12 A 'intu uaLVHA btuNDAi iiLE: JUNL 7, 1914. Tomorrow Sea&riable June Clearaway of Apparel Silk, Satin and Cloth Coats; Also Silk Suits at Wond erful Reductions Now is the time to supply your traveling needs; Lovely Silk Coats at $14.50 and $9.15 Handsome Cloth Suits with all the new ideas of Style and Fashion at $12.75 Values $19.50, $24.50, $27.50 and $29.50. Pretty Cotton Dress Goods. Monday AT LESS THAN WHOLE SALE COST. 75c Natural Colored Dross Linen, 40c n yard. 92.00 NovcUy Crepe. Suiting (white with dnalics of color), 08c i jnrd. 31.25 French Crcpo Novelty (all tho now colors), 7()c n yard. 05c Novelty Flouncing Batiste, '10-inch; colors, nnvy and taupe, J19c a yard. 31.75 French ICollcnno Linen, 10-IncIi, 80c a yard. 75c Ail Silk ItaUno (new pink and blue), 37Jc a yard. $3.50 Uncut Urocho Novelty for Jackets and coat sulfa, all Uo dainty evening shades, $1.08 a yard. 85c Mixed llcatlicr Linen for dresses and skirts, 10c a yard. $1.25 Black and White, 12 Inch Crcpo NovcUy Kpongo, 08c a yard. 75c French Dress Llnon, 40 Inch, 20c a yard. Dress Goods Department Main Aisle. Kemp Completes J His Filing for the; , ? ' -Office of Governor (From a Staff 'CprrespandentJ)' V I LINCOLN, Juno (Wflpeclal. Telegram. I 4-After spending a couple of days looking over the situation and ndvUIng with numerous friends Senator J. f). Kemp of, Fullcrton this afternoon filed with the secretary of state .for tho republican! nomination for governor. To nowspaper men Senator Kemp said: "I believe that the outlook Is oxtrcmoly good for repub lican success In Nebraska this year and I have filed for the republican nomination for governor. In doing so I hevo not only followed my own ambition to servo my fellow cltlcens, but have compiled with the petition of a large number of good men in tho state In whoso sincerity I have, the most Impltct confidence." "Should I be nominated and elected It will be my earnest endeavor to give the people the very best that 1 within int. What the people want and should have Is a thorough businesslike administration such, as a businessman, would give to his own private affairs. The rapidly Increas ing vost ot the aCminAstratlpn pf the af fair fit the state Is oyft-ot proportion to the benefits derived. "We need a revision of our revenue laws, the cutting down ot extravagant appropriation), the. elimination ot many useless boards and commissions wttah are of no substantial' benefit to ,tho state, and economy and. efficiency In 'the top duct of. governmental offices. Hut Of uirco ou Qincr .important miners i shall have, more to sa as wo go along." Senator Kemp Is an attorney at Fultir- ton, having a wde practice In that lo cality. 116' ha 'served In the state senate two terms, representing' the Eighteenth district, -campr-slnc the counties ot fcfer- rick. Polk and Nance, In the 1911 session and under the redisricting ot he state represented the Ninth district, comprls ing the counties, of Nance, Boone jnd Antelope, In tho 1913 session, wher ha was elected president of the senate and was he acknowledged leader ot the majority side. Kepubllcan City Pioneer la Dead REPUBLICAN CITV, Neb.. (Speclal.)- The death of J. M. Walker, aged 71 years and one of the early settlers ot this to- THE HOUSE OF MENAGH'S, GREATEST OF ALL , SALES MONDAY. JUNE 8, Commencing arJLxenr vrpo? suits jsx&k astd xzax mjLSB coTxpir piumsxs VsJusi-. f hat are worth VeAUUrly litfifei .??.&, f30 a,nd up to. ISO. T,h aawjrtments, are large, but the- sale, wjll be. the largest sals tt, have ever nadvo come early. The House pf Menaeh Tbs Btoxs for 0tnUawo'ma" ' iota tjuoulm mi, Sea 10 in the June Clearaway Fresh Goods Cost Less Than Regular 40c and 35c Wash Goods, 25c Yard This lot consists of fancy stripe and check crepes, ra tines, crepetine, etc.; a com plete range of colors; 27 and 36 inches wide; choice, 25c a yard. Basement. June Clearaway of White Goods FIGURED PIQUES. For Suits and Skirts. 35o Quality, Monday 25c 25o Quality, Monday. . . .19c NOB CREPE 35c White Nob Crepe 19c 25o White Underwear Crepe Monday at 15c HOWARD AND THHDBf SIXTEENTH entity, occurred Thursday morning. Tho funeral services were held at the horn and .wire conducted by Rev.' Mr. Ernest. trheMsceated leaves a widow, one daugh ter and two sons. - William A. Lowery, an old sottler.ef this locality died In Topeka, Kan., on Monday, Juno 1. The body was 'brought to ths place for Interment, services Vclng held- In tho Methodist church and' ware conducted- .10. Mr. Ernest. The de cenaod was"v years old. . , Mother Mary Jones Leaves for Vancouver SEATTLE, Wash.. June e.