Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1914, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 18

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Several Young Omaha Girl to. Make
Formal Bow in Society.
Ont-of-Torrn Gntili Arriving for the
AVrhMrr-Ilreson Weddtnir Tues
day llTrnlntc nl All
SnlnU Church.
Promised Buds for Omaha Society
Soclnl Calr.ndnr.
SUNDAY Mr. John Daugherty, supper at
Country club for Miss Katherlne Dee
eon and Mr. Jack Webster. Miss Eliza
beth Pickens, supper at Country club
for Miss Mary Denman, Mr. Mlton Den
man and Mr Fred Hubbtll of Dcs
Moines. Mis Marguerite Murphy, sup
per for Miss Mary McM&nUs and Mr
John Glasgow.
MONDAY Hchearsal of Webster-Deeson
weddlns. folk-'ed by dinner at Country
club. Mrs. T. U. Davis, Monday Bridge
club. Mrs. Victor Caldwell, luncheon
for Mrs. II. 8. Caldwell and MUs Bald
win. Mr. Paul Wernher. bridge parly
TCESDAY-Webster-Berson wedding at
All 8alnts' church, followed by reception
at home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O Uceeon,
Creche card party, Country club. Mrs,
G. 11, Pratt, luncheon for Mrs. J T
Justus at Field club. Mrs. J. B. Uoyd,
btldgn party for Mrs. It. 8. Caldwell
and Miss Baldwin. Mrs. T. J. Nolan,
luncheon at Happy Hollow club for Mrs,
Klmcr Porter and Mrs. Felix Despecher.
Dlnner-danco at Happy Hollow.
WEDNESDAY Mrs. J. M. Mctcalf, lunch
eon for Mrs. Henry Estabrook. Leary
Murphy wedding at SL Peter's church.
THURSDAY Mrs. J. P. Fallon, luncheon
at Field club for Mrs. Elmer Porter and
Mrs. Felix Despecher.
Km DAY "The Tempest," at Hanscom
Park, Welloaley college benefit.' Wo
men golfers. Country club. Mrs. E. E.
Pterrlcker, tea for Miss Desdemona
Baldwin. Dinner-dance. Seymour Lake
country club. Columbian Circle, card
SATURDAY Mrs. James McKcnna,
luncheon for Mrs. Charles Allan. Dinner-dance
at Country, Field, Happy Hol
low and Carter Lake clubs.
There will be at least nine charming
debutantes this autumn, which fact gives
promise for a brilliant social season.
Last year there were, but two, Miss
Mens Davis and Miss Lucille Bacon. Per
hops some of those who had planned to
come out last year bbjected to starting
their social career In 1013, for of the
young women who will be Introduced this
autumn finished school last year. Nearly
all of the debutantes this season formerly
attended Brownoll Hall, and quite a
number belonged to the sarhe sorority.
Most of the young" women who 'are to
be Introduced during the season will
make their first public appearance at tht
Ak-Sar-Ben ball, where they will be spe
cially honored In attending her majesty,
the queen.
One of the first debut receptions, this
fall will be Riven by Mr .and Mrs. Arthur
Crittenden Smith for their daughter. ,MUs
Harriet Huntington Smith,. This recep
tion will be at their home sometime In
Mss Eleanor Mackay, daughter of Rev.
and Mrs, T. ?,Mapkay, .What has .Just
finished sehbolv tias' -been invited to re
ceive with Mrs. Smith and Miss Har
riet Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and fam- I
lly sail June IS from Boston on the La
conla, to spend- the' summer In Europe.
Miss Frances" Hochstetler, another
debutante, will also spend the summer In
Europe and sails Tuesday ,wlth her
father. Miss Hochstetler attehded school
lost year at Ely .Court,"" and had plan
ned to sperid fart of last winter in
Europe, but the trip was postponed until
this summ'er. '
Miss Stella ThummU, 'who graduated
last week from Ely Coiljt, arrived here
yesterday with h'er mother, arid Miss
Marion Kuhn. who has been visiting In
tho east Both Miss Kuhn '"and Miss
Thummcll make their debuts this fall.
