3 I 10 SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE LISTED TO ME R.UwW- i no Mi -r-c TUWN .- KJ. ATI iw it en v T- II--'".. T- Mil Gr ris 6 WANT ADS i Want ads rocelved at any time, but to Iniure proper classification must bo rresented before 12 o'clock noon lor even ing; edition and 7.30 p m. tor morning and Sunday edition. Want ads received after auch hours will be under the head. Inc. "Too Late to Classify." casTTrates. One time 11 cents, a lino. Three times within one week, cents a line each insertion. Seven consocutlvo times, 7 cents a line f ach insertion. . CHARGE KATES. Three times within one wwk, 10 eouts a Una each Insertion. ,. Seven consecutive times. ? cents a lino each Insertion. Count six aveiage words to a Hue- Minimum charge. 10 cents. Th Deo will not bo responsible for more than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error roust be promptly mode. An advertisement Inserted to be run until discontinued rftust be otopped oy 'written order. You can place your want ad In The Bee by telephone. ' TELEPHONES TYLER 10CO. Undelivered Answers To the "Swappers' Column" Letters addressed to the following num bers have not been called for. Swappers are kindly requested to call at The Bee yzr s same: 8.C. S.C. S.C. B.C. 619 e 7t m 623 . 093 748 860 6M COi 749 1 ga 6 793 H6 R28 703 K 9 827 714 80S W0 600 718 Sll l 633 717 S14 m t!H 71 1& 6 644 7W 8J0 fW 644 722 Wl M0 6 729 82S 1 TO 711 830 872 670 737 S33 8S 671 73S m m 675 741 SK Ml 67fi 742 3S 906 683 743 S3 Mi CSS 746 543 m DEATHS AND FUNIS RAIj NOTXOBS. PETERSON Hannah, aged 38 years, D months and 24 days; June . 1914. Be loved wife of Andrew Peterson. Funeral Tuoaday atternon at clock from Hwanson'a Chapel, 17th and Curnlng streets, to West Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrths-Alflo MUnzlata, 1251 South Thir teenth, boy; W. II. and Minn e Du Val, 2111 Bt. Mary's a-venue, boy; Frank and Nora Huffsmlth, 2314 E street. Houth Omaha, Blrl: L. F.v and Clara. Janen, 1411 North Twenty-slxth. boy; H. and Ida PeUlnstll. 3845 Iranklln. Blrl; N. and Anna Rips. 2027 Wlrst. slrll I'. W. and Ella Rappley hospital, boy; Jullua and Theresa Swoboda, 3131 Jackson, boy; John and Pauline Smith. 3518 Davenport, girl. Deaths-Ruth E. Avory. 73 years. JM0 Jones; A. M, Kruth. 71 years, 3140 Chlcwroi Mrs. C. N. Wilson, 64 years, hospital. MARRIAOK L1CENKIC9. The followlnir permits to wed have Issued: Name and Residence. bean Age. ...28 ... 21 ... 29 ... 26 Qeorge Junge, uerun..... Mabel Teany, Berlin Reuben J. Dolling, Topeka.. Emma Welgel, La Crosse, Wis., .... John W. Vollcr, Chicago...... tctorta B. Vana, Boutn Omaha. Lacey McKee, Omaha... Grace Sims, Omaha Dumltru Qradlna, South Omaha Maria Melu, South Omaha .tMIH.M. r I . .1.. n.ntnn A. 24 23 31 20 ... 25 ... 21 ... 60 v 1 1 1 1 aati . Elisabeth M. Robins, Benson ... 30 John Potter Webster. Omaha........ Katherlno Miller Beeneon, Omaha 26 23 BUILDINO PERMITS. Nella E. Traver. 2S3S Parker, frame dwelling", H.800. and at 2S35 Parker, frame, M.8M. ANNOUNCEMENTS. HAZEL Leaf Pile Cone. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; (4o postpaid; samples free. Sherman & Mcconneu urug D. a. Qrlfftth, wig, mnrr.. l Frenser Blk. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Gibson's Buffet 322 South 16th St LAWN mowers sharpened, work guar. anieea. rnont LUC1CY wcrtdlrur rings. Hrodeaard's. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Avents and bales omen.. IK PER week, expenses advanced; women to travel and appoint agents for concentrated food flavors In tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co.. Como Bldg.. Chicago. Factory and Trades. Learn halrdreaslng. Oppenhelm parlors. IIDMCIUVI' " WANTEJlrliW.t in homework .ACL CATV (It. cnum - BmwIU run Servwit Girl Wanted Ad ..4ii rt iha iniilrMtl rulim. This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Be onice or tetepiiuuo wamted GomDetant gill for general housework: family of thre. 4S28 Cass nt PhonS Harney SIS. WANTED Competent maid for general nousewor m .. -. Baker, lais a. Ave. OIRL for general housework; 3 grown -Dersons In family. 