FARMS for sale; $5 down, $5 monthly. town. Texas county, Mo.; price, $200; per- "m mm. j. a. jarreu, ait, vernon, ,111. Minnesota. MINNESOTA -- v.. wU,ub mini in Aiin- nf'Vntfl. IWrlfA 11R fn lla nf .n.n.kl. , ....... " - -. ..a. w . ucfuiuauia firms. State what county you aro In- iercHicu in. MINNESOTA FARM LANDS A8S0CI- ATinsj tln-.T. ,..J 717 Palace Building. Minneapolis. Minn. THE OFFICIAL LAND MEN'S OROANI- WANTED Farmer agent ln every lo- rjllltv In lirlntr it- hnu... n . .J -v 0 M0 U L. . 4Wi 4Ulo located in Minnesota's corn belt, ranging in price irom lo 375 per acre. Schwab Bros, 1028 Plymouth Bldg, Mln neapolls. Minn. Minnesota. TODD County of creameries, corn and nlnver. Vnr intnrmntinn w.U- rt..i,. & Van Dyke. Long Prairie. Mlnii. Wlauonsitw HOMESEEKERS OPPORTUNITY. We aro offering our selected clay loam Rusk county cutover hardwood lands, n V nl r.A trart (n - r, 1 1 I r dairy, clover, corn and alfalfa section. Write for free Illustrated booklet and map giving full particulars. Arpln Hard- www j,uiiiucr tu, rto. o 2'ost uixice Block. Grand Rapids. Wisconsin. AeuraaUa, FOUND 320-acre homestead ln settled neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand hills; cost you $200, filing fees and all. J. A. Tracy. Kimball, Neb. FOR SALE One of tho best 100-acro farms In the Platte Valley, near Shcl ton; $4,000 worth of Improvements; worth $135 per acre; offered short time at $100 per acre; easy payments. A. D. Dickin son. Shelton, Neb. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade, ' medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wof bach. Neb. o EIGHTY acres, $20 an acre, $20 down nnd . $20 a month no Interest Fine farm land. J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. STOCK clothing, gents furnishing goods. etc. About $30,000. Located In splendid town In southeastern Nebraska. Never traded. EVERYDAY WORKING STOCK. Want extra good farm southeastern Ne braska or northeastern Kansas, Address. J 212. Bee. IMPROVED farms and ranches In Idwa and Nebraska. Write me If you want to buy or exchange. John A. Olson, Balrd Bldg, Omaha Pianos for other musical Instru'ts. D. 2017. PIANOS for cement work; painting, paper Mousum. tui mu uuaion more, u. son. WANTED Grain and coal business, in exchange for a well Improved 3W-acre farm. Norman Co, Minn, Fremont a Gibson. Charles City, la. exchange; Have you a vacant lot or an equity in a 6 or 6-room cottage In Omaha to trade for a Baker Rlertrlc (Victoria style), In first-class condition? Phone Webster 621. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTEIi by responsible party, some one to build family hotel, close to weot Farnam Une preferred. Will make ten year lease. Address IC 211, care Bee, REAL ESTATE I'ltOPHRTY FOU 8A1.K. CITY What's the use of paying a landlord for the privilege of " . living in his house or his apartment When you might just as well be making your rent money buy you a home of your own? Buy a lot in WEARNE PARK and we'll build you a home that you can pay for in monthly payments. TelephoneDouglas 2926 and we'll call for you with a car and take you out to see the lots. Bankers Realty Investment Company REAL ESTATE WANTED REGISTER liVKHY KIND OK PROP- ERTY OR BUSINESS FOR QUICK SALE OR EXCHANGE. If you want to buy a property or busi ness come to us. Or If you want to sell a property or business como to us, b eause nobody pays a commission. Come ln and get our plan of displaying and advertising every kind of property and buslnoss. It means quick service. Call or write today for our plan. NO COMMISSION REALTY COMPANY, 316-330 Paxton Bldg, Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg, ISth and Farnam. