6-0 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 7, 1914. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Firt Sale of New Crop of Oklahoma Wheat Made' in Chicago. CORN IS HOLDING UP -WELL YelloTT Cereal ShoTTn Moderate Art rnic Under nnylns; by Shorta In the Fam of IncrtMtd Argentine Offerings. OMAHA, June . 1914. The ftnit sale of new crop wheat grown tn Oklahoma, for Immediate shipment to Chicago, wa made by one of the leading cash concerns yesterday. The purchase was only one car, but It wa the entering wedge for a free movement of that Brain from the far southwest as rap Sly as It comes from the thrashing machines. This wheat wilt be shipped by June 16 and will probably reach this market by Juno 23, If not sooner. The. hum of the reaper will soon be heard In the states north of Oklahoma, as reports received from Kansas yester day were that the wheat Is rapidly ripen ing under the excellent weather which has been seon for some days. The pur chase of this new wheat was fully bal anced, however, by the export sales of the day, which were placed at 480,000 bush els, of which half wos spring and half winter wheat. According to public and private cables, the rains In the southern hemisphere ore delaying the seeding of wheat and It was said that this work Is now six weeks The more prominent markets of the old world were lower on wheat yesterday, partially as a reflection of the weakness shown at Chlcs.R0 Thursday, together with the expectation that the world s shipments will be large Monday and that the amount on passage will show an In crease. . . Corn not only held up well yesterday, but showed moderate advanoes under buy ing by shorts, and this, too. In the face of Increased offerings of the Argentine grain. There are some in the corn trade at Chicago who believe that this grain Is cleaned up more closely in tho interior than the trade Is aware of. The usual custom among the farmers to watch the growing crop and at the same Urns hold onto their surplus and not let go of it until the prospects In the fields are good. In sections where rains were, needed the precipitation has been heavy during tho last forty-eight hours. Oats for July delivery were strong yes terday, while the September was sold on scattered rains throughout tho oaU coun try. The shipping inquiry waa good. The provision market was unsatisfac tory yesterday, as the volume of trad was right and the trend of prices more uncertain than for some time. The num ber of hogs at the leading western mar kets exceeded those of . J about 2.000 head, yet the lrfl?W) was 5 cents higher. A general readjust ment of value must be made before a healthy condition can be seen for prod- U Cash wheat woe unchanged to Ho hlCash corn was UCJio higher. Cosh oats were HtfW l"Kher. Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to 2SJ.000 bushels; corn, 10,000 bushels; oats, $00 bushels. ... . Liverpool close; Wheat. Hd to Ud higher corn. Hd to d higher. Primary wheat receipts were 299,000 bushels and shipments 19,M0 uh,uhui against receipts of 481,000 bushels and shipments of 6S5.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 1.2JJ.000 bushels and shipments 1,019,000 bushels, igolnst receipts of 2,254,6 bushels and shipments of 610,000 bushels l"t rear. Primary oaU receipts were 058,000 bush els and shipments 939.000 bushels against receipts of 831.000 bushels and shlpmonts of 600,000 bushels lwt yosr. CAULOT RECBIPT8. wnoai. worn. u Chicago .... Minn noils 31 399 163 .ia Duluth Omaha Kansas City fit. Louis IS 119 1S2 93 Winnipeg ..163 w.n TAnArteds Wheat No. i hard winter: 1 car. SSYic. No. 3 wlxed: 1 car. E8c. Oats Standard: 3 cars, 39o, NO. 3 white: 1 car, choice. Secj cars, 8Mc. No. 4 white: cars. SeHa No grade: 1 car, STWc. Corn-No. J white: 1 car. 71c; cars. TOfcc No. 3 white: 9 cars. TOttc. Ho. 4 white: 1 car. 66c No. 3 yellow: 1 cars, 68Mc No. 3 yellow: It cars, 6?4c No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 6SVic: 1 car, mc No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 69c i & ears, 6S4e. No. 3 mixed: 14 cars, MHo. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 67c. No grade: 1 car, heating, 64c; 1 car. hot. 63&a Omaha Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 3 hard, 95W89c; No. 3 hard, t&tr8o; No. hard, 1HU; No. 3 spring, Soa&ci No. 4 spring, 834j86tto; No. 2 durum. S6-JMS0 No. 4 durum, SSfflS&Hc. Com: No. 3 white, TOW 7ic; NoT white. 70870o; No. 4, e&HJ 5ho; No. J yellow, 6969Wo; No. yellow, 6SUefiSic; No. 4 yellow, WMC&Up'. No. 3. 68HC9o; No 8. 68U68Hc; No. 4. 657c OaU. No. 3 white. SSUHo; tandard. 3839o; No. 3 white, 38W339o: No. 4 white, 35USSHc Barley: Moiling. Kfi0o; No. 1 feed. Mt2c Rye: No. 3. 68ttf69c No. 3, 6&8W4C CHICAGO jRAII ASTD PROVISIONS feature of tho Trading: and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, June -Notwithstanding tho fact that the government crop report would be due on Monday restricted busi ness today in wheat, the market ruled higher throughout the session. Firm ca bles helped the bulla. Closing prices, though easy, were a shade to HQ'Ka above last night. Corn finished at a net advance of UWHo to lc, oats unchanged to ViCc higher and provisions with a gain of 7-Jiq to lJHo. , m t t Pnmmlulnn linun selllnsr of Wheat on the advance was much In evldenco during the lost hour o ftraaing. ana resuitea m a setback from the top prices reached, hut failed to overcome all of the rise. The downward pressure was largely due to estimates that tho winter crop in the ten leading states would bo 107,000.000 bushels more than last year, ueciaeuiy bullllsh figures In the Missouri state re pott did not become public in time to at test the market. Corn went sharply higher and developed much activity. Arrival of Argentine ship ments in KuroDe out of condition had considerable to do with the Increase of buymg here. Chicago snippers reported that demand exceeded the offerings. Re ceivers predicted that arrivals would be rirrji after the next few days. Oats. what first were easy owing to good crop leports, gained strength later with corn. Provisions went iinnrade Influenced by hogs and grain. Packers were looking for only 1 30,000 hogs here next week as compared witn iu,m tor me correspond Ing time a year ago. Artlclei Open. I High. I Low. I CIose.lYes'y Wheatl July m 86H ! 86' 86V4 I 86H Sept-1 W4 corn July. Sept. 9U; 70J4 09T4I . 70 67H eon -I 7H 07 Outs July. Sept Pure 39H 40 30U S7HI 38 20 45 20 OS 37H1 39)4 July. Sept L.-m I 20 40 119 90 20 46 20 06 19 90 July.! Sept 1 10 IS It JS i 10 07HI 10 00 10 S ( 10 IS 10 0TH! 1015 10 16 ll 40 I 11 31 sept 11 40 11 30 11 30 Juiy.i I U am u 30 II 22V No. red. SJHU-SSHc: No. 2 hard. 96Hc; No. 2 northern. 