604 & 36th H- i3. WANTED A good girl tor general house- worK: wages wee, ii. v. a. I6th Ave. Bohemian or German preferred. 2813 Dodge ou ti7 a wtpiiv1 lri for aeneral house. work in small family; good vagea. Tel, Harney aa. A YOUNG girl wanted to care for small anartmen- can mornings auu i, im Elms, 25th and Dewey Ave. Red 005. titMTrn A rllnVilA whltjt sirl for sen -r-t hAiii.wnrb' amall fAmllv. Mrs. R. A Ralph, 4&05 Davenport Phone Harney 4473. WANTED Competent cook; references required, apply 303 8. 32d Ave. Phone Hartley ax. UiMADtN4E7v1EAu - Today's Complete Movie Programs Exclusively in The Bee DOWN TOWN. CAMERArHONE. 140J DOUOLAB. I Ana i.nn oi me inoe. -rcci. iki Miss Rafflps. Vltnarnnh unth'i Witness, niogruph. CIA'NE THEATER. 6C KARNAM. The Alarm, 2-rel Keystone comedy. Jane tho Justice, with Margaret Fischer. Our Mutual Olrl No. 20. ELITE NO. 1. Kat and Patr. ICulein. 1316 Douglas The Southerners, 3r.. Edison. ELITE NO. 2. 1318 Karnam. The Forced Parchment. Kathlyn, No. 11: I'athe Weekly, No. 33. Blotted Out, L,ub. KARNAM, 1415 FARNAM. The Newer Woman. Mai., ilrama. Our Mutual Olrl No. 21, Bel., aerial. The ficrub Lady, Thanhouser, comedy. HIPP THEATER, 1VTH & HARNEY. FlRhtlnr Death, In four reels, by Rod man Law. PARIC THEATER, Cl NO. 16TH. The Treasure Ship, 2 reel ICalem. Red Rldlnp Hood of the Hills. Essanay. Romeo and Juliet. Blograph. PARIJOR, 1408 DOUGLAS Tho Fox, 2-reel, Rex. The Man Within,' Nestor. Newlywed's Dilemma. Nestor comedy. PRINCESS. 1317-1319 Douglas. l,ols Weber and Philip Smalley In "Clossd aHtcs." "Olrl and tho Hobo," Frontier, western drama; "Heart Strings," a drama of human Interest, NORTH. DIAMOND. 2410 LAKE ST. Triumph of Mind, S-reel, Bison. universal iko and ills Aiotner-in-LAw, Universal Ike. FRANKLIN Theater, 24th and Franklin. Broncho Billy's Sermon, Euanay. Maniacs Three. Blocraph. The Acid Test, two-reel. Dr.. Vltagraph. HIPPODROME, 26TH AND CUMINO. Hearst Sells;. Bandy and Shorty Start Something. Vita. Vengeance Is Mine. Lub. IT TItlSATISK, Will AND IXJUUbT. The Spirit and the Clay, 3-reel. Vita. rri n ni Alio oaviiiH iceriitfi iiu LOYAL. 240S CALDWELL. The Nation's Peril, 2-reel, Bison. Whistling Hiram, Fron comedy. Air hipisooe, uex aroma. LOTHROP THEATER, 3212 NO. 24TH. Hearst Bellg. Three Bags of Silver. Kathlyn No. . Sophie Starts .Something. Ess PALACE. 2303 DAVENPORT. The Skeleton. Powers. Tho Unlawful Trade, Rex. The Test. Nestor. STAR THEATER. 1814 N. 24TH. This theater will be ctosea a week and open under new ownership and manage ment, newly equipped. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics, WANTED Girl for general housework; family of two. Doctor, Fort Omaha. WANTED Olrl for general housowork. Mrs. A. H. Burnett. 117 N. 31st Ave. ON Fort -Crook Blvd., girl for general housework; no washing or Ironing. Tel. South 183. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; good wages. Phone Harney 617. 631 Ho, 36th St WANTED A competent girl for gener.il housework. Mrs. B. C. Kennard, Fair. acres. Telephone Harney 6136. WOMAN to do family washing. Harney 6167. Call GIRL for general housework; 3 grown Per sons In family; only small washing done at home. 604 S. 36th St. Tel. Harney 4355. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework In family ot 3; good wages, can Mrs. w. J. iiynes. it. kw. Mlscellaasmas. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the xoung Women's Christian association building at Bt Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where they will be directed to sultablo boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. WANTED Women for government clerk ships, ju month, umana Kxaminauons soon, specimen Questions free. Frank lin Institute, Dept. (68 N, Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE ascent, s.ilcstntu and Solicitors, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SOLIC ITOR WANTKD. NOT NKUKtjHAHIl.1 A MAN WITH EXPERIENCE, BUT MUST BB A LIVE WIRE AND FULL OF GINGER. DO NOT REPLY IF YOU ARE MERELY LOOKING FOR A PO- sition: this is a job. address P. VK, CARE HUE. SALESMEN wanted on commission plan, selling water heaters and gas Irons. Ad ply between 4 and 6 p. nu Omaha Gas Co., v nowara