Miss Marie Stewart,- the attractive
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles T.
Stewart of Council Bluffs, haa a host of
friends In Omaha Interested In her social
career. Miss Stewart attends Brlarclltf
school In New York, and la visiting re
latives of Mrs. Stewart in New Jersey
until about June 11. when she will go to
New Haven to attend the Yale senior
eek. Miss Stewart will be tht guest of
Donald McFerren, 'who visited at the
Stewart home last summer und will he
caperoned by Mrs. McFerren. After the
Yale exercises Miss Stewart and the Mc
Ferrens will motor up to Now Ltmdon
for the races and then motor back to
Miss Harriet Met and Miss Eleanor
Mackay have ust finished school at
Mrs, Bomers' In Washington, D. C The
former arrived home ' the first of the
week and has as her guest, her room
.mate. Miss Miles of Los Angeles: Miss
Mackay returned home yesterday after
spending the week as the guest ot Miss
Marlon Pierce, cousin ot Miss Kathtrine
Beeson, who ha been giving a house
party, at her home In Lafayette, Ind.
Miss Anne Olfford. who finished school
at Ely Court last year, and Miss Eugenie
Patterson, who attended school in Wash
ington. D. C, are the other two debu
tantes, making nine so far -who will be
formally introduced this fall.
Wefcjter'Beeaon Wedding Party.
Miss Katherlne Beeson and Mr. Jack
Webster, whose wedding Tuesday even
ing will be one of the large social events
ot the season, are being much enter
talned. Wednesday evening the ushers
entertained at an enjoyable motor plcnlo
to Blair; Thursday evening Tar. and Mrs.
Harold Pritchett gave a box party to see
Omar, the Tentmaker;" Saturday -even-
ing Miss Elizabeth Bruce and Misses
Elizabeth and Menle Davis gave dinner
party at the Country club In their honor;
this evening Mr. John Daugherty enter
tains at supper at the Country club for
the wedding party, and Monday evening
Mr. and Mrs. A. u. Beeson wlU give a
dinner at the Country club, following the
church rehearsal.
A large number of out-of-town guests
are arriving for the wedding. Mr. and
Yrs. Harry Byram will arrive Monday
fem Chicago: Mrs. R. P. Jennings of
Berkeley, Cal arrived Friday for tht
wedding of her niece. Miss Beeson, and
the maid of honor. Miss Marlon Pierce,
who Is a couslu, and her parents. Mr
and Mrs. O. W. Pierce, Jr., from Lafay-
ette. Ind. Mrs. John L. Miller, grand
mother of the bride, Is expected Monday,
end Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Greene of Lincoln
also, Among the guests at the wedding
will be a number of Lincoln people, who
will motor up Tuesday. Miss Harriet
Gillette of Sheridan, Wye, another gradu
ate ot Mrs. Bomers' school this June.
arrived Thu"rdayyith her. mother, and
they are guestt bf Jr. anJy$Jw O. w.
Hcldrega unta after u weoaing,
I IBgeagMgHki. lLLHbL itsintsHst
Tuesday evening. Mlsa Pierce had her
wedding" slippers that is, the pair sne
will wear at tho wedding In a separate
box, which she left under the "berth In
the drawing room, and the loss was not
discovered untlt the train was on Its
way to Lincoln.
Officials, trainmen awl porters galore
were put on the trail of the lost shoes.
After telephoning ahead they were fin
ally found and given Into the safe keep
ing of the station master at Lincoln and
returned to Omaha on the next train,
which left there an hour later.
The loss of the slippers caused much
anxiety, as they are an unusual shade
and were made ot the same material aa
the gown, and, of course, could not be
BrideB of the Week.
Miss Florence Liver, daughter pt Mr.
nnd Mrs. C. B. Liver, became the bride
and Mrs. AVard Burgess with their fam
ilies all expect to spend August there
and plan to" take motor tripe from there.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns have taken
a cottage at OkoboJI on Omaha beach,
and leave here July 1. Mrs. Ben Gal
lagher will open the cottage she had last
year about the some time. Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Hurley
IMoorlicud have engaged cottages, tho
former on Dixon beach and tho latter on
Pike's point Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pler
pbnt and Mr, and Mrs. Howard Smith
will occupy tho same cottage they had
last summer.