97fi9Sc: No. o. 2 spring, 96WST97C. Corn; No. 2. 73it73Uc: No. 2 yellow. Iutt 73Vc; No, 3 yellow, 72i073e. Oats: No. 3 while. 40H-R41C; standard. 41V1U41WC Rye. No. I. 6543C4C. Barley: 6as6c Timothy: 31.0094.75. Clovsr: 310.0o31I.7S. Pork: 8J9.45. Lard: 33.97. Ribs: J10.S7H H.35. BUTTER Easy ; creameries, SOQCCHc. CHEESE Market lower; daisies. HSin UVic; twins, l3Vi&i4c; American, UOlSUo: Jonghorns. 1516Ha EGGS Lower; receipts 22,814 cases; at mark, cases included, 1618Vic; ordinary firsts. 17M17c; firsts. 18BlSc. POTATOES Higher; receipts, 36 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin white, 80390c; Michigan Ted. TOyiOc; Louisiana and Texas, new. 8L2C1.4a. POULTRY Alive, higher; fowls, 14c, Xew York General Marlci. NEW TO UK. June C SUGARSav. firm; taolaasos. 244c: oeslrtfacoL JL3c: reflsed. sa4r; cut Wx. uie; mtsbsdL Mfe: jdoqM X VKa aHjtm. LCm jme'. granulated, 4.20c, diamond A, 4.30c, con fectioners' A, 4.10c; No. 1, 4c. Bt'TTKR Creamery, extra. 26Vv827e; firsts, 2HTC6MC, seconds, XVfic; process extras, 21 Ml 4c; ladles, current makes, firsts, l19Uo. ciiisksb e State, whole milk, fresh. white or colored specials, 15e; average rancy, i4Wi4ic; skims, SHWiec. EGOS Fresh gathere extras, 21H822e; extra firsts. 20ftavc; firsts, 20-Jrtlc: seconds, lfllSc, nearby hennry whites, 24 6244c. ens. brollero, 3gH4o: fowls, 174317Hs; POULTRY Live, firm; western chick turkeys, 13013Vci dressed, steady; west ern, broilers, 32c; fowls, lltt-Slslic; tur keys, 2632Gc OStAHA GKHEnAl. MAniCET. BUTTER No. :. 1-ro. cartons, 37c; No. U 50-lb. tubs, 27c CHEESE Imported Swiss, 28c; Ameri can Swiss, 21c; block Swim, 22c; twins, 15c; daisies, 18c; triplets, 18c; Young Americas, 19c; blue label brick, 17c; llm burger. 2-1 b., 20c; New York white, 20c FISH-Whlte. Uc; trout. 15c: large crap pies, 13c; Spanish mackerol, 16c; shad roe, per pair, Wc; salmon, lie; halibut, 11c; buffalo, Hc; channel catfish, 16c; pike, 13c; pickerel 9o. POUI.TRY-Brollers, 20c; hens, 12c; cocks, SHc; ducks, Sc; geese. 8c; turkeys. J6c; plgcciis, per dozen, 00c; ducks, full feathered, so; geese, full feathered, Sc; squabs. No. 1, L60; No. 2, DOc. BEEF CUTS-Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective June 1 are as follows: No. I rlba. 17o: No. 2. 17c: No. X 16c: No. 1 loin, 19c; No. 2. 17ic; No. t, 16c; No. 1 chucks, UVic; No. 2 lie; No. 2, lOHc; No. 1 rounds, 14 Vic; No. 2, nc; No. 3, 13'Ao; No. 1 plates, c; No. 2, ?Vic; No. 3, 8c. The following fruit and vegetable nrices ore quoted by the Glllnsky Fruit company: iiuAio uranges; i-jxtra rancy tiun kist navels, 80s, 2.W box; 90s, 100s, 12.7S box: 126s. 160s. 83.00 boxi 176. 200s. 21s 60s, J J. 25 box, medium, sweet, 176s, 2S0s. 2S8s, 324s, 33.03 box; extra fancy Glendora Valenclas, 9Ss, 112s, 12Cs, 160s, 176s, 200s, 21Ss, 260s, 83.76 box. Lemons: Extra fancy uoiden uowl 3Wa, 3Ws, 17.00 box, fancy Silver Cord. 300a, 350s, 80.60 box; extra fancy Sunklst Trail. 300s. 300s. 16.75 box. drupe fruit: Extra fancy, 64s, 84.60 box; extra fancy, 4Cs, 14.00 box; extra fancy, 36s, 83.60 box; Indian River, 64s and 80s, 86.00 box. Apples. Ben Davis, 31.76 box. VEGETABLES Home grown spinach, 25c per bu.: cabbage, new. Texas. 2c lb.: cabbage, California, 2Hc lb. ;, Texas yellow uermuaa onions, iz.zs crate; crystal wax, 32.26 crate; peppers, 60c basket; fancy Florida tomatoes, 33.00 crate; choice toma toes, 82.60 crate; cucumbers, hot house, 60o to 31.00 dos.; new beets, carrots, turnips, 60a dor.; oelery, 81.60 dot.; head lettuce, 60o to 3LC0 dos.; leaf lettuce, 40o dos.; onions, home grown, 16c dox.; radishes, , r Jlm . 1 ML. - 1 1 . r . 1 1 i.v. uuh. iiMitc, wu hub,, Kaiiiu, Aiauan, COo lb.; horse radish, 31.86 case; shell pop corn, to id.; caouage plants, voc box; to mato plants, 76o box; asparagus, home grown, per dox., market price about 30a dos.; new potatoes, 2Ha lb.; extra fancy Colorado and Wyoming white stock, 81.16 bu. HONEY New. Colorado. No. 1. 24-frame. 33.00 case. WATERMELONS 2Me . lb. CANTALOUPES-Callfornla. standards. 86.60 crate: California, pony, 84.60 crate. CALIFORNIA FRUITS-Cherrles. 82.00 box; apricots, 82.00 crate; plums, 32 crate; saches, 32.00 box; red and black cherries, LOO box. CAULIFLOWER Home trrawn. II 00 basket PINEAPPLES-Cuban. Uk. SOs 2A. 42a. 43s sixes, 32.60 crate; Florida, 33.2S crate. UAJNANAB i.7 to z.v) Duncn. NUTS Salted neanuts. II m cilsa- Kn 1 California walnuts, ISHo lb.; pecahs, HHc lb.; filberts, 16o lb.; almonds, 20o lb.; pop corn, 6c lb. MIRCELLANROTTR . Rn.r o.i.ui dates. 31.2S box; limes, 1.76 bosket: crack erjack, 83.00 caso; checkers, 83.60 case; crocKsrjncK, nut cose, ii.td; cneckers, riaii case, 31.75. Corn and Wheat Rearton Ballettn. Corn and wheat reslon hultxtln nt h United States Department of Agriculture. weather bureau, at Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. in.. 76th meridian time, Saturday, June , 1914: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp.- ltaln Stations. High. Low. faiL Hkv. Ashland, Neb.. 83 62 1.4S Cloudy Auburn, Neb... 91 C6 .01 Clear B'ken Uow, Nb 85 GO .01 Pt. cloudy Columbus, Neb, 97 62 ,23 in. cloudy Culbertson, Nb. 92 CG ,00 Clear airoury. uttt.. vs cu .02 Clear Fairmont. Neb. 89 71 .15 Cloudy Or. Island, Nb. 90 70 .04 in, cloudy Hartlnst'n. Nb 87 CO l.M nlnnriv HasUngs, Neb.. 93 63 .00 Pt. cloudy Holdrege, Neb. M 64 .00 Cloudy Lincoln. Neb... 91 62 3.80 Cloudv No. Platte, Nb 84 6J .00 Clear Oakdale, Neb.. 86 61 .64 Cloudy Omaha, Neb.. 89 63 1.30 Cloudy Tekamah, NebV88 61 .86 Clear Valentine, Nb. 86 6S .20 Clear Altai la, 83 62 .30 Pt. cloudy Carroll, Ia 86 62 .29 Clear Clarlnda. Ia.... 96 68 .00 Clear Bloux City, Iv 88 G .33 Raining 'Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES, No. of TcniD. Rain- District Stations. High. Low. falL Columbus, 0 18 74 63 .00 Louisville, Ky... 23 Indla'polls. Ind.. 13 84 76 TO 94 84 73 92 90 66 CO 66 70 64 66 cs .40 .60 .30 .70 .90 ,00 .30 Chicago, hi 34 St. Louis, ilo..., 18 Des .Moines, Ia., 24 Minneapolis .... 63 Kan. City. Mo.. 32 Omaha, Neb,,... IT 64 1.10 Light showers occurred in the southern and eastern districts and generally heavy rains In other districts. Falls of one Inch or more occurred at the following sta tions: In South Dakota Sioux Falls, 3.20; Yankton. 1.80. In Minnesota Winnebago, 2.20: Worthlngton, 1.10. In Iowa Mar- shalltown. 4.10; Waterloo, 1. In Illinois New Burnslde, L10. L. A. WELSH, Local forecaster, weather Bureau. Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June 6. WHEAT -Cosh. No. 2 hard, 90-aoiHc; No. 3 hard. mwuvjo; no. z rei. kowhic; July, soyiw oOko; September, SOHc CORN-No. 3 mixed, 71C71Ho; No. 3, 704y70io; No. 3 white, TlVVtWSHo; No. 3, 71H2W20; July. 7W407(Hic: September. C7Uc. oats no. 2 wmte, 4iH4f4lXc; No. 2 mixed, 4W0Ho. St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS. June 6. WHEAT No. 3 red. tfcViflfMio: N. 2 hard. 94C97Uo: July. 83 Wc; September, SlVic coim no. z. 7i; no. 2 white, 76076Hc; July, 7lHo; September. 69Uc OATS-No. 2. 40HC; No. 3 white. 41H io; Juiy, -attc; peptemocr, Jia Liverpool Grain Slarket. LIVERPOOL, June 6. WHEAT Spot. No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 6d: No. 1 7s 6d: Jnlv 7i 3d; October, 7s IVid. tuiiN-spot, American mixed, 6s 7d; July, 6s 3d. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 6. WHEAT juiy, am; oepiemoer, sih. cosh: No. hard. &6hV6Uc; No. 1 northern, SMc Coffee Market, NEW YORIC June 6. Th nnffM mor. ktt showed renewed firmness tndav with September and December contracts mak ing new high ground for the mnvrmml on tho higher European markets and con tinued steadiness of Braill. The opening was at an advanco of 7 to 14 points and active months sold 9 to 15 points net higher during the morning. There was considerable realizing at the advance, but Priced yielded only sllsrhtlv and rln.,i ' a net gain of 7 to 14 points. Sales. 39,000 2.?? V"'"" ?'' J"9 September, : i0i?J.r:ii,cL uecemDer, .o Janu " J' rLjrt n.U Zi "1Z. Spot firm; Rio No. 7. 9Ko: Santo v 4. l2Hc. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 12V4c VV UVUU1UU. Omaha Hay Market. PRAIRIE HAY-Cliolce upland. 314.U0O STRAW Choice wheat 35.60-B6.00. juaiana-No. l, J12-B1S.60; No. 3. 39 COO 13.00; No. 3. 85.00(37.05; No. 1 to choice lowland. 89.00O10!w; No. 2. 87.00J ?00 ALFALFA Choice, 31S.004JiltOO; No. 2 89.00(311.00; No. 3. 65.003:oai ' Cotton Market. NEW YORK, June l-COTTON-Fa-dosed steady; July, HJOo; August 13.07o; October, 12.70c; December, line: XETW TTTrTtTg, Jxaa i-Mur st sl-, OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARET Moit Kinrls Cattle for the Week Show Little Change. HOGS FIFTEEN UP FOE WEEK Very Few Put Sheep and Light Re ceipts of Lambs Thronfthont the Wwk Trade Active and Prices Forty Hlscher. SOUTH OMAHA, June ft, 1914. Rbcetnt were! Cxttlo. nor. Sheep. Official Monday 2.0O2 4,411 2.744 uinciai Tuesday 3,631 Official Wednesday .. 3.162 3,161 3.S4Q 1,937 741 Official Thursday 2,818 Official Friday 219 Estimate Saturday .... 24 Rx days' totals 12.178 43,891 12,423 Samo days last week..lt.3t3 66,322 15,470 Same 2 weeks ago 12,783 54,827 34,623 Same 3 weeks ago 12,006 40,876 83,844 Same 4 weeks ago 16,009 47,634 38,747 Same days last year.... 13,643 71,363 17,469 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market fdr the year to date, as compared with last year: 1914. 1911 , Inc. Dec Cattle 369,681 330,444 20,903 Hog 1.191,231 1,285,151 93,870 Sheep 1,004,213 882,700 121,463 The following table shows the range of prices for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons! Date. 1914. I131J. 19U H9I1 10.U90.I10. May 11 May U. May 20.1 8 30H 6 St 5 79 9 441 9 3S 7 021 5 30 6 02 1 5 34 8 21 8 331 7 60 8 341 7 431 19 3 34 6 731 9 3S 6 98 6 38 May ZV 9 U 9 431 7 01 6 3S 5 37 uay zz. May 2j. May 24. 1T 8 29 8 30 8 39 7 46 3 64 7 00 ft left 7 491 7 46 6 I9i 6 62 6 & 9 89 6 97 May 25. SOW 7 97 7 46 6 70) 9 1917 101 6 14 May zs. May 27. 8 45 7 39 7 32 7 26 7 18 6 83! 9 14 7 14 6 16 3 421 6 91 9 77 7 1 7 02 6 20 May 28. 8 01 8 37 8 41 9 39 938 6 2 5 27 6 33 6 33 5 35 6 2-1 6 1 5 31 6 20 Aiay Si. May 30. May 31. June 1. 7 K T87H, 7 80K 689 11 7111 8 62 6 83 8 69f 7 22 5 74 7 271 6 76 7 It June 2. 7 88 8 45 8 23 6 76 7 14 June 3. 7 94H 7 35 6 78 9 00 7 26! 7 34! June 4. 8 19 7 86 9 06 June &. June 6, 8 04HI 8 04H 8 19 7 28 6 83 90l' 7 36 8 31 7 26 6 88 Sunday. Recolpts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m, June 6, 1914: RECEIPTS. Hogs.Sheep. C, M. & St. P 3 Missouri Pacific 2 .. Union Pacific , 13 & tc N. W., east. 2 C. A N. W.. west 46 C. St P.. M. & 0 4 C, B. & Q., east 2 2 c, u. & q west is C R. I. & P., east 6 Illinois Central i ., Chicago Great Western 3 ., Total receipts 100 2 DISPOSITION. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co - 1,190 ... Swift & Co 1.490 ... Cudahy Packing Co 1,700 ... Armour & Co 2,239 Swift & Co., Kansas City 233 Totals 6,(09 233 CATTLE There were no cattle here to day, at least nothing of any oonsequenoe. For the vreek receipts have been qulto liberal, but still not large enough to be burdensome. At the beginning of the week the market on the better grades of killing cattle showed some Improvement but later on the advance was lost Thus at the close of the week the market on beef cattlo is not materially different from what It was at the close of lost week. Good cornfed cows and heifers have been In very fair demand throughout the week, with prices steady. On tho other hand, the commoner kinds, especially those showing grass, have been easing oft a little as usual at this season of the year with, such cattle coming; Into di rect competition with Texas grassers Receipts of stockers and reeaars nave been light throughout the week, while the demand has been slow as usual De sirable yearlings and light and medium weight feeders have been In fair demand. and prices fully steady, but plain kinds have been very little sought after. quotations on cattle uooa to prime yearlings, 88.0O(38&: good to choice beet steers, 88.20O8.76; fair to gOod beet steers, 33.00-&8.20; common to fair beef steers, 87.40(36.00; good to choice cornfed heifers, 37.6OM8.40: sood to choice cornfed cows. J7.0OO7.75; fair to good grades, J6.0031 .00; common to lair grades. K.ibm.w: good to cholco stockers and feeders, 37,76(36.00; fair to good stockers and feed ers, 37.40S7.75; common to fair stockers and feeders. 37.0037-40: stock cows and heifers, 36.0097.76; stock calves, is.60H8.25; veal calves. 