ot. WANTED Salesman: tine spectaltr salesman for city work; one having ex perience selling Insurance or books on time payment pian preierreo. appi? ao nger. 1MB Howard St WITH some experience In the portrait line. Apply M. Wlnfleld, Carlton Hotel, oetween i ana s p. m. WANTED A high-class, reliable state sales manager tor a store fixture with out competition, commission 8300 to 1500 per month. Address the Buckley Spe clalty Co.. Lima. Ohio. SALESMAN wanted, Omaha Gas Co., 150(1 Howard. Call between 4 and 6 p. m. NEW, live premium proposition; house-to-house canvass, introducing teas and coffees; salary and commission; perma nent employment to result getters; ex cellent opportunity. Apply Jewel Tea Co., UU Cuming St. Omaha. THE BEE: ujtoj to me coumJel for. TVC OSTFKhl CS - VOO A AATT MT TO t-OiC mj A0 ULX- A BONE VOJWAT- JC TO A MliTAKE NORTH. SUBURBAN, I4TH AND AMES AVE. ine ireasure nnip, -rcei. nmui. ner Aioiner weaKness. mo. Tho Wallflower. Lub. SOUTH. APOLLO VHKA., 2821 LEAVENWORTH. Bunny Buys a Harem, vua. A Ijnf from tho Past. 2-reol. Lub. The Road to PlalnUale. Blo COLUMBIA. 10th and Hickory. Hearbt-Scllg; The Master Rogue, 2-r., Teaching Father a Lesson, Hellg. COMFORT, 24TH AND VINTON, ii.i..- it., it'll . .1 . nf TtiBtli.A f?lnireea. Than. The Wharf Rats, 2-reel, Broncho. tango irouuiey, itoyai. FAVORITE THEATER. 1716 Vinton St. The Adventures of Kathly, No. 1L The Greater Love, Ess. drama. Stung, icalem Com. nv. TinpiTOIl. IJfJl SOUTH 13TH. The Redskins and the Renegade. 2-reel Kaiem mauui picture. A Bnakevllle Romance. Essanay. LYRIC THEATER, 1617 VINTON OT. In a Persian Garden, 2-rcel Eclair. Avenged, Rex. Dr. , Link In tho Chain. 3-rel Eclair. v PASTIME THEATER. 24TH & LEAV. The Double Knot, 2-reel Majestic. WONDERLAND, 13th and Vinton Sts. Favorite Alrdome opens Saturday, June 13, 17th and Vinton Sts. WKST. AIRDOME, FARNAM AND PARK. Barrier of Ignorance, 2-reel. Kalem. Actor Finney's Finish. Ess. The Father's Scapegoat. Bio. CLUNE'S THEATER. 2S55 Fnrnam. Joseph In the Land of Egypt, a big Thanhauser production, 4 reels, featuring" James Cruze and Marguerite Snow. SOUTH OMAHA, nraoK rrtrmATtsn 94 1 h nrt N Kt. Tho Vengeance of the Vanuero, Kalem. When ine i.igmning difuck, -r., Second Childhood. Hellg. Vnnilevllle. ORPHEUM THEATER, 24TH & M STS. Two good musical acts of vaudeville and five reels ot the best motion pictures. BENSON. BENSON THEATER. ' 4M5 MAIN ST. Love and Vengeance. 2-r., Ford Sterling, comedy. Dawn of Romance, with Kthel Grandln. Risen From the Ashes. Rex. Got anything you'd like to swap? Use tha "Swappers' Column." HELP WANTED MALE Clrrlcnl and Office. AN Omaha bank has position open for a young man who can Qualify. Oood par entage, ambition and determination to succeed are essential. High school grad uate preferred. Must be good penman and quick and accurate at rigures. Address In own handwriting, stating age, previous experience. If any, giving references and your telephone or aaaress. uuin, j. Drawer u'is. IF you aro looking for a high grale posi tion see me CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1U1&-1B uity riauonai nann, GROCERY clerk; head position: only .k. na.,1 rt 1. uVim a.. thrtrrttlCFlilv tllt'VU ItWU I J . . 1,1, J .hw.wOT... experienced and accustomed to handle best traae. Anaress u u. nee. Factory and Trades. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeks completes. Good money made. Best trade In existence for poor man. Machinery can't kill It. Our graduates greatly In demand on account of our thorough training. Call or wr.lto. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St Factory and Trade. Hurry! Hurry! Get n full knowledco of tho AUTOMO BILE BUSINESS, auch as only we are equipped to give you. The auto season Is open ana ens uemana is ureal. iur lum men as we turn out NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING AF8N. 2814 N. 20th St.. omaha. Meo, Drug store snaps: jobs. Knelst Beo Bldg. CALVARY Mission Free Employment bureau Is prepared to supply sKiued or unskilled labor ot all kinds. Office. Jacobs Hall, 1716 Dodge St. Tel. Tyler mi; after 4 P. m. Webster 4797. LITHO pressman (Harris Offset) out ot town. Statu references, salary and when you could report Address, Y 76, Miscellaneous. EARN MORE MONEY Learn the automobile business. Prepare for the SPRING RUSH. This Is the only school where you can learn RIGHT. EX PERTS teach you. Nebraska Automobile School, 1415 Dodae 8t WANTED Names ot men IS to 45 wishing to be Omaha mall carriers. 