Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 12

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    TZ IS.
Hayden Brothers Have Been in Busi
ness Here Twenty-Seven Years.
More Room nnil Ilptlrr Accommoda
tion for tfar Sixty Dcpnritnenl
"lVulch fSo In Mnkr Up Thin
Mcnlrrn .StnrC
It was twenty-seven yer ago today
that the doora of the Mayden nrolhe"rfl
(tore were first thrown open to the :iit
lie In Omaha. In a little building n'Hh u
frontage of thirty-three feet on sixtseitn
street between Douglas and Dodjo
They had come to Omaha, recognlilriff
th vast possibilities of the iihmeht
grain belt, and the natural advantage
ot the location of Omaha. The develop
ment of" the country occurred more rap
Idly than they had even dared hfiptf
wlien they started In business here, .ihd
Oni&ha waa even ahead of the surround
ing country In Its building.
With the Increase In bus.ness In ti4
Gate City, Hayden Drothtrs oxert.U
themselves to keep pace with the marsh
of progress. The city grew and grew,
and their business became larger ilrtd
larger. The little store waa expanded to
nvet the growing demands of the but!
ness. Additional frontage on Douglas
street was secured, and more room was
added to the big store. The growth,
rapid aa It was, could hardly provide
adequate quarters for the business, and
tt was expanded until today, almost four
aires ot floor space are Included unilcr
the roof ot Hayden Brothers store.
Omabn Treat Tliem Well.
"Omaha has dealt kindly with in,"
said Jamea Hayden, In speaking of tneir,
business here. "Time also has been
lenient, and 'though we Have been rushed
t& keep pace with the growth of duf
buslntss, we have today-s.xty separate
and complete 'departments In the atore,
each well supplied with Its Individual
lift of goods."
The Immense Increase In the volume
of business during., tne, twenty-seven
years Haydcr. Brothers havo been herd
made Immediate alterations In the store
an absolute necessity. As a result, dur
ing the last few months tho store hat
been completely remodeled from the base
ment to tho fifth floor. Those who
visited the big department atore a (aw
months ago would hardly recognise it
because ot these changes.
Grocery Department Unlnrgert.
In the basement the entire space has
been given . over to groceries, meats,
hardware, candles and liquor. The rooms
art connected with wldo arches, miking
tha entire baacment practically one his
room, with broad utsles tu accommodate
the- crowds of shoppers. With the re
modeling pt the basement new .fixtures
and devices havo been Installed to make
the food departments the most satnltary
Jri the west. Heavy Bias's cases' protect
meats from pbsalble contamination tram
dust or genns. Likewise, vegetables and
irtllts are protected "by screens, while
attractive counters have 'been arranged
for tho most convenient display In cacn
of the basement departments.
Perhaps the biggest change In the' store
occurred on the first flpor, when the
partitions between th'e east room and
the middle room were practically torn
out, A njwstalrcatc, jvao' built to the
sec6nd floorTwhlle tbe'departmenta were
thrown together with broad aisles and
huge archways.
Plenty '"Siinllsht."
In tha dry goods department, the Dodge
street front was reconstructed entirely
of glass, to permit the soft north light
tin flood tha entire room, So finer facili
ties for the particular examination ot
go6ds or the matching of colors can ho
tound In the city, and tho silk depatt
ment has been especially arranged to
benefit from this change.
On the second and, third floor! the,
different department havo been ;on
r.tcted with spacious archways, continu
ous alales, and generous stairways. The
displays on both floors havo been so
arranged aa to make tne chango & .uoit
attractive one.
In remodeling the fourth floor, stock
rooms have been eliminated In the calcu
lating, the chief aim having been to pro
vide selling space. To this end the sfoc'x
room on the fourth floor was eliminated,
and the Immense stock of crockery fttvl
queentware instead .is displayed to nn
advantage there, This is ono ot the
largest, It not the l&rgost, department
of Its kind in the middle- west.
Twenty-four delivery wagora and a
smalt army ot automobiles art kept busy
throughout the day distributing the many
purchases among the-homos ot the cus
tomers. Try HnrdMVi First.
"Try Haydens First," was the motto
of Hayden Brothers when they opened
the business here. The' success of the
motto ot course depended on the sue-,
eel of the firm to please customer.
They did succeed in a great measure,
and "Try Hayden' First" has been re
tained and scattered broadcast through
the country and city, until It has !
cbme a household word.
"1 am sorry that JoseiSh Hayden hat
pot returned from his trip around th
wirld." said Manager Tom Quintan', "be
cause this wilt be one of the greatiJt
anniversaries in the h'-story of the store.