88.0O9U.00; bulls, stags, etc. 85.7607.75. HOGS A fair Saturday run snowed un this morning, and as other markets were reported slow and no better than steady, local packers started out bidding prices mat were weaK to a nickel lower. As salesmen were holding for steady to strong figures, nothing much moved on the early trade, but a little later on offers strengthened a little, so that when .the bulk, of the supply began to move prices were tn no instance more than a shade lower, while any number of tales which were made after the market was under way looked to be Just about steady. On the whole, prices can be quoted as steady to a shade lower, and the general mar ket Is just weak at Friday's average. There was not much activity tn evidence at any time, but after a trading basis was reached thi movement was fairly continuous, and a clearance was made In good season. Bulk of the supply sold at 98.C3UA8.05. and tops landed -at 8S.07H, Just IHo lower than yesterday. For the week values show an advance of fully 16c, and any number of today's individual sales can be picked ollt which are 16ftC0c higher than last Saturday. Quality of the offerings ha fallen off a good deal In the last few weeks, and It ts only the absence of a good shipping de mand tnat Keeps tne range of prices so narrow. Even at the nresent time nack- ers are discriminating sharply eiralnst rough, heavy, packing sows, and the few of them which have been coming In are as a rule selling anywhere from a dime to as much as 30c below the bulk of the offerings. The representative soles show this to some extent, but as it is almost Impossible to move the undesirable hoes until the rest of the supply has been cleaned up, a number of these bogs sold aunng me last weex were not weighed tn time to be quoted. Receipts today amounted to 100 cars, at about 6.700 head. For the week tne run foots up 42,893 head, being 15,600 smaller tnan a week ago ana nearly 28.600 short of the same week last year. The heavy tailing on registered tnis week has brought the year's decrease up until It now amounts to 8 J, 570 nead. Representative salts: No. At. Bo. rr. No. At. So. Pt. t to to 7 M M 77 100 I Of U Ml ... 100 M ,.! ... IN It 11 61 300 140 I 00 t tit t 04 I 04 , . . J7S ISO S 00 ...IH 0 tOO ...6 M 00 ...ItS 44 I 00 . 1M W IH ...SOI IN tOO ...MS 1 8Ntt tf: tor fo oo M rsi lb i 06 l tci lio tot a iti too ot It. . ct., , M.. . M.,. .314 U0 1(4 sr.. 71.. II.. ..i.lM to I U ...AH S3 I M .,..271 SO I OS ...ICS 140 106 . ..mi in i os ....tit N IM ....m too ios ,...tjT ISO 01 940 180 I 05 ,...ZT1 ... 104 -940 M ID ....80$ ... lot ....944 190 IC ....941 it I 0 ....SHI 80 108 ....nt i4o tot ....tii 244 I M !.... it.... U 41.... Tt.... M.,.. tl.... ...III ... I 03H ... v ito oivi ,..M ... S t ...K4 ...KS tt... M. ... IT.... U.... t..,. M. ... M..., ...111 uo s szu . . .tli m I 0IH ...148 ... I Otti ...4 SO I0IH tr so i em ...zw tw ins ...nt xo inh ..m ito oiu ...lit 40 I01V4 . . .mi IM i eiH ...ZS7 no ioxh ...art ... sextt . . .tn m i cs ...rrr m u ...81 K IK ...xtt too tet ...tn im tot . Ml 10 tot ....Ml 44 ICS ....Ml jot l ....m ... ik ...to ... I m ....MS H IM ...5H N IN ...f W IK ft.... U... u. .. tl.... T.... T.... 4.. 41. .. St. . a.. ST.... J... l... ....111 44 I M l (M. . ,. M Tt M Tt rr cs n r. rr .... ti rat k tot IT .949 40 IK w as so im n tn ... i os JJ rss ... i os ...,.... ... OS " Ml 4 IK 2' It a rrr ion m mi lis l m . 9r M I es . 9J IS IN fe n im t M IK T. .r m i hi --- .. r s si .TO m te ll t s wth. Tr yen r- U.......M SO l7H ..nt is in ..tn ss IK ..m nik .wo t ic y i ..jm i in ..wn ?o m .a i2o i os n.- O y tot u trD . t 07 70 . CI 1 I 06 M. . tH 40 8 074 U 110 I 05 PIGS. 2S Ill ... 7 M SHEEP Aa often Is the case on a Sat urday there were "no fresh arrivals this morning. Short supplies have been a market feature of the week, for no, more than about 12.422 head were yarded, com pared with 15,470 last week. 24.6C3 two weeks ago and 17,469 the same time last year. Strength and higher prices formed the ru(o In shorn lambs moat of the time this week, owing to the extreme lightness of the receipts from day to day. The week opened out with an abnormally small run, and values were steady to a shada better, though the packers apparently bod rather limited orders. Trade opened early and fairly active on Tuesday, with prices strong to lOo up. On Wednesday an advance of 10Q15c was made and Tues day 'And Friday there were really" not anougn oirerings at tne disposal oi ouy- rfrs totry out values thorouHhly, but What clipped lambs were on hand Friday mini wi'u in.iuu were Uli limiu c muj . ,1. stored an advance of 10OT6C. the market 2'c.h. "a'ne5. more. thn," a. J,lnt .iil i h..,i ... r ..r.r.v.t. I whole list advanced. The unturn ..... uxu.y.... yi .u u.ni.. ana prevailing quotations being around 40c higher than the close of the previous week. It was practically a clipped lamb deal all the week and such clipped ewes as , completed in a few days. London sold showed up sold around 85.00. On Monday here, but foreign offerings were not large four cars of California spring lambs ; and they were easily absorbed. Trade re changed hands at 89.25. It might be added 'views were more optimistic, particularly inai on r riaay uippea iamDB msoe a tresn top lor me season, me price Deing 88.60, having been paid for two loads of Well finished, choice, clipped offerings. Quotations on sheep anil lambs. -Shorn stocK jL.amDs, good to choice, i.ZMfS.w; lambs, fair to good, 37.7606.25; yearlings, good to choice, J6.SO&7.15; yearlings, fair good to Choice. J6.90S7.15; yearlings, fair in m(Vt l(t.Kftf?Jt Vi! ar.th.r. rnnil In ' to good. 36.6086.90; wethers, ' good to choice, 8s.65O6.90; wethers, fair to good, 85.40&6.65; ewes, good to choice, 85.402; 7.78J ewes, fair to good. 35.10Qe.49. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Hoar Receipts Fairly Heavy ond the Prices Strong. CHICAGO, June fc-CATTLE-Recelpts, 800 head; market quiet; beeves, 27.25Q9.2i; Cteers, 16.80-36.15; stockers and feeders, 3136438.25; cows and heifers, 3.;o-arS.7u; calves, 37.00-310.15. HOGS Rocelpts, 12,000 head; markot itrOng; bulk of sales. 18.25-93.30; light, 38.05 fi.S2H; mixed, 18.065TS.25; heavy, 37.85S.3o', roUgh, 37.858.00; pigs, J7.20rgi7.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000 head; market slow; sheep, 35.65-fttt.40; year lings, 86.35-87.50; lambs, 36.&OSS.75; sprintfi, 87.6039.75. St. Louis Llvr Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, June 6. CATTLE Receipts 600 head: market steady: native beef steers, 17.60fjp.00; cows and heifers, 34.25-3 9.00; stockers and feeders, Jo.004JS.00; southern steers, Ju.76t38.40; cows and helf ers J4.tOS6.65; native calves, 36.0O310.2v. HOGS-Recelpts 3,000 head; market, steady; pigs and lights, 37.0038.25; mixed anbutchers, J8.10S6.30; good heavy, 88.15 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 1,000 head; market steady; sheared native muttons, J4.7Mj6.00; sheared lambs, 37.U3 8.00; sprihg lambs, is.u0i9.76. Kansas City Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY. June 6. CATTLE Re ceipts. 200 head. Market steady; prime fed steers, 816O39.0O; dressed beef steers, 87.4OO8.60; western steors, J7.2Mf8.25: south ern steers, J6.00(3fl 25; cows, J4.267.76; heif ers, 87.0030.00; stockers and feeders, J6.003 7.76; hulls, 15.26-37.26; calves, je.0O10.00. HOGS Rece Dts. 300 head. Market steady to 6o lower; bilk, J8.1O38.20; heavy, J8.15Q6.20; packers and butchers, JS.16i3S.20; nsnt ers.w; pigs, j7.w&y.7&. BIIEEP AND LAM BS Receipts. 