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co, 1320 Farnam, fir, CITY LOANS, Bomls-Carlberg Co, u 310-312. Brandels Theater Bldg. HARRISON A MORTON. 916 Om. Nnt. WANTED City loans. Peter Trust Co, GARVIN BROS 0l- ftnd up- 5 farm loans. Optional payments & an"- uum inu iii. wcwormicKi isui f arnam. CITY and farm loans. 5, 5H, 0 per cent J. H. Dumont & Co, 1C03 Farnam, Omaha. SEE us first if you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co, Omaha, Neb. MONEY on hand for city nnd farm loans. H. W. Hinder, City Nat. Bk. nidg. CITY property. Largo loans a specialty. W. It. Thomas. 228 State Rank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 1016 Omaha Nat, Douglas 2716. REAL ESTATE CITY rnOPURTY FOR SALE. Get Out of That Hot Flat, Get Into a Home of Your Own HERE ARE THREE NEW HOUSES THAT CAN BE BOUGHT ON EASY PAYMENTS. New 6-Room House on Paved St. and Car Line, Close In FIRST FLOOR Reception hall, stairway, living room, dining and largo den finished in oak, with oak beam ceilings in reception hall, living room and dining room. Beautiful eleatrlc fixtures and walls tinted. Large kitchen, pantry nnd back entry finished In hard pine. SECOND FLOOR Two nice largo bed rooms and . beautiful bathroom; largo space can be used for sew ing room; large closets and stor age room. BASEMENT Full cement basement with sink and largo fruit closet and coal room. High class furnace, Stairway from kitchen and a grade entrance. FIFTY FOOT LOT-Front lot Is sodded and cement walks are all In. THIS IB A BARGAIN AND CAN I!B BOUGHT ON EASY PAY MENTS. New 5-Room House 1 Block from Car FIRST FLOOR-neceiptlon hall, stair way, living room and dining room finished In oak. Kitchen pantry and back entry finished In hard pine. SECOND FLOOR-Two bed rooms with plenty of closet room. Beauti ful bath room, linen closet and clothes chuto to basement. BASEMENT Full cement basement with stairs from kitchen; also grade door entrance; high grade fur nace. TERMS 333.60 DOWN AND $33.60 PER MONTH. Beautiful Six-Room House on Omaha's Prettiest Mile FIRST FLOOR Large living room (23x HH with beautiful fireplace nnd coat closet and window scat. Living room, dining room and stalra aro finished In oak. Nice large kitchen, pantry and back entry finished In hard pine. Beautiful electrlo fixtures, and walls beautifully tinted. French doors open from dining room onto front porch. SECOND FLOOR-Three nice large bed rooms, beautifully tinted walls, finished ln hard pine; also a large and completely equipped bath room. BASEMENT Can le entered from either kitchen or grade door entrance, and haa cent floor and high grade furnace and a sink. LARGE LOT-47 feet by 166 feet THIS HOUSE IS REASONABLY PRICED AND CAN BB BOUGHT ON EASY PAYMENTS. For further in formation call DOUGLAS 2924 In day time. Call Douglas 7M3, between 7 and 8 o'clock evenings. Will arrange to take you out by auto mobile to see theao houses. $1,300 Home Just one block from the street car on the North Side. A nice, comfortable little home, with screened-In porch, large south front lot, and mlghtly cheap. