Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday
'.Jl. .
VOL. XL1II-NO. 51.
Nehraeka Senator's Resolution Re
affirming Sovereignty Over Canal
Zone Has Right-of-Way.
Some Senators Say Vice President
Made Parliamentary Error.
Resolution Has Enough Support to
Make it Dangerous.
Democrat Drafting neaolntlon of
Their Own, Which Nebraska Sen
ntor Una Practically Acreed
to Accept.
WASHINGTON, Juno 6. Democratic
senate loaders found themselves con
fronted with a parliamentary situation to
day which may force them to accept an
amendment to the Panama tolls exemp
tion repeal, reaffirming tho sovereignty
and rights of tho United States over the
canal zone.
It was discovered that Senator Norrls,
republican, by parliamentary maneuver
ing and aided by a ruling of Vice Prcsl
den Marshall, which some senators say
was a tactical error, has forced to a point
of vantage his resolution providing that
nothing In the repeal shall do construed
as a. surrender by the United States of
Its rights to exempt coastwise, vessels from
Democratic leaders, after canvassing the
situation, are said to hare found that
the Norrls resolution, now In a strategic
position where it commands a vote be
fore tho repeal bill Itself, or other resolu
tions pertaining to It, has enough votes
in Its support to make It a dangerous
quantity to their program.
Confronted with such a situation, re
publican supporters of the Norrls resolu
tion say the democrats aro preparing to
offer a resolution of their own, substan
tially the same, and that Mr. Norrls has
practically agreed to accept.
Fortune Found in
Cork Leg Awaits
the Lawful Heirs
DENVER, Juno"iC A wooden leg con
taining JS.000, the property of Henry C.
Wise,, who died at a local hospital. Is In
the possession of Public Administrator
B, F. Woodward, awaiting ah heir.
"false is said to have' been a wealthy
man and was found In a local hotel a jtew
days ago An examination of his arti
ficial leg after his death revealed certifi
cates of deposit amounting to $8,000 con
cealed therein. The certificates were on
batiks at Sherman, Tex.
SHERMAN, Tex. June .-H. C. Wise,
'Cead in Denver, Colo., with $8,000 in cer
tificates of deposit bidden in one of his
artificial legs, was a resident of Sherman.
He came here In 1901 from Kansas City,
where a brother and sister reside.
While employed as a brakeman he fell
from a train at Gibson, Okl., and lost
both legs. He secured $18,000 in damages
from the railroad company, part of which
he invested In oil property at Wichita
.Falls. He went to Denver last March.
Wise's death is reported here to have
been due to stomach trouble and the ef
fect of voluntary starvation, undergone
In an effort to effect a cure.
PARIS, Juno 6, Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt was the guest of honor today
at a luncheon given by Gabriel llanataux,
former minister of foreign affairs, who
brought together to meet the former pres
ident of the t'nlted States a number of
distinguished persons. Among them wcre!of freo Pech, were brought here today
Alexandre, Felix Rlbot. who has been
thrice French premier; General Henri J.
Brugere. who visited tho United States
on a mission for the French government
during Mr. Roosevelt's presidency; Gen
eral Charles Mangln, who has recently
done brilliant military service In Morocco;
Henri Batidan, tho historian; Emtio Bou
troux, the philosopher and academlslan;
Louis Jaray, secretary of tho Franco
American committee; Dr. Gustave Lcl.on,
Count d'Haussonvllle. Ambassador Myron
T. Herrlck and Robert Woods Bliss, sec
retary of the American embassy In Paris.
The Weather
Forecast until 7 p. m. Sunday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and vicinity
Unsettled; probably, showers; no Im
portant change In temperature.
Temperature at 'Omnha Yesterday.
c 7 a-ni....r, a
s u. in. TO
Li 9 a. in 73
fp 10 a. m 77
rr 11 a. m... SI
ft 1! m e
Lip. m S7
2 2 p. m. ...... ...... 87
D3 p. in S3
4 p. in
5 p. ni 87
p. m ss
7 p. m....... ...... 84
Temperature at UnutUa 1 csterday.