16.000 head; Market steady; lambs, 88.00-39.50; yearlings. 86.26ru-7.25: wethers. 85.2oti.2&; ewes, 34.60-3G.2&. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. June 5. CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; market steady; steers, calves, J6.00JO.26. HOUB Receipts, 5,300 head; raarKet steadyjtop, 88.30; bulk. 38.024Q8.20. SliEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 150 head; market steady; Iambs, J7.50gO.l5. Blonz City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. I a.. June 6. CATTLE Receipts, 200 head; no quotations. "HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market So lower: heavy. r7.37H-28.00: mixed. 87.95 T.97H; light. 87.95; bulk of sales, J7.95-3t.97Vi. No sneop. Lire Stock tn Sight, Receipts of 'live stock at the five prin cipal western markets. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 26 6,700 Chicago 300 12.000 4.000 Kansas City 200 30u 16.000 Sioux City 200 6,000 St Louis 600 3,000 1.000 Total reoelpU 1,226 28,030 21,000 Local Secnrltles, Qu0ttlO&a furnUhod br Ilurns. Drinker & Co., 449 Omaha-Nttlonil tank bulldlnii Etook- Bid. Aikwl. Fdlrmont CrMmerr pld 7 pr csnt.... tt 100 Fnlrmont Crtuntry sutr. 6 per cent.. 10iM inutnuioni na. itio. Co. pia i OnOhk C. IS. St. Hr. pM 79 Onuha C. B. B. D 65 omsha B. L. & P. pfl-.i Tt Vnlon Stock. Yards. Umsbs MU tiwtfl & Co. 7 per cent - 104 IIU M 11 WVi 107 jjonne Cbl6o, in., u Counoll Dlutts O, A E. 6s. J2$ Dundee, Neb., ti. 1M Pall IUrer Co., S. D.. U. U3i Iowa ti. tt U It. 1M1 Los Anzelts Hr 5. 1941 Norfolk, Nob.. U. lilt Oniaha t. L. & 1. (s, 131 OmeM Gas 6. HIT City of Omaha 4U. 104! CltrOt Omolae. it. 1M...., Omaha C. B. Bt. Rr. It. 1IJJ , Punt sound T. U A P. a. 1H.... P4dtlc O. & C 5 per cent notes, 1915 fl Witt & CO. 8. F. Ul It. ll. ....... mi 91 MVi 100 101 05 101.75 ss 91 II 104 U. 10W U 4H 9SH H 101H 10X S4 i 97 100 101 99 100 94U HK na.ii ... . Dciiugi i, .. Baa Dltwo Water ta, 1IJ0 , Sioux CUr Stoek Tarda ta, 1M... Trln Otr napld Trantlt ta. 192t . 95 9SH icaw io.t 91U 9H , lot ioih Bank Clearing". OM-AHA. June 6. Bank clearings for Omaha today were J2,J(i0,S3S.31 and for the corresponding day last year 82,564,185.18. The summary of the clearings tor the week and for the corresponding week last year Is as follows: Last Year. This Year. Monday 3 3,.'4.198.08 J 3,135,665.06 Tuesday Wednesday ....... Thursday Friday , Saturday 3.107.251. C6 3.142.698.SO 3,467,716.90 3,173,736.74 3,232,442.09 2.664.185.18 3,643,949.37 3,162,128.65 3,036,629.66 2,300,989.34 Totals 818,7(9.628.63 J18.271.969.77 London Stock Market. LONDON. June 6. American securities opened steady and about unchanged. Transactions were limited during the short session. Prtoes moved irregularly and Closed ranging from H above to H below parity. London closing stock quotations: Consols, nonar ..Tl l-lAReedlns 1...... UK a acoo-uiifc ...... 4-,u. a aieei... , Mik PennittTaels tH 7 SILVER Bar, steady at 25 13-lfd per ounce. MONEY iQZhi per cent. BILLSShort, 3 1S-16CJ2T4 per cent; three month, t U-1&U2 per cent. Turpentine and nosln. SAVANNAH, Go.. June 6. TURPEN TINE Firm at 4iet5Hc; sales, 335 bbls.; receipts, 633 bbls.; shipments, 68 bbls.; SIOCKS, H,S(0 DDIS. ROSIN Firm; sales. 1,662 bbls.; receipts, 2.229 bbls.; shipments, 355 bbls.; stocks, m ftra VvKlss niiAia4ua.ai a ssrv 4.09; C and D. 34.00: E. J4.00O4.10; F, J4.10fl 4.15: O, 14.16C-i.20; H, 34.2504.35: I 313001.35; it.4a; sx. S4.owo.vu; n, fa.Wi-w: ivu, 36.764,36; WW, J5. 556. 60. v HARVARD CLUBS TO MEET IN 'FRISCO NEXT YEAR CHICAGO, June C The eighteenth an nual meeting ot the Associated Harvard Clubs beSgan here today with members present from all over tho United States and several from abroad. Today's program was mostly social In Its details. The chief feature Is the ban quet, which wlU conclude the meeting to morrow night, and at which the principal address will be made by Dr. Abbott Law rence Lowell, president of Harvard unl versltjr. Next year's meeting will be held at Ban Francisco, It la said, probably An gust C and 7. ArnaxernenU wfll be made to carry dtle-galcs Xraaa petals east cf Ozoafaa br sdsaajnnc. bsntrts; Sew York Jtftr 17. through tne Tjubmiss esaasl, 21 ta jtbuxnatL STOCKS AND BONDS. IlevleTr of Operations on Stock Ex change Dnrlns; the Day NEW YORK, June 6. Quotations were scaled down In all quarters of the stock market at the opening today. Trading was light and there were no signs of severe pressure at any point but the tone was heavy and all the speculative leaders fell back. Lehigh Valley was once more the weak spot In the market, losing a point on the first few transac tions. The setback was due chiefly to the decline of American stocks In Lon don. After trading was well under way the market began to show the good un dertone characteristic most of the week. Initial losses were soon reduced or can celled and In some Instances net gains were achieved, The market closed strong today. The best showing of several days was. jS.Viitlrn Iir' .nm of ,?,aitDe,r" ,rai!ad ,S!!ref' "0f?e tl the was . ,... ... ..... ',.-j nru , . .i. . u . "JV,C" rcu m u street that the Interstate Commerce com mission was hastening work on the text or. the rate decision and might have it news irom tne steel and textile industry Bonds were Irregular. Amil. Coptwr , 72Ulntrbor.'Met. pM... Amtr. Bt Suir.., i7Slntr. IUrrtscr....lOH Amir. Cotton Oil.. OVLoutstlllt N 13 Amtr. 8. & Ref... MHMo. fultle 11 Amtr. Slur Rcr..,10 Mo..,K. b T ITU LV'1 J'1':; "Ji? MlDlnt Co.... lVNttOnl 47H Aicnion . r. Lmiril U', Atlantic Coast L...114 Norfolk tt Vf... 104 DaHlmor Ohio, IlKNorthehi racltlc....in Brooklrn TL T.,..., 91SF-ennirtTanta 111H Canadian ricltle.. .19lHIople' Oae Z1 Chetapeako tt O.... tl4Pnlltnan Pal. Oar..lMH Chlcao tt N. W....lttHndtnK lesu Chi., Mil. ,A St P.lOXtltock liiand Co 1 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 27H do ptd... 1 Colo. & Southern... U'Southern Pacific.,,. WV Del. a Hudson., ...llHtfouthem Rr U Denrer A nio O.... 11 Union Pacific ...1MU Brie 29KU. 8. Steel tlVn Oen. Electric Ill do pfd ....109W Ot. Nor. efd liOinvaMlh , i)J Ot. Nor. Ore etfa. .. JoWeatetiS Vnlon It Illinois Central ltmNew linen H lnterMr.-Met HSi Bid. Netv York Money Market. NEW YORK, June 6.-MONEY-Call. nominal; no loans. Tlmfe loans, easy; sixty days, 2 per cent; ninety days, 2V4 per cent; six months, 3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 3HQ4 per cent. STERLING EXCIIANGE-Steady; sixty days, 34.8636; demand, 81.8876; commercial bills, 84.86. SILVER Bar, Kc; Mexican dollars, 43Hc. BONDS Government, steady: railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: U. S. ret. 3a rg,. MHMo, Patlflc ct. Ss,. 