Mr. Walter Page, Mr. F. 8. Cowglll and
Mr. C. W. Hull expect to go east In
July to be the guests of Mr. L. F. Cro
foot on his yacht during the .annual
cruise of tho New York Yacht club, of
which Mr. Crofoot la a member.
At the Country Club.
Tho largest dinner party at the club
Saturday evening was given by Miss
Elizabeth Bruce, Miss Elizabeth Davis
and Mies Menlo Davls In honor ot Miss
Katherlne Beeson and Mr. Jock Webster.
Covers were placed for:
Misses Misses
Katherlne Beeson, Mnry Denman
Marlon Pierce of Des Moines,
of Lafayette, Ind.; Hnrriet Gillette of
Lucy Hawk of Sheridan. Wyo,;
Battle Creeks-Mich. Louise Dinning.
Mildred Butler, Elizabeth Bruce,
I'-iizuucm jt-icitens, i'-nzaoein uavis.
Menlo Davis
Jack Webster,
jonn unugncrty,
Harry Koch,
Rood Peters,
Frank Sclbv.
John Caldwell,
liaymnna iow.
Kenneth Patterson,
Off for Tikit atlct Seashores.
PmahanaiHn ehort)yf& off to the
seashore, ttkee ind re obtains.
Mr. and Wri Arthur J&eUne will leave
within a week for thelr-rarlch In the foot
hills of the Rockies.
A number of Omaha people plan to go
to the Massachusetts eoait this summer
nd will hve opiugta at wianno.
Mr and Mr. Joseph Barker and fam
lly leave the latter part of this month
for WJmp. 'Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Wat
tled, Mr. and Mrs. A. U Reed and Mr.
Fred Hubbell of
Des Moines,
Milton Denman of
Des Moines,
Gerald Wharton,.
Wlllard Butler,
Ware Hall,
uen uauagncr.
Mr. and Mrs. llalnh Peters.
Mr. nd Mrs. Harold Pritchett
Mrs. Herman Kountzo entertained
dinner last evening for Mr. Henry D.
Estabrook of New York City, Th. guests
General and Mrs. John C Cqw'InV .' '
Mr. and Mr. O. W. Wattles.
Mr. and Mr. John S. Brady.
Mr. and Mr, John A. McHhane,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wakeley,.
Mr, and Mrs. John L. Webster.
Mrs. H. D. Estabrook.
Mr. Charles E, Squares.
Mrs. J. M. Metcalfe.
Miss Carrie Summers.
Mr. C. 1 Deuel had a hla dinner guest
last evening:
Mr. and Mr. Henry Doorly.
Mr. and Mr. John L. Kennedy. '
Mr. and Mr. 8. H. Caldwell,
Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Lako.
Mrs, Samuel Doorly ot New York.
Mrs. Arthur Keellno.
Miss France Weasels,
Mr. Elmer Cope.
Mr. Stockton Heth.
Mr. and Mr. E. P. Peck gave a dinner
party and had a guestst
Dr. and Mrs. J. B Rummers,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker.
Mr. David Stone ot Honolulu.
Mrs. R. B. H. Bell ot Kearney.
Dr. WV Q. Bridges. .
Mr. Earl Gannett.
European Travelers
Mr. and Mrs. William Balrd will sail
shortly for a trip abroad and plan to
spend several weeks visiting In Scotland,
where Mr, Balrd ha relative.
Mrs. S. F. Neble and daughter. Mis
Franoe Neble, plan to. sail from New
York for Denmark on the steamer Helllg
Olav. The captain of the steamer la a
friend of Mr. Neble. While In Denmark
they will visit Mrs. Neble' father.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor White have en
gaged passage on La Touratne, sailing
June 27 from Montreal, the same boat on
T hlch Dr. and Mrs. Despecher will saU.