367 a month to begin. Addresa Y 63. jlee. MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph St Co. Washington. D. C. STUDENT to work tor board, room. washing. Ironing and fl a week. Phone Webster 4141. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. MEN, WOMEN Get government Jobs; big pay; examinations announced every where July 16; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 221-N, Roches ter, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position as housekeeper on farm by respectable woman with two young children. Address C 107, Bee. BUNDLE washing, ironing. Homey WU. ELDERLY man wants work about hous WORK wanted by day. Phone W. 74CO. elderly person or family. Well. 7W1I. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, also bookkeeper; five years' experlencn. Web. 2671 OMAHA, TITSDAY, JFNE ... i f tkMPE - - MAKE ( BOT- WANTED SITUATIONS A YOUNO man with Kood habits and will wants position where he can drive a car nnd tAke caro ot It If necessary: well recommended aa to abtlty. Call Harney 4000. ELDERLY lady desires position as prac tical nurse or housekeeper; 12 years' cxperlenco Call Doug. C642. COLORED woman wishes position as housekeeper. Address S 297, care Omaha Bee. MUSIC student wants to help vlth housework In exchange for a good homo and use of piano, references fur nished and required. Webster 4921. POSITION as housekeeper In city or small town. 4333 No. 36th Ave. Phone Wb. 2S43. WANTED Position at general house work. Tel. nouevuo hb. COLORED man wishes position as house man or porter, tjaii weu. ot.ii, PHONE South 27ES for competent colored laundress; very good woman; ref.' ATTRACTIONS WANTED Concessions Tor the State Stockmen's convention, and Irvln Bros. Real Cheyenne Wild West Show, Juno 18, 19 and 20. W. D. Fisher. Alliance, Ne braska. CONCESSIONS and attractions wanted for Fourth or July ceieuranon; no gam bling; 10.000 people. Address Leigh C. Carroll, Sec., Gothenburg, Neb. AUTOMOmi.S Greenough Omaha Bad. Rep. Co. 2020 Far. FRANKLIN Model "G" with full equip ment and In good condition. Machine has hEfd only family use and was recently overhauled. Call at Rushlng's Garage, 24th and J Sts., South Omaha. NEARLY new Studebaker "Four." Owner leaving city. Must be sola at once, ao dress E 196, Bee. . $100 forfeit for" any magneto wo can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Baysdorfcr.210 N.18, WE make a specialty of auto foredoor body building and painting. Highest quality work. Wm. Pfeiffer Carriage Wks. D. 6922. 2Sth Ave. and Leavenworth. AMERICAN "30," excellent condition. In quire 001 Mynster St.. Council Bluffs, la. Industrial Garage Co.. 20th & Harney Sts." CUT P.RICE pneumatic tires. 318 Bo. 20th. American Machine Co.,110 So. 11th. D.4881. Motorcycles. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCI.E now ready; bargains In used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chicago. D. 3728. Pope 1914 model now ready. Bargains in usea machines. 1'opa Motor uo.. mz Leavenworth. BARGAINB In all makes of used motor cycles. Victor H. Roos, "The Motor- cyie man." zips Leavenworth St EXPERT motorcycle repairing, enamel ing and reflnlshtng our specialty. Fles chtr Motorcycle Co.. 1622 Capitol Ave. Tt'TTTyTT T2.rtT T TOm OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15TH AND HARNEY. ' Lindborg Bros.. 2023 Cum. (Flying Merkel) BUSINESS CHANCES RELIABLE BROKERS WANTED Cal gary (Alberta) Petroleum Company, Limited. Ten million-dollar corporation. 1tl thnllanttr! r. m I v. . . .n district Well financed. Directors sue- ui on men ana capitalists. urllllnK rigs en route. Opening price low, rapid rlso certain. For reservations wlro or write, giving references. T. V. Orr, United States Selling Agent, 142, Calgary, Alberta. I OR SALE or trade, clean restaurant stock and fixtures; best location tn town. Lock Box 95, Westboro, Mo. OPEN a paying business of your own; success guaranteed: full particulars for a stamp. Geo. Swallow, Boonevllle, la. JOHNSON. 