Comparative Local Record.
1SH.1913. 1912. 1911.
Highest yesterday .... 83-80 67 82
Lowest ye&terday , 63 63 61 63
Mean temperature .... 76 72 60 73
Precipitation 1.0S .01 .00 .00
Temperature and preclp.Tatlon depar
tures from the normal;
Normal temperature , 69
Excess far the day 10
Total excess since March 1 IS
Normal precipitation 1 Inch
Excess for the day .92 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. . 9 45 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 Inch
Excess for cor. period, 1913 2.71 Inches
Deficit? "". Doriod, 1312. 3.70 Inches
Diva Presents Endearing Missives in
Her Divorce Case.
Nnmrroui Hits of'Tcstltnonr of Spier
Character Introduced and Crowd
la Deeply'' Interested lu
the Same.
CHICAGO, June 6. Letters teeming
with words of affection and testimony
concerning association between William
RaPP, Jr., and Mrs. Catherine E. Dean
In her New York home were presented
today In the hearing of the dlvorra suit
of Madame Schumann-Helnk against her
husband, William Rapp, Jr.
Miss Frances J. Ashton, an auburn
haired nurse, who for fivo months lived
in Mrs. Dean's apartments, was ques
tioned, and her close acquaintance with
the doings of Mrs. Dean and Rapp kept
the attention of the crowded court room
and apparently were of Intense Interest
to the diva, who listened intently. A
letter, identified by Miss Ashton as hav
ing been sent by Mr. Rapp to Mrs. Dean,
was Introduced In evidence.
Some of its sentences were.
Dear Nonnlo: This morning brought me
a windfall three letters from you and
a postal from my sister.
You are Just Blmply "Nonnle." God
watch over you and keep you. I do not
pray, but that wish Is as near a prayer
as I can come.
I am falling In love with you all over
again and long to have you at the head
of my modest little home, where your lit
tle heart and hands would control every
thing. Another letter said:
"Dearest Nonnle: Please slgn 'Nonnle'
any not 'Katie.' Anyone may use tho
name Kntle, but Nonnle Is to be secret
and sacred. I look up to you and wor
ship you and am entirely, your Billy."
The One Woman.
The closing words of another letter read
by the attorneys were:
"You are the one woman who can give
mo happiness, once my soul Is at peace
with itself. Your darling. Billy."
Over tho objection of tho counsel for
the defendant, a letter was introduced in
which Rapp asked Mrs. Dean to write a
forcible letter to Madame Schumann
Helnk and to threaten her with a suit
for damages If tho diva coupled Mrs.
Dean's namo with that of Mr. Rapp. In
the letter Rapp gave an outline oC the let
ter which he wished to have written to
Madame Schumann-Hclnk In Chicago.
A letter, couched In similar language
and received by the singer from Mm.
Dean, was later Introduced.
Mtss Ashton told of having seen Mrs.
Dean kiss letters which she said were
from "her Billy."
"What did you see Mrs. Dean and Mr.
Rapp do?" she was asked.
"I saw them hold hands; they kissed
each other and sat in each other's laps,"
was the reply.
Rapp AVore Apron.'
In her wrlttcn-testlmony witness.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hauk, who, said she hurt.
often seen 'Mr, Rapp at the Dean apart
ments, replied to a question, "Is Mr.
Rapp fat or thin?," by saying "not so
thin Just nice."
She also said she had 'frequently seen
him "out walking with Pluto, Mrs.
Dean's dog."
Pluto, the dog, also appeared In tho
deposition of Lillian Schmidt, daughter
of the Dean apartment owner, who told
of being hired by Mark Harrison, thi
actor, who was said to huve also been
a frequent visitor there, to take tho
dog out for exercise.
Tho girl testified she saw Rapp ut the
Dean apartment wearing an apron and
fixing the stove. She declared that Mis
Dean asked him to buy some meat and
called him "honey."
"Once," said the girl, "Mrs. Dean
showed me a letter from Mr. Rapp.
