13 A COLE COMPANYHAS NEW LINE Shows Its 1915 Models to Visitors at the Race Meet. HAVE ADDED A LITTLE SIX THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE- JUNE 7, 1914. Pnrrer and Speed Are Only Incl ilctilnl ftunUflctvllnna of the Nctt Model Mnny Can Sold by Cole ReprrscntntlreB. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Juno 6.-Ths Colo Motor Car company, manufacturers pt the Standardized Cole, took odvantaso pt tho blB speedway crowd visiting hero and showed their full 1915 Cole tine, which will consist of a four-cylinder, a little six and a bltt six model. The attractive lino made a striking appearance In the big new Cole plant and bore out fully tho recent statement from President J. J. Cole that standardization keeps quality up and Price down. Tho fact that Colo has added a little six to his lino is In no way a surprise, for it was known that as long as a year ngo last March tho manufacturer of the Standardized Cole showed his representa tives such a model nt a distributers con ference held here. Hut at the time ie advised against placing It on tho market, as It was not up to Colo standards. The little six now available In tho Colo line Is a tribute to tho keen foresight of President Cole and Is in no way in the nature of an engineering experiment. I Inn Two Ilccorda. Tho little six comes to tho public with two records to its crodlt, for In its testa Chief Engineer Charles Crawford broke the Indianapolis speedway pleasuro car top-and-wlndshleld-up record by wheel ing the car -around two and one half miles at over sixty miles an hour. Visitors to tho Colo factory who rode in the car say that power and speed are only Incidental qualifications in tho new model. The car also broke the Detrolt-to- Indianapolis road record, making the tun in railroad express through a blinding rainstorm. it Is significant to know that as a result of the Cole opening hero in Indianapolis bpeedway. week 310 Col motor cars weru sold to new motorists or Colo representa tives. Of this number 107 Colo motor cars of the new models were driven over land to their new homes; tho remaining 212 Colo cars aro to bo shipped. Colo did not have the full number ready for deliv ery. Thero were 149 Colo llttlo sixes sold. t.vecty-four being driven overland; 112 Colo four-cylinder models sold, sixty-four- being driven homo and fifty-eight orders received for tho big six, nineteen going overland. Tho new lino Is completely standardized. Each model has the world's recognized utandard unlta such as the three-point suspended Northway unit power plant. tho highest quality and strongest typo front and rear Tlmken axles and bear ings, Mayo radio, Splcer universal Joints, Gemmer steering gear, hydraulic pressed steel frames, Detroit Steel Product springs, .Rich Tungsten steel valves. Stromberg carburetor, Delco electric light ing, starting and;iGnit(on,aystem, Janney Stelnmetz gasoline tank, Firestone tires and demountable rims and the Cole-Stew art-Warner Gravity gasoline control. Drive New Machines r IJome frqin Factory In order that they -might noV be dis appointed in procuring 1914 Oakland cars, for which they had 'already placed or ders. ' a party of. Oakland enthusiasts of Davenport, la., traveled over 400 miles (to Pontoac arid descended upon the factory In a body, buying their cars on the spot. (FtoUowins; tha announcement twto weeks ago that the Oakland 1914 output was oversold and learning that the Thpmas Auto '.company,, who sell Oak- lands. In Davenport could not guarantee delivery. It waa decided -not to risk ireignt snipment ana a party was organized to make a trip to tho factory. There wcro twenty-eight in tho party and they" wero' accbmpanled by two of the representatives of tho Thomas Auto company- After being conducted over tho Oak land plant and gaining an Insight Into the manufacturing methods, the visit ors completed their Individual purchases. The new owners took immediate pos session of their cars and, combining business with pleasure, drove the fleet of Oakland the entire 400 miles on the return Journey. I BETS WAGERED AGAINST - FOREIGN MAKE OF TIRES Goux, the wiry Frenchman, whose sen sational driving captured last year's Indianapolis sweepstakes, found thou sands of bets placed against him this Decoration day; when It was announced that he would uso foreign tires this year, Never before have tires figured so prominently in both the betting and th race Itself. "A mighty battle of tires" was silrely a proper name for this great est of racing events. Faster by far than last year, with tires literally red hot un der the scorching, grinding and gruel lng speed of the heavy cars. Firestcne tires helped Goux to victory last yca. and In the reverse ratio foreign tlrcn were his undoing this year, With all tire changes, he had no chance of winning, even though his speed be tween stops was wonderful. Barney Oldfitld in a Stuts crossed the wire ahead of all other American car. It was a great victory for Barney and the veteran driver was wildly applauded during the entire race. His cool daring and his suro and deliberate Judgment proved that he Is not only dean of the one and two-mile dirt track, but Ameri ca's favorite long distance racer aa well. He used Firestone tires, two of them go ing through the entire race unchanged, Barney's speed averaged 73.15 miles per hour for the 600 miles which Is considera bly faster than the time Goux made last year when he won the race. GRANTING OF SALOON j LICENSE IS UPHELD Decision upholding the granting of a saloon ltcente to Joseph O'Brien by the t'lllag' board of Florence over the pro teet