69 da coupon 17 L S. dab. 4a, 1M1.. 92H U. S. la res lOlUUint A M. ta WIS do coupon...... lOlLorllftnt ta 10044 U. 8. 4s res 103V, I. Ni unl. it.... K do eoupon 110 M. K. A T. .let ia.. UVi Panama 3s eoupon. .100 N. Y. C c l',4i... UU Amer. At. ta 100M do jeb. 4a 19 Am. Cotton Oil te... IHiN. Y. C. 4tt. 1HB..1072 A. T. A T. cr. 4a. 99V4N. T. Rate4Ha...;!lO Amer. Btnelt. 104 K. Y. Hr. adj. is., UK Am. Tobacco la IH N. T. N. II, A II. Armour & Co. 4Via ct. 6a iom is ... M'4v 'mm! Mirk Plti7"4 Aicniaon sen, do ct. It. A. C. jU elt. u.... ioi a0 u 17 Bal, & OMo 4a .,,0. S. L. ref. 4s.... do ct. 4Ms. 91T4pc. V. A T. t.... 97 Beth, steel r. ta.. Ilfenn. ct. SHa, 1916, 9H Brook. Tr. ct. 4a... 91 do con. 4s 101 ' Can. of O. Is 104 Ray Con. Ca....,....lll Can. Leather ta Mfcrteadlnc sen. 4 96 Chea. A Ohio H-. 91 rtep. fjteel ta. 1940. UK do ct. 4Ms. T9HS. U A 8. r. r. 4s 7!t C D. A Q. J. 4s.... JJJtst. Ia, S. W. o. 4. 09U do sen. 4Sj........ MVig, A. U adj. la..,. KH Chloao O. W. 4s.. 7Kf!o. Dell Tel. Ss,... 97 C M A S P c 4HS..102HSO. me. ct. 4a.:. sr,H do sen. 4is ..101 go ref. 4a 9H; C n. I. & P. e. UU So: Rillwar 5a. 104s do ref. 4a 76 do sen. 4a THi C. A N. W. SMa... 8H4 Texaa Co. ct. . 10JU C. A S. ref.' 4Ha.. MttTVzae A P. istTl. 1 D. It O. ref. 6a. t9 Third Are. adi. Ss.. T pistlllers- See, ta.j. SJJ4 Union Pacific 4 97? Erie ct. 4a. ser. B 71H d ct. la.. 9tS o40 5?,n-.i"; ,IfHr p- TRr 102T4 Oen. Electric ts 10S TJ. S. Steel intu ?.V X- lt W-.1M'V.. oSIm. 5, MH III. Oen. ref. 4s.... MJlew.tee-h lit Ss 101 K. a So. ref. ts.. OViWeet. Elfe. ct. Ss .KM ntd. Offered. ,w Clearln-g Iloase Bank Statement. NEW YORK, June 6. The statement of the actual condition of clearimr hnnn banks and trust companies for the weekvl snows tnat tney noia m.m.vx reserve In excess of legal requirements. This is an Increase of 83,245,700 from lost week. Tho statement rouows; Actual condition: Amount Decrease. .82,109,792,000 84,093.000 . 444,709.000 5,342.000 . 73,684.000 303,000 . 2,066,350,000 10,680,000 Loans Specie Legal tenders Net deposits , Circulation 4l,xsi,WJ 54,000 Banks' cash reserve In vaults... 445.606.000 Trust companies' cash reserve In vaults 72,787,000 Aggregate cosh reserve 518,393,000 Excess lawful reserve 62,229,900 3,245,700 Trust companies' reserve with clearing house members carry ing 26 per cent cash reserve.... 87,852,000 Increase. Summary of state banks and trust com panies In Greater New York not Included In clearing house statement: Amount. Increase. Loans. Investments 8573.814.800 z2.S72.2on Gold 44,883,300 9.5S7.4O0 v-urrency, Da rut notes.. 9,K3.wo 2(.l00 Total deposits 682,681,800 12,633,200 decrease. BODY OF STRAUSS IS FOUND IN LAKE M0HEGAN PEEKSKILL, N. Y June 6. The body of Charles H. Strauss, general agent In New York for the New England Mutual Life Insurance company, who had been missing from his Riverside drive home for a week, was found floating today In Lake Mohegan. A reward of 31,000 for in formation concerning the ager)t, was of fered yesterday. An empty canoe ha hired Friday ovenlng was found yesterday on the opposite side ot the lake. CONDITION OF STEVENSON IS REPORTED TO BE SERIOUS CHICAGO, June 6. Adlal E. Stevenson, vice president ot the United States under Cleveland, who had a norvous breakdown following the death of his wife six months ngo, today suffered a relspse at the Pres byterian hospital. His condition Is seri-J ous. Mr. Stevenson came here three weeks ago from his home at Bloomlngton for treatment. HYMENEAL Ilnbbltt-Drnrr. TECUMSEH, Neb., June 8. (Special.) Mr. Earl Bobbltt, son of Mrs. Susan Bob bin ot this city, and Miss Margaret Queena Drury were married at thome ot the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Drury, at Gibbon, at noon on Wednesday, June 3. There was but a small company of near relatives present to witness the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Mr. Powers, pastors of the Gibbon Bap tist church. The guests were served with a wedding breakfast following the cere mony. Mr, and Mrs. Bobbltt came at once to Tecumseh, and they were given a reception at the home of the groom's mother Thursday evening, which was largely attended and greatly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Bobbltt will establish their home here. Boy Accidentally Killed. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., June 5. (Special Telegram.) Addle Conrad, aged 4, ot Montrose, was Instantly killed today when the cunning gear of an old buggy toppled over upon mm, sinicing mm in .such a way that It broke hla neck. He waa play ing In the barnyard and had climbed upon the running gear, causing It to fall upon him. He made his noma with hla aunt, Mrs. Alonxo Adley. Oi moat dwrrroMwi -rnr-A-R xamia axe j-AtwritaA m The See. Get at -rir -cool mozn Xor "trw ,'tliiiii,e-- TOPICS FOR AJ)AY OF REST Robert 7, C. Wise to Conduct at Clifton Hill Church. REV. MR. CLARKE AT LOWE AVE. Former Pastor, Nott of Ernnston, III., Will Preach nt Doth Morn ing and Evening Services to Old Parishioners. Robert J. C. Wise, formerly of Qmaha, who Is now visiting with his parents near Benson, will occupy the pulpit of the Clifton Hill Presbyterian church Sun day at the morning and evening services. Mr. Wise is secretary ot the Young Men's Christian association at Ishpomlng, Mich. Rev. A. S. C. Clarke, D. D., of Evans ton, 111., wilt occupy the pulpit ot Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening. This Is the church ot which Dr. Clarke was pastor ior five years, going directly from It to the Sec ond church ot Evamton more than six years ago. He built the present edifice for Lowe Avenue while here arid was very popular with his own and other people in the city. On learning ot his brief visit to Omaha to officiate at tho Neely-Dennls marriage, his parishioners got hla consent to remain over Sunday so that they might hear him preach again. Dr. Clarke will preach In the morning on "Invested Personality," arid. In the evening on "The Peril and Power of Prosperity." Sunday will be children's day at the First Methodist church. Twentieth ' and Davenport streets. A program Will bo given by the youngsters at 11 - o'clock and in the evening the services will be especially dedicated to the graduate of the Central High school, and an invita tion has been extended to the class to be in attendance. The business men's class ot the First Congregational church has secured Rich ard L. Metcalfe to speak to it . at the First Congregational church. HIS sub ject will be "The Panama CanAli" He will touch upon the personal and