623 PAXTON BLK. RED 5139. to BUY or sell a business. Call on Bockhacker. 407 State Bk. Bldg. D. 8657. BUY, lease or sell your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co.. 1406 Farnam St. Douglas 1897. ti.OOO BUYS paying weekly In live town In Irrigated Nebraska. Write for par tlculara, Address Y 66. Bee. FOR SALE Cheap, good paying millinery locution, stock and fixtures In county seat Nobraska town. Good reason for selling. Address Y 67. Bee. DINING room for rent; coolest In he city. Invite Investigation; references te qulred. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs, la. TO GET in or out ut business, call on GANG EST AD, 404 Bee Bldg. D. 3477. WANTED An Idea. Win, can think ot some simple thing to patent 7 Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write tor "Needed inventions" and "Hot to Get Your Patent and Yuur Money." Randolph & Patent Attorn, Washington. D. C TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate? write Kennebeck Co.. Omaha. rtlGH-CLASd business openings. Western Ref. A Bond Ass'n. 754 Om. Na. Bk. Bids. VARIETY storo for sale In eastern Neb. town ot about 1,200; stock and fixtures will Invoice about JUOO; good, clean stock. Address Y 70, Bee. FOR SALE Bottling and Ice cream ulsnt: well located and doing good busi ness, and can be made to nay MOO or M per month; i.lii& to casn win swing the deal. This is a real chance. Ill healtn reason for selling. Address i i. uee. The most desirable furnished rooms are advertised In The Bee. Get a nice cool room for the summer. EDUCATIONAL THE FIRST SUMMER TERM OP BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, JUNE 1. 1 . Business practice, oooKKeeping. pen manship, salesmanship, banking, stenog raphy, stenqtypy, typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board while attending. Call, write or telepnonu tor latest catalogue. Day and night school all the year. BOYLES COLLEGE. 18th and Harney Sts., Omaha. Neb. The Van Sant School STENOGRAPHIC COURSE DAY AND NIGHT 6CHOOL. , Uth and Farnam. Douglas 6641. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship in Boyles 'Business college. Omaha; good for either snort hand or business courses. Apply at the office ot Omaha Bee Oh A II r,,nc 1 unguium fr 9, 1914. MAW Mf MAD- JUEmtCR. 90I6TT- AI FAU5 AO. We Gcr me? EDUCATIONAL SUMMER TERM JUNE 1. Unsurpassed classes In all business nnd English branches, shorthand, stenotype, telegraphy and typewriting. Students admitted at any time. Graduates guar anteed good positions. Places provided for young people to work for board. For a new, free catalogue, address Mosher Lampman College, 1815 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. MVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. FOR SALE Good heavy work horse. Call at 1808 'Pierce St.. City. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold medal at Fort Omaha. Lib eral reward If returned. Webster 1608. OMAHA fc COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET P.Mnn, UdiiIhm In., n l ii , . "" tl mjllltJ Kruuis wouia In WAU tn mil tin t V. a ,l - . I r & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. M,ftnJf nrtlcIe each day ar turned In and tho company Is anxious to restore las 48 iisnnuj owner, wan JJoug- t,?uT,A- Juncn ' keys fastened on a Chain. Plono nnti Tlnn.l.. na-r 6:30 p. m. Reward. LOST Dlamon brooch containing eeven and Leavenworth Sts. Liberal reward. LOST Glasses In court house. Reward If rciurneu. ail ooutn Zl3. GOLD necklace with gold tassel on, be- . .w..w niune weoster bobs. S""'!? red ,c,oat Kreen trimmings. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases. with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Z40 Be Bldg. MONEY: TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. Quick service. Half usual rate, RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. Douglas 141L OFFERED FOR SALE. New & Zd-hand furnlt'e. cash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co.. 605 N. 16th. REFRIGERATORS, tables, chairs, china cabinet secondhand dressers. Web. 6725. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS sold; rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 307 S. 17th. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out Rates, three months for 15 for understroke machines or 83 per month for lateBt model visible writers. RENT AN Oliver typewriter, 3 months for J4. The Oliver Typewriter Co. D. 2919. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. 1S0S Farnam. D. 6031. Mlscellanrvous. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck. Co. 21 & Paul. DIRECT CONNECTED GENERATORS WITH ENGINE FOR SALE. Two 100 K. W. 6 pole. 125 volt. 200 R. P. M. compound wound Bullock direct cur rent generators direct connected on each side to a 19-Inch bore by 20-Inch stroke, 300 H. P. Chuse horizontal self enclosed splash oil type automatic engine, entire set on one cast Iron base. Can be tper ated as straight 125 volt or 3 wire, 250 volt. Excellent unit for department store, factory or mill. Guaranteed In first-class condition and complete. Location, Den ver, but will deliver f, o. b. Omaha. For full particulars and price, address National Machinery & Wrecking Company, 1916 Scranton Road, Cleveland. Ohio. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the otflce ot The Omaha Bee. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- KaiKe-uouenaer uo.. iu?-uu a. lutn tsi. MOTOrtCYCLE FOR 8ALE-1913 seven h. n. Merkel. almost new: hill demonstra tion gladly given; must sell qWkly; no reasonable offer refused. V. A. Krause, West Point. Neb. FOR SALE Liquid carbonlo soda foun tain cheap: tables, chairs and fountain fixtures. Address Y 75. Bee. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon - will call. Call and Inspect our nev home, 1110-1112-lilt Dodge St YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangors are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St and St Mary's Ave. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES. Screenings. 31.35 pr. 100. Wagner, S01 N. 1( S1LKO chick food. Wagner. fcOl N, 16tti Mixed grain 31.50 per 10U. Wagner, 801 N. 16. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x22 inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically r.ieproof. 75c a hundred at The Bee office. AGENTS, investigate; 100 per cent profit; season now on, get busy. Chicken Life Saver Co.. 2021 Cuming St W. Leghorn baby chicks. Phone Flor. 218. ROSE-COMB R. I. Red. 75o setting. T 2074. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Young couple will take care of furnished house during summer months, for rent Referenda. Web. 765. WANTED TO BUY. WE buy broken watches. Nathan. 103 S.U REVELATION KILN. Tel. Har. 47Si. Drawn for The -vov t-A0frHAl&- FATHEAD1 J! LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha BELL DRUG CO.. NEW LOCATION. 1316 FARNAM. EVERYTHING NEW. Old PHONE DOUGLAS 2023, COME CALL OR WRITE. RUB BER GOODS, OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1721 Cutnlng. Doug. 2467. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattreshes. Call or write for prices WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all f ewlng machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., "Mlckel's." 15th and Harney Sts. Douglas 1662. Adding; Machine. Dalton Adding Machines, 411 S. IS D. 1449. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales) W. O. W. D. 6338. Account tints. Chas. S. McConr.ell. 742 Om. Nat Blc. D.827 Melville D. Thomas & Co., 601 City Nat.Bk. Adrertlstnir. J. B. HAYNE8. 718 Om. Nat Bk. D. 827. Auto nnd MognrtD Repairing. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 2418. Auctioneers. Dowd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O. W. Red 32S5. Architects. HORNBY CO.. BLUE PRINTING. D. 3157. Clarence W. Wlgington. 220 S. 13th. D.4287. Gagnebln-Wells. 420 State Bank. D. 2265. Everett S. Dodds. 612 Paxton. D. 29S1. Attractions. OMAHA film exc, 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Barbers. 12 Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. Bottled Goods. Concordia Park, 5914 Center. Har. 368. Brass Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. nnlldlitsr nnd Repairing;. E. FRANTA. 