Sho kissed the letter and 1 pretended 1
did not see It, She let me read the let
ter. I don't remember what It said but
It ended 'your faithful Blllle.' "
Industrial Army
Avoids Tarrytown;
Oases Continued
TARRYTOWN, N. Y., June 8.-Twelve
prominent members of tho Industrial
Workers of the World, arrested hero a
week ago while proclaiming their rights
trom wh't P1"3 ad t,clr cases
temporarily disposed of without a algn
f disturbance, for which the anxious
village fathers had carefully prepared.
Tho local police magistrate denied the
motion of their counsel that they be al
lowed to appear before a grand Jury, but
to give them time for further legal man
euvers he postponed their cases until
next week, Friday. Ball for each of the
twelve was set at $200.
Alexander Berkman, who had promised
to bring hundreds of sympathizers from
New York, Patorson and Passaic, arrived
In town with Upton Sinclair and half a
dozen others. Berkman explained the ab
sence of a large band of Industrial Work
ers of the World followers, saying he "ex
pected them later."
MITCHELL, S. D., June 6.-(Special.)-
Tlie formal ceremonies of dedication of
Notre Dame academy w)U occur here
Tuesday, June 9. The structure, which
was but recently completed, represents a
financial outlay of $00,000. Right Rev.
Bishop O'Gorman of Sioux Falls will be
here to dedicate the new Institution and
to administer the sacrament of confirma
tion. Tho ceremonies will be divided In
two parts. Solemn high mass and con
firmation services will occur at 10 o'clock
the morning of June 9. Tho dedication
rites will take place at 2 o'clock In the
afternoon. A large number of priests
from throughout the state will be present
for participation in the exercises. There
will be addresses by members of the
clergy present, together with speeches by
prominent men from the city and state.
Rev. C. E. O'Flaherty Is superintendent
of Notre Dame academy.
Back Again! The Katzenjammers See Comic Section
Sanborn, Aroher and Hospers
Path of Tornado
Much Dam
Number of Persons Are Also Seri
ously Injured.
Dashed to Death Against Side of
House by Wind.
Dm Pliers on Karma Directly In Path
ot Ilium- Mont Seriously Drnlt
with by Destructive Force
of Wind.
SIOUX CITY, la., June 6. The tornado
which swept aerons northwestern Iowa
last night killed seven and Injured a
dozen more, some seriously, according to
reports received In Sioux City this after
noon. The known dead are:
P. W. YETUMA. Sanborn.
The seriously Injured:
M. Q. Finch. Sanborn.
J. B. Long, Sanborn.
Mrs. G. W. Bonner, Sanborn.
Edward Dykstrahuls, 8 years old, near
Hospers, probably fatally.
D. Dystrahuls, near Hospers.
Mrs. Harry Hoogthorp. near Hospers.
The tornado htt Sanborn about 6;30
o'clock last evening, leaving ruin and
death in its wake.
Near Archer tho storm tore the child
of John Bisland from Its father's arms
and dashed it to death against the side
of the farm house.
Near Hospers the storm struck the
farm house of James Allen and five,
memoers 01 ine iamuy were injured ana
tho buildings were wrecked. .
Many nnlltllmcn ItloTrn Davrit.
SANBORN, la., June( B. Two are dead,
one missing and two injured In a tornado
which struck vthls vicinity last night.
Property damage Is estimated at $150,000,
practically all of the eRst end of this
town, having been leveled by the wind.
TwoXelevatorstho city water tower,
the electric light' plant and a lumber yard
wcro swept away by the storm, which
struck here about 6 o'clock. The fact
that there were fatalities did not develop
until today, when the bodies of Mrs. Fink
and Yetuma. a lad ot 10 years of age.
woro found at their ruined homes.
I TivoJnliitea . JSenr -Homier.
L HOSPERS. la.. Juried. A tornado -Mia-
Ing from &outheaet to northwest struck
the farm home or Jarnca Allen, tVc niles
from this p'.acot at & o'clock this after
noon. Three families occupy house un
the- farm. Tho storm wrecked all three
dwellings. Mrs. Neth Hoogeterp, with hor
three children, were In one of the houses.