Mr. Lake Deuel went over to Chicago
Wednesday to meet hi fiancee. Mlsa
. - g ufex
' m k . i .v sbbbibbibbbbbbbbw
aMgflgggHr?y LsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVIbbbbbbbbbbbbbV
WES? EsUIMksllllK
Mildred Rogers, and her mother, Mr, j
Warren Rogers, who landed on the Im
perator Wednesday from five month
abroad. They are expected In Omaha
this week.
Eeturns from Brussells.
tils Luella Anderson I visiting her
parent, Mr. and Mr. Frank Anderson.
Mis Anderson has been studying violin
for three years with Oscar Back of the
Royal Conservatory of Brussels. In addi
tion to hor studies. Miss Anderson was
tho Brussels correspondent ot the Musi
cal Courier. She expect to Return to
Brussels this fall to contlnuo her studies
and her work for the Musical Courier.
Before, .going abroad Mlas Anderson
taught .at Mornlngslde college, Sioux City.
7 .
At the Field. Club.
Mr. C. II. Pratt will entertain forty
guests at luncheon at the Field club Tues.
day in honor ot her sister, Mr. L. C.
Justus ot Blusston, Ind.
Mrs. J. P. Fallon will entertain at a
farewell luncheon at the Field club Thurs
day In honor of Mr. Elmer Porter and
Mr. Felix Despecher. who leave soon
tor Europe,
George T. Wright had eleven guests;
John Lavelle, four; J. H. Mlthen, four;
II C. Nicholson, eights R. C. Wagner,
six; A. L. Lott six; Dr. Dunham, four;
F. E. Tearcc, eleven; Lee Jlerdman. lx;
O. D. Thomas, five; J. W, Ilughe. four;
W. IL Butt, four.
Mr. G. Harley Conant had a his guest
at dinner lost evening;
Mr. and Mr. W. J. Pickering,
Mr. and Mr. C. O. Wllaon.
Mr. and Mrs. James Waugh,
Mr. and Mrs, C. D. Whiting,
Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Hause.
Mr. and Mr. Lee Huff,
Mr. John Sheehan of Chicago,
Mr. J. A. Zellerof New York.
Mr. and Mr. F. W. Judson had a their
guest at dinner.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Palmer.
Mrs. Matthews,
Miss Margaret Matthews,
Mlas Dorothy Judson.
Dr. Anderson. 4
At Happy Hollow.
A special program of musto and fancy
ball room dancing has been arranged for
Saturday evening at tho club, following
the regular table d'hote dinner and pre
ceding the dancing Mlas Hazel Silver, ac.
eompanled by Mrs. Walter O. Silver, will
give several vooal selections .and Mlsa
Mary Aid and Mr. Reynold Gate will
dance the Brazllllan Maxlxe and other
new dance.
Member of the Leary-Murphy wedding
party dined together at the Happy Hoi
low club Saturday evening. Cover were
laid for:
of Mr. Hans A. Eggersa Tuesday morn
ing at the home of the bride's parents,
Rev. T. J. Mackay officiating.
A wedding of local Interest at Broken
Bow last week was at St John Dplseo
pal church In Broken Bow on Wednes
day morning, June . when Mis Mary
Emily Morgan, daughter of Judge and
Mrs. Alpha Morgan, was given In mar
riage to Mr. Chester Cameron Wells of
omaha. Rev. W. W. Wells, rector at
Valentine, Neb., officiated, assutcd by
Rev. R. B. H. Bell, rector ot the Kearney
Military academy. The bridal party In
cluded MU Harrlette Bobllta of White
hall, bridesmaid, and Mr. Theodore E.
Nelson of Omaha groomsman, together
with Miss Margaret Gerow of Kearney
and Mr. John O. Moran ot Calloway, at
Mis Dorothy Newcombe, daughter of
Mr. Perry Newcombe of this city, re
turned from school .at Roland Hall In
Provo, Utah, last week, and was mar
ried to Dr. Leo D. Harman ot Maysvllte,
Mo. Rev. F. D. Tyner of St Andrews
church officiated and only relatives were
Miscellaneous Shower.