-"Mother" Mary Jones, organiser for the United Mine Workers of America, left for Van couver by steamer last night without hin drance, the Canadian Immigration offi cials who prevented her from embarking on the previous day, having been over ruled by their superior officers at Ottawa, The British Columbia government or dered the exclusion ot "Mother" Jones, wno una nnnouncea ner imenuon oi aa- dressing the striking cottl miners of Van- prcd' Kelby, arrested previously, con oouver Island, on tha ground that she 'Mn t .u. Lnt would be likely to "stir ip trouble." WOMAN IS KILLED BY LIGHTNING AT WESSINGT0N HURON. S. D., June-e.-(8peclal.)-Mrs. . M. Smith, residing near Wesslngton, S. D was struck' by llghtnlng'Thursday evening wljlle driving hom$ frqmWes slngton' aid was Instantly killed." She was Molding her rour montns- oii oaDy In her lap nnd anorisr child, a daughter ot eight years, aat'xm the seat beside her. The children, wjore stunned for u time and bqth, horses were knocked down. Th horses wera apparently all right In a fw minutes and tho children recovered In a few hours. Their escape Is considered miraculous, in view of tha fact that their mother met death In stantly. WET AND DRY ISSUE AGAIN SUBMITTED AT, SUPERIOR SUPERIpR, Neb., June . (Bpeclal Tel- egram.) Under the referendum, a petition by the prohibition party was filed today for another election In thirty days. It Was two weeks today when the wet ticket won by eight votes and It has -taken since this time to get the required number ot names to call for a special election. On the first vote In April the town went dry by one vote put of over OCX)' cast The next election may be close, as over i hundred more persons have come to Su perlor, In the employ ot the cement com pany. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Ocorfto Dartenbach. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., June .-8pe clal) Mrs. George Rartenboch. wife ot thi owner ot the Dartenb&ch opera house and business blocks, and among the old est women residents of the city, passed away yesterday after an Illness ot over two years. She leaVea hei husband, ono son and one daughter, and several broth era and sisters. K. C. Klndley. PIERRE, R. D., June S.-fSpecUl Tele gram.) E. C. Klndley. for many years head ot the Klndley Contracting and Transfer company ot this city, died this morning from' an attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. Klndley and A sen In. the family are 111 with this dread disease. Infant Child Dies. BRADSIIAW, Neb., June,.6.-fSpecUl.)-The little months old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton died very suddenly yesterday, from an attack of acuta In digestion. .-' Everybody rtads Bee WatAai. Summer Dresses Choice New Styles in Crepe, Voiles, Linen and other desirable fabrics, Priced from $6.50 to $50.00. Silk Hosiery The Favorites for Summer Silk Hose, white or black, all silk or silk with lisle tops and soles, $1.00. Black Silk Hose with flare, tops, $1.50 and $2.00. White Silk Hose, $1.50 and S2.00. Black Silk Hose with the "Pointex Heel," $1.50. STREETS Court Eefuses to - Set Aside Verdict in the Frank Case ATLANTA, 3a.,l3uno .-3udge Ben ll! Hill of'tHe' Fulton county superior court today sustained tho state's demurrer to tho motion to set asldo tho verdict by which Leo M. Frank was found' guilty ot the murder ot Mary Phagon, a factory girl. The motion was based qn the claim that Frank's constitutional right wh-Jn the verdict was returned during the con demned man's absence from court. Two Alleged Auto Bandits Arrested NEW TORK, Juno . Joseph Longo. n chauffeur,- and James Fay, a poolroom owner, were held today charged wltn participation In the holdup yesterday ot two employes ot tha American Can com- wh , ,AnhB(, . nrw mom. IL ,! .1" nau Ulivvll mo urn ,ii .villi., ii. tj made their escape. He said Longo hired Wm. The detective department was working today on the theory that the holdup of the American Can company employes was the work of the same men who earlier yesterday held up two clerks of the Masury Paint company In Brooklyn and obbed them of a satchel containing $1,003 drawn for the weekly payroll. These two robbers also- used an automobile to cape. A .third holdup on which the police are working resulted In a loss of $:0J to Mc- Kenzle, Vorhees "A Omelln, architects. although the five robbers overlooked two bundles of money ench containing $51. An employe of tuft architects was takln? ft.SOO Into the' offices -when his hat was knocked off and while he stooped to re cover It the men seticd one ot his bun dles. The flvo men escaped down the elevator and sped away In an automobllo MAUPIN. FILES AGAIN FOR RAIL COMMISSIONER (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, June . (Spectal.)