611 Paxton Blk. Doug. 2157. Cullfornln Lands. W. T. Smith Co.. 815 City Nat Bk. D. 2819. Catexers. MRS. F. A. WOOD, 3401 Parker. W. 8296. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard. D.8461. L. Geddls. D. C, 228 Bee Bld(r. Doui. 4293. W. E. Purvlance. D. C, 409 Pax. Blk. D.t9t2 L. C. HAYES. D. C. 550 Bee Bid. R. 3766 Cistern Cleanlntr. CISTERNS cleaned: water left In: no pay unless satisfied. Tyler 1433W. Creameries, Dairies nnd Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Call ml nr. Mutual Rating & Adjusting Ass'n,. Bee. Cbeclc Prolnilnn a'VY;.70,dd Co-a'r York' Mgr., 309 F. C. Haynes. decorating, firing. D. 4990. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4942. Cream Separators The Bharples Separator Co.. 13th & Farn. Dnnclnsr Instruction. Class & private lessons. Mackle's. D. 6446. Turpln's Dancing Academy. 28th & Farn. Curtain Laundry. LACE curtains laundered. Tyler 1433W. Washing & lace curtains done. Tyler 1144, PRICES reasonable; laundry work. D.8377 LAUNDRY work guaranteed. Web. 6169. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 1606 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 400 Brandels Bailey the DentUt. 706 City Nat'l Bank Taft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas. D. 21&tt. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evl dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. OMAHA Secret Service Detectl"e Agency, bonded. Doug. 1319. 427-428 Paxton Blk. Dressmaking. Terry Dressmsk'g college. 20th & Farnam DRESSMAKING, reaa.. wrk guar. W .8070. 1-plcce dresses, shirtwaists, spec. W. 1636. Druirs. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 310 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. GverythlnB for Women. Plumes roads' over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger, 429 Paxton Blk. D. 8394. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO.. 230 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1931 Woman's Exchange, 433 Pax. Blk. R. 4942. Furriers. BEN FBN8TER, 1410 N. 21th St. W. 7777. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Slock Commission Merchants, MARTIN BROS. & CO,. Kxcnange Bldg SWAPPERS' COLUMN MY U C. SMITH & BROS. TYPE wrltor, late model, used very little; must sell this week; first reasonable offer gets It. Address S C. 918. tare Bee. GROCERY BUSINESS. H two lots In good location In ! HOUSU AND 1 South Omaha. to trade for small farm near Omaha, or o.ht nroDertv have you to offer. Ad- dress S. C. 71L care Bee, WILL TRADE GOOD INCOME OMAliA property for an up-to-date auto In first class condition. Property rented by yeaily contract Address S. C. 869. Omaha Hte. FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 ACRES land In Kimball county. Neb., worth 116 per acre. Wanted equity In cottage in or around Omaha or what have you to offer? Address S. C. 849. Bee. I HAVE A DANDY LOT WITHIN OXE and one-halt blocks to entrance of Car ter Lake club grounds; clear. Will ex change for good piano or auto runabout or diamond. S. C. 910. Bee. HAVE SECURED ANOTHER AUTO mobile. Will trade my old, ftve-passen-ger car for garago or to contractor who will build me a small garage, or anything I can use. It Is old model, but good con dition, being used every day. Address. & C. 311, care Bee. Bee bv Tad Y . ( Electric Supplies. NEW and second-hand electric fans and motors. LeBron Electric Works, 318 S. 12th. Douglas 2176. LE BRON Elcc. Wks.. 318 a 12th. D. 2176. Florists. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 1258. niemuer r lunai ueiegrapn uei. Assn. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. ' A. DONAOHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists. 1804 Farnam St Ilnlr Dressing. MME. STEVENSON. 210 Balrd Bldg. D.245. Harper Method. R. 6. Balrd Bldg. D. 3611. Llshtlnir, Fixtures and Wit-Ins. THOMAS DURKLN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2619. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 S. 13th. Red 4253 Lnrrn Ilowera Sharpened. ALL MAKES, called for and delivered; work guaranteed: saws filed. D. 742S. MISS JACOBS; mass.; bath, elec. trt D.563 Turkish bath. maBS. Davldge Blk. D.5S95. Miss Jean Shonler, 301 Wlthnell Bldg.. Harney and 16th. Mass.. magnetic treat Rlttehhouse Co.. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17 & p ELECTRIC MASSAGE BATH. Miss w Upchurch. 214 Balrd Bldg. Scientific Mass. Miss Gibson, 221 Nevlle. MASSAGE Miss Walton, room 224. Ne vllle Blk.. 16th and Harney. Tel D. 4297. Miss Fisher, mass, elect, treqft Red 5036. MASSAGE. 109 S. 17th. Mrs. Steele. Mrs. Snyder. Elec. Trt. 1408 8. 8th. D. 4MO MASSAGE Swedlh movement 413 mawaMU Bee Bldg. Douglas 6372. KATHLEEN MACK, manicuring & mas" "f -t itttiu;q JJIK. UOUg. 5761 Milliner-. PANAMAS cleaned & blk'd, 50c; dress. -u. ecu, wj aiarcy. il.5645. Morlnsr. Stnrnirp nnd ni..i,in. W. C. FERRIN. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1300. Nurseries and Kmli. HAZEL DELL NURSERY West of Flor ence. Fruit, shade and ornamental trees: shrubs, evergreens and roses. Good fresh stock at reasonable prices. Office and salesyard. 24th and Plnkney. Phones . mtciic taw, IV ou. on (. Oculists. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1U1 W. O. W. Bldg. Patents. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Sturges. 636 Brandels Theater Bldg. Patent Dcrelonmenf. American Machine Co.. 110 So. 11th. D.4881. Prlntlnir. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. (At WATERS-BAR NHART Ptg. Co.. quality iniutuig. API, tuug. aw. Ort pp. I3tn. COREY & M'KENZIE PTG CO. D. 2644. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co. 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. DOUG. 376t nuach Exterminator. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist's. Safe nnd Tlmelock Experts, a AFE combinations changed, opened, re " paired. F.E.Davenport. 1406 Dodge.D182l Shoe Repairing. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1S07 St Mary's Av. OMAHA Shoe Hospital; first-class shoe rep, factory, call and del. 2012 Far.D.5143 REASONABLE, Farnam Rep. Co. 313 S.24 Steel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. loth. Stores and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2724. ToweJ Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. Uth. D. 62, Trunks and Suitcases. FREL1NG & STEIN LE, 1803 Farnam St Vacuum Cleaners. , SANITARY SERVICE CO.. full line vacuum cleaners snd sweepers, cleaning; done In the home. Tel. D. 6604. Veterinarians. DR. O. R. YOUNG, 4C02 Center. H. 6062. Wnll Paper. W. L. YETTER & CO., 1113 Howard. D. 976. Window shades and wall paper, EAGLE CO.. 14051s N. 24th. W. 6814. Wis; Makers. D. 8. GRIFFITH. 12 Frenzer Blk. D. 4666. Wines and Liquors. ALEX JETES, 201-3 S. 13th. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner, ll to 3. 10c. "BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House. 622 N. 16th. D. 1809. HENRY POLLOCK, LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. 10c lunch. SWAPPERS' COLUMN UOOD CLEAR LOT IN SOUTH OMAHA to trade for a 2-passenger Ford; be quick. Address 8. C 8J3 Bee. CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE TO TKADU tor a good gold wach, standard make. Address 8. C, iw Bee. WILL TRADE FURNITURE FOR THB papering of three rooms. Address. S. C. bSA. care Bee. EIGHTY ACRE IMPROVED IRR1 gated farm In arteman belt Water .-i&hts paid up. In San Luis valley. Colo rado, to trade for Omaha lots or income pioperty. ur eastern Nebraska farms. Ad. dress 8. C. la. FOURTEEN KblLLERSTRASS WHITE Orpingtons, 2 yearn old. What have you to offer? Address d C 804. Bee. $6,000 EQUITY IN A SOUTHEAST NEU. farm. What have you to trade? U. B. Garslde, MaSsena. la. FURNITURE, 6" ROOMS. 1125. FOR OLD car, Vlctrola or most anything. 648 S. 24th Ave. I HAVE A STOCK OF MERCHANDISE) mostly gents' furnishings will swap for good Ford car and cash. Address, S C 921. Bee. J 8TOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE, doing main business ot the town; In voice about 115,0(10. Will take land or city property up to 37.000. S. C. 923. Bee. BICYCLE, GOOD AS NEW. WHAT have you? 8. C. 816, Bee. HORSE AND WAGON, CHEAP. TeU So. 3267. ' CO. BLUFFS LOT, PRICE J75, FOR horse, S. C 922, Bee. r As. H y v A i