Miss Viola Gustafson entertained Tues
day evening at a miscellaneous shower
for Miss Luclnda William Miss WIN
Hams was the recipient of many useful
and pretty gifts. Those present were:
Tookey Brown.
Ethel Nelson,
Llda Voss,
Myrtle walkor,
Mary Berg.
Nellie Rotholz,
Viola Gustafson,
Anna Dwarak,
Luclnda Williams,
Clara Holtz,
Edith Uanan.
Blanche Bmlth,
Mary William.
Ellen Larsen,
Ruth Miller,
Ben Williams.
Edgar Gufitnfson,
Bklney iweicner,
Harry Gustafson.
Kmll Gustafson,
J. B. Tlrown.
Ray V. Rentfrow.
Charles Ackerman,
Margaret Munroe,
Alma Nelson,
Rose KUIIan,
Alice Sandel,
Lela Foe Rentfrow,
Lcona Bates,
Mabel Bmlth,
Lily Gustafson,
Effio Johnson,
Edna Harris,
Nellie Bates,
Ella Miller.
Edna Hllbourn,
Grace Ackerman.
Theodorr Gustafson,
Arthur Cooper,
Albert Gustafson,
Joo Bates.
W. C. Williams.
Engagements Announced.
Miss Nellie Law of Henry, 111., who has
frequently been a visitor at the home" of
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Webster and ha
many friend here, will be married on
Juno 24 to Mr, Walter Duke of Henry.
111. Miss Law returned a short time ago
from a trip to Japan and China snd her
engagement announcement a week &go
came as a surprise to her Omaha friend.
Mr. and Mr. Prlnz expect to attend tho
Mr. and Mrs August Peterson announce
the engagement ot their daughter, Clara,
and Mr. Jacob Elsasser, son ot Mr. and
Mrs. J. Elsasser of Cheyenne, Wyo. No
date has been set for the wedding.
Engagement Reception.
Mr. and Airs. H. oreenberg win receive
at their home, tSS South TwentyrfouTth
avenue, between the hours ot 2 and 7, In
honor of .their daughter. Pearl, and Mr.
Jack Alberta, "whoso engagement was an
nounced recently.
The room will be attractively decorated
In blue and white festoons and spring
flowers. Thpse who wUl assist are
Mesdames Katherlne Martin, Sarah Brod-
key, Rose Slobodlnaky and Minnie Green
stone of Lincoln, Neb.a
In Honor of Bride.
Miss Marguerite Murphy will entertain
at dinner at her home this evening In
honor of Miss Margaret McManus and
Mr, John Rayley Glasgow, whose mar
riage will be celebrated this month.
Peonies and roses' will bo used In the
decorations and covers will be laid for
eight guests.
Three Beautiful June Brides
Nee Mips JlaxyExmlyflorj,
nm rrr
JVc : .
nr. t ii .
j. j.133 jjorothy
at the home of the bride's parents Only
the Immediate relatives will witness tbo
ceremony. A reception is to be.' held In
the evening from 8 to 10 o'clock.
Wednesday morning at the church ot BS,
Peter and Paul In Atlantic. After a short
wedding trip 'the young couple will be at
home in Omaha.
Wnnri.'RiiTtT VJeAAinrr ' Wnt.TmTiBnn.'Hn.rris WftrlrUnc Plan.
The marriage of Mr. John J. Moqrf, j The wedding or Ml Irene Henrietta
eon. of Mr. and Mr. Edward Moore of
this city and Mlsa Hattle Baxter, daugh
ter ot Mr. and Mrs Charles N. Baxter
of Atlantic, la., will be celebrated on
Harris, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Barney
Harris of this city, and Mr. Nat L, Na
thanson of Toronto, Ont, will take place
"Wednesday evening, June 17, at 6 o'clock
Euhen-Belzer Wedding.