-Wlll M. Maupln will mako another try to land the democratic nomination for railway commissioner, having shied his hat into tha ring by filing with the secretary ot state today. Mr, Maupln tried con clusions with Clarence Harm an for the democratic nomination for the asms office two years ago by the present food commissioner was a little too much for him and jipln was left In the rear. wjjen the wrd was reached. B0STWICK MERCHANT HURT WHEN AUTtf TURNS TURTLE SUPERIOR, Neb., June e.-(Speclal Tel egram,) J, H. Johnston, merchant of Bostwlck, was severely Injured '.ast night, when Jihe auto he was drlvjng turned completely over, while he was on his way from Superior, The car was a corpptet 'wrec'k. Johnston was pinioned beneath the car at least an hour before he was discovered by Mr Mathers, who took him home In his buggy, Department Ordera. WASHINGTON. June &-Spcial Tele gram.) Nebraska, pensions granted: Elsie K. Hull Mlnden. til Wyomlnir postmas ter appointed: Hitter Creek, Sweet Water county. Nettle C Bruce, vice Will A. Ammons. resigned; Jlreh, Niobrara, county, Leon It Townsend, vice Herbert L. KoonU. Postofflce at Marlow, Marshall county. South Dakota, discontinued, mall to vebien. The secretary ot ths Interior hns nil thorited the reclamation service to ac The Store for Shirtwaists You can always find some thing new in our beautiful Waist Section; the prices for such lovely waists as we are showing are very moderate: 1.85, $2.95, $3.75, $5 Gloves for Brides and Graduates A full assortment of all the desirable kinds of White Silk Gloves, in plain or embroidered styles. Wo will glove you well and give you more in quality than you will find elsewhere. Best Styles Best Quality, In Fact, Best Gloves. Women's and Chil dren's Gowns Women's White Crepe Gowns, slipover, short sleeves, lace trimmed, $1, $1.25 and $1.35 Women's Nainsook Gowns, slipover, short sleeves, lace or embroidery trimmed; reg ular prices $1.00, $1.25; Spe cial 75c and 85c Children's Crepe Gowns, white and colors, short sleeves, slipover; sizes 4 to 16 years, at 65c, 75c, 85c 25c Wash Goods at 18c a Yard These crepes come in fancy stripes and plain effects, all the popular shades; 27 inches wide, 18c a yard. Basement Wash Goods Section. cept tho proposal of James O'Connor of Council Bluffs. Ia., for tho construction' of auxiliary spill way channell and north' dike, VanUalla diversion, Milk river Ir rigation project, Montana. Twulve pro posals ' for IHls work Were received,' the O'Connor bid of $25, 220 being the lowesL AdlaiE. Stevenson i3 Critically 111 CHICAGO, June 6. Adlal E. Stevenson, vlco president of tho United States under President Clove'land, seriously III at 'the Presbytorlbn. hospital, was no better-; to day. Weakness Incident to his eighty years and the nervous breakdown ho'suf fered after the death of his wifc( six months ago told against tho veteran statesman. A critical turn In his condi tion was expected within twenty-four hours. Members of the family are present. SUFFS BURN MANSION IN BUCKINGHAMSHIRE LONDON,. June 6'. Trie' campaign of the arson squad of the militant suffragettes was continued today when the women set fire to and destroyed a tine mansion near High Wycombe, in Buckinghamshire, about thirty miles from London. Tho mansion was filled with valuable furni ture and objects ot art The usual suf frage literature was found about the grounds. The. house adjoined the historic parish c,hurch, which is believed to have been the real, objective of the, women, who were, however, unable to obtain ad mittance. HYMENEAL i 1 ' " iiewkc-Brr-.tne. ' TECUMSEH, Neb., June -O-One hun dred and ten families werer represented at 'the marriage of MIssHattte Beethe and Louis Heukn nt the German Lutheran church, eight miles southeast of Tecum- seh, Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The ceremony was by the pastor of the church, Rev. H.'F. "Qrupe, and the young couple wero attended by the Misses Emms Heiika and Edna Beethe, and Messrs. Theodore Beethe and Henry Heuke. A reception followed at the bride's homo and waa largely attended. Th bride Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Beelhe. well known citizens who live In the neighborhood of the church. Tha groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heuke, who live, in the Long Branch neighborhood. He Is a well knewn and successful farmer. Itueh u-Wniin er. HURON. 