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Phone Douglas 17&1. Ware Block, REAL ESTATE CITY PRO I'HUTY KOIl SAI.lt. Modern Bungalow Strictly modern, with bath, electric light and gas; full size basement; hot air furnace; cement walks, 100-barrol cistern; chicken house, some fruit; 1H blocks north of Miller Park; school on 2Sth Ht. Price, $2,400; $100 cash; balance easy terms. PHONE WEBSTER 3MS. NEAR BEMJS PARK Dandy, almost new E-room bungalow, oak finish, entirely modern, east front lot, owner built this for a homo, but now needs a larger house. Price only $2,S00. C. Q. CARLBERG, 310-12 Brandels Theater Bldg. your property or bualnens. go whoto Iftt Kind nf htla(ria ! ilnn j.- ELSE goes to the NO COMMISSION R K ALT COMPANY nKP ATT K I. body pays n commission. NO9,!&!,S8lON REALTY COMPANY, 316-330 Paxton Bldg, Omaha. Neb. Phone D. 1940. DUNDEE LOTS Two lots, corner or Mat -nd Webster, half block of car line, restricted district. Only vacant lots In block. Bolanco of block built up with homos costing not less than $4,000. Price $2,600. Half cash. JOHN M. MACFARLAND, Attorney. 300 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 6SM. Cheap Lots Close to Car and School Wo are offering several well located lota only a few blocks to 4Jd Avenue School nnd Grand Ave. car lino for $175 to $ll oach. on terms of $5 down and $5 a month. See us about thorn. HASTING & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Ht. A Snap C-r. house, good well, 63d and Grant, S1,S0, $120 cash, bnl llko rent. BOCK HACKER, 407 State Hank, Doug. CG7. MUST BE SOLD New E-room bungalow, on North 37th St.; electrlo lights; $1,330; cash, $300. 6-room, 2700 Blondo St. Price, $1,500. New 5-room, Benson, to trado for auto, 6-room bungalow to trade for largor home. Phone D. 3607. FIELD CLUB BARGAIN. New sevon-room modern house. Fine oak finish. Combination fixtures. Clothes chuto, large sleeping porch, floored at- uc. Kuaraiuecq iiirnace. llnrnoy 036, 8-ROOM house for sale or rent; choce location! Wnst Fnrnnm rfUfrt, ... kt 39th St. Tel, Har. 2577. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. ROBBINB. 1802 FARNAM ST. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of- nce in neprasxa. ziw urandels Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, a modern nbstract office. 300 So. 17th St Phone Douglaa 6487. ACllKAOK FOR SALE. FOR SALE One Improved acre and one unimproved. W. E. Osborne, th and Z Sts, South Omaha. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS De4t filed tor record Jun I. l14i A. Bloup Jo V, lUralxk. n ot lot 1. bloek T, Kountie'a Fourth sdd,. 11 WalUc (a A. MaJopur. M fott ot 71 ton lota and 10, block . Wllcoi's add.. 1.W0 I. B. O.rta to M. M. Mfhrtiu, w (rat ot ...'