However, I have been In' communication
With him, and aa a result, we wilt this
week make some ot the most Important
ales announcements in the history ot
th retail business ot .Omaha. They will
t Important to us. but even more Im
portant to the public. bcaue Hayden
Brothers never do things by halves."
British. Empire Will
Have Bar Association
"LONDON, June 6. A movement I uw
(flerwiy to organize In the British empire
v Tear association modeled on the lints
ot the American Bar association. LOrd
Jfaldane spoke before the American Bar
association at- Its annual' meeting Ult
7ar and it la believed -that the nthui
laatio report which he brought back ot
tha activities of the , American organiza
tion baa .hastened the determination to
ImltMs It for the bs.r of the British em
.It ha long, been, recognized that tha
EnglUh bar sorely needs sutth. an or
ganization, 'Which would meet at stated
time for the. discussion of question ot
th highest Interest to the profession,
and it Is deemed unworthy of a bar with
deb traditions that it should not enjoy
tha opportunities afforded by an or
ganization like the American Bar aso
elation. The Bar council meets once a
year for a half an hour to adopt It
annual report ndps vote of thank.
but tbta doe not,. correspond with 'the
Paulist Choir
Prima donnas who shoot marbles, throw
snowballs and wear freckle when not
Singing hlKh 8, executing oolornture cad-
llzas or Intoning Intrlrato cadenfces will
j be nmrh In evidence at the Auditorium
$ll Friday afternoon and evening, June
J it: when the Paulist Choristers, under
J the direction of Father Finn will Klve
: niot unlquo concerts. Hcldom I the con-
eort Rocr afforded bo exceptional an up-
portunlty to hear remarkable voices both
on nolo and ensemble aa on this occa
sion, and large audiences aro expected.
Attired In their vestments, the seventy
fjve boys and njen make a pretty plrv.
lure ns they file In from the wings an.l
tslto their places In the tiered scnta on
the stage. Several little chaps have to
cl'mb Into their cha'm, their dangtlng'lPga
(Itarlng tho floor by Six or eight Inches.
There aro led haired, tow headed, raven
locked hoyn; there nre long, thin, fat tin!
Short boys-Just regular boys, but whn
they open their mouths tho transforma
tion Is almost magical. They not only
can sing, hut they do alng, and If hereh.-s
still dlsbolleve ,n the colcstlal choir
theory It Is because they never heard the
raullct Choristers In uch masterpecc3
Omaha Letter
Aftsbclntlun No.
15 is rnlslnf; a
nnd to entertain
the national
convention of
"Letter Carriers
atT&maha in
aa Dubois' "Thou Today,"
berger's "Quando Corput."
A a soloist Master Benjamin Hart
r.ett is given a place of honor In the
concerts, his less talented boy associate
exhibiting as much enthusiasm In .ila
success an do tho audiences, which aro
captivated to a rcmarkablo degTee by this
boy's rare voice. Operatic and oratorio
arias of the kind usually associated with
stars like Melba or Tctrazzlnl ho gives
with case and artlatry, his tone being aa
round, full and beautiful aa a Woman's.
Father William J. Finn, who has di
rected this great organization from lta
beginning. Is the first man In this coun
try to make good use of boys' voices aa
they do In Europe With Infinite patience,
tie haa trained tho Juveniles to sing with
tclcntlflo correctness and their natural
Innocence and the purity of their tones,
combined with Jaultlcss execution make
their, songs messages of' sweet,' soothing
nnd inspiring music.
"1 closed my eyes nnd Imagined that
I heard a pipe organ played by 'a master
musician," said a woman whose emotions
wer swayed. , , ,
It Is expected that the matlnee-audlenco
for tho concert at t d'clodc1' will bo com
posed largely of children and nuns from
the parochial schools and children and
teacher from' the public achools.
The offering has some added local In
terest, owing to the fact that Mr. Victor
Klebba, oon of Mrs, F. Klcbba, 418 South
Twenty-sixth street. Is with tho Taullst
choir. Mr .Klebba, who la 22 years old,
sings baritone. Formerly he sang in St. expected to attend the national conven
Peter's choir In this pity. Ho ha been tlon of letter carrier to be held In Omaha
connected with the rauilst choir for the
great' annual conventions of the Ameri
can organization.
Tho movement will begin' with the bar
of England, then the bars of the United
Kingdom will bo tken In and ultimately
It s planned to Include the dominion!
and -"colonies. It Is expected that, the
definite proposals of the organization will
be submitted to the Kngllch bar in a
short time.