The mother and one of the children were
severely Injured. Mrs. Lytroff, another
tenant, also was badly hurt. Tho men
folks were in the fields when the storm
struck. A farm hand, Sorenson, Is miss
ing. Nine horses were killed, fences torn
down and trees uprooted.
The- passenger train on tho Omaha road
missed the cyclone by a few minutes. It
was stopped by wreckage strewn along
the track. Passengers assisted In caring
for the injured and they' were taken on
the train to Alton for medical attention.
The cyclone followed a day of Intense
heat and came up suddenly. It moved In
a westerly direction, cutting a swath sev
eral hundred yards wide.
Miss Jay is Given
Verdict Against
Sunday's Assistant
CHICAGO, June 6. u verdict awarding
$20,000 damages to Miss Georgia Jay
against Homer Rodeheaver, choirmaster
for "Billy" Sunday, evangelist, for
breach of promise to marry, was returned
today by a jury In the circuit court.
Miss Jay. alleged that she met Rode
heaver In Iowa; that they became friends
land that be proposed marriage to her and
was accepted. Later she declared he re
fused to marry her because marriage
would Interfere with his career.
Taxlcab rides, long strolls and discus
sions of future plans figured largely In
the testimony of Miss Jay.
Clerk Charged with
Smuggling Drug
to Suffragette
LONDON. June For conveying Into
tioiipway jail letters ana drugs to a
militant suffragette, Grace Roe, a sum
mons was Issued today against Arthur
Barnett, clerk to Mr. Marshall, attorney
for the women's social and political union,
The case evoked much interest In view
of the charges brought by Mrs. Mildred
Ella Mansel, one of the organizers ot
the militant society, who declared on
June 2, that militant suffragettes were
being drugged In order that thty
might be forcibly fed.
Former mayor nathan
on way back to rome
BAN FRANCISCO, June 6. Ernesto Na
than, former mayor of Rome and Italian
commissioner to the Panama-Pacific ex
position, left Kan Francisco today for
Chicago and New York, accompanied by
his suite. He will go to Italy to arrange
that country's exhibit, returning to San
Francisco In four or five months to at
tend the dedication of the Italian building.
( WILL WED KERMIT HOOSEVELT Miss Bollo. Willard, daughtor of tho United States am-
bassador to Spain, who will marry Kermit Ro.osovolt, second son of the former president of
the United States, on Thursday, June 11; inoet is a picture of Kermit Roosovolt from a pic
ture taken sinco his rctvrn from Brazil.
miwt -itw via;;;
Czar Sends Hint Regarding Its Mili
tary Policy.
Members Selected by Itrjie Vivlaul'
Get Into now Over Problem an'il
He Gives Up Attempt to
Form Ministry.
PARIS, June 6. Rene Vivian!, who v-
terday was said to have accepted th-j
premiership and to have virtually selected
all the members of the new cabinet, to
day Informed President Polncare that he
was unable to form, a ministry 'and ie
cllned to make any furthr efforts i
do 80. '
Thero was heated dlscustilpn, when the
Btatesmcn chosen by M. Vivlanl. met ln
formally today to prepare their declara
tion of 'policy to be laid before parlia
ment. The question whether the new
combination should unreservedly support
the three years military service law or
modify It, found, a hopeless division if
opinion. s a consequence of this dis
cussion, M. Vivlanl at once' proceeded to
the Palace of, the Klysre.
It was said Maurice Paleologue, French
embassador, who arrived hero last nlKht,
had Informed tho president It was the
earnest hope of the emperor of Russia
that Francs would not modify- the thrcs
years nrmy service and that he had In
timated that any auch step Would tejd
to weaken the alliance between France
and Russia.
M. Paleologue Is reported as having
itald he would be obliged to resign his
post tit St. Petersburg f the law woro
A presidential degree had been already
drafted and was ready to be issued to
day announcing the composition ot th
cabinet previously formed by M. Vlvlaal.
when the fresh ministerial crisis arose.