.V 'f1 !!' ,ut 1 b,ock ' Hwr'a add.. ..on W, II. Hmilla to J, V. Hwoboda. lot il. block S, Orchard lllll 1,700 A, M. Noland to M. II. Owker, lot . Mock I. Clark lUdlek'a add W. II. Uckar to V. N. Nalaon. lot I, block I, Clark Itsdlck's add Jl. J. Wotoott to 1. V. Wolcolt, nCO Nat fit Inta I and 3. block I, Mycri, Klchirda & Tlldm'a add j.09 J. Y. Marahall to W. A. Vlckr. Jr., aqb lot I ct tax lot tl la e ot U 'aectlon 3i-l.l S. 11. Yerlan to A. ft. Smllli, lot i. block I. Klitlara Laka View add to Hanaon A. M. Mltilatr to N. nibb, lot 33, Daumann's in rut add to Wcat Hide M. Drrnaaa to W. Itadswlck, lot C, Catalca Second sdd N. Ljuiderrou to W. Itcdswlek, rtl feat of tub lot 1 ot ttl lot 17. aacllon 2-lt-ll Oiarka C. Hamilton to P. W. BIlloU. blo-k Moraa & Punner'a add l.WS W Oracilln to U. Dunham, r24 (act ot w77.l (Mt of niri.S (rat. block C. ahlnn'a add Sherttrs dtad to L. ( Kleiner, lot it, llorbach's Tlrat udd D II. Dunham to W. plln. lot If and el feet ot lot 14. block '. Monmouth Park M. II, IMaracn to J. Marouaek. lat 6, block K. Shlnn'a add , 0. C. lUdlck t al. to K. U Mlddtn, nM fat lot 11 luwl all feet lot 12, blotk t, Oak Chatham add 00 P, r. Wettantel to J, Wrttantal, lot 10, block I, Clarendon add M. tVobrealo to V Dutka. lot tl. block 19, Drawn Park add to Houth Omaha 100 ghull Land Co, to K. Foreman, nlO (et lot M and aSO fct lot 2a, block II, Shull'a tiecond add South Omaha Land Co. to Itnac Dyba, lot I. block 33, South Omaha 300 J. M. Welch to L. II. Tajlor. loU KJ, m and 00. Kanwood add C. W. Martin to F. Ituaaell, lot 27, block 1. Delia Isle MO Polo Game Postponed Until Next Saturday HEMPSTEAD, N. Y, June 8,-The first game of the International polo series was postponed today until next Saturday at i p, m. The postponement was duo largely to the Injury received yesterday by Cap tain Leslie Cheape of the English team. The game was to have been played to morrow. David City Trims Ulysses. DAVID CITY, Neb.. June &-(8peclal.)-Davld City won a fast and Interesting game from Ulyenes Sunday by a score of 6 to 0. Pesohek held the visitors to threo hits and struck out twelve. Score: R.H E David City.,.S 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 -6 7 4 "Ulysses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 3 S Batteries; David City. Peschek and Tal hot; Ulysses, Bishop, Bradley and Pickering, NEW YORK ST0GK MARKET Tone Good but Buyers of Commodi ties Offered Not Numerous. OPERATORS ALL INDIFFERENT Crop Report Is Not "Sufficient to Mart Stock to Morlnir llur Inir the Session ot Kielinnue. NEW YORK, Juno d-Favorlng news from several sources today elicited only a small response from tho stock market. After th ilrsl halt hour the tune was good, but operators were Indifferent to outside Influence and the market plodded along at a slow rate. In a few cases there worn few move ments cf some proportions, but tho aver age change was trivial. Tho greatest activity came In the first hour, indications of a iolhle rupturo of mediation proceedings with Mexico caused trndi-rs to put out stocks at tho opening. Tho supreme court's decision In the Shreveport rate ense, which has long been awaited as a matter of first Importance, failed to produce a ripple In the market The. court's ruling that congress hns power to regulate Interstate, railroad rate, whero such action Is necessnry to pre serve Interstate relntlons nnd that It Is essential for the roads to havo one master Instead of as tunny masters as there arc states, was all that had been hoped for In tho financial district. The cron ren.irt. nlsn favorable, but llkewlso failed to stir tho market. ln fact prices slipped off a trifle In tho last half hour. Tho copper producers' report, showing an Increase of 14,000,000 pounds In supplies, about met tixpectatlons and nas without Influence. Engagements of 15,000,000 morn gold for export also had no effect, owing to tho large supplies nf Idle funds on hand hero nnd tho strong bank statement ot Satur day. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par vatuo. 2,03ti,(RU. United States bonds were unchnnged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations On stocks wero: fialea. Illah. Liw Clone. Amalaamated Oncer ... 7,10) 71H 71S life American Aartcultural M American lleel Sur.... 4. W0 1V STH JSU American Can 4,0X1 tut JtH lt, American (Tan ffd 70 tl. JH tin American C V 500 (I'm tt' lit, American Cotton (HI 4tVl Am. Ice Serurltlea t.00 11 Jlti 11H American Llneeed v American I,oeomotlT llu American R, A It 1,701) 414 !4 IV American H. , IL ttd.. 10) 101 M 101 K 101 H Amrr. Husar rtetlnliw... l.MJ 1WW 10m 1M4 American T T ltJH American Tobacco , Ill Anaconda Mining Co 700 31 31V 11M AtcMann tfXl HU (4 Atchlaon rvfd 100 100 W 100H Atlintle Const Line TOO ltt '1'4 111 naltlmor A Ohio 1,700 1H I1H SI rtethlehem Steel 1,000 41H 41V I1U lirooklm Iliold Tr 4.100 M MV n Cana1lan Pacltlo l.POrt mi 1MU IK Central leather l.diW IS I4K 1V Cheaieak ft Ohio 1,000 7t ttU U Chloaeo 0. W UK OilMao. M. A Pt. P.... 3,700 10 IS IfOVk 1O0U Clilcaao A N. W ItOU Colorado Fuel a Iron. Xl Contnlldated 0a too 110 ISO 11JH Corn Pmducta , Pelaware A lludmn til Denver A Ittn Grande ill Pinter A It. O, pfd , 30 nlatlllera' tVcurltlra 144 Rrl S.3O0 H i H Rrte let rM V0 44H 4(U 41U Rrle M n(d II H (leneral Electrlo ..... 147H meat Northern vtd 1.400 m iltVi 13m Oreat Northern Ore ctti. too lit tl UN llllnola Central 113 Interlttrouih Met 700 1U UU Inter. Met. ptd 3,800 MVl 14 Vl Internittlonal llarreater., 100 107S 1MH 107 Inttr-Martne ptd , , U International racer , IK International Pump ,,,. fi Kanaaa Cltr Bouthrm.... tOO Vt ! I7U iJirlede Oas St Ihlh Vallrr 4,000 1I4M 13 1JU !ullll A rniehTtlle l!7Vi M fit. r. A 8, file.. M 131 Mieenurt. K. A T too 17 17 IIS Mli-courl Pacific 3,100 It 1S ItSi National llUcult Ill National U-o.1 , 47H n. it. n. or m. :d ptd 11 (i New York Ontral 1.M0 1H 2S ! N. V., O. A W SB Norfolk A Western...... 300 104U 104 S 10IU North Amerlean ..... 74U Northern Pactflo 1,100 111M U1U 1UU I'aolflc Mall 700 34U 33 Ui Pennn.lv. nln 3,100 1I1H 1UW IlHi renple'a (las ,, Ill 1' , C, P. A St. L 10 Plttaburah Ooal ..... 30 I'ruwed Hteel Car , , OH Pullman Talace Car lit ftrndln. 10.6(10 M A3ti w ltepublle Iron A Steel.. 1,100 EU(, S.Ui, M tlepublle I. A H, pfd..., 30O 87 H 7K I7 Itoek Inland Co , Va Itock laland Oa. nfd 300 4V. 4 4U Ht U A ft. r. 3d pfd t Keattnard Air Ilne 18U Rraboard A, L. ptd I4U Blcm-Khcfneld 8. & I , ..... il Southern 1'iclMo 7,300 31U tlU, Southern JUllwar l.JM 33 14H UK Bo, Itallwar pfd mi Tenneaaee Cower 703 IU 3IH ti Texaa A Pacific llti Union Paclrio 15.KM 15414 HtH 1!US I'nlnn PaclMe pfd 300 S4U II 14 United Ktate nealtr 60 United Slates Hubber.... 300 CIS UK tm United Btatea Steel 30,700 (IIS tl IH tT, 8. Steel pfd 4fO 109 Utah (Vrper l.'OO MM, Ui My Va,. Carolina Chemical .. 300 10 JOS SOU Wnbaah Wuriaah pfd 3it Weatern Maryland u Weatern Union 700 (3 1 (iti TVeatlnahouee Klectrls .. 