The marriage of Mr. Arthur Rubin, son
of Mrs. A. Ruben and Miss Ida Belzer.
will bo celebrated this afternoon at 5
o'clock, Rabbi H. Grodlnsky officiating.
Tho wedding of Miss Graoa D. Newton" ,
and Mr. Earlo L. Mauer took place at J
the home of the brido's parents, Mr. and '
Mrs. Albert Newton, at 8 o'clock Thurso
day evening. Rev. C. W. jMcCaskUli pas
tor of tho Hanscom Park Methodist
church, read the wedding lines. f
Miss Bvelyn Mauer, ststor 'of ,?the
groom, played tho Lohengrin wedding
marchc ,
The, bride wore a gown of jWjilte -. em
broldered voile and a tulle vell;hel'd in
place by lilies of the valley. She carried
a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley
and bride's roses.
Miss Hattle Brandos was maid of honor
and carried Mrs. Ward roses.
Tho house was decorated with plnK
roses, peonies and. palms. .
Mr. Raymond Chapman was best mart
Little Maria Grace' Feyerelsen of Water
loo, la., carried the rings In a white satin
basket filled with rose petals. Her mothers
Mrs. , John Feyerelsen, was. matron of
Mr, and Mrs. .Mauetfjiave 'gone to Colo
rado on their wedding trip -and will b(4
(Continued on Page Nine.)
Fine Furniture at Special Prices High Grade Pieces and Complete Suites
S 175. 00 Three-piece Parlor Suite, mahogany, volour covering, loose cushions, extra heavy,
completo for' $100.00
$125.00 Chippendale Sofa, covered In covert cloth, special 00.00
$ 87.60 Black Leather Turkish Chair, hair filling, special at 05.00
$125.00 Tapestry Covered 7-foot long Bed Davenport, special 80.00
$120.00 Solid Mahogany Frame Bed Davenport, black leather covering, special 80.00
$ 92.50 Mahogany Bed Davenport, black leather covering, special 78.00
$ 80.00 Solid Mahogany Buffot, 48 Inches long, special , 40.00
$120.00 72-inch Mahogany Buffet, special 00.00
$017.00 Eight-piece Sheraton Mahogany Bedroom Suite, twin beds, dresser, dressing table,
Somnoe and three chairs, complete for 450.00
$629.00 Eight-piece Poster Suite, solid mahogany, twin beds, complete for 500.00
Beautify the Complexion
Nadinola CREAM
The Uncqualed Bcautlfler
Guaranteed to remove
tan, freckles, ptmples,
liver spots, etc. Extreme
cases about twenty days.
Rids pores and tissues of Impurities.
Leves tho skin clear, soft, healthy.
Two sizes, 50c. and $1.00. By toilet
counters or mail.
Bol4 br Sherman St MeCanU Drue Bterea, DM
ton Dro C., BrandtU Drue DtpC od olam.
Helen Murphy,
Margaret Duggan
of Sioux City.
Edward Murphy,
xxiwara iesry.
Josephine- Murphy,
Nan Murphy,
Mary Rurkley,
Norbert Leary,
Harold Thompson,
Arthur J. McShaiM.
R. F. Paulsen" had three guests at din
neV Saturday evening; A. P. Bloom, four;
W. a. Bllver. four: W. D. Williams, als;
F. R. Bultta four, and C E. Trimble six.
Wedding Slipper Are Pound.
There 'was considerable excitement at
the Burlington station Saturday, rooming-,
when Miss Marion Fierce of Lafayette,
Ind., arrived here to serve as maid of
honor at the wedding ot her cousin, Miss
Katherlne Beeson, and Mr. Jack Webster
Every Child's Magazine
Wlills Only fty Cents a Tear.
Prtce Will Later Be One Dollar.
Beautiful Premiums for Saw
314-318 South lstn street.
Telephone K, 0637. Omaha, Web.
You Know the Value I
I ef Keeping Things Clest I
Bd Slid! Of WllOi IMK
H Vfcone Harney 48SI. H
4010 Hamilton Street,
McDougall . Kitchen Cabinet ,.