CHICAGO, June 6. A bull calf less than
four months old -was sold at auction here
today for $W,040, said to be a record price
In the United States. The purchasers were
Clylcagoans, The calf was born February
a, I a Holsteln and comes from famous
pedigreed stock.
Shenandoah Girl
Will Be Presented
at Court of Norway
SHENANDOAH, la.. June 6.-(Speplal.)
-Colonel J. A. Masters and daughter.
Miss Mildred Mnfiters, Of Shenandoah,
will sail June 13 for Christian!, Norway,
where Colonel Masters, as a member .of
the staff of Governor L. B, Hanna ot
North Dakota, will take part In the for
mal presentation of. a statue, of-Abraham
Lincoln to King Haakon VII.
North Dakota is, principally settled by
Norwegians, and the state Is presenting
this monument in commemoration of the
hundredth anniversary of Norway's In
dependence, which was celebrated May
17. The governor and his entire staff
will sail on the ship Chrlstlanastad next
Friday. Colonel Masters formerly lived
In North Dakota and the appointment
camo unexpectedly In recognition of
friendships made wlillo living there.
MIsa Masters will be a tcnlor In high
school next fafl and Is very popular In
younger Shenahdoh socloty. She will be
presented at the court qf Norway.
Deoision Against
Clabby Causes Riot
KTDNEY, N. S. XV.. June . Jimmy
Clabby, the Indiana middleweight, lost by
an unpopular decision here tonight In a
twenty-round boxing match with Jeff
Smith, a Philadelphia fighter who has
been appearing In Austrslla several years.
So llttld 'did the crowd like the referee's
judgment that the decision brought on a
riot. The nolle had difficulty In con
trolling the audience and thjrttrt was
hissed and booed. This wa7Cl,ibby's first
fight since coming here from Ban Fran
cisco,' and lie m&da a favorable ihipret
sWn. The opinion generally, expresred by
sport writsrs and exports at boxing who
attended the fight was that Clabby had
been treated unfairly.
NOW YORK, June 6. Charles Evans
Hughes, Jr.. son of United States Su
preme Court Justice Hughes, obtained .
lieense today to marry Miss Marjofle
Bruce Stuart, daughter of Mr. and Mr.
Henry O. Stuart of this city. Mr. Hughes
is 22 years old and a lawyer. The wed
ding will take place Juno 17 In the Cathe
dral of Bt. John the Divine.
Good Fellowship Tourists Note Abil
ity of Dragged Highways on
Their Return to Omaha.
University Place Constable ExnfcbH
llltr Star as In the tlurlesqne
flliorr and Leads Omaha
nnostrr to Jail.
Tanned and sunburned, the . occupants
of Heventee-n .automobiles, remaining out
of tho twenty odd that started from
Omaha Thursday evonlng for the two
days' good 'fellowship rtln, straggled into
Omaha between 5:50 and 6 o'clock last
night, after driving, nearly all day In
the trip from Beatrice to'Omaha, by way
of Llncolir.
Spirit wns.lent to the, last twenty-five
miles ot the run by.soqie fast driving aa
the roads were excellent when tho sun
and, wind .got at them, A. L. Bhants,
who had made It a, point to pass every
body during the toi)r, n,o matter how fast
thfy .r going, met his match between
Millard and Omulia when he shot past
John. Llonberger while he latter was go
Ing about twenty-five miles an hour.
Llqnbsrgor was bound tlere was to be
oneman In the party not to ue passed
Schantz. And there waa one. For
When Llonberger had let out his fifty
horse power six cylinder 'Mitchell for a
period of some forty putsebeats, the i
Hchantz car was agajn left far behind. 1
although both care kcked gravel half t
way to, the Vlutte river. ' '
Village Constnhle Appears. I
Good old Colleen View could not stand ;
the fast drlvlna of- the Omaha .bunch. f
The University club car was the unfor- ;
tunate car to get pinched by the village '
constable at College View. Carroll Bel-!
den and Frank Selby were Jolting along i
at a nice pace through the streets of ttvi j
ealnOy village. They drew up at the ,
garage tor oil.
Along came Mr. Village Constable ot
University Place rubbing his thumb over i
a star aa big as a pie tin.