Norway Will Try to
Induce Its People to
Avoid United States
CHIUSTIAN1A. June S. The .treament
ot Norwegians at the Immigration station
at' Ulll Island, New York, has been re
ceiving criticism In Parliament. Several
menjbers of the Storthing have made
sf-ecch'c In which they cited Instance of
llltreatment of Norwegian Immigrants
der detention there tund the foreign
nunlftr naa asked pointedly what he
.intended to do about it.
The discussion arose from tho story
recently published here of a IS-year-old
coy, who was detained at Kills Island
for a whole month before he waa sent
back to Norway. It was asserted that
he' i'a kept prisoner and that only one
of . Several letters which he wrote ever
reached Its destination.
The protesting members in Parliament
did not criticise the Immigration laws ot
the Un.ltcd States, but they Insisted that
Norwegians detained under these laws
should be properly treated.
M. Thlen In answer to the interpella
tions, quoted some of the most Important
sections of the American immigration
net -and said that too often tho Nor
wegian emigrant failed to comply with
the rtKtllatlona because of Irnornnm. He
agreed. that there were cases ot exceptional ,
eeverlty and cited that of a Norwegian
wqman and her four children who -were
detained because the paper by which her
father-in-law guaranteed that the family
would not become a public charge waa
dated a year before their arrival. She
was allowed to enter while her ease
was on appeal, after her relatives had
raised JO0 ball for each child, but in the
meantime one of the children died In the
hospital through careless treatment, ac
cording to charges to the Norwegian
leiailon In Wathlngton.
The intnlster pointed out what a dif
ficult situation tho United State had to
face,- with thougand of immigrants, a
gfeat many of whom were illiterate, con
stantly pouring into Its gates. He then
agreed that the foreign office ahould get
full information about the treatment of
Norwegians at Bills Island which should
be published, with extracts from Ameri
can immigration law warning Norweg
ian ot the risk they run in attempting
to enter the United States.
Everybody read Beo WamV'Ad
to Sing -for Omaha Audience
Tkcrm&a Hc GranaKaax.
last eight months and is studying com
mercial art at tho Art Institute tn Chi
cago. The Omaha branch of the National As
sociation ot Letter Carriers is asrnln un-
dertnklng a big musical event to bring
Into Its treasury tho reaulred amount
necessary to entertain the 4.000 ncrsons
in 1915. The first concert given for this
American Speeds
Up British Trains
LONDON, June 6. The railroad world
hero Is watching with much Interest the
efforts of II. W, Thornton, the American
general manager ot the Great Eastern
railroad to speed up the service ot that
line. That much of the ill feeling which
greeted Ids appointment has worn away
Is indicated by the fact that he has been
appointed a member ot the general man
agers conference, the first time that
anyone not a British subject has been
elected to that organisation. Thanks to
the efforts of the new general manager,
tho towns served by the Great Eastern
aro now getting their Sunday papers
many hours sooner than In the past.
Hallway expert predict that Thornton
will have no difficulty In bettering the
time ot the express trains ot rival lines,
as tha Great.' Eastern doe not have to
surmount the same gradients aa It com
petitors. One of the curious anomalies of
British railways Is tha great difference
In average .train speeds on the various
lines. Physical limitations account for
much ot the low speed on the southern
lines, but the gradient and length ot
non-stop run on the Great Eastern will
give the American expert an excellent
chance to make some express train
BROOKLYN, N. Y.. June .-Jmmy
Archer, catcher ot the Chlcagos, during
tho seventh inning chasing a wild pitch,
fell down a flight ot stone steps under
the grandstand and la believed to have
broken his arm. . ,
Makes Wrinkles Go
"As If By Magic'
Want to banish every wrinkle from
face. neck, hands easily, quickly, com
pletely ? Try the famous saxotlto formula.
Nothing else so nearly meeta every re
quirement. Why? Because It la correct
In principle and really, truly assists Na
ture. Possessing remarkable astringent
and tonic properties. t both tightens the
skin thus naturally smoothing out tha
lines and Improves capillary circulation
and Bene tone tending to strengthen
loose tissue and bring about a healthy
condition. Yet. powerful aa the saxollta
lotion is. it won't harm your skin in the
least And it' so easy to get the Inex
pensive ingredients at your druggist',
and so easy to mix them.
. Just dissolve 1 oa. powdered aaxollt In
tt Pint witch haael that' all. Baths
your face In thl Immediately every
wrinkle and create are affected, even the
deepest You are perfectly astonished,
and delighted, with the result You look
like you'ya lost year, from your agsl
Advertisement '.
purpose was that given by Alma Gluck
and Itelnald Werrenrath at the 'Audi
torium, March 2, and now tho famous
Paulist choristers of Chicago will come
ns the second attraction In this series,
appearing at tho Auditorium In two eon
certa on Friday, June 12. one a school
children's matinee at 4 o'clock and the
evening concert at 8:15.