3,300 77 7U 74 ti Wheellnc A Ike Erin 4 Chlno Copper 1,300 m 40 S 4I4 NVw Haven 3,t) 7S, U es ItT Con. Ooper 800 1IU 31 JIM, Total rales for the day. lM.KiO aharaa. New York Money AInrUet, NEW YOIUC, June 8,-STEnUNO EX CHANOOSteady; 600 days, ...S6V; de mand, M.fsm. COMMBnCIAt, niLl,S-14.KHi. 8IL.VI3Il-Bar, Mc; Mexican dollars, ',kc. llONDS Government, steady; railroad, steady. CALL, MONEY-Steady, W2 per cent', ruling rate, 1 per cent; closing; bid, l)H( 2 per cent TIME LOANS-Weaker; 60 days. 22(4 per cent; W days, J142V4 Per cent; r-lx months, 3 per cent. ( MERCANTILE PAPKn-Wtm per cent. lit. I,nnl (lenernl niarkel ST. IjOUIB. Mo., June 8. WHEAT No. : red, SSHOWc; No. 2 hard. JiWigOSc; July 83ilrac; Sept., S34c. COrtN-No. 2. 72Hc; No. 2 white, 76 7Cc; July 724c; Sept.. 70to; OAT8-N0. 2, 40l4tp41c; No. 3 white, ttc ( Dank Clenrlnics. OMAHA, June 8. Hank clearings for Omaha today were (2,914,187.99 and for the corresponding day last year 13,133,- tX.60. ( Kourke Secures New Catcher and Farms Out Wallace Pa Itotirke has added another catcher to his staff. The new man Is Krueger, last year with Toledo In tho American association. Pa secured him from the Cleveland club. Krueger is an experienced catcher, having- played base ball for tho last half a dozen years. He was with tho Lincoln club ln this league several years ago and was ono of the best In the clrcut at that time. He should be Just the man to finish out the receiving department, as he Is an old heal, while Crosby nnd Hhestak are both youngsters. Eddie Wallace, the University of Illi nois recruit who camo to Omaha late last year, has been sent to Grand Island. Bourke decided that Eddie needed another year In the sticks, so ho sent him down to Clink Claire, who Is as good as there Is In polishing up young ball players. Cas Co 11 nly League Scores, AVOCA. Neb., June. 8. (Special.) The Cass county league, which has been or ganised for the last six weeks, Is becom ing very Interesting and the games are loked forward to with more Interest tach wsek. Following la the result of Sunday's games: Manley S Eagle 2; Nehawka 6, Cedar Creek 4; Avoca, and Louisville, 2. Score of the Avoca-Louisville game: H.H.E. tLoulsvflle ...0 0101000 02 4 t Avoca 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 4 Batteries: Conner and Carle; Qruber and Mead. t 2U1 BROOKLYN DROPS AT FINISH Chicago a Run Behind at Start of Ninth, but Fulls Out Ahead. SCHUITE SCORES SAIER ON SIN0L ZImntrrninit Slnn-lcs nnd From tho Third Ilnse Knslly Htenls Home, Winning; tho (inme. IUIOOKLYN. June 8,-Chlcago entered the ninth Inning a run behind today, but won from Brooklyn, 3 to 2. Ilucker was tho victim. After Baler had reached first on a fielders' choice and Zimmerman had singled, Corrlden, who batted ln place of Schulte, scored Salcr on a single to center. Smith's throw to tho plate to catch Zimmerman on Sweeney's Infield blow was too late, Zimmerman scoring tho winning run. Score: CI1ICAOO. BROOKLYN. , . A?-y-'2-A,E; AD.H.OAE. Leach, cf . . I 0 0 lpalton. tf .. i I 3 0 3 tlood, rt... .3 1 4 0 Otuutxrt, lb.. 1 1 10 0 0 Baler, lb.... J 0 10 0 0(,m,tn, Jb.., 41140 ?.tmrmn, lb 4 3 1 1 uwheit, if.,.. 4 1 0 0 Schulte If .. 3 0 1 0 Ofutuhew, ib. 4 0 3 0 Corrlden, aa. 1 10 0 (liMt rf.. 4 0 1 0 0 Heeener. Ib. 4 0 1 3 IrvMara. aa.. 3 0 3 3 0 Keating, aa . 3 1 1 1 OMIIIer, e. ... 