of an employe of the Lelsy Brewing company was rendered by District Judge button. Notice of appeal was served BURGLARS TAKE MONEY AND GROCERIES FROM STORE H. Lincoln, 3454 Leavenworth street, re ports to the police that during Friday night .burglars gained entrance to his store and stole about 110 worth of gro ceries and 2 In cash. 2549- o 1st i I K. K 5 t ERIC NfECLSOM, Manager Farnam St. Phone Douglas It's Here Today- That Light Lozier Four $2100 YOU'VE DREAMED as thousands of others have dreamed, "Some day I'll own a Lozier, too." THAT DREAM is now possible of realization. This Lozier at $2100 is within your reach at the price you want to pay. YOU'VE ASKED many times, as others have asked, "Why doesn't some concern like Lozier build a car of quality and yet at a price within my reach" or appropriation, which is the same thing. LOZIER HEARD heard you and heard thousands of others ask the same thing for a car bearing the Lozier name-plate as a guarantee of Lozier quality and yet selling "around $2000". AND THIS LOZIER FOUR is the response to that demand that need that desire. A Four built just as well as Lozier knows how and what concern knows better or has a better reputation for embodying the best it knows in its product. A "ONE HUNDRED PER CENT CAR" in every last detail including the "hidden excellence" for which all Loziers are famous seating up to seven passengers and yet selling for $2100. NOT A "SIX," BECAUSE we found after going into the matter thoroughly, that a six could not be made at that price and you said "around $2d00" you will recall. Not at that price with out skimping at many points in materials, work and finish. Points you might not notice when the car was new but which Lozier would know all the time and Lozier standards permit no such practice. SO IT'S A FOUR, as it Bhould be as it must be in a car of that passenger capacity and that price and made as it must be made before we will attach that Lozier name-plate. THIS CAR IS BUILT FOR YOU assuming now that you are one of that rapidly increasing class of buyers who ask about maintenance cost be fore asking the price. And who insist on proof not mere claims or assertions. YOU'LL WANT TO SEE THIS sensational car of course. Not to tsee it not to know all about it and be able to discuss it intelligently when the talk turns to the latest things automobile, is to argue yourself uninformed on a matter that is considered vital in the automobile trade at this moment YOU'LL WANT TO SEE THIS CAR because it is the Four that stemmed the tide of big, cheap sixes big only in terms of wheel base and bulk and cheap only in first cost. YOU'LL WANT TO SEE THIS FOUR for the same reason every man in the trade inspected and discussed it during the Automobile show. Because it is the car most worth seeing this year. AND YOU'LL WANT TO SEE IT because this Lozier was designed for you made to your heart's desire just as if, in response to that de sire you have so often expressed , you, instead . of Lozier had made it You'll want to see this four. DETAILS? NOT HERE. Space forbids. 5 side, there are some things one cannot quately describe in cold type. Have to be seen to be fully appreciated and enjoyed. And you will enjoy some of the Perrin features in this Four features you will find on many other fours next season. This season they are ex clusively Lozier. CLEVER YES. SIMPLE VERILY. And sane and logical and right at every point. Design like all Loziers just a little more artistic, just a little more individualistic just a little more to your taste. But you'll have to see the car in order ,to appreciate fully. OF COURSE YOU KNOW that more Lozier Fours were sold at retail during the New York, show than of any other make in that class. Hundreds of demonstrations boqked since and we can get only so many Lozier FourB. So that's another and perhaps the best reason why you'll want to see this car at the earliest possible moment IT'S HERE JUST ARRIVED today for your inspection. THIS AD WILL BE READ by thousands of peo ple today. Not all of them will be in to see this car. But we expect the biggest crowd the most enthusiastic reception committee that ever greeted a new model on its debut You'll be there of course. What We Offer You Instead of Superf luous Cylinders Special mountain climbing type Lozier motor. 300 to 500 pounds saved in weight Four speed transmission with di rect drive on third speed. Tungsten steel valves. Gun iron pistons. C,hrome-silico-manganese springs. Silent floating rear axle. "The Choice of Men Who Know" New top can be operated by a woman. Quick acting side curtains. One-hand operated windshield. Silent chain engine drive. Convex rounded fenders. Tire pump motor driven. Electric headlight dimmers. Instant locking rear tire carrier. Original Lozier streamline body. easy Instrument board within reach of driver's hand. Gray & Davis electric starting and lighting system. Cleared running boards. Corrugated hard rubber steering wheel. 36ft turning radius. Full seven or five-passenger body with disappearing extra seats. fit , ! WIQ I ? FV Four $2100 ANNOUNCEMENT The Lozier Motor Company is pleased to announce that the Auto Sales Company, 2549 51 Farnam Street, have taken on the Lozier Line in Omaha and are ready to give prompt and efficient service to owners of Lozier Cars. Wo Invito you to call on them at their salesroom, 2640-51 Farnam Street, and Inspect the new Loxler Light WrtH.byE.L.K.rr.tUri L?J? fLi V.16 n?dornt Price toilers which are causing such a Coprrf.lu br LI Mir 0,pr. D.trotl Profound inflation this season. 6134: I 3 1 I 3 bJ a J I I L J I i row I 3 3