The local commltteo makes the follow
ing appeal to the citizens of Omaha:
"We are to entertain the bi-annual con
vention of the National Association of
Letter Carriers In Omaha In the early fall
of 1915. This will mean the assembling
In our city of several thousand people.
for nt least a week. The number at
tending will largely depend upon the ad
vertising we arc able to do, the attrac
tions wo offer and our ability to enter
tain them. Our aim la to handle this
body of people In a creditable manner to
the city. To finance our part In the af
fair, we aro giving a series of high class
concerts, and our second effort 1n this
behalf will bo the appearance of tho
Paulist Choristers of Chicago, a chorus
of soventy-flve boys and soloists, nnd the
only organization ot Its kind in this coun
try, at tho Auditorium Friday afternoon
Tho Paulist
Choristers of
Chicago are
having sung in
tho Vatican for
His Holiness, tho
Pope, and in
many of the
European capitals.
and evening, June 12. We have obtained
this attraction at considerable cost and
aro offering It to the public at very popu
lar prices, making it Imperative on' our
part to fill the house at both concerts.
In order to do this we appeal to you for
your co-operation and generous support.
For tho matinee concert 2,000 seats have
been placed at tha very low price of 25
cents to enable school children to hear
this world-famed organization. Prices for
the evonlng concert range from Jl.GO to GO
cents, and boxes, seating eight. areS16, and
seating alx, $12. All keats my be re
served at the Auditorium box office on
and after Monday, .June 8."
Just, consider these figures for a moment,
From 300 to 13,000 is a tremendous stride. Reduced
to terms of tarn and human activity, these figures be
come an mspiratidn that must seize upon the imagi
nation of every American man and woman. Three
years is but a short time. Yet within this period
the Paige has sprung from nothingness into the very
front rank of a national industry.
The public has demanded more and more Paige cars
each year. And step by step with this increasing de
mand has come the expansion of the Paige Company.
Public demand has moved us bodily from a small
tumble down building into the present mammoth
Paige factory.
Public demand has replaced a small handful of work
men with a veritable army.
Public demand has increased oar sales organization
from 39 to 1026 Paige agencies.
XK 7, 1014.
Austro-Hungarian Expenditures Are
Doubled in Seven Years.
Indlcntlona Hint the fJnTcrnment'n
Frojrrnm Will Call for Imrfrrr
Sams for Army nnd Jfnvy
Knch Year.
VIENNA, June 6. The Austro-Hungarian
taxpayer has become gravely
alarmed over the fact that military esti
mates for the coming year are nearly
double tho army and navy expenditures
of seven years ago. From government
sources thcro have come frequent asser
tions that relations with other countries
aro most peaceful and amicable. If this
bo true, the people are wondering why
the government comes forward with nj
budget which could' not bo much greater
If tho empire was on the verge ot war.
The sum asked by tho minister of war
Is $18(5,ono,O00. The army wants $115,000,000,
whllo the navy will get along with $3fi,
000,000. The remaining $35,000,000 will be
spent on tho mtlltla and reserve forces,
fieven years ago the total budget for the
three branches of service amounted to
only $36,000,000, a sum considerably less
than Is now demanded for the army
The popular protest la that the advance
Is utterly out of proportion to the normal
increase In the nation's financial and
commcrclnl wealth, but tho most dls
Quletlng featuro Is that the present bud
get contains no extraordinary Items, bo
there Is no reason to oxpect that next
year's estimate will bring any relief.
llurtTet firnT(i Kvery Year,
At the time of tho war scares, during
the annexation of Bosnia in 190S, and
during the more recent Balkan wars, the
ministry of war took ndvantage of the
situation to procure everything that was
needed to bring tho army up to a high
state of efficiency, and enormous sums
were spent on two mobilizations. Tho
rate of spending then Inaugurated seema
to havo been kept up, and each succeed
ing budget hns been larger than the one
before. Immense sums have been put
into new guns and technical equipment
for the engineers and field officers.
"While It Is contended that' the general
increase in the cost of labor and ma
terials has much to do with the Increas
ing budgets, the press has lately been dis
cussing the Influence exerted by tho ring
of manufacturers of steel and arma
ments. Cost of DreiulnoiiKlitK Immense.