One dollar down places one of these
cablnts In your home. Balance on easy
payment by the club plan. The wood
in these cabinets is the golden oak, dull
finish, waterproofed. These cabinets
have metal covered sliding tablo tops,
42x28 Inches, and when pulled out give
a working space ot 42x38 inches. There
is also a removable all-metal sifter flour
bin, metal bread and cake box. new
sanitary swinging glass sugar bin ana
class spice iars. Please notice espe
cially the disappearing door. This is a
very convenient feature, allowing the
front of the cabinet to be opened with
out the necessity of clearing the table
top as must be done with cabinets hav
ing swinging doors. A demonstration
of the McDougall features will convince
you that it Is the most complete ktchen
cabinet to be bad. Prices, $27.50 to
Porch FurnitureComfortable, Artistic, Durable
Green, or brown fibre porch furniture, in which the
lines are most artistic. Chairs or rockers similar to
tho. Illustration, at prices, $4.00 to $18.50 each. Porch
desks at prices, $10.00 to $20.00 each, as well as a
number of porch stands and tables at very special
prices. The coUch hammocks are especially desirable, as
they are roomy, comfortable and artistic, and will per
form "excellent service Inside or outside the house. For
porch Use they are Ideal. Prices, $5.00, $8.75 and
$18.50 each.
Collapsible Sulkies
Collapsible sulkies, similar to the.
Illustration, hard rubber tires, black
Imitation leather upholstered seats
and back. Light weight, easily han
dled and a very handy cart. Prices,
$2.50, $3.00, $4.60 up to $7.50 each.
Ideal Fireless Cook Stove
An automatic maid that never gets careless,
never wants a day out, never burns the food, 'that
relieves you of three-fourths of your kitchen
work, saves four-fifths of your fuel bill, and cooks
the most delicious meals you ever tasted. It
roasts, bakes, steams, stews, fries or bolls. No
other tireless cook-stove like It. Prices ranging
from $10.50 to $32.00.
Cretonne A line ot high-grade cretonne at
special prices is unusual during June, which Is
the biggest cretonne month ot the year.
40c Cretonne, 86 Inches wide, all colors, spe
cial, B5o yard. Others at 65c, 75c, to $1.50 yd.
Cream-colored madras, 40 fnches wide, comes
in all kinds ot patterns, small, medium and
large. Prices from 85c yard to 75c yard.
66c cream-colored scrim, 42 Inches wide, with
border In drawn work, special, per yard, 30c.
We make to order curtains, portieres, dra
peries, slip covers, reupholster old or new furni
ture ask us for estimates.!
Porch screens, Wood web, in dark green,
brown or natural color:
Size 4, regular price $3.50, special S2.C5.
Size 6, regular price,, $5.50, special $3.45.
Size 8, regiil&r price $7.50, special $4.05
Size 10, regular pi te $9.50. special $0.35.
Savings on High Grade Furniture
Regular Special
Price. Price.
80-inch Lifetime Buffet $120.00 $85.00
60-lnch Lifetime Buffet 70.00 50.7b
Fumed Oak Settee 62.50 50.00
Fumed Oak Chest, cedar lined. .. . 34,00 27.50
Fumed Oak Chair, adjustable back,
footrest, upholstered in leather. 45.00 30.50
From the best makers ot rugs,
Whittal's, Bigelow's and Hartford's,
and colorings to suit all: 1
4-6x 6 $10.00 and
4-6x 7-6 12.50 and
6 x 9 22.50 and
8-3x10-0 82.50 and
9 x 9 28.50 and
9 xl2 85.00 and
10-6x12 44.00 and
Regular $14,00 6 x 9,- special.
Regular $21.50 8-3x10-6, special.
Regular $22.50 9 xl2, special.
Regular $29.50 11-3x12, special.
Jlckel trimmings, roller cyco bearing, $3.50
Japan trimming, roller cyco bearing. $2.75
such as
in prices
$ 8.75
. 17.00
. 18.50
If You Wish
4i5-17 South 16th Street
If you live but of
Omaha write
for catalog.