3 0 ( 0 0 Wllllama, If. 1 0 0 0 01 tucker, p... 3 0 1 3 0 llrtenahun, e 1 1 3 3 ojttulbach, p. 0 0 0 0 0 Herv. p.. .30000 I'lifU-l 1 0 0 0 0 Totala 31 i SI 11 J llumphren, pi ft 0 0 0 Totale 34 37 2 Hatted for Pierce In eighth. Chlcaso 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 21 Ilrooklyn 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Lett on bases: Chicago, 6; Brooklyn, 4. Two-bnse hits: Ilrcsnahan. Dalton, Smith, Three-bnse hit: Keating. Sacri fice hit: Daubert. Itase on errors: Ilrooklyn, 1. Stolen bases: Sweeney, Williams. Bnse on halls: Off Pierce. 1; off Hneker, l; off lleulbsch, 1. Passed tall: Miller lilts! Off Pierce 5 ln seven It nlng; off TWcker, S In eighty and one third tnnln?s; off Humphries, none In two Innlngr; off Iteulbnch, none ln two thirds of on Inning. Struck out, By Pierce, 2: by Ilucker, 4; by Humphries, 1, Time: LIS, Umpires) Qulglcy nnd Kinrllo. Plttslitirnli Pnlls Out nf n Hole- PHILAnnLPHIA. June 8,-A batting tally by Pittsburgh In tho eighth Inning caused the defeat of Philadelphia today. tho scorn being 7 to S. In that Inning both ot the visitors pinch hitters made gooa. Hyatt's single, sent In one run and Jim Kelly's double driving In two more. Tho score: riT-ntnunon. rmi.ADEi.PiHA. All it O A E. AD H.O.A.E. Joe Krllr. cfS 3 4 1 Onrrne. 3b..,, 3 0 13 0 rarer, it,,.. I 1 3 0 Olleed. IK. . 3 0 0 0 0 Mowrer, 3b.. I 0 0 1 auecaer, a I o Wanner, ta.,4 I 3 iIxWrt. Ib... I I t 3 0 Knnetchr, lb& 1 II 0 OMeee. aa.... 4 13 10 VI01. Ib..... 4 110 OCrarath. rt.. 3 0 10 0 Mitchell, rt.. 3 3 3 0 OLuderua. IK. 4 3 10 0 Olhaon, c... 2 0 0 J OPartert. cf.. 4 14 0 1 Coleman, c. 0 0 1 0 OKIIIlter. c... 40110 Harmon, r -. 3 1 0 3 OAlnander, p4 I ft I 1 McQuillan. pOOOOO ' lljntt 1 I 0 0 0 Totals 31 11 27 10 1 Jim Kellr.. 110 0 0 Mcneor 0 0 0 0 0 Total 37 13 it il"l . . Hattod for Olbson ln eighth. llattrd for Harmon in eighth. nan for Hyatt In eighth. Pittsburgh 0 OOOJOIbO-7 Philadelphia 0 021001 1 0- Two-base hits: Joe Kelly. 3; Jim Kelly. ItninA rlina' l.llrlAmiN. 9 lilts! Off Trtar moti, 0 In seven Innings; off McQuillan, 1 in two innings, nacritico nits: uioson, Hoed. Sacrifice fly: Lobert. Stolen liases: Wagner, Becker. Double play: Lobert, Byrne and Ludcrus. Left on V, ........ . t)l.l,.nt, r tll.lln.4AlnhtM It Baso on balls: Of Harmon, 1; off Alex ander. 3. Basn on errors: Pittsburgh, l; rniiaaeipnia, l. ntruck out: iiy aic Qtilllau, 1; by Alcxan.or, S. Time, 1:45. Umpires: Orth and Byron. Unuie Run fur Ntelioff. BOSTON, Juno 8. Nlehoff's homo run and slnsleH by Berxhammer and Clark In the ninth enabled Cincinnati to win a pitchers' battle from Boston, 3 to 2, today. Tho scoro: CINCINNATI. BOSTON. All. II. O. A. 15. AU.1I.O.A.U. Moron, rt..,, 4 0 0 0 ORrers. 2b,... 3 13 6 0 lltrioc, aa... 3 1 4 PMaranvll', III I1 1 I II (Iron, Hx..., 4 0 3 1 OMurrar, If.,. 4 0 3 0 1 Nlehoff. 3b.. 4 3 0 3 oallbcrt, rf,., 3 0 0 0 0 Hobllttol, lb 4 0 II 0 ('Schmidt, lb., 3 1 14 0 0 Miller, If.... t 0 10 (Klowdr i 0 4 3 0 Uhler, If..,. 0 0 10 ODeal, 3b 3 110 1 Haifa, cf.... 1 0 10 OMann, ef..., 4 110 0 Clark. c,.,.,S 3 3 0 OJemea, p 3 0 0 3 0 Denton, p,.. 