Since Austria-Hungary started to build
ships of the dreadnought type three years
ago. the taxpayers have been astonished
to find that these are costing many mil
lions more than warships of similar size
nnd power built by Germany and Great
Britain. The Iron and steel and other
materials employed aro all considerably
dearer than In the other two contrles
named. It is charred that tha
Three years ago, the output of the Paige fac
tory was only 300 cars. Now, we build 13,000
-3a Cl waoJ Mwfal-nMneh wheel baaa-fcft side drtre center ountiut multiple disc
cork insert clutch silent chain drive for csmshift. pump, ceaerator and magneto fully
equipped, toclaaing uray a uavis large una eictsnc waning ana iignting sysms.
Pais "2 IT 110-Inch wheel base, fully equipped. W with electric
ttsfiin- and starting $378.
The Paige -Detroit Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan
Paige Co., of Nebraska
2417 Famam Street Omaha, Neb.
ment Is being held up by a ring of manu
facturers. Since It is the settled policy
of various government departments not
to buy anything outalde the country if it
can be obtained In Austrla-Hungory, It
has been difficult to find a remedy-for the
situation. .
Apparently the manufacturers' ring
constitutes a very powerful organization.
Tho shareholders include many Influential
and exalted persons. The shares In one
of the principal ahlp building concerns
lave risen in the last few years from S0
to $1,840 an increase of 2,300 per cent.
IXJNDON, June S. An Anglo-American
peace centenary ball aa a preliminary to
tho celebration of tho one hundredth an
niversary of peace between English
S.E. Corner
Tho great success which wo liave had since adopting our new
system of buying samples and close outs, enables us to buy goods
in largo quantities and at lower prices.
If you aro in noed of first class merchandise nt a small price
como to Tho Fair and you will bo treated on tho square.
Wo do not wish to go to tho enormous expense of advertising
our entire stock, which is being sold at remarkably low prices. We
will, however, mention a few of our leaders for this week.
$15 Values in
aaaiB zrom onr last pnronaae. Are all wool, band- bjk E?
tailored and coma In. assorted pattarn; conservative -i MW g
and fano? modal un in nninn t. ... Br
ny one or tne enure lot
perfectly. Tour cicdoe of entire line
63 Values Blue Barga Fasts. We make a specialty
or tnese goods and are made up aa good aa they
make them. Tunnel belt loop and 3-In oh turn up. Spe
cial for title week
'P. nn"spniit, made of tha best
t pair latest pattern; all
$3.09 and $2.50 STRAW HATS
This Week at $1.45 and
Sf-!. o U from
ltf?fS-P???ma,lJ men'a fanoy straws In Ben- sT gjl A
!2Ut" Imported braid sallora; narrow and wide VrlA
43 aSt CnttT t0k on Uo tw " WcJ' W
Men's Silk Oruahera. tne 76o kind, assorted colors 44o
Ken a union suits, 75o values, In the most oomf ortable atylta for summer
wuar, this week for .-. .390
85o value all aUk tie, Jut tho thing for soft shirt wear 13o
Public demand has absorbed Paige cars m every State
of the union and many lands oversea.
Public demand has increased Paige sales from
$44,000 to more than $1,250,000 a month.
As you consider this three year record, one perfectly
irresis table conclusion will begin to lodge in your
mind. Such a tidal wave of public appreciation must
be based upon something more substantial than mere
fancy. Paige value mat be uoucaal vmlae. Paige
cam matt have earned their reputatiea f "preferred
Luvestnxants" with the motor buy tag pubOff. The
answer mutt be m the car itself.
Make it a point to investigate Paige Cars get acquaint
ed with the Paige, dealer in your community and ap
proach this investigation from any angle that you wifi.
Then beyond any question of doubt you will under
stand the motive which has prompted so many hard
headed men to stake their faith and money to the extent
of more than a million and a quarter dollars a month.
speaking peoples Is proposed by the Brit
ish committee for June 10. next It will
bo held In Royal Albert hall, where, H
Is expected, several thousand British and
American gueata will present a gorgeous
Tho arrangements are In the hands f
a committee headed by the dutches of
Teck, Mrs. Walter Page, wlfo of the
American ambassador, and Princess Ar
thur of Connaugh. There are half a dozen
dutchesses, a long list ot other tltlef
ladles, and many prominent Amerlcam
on the committee. Among the Anglo
American women participating will be the
duchess of Marlborough, Countess Gran
ard, Countess Cora of Strafford, Lady
Randolph Churchill, Viscountess Achcson,
Lady Bateman, Lady Speyer, Mrs. Ridge
ley Carter, Mrs. Victoria Woodhut Mar
tin, and Mr. Griffiths, wife of the con
sul general.
S. E. Corner
Men's Suits at
guaranteed to fit
on sale thla week
materials and In a large 4 QQ
sixes on sale this week SB J -wg
?2.EO to ?3.00; twanty-threa different