"Hey, there, yousa fellers," he shouted, j
and Jumped Into the machine. "You j
drive right up to the .station with me.
I'm the chief of police here."
(Continued on Pago Two.)
Order of the Diotator Published in
the Offioial Paper of Mexico
City Yesterday.
American Craft in Port Ordered to
Keep Out of Firine Line.
mmense Quantity of Cartridges for
the Rebels Are Brought In.
Admiral Mnjo Decides He Has No
Authority to Interfere with
Cnptnln PtMttnir
AInnltlnuc Ashore.
MEXICO CITY, June 6.-A presidential
decree declaring the port of Tamplco
under blockade Is to be published this
afternoon In the D!aro Official.
TAMPICO, June 5. -An official notifica
tion was sent today to Consul Clarence
A. Miller by Governor Luis Cabatlero that
he had received Information of the in
tention of the federal war vessels, Zaro-'
gosa and Bravo, to come to Tamplco for
the purpose of bombarding or blockading
the port.
For this reason Governor Caballero
thought It proper to notify the American
consul so American war vessels lying
off the port might keep out of the line
of fire.
It is not yet known what .steps are to
be taken to drive off the gunboats should
they make any effort to blockade the
Three Million Cartridges Landed.
TAMPICO, Mex., June 6.-On the ar
rival here of the American schooner Sun
shine from Galveston with S,X,000 cart
rldces for the constitutionalist authorltlo.
Admlrat Mayo sent Flag Lieutenant Ar
thur B. Cook to learn th character
ot the cargo, '
Captain Brown of the Sunshine had
made hut vessel fast to the custom's
hous wharf and had begun to discharge
the cargo. Aftef tha flag lieutenant made
his report to the admiral, the latter tl
cldod he had no authority to Interfere
and the .unloading of . the ammunition
continued until the entire consignment
was dcuoslled In the customs house.
Rrrnn Is Non-Conimlttal.
WASHINGTON; .-tecretary
Daniels siCld today that no orders had
gone forth to )tear Adl'WtMSaBfe
Mayo as to the landing ot the war cargo
ot- Ut steamer Antllla for the constllu
tlonall'si at Tamplco.
Secretary Oryan declared the situation
at Tamplco was unchanged today.
You notlcs," the secretary Cautioned
Jila questioners, "that I am careful to
speak of the present day."
Mr. Bryan declined to be questioned
further. So far a can be learned Tam
plco still Is an Open port.
NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., June e.-Fnr
tho first time In four days the American
delegate conferred today with the board
ot mediators. The general peace plan
was under discussion, as It had been de
cided as much progress aa possible shduM
bo made while word was being awaited
from General Caxranra on the subject of
constitutionalist representation. After the
conference, Justice I.emar said:
"Th dlscusslln today waa on the am
points which w'e had before ue last Tues
day and before the Carranza Incident
The justice added that there was sub
stantial agreement on the point 11a
cussed today. He said he had no wort!
from Washington about the attitude ot
the constitutionalists.
It was generally understood some phases)
ot the land question and method of treat
ment In the "protocol were considered to
Unrrlcane Alans West Coast.
MAZATLAN, Mexico. June 6. (Br
Wireless to San Diego, Cal June .)-The
heavy storm that has been sweeping th
western coast of the United States struo
the Mexican cqasi ioaw. """?"'-''
to Cape Corinio ,ne .. o.-w .
hurricane velocity and fear is felt lor
The British steamer Catriana. return
ing from San Francisco, where It landed
refugees f rpm various Mexican ports, nar
rowly escaped foundering In the storm
and arrived today, at Manzaillllo with a
bad list as a result of a shifted cargo.
It Is officially reported that constitu
tionalists had succeeded In cutting rail
road and telegraphic communication be
tween Collma and Mexico City.
Several hundred federal calvary man
have arrived at Lower California fron
Index to Want Ads
may be. found in
the first column of
the first page of the
Want Ad Section
Bee Want Ads
Easy to find; and
easy to read. Ev
erybody reads Bee
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