moral side of the great enterprise: The Clas meets at noon. Immediately otter morn ing service. Members ot the congregation1 will be welcome. Baptist. Olivet Grove, Thirty-sixth Street and Crown Point Avenue Sunday sohool at 2:16. Preaching Thursday evening at S. I -First, corner Harney Street and 'Twenty-ninth Avenue, Rev. W, Jasper First, Corner Harney Street . and iioran supper, iieeepuon ot new mem bers. Suuduy school at noon. Evening worship at 8. Bellever'a baptism. Calvary. Twenty-filth and Hamilton, J. A. Maxwell, Pastor Morning, "The Sovereignty of Service." The baccalau reate service of the University of Omaha. Evening, "A Wicked Woman Won for Christ." Bible school at noon. Young People's meeting at 7, led by Miss Bon nie Crane. Subject, "Tho P.urlty Verse.." Jiion, Twenty-sixth and Frarikltn, Rev. W. F. Botts, ftuitor Sunrise' prayer meeting, 6:30, 7:30. Covenant meeting tt 10:a0, and The Lora's bupper, tHliriay school at 1. Baptist YourtK People s union at 6.0O. Evfning service at 1:46. Preaching by the pastor. Midweek prayer meeting every Wednesday oveiung at v:3ii. Tmm.niial rP..-.. n... ..... . . , .. . t . .. 1 . Arthur J. Morris, Pastor Homing wor- onip at iv.m; "jruuia 'uiauasi0n.a Bible school at noon. Youiik' Pcdbla's meeting at 7. Evening worship- at 8;' -.uyiu, ins ureuitm uargaan in ine uart ot Life." Tho Lord's tiupper will be observed In connection with tne .morning sorvice., ji.uwiok prayer ana :praUo service on . ounvaJiiy u.ttiiliK-jit ji. Olivet, Thirty-eighth Street arid Grand Avenue. FranK a", ivini. i'astiie Him, in- school at 10. Preaching at U. -BaDUst Young Peonies union at 6:XQ. Prn-ni at 7. The suoject of morning messagu will b "l'he alue of Obedience." .Tno ordinance ot baptism, also the Lord's Supper, will be ooserved at this service. Midweek meeting Wednesday attt o'clock, ana cnoir reneursui immeaiatejy .loliow Ing: Christian Science, First Church of Christ, Scientist, St. Mary's Avenue and Twentv-fourth st Services at 11 and 8; subject, 'God, the uniy -uause ana ureolor." uunday school ltvo sessions) 9:15 and 11. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. - Christian. North Side. Twenty-second unit TMhmn George L, Peters, Pastor Bible school at 9:30. Morning service at 10:45; sermon subject, "What My Garden Says to Mo," a sermon to children. Evening service at 8, children's day exercises. First. Corner Twenty-sixth and Mb Charles E. Cobbey, Minister-Morning worship at 11. "God's Plan for Converting our Time Into His Service." Evening worship at 8. "Chrlst-On Fishing." Young People's Society ot Christian Endeavor at 7. Junior Endeavor at 4.30. Bible school at 9:45. Consreiratlonal? First, Corner Nineteenth and Davenport, F. T. Rouse, Pastor Services at 10:30 and 7:45. Plymouth, Frederick W. Leavitt, Min isterService at 10:45 at the univer sity auditorium. Twenty-fourth and Evans. Topic, "The Pure In Heart." Bi ble school at 9:45. Young people's meet ing at 6:30. St. Mary's Avenue, Corner Twenty-seventh and St, Mary's Avenue, G. A. Hul bert. Pastor Morning worship ' at 10:99, sermon by tho pastor, "Sacrifice." Sun day, school and kenslngton at 12: Mid week service Wednesday evening at 8. Hillside. W. S. Hampton. Pastor Morn ing worship at 10:30. Evening service at 8. Rev, W, J. Shallcross will preach both morning and evening. Sunday school at noon. Junior Endeavor at 3. Young People's Society ot Christian En deavor at 7. Episcopal. All Saints', Twenty-sixth street and Dewey Avenue, T. J. Mackay, Hector Sermon at 11, topic, "Is this An Irreligious AgeT' Holy communion at 7.30. Sunday school at 10. Church of the Good Shepherd. Twentieth and Ohio, Rev. Thomas J. Collar. Rector noiy communion ai iisj. cunaay school at 9:45. Holy communion with, sermon at 11. Evening prayer with sermon at 8. Evangelical. Grace United Evangelical. Camden Ave nue and North Twenty-seventh. Thomas W. Evans, Pastor. Preaching at H a. in. and 8 p. m.: Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Keystone L-ague of Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Children's day will be observed June 14. First, 2420 Franklin, Rev. J. M. Runcle, Pastor Teachers' meeting at 9:30 a. m., Sunday school at in e. rr, preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev, J. L. Lonbough. of Rose mont. Neb., Holiness association meet ing at 3:30 p. m.. K. L. C. E. .society meeting at 7 p. m.. preaching at 8 p. m Tuesday night IC. L. C. E. society meet ing ot Hope mission. 1316 Dodge street. Wednesday night mid-week prayer ser vice at 8 p .m. Thursday night Young People's Mission society meetlpg. Lutheran. St. Mark's English. Twentieth nnH t... dette. Rev. Dr. I Groh. Pastor Mornlne- Evening at 8. children's program by Sun day school. Sunday school at 9:15. Young People's Christian Endeavor at 7. St Paul's, Twenty-flfth and Evans Rev. E. T. Otto. Pastor Services at 10 Sunday school of the English depart! ment at 11:3a New scholars always wel come. Evening service In English at 8. subject. "Joy Caused by the Wayward Son's Return." Choir meets on Fridays at 8- Day school. Prof J. A, Hllgendorf. teacher. ' Grace. Twe-oty-stxth Street. Between Poppieton and Woolworth Avenues. Clar ence N. flwlhart. Minister -The Gresu DeesT a2 XL The Dlvtca azvt nnn.n Tiirliajigii at Socdair scboct at IgtfhcT teargne at JSlon. Hrh-tp-elx-th Btrert rmit Tvi. Avaaue. Hat. JL X. Tanrfmex. JPxaAa-Hoty a iiilllllMUHUI .amilM WIIIUMH 'S14 bers Sunday morning at It. Confirmation of special class. Sunday school at 10. Sunday evi-nlng service at 8. Midweek service Thursday evening at 8. Tho Ladles' Aid society will meet at the home of- Mr. and Mrs. A. Vj Hawklnson, 3415 Lafayette avenue, jon Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. St Matthew's English, Nineteenth and Cnstellar, Re-. O. W. Snyder, Pastor Morning service at 11, subject "The Love of the Three In One7" Evening service at S, subject "Your Master and Your Treasure." Sunday school at 10. The Ladles' Aid and Woman's Missionary society will meet Thursdoy afternoon at the residence of Mrs. J. R. Enger, 3420 Leavenworth street Choir rehearsal on Saturday at la Methodist. Walnut Hllt-The adult men's clssa meets at the Sunday school hour, 13 o'clock,, noon. Subject for discussion. "Tho Coming Of the Kingdom," Luke 12:20-37. "Two men In one bed one taken and the other left Which shall it bet" Swedish, Corner Nineteenth and Burt Streets, Gustav Erlckfcon, Pastor Sun day school, 10 a. m. Preaching service, 11 a. m.; subject "Christ's World Power. Epworth league service, 7 p. m., with lec ture on 'The New Era In Asia." Preacht lng, 8 p. m.: subject "Opportunity. McCabe. Fortieth and Farnam. W. H. Underwood, Pastor Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening- service, 8 o'clock. Bun day school, 10 a. m.: Warren W. Cllne, superintendent Adult Bible class. 