8. D.. Juno 6. (Special.) Frank Kuehn. Jr., a well known archi tect of this city, and Miss Millie Wagner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wagner of this city, were marnea weanesaay evening. They left on a honeymoon trip to Colorado, the same evening. They wm make their home here. Iovra Neves Notes. storm LA.KB-C. C. Colwell. present county clerk ot Buena Vista county, was, nominated on every ticket at tho primary Monday. He received votes frqm the re- pu oilcans, aemocrais. iosrivc the socialists. He Is a republican. RTnrtt t.AKB-A dm of thirty-four. the larcest In the history ot the school, t win cr&duatea irom tnt' worm lakh xin school Thursday night." The commence ment artdress wjls delivered by the Kov j ttowiona uanson, u. u-, oi u i SAC CITV The body of Mrs. Alice- B. Hamilton, widow of Prof. J. N- Hamilton. , who for several yeajs was superintendent i of the. 6ao City public schools, was brought to Sao City today for burial Mrs. Hamilton's death occurred In BapliJ ' City, a Jupe I. at the home of hen son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mra. J. U Bobbins, after a long . Illness. I SAC CITV-MIss Myrtle Adelle Roberts, a school teacher living at Sao City, and Harry B. Iiowv an automobile dealer residing at Lytton. who were married In Dec Moines the first of the week. at. the home of the officiating clergyman. Rev Dr Henry B. BUrns, hae returned toSac City, and In u few weeHs will be tt home In Lytton. "OLD LONDON BANK CLOSES Chaplin, Milne, Orenfell & Forced to Close Doors., GRAND TRUNK SCHEME CAUSE I.nme I.nnn Wftre Mnde to Arthur Orenfell, Who Attempted to' Get Control of tho Cn niullnn Rami. LONDON, June 6. Chaplin, Milne, Gren fell & Co., limited, the well-known firm , of merchants and bankers In Princess j street, suspended today. "The company ( was registered In 1S!3 to take over tho business of Morton, Chaplin & Co., (tor- morly Morton, Roso & Co.), Its author I Ized capital It 11.7DO.000. I The firm Is nn old established house, I with high reputation nnd excellent family i connection. It conducted a general ttid private banking nnd a company for pro moting business. Tho directors Include Ernest Chaplin, O. Grlnell Milno and It. XV. Sklpwlth. Tho failure Is bc"!evcfl to be tho result of largo operations In Grand Trunk by Arthur Morton Orenfell, who wan form erly a member of trie firm and whose dealings recently have been the subject of such gossip. It Is said that several Candlan and other companies wherein he was Interested aro Involved. Earl Grey, whoso daughter waa Grenfell's first wife. Is reported among the heavy losers, nip? Intercut to Hetcne. Powerful banking and other Interests have been working for some weeks to re establish Grenfell's affairs In the Interest (of many stockholders of the companies ho controlled. Tho firm recently Issued a notice that Grcnfcll had not been connected there with since February 17. The affairs of the bank were largely Involved with those of the Canadian agency, limited, which is controlled Dy Arthur Orenfell. Ho nnd the Canadian agency had been engaged In a campaign for the purchase of a' controlling inter est In tho Grand Trunk railway, hut when those securities depreciated, the obligations he had created wero taken over by a strong group of financial houses In order to protect the many stock ex change frims Involved. The bank's losses through loans to Oren fell and withdrawals of business conse quent on his operations, caused the bank to suspend. It Is believed, however, to be entirely solvent, but tlmo will require to liquidate the assets in orser that depos itors may be paid. Tho Grand Trunk transaction attempted by Orenfell Is considered as one of the most daring stock operations launched here In years. The members of Grenfell's family are coming to his assistance in the settlement of his affairs. Affect on Sfir York. NEW YORK, June 6. Tho suspension of Chaplin, Mllrie, Grenfcll & Co., excited nftmn Bllrnrlflft In thin mnrlfpt. nrlvnt n.. jsurahces having been received hero a fbrtntght ago, when V Arthur Grenfell's embarrassment became generally known, that the firm was In no wise Involved. So tar as known, Chaplin, Milne & Grenfell had no commitments or Inter ests In this market and at no time wo the firm active In Americans, BIG MONEY FROM. WASTE IllnildrotU of ..Bullions. Realised from Things Oncn Thrown Airnr, At the first annual banquet of lie na tional association of waste material dealers, held In New York City thia week, It was brought out that by collecting and utilizing waste products the members ot the associated transact an annual busi ness of J700.000.000. The utilization of cotton-seed oil and ot cotton seed, until very recent years a were waste product of the cotton crop, ll was pointed out, is now valued in the United States alono at 150,000,000 a year. Curtis Guild, e-ambassador to Russia, noted that wo aro now exporting sisal strings to Europe to be turned Into tooth brushes; that we are using tho worn-oul painter's brush, soaked with white lead, by cleansing and using the worn bristles to provide Inexpensive and durable scrub bing brushes, and exporting American cotton stockings tp Europe, where they aro unraveled and .used as a cheap pack ing In the manufacture of graphophone and electrical machinery, while the patched and damed European stocking. not having any other use, are exported from Eurdpe to this country for their only possible use as paper stock. The exports and imports of waste ma terial aro not yet thoroughly reported by the department and even the commence ment of their appearance In the official publications of the United States gov ernment dates back but a few years. For the calendar year 1913, we exported co". ton rags to the value of J500.000, paper stock other than cotton rags to tho value ot over S00,O00, wojlen rags tp the valua of tt.000,000, scrap Iron to tho value of H. 200,000, old and reclaimed rubber to the value of $1,000,000, and scrap brass to the value of $2,000,000. The figures ot tho imports of waste material from foreign countries are oven moro striking. In the year 1013 we Im ported scrap Iron to the value of JS0O.O0O, old copper to the value of M.000,000, silk waste to tho value of $3,000,OCO, old rubber to the value of more than 3,00,. cotton rags to the value of JS.000.000, and other paper stock which was neither cotton rags nor wood pulp to the value of nearly J5,000,000. Bradstreefa Review. Alleged nnrurlnr Identified. MASON- CITT. la., June 5.-(Speclal Telegram.)-Fred McMillan, held here for robbery ot the Rock Island depot and ex Dress office at Rock Falls, today was Identified as Charles Wilson, who broke jail at Waverly while waiting trial for a Co. DR. BAILEY DISMISSES SUIT Tho lawsuit started by R W. Bailey last October against Drs. Mach & Mach, dentists, 3rd floor Paxton Block, was dismissed from court last week, Dr. Bailey paying; all the court costs. That Dr. Mach is a factor in modern dentistry is evident from the fact that he built up and established the largest practice' in the city and equipped with the latest appliances a seven chair dental office which is considered the finest in Omaha. DRS. 1VIAGH & MACH . PIONEER OMAHA WOMAN HEARS THE LAST CALL. use MRS. KATHERINE KNOUBE. crime of the same kind, and was returned to Waverly tonight. It is alleged that McMillan makes a practice of stealing money orders from country depots, later cashing them. He was identified here as a man who attempted to cash a monoy order a few hours after the Rock Falls robbery. AUTOISTS FIND ROADS GOOD AFTER BIG RAIN (Continued from Page One.) Beldcn's eyes popped out of hla head and ho was prepared to kid this fellow of the pie tin star, but a second look con vinced him tho latter was In dead carncrt. They started to drlvo dolefully to tho station. Along came T. C. Byrne's car. Byrne and his crowd Joined In the funeral procession to the police station. Then out camo a merchant of Univer sity Place, who had his head working. "What's the matter with you?" he de manded, ot the marshal. Tho merchant was a Mr. Weinberger. He rode to the station with .the crowd and when Bclden and. Selby appeared huts In hand crest-fallen and bewildered before the majesty of tho police Judge, Mr. Wein berger took the floor and declared he, would personally .shoulder all tho respon sibility for tho Omaha boosters, and In sisted that they be allowed to go on their way without further molestation. It wns so ordered, and In A half hour tho humiliated twain overtook the rest of tho party. .. Iloaila Withntnua Big ,Hnln. Good roads was all the party could, think of all the way fiome. The reason was simple ."J?oj there were threj and one-half inches' of rain at Lincoln and. almost as 'piuch between Lincoln and Omaha, and' Lincoln and Cortland, and yet the cars come over roads smooth .and hard as -.marble almost the whole of the wy from Beatrice which place they left shortly after 9 o'clock In the morning. Only four miles south of Cortland and a few miles north of Cortland did tho party strike real mud. Here the roads had not been worked down hard before the rain. Here all had to put on chains, and plow mud with some difficulty. After that the roads proved to be roads that have long had the application of the King drag system, and although water lay In pools In the cornfields on either side of the road, the road Itself smooth and rounded, had turned the water like a barn roof, and stretched grey and dry before the tourists. The fear that the roads might not be so well worked In the southeastern part of the state led to tho abandonment of that part of the original Itinerary, and to the returning of the pary dlreotly ,from I Beatrice Instead of finishing the proposed route. . Wilson's Chauffeur, Fined Ten Dollars WASHINGTON, June B.-One of Presi dent Wilson's chauffeurs was fined $10 to day in a country court on the outskirts of tho capital for speeding wltti a Whlto House party a few days ago. Ho pleaded guilty and paid the fine. The president has ordered all White Houso chauffeurs to observe all local speed laws, Join the Swappers' Club. Membership Is free. Call at Bee office. Your Our last Importations of this season of our famous "Living Music Box" Canaries has arrived. Whlle'we have a large stock of several hundreds on hand, we advise not to delay your purchase too long. We can give you an excellent selection now. These Canaries being the last shipment have received the longest musical education in Germany and are therefore the finest singers you ever heard. We sell each one on five days' trial, guaranteeing full satisfaction, at 95.00. Come as early as possible and get a choice singer. MAX GEISLER BIRD 1617 Farnam St. "Third Floor Paxlon Block One Killed, One Hurt When Tram Hits Auto GRAND ISLAND, Neb., June 6.-(Spc clal Telegram.)-One man wsb killed and ono Injured In a Union Pacific train collision with an automobile at Wood River this afternoon. GIVE FUNCTION FOR NVAD00S GIVE FUNCTION FOR M'ADOOS (From a Staff Corespondent.) WASHINGTON, June 6.-Spoc!al Telo gram.)-Ncarly all of Nebraska delegation attended the first brilliant festivity ol .u. ...nn i-lvon In Vinnnr of th lltU SlilU& ws-urawi. newly married secretary of the treasury nnd Mrs.'McAdno, by Secretary and, Mrs. Bryan, on the spacious grounds of Calumet Place, the secretary's home this evening, consplclous . ond tho , grounds, mingling with the. throngs was the, presl dent clad In whlto flanncla and. chatting fieely with everyone. Tho famous earthen ware punch bowl, which wna the property of Thomas Jefferson was used for serylnd whlto grape Juice punch. Itoontcr, Commits Suicide. This Is the story of the pathetic finish of a rooster who refused to observe tho Wisconsin eugenic statutes. Ho waa an Imported brown fellow, a game cock owned by Harvey Sonneman, and he now lives In a grave. This Is tho Mr Gamecock was head or a hock ot hens, but In the brood from which tho hens were hatched were a couple or ducks, and the gamecocK ana the ducua became boon companions. .All winter they fed together, but In tho spring tho hens asserted their rights. In their Jealousy they pecked at tho duckH nnd the latter were so severely In jured that It was necessary to Kill tnem. Then the rooster ended his life by will ful starvation. Milwaukee Sentinel. For Amntenr Onrilmen', I Tho thing to plant In your hot bd Is, of course, peppers. To havo cucumbers early, order them in time for tho grocer's first delivery. You can avoid backache from pardoning by hiring "a man to do'- the work. A good place to put peas Is next to tha lamb chops.- To raise cabbage quickly, place them oa the dumb waiter and pull tho ropo. Seeds can now be purchased stuck od tapes. If you plant this kind, keep a care' ful lookout for tapeworms. You may procure a' few fresh leeks t favor your spring salad by boring gimlet nuica ill ll, o i uvii uu.me, a oiiun,. ju o .u .1 Transcript. If You Fail to Buy Your- HARDWARE f ' l ti - f K BURNETT' CLOSING OUT SALE You Are Losing Out , on tho Greatest HARDWARE BARGAINS Ever Offered in Omaha. Burnett Hardware Go. 1612 Harney St, Omaha, Neb. Last Chance 00. w MB