3 0 0 S U'Duier 0 0 0 0 0 Uersham'r .11000 Totals 30 4 37 15 3 Total 31 6 37 17 0 Hutted for Miller In ninth. Itan for Deal In ninth. Cincinnati 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 23 Boston 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 02 Stolen bnseM: Herzog, Bates. SAcrl flco hits: Bentnn, Schmidt. Three-base hit: Deal. Home run: N I eh off. Double plays: James, Gowdy and Schmidt; MiirunvlUe, livers and Schmidt. Struck out; By James, 3; by Benton, 3. Bases on balls. Off James, 4; off Benton, 3. Hit by pitcher: By Benton (James). Left on buses: Cincinnati, U; Boston, 4. Time: 1:33. Umpires: Klcm and Hart, Trarrsu Holds Ht. I.ouU to Three, NEW YOltK, Juno 7,-New York won an easy victory over St, Louis today. 4 to 1. Tcsreau pitched a strong game for tho champions and held St Louis to three nits, two of them coming ln the seventh Inning, when the visitors scored their only run on Miller's single and Wilson's double. Tho score: ST. LOUIS. NEW TOOK. All. II. O. A. U. AII.H.O.A.B. Hunlna. 3b.. 3 0 2 3 1 Heather, cf., I 0 4 f 0 ilim, cf,... 4 13 0 ODurna. It t 13 0 0 Dolan. If.,.. 4 0 3 0 Ollrent, ee.,,, 3 0 110 1. Miller, lb 3 1 10 2 ODojIt, 2b... , 4 1110 Wllaon. rt... 4 110 OMerale, lb... 4 3(10 Duller, aa.,. I 0 3 1 OBnodiraaa. rf 1 0 I 0 0 Wlnio. ,e.... 3 0 2 4 tXStock. 3b..,. 3 1110 Deck, 3 3 0 3 0 OMerera. .,., 1110 0 a Miller.. i 1 0 0 0 OMcLeu. ... 114 0 0 Whltted. lb., 0 0 0 1 OTeireau, p.., 3 110 0 lcl. p 10030 Hateman, p.. 1 0 0 3 0 Totali II I 37 0 Orulia I 0 0 0 0 Orlner, p.... 0 0 0 0 0 Totala.....3o"3 34 U 1 Batted for Beck in eighth. Batted for Hageman In eighth. St. Louis 0 0000010 0-1 Now York 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 Base on errors: New York, 1. Two base hits: Meyers, Tesroau, Wilson. Sacrifice hits. Grant, Snort grass. Tesreau, Stolen bases: Bescher, Uurns, Mngee, Stock, J, Miller, 2. Left on bases: New York, 4: St Louis, 6. Double plays: J. Miller. Butter, Wlngo and Butler. Base on balls: Off Tesreau, 2; off Steel. X Struck out: By Tesreau, 5; by Bteel. 1; by Hageman, 1. Hits: Off Steel, B ln four Innings; off Hageman, 3 in three Innlngi; off Grlner, none In one Inning. Umpires: Eason and Rlgler. Time: 1:42. Reynolds of Omaha Makes Next Lowest Score at Kansas Oity KANSAS CITY, June 8.-Harry O. Legs of tho Mlnlkahda club, Minneapolis, four times the winner of tho tournament, led the field at the Transmlsslsslppl Golf tournament on the links of the Evanston Golf club here this morning with a medal score of 77 for the elghtoen holes, the low score ln the opening qualifying rounds. Bogey for the course is 82. S, W. Reynolds of the Omaha Field Club and H. C. Campbell ot the Kansas City Country club, next to Legg had the low scoro each, palylng the eighteen holes in 78. Other scores were: C. O. Anderson, Oread Golf club, Lawrence, Kan., TJ; Karl W. Bock, Omaha Field club, 88; Ben Gulnan. Omaha Field club, II; Al bert Cahn, Field and Country club, Omaha, 87; W. J. Foye, Field and Country club, Omaha, 87; F. L. Woodward, Country club, Denver. 87; Fred Hamilton, Field and Country club, Omaha, SI; M, L. Lem 1st. Country club, Denver, 82; F. P. Carr, Hyperlan Field and Motor club, Pes Dolnes, 98; John Collls, Country club, Denver, 35; J. Bellls, Country club, Den ver, 86; W. II. Amnions, Hyperion Field and Motor club, Des Moines, 89; John Deere C. Cady, Arsenal Gold club. Rack Island, 111., 81. Join the Swappers' Club. Membership Is free. Call at Bee office