10 a, m.; Dr. John, teacher. Epworth league, 7 p. m.; Mrs. Ethel Thorpe, president, Hunitcnra Pnrlr Cnrnnr Woolworfh' AV- enuo and Twenty-ninth Street C. W.' Mc Casklll, Pastor Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m., conducted by the pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., with classes for everybody. Epworth league, 7 P. m. Mid-week prayer service, Wednes day evening, 8 p. m. Trinity, Twenty-first knd Binney, Thomas Blthell, Pastor Morning service, 10:30; Sabbath school, noon; Epworth league, 7 p. nt.; evening service, 8 p. m. Jennings, Fifth and Hickory, Edward A. Smith, Minister Preaching at 10:30; sub ject, "The Ministry of Mysteries." Sun day school at 1:30. Dlett Memorial Tenth and Pierce, C. N. Dawson, Pastor Sunday school, 9:4S a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. by the Rev. Garriet Janssen. Epworth league, 7 p. m.S Miss Halgler will address the league. Sacred concert, 8 p. m. Sunday school Doaru ana prayer meeting, weaneaaay, P. m. Children's day exercises postponed until Sunday, June 21. Tho Ladles' Aid society will serve dinner at the church Thursday evening, June 1L Preabyterlnn. Castellar Street Sixteenth and Castellar, C. C. Meek. Pastor Children's day exer cises at 10:30. Evening service at 8. Junior society at 3:3). intermediate society ai (. Christian Endeavor at 7. North. Corner Twenty-fourth and Wirt M. V. Higbee, D. D.. Pastor Public wor ship at 10:30 and 8. Sunday school at noon. Christian Endeavor at 7. Prayor meeting Wednesday evening at 8. Clifton Hill, Forty-fifth and Grant Services at 11 and 8. R. J. C. Wise will occupy the pulpit at both services. Sun day school at 9:45. Christian Endeavor at 7. Midweek meeting at 8 Wednesday evening. First, Seventeenth and Dodge, Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D., Pastor Morning serv ice at 10:30. Communion. , Evening service nt 8. Subject "Immortality In the Light ot Nature," Sunday school at noon. En deavor society at 7. First United, Twenty-first and Emmet At C. Douglass, Pastor The pastor has Just returned from the general assembly at Newcastle, Pa., and will preach at 10:30 and 8. Bible scrool at noon. Young people's meeting at 7 Lowo Arvenue, Fortieth and Nicholas Rev, A. S. C. Clarke. D. D Evanston, III., will preach at 10:30 and 8. Sunday school at noon. Junior Endeavor at 8. Senior Endeavor at 7 Wednesday even ing Bible meeting at 8. Falrvlew, Fortieth and Pratt Charles H. Fleming, Pastor-Bible school at 2. Afternoon worship at 3. .Theme, "God'e Challenges and What They Imply." T-ioh-day. evening at 8 the Falrvlew Bible club will study the twentieth and twenty-first chapters ot the Gospel of John. Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth, Robert Karr. Pastor Sunday school with classes tor all at 9:30. Public worship and sermon at 10:45. Theme, "Influence." Junior Christian Endeavor at 3. Chris tian Endeavor prayer meeting at 7. Even ing worship and sermon at 8. Theme, "Lot's Wife." Benson, A. J. McClung, Pastor Chil dren's dn.v nrncrnm at 10. This will oc cupy" the whole morning service. Mrs. iJiacKwen, a missionary irom ooum America, will g.'ve an address. Christian Endeavor at 7. Union. "evening service at 8. Tho sermon subject is "Foundations and Building." Westminster, Corner Mason Street and Georgia Avenuo, James Franklin Young, Pastor Morning worship at 10:30. Com munion Service. Bible school at noon. Young people's meeting at 7. .Topic, 'tFivo Great Verses Purity Verse. ' Matthew 6:8. Evening worship at 8. Theme, "An Old Antlphonal Song." Midweek prayer rervtce Wednesday evening at 7:45. Church of the Covenant Twenty seventh and Pratt Charles H. Fleming, Pastor Morning 'worship at 10:30. Sub ject, "God's Challenges and What They' Imply." Bible school at noon. Endeavor at 7:15. Evening worship at 8. Theme. "Another Old Testament Portrait of Jesus." Wednesday evening at 8 tho Covenant Bible club will study the eight eenth and nineteenth chapters ot the Gos pel of John. Miscellaneous. The Omaha Holiness association meets every Sunday at 2430 Franklin street at 3:30 p. m. W. E. Foshler. president Leader Sunday, Fay L. Stearns. Reorganized Church ot Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Twenty-fourth and: Ohio Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The International Bible class will meet. In Barlght hall. Nineteenth and Farnam, Sunday, at 8 o'clock. Alfred W. Rlemer will give a lecture on "The Seven Worda of the Cross." United Brethren, Nineteenth and Loth rop, Rev. W. O. Jones, Pastor Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting and Work ers' conference Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Holiness meeting at 8 p. m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Sunday, at 2 p. m., subject, "Are Women Permitted to Preach." Hans O, Petersen, superin tendent Meetings held at 607 South Twenty-ninth street People's, 515 North Eighteenth. Rev. Charles W. Savldge, Pastor Morning; subject, "Is Sickness a Necessity!" Evening topic, "Will We Wake Up in This Game of Life." Sunday school at noon. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. First Progressive Spiritualist Mackle'a Hall. 1816 Harney, F. A. Thomas, D. a a, Pastor Sunduy, 8 p. m., lecture and mes sages, subject. "What Is Spiritualism Doing?" Tuesday, 3 p. m message ser vice. Thursday, 2:30 p. m., ladles' aid message service. c The Church of Life, Rev. Mrs. V. A. Bell, Pastor Morning sermon at 10:30 o'clock, subject. "The Church of Life and Its Relation to New Thought." Sunday school at 11:30 a. m. Young People's Christian Endeavor meeting at 7 p. m. Preaching at 8 p. m.. subject,' "Old Time Religion." 1 Keyes of Nebraska Attaches Account of Sol Alexander, WESTMINSTER. Md.. June .(-,,.. 4 with fraudulently obtaining 83,000 from Mrs. Mary T. Eeles of Long Boat Cal., Sol Alexander Is under arrest t t,n.i here. An attachment has been Issued against the bank account of Alexander and his wife bv Robert H. Kev.n , i. said to have accompanied Alexander here irora neorasKa. Alexander Is sold to have obtained a large sum nf mnn Keyes, ostensibly for Investment Mrs. seies told federal officers that she waa Induced by Thomas MoCullough. with whom Alexander Is mm ,.. been associated, to mortgage her prop- cw ana inrn we money over to him. At the time, she sold, he no - who had received a mesas from her uaunira directing her to give Mtw Cnlkmgh 827,(00. Xverytefty reads Bee Wan XSav